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Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol.

6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

International Journal of
Research in Chemistry and Environment
Available online at: www.ijrce.org

ISSN 2248-9649

Research Paper

A Study onTraditional Knowledge and Medicinal Applications of the Endemic

Herbal Species in the Western Ghats of Shimoga Region, Karnataka, India
Anil Kumar K.M. and *Shivaraju H.P.
Department of Water and Health, Faculty of Life Sciences, JSS University, Mysore-570015, INDIA

(Received 17th February 2016, Accepted 29th February 2016)

Abstract: India is very rich in cultural, ecological climate and consisting of rich soil area and floral diversity with also
possesses a vast livestock wealth. In India, the rural, local and tribal people are still depend upon traditional herbal
remedies for their own as well livestock healthcare. The Western Ghats of Shimoga district consisting of five different forest
types and a variety of plant species which have rich in economic values are distributed and utilized by the local community
for their traditional healthcare management. The present research work reveals the traditional knowledge of the endemic
herbal species, their medicinal applications during local healthcare management and vulnerability of endemic species in the
Western Ghats of Shimoga region. The study showed that more than 301 plant species belonging to 106 families are being
utilized as herbal medicine and among them, about 86 endemic herbal species belonging to 44 families are being consumed
by the local communities during their local medical care for varieties of diseases. Also, the study reveals about the
vulnerability and critically endangered situation of 28 endemic herbal species which are high demand and reported greater
potential towards medicinal values due to over exploration, pollution and habitation loss.

Keywords: Traditional, Endemic species, Shimoga, Western Ghats, Endangered, Medicine.

© 2016 IJRCE. All rights reserved

Introduction Mahammed Rahmatullah has reported that human beings

India is one of the twelve canters of mega diversity areas of using medicinal plants to treat diverse ailments goes back
the world with two biodiversity hotspots such as Western to thousands of years. The rural and tribal people still
Ghats and Eastern Ghats[1]. The Western Ghats mountain depend upon traditional herbal remedies for his own as well
ranges constitute the beautiful array of mountains along the livestock healthcare[6]. Karnataka is one of the important
western coast of India. It separates the Deccan Plateau from areas falling under the Western Ghats track of peninsular
a narrow coastal strip along the Arabian Sea. The mountain India[7]. The Western Ghats of Karnataka has hilly regions
range starts from the southern part of the Tapti River near to support several thousands of medicinal plants and it has
the border area of the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra. also helped to develop traditional knowledge and folklore
The Western Ghats mountain ranges cover a length of of medicine to cure various diseases and ailments[8]. The
around 1600 km running through the states of Maharashtra, plants are used in traditional Chinese, Ayurveda, Siddha,
Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, finally Unani and Tibetan medicines. Ancient literature such as
terminating at Kanyakumari district in the southernmost tip Rigveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda, Charak Samhita and
of the Indian peninsula[2]. The Western Ghat of Shimoga Sushruta Samhita also describe the use of plants for the
region is rich in diverse kinds of vegetation and treatment of various health problems in this region [9,10].
topographical features. These bioregions are highly rich in Shetty has reported that about 135 infraspecific taxa of
flora and fauna and is also considered as one of the 34 flowering plants are endemic to this region and endemic
global hot spots of biodiversity with 4780 plant species species of trees, shrub and herbs are confined only to the
among them 2180 are endemic to this region [3,4]. India is evergreen forests[11]. The forests of Shimoga district consist
rich in cultural, ecological climate, soil rich area and floral of five different types they are southern tropical wet
diversity and also possesses a vast wealth in livestock[5]. evergreen forests, southern tropical semi evergreen climax

Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol. 6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

forests, southern tropical degradation and moist deciduous Sakrebailu were selected and coordinates of sampling
forests, southern tropical dry deciduous forests and cites can be seen in Figure 1.
southern tropical scrub forests. The district comprises of
three forest divisions such as Shimoga, Bhadravathi and
Sagar divisions. The forests of the district, which yield rich
and valuable products, covered an area of 434516 hectares,
nearly 40.27 % of the land in the district. The evergreen
forests 69459 hectares (16%), semi-evergreen 88135
hectares (20.28%), moist deciduous 130612 hectares
(30.06%), dry deciduous 109539 hectares (25.21%) and
scrub forests 24111 hectares (5.55%)[12]. India endeavored
in many natural blessings in terms of ecological, climatic
and soil rich for plant growth. India possesses different
types of climatic conditions and various tracts of tropical
and temperate plains, hills and valleys. These factors are
favorable for the growth of medicinal plants[13].

Material and Methods

Study area
Shimoga district is situated in the heart of the Western Figure 1: Map of the Waster Ghats distributed in the
Ghats region of Karnataka state and it is one of the Shimoga regions and indicating the selected areas:
biodiversity hot spots in India. Shimoga lies between the 1.Brahmeshwara, 2. Karanagiri, 3. Hirale, 4. Soraba, 5.
latitude 130 27’ and 140 39’ N and the longitudes 740 38’ Togarsi, 6. Channashetti koppa, 7. Siddapura, 8.
and 760 04’ E at a mean altitude of 640 meters above the Sigandur, 9. Jayanagar, 10. Chikkajeni, 11.
sea level. The Shimoga district is rich in flora and fauna, Hosanagara, 12. Hebailu, 13. Hulikal ghat, 14.
it is a part of the Malnad region of Karnataka state and is Hunasavalli, 15. Kodur, 16. Gartikere, 17. Huncha, 18.
also known as the gateway to Malnad or Malenaada Shiva pura, 19. Jayapur, 20. Thirthahalli, 21. Agumbe,
Hebbagilu in Kannada. The district receives an average 22. Sakrebailu.
annual rainfall of 2869 mm14. The district is spread over
an area of 8477 sq. kms with a forest area of 2.27 Lakh Identification and other details such as local and scientific
hectares. Kodachadri is the highest point which is 1343 names, availability and distribution areas and other
meters above mean sea level and the lowest is the Nagavalli characteristics was carried out by discussion with the
valley in Sagar taluk. The population of Shimoga is elderly tribal people, local herbal practitioners, botanists,
1752753 with a density of 206 persons per sq.km according forest officers, and available database such as literature
the 2011 census. The important rivers that flow through and the internet. Geological distribution assessment of the
the Shimoga district are Tunga, Bhadra, Thungabhadra, most important endemic plant species in the Western
Sharavati, Kumudvati and Varda. The network of streams Ghats of Shimoga region was carried out by GPS
of each of these rivers, the Tunga and the Bhadra unite to techniques using GPS instruments (Trimble Judotm series).
form the Tunga-Bhadra at Kudali in Shimoga taluk,
14kms from Shimoga [15]. Reddish to brownish clay loam
to lateritic soil occur in the major parts of the district.
Agriculture is the major occupation in this area and
paddy, areca nut, sugarcane, banana, pepper, maize,
ginger and cotton are the main crops. Shimoga district has
the distinction of having the famous Jog Falls, which is
recognized at international level in Sagar taluk.

