Hassles Scale

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Hassles Scale

Check each hassle that you are currently experiencing and circle the degree of severity using the following scale:
1 = Somewhat severe 2 = Moderately severe 3 = Extremely severe

1) Misplacing or losing things 1 2 3 53) Fear of confrontation 1 2 3

2) Troublesome neighbors 1 2 3 54) Not enough money for health care 1 2 3
3) Social obligations 1 2 3 55) Feeling lonely 1 2 3
4) Inconsiderate smokers 1 2 3 56) Concerns about accidents 1 2 3
5) Troubling thoughts about your future 1 2 3 57) Concerns about getting a loan/credit 1 2 3
6) Thoughts about death 1 2 3 58) Having to wait in lines 1 2 3
7) Health of a family member 1 2 3 59) Too much time on your hands 1 2 3
8) Not enough money for clothing 1 2 3 60) Unexpected company 1 2 3
9) Not enough money for housing 1 2 3 61) Too many interruptions 1 2 3
10) Concerns about owing money 1 2 3 62) Not enough money for food 1 2 3
11) Concerns about money for emergencies 1 2 3 63) No enough money for necessities 1 2 3
12) Someone owes you money 1 2 3 64) Dislike coworkers 1 2 3
13) Financial responsibility for someone 65) Dislike current work duties 1 2 3
who doesnt live with you 1 2 3 66) Laid-off or out of work 1 2 3
14) Conserving electricity, water, etc. 1 2 3 67) Concerns about retirement 1 2 3
15) Smoking too much 1 2 3 68) Care for pets 1 2 3
16) Use of alcohol 1 2 3 69) Concerns about job security 1 2 3
17) Personal use of drugs 1 2 3 70) Housekeeping responsibilities 1 2 3
18) Too many responsibilities 1 2 3 71) Trouble making decisions 1 2 3
19) Decisions about having children 1 2 3 72) Difficult customers/clients 1 2 3
20) Non-family members living with you 1 2 3 73) Physical appearance 1 2 3
21) Planning meals 1 2 3 74) Difficulties getting pregnant 1 2 3
22) Concerns about the meaning of life 1 2 3 75) Concerns about health in general 1 2 3
23) Trouble relaxing 1 2 3 76) Social isolation 1 2 3
24) Problems getting along with coworkers 1 2 3 77) Preparing meals 1 2 3
25) Concerns about medical treatment 1 2 3 78) Auto maintenance 1 2 3
26) Fear of rejection 1 2 3 79) Neighborhood deterioration 1 2 3
27) Sexual problems due to physical causes 1 2 3 80) Declining physical abilities 1 2 3
28) Sexual problems other than physical 1 2 3 81) Concerns about bodily functions 1 2 3
29) Friends or relatives too far away 1 2 3 82) Not getting enough rest 1 2 3
30) Wasting time 1 2 3 83) Problems with aging parents 1 2 3
31) Filling out forms 1 2 3 84) Problems with your lover 1 2 3
32) Financing childrens education 1 2 3 85) Difficulties seeing or hearing 1 2 3
33) Gender bias/harassment at work 1 2 3 86) Too many things to do 1 2 3
34) Being exploited 1 2 3 87) General job dissatisfaction 1 2 3
35) Rising prices of common goods 1 2 3 88) Worry about changing jobs 1 2 3
36) Not getting enough sleep 1 2 3 89) Too many meetings 1 2 3
37) Problems with your children 1 2 3 90) Problems with divorce/separation 1 2 3
38) Problems with younger people 1 2 3 91) Gossip 1 2 3
39) Problems with older people 1 2 3 92) Concerns about weight 1 2 3
40) Unchallenging work 1 2 3 93) Watching too much television 1 2 3
41) Concerns about meeting high standards 1 2 3 94) Concerns about inner conflicts 1 2 3
42) Financial dealing with friends 1 2 3 95) Feeling conflicted about what to do 1 2 3
43) Trouble reading, writing, or spelling 1 2 3 96) Regrets over past decisions 1 2 3
44) Trouble with math 1 2 3 97) Menstrual problems 1 2 3
45) Legal problems 1 2 3 98) The weather 1 2 3
46) Not enough time to get things done 1 2 3 99) Nightmares 1 2 3
47) Not enough energy 1 2 3 100) Concerns about getting ahead 1 2 3
48) Side effects of medication 1 2 3 101) Hassles from boss/supervisor 1 2 3
49) Physical illness 1 2 3 102) Difficulties with friends 1 2 3
50) Inability to express yourself 1 2 3 103) Overload of family responsibilities 1 2 3
51) Silly practical mistakes 1 2 3 104) Problems with employees 1 2 3
52) Financial security 1 2 3 105) Not enough time for family 1 2 3
106) Transportation problems 1 2 3 117) Crime 1 2 3
107) Not enough money for transportation 1 2 3 118) Traffic 1 2 3
108) Not enough money for recreation 1 2 3 119) Pollution 1 2 3
109) Shopping responsibilities 1 2 3
110) Prejudice/discrimination from others 1 2 3 Have we missed any of your current hassles?
111) Property, investments, or taxes 1 2 3 If so, write them below:
112) Not enough time for recreation 1 2 3
113) Home maintenance (inside) 1 2 3 120) ______________________________ 1 2 3
114) Yard work/outside maintenance 1 2 3 121) ______________________________ 1 2 3
115) Concerns about current events 1 2 3 122) ______________________________ 1 2 3
116) Noise 1 2 3

Has there been a recent change in your life that affected how you answered this scale? What?

Total Number of Hassles _____________ Total Severity Points ________________

Typically, at any point in time, most individuals will endorse 25-30 hassles. If you have more
than that number, you are experiencing more than the average stress from the small, frustrating
events of daily life and are at greater risk for stress-related illness.

If your severity points are more than two times greater than the number of hassles, you may need
to consider seeking help to moderate your response to small frustrations.

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