Diarrhea Etiology

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Diarrhea Etiology in a Pediatric Emergency

Department: A Case Control Study
Donna M. Denno,1,2,5 Nurmohammad Shaikh,3 Jenny R. Stapp,5 Xuan Qin,5,6 Carolyn M. Hutter,7 Valerie Hoffman,5
Jody C. Mooney,5 Kelly M. Wood,5 Harold J. Stevens,3 Robert Jones,8 Phillip I. Tarr,3,4,a and Eileen J. Klein1,5,a
Department of Pediatrics, 2Global Health, University of Washington, Seattle; 3Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics,
and 4Department of Molecular Microbiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri; 5Seattle Childrens Hospital, 6Department
of Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington, 7Department of Public Health Sciences, Division of Public Health Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Center, and 8Craic Computing LLC, Seattle, Washington

Background. The etiology of childhood diarrhea is frequently unknown.

Methods. We sought Aeromonas, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Pleisiomonas shigelloides, Salmo-
nella, Shigella, Vibrio, and Yersinia (by culture), adenoviruses, astroviruses, noroviruses, rotavirus, and Shiga

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toxin-producing E. coli (STEC; by enzyme immunoassay), Clostridium difcile (by cytotoxicity), parasites (by mi-
croscopy), and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC; by polymerase chain reaction [PCR] analysis) in the stools of 254
children with diarrhea presenting to a pediatric emergency facility. Age- and geographic-matched community
controls without diarrhea (n = 452) were similarly studied, except bacterial cultures of the stool were limited only
to cases.
Results. Twenty-nine (11.4%) case stools contained 13 Salmonella, 10 STEC (6 O157:H7 and 4 non-O157:H7
serotypes), 5 Campylobacter, and 2 Shigella. PCR-dened EAEC were present more often in case (3.2%) specimens
than in control (0.9%) specimens (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 3.9; 95% condence interval [CI], 1.113.7), and
their adherence phenotypes were variable. Rotavirus, astrovirus, and adenovirus were more common among cases
than controls, but both groups contained noroviruses and C. difcile at similar rates. PCR evidence of hyperviru-
lent C. difcile was found in case and control stools; parasites were much more common in control specimens.
Conclusions. EAEC are associated with childhood diarrhea in Seattle, but the optimal way to identify these
agents warrants determination. Children without diarrhea harbor diarrheagenic pathogens, including hyperviru-
lent C. difcile. Our data support the importance of taking into account host susceptibility, microbial density, and
organism virulence traits in future case-control studies, not merely categorizing candidate pathogens as being
present or absent.

The study of acute childhood diarrhea presents 2 major of diarrheal stools contained Clostridium difcile cyto-
challenges: this disorder often eludes etiologic determi- toxin [1], but the role of C. difcile in childhood diarrhea
nation [15], and many putatively diarrheagenic agents is a complex issue because the stools of many healthy
detected in stools are of undetermined causative signi- infants and children contain this organism [6, 7]. Here
cance. For example, in a recent Seattle Childrens Hos- we report a comprehensive case-control analysis of di-
pital (SCH) emergency department (SCHED) study, 6% arrhea etiology at the same venue to determine if candi-
date pathogens such as C. difcile and enteroaggregative
Escherichia coli (EAEC) are, in fact, associated with
Received 13 February 2012; accepted 1 June 2012; electronically published 14 diarrhea.
June 2012.
P. I. T. and E. J. K. contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence: E. J. Klein, MD, Division of Emergency Medicine, Seattle
Childrens Hospital, 4800 Sandpoint Way NE, B-5506, Seattle, WA 98105 (eileen.
[email protected]). METHODS
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2012;55(7):897904
The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious Study Design and Enrollment
Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:
[email protected].
This prospective case-control study was approved by
DOI: 10.1093/cid/cis553 the SCH and Washington University Institutional

