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3.1 Purpose of Thermal Load Estimation

3.2 Heating Load versus Cooling Load
3.3 Critical Conditions for Design
3.4 Manual versus Computer Calculations
3.5 Heating Load Estimation
3.6 Cooling Load Estimation
3.1 Purpose of Thermal Load Estimation

To estimate energy consumption amount.

To determine capacity of the HVAC equipment.
To estimate the operation cost of the building.
To improve building energy performance during design phase.
3.2 Cooling Load vs Heating Load

Great solar radiation Little solar radiation

To = 30-35 (in temperate weather zone) To = -10(in temperate weather zone)
Ti = 26 Ti = 20
RH= high or low RH= usually low
3.3 Critical Conditions for Design
The designer must select an appropriate set of conditions for the load calculation:
outside weather, solar effects, inside temperature and humidity, the status of building
operations, and many other factors

For heating, the critical design condition occurs during cold weather when there is little
or no heating assistance from radiant solar energy or internal heat gains from lights,
appliances, or people.

For cooling load conditions, the critical design condition is the peak coincident
occurrence of heat, humidity, solar effects, and internal heat gains from equipment,
lights, and people.

Several estimates must be performed for different times to determine the highest
combination of individual loads.
3.3.1 Outdoor Design Temperature
Outdoor weather conditions affect heating and air-conditioning loads.
Historic extremes of temperature and humidity are the basis for design load calculations.
Statistical data compiled for locations throughout the world are used by HVAC designers.
Outdoor design temperatures are selected on the basis of a percent concept.
Percent concept

1) Heating load calculations:

The percent concept assumes a heating season of December through February,
which equals 2160 hours per year.

It imply the weather will be at or above the listed condition only for the specified
percentage of 2160 hours per year.

Percentage values: 99% and 97.5%

2) Cooling load calculations:

Summer is defined as June through September, which equals 2928 hours

Percentage values: 1%, 2.5%, and 5%

3.3.2 Indoor Design Temperature
ASHRAE Standard 55 specifies
summer and winter comfort
zones appropriate for clothing
insulation levels of 0.5 and 0.9
clo [0.078 and 0.14 (m2K/W),

Summer comfort operative

23 27

Winter comfort operative

21 25

Comfort relative humidity:

30 60%

ASHRAE : American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

3.4 Manual vs Computer Calculations

Manual Calculation:

To determine maximum heating and

cooling loads to size HVAC equipment.

Computer Calculation (Simulation):

To estimate annual energy consumption by

calculating hour-by-hour building heat
gain/loss and HVAC operations.

To improve building design and HVAC

operation schemes by comparing thermal
performances of several design alternatives.
3.5 Heating Load Estimation

Heating loads are due to heat losses by:

1) Conductive heat loss through envelope (walls, windows, doors, floors, roof, etc.).
2) Infiltration, exfiltration and ventilation air.
Infiltration, Exfiltration and Ventilation

Infiltration is the uncontrolled passage of

outdoor air into a building through
unintended leaks in the building envelope
(e.g., cracks between wall sections, wall-
floor connections, corners, the roof-wall
interface, around windows and doors).

Exfiltration is the opposite process.

Infiltration and exfiltration are driven by air

pressure differences that exist between the
inside of a building relative to the outside of
a building across the building envelope.
These air pressure differences are the result
of natural forces (e.g., wind and
temperature) and a buildings geometry,
HVAC system design, and envelope
Ventilation is the process of "changing" or
replacing air in any space to provide high indoor
air quality (i.e. to control temperature, replenish
oxygen, or remove moisture, odors, smoke, heat,
dust, airborne bacteria, and carbon dioxide).

Ventilation is used to remove unpleasant smells

and excessive moisture, introduce outside air, to
keep interior building air circulating, and to
prevent stagnation of the interior air.

Ventilation includes both the exchange of air to

the outside as well as circulation of air within the
building. It is one of the most important factors
for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality in
buildings. Methods for ventilating a building may
be divided into mechanical/forced and natural
3.5.1 Conductive Heating Load

Q UAt Q Uj Aj (ti to)
j 1

Q = heating load (W) (kcal/h)

Aj = area of each envelope element (m2)

U = overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K) (kcal/m2h )

ti = indoor design air temperature (K) ()

to = outdoor design air temperature (K) ()

U-Factor (Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient)

1 d 1
Rtot i Rair (m2K/W) (m2hC/kcal)
hi ki ho

hi = indoor surface heat transfer coefficient (or film
conductance) (kcal/m2hC)

ho = outdoor surface heat transfer coefficient


U (W/m2K) (kcal/m2hC)
The complete table is available from the class website.
The complete table is available from the class website.
The complete table is available from the class website.
The complete table is available from the class website.
3.5.2 Infiltration Heating Load

1) Sensible Heating Load

Q 0.24 1.2 CMH (ti to)


Q = heating load (W) (kcal/h)

0.24 = specific heat of dry air (kJ/kgK) (kcal/kg)
1.2 = specific weight of air (kg/m3)
CMH = airflow (m3/h)
ti = indoor air temperature (K) ()
to = outdoor air temperature (K) ()
2) Latent Heating Load

Q 597 1.2 CMH ( xi xo )

Q = heating load (W) (kcal/h)
597= latent heat of vaporization of water at 0 (kJ/kg) (kcal/kg)
1.2 = specific weight of air (kg/m3)
CMH = airflow (m3/h)
xi = room humidity ratio of indoor air (kg/kgda)
xo = outdoor air humidity ratio of outdoor air (kg/kgda)
Airflow Estimation

Airflow is estimated by using crack method and air change method

1) Crack method

The crack method is more accurate than air change method.