Survey of traditional knowledge

A systematic survey was carried out in the Western Ghats
of Shimoga region and all preliminary data was collected
in the selected areas of the Western Ghats. About 22
places where most of all the endemic species are expected
to be distributed such as Brahmeshwara, Karanagiri,
Hirale, Soraba, Togarsi, Channashettikoppa, Siddapura,
Sigandur, Jayanagar, Chikkajeni, Hosanagar, Hebailu,
Hulikalghat, Hunasavalli, Kodur, Gartikere, Huncha, Figure 2: Schematic representations of the scientific
Shivapura, Jayapura, Thirthahalli, Agumbe and survey of traditional knowledge & medicinal
application of endemic plant species
Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol. 6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

During the survey, traditional knowledge of endemic plant ailments) were used mainly to treat asthma, piles,
species for medicinal application and local healing leucorrhoea, scabies, joint fracture, memory enhancer,
features was collected through interaction with the local swelling, bronchitis, hair loss. Few endemic species in the
community and herbal practitioners who are located in Western Ghats of Shimoga regions were reported as
and around the study areas. The available hierarchy of potential herbal medicine to cure multipurpose and
economically important herbal species and vulnerability multilevel ailments[18]. Further the vulnerable status of the
level was studied by field survey and available data in the major endemic species were elucidated at different levels
forest department. Each and every visit to the study area, such as Threatened (Spondias pinnata, Caesalpinia bonduc,
habitation and distribution frequency was well studied and Mammea suriga, Garcinia gummi-gutta, Ceropegia
individual species were photographed[16,17]. Schematic attenuate), Extremely threatened (Agave americana,
representation of the scientific survey of traditional Polyalthia fragrans), Endangered (Chrysanthemum
knowledge & medicinal application of the endemic plant coronarium, Meiogyne pannosa), Rarely distributed
species can be seen in Figure 2. (Tabernaemontana coronaria, Hemidesmus indicus,
Arenga wightii, Apama siliquosa, Impatiens balsamina,
Results and Discussion Millingtonia hortensis, Moulluva spicata, Mesua ferrea,
A survey on traditional medicinal values of the major Garcinia mangostana, Poeciloneuron indicum,
endemic plant species and their geological distribution in Calophyllum apetalum), Extremely endangered (Holigarna
the Western Ghats of Shimoga Region, India was carried grahamii, Sageraea laurifolia), Dominantly distributed
out in selected areas. The results obtained during a (Caryota urens, Aristolochia indica, Orophea zeylanica,
systematic survey on traditional knowledge, medicinal Saraca indica, Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebula)
application, systematic taxonomy and vulnerability of and Extinct (Hopea parviflora)[19]. Among the 86 endemic
important plant species are tabulated in Table 1. More than plant species, most of all the herbal species were reported
301 plant species belonging to 106 families were identified as frequently utilized by the local people for local
and reported for their medicinal applications during the healthcare management and also commercial purposes[20].
study. Among them, about 86 plant species were reported
as diverse endemic species belonging to 44 families in the Most of the local people interviewed, expressed their
Western Ghats of Shimoga region. Also, a systematic opinion that the vulnerability of such endemic species was
survey was carried out on the vulnerable status of endemic caused by deforestation, pollution, climate change and over
plant species which were used as the potential herbal exploitation. The study showed that due to the economic,
species to cure a large number of diseases in that region. medicinal and nutritional values of these endemic species,
Among the 86 endemic plant species, about 28 species they are high in demand. The local people as well as herbal
which have unique features for multipurpose application practitioners consumed them a at large scale for
and diversity in nature were reported as under the commercial purposes. The present study showed that
vulnerable condition (Table 1). Among the endemic herbal distribution of the unique and diverse endemic species were
species reported in the study areas dominantly belonged to dominantly found only in eco-regions such as Agumbe,
the families like Apocynaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Sakarebailu and Shivapura due to the diverse nature of soil
Combretaceae, Celastraceae, Fabaceae, Annonaceae, and environmental factors. Few diverse and unique herbal
Clusiaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Lauraceae, Ebenaceae. species such as Diospyros candolleana, Terminalia arjuna,
Caryota urens, Terminalia chebula, Zanthoxylum rhetsa,
The study showed that the local communities like farmers, Artocarpus hirsutus, Careya arborea, Terminalia belerica,
tribal people and villagers in and around the Western Ghats Diospyros melanoxylon, Wrightia tinctoria, Diospyros
along with visitors were using these endemic herbal species montana, Calophyllum apetalum, Caesalpinia bonduc were
for the local healthcare management and cure for more than reported as unique and available only in this region. The
120 diseases. Out of the endemic herbal species identified, major unique and highly diverse herbal species in the
species which belong to Fabaceae family were reported as a Western Ghats of Shimoga regions are shown in Figure 3.
dominant herbal medicinal species and used alone for
treatment of more than 50 diseases like piles, jaundice, The study showed that most of all the endemic species
cancer, asthma, diarrhea, snake bite, leprosy, skin disease, which have unique features of medicinal applications were
bronchitis, hydrocele, paralysis, diabetes and other dominantly distributed in Agumbe, Sagar, Hosanagar and
ailments. Also, species belonging to Euphorbiaceae family Thirthahalli regions and identified as an ecologically rich
were used to cure diseases (above 22 ailments) such as region of the world.
scabies, cough, kidney stone, debility, dental caries, fever,
menorrhagia, skin ulcer, etc. Families like Rutaceae,
Annonaceae, Ebenaceae mainly were used to treat (more
than 20 ailments) stomachache, wound, blood dysentery,
itching, knee pain, peptic ulcer, cancer, etc. Families like
Lauraceae, Rubiaceae, Moraceae, Myrtaceae,
Asclepiadaceae, Anacardiaceae (to treat more than 52
Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol. 6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

Table 1: Details of herbal plant species which are dominantly distributed in the Western Ghats of Shimoga region, vulnerable hierarchy,
traditional knowledge & their medicinal applications

Family name Name of the herbal species

S. No. Scientific names Kannada names / Sanskrith names Part of plant using Traditional Knowledge &
Medicinal Applications
1. Apocynaceae  Tabernaemontana coronaria (Jacq.) Willd.*, ® Maddarasa/Nandyavartam  Roots, Plant gum, Flowers  Eye pain, Skin disease
 Marsdenia raziana Yogan. & Subr.  Unknown  Roots, Leaves and Bark  Gastric ulcers, Stomach pain and Cramps
 Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br.  Maddale/Saptaparna  Bark, Leaves, Flowers  Asthma, Ulcer
 Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz.  Sarpa Gandhi/Sarpagandha  Roots, Bark and Leaves  Mental illness, Nerves disorder
 Ervatamia coronaria (Jacq.) Stapf.  Nandi batlu/Tagara  Flowers, Leaves and Stem  Eye disease, Thorn removal
 Ceropegia fimbriata E.Mey.$  Mangana kodu/  Roots, Cinnamon  Diabetes, Leprosy, Rheumatism,
 Ceropegia candelabrum L. $ Yugmaphallottama  Roots, Leaves Paralysis
 Tylophora indica (Burm. f.) Merr.*  Patala/ Somalata  Leaves, Roots  Cataract, Rabies
 Saraye beru/ Lataksiri  Bronchial asthma, Inflammation,
Bronchitis, Allergies
2. Apiaceae  Polyzygus tuberosus Walp.  Unknown  Cinnamon, Leaves, Roots  Leprosy, Healing wound
 Hydrocotyle asiatica L.  Vandelaga/Manduka parni  Leaves,Whole plant  Blood cleaning, Increasing memory
3. Asclepiadaceae  Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. Ex  Sogade beru/Ananta  Roots and Leaves  Stomach pain, Leprosy
Schult.*,®  Halike/Dugdhi  Roots and Flowers  Memory enhancer
 Ceropegia attenuate.*,#  Yekke/Adithya  Leaves, Flowers, Roots  Wounds, Jaundice, Piles
 Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br. ex Schult.  Uguru suttu balli/ Yugmapalika  Leaves, Root bar, Stem  Liver disorders, Asthma
 Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov.