Etiology of Childhood Diarrhea CID 2012:55 (1 October) 897

Review Boards. Case subjects were children presenting with respectively, Dako, Carpinteria, California). Non-O157:H7
diarrhea from November 2003 to November 2005 to the STEC were recovered by isolating, and subsequently testing up
SCHED (a facility with >60 000 patient encounters during that to 20 lactose fermenting colonies by polymerase chain reaction
interval), whose parents agreed to participate. Families provid- (PCR) [10].
ed demographic data, illness characteristics, medication, and We identied EAEC by PCR testing 3 colonies per subject
travel history on standardized questionnaires, on which notice for aatA and aggR (conditions and primers in Supplementary
was provided that responding on the questionnaire signied Table 1), subject to colony availability (Supplementary
participation consent. Table 2). The stx1 and stx2 PCR was performed on pure cul-
Potential controls were recruited before and during case en- tures of single colonies of all O157:H7 and non-O157:H7
rollment into a reserve cohort using 72 family and pediatric STEC, and 8 colony pools of EAEC.
practices in King County (which includes Seattle and its We extracted DNA (QIAmp, Qiagen, Valencia, California)
suburbs) and southern Snohomish County, Washington, from frozen stools that tested positive in the C. difcile cyto-
where circa 90% of SCHED patients reside. Multilingual re- toxicity assay and from their matched cytotoxin-negative con-
cruitment materials describing the study [8] were displayed; trols. We then employed PCR with primers specic for the
brochures contained return mail enrollment forms for inter- universal bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene (UB16S)
ested participants. For each case subject, a computer algorithm and the C. difcile 16S rRNA gene (CD16S), and, if these
selected 2 community controls from the control reserve were present, C. difcile toxins A (tcdA) and B (tcdB),
cohort, matched sequentially to the closest zip code of resi- binary toxin (cdtA and cdtB), and intact or deleted tcdC (tcdC,

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dence of the patient to reduce confounding by geography and when absent (deleted) from C. difcile is associated with
demography, age (closest 50%, up to 19 years old), and enhanced expression of toxins A and B). We also tested
nally sex. 22 cytotoxin-negative stools from controls that were matched
One of 2 research assistants called families of each computer- to cytotoxin-positive cases for CD16S using the same
selected control to explain the study, determine eligibility, methodology.
obtain consent, and administer the same travel and medica- We examined individual EAEC to determine their adher-
tion questions used for cases. Controls could participate only ence phenotypes. HeLa cells were grown to nearconuence in
once and were ineligible if they had diarrhea in the preceding Dulbecco modied eagle medium (DMEM) with 10% heat-
30 days or had a sibling chosen as a control for the same case. inactivated fetal calf serum (FCS) in glass chamber slides
Qualifying controls were then sent a sterile specimen cup, (5% CO2, 37C). Bacteria were grown (37C, overnight) in
collection hat, an insulated box, aqueous freezer bricks, and Luria-Bertani (LB) broth with shaking under aerobic condi-
instructions to freeze the bricks. Control stools were placed tions, and 0.3 mL were added to 2.7 mL of fresh LB broth and
into the cup and returned in the supplied box with the frozen grown under the same conditions for 6 hours, washed in
bricks via courier to the SCH clinical microbiology laboratory. DMEM, and suspended in adherence media (DMEM contain-
A small monetary acknowledgement was provided in appreci- ing 5% FCS and 0.5% D-mannose), which was then added to
ation for participation. US census data [9] and inter-zip code the chamber slides after removing the media under which the
driving distances (Google Maps, http://maps.google.com/ HeLa cells were growing. After incubation (1 hour, 5% CO2,
maps?hl=en&tab=wl on 12 April 2012) were used to approxi- 37C), we aspirated the adherence media and washed the
mate median household incomes and median distances monolayers 3 times with DMEM. After adding fresh adher-
between cases and corresponding controls, respectively. ence media and incubating (3 more hours) in the same condi-
tions, we washed the cells 3 times ( phosphate-buffered saline
Laboratory Analysis [PBS]), and xed (100% cold methanol, 5 minutes) and
Fresh case and control stools were evaluated for Shiga toxin stained (0.5% crystal violet) them before applying a coverslip.
(Stx)-producing E. coli (STEC) using an Stx enzyme immuno- An observer unaware of the identity of the bacteria in each
assay (EIA) on overnight broth cultures, parasites (by micros- chamber scored the assays as nonadherent or adherent and
copy) and C. difcile (by cytotoxicity assay), and plated on noted the characteristics of the positives. Positive and negative
MacConkey agar; case stools were cultured for bacteria gener- controls were E. coli strains EAEC O42 and ORN172,
ally considered to be diarrheagenic (Aeromonas species, Cam- respectively.
pylobacter species, STEC O157:H7, Pleisiomonas shigelloides, Only subjects whose specimens were tested completely for
Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio, and Yersinia species) [10, 11]. all organisms of interest (STEC and viruses by EIA, C. difcile
Stools were then frozen at 80C for subsequent batch-testing by cytotoxicity, parasites by microscopy, and EAEC by PCR
for adenoviruses, astroviruses, noroviruses 1 and 2, and rotavi- for cases and controls, classic bacterial pathogens by culture
rus (IDEIA EIA kits K6021, K6042, K6043, K6020, for cases) were included in this analysis.

