March12 Lent2

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ORDER OF SERVICE sustaining me; that together we may

make a world that is new.

Fughetta, Opus 37, No 6 G Merkel
Parish Church Lord Christ, reveal thy face, BWV 709 JS Bach A reading from the Old Testament
Rev Jamie Griggs Church Office: 0131-316 4740 Partita on 'Iste Confessor' P Edwards Genesis 12: 1-4a
St Annes Parish Church Minister: 0131-466 3269 (p 12 OT)
Kaimes Road, Corstorphine, [email protected]
Edinburgh, EH12 6JR [email protected]
Kindle a flame JL Bell
Time to Talk
Scottish Charity Number: SC006300
Welcome and Church Notices Hymn No. 593
StAnnesParishChurch @st_annes_church
She sits like a bird, brooding on the waters
Sunday, 12 March 2017 Lent 2 Call to Worship A reading from the New Testament
Romans 4, 1-5, 13-17
Hymn No. 354 (pp 191, 191-192 NT)
O Love, how deep, how broad, how high!
Prayer of Adoration and Confession and A prayer of St Richard of Chichester LJ White
The Lords Prayer A reading from the Gospels
CH4 652, Second Form (a) John 3: 1-17
Response: (pp 191-192 NT)
Minister: Lord, I have betrayed you, by following my
own way; by doubting your presence; by Hymn No. 81
ignoring your call. I to the hills will lift mine eyes
All: Lord, I have denied you, by fearing to
follow your way; by avoiding your Sermon
presence; by failing to hear you in my life.
In the Gospel of John, faith is never a noun. Minister: Lord, I have mocked you, by not taking RESPONDING TO THE WORD OF GOD
Believing for the characters in the Fourth Gospel your death seriously; by failing to
acknowledge the gift of resurrection and Hymn No. 557
is a verb and is subject to all of the ambiguity, O Love that wilt not let me go
uncertainty, and indecisiveness of being human.
All: Lord, I am lost in the noise and confusion
Having an incarnate God necessitates an
of human making and desire: let your
incarnational faith: believing is just as forgiveness find me.
complicated as being human. Offertory
Minister: Lord, in your grace, hold me in your arms
Karoline M. Lewis Prelude on 'St Flavian CC Palmer
and give me new life.
All: Lord, in your mercy live in me and with Prayers of Dedication & Intercession
me day by day, restoring me and
Hymn No. 713 Copies of the book are available from Progress is great and on schedule! Please
Come, all who look to God today cornerstone bookshop at St Johns Church, West remember not to access any fenced off areas!
Benediction & Sung Amen (Threefold) End. Bins: There is no recycling bin inside the building.
Postlude Fair Trade Stall: Our stall will be running again There is a large black landfill bin beside the stage
Voluntary on 'Gonfalon Royal' (tune 713) R Lind during coffee after the service. Please have a and the other bins are outside the back door of
look and see what we have to offer. If you have the Hall.
THE BIBLE IS CARRIED OUT; ordered any goods, please remember to pick
these up.'
Contact Details: The phone in the Office
WE FOLLOW TO SERVE, is now up and running and our broadband
IN THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT The Guild: The penultimate meeting of the Guild
will be connected on the 22nd March. We
is on Tuesday, 14th March at 7.30pm in either the
Tea and coffee will be served church or Kaimes hall. Dr Heather McHaffie will do have access to email, so continue to
in the hall following worship. speak on Changing Scenes at the Botanics. There use the usual email address.
All are welcome. will also be a Bring and Buysale at this meeting
and all unsold items must be taken home.
Intimations Carers Support Group: Two dates for your
Reader: Nancy Wallace diaries: Friday, 17th March Depressed,
Next Sunday: 11am Morning Worship Depressing and Depressive. How confusing! Visitors in Church: Could all Members please keep an
Ministers Day Off: Monday Derek Doyle will help you to unravel. Friday, 31st eye open for new people in Church and give them a
Office Hours: Please direct any telephone March Day Hospice Care which will give the Church Activities Card and Magazine / Newsletter
or email enquiries to the Office, which is answers to many challenges encountered by which are in the basket on the table at the back of the
monitored daily. carers. This promises to be a really helpful talk by Sanctuary.

Annual Reports: Could all elders please collect an expert. Watch this space! for more dates New neighbours in our Parish: The Parish Mission
their Annual Reports from the back of the Church especially the 12th May when Neil Proven, one of Team have a Welcome Pack which includes a New
today and distribute them ready for the AGM on our elders, will be talking on Urgent Care in the Home Card. Please speak to a member of the Team
Sunday, 19th March. Home . We shall soon be in Caf mode for the who will provide you with it, if new people have
summer. moved in near you.
Lent Study: These will take place at 7.00pm on
Wednesday, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th March at a Stated Annual Meeting: This will take place on Membership: If you are interested in joining the
rather different venue, the Chocolate Station on Sunday, 19th March following morning worship. congregation; know someone who requires a visit; or
wish to take a more active role in the life of the church
Station Road. We will be studying Abraham: A On Site, Insight: This past week has seen more
please speak to the Minister or a Duty Elder.
journey through Lent by Meg Warner (ISBN 978- digging for foundations and upgrading utilities
0-281-07489-1. Also available as an e-book at such as drains and gas pipes. Demolition inside All intimations to be included in next weeks order of If you would like to attend, has continued in preparation for the new service should be delivered to the church office or e-
please sign the notice on the table at the back of facilities, and wiring has been installed in the mailed to [email protected] NO
the church to give an indication of numbers. sanctuary for new emergency alarms and lights. LATER THAN 9am on Wednesday morning.

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