4. Acanthaceae  Justicia adhatoda L.  Adusoge/Vaasha  Leaves, Roots, Flowers  Asthma, Scabies

 Barleria prionitis L.®  Kurantaka gida/Koranta  Roots, Whole plant  Cough, Piles
5. Anacardiaceae  Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz.*,#  Amate mara/Ambaka  Bark, Leaves  Leucorrhoea, Fever
 Anacardium occidentale L.®  Geru mara/Parvathi  Bark, Leaves, Fruits  Snake bite, Dysentery
 Mangifera indica L  Mavina mara/Chuthaha  Bark, Seeds, Leaves  Heart pain, Cough, Stomach pain
 Semecarpus anacardium L.f.  Gerkai/Agnimuka  Seeds, Bark  Leprosy, Piles, Ulcer
 Odina wodier Roxb.@  Godda,Sinti mara/ Ajasrungi  Leaves, Roots  Jaundice, Hydrocil, Scabies
 Holigarna grahamii (Wight) Kurz.*,×  Dodda holegeru/Singalika  Bark, Leaves, Seeds  Chronic fever, Tiredness, Venereal
6. Araceae  Colocasia antiquorum Schott.@  Kesave/Aluki  Leaves, Tuber  Piles, Blood disorders
 Pistia stratiotes L.®  Antaragange Gida/Jalakumbi  Leaves, Whole plant, Ash  Leprosy, Wound, Food Infection
 Pothos scandens L.  Adikabiluballi/Kshirini  Root, Leaves, Stem  Epilepsy, Asthma, Abscesses
7. Arecaceae  Caryota urens L.*,@  Bhyne/Mada  Roots, Leaves  Skin disease, Diabetes
 Arenga wightii Griff.*,®  Kadu tengu/Ankola  Leaves, Bark, Fruits  Fever, Stomachache
 Calamus nagbettai R.R.Fernald & Dey.#  Baje/Bhadra  Rhizome, Leaves  Illnesses, Induce abortion
 Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb.  Yechalu mara/Kapilaha  Roots, Seeds  Neck pain, Toothache
 Borassus flabelliformis L.  Tali mara/Tanthi  Roots, Buds, Bark  Diabetes, Wounds
 Cocus nucifera L.@  Tengu/Narikela  Coconut Oil, Coconut water,  Fever, Headache
8. Asteraceae  Chrysanthemum coronarium L.*,¥  Hale/Shevantika  Bark, Latex and Flowers  Bronchial asthma, Prameha, Dirty
 Cyathocline lutea law ex Wight  Unknown  Roots and Flowers wounds

Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol. 6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

 Nanothamnus sericeus Thomson  Davala/Saptala  Seeds, Fruits and Leaves  Liver disorders, Kidney stones
 Senecio aureus Georgi  Unknown  Roots and Flowers  Hair tonic, Anti cancer
 Sphaeranthus indicus L.  Bodu kadale/Mahamundi  Leaves, Roots, Flowers  Uterine tonic
 Elephantopus scaber L.  Nelamucchala/Hastipada  Roots, Whole plant  Jaundice, Piles
 Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir.®  Karasi gida/Unknown  Leaves, Flowers  Dysentery, Fever, Hair loss
 Ear pain, Wound, Fever
9. Asparagaceae  Agave Americana L.*,$  Anekattali/Kantala  Plant gel, Leaves  Eye disease, Toothache
10. Aristolochiaceae  Apama siliquosa Lam.*,®  Chakraanika beru/ Kodassari  Root, Leaves  Diarrhoea, Cholera, Ulcers, Snake bite
 Aristolochia indica L.*,@  Yeshwara beru/Aihigandha  Roots, Leaves  Cough, Fever
 Aristolochia bracteolate Lam  Adumuttada gida/Katrapooga  Leaves, Root, Dry leave  Wound, Snake bite
11. Amaranthaceae  Achyranthes aspera L.®  Uttarani/Apamarga  Leaves, Whole plant  Scorpion bite, Piles
 Celosia argentea L.@  Annesoppu/Mithuna  Seeds, Leaves, Stem  Eye disease, Galbladder problems
12. Annonaceae  Orophea uniflora Hook.f & Thomson.#  Unknown  Leaves, Roots  Diarrhoea, Stomachache, Headache
 Annona squamosa L.  Seetapala/Shubha  Leaves, Fruit, Seeds  Wound, Blood dysentery
 Annona macrocarpa Bard. Rodr.®  Laksmana phala/Laksmana phala  Fruits, Seeds, Leaves  Cancer treatement, Ulcer, Bone pain
 Uvaria narum A. DC  Unamini gida/Neelavalli  Root and Leaves  Fever, Biliousness, Jaundice
 Orophea zeylanica J. Hk & Thoms.*,@  Sanna gouri/Unknown  Flowers, Seeds  Fever, Debility, Pimples
 Sageraea laurifolia (Graham) Blatt.*,×  Harikinjali/Tuvaraka  Leaves, Bark, Seeds  Dysentery, Peptic ulcer
 Polyalthia fragrans (Dalzell) Benth &  Habbe sanhesare/ Unknown  Seeds, Bark, Leaves  Itching, Knee pain
Hook. F.*,$  Kudubondo/Unknown  Leaves, Bark and Seeds  Allergy, Menorrhagia, Cough
 Meiogyne pannosa (Dalzell) J.
13. Alangiaceae  Alangium salviifolium (L.f.) Wangerin.®  Ankole mara/Shodanum  Root bar, Leaves, Seeds,  Snake bite, Dog bite, Fever
14. Balsaminaceae  Impatiens talbotii Hook. F.  Unknown  Leaves and Roots  Reduce itching, Headache
 Impatiens balsamina L.*,®  Basavana Paadadagida/ Tairini  Roots, Leaves and Flowers  Cough, Fever
15. Begoniaceae  Begonia canarana Miq.  Unknown  Flowers, Roots  Ulcer, Burns and Toxic sores
16. Bignoniaceae  Oroxylum indicum (L.) Lam.  Anemangu/Khilabipala  Roots, Bark, Leaves  Wound, Arthritis, Stomach ache
 Millingtonia hortensis L.f.*,®  Akasha mallige/Badari  Flowers, Roots, Leaves  Ulcer, Wound, Snakebite
17. Boraginaceae  Cordia myxa L.@  Solle mara/Slweshatakam  Seeds, Root, Leaves, Bark Allergy, Mouth wound and Arthritis
18. Bromeliaceae  Ananassa sativa  Ananus/Bahunetraphala  Fruits, Roots Knee pain, Cancer, Menorrhagia
19. Convolvulaceae  Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.  Genasu/Kalamba  Leaves, Tuber, Roots  Ulcer, Wound, Diabetes
 Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L.@  Vishnukranti gida/Vishnukrantham  Whole plant, Roots  Fever, Stomach ache
20. Capparaceae  Crateva religiosa Forst. F.  Narumbele/Varuna  Cinnamon, Seed, Roots  Ulcer, Acidity
21. Capparidaceae  Gynandropsis pentaphylla (L.) DC.®  Shirikala/Arkapustika  Seeds, Leaves,Whole plant  Piles, Fever, Allergy
22. Cannaceae  Canna indica L.  Kelahoo/Vankeli  Seeds, Flowers Jaundice, Ear pain
23. Caesalpiniaceae  Saraca indica L.*,@  Ashoka mara/Vichitra.  Leaves, Bark, Flowers  Bronchitis, Stomach pain
 Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb.*,#  Gajagada balli/Kuberaksha  Roots, Seeds, Fruit  Diabetes, Skin disease, Piles
 Cassia fistula L.  Kakke/Rajawruksham  Bark, Fruit  Skin infection, Laxative
 Moullava spicata (Dalzell) Nicolson.*,®  Huliuguru balli/ Ghrutakaranja  Roots, Leaves  Pneumonia, Skin diseases, Arthritis
24. Casuarinaceae  Casuarina equisetifolia L.®  Gali mara/Sangaki  Bark, Whole plant  Skin ulcer, Headache
25. Caricaceae  Carica papaya L.  Pappaye/Yeranda karkati  Plant oil, Seeds, Raw fruit,  Allergy, Eye pain
26. Commelinaceae  Commelina indehiscens E. Barnes.#  Vaatapotha mara/Krishna  Leaves, Roots  Burns, Leprosy
27. Costaceae  Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Sm.®  Pushkara moola/Kashmeera  Stems, Leaves  Headache, Scabies, Antidote for Snake
28. Combretaceae  Terminalia arjuna (Roxb. ex DC.) Wight  Matti/Arjunanama  Bark, Stem, Leaves  Snake bite, Eye pain
& Arn.*  Hunalu/Ashwakarna  Flowers, Bark  Cholera, Cataract
 Terminalia paniculata Roth.@  Tare mara/Vibhitaka  Bark, Leaves  Mouth wound, Migrain
Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol. 6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