898 CID 2012:55 (1 October) Denno et al

Statistical Analysis (interquartile range, 40; range, 8121). Cases were matched to
We modeled power with different potential sample and effect controls living in the same (31%), contiguous (36%), or adja-
sizes; with sample sizes of 250 case and 450 control subjects, cent to a contiguous (14%), zip code; the median distance
the project had 74%, 89%, and 95% chances of nding differ- between zip codes of residence of cases and matched controls
ences of 2%, 3%, and 4% frequency in the case group, com- was 11.9 km. Controls zip codes had higher mean incomes
pared with the control group. We used STATA version 11 than those of the cases, and there was a higher proportion of
(Statacorp, College Station, Texas) to measure associations whites among controls and Hispanics among cases, but no
between organism and case status, and conditional logistic re- other signicant differences between groups. For these
gression analyses to calculate univariate matched odds ratios reasons, we adjusted for mean income by zip code, race and
(ORs) and 95% condence intervals (CIs). To address con- ethnicity in the multivariate regression analyses.
founding by demographic and socioeconomic factors (includ- Twenty-nine (11.4%) case stools contained 30 bacterial
ing potential residual confounding by matching variable), we pathogens: 13 Salmonella (5 Salmonella serovar Typhimurium,
calculated adjusted ORs (aOR) and 95% CIs using multivari- 2 Salmonella serovar Heidelberg, and 1 each Salmonella sub-
ate conditional logistic models that included variables found genus I Group B (4,512:i,-) Salmonella subspecies I serotype
to be associated with disease status in our data, or, if cells con- 4,12,:I,-, Salmonella serovar Newport, Salmonella serovar Min-
tained no or 1 subject, we calculated P values using the exact nesota, Salmonella serovar Enteritidis, and Salmonella serovar
version of McNemar test ( pexact). Brandenburg), 10 STEC , 5 Campylobacter (including 1 non-
jejuni), and 2 Shigella sonnei.

