Final Siddha Dossier 03072012

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that Siddha medicine originated from ancient Tamil communities and focuses on concepts like use of herbs, metals, minerals, food and yoga. Priority research areas mentioned include validation of techniques like varmam and validating metals and minerals conversion processes.

The essential components of Siddha medicine represented on the cover page include use of old manuscripts, raw drugs of herbal origin, metals and minerals, food as medicine, diagnostic principles and yogic practices.

Some fundamental concepts discussed in Siddha medicine include concepts of health and disease, food and drugs classification like kuzhampam, concept of uyir.

A Dossier

Theme of the cover page
It represents the essential components of Siddha i.e..old
Manuscripts, Usage of raw drugs of Herbal origin, Usage
of Metals and Minerals, Food as Medicine, Diagnostic
principles and Yogic Practices.

Table of Contents

Introduction and Origin 8

History and Development 10

Infrastructure, National and Global Scenario 17

Fundamental Concepts 23

Concept of Health and Disease 31

Food and Drugs

Concept of Uavu 53

Therapeutic Approaches 59

Research and Development 67

Govt. of India, Dept. of AYUSH
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Red Cross Building, New Delhi - 110001.
Tel: 011 - 23715564; Telefax: 011 - 23327660.
e-mail: [email protected]

India is known for its diverse culture, dialect, community and region specific customs.
Along with these, it would be fitting if we add one more category also i.e., Traditional Medi-
cal Systems. The very purpose of creation of AYUSH department under MoH&FW itself im-
plies the above fact. Siddha System of Medicine evolved by the Siddhars, who were known
for their attainment of supernatural Siddhis occupies a significant historical background in
the establishment of Indigenous medical systems in India. Being originated from the ancient
Tamil community, it is still confined to the Southern part of India, that too largely in the states
of Tamilnadu, Kerala and union territory of Puducherry. Outside India also Siddha treatment
has got a welcome sign and sought after in certain countries like Srilanka, Singapore and
Malaysia, which have got a reasonable fragment of Tamil inheritance. However, in spite of
its antiquity the glory of Siddha medicine is yet to be explored at its best on scientific lines.
Nowadays more emphasis is being given for scientific validation of many such traditional
claims of Siddha, which would take forward this system of medicine in a better way. Now to
fulfill this aim, Central Council for Research in Siddha has been established to have a focused
research mandate on the therapeutic benefits of Siddha medicines. Such initiatives by the
Govt. of India should reach both the target beneficiaries and scientific community as well,
which is possible only through this kind of Dossiers.
My longtime wish of having such dossiers for AYUSH systems has now taken a better
shape and hopefully the Stakeholders, Scientific Organizations, Institutions etc., would get a
refined view of our rich heritage through this window. Indeed, appreciable efforts have been
put forth by the team, who has worked on this document, which really needs my special men-
tion and compliments here.


Date: [Anil Kumar]

Director In-charge
Central Council for Research in Siddha
Dept. of AYUSH
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Red Cross Building, New Delhi - 110001.
Tel: 011 - 23327669.
e-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Indigenous systems of medicine have a great impact over the Indian population since
ages. One among the oldest medical systems, Siddha is known for its antiquity and divine in-
stigation from Lord Siva, Goddess Parvathi and there on to other Siddhars of Tamil land. The
system, which was once catering the ailing humanity at large by its own traditional means,
suffered losing significance due to various invasions and cultural alterations by several means,
reasons well known to the medieval scholars and historians. However the knowledge dis-
semination was still continuing through Guru Sishya mode of education, again a privileged
system practiced in Our Nation. This kept the system alive despite the obstacles and suppres-
sions and now evolved in a more systematic manner. The intelligent portion of the Siddha
system is the inscription of its literatures in the Palm leaves and Cudjan leaves manuscripts,
which ran through generations and even protected within the Hindu temple structures. This
is evidenced from the fact that Tamilnadu is the hub of good old Lord Siva temples, which
remain steadfast beyond centuries. Thus having a long history as old as the Tamil language,
Siddha is serving the society at its level best. Dept. of AYUSH has taken good initiatives to
uphold the spirit of Siddha system by improving both the research aspect through the estab-
lishment of CCRS [Central Council for Research in Siddha] and medical service to the public
through NRHM [National Rural Health Mission] by posting many Siddha Physicians in the
rural parts of Tamilnadu and Puducherry U.T.
This dossier about Siddha system is prepared in such a way that, it provides the infor-
mation in a comprehensive means by giving a better exposure to those interested to know
more about Siddha. The chapters dealt in various heads reveal the specialties and strengths
of Siddha, which still has got enormous scope to be adapted even in this hi-tech era by ra-
tional usage. Hope strongly that the sheer purpose of making this dossier would fetch the
desired result of taking forward Siddha ahead of many steps.
Congratulations are due to those, who have played a pivotal role in the creation of this


