Mohan Bidkar: Retd. Adee / TRD / Manmad Central Railway
Mohan Bidkar: Retd. Adee / TRD / Manmad Central Railway
Mohan Bidkar: Retd. Adee / TRD / Manmad Central Railway
MOBILE – 09766596347
WHATSAPP – 09766596347
[email protected]
Materials for Overhead
equipment masts
Overhead equipment masts can be of steel or
pre-stressed concrete, Pre-stressed spun
concrete masts have been successfully developed
on trial and are cleared for erection on main line
for supporting overhead equipment. These
masts require special arrangements for bonding
and are likely to be damaged in the event of
mishandling. Steel has therefore been found to
be the most desirable material for overhead
equipment masts.
Layout and types of Masts
The usual overhead equipment tension lengths,
comprising contact wire, catenary wire and
dropper is about 1500 m. The overhead
equipment for 25 Kv AC is very light and for
efficient current collection at unrestricted
speeds, the contact wire has to be maintained at
a constant level at all temperatures.
Layout and types of Masts
To achieve this the overhead equipment is
regulated i.e. constant tension is maintained at
all temperatures in both contact and catenary
wires by the provision of suitable counter
weights at the ends of the tension length. To
permit movement of overhead equipment due to
change in temperature, it is supported form
swiveling brackets connected to the mast.
There are six types of overhead equipment mast.
These are:
Layout and types of Masts
1. Normal Masts: These have a single swiveling
bracket and support one overhead equipment.
2. Overlap Anchor Masts: These masts are at the
end of the tension length. One of the overhead
equipments is anchored on the mast and the
overhead equipment of the other tension length is
supported from the swiveling bracket as in the case
of normal mast.
3. Overlap Intermediate Mast: These have two
swiveling brackets and support two overhead
equipments in the overlap portion.
Layout and types of Masts
4. Overlap Central Mast: This mast has two
swiveling brackets and support two overhead
equipments in the overlap central portion.
5. Anticreep Central Mast: These are located
approximately in the centre of the tension length.
This is just like any other normal mast except that
the movement of the bracket is prevented by
providing two anticreep wires which are anchored
on the adjoining mast.
Layout and types of Masts
The idea of providing anticreep central mast is to
maintain the overhead equipment in stable
equilibrium between the two balancing weights of
the tensioning equipment at the ends of tension
6. Anti-creep Anchor Mast: These masts are
adjoining to anticreep central mast. These are just
like normal masts with the addition of anticreep
wires anchored on to them.
All anchor mast are provided with guys parallel to
the track to counteract the forces due to anchorage of
the wires.
Loading of Masts
All masts are required to support overhead
equipment consisting of catenary wire, contact wire
and droppers. In addition, masts may also be
required to carry return conductors (to suppress the
induction effects of traction current on the
neighboring telecommunication circuits), earth
wire (where both the rails are track circuited) and
25 kV feeder wire. The first step in the selection of
a suitable section for overhead equipment mast
consists in evaluating loads and moments on the
mast. The loads acting on the mast are as under.
Loading of Masts
Permanent Loads : (Vertical)
1. Dead load of overhead equipment consisting of catenary
wire, contact wire, and droppers, which is generally 1.6
kg/m length of overhead equipment.
2. Dead load of swiveling bracket assumed to be 60 kg.
3. Dead load of earth wire if any.
4. Dead load of return conductor and insulator for return
conductor (if any)
5. Dead weight of any 25 kV feeder and insulator for the
feeder (if any).
6. Dead weight of any small part steel work.
7. Self weight of mast.
Loading of Masts
Permanent Loads : (Horizontal)
1. Radial pull of contact and catenary wires
caused by curvature of the track and or
stagger of wires.
2. Radial pull of earth wire, return conductor
if any and or 25 kV feeder (if any) caused
by the curvature of track.
Loading of Masts
All the above permanent loads act
perpendicular to the track. The only
horizontal permanent force acting parallel to
track is the component of radial pull due to
swing of bracket. It may be noted that the
swiveling bracket remains in the normal
position only at the mean temperature, if the
overhead equipment is regulated. In case of
unregulated overhead equipment the swing of
the cantilever need not be considered.
Loading of Masts
Occasional Load : (Vertical)
The only occasional load acting
vertically is the weight of a workman
assumed as 60 kg acting at the end of
the bracket.
Loading of Masts
Occasional Loads : (Horizontal)
The only occasional horizontal loads are due to wind,
blowing perpendicular or parallel to the track on the
structure, steel work and wires. The two conditions are
to be considered separately. The assumed direction of
the wind determines whether the loads will be acting
perpendicular or parallel to the track. The moments at
the top of foundation level under different conditions
i.e. with and without occasional loads, with wind
blowing perpendicular or parallel to the
track are calculated by multiplying the above loads
with the appropriate lever arm.