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The single specimen that was negative on the STEC EIA
RESULTS but which contained E. coli O157:H7 on the corresponding
sorbitol MacConkey agar plate possessed stx1 and stx2 genes
We enrolled 254 cases and 452 matched controls (Table 1; (Supplementary Table 4); a pure broth culture of this isolate
mean, 1.8 matched controls per case; standard deviation, 0.5; was positive in the EIA. The stools containing STEC O26:H11
range, 14). A median of 39 days elapsed between receipt and O111:nonmotile also contained rotavirus and S. serovar
of case stools and their corresponding controls stools Brandenburg, respectively, whereas those that contained STEC
O121:nonmotile, O177:nonmotile, and O157:H7 possessed no
other organism of interest (Tables 2, 3 and Supplementary
Table 1. Demographic and Specimen Characteristics of Cases Table 4). The statistical signicance of the differences in posi-
and Controls
tivity between STEC among cases and controls varied from
Case Control
pexact = .13 for non-O157:H7 overall, to pexact = .50 for non-
Characteristic (n = 254) (n = 452) P O157:H7 where no other organism of interest was identied,
Female sex 121 (47.6) 216 (48.1) a
.95 to pexact = .06 for the 5 cases of STEC O157:H7 identied by
Age, median months 20 (1046) 24(1149) .49 Stx EIA. We necessarily excluded the sixth case identied only
Raceb by SMAC agar screening from this particular analysis as con-
White 142 (58.0) 345 (77.0) <.001 trols were not similarly screened.
Asian/Pacific Islander 28 (11.4) 56 (12.5) An average of 2.92 colonies per subject (median 3, range
African American 25 (9.8) 39 (8.6) 03) were tested for the 2 EAEC loci. EAEC from 4 cases and
Native American 10 (4.8) 8 (1.8) 2 controls contained both loci, whereas EAEC from 4 cases
Other 44 (17.3) 42 (9.3) and 2 controls contained one or the other locus (Supplementary
Dont know 26 (10.2) 2 (0.4)
Table 2). Adherence phenotypes of EAEC varied and included
No response 9 (3.5) 4 (0.9)
nonadherent, sparsely and densely adherent, and adherent in
Hispanic ethnicity 69 (27.2) 70 (15.5) <.0001
a stippled pattern over cells (Supplemental Figure 1). Adher-
Dont know 13 (5.2) 2 (0.4)
No response 0 (0) 3 (0.7)
ence phenotypes correlated with neither case nor control
Mean household $54 099 $55 849 .02 subject status, or EAEC genotype, and varied even between
income of zip codec EAEC from the same individuals. All EAEC were stxnegative.
Data are expressed as No. (%) or median (interquartile range), unless C. difcile cytotoxin positivity was similar in cases and con-
otherwise indicated. trols (aOR: 0.9, CI: .42). Point estimates did not meaningfully
Sex not provided for 3 controls. change when further adjusted for a history of antibiotic use
Percentages exceed 100 because of multiple responses by some subjects.
P value is for comparison of white to nonwhite.
(data not shown), but did increase in magnitude when restrict-
Based on US census data for 1999 on median household income of ing analysis to subject sets older than one and three years of
households in participants zip code of residence. age (aORs: 1.7 [CI: .55.4] and 4.2 [CI: .725.4], respectively).

Etiology of Childhood Diarrhea CID 2012:55 (1 October) 899

Table 2. Case-Control Results for Organisms of Interest

No. of Positive No. of Positive Unadjusted OR Adjusted ORa

Established or Candidate Pathogens Cases (%) Controls (%) (95% CI) (95% CI)
STEC EIA positiveb 9 (3.5) 0 P = .004c
O157:H7d 5 (2.0) 0 P = .06c
Non-O157:H7e 4 (1.6) 0 P = .13c
EAEC 8 (3.1) 4 (0.9) 3.4 (.911.9) 3.9 (1.113.7)
aatA 7 (2.8) 4 (0.9) 2.9 (.810.6) 3.4 (.912.6)
aggR 5 (2.0) 3 (0.7) 2.8 (.613.2) 3.7 (.817.0)
C. difficile all ages 14 (5.5) 28 (6.2) 0.9 (.51.9) 0.9 (.42)
C. difficile <36 months old 9 (5.2) 26 (8.8) 0.6 (.31.3) 0.6 (.21.4)
C. difficile > 36 months old 5 (6.3) 2 (1.3) 4.6 (.827) 4.3 (.725.4)
Parasites (any)f 1 (0.4) 16 (3.5) P = .0003c
Astrovirus 11 (4.3) 7 (1.6) 3.1 (1.28.1) 3.6 (1.310)
Adenovirus 8 (3.2) 4 (0.9) 3.8 (1.113.3) 3.9 (1.114.9)
Norovirus 1 4 (1.6) 1 (0.2) P = .38c
Norovirus 2 5 (2.0) 15 (3.3) 0.6 (.21.6) 0.9 (.32.6)
Rotavirus 110 (43.3) 1 (0.22) P < .0001c

