CL-PG 52-Jun08
CL-PG 52-Jun08
CL-PG 52-Jun08
entrusted in their care while at the same time ensuring productivity and prof-
Mercer Co. Poultry Farm Recognized itability for their farm’s operations,” said Sandy Kuhn, OLC executive direc-
tor. “That’s what stewardship is all about – faithfully developing and using
For Environmental Stewardship gifts, talents, and resources to realize the maximum possible return on the
resources that have been entrusted in one’s care.”
Boeckman Farm, a family farm that raises 5,500 turkeys and 2,000 head of The Boeckman Farm received a plaque from OPA and a proclamation of
swine annually in Mercer Co., has been honored for its commitment to the congratulations and recognition of their commitment to the basic principles of
environment. The Boeckman family has received the 2008 Environmental environmental and natural resource stewardship from Ohio Governor Ted
Stewardship Award from the Ohio Livestock Coalition (OLC) and the Ohio Strickland.
Poultry Association (OPA). The Environmental Stewardship Program recognizes the many accom-
The Environmental Stewardship Awards program annually recognizes the plishments made by family farmers to protect the environment and conserve
outstanding accomplishments made by individual beef, dairy, pork, poultry, natural resources. The OLC coordinates the awards program while seven
sheep, and grain farmers in developing and implementing exemplary conser- cooperating member organizations – Ohio Cattlemen’s Assn., Ohio Dairy
vation and resource stewardship management practices. Producers Assn., Ohio Pork Producers Council, Ohio Poultry Assn., Ohio
Neil and Gina Boeckman, contract growers for Cooper Farms, have raised Sheep Improvement Assn.; Ohio Soybean Assn.; and Ohio Corn Growers
turkeys for 11 years and hogs for 10 years. They have demonstrated that their Assn. – sponsor the individual commodity awards along with Ohio’s Country
commitment to quality extends not only to the turkeys and hogs they produce, Journal.
but also to the environmental and conservation practices they implement daily 5/08-2
on their crops.
“We recognize that our farm must not only be a good steward of the envi- QUARTER PONY: 13.5 hands mare. ELEC. LIFT CHAIR: Very good cond.
ronment, but also must be a responsible animal caretaker, environmental inno- 17YO. Professionally trained Western, Neutral color. Celina 419-586-4388
vator, community leader, civic volunteer, and contributor,” said Neil English, & driving. Shown successfully in
4-H. $700 OBO. South Vienna WANTED TO BUY: Scrap metal of all
Boeckman. He said choices about the farm’s manure and mortality manage- kinds. Certified scale on site. Top dollar
ment programs are made not only on the basis of what makes good economic paid. Roll off container service available.
sense, but also what makes good sense for the community as a whole, particu- POOL LADDERS; utility trailer, Celina 419-363-2277
larly those neighbors with whom the farm shares a property line. 54”Wx10’L, $350; 27” buzz saw, belt-dri-
ven, $25; ‘72 VW, 4 spd. trans., $100. No 3-1/2”x6”x19’ channel iron, $50. Mortar
The Boeckman Farm uses no-till practices to reduce erosion. Additionally, mix. (25) 80# bags. $75. Rossburg
checks. N. Hampton 937-964-3012 or
the farm has adopted and implemented an environmentally sound approach to 937-360-1643 937-338-3501
mortality management. The Boeckmans use composting practices which
4x4 HAULER: 3 spd., w/reverse. Auto. WIRELESS Driveway Alarm: Easy to
reduces odors and further protects water quality. They also recycle the turkey
clutch. Power dump bed. Brush guard on install. Save your trip-will ship!
litter and use it as a fertilizer. Manure application is properly timed and efforts Coldwater 419-678-2594
grill. Cleated tires. Hour meter. 1/2 ton
are always made to obtain approval from the farm’s neighbors. hauling capacity. Covington
“The Boeckmans have worked hard and smart to protect the resources TROY-BILT Tiller: 14” wide. 3.75 Briggs
937-473-3635 engine. GC. Covington 937-473-3635