Date: [P.K.Jha]
Internal Committee

Dr. S. Jega Jothi Pandian, Asst. Director I/c, SCRI, Chennai.

Dr. A. Suresh, Asst. Director I/c, SMPG, Mettur.

Dr. K. Gopakumar, Asst. Director I/c, SRRI, Thiruvananthapuram.

Dr. P. Sathiyarajeswaran, Research Officer, SCRI, Chennai.

Dr. A. Rajendra Kumar, Research Officer, CCRS Hqrs. New Delhi

External Experts Panel

Dr. T. Anandan, Former Asst. Director, SCRI, Chennai.

Dr. S. Rajalakshmi, Former Asst. Director, SRRI, Puducherry.

Dr. R.S. Ramaswamy, Professor, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai.

Dr. S.K. Sasi, Lecturer, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai.

Dr. G. Sivaraman, Member, ASUDTAB & SPC, Chennai.

Dr. M.V. Mahadevan, Lecturer, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai.

Support Team

Dr. S. Selvarajan, Research Officer, CCRS Hqrs. New Delhi.

Dr. G. Senthilvel, Research Officer, CCRS Hqrs. New Delhi.

Dr. M. Kannan, Research Officer, SCRI, Chennai.

Dr. M. Padma Sorna Subramanian, Research Officer [Botany], SMPG, Mettur.

Dr. S. Natarajan, Senior Research Fellow, SCRI, Chennai.

Shri D. Radhakrishna Reddy, Lab Technician, SCRI, Chennai.

8 Siddha System of Medicine

Origin of Siddha

Mankind in his evolution has up- as an authorized medical system.
dated him in each and every field, The Siddha system of medi-
created his own technology to sat- cine originated from the South-
isfy his needs from time immemo- ern part of India is one the tra-
rial. He crossed many ages from ditional medical systems in the
the Stone Age to present Nano era. world and deals with physical,
He started inventing Fire, Food and psychological, social and spiri-
later he got himself healed with tual well-being of an individual.
the wealth surrounding him in the The roots of this system are in-
day today living which emerged tertwined with the culture of an-
as a specific medical system for cient Tamil civilization. The sys-
a specific Geographical area. tem aims in attaining Eternal bliss
In Indian subcontinent Sid- and to defeat mortality. However
dha medicine has its strong roots in to attain this one should pos-
coherent with Indias culture, tradi- sess enough physical and men-
tion and heritage. Having a Dravid- tal strength. Thus Siddha system
ian origin it suits most to the people emerged as a holistic / complete
living in the Indian subcontinent. medical system in on these lines.
Even though the linguistic bar- This system of medicine

rier rebounded Siddha within a was popular in ancient India.

particular region is catering the The Siddha system of medi-
needs of the people. Govt. of In- cine is believed to be one of Akattiyar is believed to be
dia and World Health Organiza- the most ancient traditional the father of Siddha Medicine.
tion has accepted Siddha system medical systems. This ancient