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Some of these subjects specimens contained >1 target organism. Details of dual infections, and of characteristics of the subjects and their illnesses, are
provided here and in Supplemental Tables 24. Odds ratios vary depending on the specific numbers of positive cases and controls in matched and unmatched
sets. Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; EAEC, enteroaggregative E. coli; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; OR, odds ratio; STEC, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli.
Adjusted for mean income by zip code, race, and ethnicity
These are defined as subjects whose broth cultures tested positive for Shiga toxin (Stx) by EIA and from which a non-O157:H7 or an O157:H7 STEC was
recovered but does not include the additional case subject whose stool contained STEC O157:H7 as identified on sorbitol MacConkey agar, but whose toxin
assay was negative.
For organisms where no or only 1 subjects specimen tested positive, we present P values from an exact version of McNemar test (pexact), rather than ORs and
These are defined as subjects whose broth cultures tested positive for Stx by EIA and from which an O157:H7 STEC was recovered but does not include the
additional case subject whose stool contained STEC O157:H7 as identified on sorbitol MacConkey agar, but whose toxin assay was negative.
These are defined as subjects whose broth cultures tested positive for Stx by EIA and from which a non-O157:H7 STEC was recovered.
Cryptosporidia (1 case and 6 control subjects), Entamoeba coli (6 control subjects), Blastocystis hominis (1 control subject), Endolimax nana (2 control subjects),
and Giardia lamblia and E. nana (1 control subject).

PCR evidence of C. difcile was lacking (ie, specimens were control) contained 3 organisms of interest (Cryptosporidia,
negative for CD16S) in one case and one control stool that adenovirus and EAEC).
were cytotoxicity assay positive. Each of 22 cytotoxin-negative
specimens from the controls matched to cytotoxin-positive DISCUSSION
cases was negative for CD16S. Of the 12 cases and 27 controls
whose cytotoxin-positive stools contained PCR conrmation The distribution of bona de enteric pathogens (Campylobac-
of C. difcile presence, 3 (25%) and 2 (7.4%) contained a hy- ter, STEC O157:H7, Salmonella, Shigella, and rotavirus) in this
pervirulent C. difcile (the tcdC deletion). series resembles the etiologic distribution in this venue
Only 1 case subject, a 4-year-old girl who was evaluated for between 1998 and 2001. This constancy demonstrates small
4 days of diarrhea following travel to Honduras, was infected area (greater Seattle) stability of childhood diarrhea etiology,
with a parasite (Cryptosporidia), whereas 16 control subjects though both studies were conducted before widespread use of
produced stools with parasites. Adenoviruses were identied rotavirus vaccines. Our ndings differ from recent North
in the same proportion of cases and controls as EAEC, and American and European studies of people presenting with
astrovirus were also associated with case status but noroviruses acute diarrhea in the higher proportion of bacterial pathogens
were not. Rotavirus was found overwhelmingly in case stools we have found, with the most pronounced difference in the
(Table 2). higher recovery of STECs [24, 1214]. It is possible that this
One or more organisms of interest were found in the stools high-acuity population, drawn entirely from a pediatric emer-
of 174 cases and 69 controls (aOR, 12.9; CI, 7.921.2). gency facility, is responsible for this particular difference. Ad-
Seventeen cases and 6 controls had >1 such microbe in their ditionally, we identied a greater proportion of astrovirus in
stools (aOR, 6.0; CI, 2.415.1; Table 3). Only 1 stool (from a diarrhea than these other studies, though this is an agent that

900 CID 2012:55 (1 October) Denno et al

Table 3. Characteristics of Patients and Illnesses Associated With Pathogens or Candidate Pathogens

Stool Appearance
Established or Candidate Mean Age Abdominal
Pathogens No. (Months) Fever a Vomitinga Paina Blooda Mucusa,b Frequencya,c Durationd Travela,e WBCf
STECg 10 72 50 70 90 70 80 10 3 10 50
Campylobacter 5 85 60 60 80 40 40 16 4 0 40
Salmonella 13 57 92 69 62 62 54 10 5 23 46
Shigella 2 84 100 50 100 100 50 10 1 0 100
Clostridium difficile h 14 54 57 71 50 43 64 6 2 7 14
EAECi 8 54 63 50 63 25 63 7 2 25 25
Astrovirus 11 56 82 73 73 18 45 8 3 0 18
Adenovirus 8 38 38 88 75 0 38 6 4 0 0
Rotavirus 110 22 81 96 48 7 42 8 2 5 3
Norovirus 1 4 144 0 75 75 25 25 8 3 0 25
Norovirus 2 5 39 40 100 100 20 100 8 1 0 20
Total No. of established or 174 36 73 86 59 20 46 8 3 7 14
candidate pathogensj
All patients with multiple 17 40 65 88 47 24 65 7 2 12 18
established or candidate

