The Transportation Sector: Energy and Infrastructure Use
The Transportation Sector: Energy and Infrastructure Use
The Transportation Sector: Energy and Infrastructure Use
This chapter discusses several developments in the use of energy and
infrastructure for transportation, and reviews strategies that have been used to
reduce oil use and better manage the existing infrastructure. Key points in this
chapter are:
• Recent increases in the price of oil and the external costs of oil have led
to renewed interest by markets and governments in the development of
new alternatives. Government can play a role in ensuring that external
costs are taken into account by markets, but ultimately markets are best
suited to decide how to respond.
• Cars and light trucks are the largest users of petroleum. As a result, the
fuel economy of the vehicles purchased and the number of miles that
they are driven have a large effect on oil consumption.
• Congestion is a growing problem in American urban areas. Cities and states
have shown a growing interest in and capacity for setting prices for road
use during peak periods to reduce the full economic costs of congestion.
Chapter 6 | 127
When high oil prices are sustained, as has been the case recently, the market
shows renewed interest in investing in new technologies for developing alter-
natives to oil and improving vehicle fuel economy. Such research and
development investments tend to recede when oil prices fall. During the
period of high oil prices in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the private sector
invested billions of dollars in energy research and development before the
price of oil declined. A recent study finds that private investment in alterna-
tive fuel technologies again has increased in response to higher oil prices,
doubling between 2004 and 2006, constituting 10 percent of the total invest-
ment in energy. Because of the transportation sector’s delayed response to oil
prices, these increases are likely to continue for some time.
The lack of alternatives to oil also means that sudden major oil supply
changes—such as when oil production in an entire region is unexpectedly
shut down—can lead to large and sudden price increases in the months
following the shock. Since oil trades in a global market, the impact on the
economy from such shocks does not depend on how much we import, only
on how much we consume, and our consumption has been growing. The
market has adapted to this threat by investing in more energy-efficient modes
of production, investing in alternative energy sources, and increasing holdings
of private oil inventories.
Chapter 6 | 129
Ethanol, an alternative fuel, is currently used as an additive in gasoline to
increase octane and help gasoline burn more completely, reducing emissions
of carbon monoxide and other pollutants. In many states and metropolitan
areas, gasoline sold at the pump contains between 2 and 10 percent ethanol,
depending on State requirements. Using such alternatives to oil can reduce
the environmental costs of transportation as well as the national security
consequences of oil use. To further encourage alternative fuel use, a provision
in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) known as the Renewable Fuel
Standard requires a certain quantity of renewable fuel to be used by gasoline
producers each year. In 2006, producers were obligated to use 4 billion
gallons per year; this obligation will gradually increase to 7.5 billion gallons
in 2012 (Americans consumed about 140 billion gallons of motor gasoline in
2006). One of the strengths of this policy is that it does not choose which
renewable fuel to promote, but allows the standard to be met with any renew-
able fuel that accomplishes the goal of reducing oil use. However, it does not
extend to oil alternatives beyond renewable fuels, such as electric cars or
hydrogen fuel cells. The Renewable Fuel Standard also allows imports to
satisfy the standard, allowing U.S. consumers to take advantage of cheaper
production of renewable fuels in other countries, although this is impeded by
an import tariff on such fuels.
A more significant regulatory change has been applied to diesel fuel.
Starting in 2006, diesel fuel sold in the United States is required to have
a sulfur content of no more than 15 parts per million (ppm), down from
500 ppm in the previous standard. This reduction results in the most strin-
gent diesel fuel standard in the world and enables U.S. consumers to purchase
vehicles with engines that meet clean air requirements using clean diesel fuel.
Diesel engines are between 20 and 25 percent more fuel efficient than compa-
rable gasoline engines (even accounting for the fact that a gallon of diesel
contains more energy than a gallon of gasoline). EPAct 2005 also grants tax
credits to buyers of diesel cars that meet stringent emission standards.
Chapter 6 | 131
Ongoing research explores a wide variety of vehicle fuel technologies such
as electricity, hydrogen fuel cells, and biofuels. Significant technological
barriers exist that prevent the development of these as commercially viable
alternatives. For instance, the wide-scale deployment of hydrogen fuel cells—
devices that combine hydrogen with oxygen in the atmosphere to yield
electricity—will depend on reductions in expense and weight as well as on the
development of clean, cost-effective sources of hydrogen.
Private markets tend to underinvest in innovation of all kinds because
inventors only capture a fraction of the benefits from discovery.
Underinvestment is particularly likely for basic scientific research where
the application to the marketplace may not be evident at early stages.