Loading of Masts
To estimate the loads it is necessary to know the
extreme range of temperature and the wind pressure
for which the overhead equipment may be designed. It
may be necessary to make reference to the
meteorological department and ascertain the
temperature range and wind pressure recorded over a
number of years. As per rules for opening of Railways
the confirmation of the state government concerned has
to be obtained for the wind pressure adopted.
Reference to IS: 875-1987 (Code of Practice for
Structural Safety of Buildings: Loading Standards)
may also be helpful in determining the wind pressure
and correlating wind velocity with wind pressure.
Loading of Masts
Wind Pressure
Wind pressures for design of all structures and
determination of spans are based on IS:875-1987-
“Code of practice for Structural Safety of Buildings –
Loading Standards”. Vide an amendment issued in
1971 to this specification wind pressures for structures
of height less than 30 m can be reduced by 25%.
Accordingly the standard wind pressure adopted for
overhead equipment design for all new works falling
under different wind zones is as follows:
i) Green Zone (light) - 75 kgf/m2
ii) Yellow Zone (medium) - 112.50 kgf/m2
iii) Red Zone (heavy) - 150 kgf/m2
Loading of Masts
Wind Pressure
For working of the wind loading the area as indicated
below shall be considered for different items:
a) Rolled beams – total projected area
b) Fabricated structures – one and a half times the
projected area
c) Conductor and other circular members – 2/3 of the
projected area
The safety of structures is checked for two conditions:
a) At 350 C temperature and full wind pressure
b) At 40 C temperature and 20% of the governing wind
Loading of Masts
Loading of Masts
Checking of Structure (Fig. 3.5.1)
After the evaluation of loads and moments the
structure is checked to fulfill the following
a) The stress induced by the worst combination
of loads should be within the permissible limits.
b) The deflection at the top of the mast due to
permanent loads should not exceed 8 cm. While
grouting the mast appropriate reverse deflection
not exceeding 8 cm is provided so that the
structure becomes more of less vertical under the
action of permanent loads.
Loading of Masts
Checking of Structure (Fig. 3.5.1)
On multiple track
sections, where
adequate track centres
are not available and
tracks cannot be
slewed, portals are
used. Each portal
consists of two
fabricated uprights and
one fabricated boom
consisting of with or
without one central
piece and two end
Fabricated Mast (K-series): These masts are
fabricated by channels and flats welded in K
design. The dimensions across the track is fixed as
300mm and varied along the track as K100
(23.12Kg/m) , K125 (29.56Kg/m) K150
(37.25Kg/m) K175 (42.65Kg/m) K200
(48.64Kg/m), K225 (56.10Kg/m) K250
(65.11Kg/m) where the suffix indicates the
dimension and weight in Kg/meter.
[K100 is used for mounting auxiliary
transformer and K125 de-standardized. Old
design / old section.]
Fabricated steel structures are available in k-series
& B-series in the following different sections:-
K-100,K-125,K-150,K-175,K-200, K-225,K-250.
The figure 150,175 etc. indicate the dimensions of
structure along the track, while the dimension
across the track is 300mm for all tructures.
Selection of mast is done depending upon the loc.&
there loading conditions.
These are not suitable to the loc. with inadequate
track centers due to longer depth of cross section.
This is a special type of structure used to wire 2/3 tracks
where use of portal is either not possible due to limited
track centers or is uneconomical. This is generally used for
supporting OHE near T/O & C/O.
This should not be used for supporting OHE of two main
The OHE can be supported up to a distance of 10.5m from
the upright with this arrangement.
Mast for upright used 10.135 M long of K-225.
Boom – 5.50m long or 8.0m long.
Height of boom from rail level – 8.26m.
The best design of an OHE is one in which
maximum use of independent structures have
been done. But in big station yards it is not
always possible to locate OHE structures in
between two tracks due to limited tracks
centers. In such cases, portal structures
covering 2 to 8 tracks are used. Three types of
portals have been standardized viz. ‘N’ type,
’O’ type & ’R’ type.
‘N’ Type portal
This is used to cover a maximum of 4 tracks
with their multiple overhead equipments, say
8 overhead equipments and return conductors
for up and Down main lines. This is also
capable of carrying anchors on uprights. The
maximum permissible clear span shall not
exceed 20.4 m. This portal can with stand a
maximum bending moment of 8000 kgm at
the base.