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All patients with no 80 38 56 58 55 21 36 5 3 8 5
established or candidate
All patients 254 37 68 77 58 20 43 7 3 7 11
Symptoms and signs are family/self-reported on questionnaire.
Abbreviations: EAEC, enteroaggregative E. coli; STEC, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli; WBC, white blood cells.
History and symptoms were family/self-reported on questionnaire.
Percentages calculated by dividing the number of subjects answering yes by total number of subjects in group (including those answering dont know or
leaving response blank) and multiplying by 100, and therefore represent minimal values.
Median No. of stools in 24-hour period before Seattle Childrens Hospital emergency department (SCHED) visit, among those providing a response other than
dont know.
Median No. of days of with diarrhea before SCHED visit, among those providing a response other than dont know.
Outside of the United States or Canada.
Defined as white blood cells identified in the stools by Gram stain or wet mount.
Includes patients infected with STEC O157:H7 (n = 6), O26:H11, O111:nonmotile, O121: nonmotile, and O177:nonmotile (n = 1 each). STEC-infected cases are
those subjects whose broth cultures tested positive for Shiga toxin (Stx) by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and from which a non-O157:H7 or an O157:H7 STEC
was recovered, or whose sorbitol MacConkey agar plate culture yielded an O157:H7 STEC even though the Stx EIA was negative. The stx genotypes and
associated illness characteristics are provided in Supplementary Table 4.
Defined as patients whose stools were cytotoxin positive; characteristics of genotypes in individual positive specimens and corresponding subjects are
provided in Supplementary Table 3.
Defined as isolates positive for aatA and/or aggR loci by polymerase chain reaction; characteristics of genotypes of positive colonies and corresponding subjects
are provided in Supplementary Table 2.
174 organisms were detected in 157 case patients.
Case subjects had evidence of 2 organisms of interest in their stool: C. difficile toxin and rotavirus (n = 4), rotavirus and astrovirus (n = 2), rotavirus and EAEC
(n = 2), C. difficile toxin and adenovirus, C. difficile toxin and norovirus 1, C. difficile toxin and norovirus 2, adenovirus and astrovirus, adenovirus and rotavirus,
STEC O26:H11 and rotavirus, S. serovar Typhimurium and rotavirus, Shigella sonnei and EAEC, and STEC O111:nonmotile and S. serovar Brandenburg (n = 1
each pairing).

has been reported in hospitalized North American children in nonbloody and persistent, but the characteristics of the case
frequencies similar to what we report [5]. subjects with these organisms in their stool in our study sug-
The higher proportion of EAEC among cases than among gests a more acute picture, occasionally including bloody diar-
controls corroborates ndings from children in Cincinnati [3], rhea, although these EAEC did not contain stx genes, unlike
New Haven, and Baltimore [4] and extends these ndings by EAEC O104:H4, which caused a large and devastating epi-
comparing community-acquired diarrhea to community- demic in Europe in MayJune 2011. We believe that future
based age-matched controls. EAEC diarrhea is generally work should be directed to thoroughly dene the scope of

Etiology of Childhood Diarrhea CID 2012:55 (1 October) 901

disease caused by EAEC, and consensus regarding detection Categorical present/absent assignment to microbes might
methodologies [1520] for EAEC will be very helpful in any not adequately weight factors that would incriminate such or-
attempt to advance our understanding of this group of organ- ganisms as pathogens when found in cases or exculpate them
isms in childhood diarrhea. However, inconsistent phenotypes when found in controls. Factors not considered in present/
among EAEC identied by PCR suggest that adherence assays absent results include host immunopropensity toward acquir-
are an insensitive detection strategy for this set of candidate ing specic pathogens and then becoming ill; microbial
pathogens. density in analyte as has been noted with enteropathogenic E.
SMAC agar was superior to Stx EIA for detecting STEC coli [33]; presence and expression of genes encoding virulence
O157:H7, an often noted discordance [1, 2125], and we agree factors by the putative pathogen in the host; and ambient ora
with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recom- that might alter expression of virulence. For EAEC, however,
mendations that Stx assays should not be used to screen for microbial enumeration is not so straightforward, because the
STEC O157:H7 in lieu of SMAC agar plating [26]. The dening loci are contained on plasmids of variable copy
absence of STEC in the control group is informative; few number, which hinder attempts to determine organism
such analyses have been performed in this country. However, density per mass of stool. However, in this study, the mean
of the 4 case specimens that contained non-O157:H7 STEC, 2 numbers of positive colonies per EAEC-excreting cases (2.4)
also were positive for rotavirus or Salmonella. Interestingly, and controls (2.8) were similar.
stools of patients infected with non-O157:H7 STEC often We are also constrained by our diagnostic reliance on avail-
contain additional diarrheagenic agents [1, 10, 2729], whereas able reagents that target only established pathogens. Agnos-

