March12 Lent2
March12 Lent2
March12 Lent2
Annual Reports: Could all elders please collect an expert. Watch this space! for more dates New neighbours in our Parish: The Parish Mission
their Annual Reports from the back of the Church especially the 12th May when Neil Proven, one of Team have a Welcome Pack which includes a New
today and distribute them ready for the AGM on our elders, will be talking on Urgent Care in the Home Card. Please speak to a member of the Team
Sunday, 19th March. Home . We shall soon be in Caf mode for the who will provide you with it, if new people have
summer. moved in near you.
Lent Study: These will take place at 7.00pm on
Wednesday, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th March at a Stated Annual Meeting: This will take place on Membership: If you are interested in joining the
rather different venue, the Chocolate Station on Sunday, 19th March following morning worship. congregation; know someone who requires a visit; or
wish to take a more active role in the life of the church
Station Road. We will be studying Abraham: A On Site, Insight: This past week has seen more
please speak to the Minister or a Duty Elder.
journey through Lent by Meg Warner (ISBN 978- digging for foundations and upgrading utilities
0-281-07489-1. Also available as an e-book at such as drains and gas pipes. Demolition inside All intimations to be included in next weeks order of If you would like to attend, has continued in preparation for the new service should be delivered to the church office or e-
please sign the notice on the table at the back of facilities, and wiring has been installed in the mailed to [email protected] NO
the church to give an indication of numbers. sanctuary for new emergency alarms and lights. LATER THAN 9am on Wednesday morning.