BFB portal
This is designed to cover 5 tracks, but can carry 6
overhead equipments only. The clear span shall not
exceed 24.6 m. This is a special type of portal and
can be used where the track centers are very
minimum and un-avoidable. For this portal more
than one central piece shall not be used. This is not
designed to carry anchor loads on uprights. This can
be used in combination with ‘N’ portal. This can
withstand a maximum bending moment of 8000
kgm at the base.
’O’ Type portal
This will cover 6 tracks with their multiple
overhead equipments (say 12 overhead
equipments) and return conductors for Up and
Down main lines.
This is designed to carry anchors on their
uprights. The clear span for this portal shall
not exceed 30.50 m. This portal can withstand
a maximum bending moments of 17,000 kgm
at the base.
‘G’ Type portal
This portal is used for covering 6 tracks with
their multiple overhead equipments say 12
overhead equipments. The maximum clear
span permissible is 30.5 m. This is used
where the track centers are very tight. This
can be used in combination with ‘O’ type
portal. This portal can withstand a maximum
bending moments of 17,000 kgm at the
‘R’ Type portal
This portal is designed to carry multiple
overhead equipments covering 8 tracks with 2
return conductors and can carry anchors on the
up-rights. The clear span shall not exceed
36.00 m. This portal can withstand a maximum
bending moments of 20,000 kgm at the base.
Three upright portal is a non-standard portal
and may be used in yards with tight track
centers only, where the use of standard `N’ `O’
& `P’ type portals is not possible.
Drop Arms
DA ‘I’ - This is to be employed for SINGLE
DA ‘II’ - This is to be employed for MULTIPLE
The above two styles are made of 6’’x 6” BFB and
8”x 6” RSJ. 6”x 6” BFB drop arm is suitable for
single Back to Back bracket and 8”x 6’ RSJ drop
arm is suitable for multiple back to back brackets.
The above style of drop arms of rolled section
helps in avoiding bird nesting.
Galvanized steel structure for mast, Dwarf Mast,
TTC etc, RDSO specification No.
ETI/OHE/13[4/84] and IS: 2062[2011], IS: 800.
Specification No. ETI/OHE/13 (4/84)
Specification for Hot Dip Zinc Galvanization
of Steel Mast, (Rolled & Fabricated) Tubes &
Fittings used on 25 kV AC OHE.
This standard specifies the requirement of
zinc coating on rolled / fabricated masts,
tubes and fittings applied by hot dip
galvanizing and the criteria for sampling and
inspection of such galvanized members
List of Mast to be erected for the km either in
ascending / descending order based on the approved
OHE Layout plan to be prepared. Summary of total
mast required for the KM to be mark on the schedule.
Availability of mast to be verified before loading.
Request for placing BFR to be given to the Customer
in advance. Masts to be loaded on the BFR- type wise
as per the summary of schedule. Masts should be
secured on the BFR to avoid falling of structure on
movement. Clean the core hole of OHE foundation
from any foreign materials at least one day in advance.
OHE STRUCTURES Erection: Avail the line block
from railways in prescribed format request. After
getting granted traffic block, start the erection as per
schedule. Provide 16 mm dia 1.5 m long sling on one
third length of the mast from top and lock with 5T
capacity ‘D’ Shackle.. Crane operator to lower the
Rail crane hook near the sling of the mast. Mast
lifting from BFR and placing on core hole of the
foundation Lean the structure away from the track
and provide necessary packing & wedge. Moving the
formation to next location. Note: On reaching to the
erection spot one mast can be erected in 5min time
with rail crane. Labour requirement: 5
ARRANGEMENT: Preparatory Work: List of Mast to
be erected for the KM / section to be prepared based
on the approved OHE Layout plan. Availability of
mast to be verified before making erection schedule.
Shifting of mast to locations by tractor trailer or dip
trolley. Mobilizing the T&P resources –Derrick,
Hook chook, Manila ropes, “D” Shackles, Crow bar,
Wire slings etc. For erection of 9.5m long mast 2
derrick pieces has to joined together (3m x 2nos),
For erection TTU & Uprights 3 derrick pieces has to
be joint together (3m x 3).
Requirement:- Extendable derrick : 1No,
1.5-2.0T capacity Hook Chook with 20
mtr long wire rope:1No, 16 mm dia,25m
long polypropylene rope :5Nos,
Crow bar:5Nos,
’D’ Shackle (5Tonne capacity) :2Nos.
16mm dia, 1.5m long sling:2Nos.
Bring the assembled derrick near to the foundation
and place parallel to the track. Lift bottom side of
the derrick and place above the foundation(adjacent
to core hole). Tie the poly propylene rope on four
corners of the top plate of derrick. Insert the hook
chook wire rope on the single sleeve pulley and
place the pulley hook on the derrick where the
provision has been made.
