Blue Bike Girl BOY Green Tree Bird: Free at Last! Bingo
Blue Bike Girl BOY Green Tree Bird: Free at Last! Bingo
Blue Bike Girl BOY Green Tree Bird: Free at Last! Bingo
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191_ttm_ar_WEB_179_ttm_ar_materialcomplementario 02/05/16 15:58 Page 2
E) Read the story again. What does the house look like on the inside? Make a sketch and name its parts.
Key: A) Suggested answers: 1) Strange things that happen to a boy while staying alone in his house; B) Suggested answers: 1) Because he is staying alone for
the first time, 2) Because he is very young, 3) Dan was about to lose control as soon as he saw all the post-it notes clattered up in the kitchen, 4) At first, he
was very happy, then he began to feel nervous and scared, 5) He was taken by a stranger; C) 1) Parts of the house: foyer, corridor, pantry, stairs, dining-room,
bathroom, guest room, living room. Furniture: fridge, rug, closet, coffee table, coat rack, counter, light switch, cupboards, blinds, armchair.