 Terminalia belirica Wall.*,@  Alale/Abhaya  Fruits, Seeds, Bark  Eye pain, Ulcer, Wound, Fever
 Terminalia chebula Retz.*,@
29. Calophyllaceae  Mesua ferrea L.*,®  Nagasampige/Kesharam  Seeds, Leaves, Roots  Snake bite, Rheumatism, Sores
 Calophyllum inophyllum L.*  Surahonne/Punnagama  Bark, Leaves, Seeds  Hydrocil, Skin disease, Acidity
 Mammea suriga (Buch-Ham. ex Roxb.)  Surige mara/Patala  Bark, Leaves, Seeds,  Scorpion bite, Stomach pain
Kosterm.*,# Flowers
30. Clusiaceae  Garcinia mangostana L.*,®  Uppage/Kanakustha  Roots, Leaves  Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Ulcer
 Poeciloneuron indicum Bedd.*,®  Balagi/Golika  Bark, Leaves  Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Cholera
 Garcinia indica (Thouars.) Choisy.®  Kokam/Amlapura  Roots, Bark, Fruits  Piles, Stomach pain
 Calophyllum apetalum Willd.*,®  Holi hone/Nag champa  Leaves, Bark, Seeds  Labour pain, General debility
 Garcinia gummi-gutta (L.) Roxb.*,#  Upagi mara/Vrikshamla  Leaves, Flowers, Seed  Cough, Laxativ, Weekness
31. Cucurbitaceae  Cephalandra indica (Wight & Arn.)  Tonde balli/Kadana  Leaves, Raw fruit  Mouth wound, Cough, Diabetes, Sores
Naudin.  Akasha garuda balli/Kadamba  Root, Leaves  Snake bite, Diarrhoea
 Corallocarpus epigaeus (Rottler)  Kadapavate balli/Agumani  Tendrils, Roots, Leaves  Hyper acidity, Wound, Diarrhoea
 Mukia maderaspatana (L.) M.Roem.*
32. Cycadaceae  Cycas circinalis L.*  Goddeechalu/Hintalah  Bark, Seeds  Sores and Swellings
33. Celastraceae  Celastrus paniculatus Willd.*  Gangunde kaayi/Vega  Leaf, Seed, Plant gum  Wound, Fever and Amenorrhoea
 Lophopetalum wightianum Arn.*  Bannata/Jhangri  Bark,Leaves  Vomiting and Stomach pain
 Euonymus angulatus Wight.*  Unknown  Fruit, leaves and Seeds  Cold, Headache, General body aches,
 Salacia malabarica Gamble.£  Gandu beerana gida/ Alamoola  Bark, Leaves and Leaves pruritus
 Appetizer enlarged spleen
34. Dipterocarpaceae  Vateria indica L.*  Dhoopa/Ajakarna  Bark, Roots and Leaves  Piles, Diarrhoea and Ear bleeding
 Hopea ponga (Dennst.) Mabb.*  Higa/ Pongal  Root, Leaves  Fever, Piles and Snake bite
 Dipterocarpus indicus Bedd.*  Dooma/Tindukah  Leaves, Bark  Skin disease, Cough, Debility
 Hopea Jacobi C.E.C.Fisch  Unknown  Leaves and Seeds  Aenimic, Jaundice
 Hopea parviflora Bedd.*,£  Kiralu jogi/ Unknown  Bark, Leaves and Stem  Piles, Malaria
35. Droseraceae  Drosera indica L.$  Hula Hidaka/ latarka  Whole plant  Sore nose
36. Erythroxylaceae  Erythroxylun monogynum.¥  Devadaru/Pitadaru  Whole plant, Bark, Plant  To increase sperm count, Bone pain
37. Ebenaceae  Diospyros Montana Roxb.*  Balagani/Tumala  Bark, Leaves  Jaundice, Uterine and kidney stone
 Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb.*  Tumri/Jalaja  Bark, Leaves and Fruits  Malaria, Diarrhoea and labour pain
 Diospyros candolleana Wight.*  Kare/Nila-vriksha  Flowers, Bark  Skin disease, Swetting and pimples
 Diospyros paniculata Delzell.*  Karimara/Tinduka  Fruits, Leaves, Bark  Ulcer, Gonorrhea, Biliousness and Blood
 Diospyros angustifolia Audib. ex  Kari/Nripavhaya  Fruits, Leaves, Seeds poisoning
Spach.*  Karugariatumara/ Dirghapatraka  Seeds, Fruits, Leaves  Healing wound, Hair tonic
 Diospyros chloroxylon Roxb.*  Holitupare/Thimbiri  Bark, Leaves  Epilepsy, Renal problems
 Diospyros malabarica (Desr.) Kostel.*  Fever, Bood diseases, Gonorrhoea and
38. Elaeocarpaceae  Elaeocarpus munroii Mast.*  Nari bikki/Rudraksah  Fruits and Leaves  Epileptic fits, Brain disorder, Cephalagia
39. Euphorbiaceae  Dalechampia stenoloba Raghavan &  Unknown  Flowers and Leaves  Cough, Stress
B.G.P.Kulk.#  Salle mara/Uddala  Root, Leaves  Cough,Scabies
 Aporosa lindleyana (Wight.) Baill.@  Bettada nelli mara/Dhatri  Leaves, Fruits  Eye pain, Jaundice, Cough
 Phyllanthus emblica L.  Adaluharalu/Anukula  Seeds, Leaves, Bark  Skin disease, Ulcer, Wounds
 Jatropha curcas L.  Jadekalli/Snuhi  Roots, Rhizome  Scabies, Skin ulcers
 Euphorbia antiquorum L.  Mara genasu/Tarukandha  Roots, Leaves  Cancer, Kidney stone
 Manihot esculenta Crantz.@  Kempu huli/Aruni  Whole plant, Root, Leaves  Tonsillitis, Menorrhagia, Diabetes and
 Breynia rhamnoides Mull. Arg.  Turachi balli/Kanchura  Root, Whole plant Dental caries

Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol. 6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

 Tragia involucrata L.  Kaali kudari/Unknown  Bark, Leaves  Fever, Stomachache, Scabies

 Margaritaria indica (Dalz.) Airy Shaw.*  Debility, Herpes, Boils and Burns
40. Flacourtiaceae  Flacourtia Montana Graham.*  Hannu sampige/Unknown  Fruits, Leaves  Jaundice, Gastropathy
 Hydnocarpus pentandrua (Buch-Ham.)  Sulti/Garudaphala  Leaves, Stem  Leprosy, Boils and Burns
Oken.*  Simbala mara/Saptchakra  Fruits, Leaves  Scorpion string, Thorn removal
 Casearia rubescens Dalzell.*
41. Fabaceae  Erythrina indica Lam.*  Haluvana/Kantaki  Bark, Flowers  Leucorrhoea and Male impotency
 Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.*  Baage/Bandhi  Bark, Flowers, Leaves  Cough,Eye disease, Stomachache
 Crotalaria sandoorensis Gamble.®  Nela baevu/Unknown  Roots and Leaves  Skin disease, Hydrocil
 Cynometra travancorica Bedd.¥  Unknown  Leaves and Flowers  Bronchitis, Neuralgia
 Cynometra beddomei Prain.¥  Unknown  Roots and Stem  Paralysis, Piles
 Cynometra bourdillonii Gamble.#  Unknown  Bark and Leaves  Asthma, Fever
 Eleiotis trifoliolata T. Cooke.#  Unknown  Rootbar, Rhizome  Diabetes, Hyper acidity
 Flemingia gracilis (Mukerjee) Ali.#  Unknown  Leaves and Flowers  Rheumatic disorder
 Saraca asoca (Roxb.) Willd.@  Ashokadamara/Ashoka  Leaves, Bark  Skin sisease, Dropsy
 Pterocarpus santalinus L. F.  Rakthachandana/Kuchandana  Bark, Whole plant  Piles, Skin disease
 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre.@  Honge mara/Karanja  Seeds, Leaves, Roots  Skin disease, Allergy
 Butea frondosa Roxb  Muttugalu mara/Palasha  Bark, Flowers, Seeds  Diarrhoea, Fever
 Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.®  Beete mara/Shishapa  Bark, Leaves  Leprosy, Obesity, Dyspepsia
 Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw.®  Ratnagangi/Angaraha  Leaves, Flowers, Seeds,  Galbladder problem, Mouth wound
 Acasia arabica  Karijali/Badari Bark  Asthma, Toothache
 Sesbania aegyptiaca Poir  Arishina geenagimara/Doonchi  Bark, Seeds  Fever, Headache
 Phanera variegata (L.) Benth  Mandarada gida/Kuddala  Leaves, Flowers, Ripen  Fever, Diarrhoea, Memory enhancer
 Tamarindus indica L.  Hunase mara/Amla wruksah Fruit  Asthma, Constipation, Dysentery
 Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp  Gobbarada gida/Madre  Bark, Roots  Burning sensation, Allergy, Ulcer
 Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers.@  Agase mara/Booka  Seeds, Fruits, Leaves  Eye disease, Fever, Scabies
 Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn  Yedatari/Veerawruksham  Leaves, Flowers  Cough,Leprosy, Eye disorder
 Indigofera tinctoria Mill  Olle neeli/Vajra neeli  Flowers, Roots  Diarrhoea, Piles
 Senna sophera (L.) Roxb  Kasamardavu/ Granthi  Bark, Leaves, Root  Urinary disorder, Skin disease
 Senna tora (L.) Roxb.*  Tagache/Taga  Root, Leaves, Blue tuber  Fever, Swellings, Healing wound
 Senna occidentalis (L.) Link  Dodda tagache/Kasamarda  Cinnamon, Leaves, Bark  Dysentery, Cough, Stomachache
 Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC  Nasagunni/Atmagupta  Flowers, Leaves, Seeds  Snakebite, Parkinson's disease
 Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers  Vajrada neeli gida/Shimbiphala  Root, Leves, Seeds  Toothache, Leprosy
 Acacia concinna (Wild.) DC.®  Sege kai/Shrivalli  Seeds, Dried leaves  Jaundice, Skin diseases
 Roots, Whole plant, Leaves
 Seeds, Leaves
42. Gramineae  Hubbardia heptaneuron Bor.£  Unknown  Leaves, Flowers and Roots  Memory enhancer, Fever
43. Gentianaceae  Canscora decussate (Roxb.) Schult &  Shankha pushpa/ Akshapida  Root bark, Leaves, Rhizome  Liver injury, Blood purifier in Syphilis
44. Hypoxidaceae  Curculigo orchioides Gaertn  Nelatale/Bhoomitala  Roots, Tuber  Dropsy, Hydrocil
45. Icacinaceae  Nothapodytes nimmoniana (J.Graham)  Durvasane/Latarka  Leaves, Fruits, Seeds  Scabies, Itching, Dysentery
46. Isoetaceae  Isoetes sampathkumarnii L.N. Rao.£  Unknown  Whole plant  Spleen and Liver disease
47. Lamiaceae  Tectona Grandis L.f.  Sagvani/Thykapila  Flowers, Seeds, Leaves  Kidney stone, Allergy
 Ocimum sanctum L.  Tulasi/Bharathi  Leaves, Roots  Cough, Mouthwound, Fever
 Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaerth.@  Vishama dhari /Kundali  Leaves, Whole plant, Roots  Diarrhoea, Scorpion bite
48. Laminaceae  Ocimum basilicum L.®  Kamakasturi/Manjarica  Leaves, Seeds  Swelling of tonsils, Kidney stone
 Coleus amboinicus Lour  Sambar sappu/Makanda  Leaves, Whole plant  Wounds, Dyspepsia

Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol. 6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

49. Lauraceae  Machilus macrantha Nees.*  Gulimavu/ Picchilataru  Bark, Leaf  Asthma, Ulcer and Wound
 Cinnamomum travancoricum Gamble.*  Dodda sampige/Kanjua  Bark, Leaves  Wounds, Fever, Intestinal worms
 Cinnamomum wightii Meisn.¥  Adavilavanga/Tejpatra  Flower bud  Stress, Nerves disorder
 Persea macrantha. (Nees.) Kosterm.*  Chittu thandri/  Bark and Leaves  Asthma, Fever
 Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume Picchilataru  Bark,Leaves  Toothache, Wound
 Alseodaphne semecarpifolia Nees  Dalchinni/Nalada  Leaves, Bark and Flowers  Dysentery, Bone fracture
 Persea americana Mill  Mase mara/Sehunda  Wound, Leaves  Cancer, Allergy
 Cassytha filiformis L.  Benne hannu/Barbara  Whole plant, Leaves  Gonorrhoea, Kidney ailments
 Beilschmiedia wightii (Nees.) Benth. ex  Aakasha balli/Akasavalli  Leaves, Flowers, Roots  Cardiac disease, Ulcer
J. Hk.*  Kamatti/Unknown  Leaves, Tuber, Roots  Diaphoretic skin, Diabetes, Dysentery
 Actinodaphne hookeri Meisn.*  Tudagenasu/Kucandanah
50. Lecythidaceae  Careya arborea Roxb.*  Kavalu mara/Kalindi  Roots, Flowers  Cough, Piles and Joundice
 Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaertn.*  Kempu kanagina/Abbiphala  Bark, Leaves, Roots  Malarial fever, Skin disease, Influenza
 Barringtonia recemosa (L.) Spreng.®  Samudra phala/Samudrapalum  Roots, Seeds  Pit disease, Fiver, Cough
51. Loganiaceae  Strychnos nux-vomica L.®  Kasarka/Karskara  Leaves, Bark, Seeds  Leprosy, Digestion problem
 Strychnos potatorum L.f.  Calibeeja/Khataka  Bark, Seed, Leaves  Gonorrhea, Leukorrhea
52. Linaceae  Hugonia belli Sedgw.#  Bila/Kodivirai  Leaves, Flowers  Skin disease, Fever
 Linum usitatissimum L.  Atasi gida/Atasi  Seed, Plant oils, Leaves  Dysentery, Cholesterol, Constipation
53. Liliaceae  Asparagus racemosus Willd  Satawari/Bahuputra  Roots, Leaves and Stem  Diarrhoea, Piles
54. Lythraceae  Punica granatum L.  Dalimbe mara/Karaka  Flowers, Buds  Headache, Mouth wound
 Lawsonia alba Lam.  Madarangi/Kuravaka  Leaves, Cinnamon  Joundice, Scabies
 Rotala malampuzhensis R.V.Nair.*  Unknown  Flowers, Leaves  Influenza, Leprosy
55. Magnoliaceae  Michelia champaca L.  Sampige mara/kusuma  Root, Leaves, Seeds  Allergy, Botulism, Boils and Burns
56. Martyniaceae  Hatha Jodi.®  Huli uguru gida/Kakanasa  Flowers, Leaves  Jaundice, Ulcer
57. Malvaceae  Bombax malabaricum DC.*  Kempu boorugada mara/Poorani  Stem, Seeds, Bark, Roots  Piles, Scabies
 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.  Dasavala/Japapushpa  Flowers, Leaves, Roots  Laziness, Kidney stone
 Sterculia foetida L.  Penari/Viktadiram  Cinnamon, Leaves, Seeds  Urinary disorder, Diarrhoea
 Pterospermum reticulatum Wight &  Kesala/Unknown  Stem and Leaves  Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Ulcer
Arn.*  Vishakhaddi/Bala  Roots, Leaves  Joint pain, Snake bite
 Sida carpinifolia L.f.@
58. Myrtaceae  Eugenia jambolana Lam.*  Nayi Neralu/Jambam  Root, Dry seed  Fever, Cardiac diseases
 Syzygium laetum (Buch.-Ham.) Gandhi.*  Kanu Panneralu/ Shriisanjnan  Root Bark, Fruits  Sore throats, Thrush, Dysentery
 Syzygium travancoricum Gamble.¥  Jeeva hale/Jivanti  Leaves, Seeds  Weekness, Constipation
 Eugenia jambos L.  Jambu nerale/Jambu  Leaves, Fruits  Joint pain, Fever, Ring worm
 Eugenia uniflora L.  Cherry/Sudhamuli  Leaves, Fruit  Cold, Stomach pain
 Eucalyptus globulus labill  Nilgiri/Nilaniryasa  Leaves and Cinnamon  Headache and Herpes
 Psidium guava Griseb.®  Perale/Perala  Bark, Leaves  Jaundice, Dysentery
59. Myristicaceae  Myristica malabarica Lam.*  Kanagi/Asana  Seeds, Leaves  Fever, Cough
 Myristica dactyloides Gaertn.*  Gidda rampatre/Jyotismati  Seeds, Leaves  Ulcer, Sores, Bronchitis, Rheumatism
 Knema attenuate Warb.*  Hedamangala/Unknown  Seeds, Leaves, Bark  Cataracts, Migraine, Thorn removal
60. Myrsinaceae  Embelia ribes Burm.f.  Vayuvilanga/Chitra  Roots, Fruits and Leaves  Heart disease, Jaundice
61. Moraceae  Ficus asperrima Roxb.*  Garagatti/Shakataka  Fruit, Leaves, Bark  Skin disease, Sweating
 Artocarpus hirsutus Lam.*  Hebbalasu/Panasa  Bark, Leaves, Fruits  Diarrhoea, Skin disease, Pustule
 Ficus benghalensis L.®  Alada mara/Manavruksha  Bark, Leaves, Plant milk  Eye pain, Diabetes
 Ficus religiosa L.  Arali mara/Pippalam  Root, Leaves, Raw fruit  Fever, Cough, Stomachache
 Ficus racemosa L.  Atti mara/Udumra  Roots, Bark, Plant gel  Diarrhoea, Diabetes
 Ficus carica L.  Anjeera/Manjula  Roots, Leaves, Fruit  Cold, Fever
 Ficus elastica Roxb.ex Hornem  Rubber mara/Lapitana  Roots, Bark  Wounds, Allergy
 Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb.  Vate huli/Panasum  Leaves, Seeds  Bone fracture, Fever
Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol. 6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