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STEC O157:H7 is predominantly a solitary pathogen [29, 30]. tic and new technologic approaches to pathogen discovery and
Is C. difcile a bona de cause of childhood ambulatory di- identication are needed to more thoroughly identify causes
arrhea? Our ndings fail to demonstrate more than a trend of diarrhea. One such example to illuminate diarrhea etiology
toward association, and only in children older than 36 months is mass sequencing, which has identied several candidate di-
of age. Nonetheless, each of the 6 case subjects whose stools arrheagenic viruses in childhood stool [3438]. Expanding da-
contained C. difcile cytotoxin but no other enteric pathogens tabases of microbial sequences, developing enumeration tools
reported at least 3 of the following symptoms or signs: visible that are more sophisticated than yes/no presence of organism,
blood or mucus in the stool, fever, or abdominal pain, making and factoring in host response to agent presence/absence will
a plausible case that C. difcile caused their diarrhea. There advance our abilities to conrm or refute virulence. Until
remain insufcient data on which to formulate guidance for these many case-control design and analysis issues can be re-
clinicians regarding treatment of symptomatic children whose solved, it appears that outbreaks will remain the best way to
stools contain C. difcile. This is an important question, as establish pathogenicity of candidate diarrheagenic organisms.
children might well be community reservoirs of this pathogen, Finally, the presence of diarrheagenic viruses, parasites,
including hypervirulent strains, and be even more infectious if EAEC, and C. difcile (including potentially hypervirulent
they have diarrhea. Though we found good correlation strains) in many control stools, sometimes in greater frequen-
between cytotoxicity assay and PCR evidence of C. difcile, cy than in case specimens, raises the possibility that future
the best methods for nding actionable C. difcile in speci- control strategies and modeling efforts might need to account
mens remain elusive [31]. for community reservoirs of these agents [39].
Despite expansion of testing to include agents not sought in In summary, EAEC are statistically associated with diarrhea,
our previous project (EAEC and noroviruses), the causes of but denition of this class of probable pathogens needs rene-
nearly one-third of the cases of diarrhea remained undeter- ment, and optimal detection methodologies are lacking. Some
mined, although it is possible that reliance on EIA technology community-acquired acute childhood diarrhea is probably
for viral agents underenumerated their presence. Moreover, our caused by C. difcile, but we doubt that cytotoxin-producing
data exemplify how difcult it is to attribute microbial pathoge- C. difcile always warrants treatment when found in cases of
nicity in diarrhea. Most strikingly, Giardia and Cryptosporidia acute diarrhea. This case-control study strengthens the case
were more frequently identied in our controls than in our that some non-O157:H7 STEC are pathogenic but again por-
cases, and even STEC O157:H7 was not statistically associated trays the predominance of the O157:H7 serotype in a high-
with case status. The small numbers of positives among cases acuity setting, and the superiority of SMAC agar screening for
no doubt contributed to our inability to ascribe pathogenicity this pathogen. Finally, asymptomatic excretion of C. difcile,
to non-O157:H7 STEC and to noroviruses, and EIAs might Cryptosporidia, and diarrheagenic viruses by community con-
lack detection sensitivity. Also, some candidate pathogens, such trols highlights the need to identify host and microbial factors
as Dientamoeba fragilis, were found in neither group, so our and processes that differentiate asymptomatic carriage from
data cannot inform debate regarding their pathogenicity [32]. pathogenicity and might have implications for transmission.

902 CID 2012:55 (1 October) Denno et al

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