Underinvestment is also likely when the results of research mainly reduce the
external costs of consumption (such as national security and environmental
costs associated with oil) instead of directly benefiting consumers. In
response, the President’s Advanced Energy Initiative proposed an increase in
annual funding for alternative energy research of 22 percent for fiscal year
2007, adding to the $10 billion of government spending devoted to such
research since 2001.
Several studies find that Federal research and development (R&D) invest-
ment in energy has yielded sizeable societal benefits, not only in economic
terms, but also in terms of knowledge creation and pollution reduction. Still,
the government’s ability to predict which technologies will best meet a given
goal is questionable, so the most effective government policies allow the
market to choose the path of innovation.
Chapter 6 | 133
unique. Many U.S. cities, such as Phoenix and Los Angeles, are spread out
over a large area, making it difficult to design mass transit corridors that
effectively meet the commuting needs of travelers. Public transportation also
has difficulty competing with the flexibility and convenience of car travel in
these types of cities. In the entire United States, 5 percent of commuters rely
on public transportation.
One way many urban areas try to encourage carpooling is through the
designation of high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. This method rewards
carpooling by allowing vehicles with two or more passengers to travel in lanes
not open to vehicles with only one person in them. In this way, HOV drivers
can reduce travel time when roads are congested. Unfortunately, HOV lanes
are often underutilized and the popularity of carpooling is not increasing. In
2000, 90 percent of American commuters drove to work each day, but of
these drivers only about 13 percent carpooled, down from almost 20 percent
in 1980. This trend makes it unlikely that initiatives focused on carpooling
will make large strides in reducing vehicle fuel use.
Chapter 6 | 135
Box 6-1: The President’s New Energy Initiatives
Chapter 6 | 137
commuting patterns have also spread congestion to more roads. The traditional
suburb-to-city commute has diminished in importance: As of 2000, half of all
commuters drove to jobs in the suburbs, while only 20 percent drove to jobs
in central cities.
Congestion is defined as the marked slowing of traffic as a roadway reaches
capacity. Congestion in the United States manifests itself primarily as a bottle-
neck on a roadway (see Chart 6-5). A bottleneck is a hindrance to vehicle
movement because it involves delays at key intersections, backed-up traffic, or
narrow or obstructed sections of a roadway. Unexpected events such as acci-
dents or other traffic incidents also cause congestion on crowded roadways.
Together, they are responsible for 65 percent of all congestion.
It is important to note that roadways are not congested at all hours of the
day. For instance, on one particular roadway in the Seattle area, a trip that
occurs prior to 6 a.m. or after 10 p.m. takes about 10 minutes (see Chart 6-6).
That same trip takes about 30 percent longer at 8 a.m. and almost twice as
long at 6 p.m. due to slowing traffic. This general trend appears in many U.S.
cities and suggests that it is the timing of vehicle miles traveled more than
their growth that is at the root of the congestion problem.
Chapter 6 | 139
for instance, space on a ski lift, or attendants at the Department of Motor
Vehicles—those willing to get in line and wait eventually receive what they
want. This approach to road-use management is inefficient because it allo-
cates road space to those with the time to wait in traffic, not necessarily to
those who value its use most highly.
If a roadway is priced—that is, if drivers have to pay a fee to access a partic-
ular road—then congestion can be avoided by adjusting the price up or down
at different times of day to reflect changes in demand for its use. Road space
is allocated to drivers who most highly value a reliable and unimpaired
commute. This arrangement encourages drivers to consider the tradeoff
between the price of using the road and the additional time and inconven-
ience of using a nonpriced, alternate route, or driving at a noncongested time.
Drivers who place a high value on the predictability and reduced time of
commuting, for instance, a doctor who has been called to the hospital for an
emergency, have the option to pay for access to noncongested roads. Drivers
with more time flexibility, for instance a person doing his or her grocery shop-
ping, can avoid the road and the fee. They can use alternative but more
congested roads, shift when they drive to nonpeak hours, or use mass transit
when it provides a cheaper alternative to driving. The average cost to each
driver falls because drivers have a choice in how they pay for roadway use, in
time or in money.
Chapter 6 | 141
Pricing Road Space
There is reason to believe that reductions in traffic congestion would be
relatively easy to attain. Small changes in the number of cars using a partic-
ular roadway at a given time can result in large improvements in the flow of
traffic. For instance, the addition of just a few school buses makes traffic flow
noticeably worse on the first day of school, while traffic flow is noticeably
better on some State holidays when only a small number of residents stay
home from work.