Outdoor air infiltrates the indoor space through cracks around doors, windows, and
joints between walls and floors and even through the building material itself.

The amount depends on the total area of the cracks, the type of crack and the pressure
difference between the inside and outside.

Airflow is calculated by :

CMH CMH per meter meter of crack

2) Air change method
Most Designers prefer to use simpler air change method
Airflow into a space can be measured in air changes per hour

CMH ACH Volume Where,

CMH = airflow(m3/h)
ACH = Air changes per hour
Volume = space volume(m3)

Infiltration air changes per hour occurring under average conditions in residences
Single glass, No Storm Sash or
Kind of room
Weather-strip Weather-stripped
No windows or exterior doors 0.5 0.3
Windows or exterior doors on 1 side 1 0.7
Windows or exterior doors on 2 sides 1.5 1
Windows or exterior doors on 3 sides 2 1.3
Entrance halls 2 1.3
3.5.3 Ventilation Heating Load

Outside air is introduced by the HVAC system to dilute air contaminants and to make up
for exhaust.
The ventilation load is calculated by the same equations used for infiltration.
Ventilation is determined according to ASHRAE Standard 62.

The complete table is available from the class website.

3.5.4 Miscellaneous Loads

In addition to conduction, infiltration, and ventilation, heating loads should take into
account miscellaneous factors such as losses through walls below grade and slabs on
3.6 Cooling Load Estimation
Heat gains include conduction, solar effects, outdoor air loads, and internal heat loads.

Components of building cooling load

3.6.1 Heat Gain through Walls and Roofs (Opaque)

A simple temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air will not account
for solar heat. The outside surface is much warmer than the surrounding air, due to the
solar radiation effect.

Conduction calculating use TETD(Total equivalent temperature difference)

TETD include solar effects as well as temperature difference

TETD vary with the orientation, time of day, absorption property of the surface,
and thermal mass of the building assembly
j 1

Q = cooling load (W) (kcal/h)
U = overall heat transfer coefficient (W) (kcal/m2h )
A = area of each envelope element (m2)
TETD = total equivalent temperature difference()
3.6.2 Heat Gain through Glazing (Transparent or Translucent)

Glazing materials usually have lower thermal resistance than the opaque building
materials and they also admit solar radiation into the space.

These heat loads are considered in two parts, simple conductive heat transfer due to the
temperature differences between indoor air and outdoor air, and solar heat gain.

Q A U (ti to) ( SC )( A)( SHGF ) SHGF = solar heat gain factor (W/m2)
SC = shading coefficient(dimensionless)
SHGF(solar heat gain factor)

The amount of solar heat that will enter a clear single-pane window at a given time of
year and time of day, facing the specified orientation.
SC(shading coefficient)

The SC is the ratio of solar gain (due to direct

sunlight) passing through a glass unit to the solar
energy which passes through 3mm Clear Float

It is referred to as an indicator to how the glass is

thermally insulating (shading) the interior when
there is direct sunlight on the panel or window.
Origin of Difference Between Magnitude of Instantaneous Heat Gain and
Instantaneous Cooling Load
3.6.3 Infiltration and Ventilation
The infiltration is much lower during hot weather than cold weather especially in high-
rise buildings. In winter, stack effect due to great temperature difference between indoor
and outdoor airs cause more infiltration.
Sensible heat and latent heat loads due to infiltration can be calculated by :

Qsensible 0.24 1.2 CMH (ti to)

Qlatent 597 1.2 CMH ( xi xo)

Total heat, enthalpy (h) is the sum of sensible and latent heat. The enthalpy can be taken
from a psychrometric chart or tables.

Q 1.2 CMH h h = change in enthalpy (kcal/kgda)

Outside air introduced for ventilation by the air-conditioning equipment result in sensible
and latent loads calculated by the same equations as in the infiltration cooling load
3.6.4 Internal Heat Gains

Heat is generated inside buildings by lights, appliances, and occupants.

People liberate both sensible and latent heat. Latent heat results from exhaled moisture
and evaporation of perspiration. The latent het loads depend on the level of activity.
Heat from lights and appliances can be calculated using the factor for conversion of
electrical to thermal energy:

Q 3.41 P

P = power input to light fixture or appliance(W)

Heat from building lighting and appliances may not be estimated precisely. Usually, the
wattage per unit area (W/m2) is used.

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