Place the mast on the foundation center portion of
the mast should rest on foundation and also parallel
to the track. Lift the derrick by pulling the poly
propylene rope and place the derrick in vertical
position. Tie the ropes on four corners by driving
crow bar inside the ground. Attach the hook chook
on the bottom side of the derrick with the help of
sling & ‘D’ Shackle.
ARRANGEMENT Erection:. Provide the 1.5 mtr
sling on middle of the mast and attach the hook chook
wire rope hook on the sling with the help of ‘D’ Shackle.
Tie one poly propylene rope on top of the mast for
aligning. Take load on the hook chook – Mast will get lift
from the foundation. Hold the bottom portion of the mast
and continue the load taking through hook chook till the
mast is attaining the position of 45 to 60 degree from the
top of foundation . Push the bottom side of the mast in
side the core hole. Release the load of hook chook and
ensure mast bottom is resting on foundation core hole.
ARRANGEMENT Erection: Lean the mast
toward country side and arrest the
movement with wedges. Remove the
hook chook, sling from the derrick.
Lower the derrick by loosening the poly
propylene rope carefully. Shift the T&P’s
to the next location through dip trolley.
Note: with 10 workers we can erect one
mast in 30 min.
5 TO 15
The number is in two parts, the kilometer being
shown above the line and the mast serial number
below the line. For example (70/1) indicates the
first mast from kilometer post no 70 on the up line.
In times of accident, if the first Railway person
reaching the spot reels out the numbers of masts
affected, over the control line or any other means of
communication, the overhead equipment depot can
arrange to send the correct relief material and
avoid much confusion / time delay in restoration.
Single line section
In single line section where there is no
chance of future doubling, numbering is
done progressively in the direction of
increasing kilometerage, i.e. 70/1, 70/2 etc.
In case, doubling is expected in future,
the system of numbering will be according
to double line section.
Double line section
All traction masts on the Up track are given odd
numbers i.e 75/1, 75/3, 75/5 etc. and masts on the
Down track even numbers i.e. 75/2, 75/4, 75/6 etc. 1
and 2 are the serial number of the masts
immediately after every kilometer post. Numbering
is done progressively in the direction of
increasing kilometerage.
In case the spans on the Up and Down lines are not
equal and the masts are not in one line, the masts
are numbered in such a way that the higher serial
number does not occur at a lower kilometerage .
Multiple section
In multiple track sections, suffix ‘A’ is to be
given to multiple track masts. For instance, in
the case of section consisting of Up main, Down
main, and Up slow and Down slow tracks, the
slow track masts will be numbered 75/1 A, 75/3
A etc. for Up slow line and 75/2 A, 75/4 A etc.
for the Down slow line. Uprights of portals
erected in multiple track sections must be
numbered with reference to the main line only
i.e. 75/1, 75/2 etc.
Individual masts
Single cantilever and double cantilever mast
supporting overhead equipments of tracks on
either side (Umbrella type) for loops and sidings
shall bear the station code and the serial number in
one thousand (1000) series. The station code is to be
given above the horizontal line and the serial
number below it. Masts of Up loops and siding on
Up line side is given odd number 1001, 1003, 1005
etc. In order of increasing chainage irrespective of
the number of loops. The masts on the Down loops
and sidings on the Down line side are given even
numbers 1002, 1004 1006
Individual masts
In case several independent cantilever masts for
different loops are located in the same chainage the
loop mast nearest the main track bears the lowest
number in the series. This system of numbering is
applied from one end of the yard in the
kilometerage of the stating point and progressively
higher numbers are given in the direction of
increasing chainage whether it is Up and Down
yard. The numbering does not indicate the
In case of a portal the upright of the portal
nearest to the main track is given a number
in 2000 series, the other upright of the portal
is given a number in the 3000 series. In case
of three leg portals the farthest leg
from the main track is given a number in the
4000 series. In case the portal is covering both
Up and Down main lines as well as the loops
and sidings, the numbering shall be as for the
main line tracks irrespective of the fact that it
also covers the loops.
In case a portal is covering Up main line and
a number of Up side secondary tracks, the
upright which is located near the main line
shall be numbered with respect to the main
track. Other upright is given the same
number with suffix ‘A’. The uprights of
portals in Up yard shall have odd number i.e.
2001-3001, 2003-3003 etc. and the up-rights
in the Down yard even numbers i.e
2002-3002, 2004-3004 etc.
Head span Mast
Procedure for numbering the mast of a head
span is the same as that for portals detailed in
preceding paras except that the masts of the
head spans are given numbers in 5000, 6000,
7000 series.