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Grade 10 Applied - Measurement and Trigonometry

Overall Expectations

Making Math Engaging for students using inquiry based-learning, models and real-life

Theme/Big Idea Guiding Texts Why Chosen? Text type


Inquiry-based What are 1. 3 Act Math 1. Has many 1. Blog

learning is a great some https://tapintoteenmin different tasks that 2. Online
way to get strategies ds.com/real-world- teachers can use Magazine
students engaged and tasks/grade10/ in their classroom Article
in their work using techniques 2. TEACHMAG - to get students 3. Educational
problem solving teachers Using Inquiry-Based engaged. website
on open-ended can use to Learning To Teach 2. This article 4. Video
tasks. introduce Math talks about first
and guide http://www.teachmag. hand experience
lesson com/archives/8366 when it comes to
using 3. transitioning to a
inquiry https://www.youcubed IBL classroom.
learning? .org 3. This website
4. Jo Boaler - Enquiry contains many
Based Learning for open-ended
mathematics mathematical
https://www.youtube.c tasks that can be
om/watch?v=Ien- done at the grade
86bXCrI 10 level.
4. This video talks
about different
approaches to
using inquiry-
based learning in
the classroom and
the benefit of IBL
Models are great What are 1. Kajander, 1. This book 1. Book
tools for thinking appropriate Elizabeth Ann, contains a 2. Research
and reasoning, models to and Tom Boland. comprehensiv Article
and develop a use when Mathematical e exploration 3. Professional
deeper, explaining models for of models and Learning
conceptual core math teaching: concepts that Guide
knowledge of concepts? reasoning without aids teachers
mathematics. memorization. in using
Toronto: Canadian appropriate
Scholars' Press, methods for
2014. Print. units in math.
2. Mathmetmatical 2. This article
Modelling and contains
New Theories of research on
Learning Boaler, the benefits of
J. (2001). using
Mathematical mathematical
Modelling and models in the
New Theories of classroom.
Learning. 3. Describes how
Teaching manipulatives
Mathematics and are great to
its Applications, use as models
20(3), 121-128. of learning to
3. Manipulatives help students
http://www.edugai build their
ns.ca/resourcesM understanding.
Applying Math to What are 1. Art Of Math 1. This website 1. Online Book
real life context some ways http://www.artofm contains many 2. Video
helps keep that athematics.org/bo online books that 3. Monograph
students engaged teachers oks/calculus have math 4. Website
in the math they can 2. Math Shorts, questions related
are learning. connect the applying the to real-life context.
math that is Pythagorean 2. This video
being theorem shows a great
learned to https://www.youtu example of how
the be.com/watch? the Pythagorean
students v=elr2w5jrFbQ theorem can be
real life? 3. Mathematical used in real life.
Processes 3. Describes how
http://www.edugai the importance of
ns.ca/resources/L connecting math
earningMaterials/ to everyday life
MathProcesses/M helps students
athProcessessPa see how useful
ckage.pdf and relevant the
4. Math in daily life math they are
http://www.learner.org learning is.
/interactives/dailymath Includes sample
/ questions to ask
students how to
connect math to
real-life concepts.
4. Contains
lessons that apply
math concepts to
daily life.

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