Congestion pricing dampens demand for roads during peak hours and
spreads usage over a longer time period. Differentiating the price of a good by
the time of day effectively allocates limited space during periods of higher
demand. This approach is used by many providers of goods and services:
movie theaters charge more in the evening than they do midday; ski runs
charge more during weekends than they do on weekdays; airlines raise prices
on tickets during peak seasons; taxi cabs charge more during rush hour; and
railroads often charge lower prices for offpeak traveling.
In addition to improved allocation of road space, charging a fee also
provides urban planners with useful information about when and where to
invest in the expansion of existing road capacity. Expansion should be focused
on roads where drivers demonstrate a willingness to pay that is higher than
the costs of construction. Revenues from roadway pricing may also prove a
viable alternative to taxes as a way to fund the building of new roads in urban
areas. As is the case in other markets, those who use the roadway would pay
for its maintenance and expansion.
In general, there are two ways to price road space to address congestion:
cordon pricing and roadway pricing. Cordon pricing charges a toll to vehicles
for access to a congested area regardless of which roads in the area are used. It
is typically in effect during the work week and varies by time of day. Cordon
pricing has been implemented in a number of cities including London,
Stockholm, and Singapore. While cordon pricing has been considered for
several cities in the United States, it has not yet been implemented here. It is
likely to be less effective in cities that are less dense, do not have adequate
public transportation systems, and have multiple areas of centralized
economic activity (such as Phoenix or Los Angeles).
Evidence suggests that cordon pricing fees have been effective in reducing
congestion where they have been tried. After the first year that cordon pricing
was imposed in London, for instance, congestion fell by 30 percent, average
vehicle speed increased by 20 percent, and bus travel became more reliable
(see Box 6-2). One important mechanism for reducing congestion appears to
be the ability to substitute some form of public transportation for driving.
Chapter 6 | 143
20 percent ($1.00) during nonpeak hours. Results of a small survey indicate
that about 7 percent of drivers changed their behavior as a result of these vari-
able tolls. The most common changes were to switch to mass transit, carpool,
or to increase offpeak driving.
Recently, the Department of Transportation helped fund a small pilot
project in Seattle to examine how drivers would respond if the entire road
system in the city were subject to a variable tolling system. Where and when
participants drove was automatically tracked and transmitted by a device
installed in their car. Participants received prepaid accounts between $600
and $3,000 to pay the tolls. At the end of the pilot, they were allowed to keep
whatever they did not spend. Tolls ranged from 5 to 50 cents per mile
and varied by road and time of day. Preliminary results show that nearly
80 percent of participants decreased the amount they drove or changed when
they drove. On average, participants took 5 percent fewer trips by automobile
and drove 2.5 percent fewer miles each weekday due to tolls. Participants took
10 percent fewer trips and drove 4 percent fewer miles during the morning
Currently, there are about six U.S. highways that use high-occupancy toll
(HOT) lanes, many of which incorporate variable pricing and were piloted
using Federal funds. HOT lanes are variations of the high-occupancy vehicle
(HOV) lanes discussed earlier in the chapter, but they have greater potential to
reduce congestion since they are less likely to be underutilized. Similar to
HOV lanes, they allow carpoolers to use the road for free or at a discount but
charge a toll to single occupancy drivers for access. The toll frequently varies
by time of day. Some tolls set variable prices based on historical highway use
and adjust rates monthly or quarterly. Other tolls use real-time information on
congestion conditions to adjust tolls dynamically over the course of the day. In
locations where HOV lanes are underutilized, conversion to HOT lanes is
suggested as a way to increase use and to provide more choice to drivers. For
instance, in San Diego, conversion of HOV lanes to HOT lanes on a portion
of Interstate 15 increased usage by 64 percent over a 3-year period. Several
studies confirm that there are substantial gains in societal welfare from
allowing solo drivers to pay for access to existing HOV lanes. Others caution,
however, that when only one HOV lane is converted to a variable toll and
other lanes are free of charge, any temporary decrease in congestion on the
remaining free lanes may be offset by the redistribution of traffic.
The use of real-time or historically based variable tolling on HOT lanes may
have a significant effect on traffic flow. For instance, San Diego’s variable toll
uses real-time pricing, which changes every 6 minutes to reflect the amount of
traffic on the road. Computerized electronic signs make information on the
toll amount and the speed and flow of traffic available to drivers before they
have to decide between the free and priced lanes. Results show that travel times
Chapter 6 | 145
participate in pilot demonstrations of variable tolling. States such as Texas and
Colorado have passed laws allowing the formation of toll authorities at local
levels that can then construct and operate toll roads. States such as
Washington, California, Florida, and Minnesota have identified candidate
freeways for variable tolling.
Chapter 6 | 147