 Ficus nervosa B. Heyne ex Roth.*  Neeratti/Udumbara  Leaves, Bark, Fruits  Fever, Hemorrhoids Respiratory,
Urinary diseases
62. Moringaceae  Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn.  Nuggemara/Sanamaka  Wetroots, Leaves, Stem,  Fever, Nerves disorder and Dog bite
Plant gel
63. Musaceae  Ensete superbum (Roxb.) Cheesman.*  Kadubale/Dasha  Fruits, Leaves  Burning sensation, Kidney stone
 Musa paradisiacal L.  Bale gida/Kadali  Fruit, Roots, Leaves  Kidney stone, Urinary bladder,
64. Menispermaceae  Coscinium fenestratum (Goetgh.)  Arasina balli/ Darvi  Root, Leaves  Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulence
Colebr.*  Amrutaballi/Guluchi  Leaves, Whole plant  Joundice, Diabetes, Fever
 Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers.®
65. Melastomataceae  Medinilla beddomei C.B. Clarke.®  Unknown/Adulsa  Bark, Leaves, Rhizome  Leprosy, Blood dysentery
 Memecylon terminale Dalzell.®  Unknown/Unknown  Rhizome, Leaves, Bark  Hair tonic, Healing wound
66. Mimosaceae  Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taub  Jambe/Simasapa  Bark, Leaves and Stem  Leprosy, Diabetes and Fever
67. Meliaceae  Azadirachta indica A. Juss  Bevina mara/Ravipriya  Bark, Leaves, Seeds  Leprosy, Fever, Diarrhoea
 Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq.  Mahagoni/Chowkamba  Bark, Leaves  Malaria, Fever
 Aglaia elaeagnoidea (A.Juss.) Benth.*  Nyavala/Gandaprimgu  Root, Stem, Leaves  Labour pain, General debility
68. Muntingiaceae  Muntingia calabura L.  Gasagase hannina mara/  Leaves, Fruits  Diabetes, Leprosy, Burning sensation
69. Nyctaginaceae  Mirabilis jalapa L.*  Vibhuthi gida/Sandyaraga  Leaves, Root  Abscesses, Inflammation, Cough
 Boerhavia diffusa L.@  Sanadika/Punarnava  Roots, Leaves  Eye disease, Piles, Mouth wound
70. Orchidaceae  Eria albiflora Rolfe.#  Unknown  Leaves, Flowers  Fever, Skin disease
 Trias stocksii Benth. Ex Hook.f.®  Unknown  Rootbar, Leaves  Hyperacidity, Dysentery
71. Orobanchaceae  Rhamphicarpa longiflora Benth.*  Tutari/Unknown  Flowers, Leaves  Deodorant, Typhoid
72. Oxalidaceae  Averrhoa carambola L.  Bimbali hannu/Karambola  Fruit, Bark, Leaves  Kidny stone, Fever, Scorpion sting
 Oxalis corniculata L.  Neeru goli/Changeri  Leaves, Palnt oil  Wound, Cough
73. Oleaceae  Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L.  Parijatha/Malika  Seeds, Flowers, Leaves  Fever, Skin disease, Piles
 Jasminum angustifolium (L.) Willd  Kadumallige/Priya  Roots, Leaves  Stomach pain, Cough
74. Pandanaceae  Pandanus fascicularis Lam.  Kedige/Ketaki  Leaves, Roots  Joint pain, Laxative
75. Papavaeraceae  Argemone Mexicana L.  Datturi/Finila  Leaves, Seeds, Flower  Skin disease, Influenza
76. Passifloraceae  Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) W.J.de Wilde.#  Kemmuchandu hannina balli/Vidari  Root, Fruit  Snake bite therapy
77. Periplocaceae  Utleria salicifolia Bedd. ex Hook.f.¥  Unknown/Kshirini  Rhizomes, Perennial  Ulcer, Dysentery
 Janakia arayalpathra J. Joseph &  Unknown  Fresh leaves  Pyorrhoea, Stomatitis and bad breath
78. Pedaliaceae  Pedalium murex L.  Aneneggilu/Gajadastry  Root, Whole plant, Leaves  Leucorrhoea, Piles, Fever
79. Phyllanthaceae  Phyllanthus talbotii Sedgw.$  Kadu hoge soppu/Amalakke  Whole plant  Cough, Fever and Stress
 Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels.®  Rajanelli/Lavani  Leaves, Roots  Asthma, Skin disease, body pain
 Phyllanthus niruri L.  Nela nelli/Bhumyamalaki  Whole plant, Buds  Jaundice, Kidney stone
 Bischofia javanica Blume.*  Neela  Fruits, Leaves, Seeds  Illness, Fever, Rabies
80. Piperaceae  Piper barberi Gamble.×  Unknown/Kava kava  Leaves, Roots  Pale stools, Dark urine
 Piper longum L.  Hippali/Pippali  Fruits, Leaves  Fever, Asthma, Cold
 Piper nigrum L.  Menasina balli/Maricham  Seeds, Leaves  Paralysis, Diarrhoea
 Piper betle L.  Viledele/Kalaskanda  Leaves, Rootbar  Headache, Joint pain
81. Plumbaginaceae  Plumbago rosea L.  Chitramula/Agni  Roots, Leaves  Leprosy, Toothache
82. Portulacaceae  Portulaca quadrifida L.®  Bacchale soppu/Lonica  Leaves, Whole plant  Snake bite, Sores, Diarrhoea,
83. Proteaceae  Grevillea robusta A.Cunn. ex R.Br.  Silver oak/Bhodhi  Flowers, Fruits, Seeds,  Heart pain, Skin disease
84. Poaceae  Bambusa arundinacea Willd.  Bidiru/Thejana  Leaves, Bark, Stem  Cough, Allergy
 Eragrostis cynosuroides (Retz) P.Beauv.  Darbehullu/Kusha  Roots, Grass  Diarrhoea, Itching, Nervous

Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol. 6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

