4 18 10 Web Bulletin
4 18 10 Web Bulletin
4 18 10 Web Bulletin
For those who would like to Joanne Jackson; Cathy Willard; Mabel & Ed Ehresman, John Scott (brother of Pat Mac-
study the Lectionary Texts for Lean), Irving Washington, Martha Miles, Benjamin Bailey (Snider’s grandson), Scott, Mar-
tha, Randy; Skylar (6-yr old heart surgery); the Webb family; Jurdy Chandler, Dianne,
this week they are: Erica, Carol Del’Omo, Junior; Clint, and unnamed others.
Acts 9: 1-6 (7-20) (Please review the prayer list and advise if you know of someone who should be added or
removed. Write your information on a piece of paper and place it in the offering plate or
Psalm 30 give it to the Pastor). Your help is needed to keep this list current.
Revelation 5: 11-14
John 21:1-19
WELCOME ….ELI NATHANIEL JOHNSON…born April 6, 2010… 10# 3 oz.
….21.5 inches….Second son of Nicole and Pastor Bruce Johnson; Brother of Samuel.