 Andropogon schoenanthus L.  Nese/Takratuni  Leaves, Rootbar, Rhizome  Cough,Throat pain, Herpes wounds
 Saccharum officinarum L.  Kabbu/Sarkara  Stem, Leaves  Jaundice, Cough
 Oryza sativa L.  Batta/Tandula  Rice, Layer rice  Stomach cancer, Indigestion
 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.  Garike hullu/Doorva  Stem, Leaves  Blood dysentery, Fever
85. Rhamnaceae  Ziziphus jujube Mill  Boore mara/Badari  Cinnamon, Seeds, Fruit  Piles, Weakness, Dysentery
86. Rosaceae  Rosa centifolia Lour.  Gulabi/Sumana  Flowers,Leaves  Asthma, Neck pain, Fever
 Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb.  Badami/Vatada  Bark, Seeds, Leaves  Burning sensation, Arthritis
 Rubus fockei Gandhi.®  Unknown/Madhavi latha  Whole plant  Hemorrhoids and Cystitis
87. Rutaceae  Zanthoxylum rhetsa DC.*  Jummana mara/Tejaswini  Fruit, Leaves, Seeds  Asthma, Heart attack, Cholera
 Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa  Bilwa patre/Bilwa  Fruit, Roots, Leaves  Diabetes, Cough, Fever
 Citrus medica L.  Gajanimbe/Matulanga  Fruit, Leaves  Diarrhoea, Headache, Vomiting
 Ruta graveolens L.  Nagadali/Somalatha  Roots and Leaves  Snake bite and Scorpion sting
 Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck  Nimbe/Jambeeram  Leaves, Roots, Fruit  Skin disease, Itching
 Feronia elephantum Correa  Beladamara/Kapistha  Roots, Leaves, Fruit, Bark  Diarrhoea, Blood dysentery
 Murraya koenigil (L.) Spreng  Karibevu/Krishnapatra  Leaves, Roots, Fruit  Blood dysentery, Dysentery
 Toddalia aculeate (Sm.) Pers  Kadumenasu/Kanja  Roots, Leaves  Fever, Joint pain, Malarial fever
 Citrus aurantium L.  Kittale mara/Naramgum  Fruits, Plant layer  Nerves disorder, Jaundice
88. Rubiaceae  Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb.) Miq.*  Kadamba/Priyakam  Roots, Fruits, Leaves, Bark  Wounds, Ulcers, Swelling, Menstual pail
 Ochreinauclea missionis (Wall. ex  Anavu/Vilanga  Flowers, Bark and Leaves  Scabies, Bronchitis
G.Don) Ridsdale.×  Unknown/Sarpakshi  Roots and Leaves  Memory enhancer, Skin disease
 Ophiorrhiza brunonis Wight & Arn.£  Siragutti balli/Samanga  Leaves, Stem  Joint fracture and Hair loss
 Rubia cordifolia L.  Coffee/Mlechapalum  Seeds, Leaves  Asthma, Digestion problem
 Coffea Arabica L.  Kisgara/Pathaki  Roots, Leaves  Menstrual pain, Leucorrhoea
 Ixora coccinea L.  Pavate/Kakachedi  Root, Leaves  Piles, Scabies, Bronchities
 Pavetta indica  Maddi/Ashyka  Root, Stem, Seeds  Asthma, Dysentery, Fever
 Morinda citrifolia L.*  Hesarani/Prasarani  Leaves, Flowers  Cough, Cold
 Paederia foetida L.®  Unknown  Bark, Leaves  Asthma, Fever
 Neanotis prainiana (Talbot.)
89. Sapotaceae  Mimusops elengi L.*  Renjalu,Bakula/Bakulam  Bark, Seeds, Flowers  Allergy, Fever, Arthritis
 Madhuca longifolia (J.Koenig ex L.)  Hippe mara/Madhuka  Flowers, Bark  Piles, Ulcer
J.F.Macbr  Ippe/Madhukam  Bark, Flowers, Seeds  Piles, Hydrocil and Dog bite
Bassia latifolia Roxb.
90. Sapindaceae  Litchi chinensis Sonn.  Leeche/Alichika  Fruits, Leaves  Hair loss, Skin disease
 Nephelium lappaceum L.  Rambutan/Bilwa  Fruits, Leaves and Root  Diabetes, Blood pressure
 Sapindus trifoliatus L.  Antavala/Fhinila  Raw fruit, Seeds  Leprosy, Wounds
 Harpullia arborea (Blanco.) Radl.*  Bidasale/Unknown  Fruits, Leaves  Diabetes, Hyper acidity
91. Santalaceae  Santalum album L.  Sreegandha/Dahasini  Plant bark, Sandal oil  Cough, Fever
92. Salvadoraceae  Salvadora persica L.  Goni mara/Gudapala  Bark, Leaves, Rhizome  Arthritis, Asthma, Fever
93. Staphyleaceae  Turpinia malabarica Gamble.®  Unknown/Mahadronah  Bark, Stem  Skin disease, Menorrhagia
94. Scrophulariaceae  Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst.  Brahmi/Gundala  Roots, Leaves  Diarrhoea, Fever
95. Simaroubaceae  Ailanthus triphysa (Dennst..) Alston.*  Maddi doopa/Madala  Bark, Leaves, Flowers  Snake bite, Skin eruptions, Insect bite
96. Solanaceae  Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad. & H.  Kantakari/Vyapthi  Root, Whole plant  Whitlow, Cough, Asthma and chest pain
Wendl  Kakamunchi/Agnidamini  Leaves, Fruit, Root  Asthma, Cold, Cough
 Solanum trilobatum L.
97. Sterculiaceae  Heritiera papilio Bedd.®  Unknown  Bark, Leaves, Stem  Leprosy, Aenimic
 Helicteres isora L.  Balamuri/Avartani  Leaves, Flowers and Stem  Cough, Toothache
98. Symplocaceae  Symplocos racemosa Roxb.*  Lodha/Tilva  Stem, Bark, Flower  Diarrhoea, Fever, Eye disorders

Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol. 6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

99. Thymelaeaceae  Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.  Agaru/Aguru  Bark, Resinous stem,  Skin disorders, Chronic ulcers and
Resinous wood Wounds
100. Tiliaceae  Grewia tiliaefolia L.*  Tadasalu/Dhavana  Bark, Leaves  Stomach pain, Skin disease
101. Ulmaceae  Aphananthe cuspidate (Blume) Planch.*  Narubhutala/ Durgandha  Bark, Leaves, Fruits  Itching, Ear bleeding, Migrain
102. Verbenaceae  Gmelina arborea Roxb.  Shivane/Gandhari  Roots, Bark, Leaves  Cough, Fever, Headache
 Lantana camara L.  Kasuti huvina gida/Chaturangi  Leaves, Roots,Bark  Asthma, Joint pain
103. Violaceae  Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F.Muell.  Purusharatna soppu/Purusharatnam  Root, Fruit  Urinary affections, Bowel complaints,
Scorpion sting
104. Xanthorrhoeaceae  Aletris littoralis J. Koenig ex Steud.  Lolesara/Kanya  Leaves, Whole part  Piles, Eye disease
 Aloe barbadensis Mill.  Kattali/Kumari  Whole plant  Joint pain, Diabetes
105. Zygophyllaceae  Balanites roxburghil Planch.*  Ingula/Inguda  Bark, Fruit seed, Leaves  Jaundice, Cough, Snake bite
106. Zingiberaceae  Kaempferia galangal L.  Kacchoor/Sugandavacha  Whole plant  Stomachache, Diarrhoea,
 Paracautleya bhatii R.M.Sm.$  Unknown/Haridra  Bark, Leaves, Flowers  Leprosy, Cough

Shivaraju and Anil Kumar Int. J. Res. Chem. Environ. Vol. 6 Issue 2 (1-13) April 2016

Figure 3: Highly diverse and unique endemic herbal species in the Western Ghats of Shimoga region: (a) diospyros
candolleana, (b) terminalia arjuna, (c) caryota urens, (d) terminalia chebula, (e) zanthoxylum rhetsa, (f) artocarpus
hirsutus, (g) careya arborea, (h) terminalia belerica, (i) diospyros melonaxylon, (j) wrightia tinctoria, (k) diospyros
montana, (l) calophyllum apetalum, (m) caesalpinia bonduc, (n) anthocephalus cadamba

Commonly recorded and distributed endemic plant species the endemic herbal species. The authors would also like to
in the selected areas were Arenga wightii, Barringtonia thank SARA trust for helping collection and preservation of
acutangula, Syzygium laetum, Ensete superba, Symplocos herbal plants during the survey.
racemosa, Morinda citrifolia, Bischofia javanica,
Dipterocarpus indicus, Aglaia elaegnoidea, Elaeocarpus References
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