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 9

system was basically developed by 18 spiritual leges, run under the government universities where
saints with supernatural divine powers belong- Siddha medicine is taught by a systematic academic
ing to the Southern part of India called as Siddhars curriculum. According to the Siddha medicine sys-
According to the experts, there were 18 princi- tem, diet and life style play a major role not only in
pal Siddhars. Akattiyar is believed to be the Father health but also in curing diseases. This concept of
of Siddha medicine. Siddhars were of the concept the Siddha medicine is termed as Pattiyam and Ap-
that a healthy soul can only be developed through a attiyam, which is essentially a list of dos and donts.
healthy body. So they developed methods and med- Most of the practicing Siddha medical
ication that are believed to strengthen their physi- practitioners are traditionally trained and usu-
cal body and thereby their souls too. They practiced ally run through many generations preferably and
intense yogic practices, including years of fasting also by different Gurus (teachers). When the guru
and meditation and believed to have achieved su- is also a martial arts teacher, he is also known
per natural powers and gained the supreme wisdom as an c. Most of the time these cs also
and overall immortality. Through this spiritually at- teach Varmam to these physicians. However
tained supreme knowledge, they wrote countless today there are more thaneight educational in-
scriptures on all aspects of life, from arts to science stitutions for teaching Siddha in U.G / P.G level
and truth of life to miracle cure for diseases. The teaching Siddha including a National Institute.
Siddhars recorded their impeccable knowledge in They make a diagnosis after a patients
palm leaves / cudjan leaves manuscripts and good visit and sets about to refer their manuscripts for
number of copies of which are still found well pre- the appropriate remedies which a true blue phy-
served in different parts of South India by both Govt. sician compounds himself or herself from thou-
organizations and private too. Despite this it is als sands of herbal and herbo-mineral resources.
believed that some families may possess more frag- The methodology of Siddha thought helped de-
ments, but keep them solely for their own use.From cipher many causes of disorders and the for-
these manuscripts only the Siddha system of medi- mulation of curious remedies which may
cine evolved into a part of Indian medical science. sometimes have more than 250 ingredients.
Today there are recognized Siddha medical col-

Siddha medicine means medi- conditions, diet, physical activities, and

cine that is perfect. Siddha medicine is stress. Under normal conditions, the ra-
claimed to revitalize and rejuvenate dys- tio between these three humors (Vtam,
functional organs that cause the disease Aal and Aiyam) is 4:2:1, respectively.
and to maintain the ratio of Vai(Vtam)
Aal (Pittam) and Aiyam (Kapam). It is
assumed that when the normal equilib-
rium of three humorsVaI, Aal and Ai-
yamis disturbed, disease is caused. The
factors, which assumed to affect this
equilibrium, are environment, climatic

Dept. of AYUSH
10 Siddha System of Medicine

The different cultural traditions in the world had profounded their medi-
cal system to cater the needs of their society suitably like, Greek, China, Arabs and In-
dia. In India we had two distinct cultures one is Vedic and the other one is Tantric.

Submerged Lemuria Continent

Cave Inscriptions on Siddha

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 11

The sages of south India, who practised Than- above terms which are not found any-
thrism contributed and established a Medical system where in the Samhitas and Vedas.
to serve the humanity in general and their own soci- It is indisputable truth that the rich
ety in particular. Those sages were called as Siddhars Tamil heritage, the culture and the medi-
and the medical system profounded by them is called cal system have got greater antiquity.
as Siddha system of medicine. Though the creation
of this system is ascribed to Lord civa the creator of
the universe, the sage Akattiyar is considered as father
figure of this medical system. He is also considered
to be the father figure to the Tamil language and cul- Siddha medicine has a background of my-
ture. Even today Lord civa is named as Vaittsvara, thology and geneology. The term Citti can be
Maruntsvarar which literally means God of Treat- traced in the very earlier epicIrmyaam where
ment and God of Medicine respectively in Tamil. the heroic brothers stayed in Cittsramam.The
Tamil is one of the oldest languages in the literary mention of Jains also supports the pres-
world, which has got greater antiquity. It was nur- ents of Siddhas and they equate them with the
tured and developed in different point of times by Heavenly souls. They were divided as Tant-
three Tamil academies (Tami Cakam) of which the ric saints, Alchemical Siddhas, and Siddha Yogi.
First (Tami Cakam) dates back 3000 BC. The old- The Alchemical Siddhas are called as Vta
est Tamil book Tolkppiyam is also considered to be Vaittiyarkain the later periods (After 15 centuries
written in 3000 BC. As RSH Risely rightly puts Dec- AD). The Yogis are called as Gnana Siddhas and
can itself is one of the ancient geological forma- Tantric Siddhas are Siddha Vaidyas. These evidenc-
tions in the world and the great Tamil scholar K.A. es trace back the antiquity of up to Tholkappiayam
Appadurai states that the culture of the Tamils is and other Tamil literatures which were from 3000 BC.
the cradle of civilization. The Kaaiccakam (third The first profounder of the system lord Siva
Tamil academy) was established in the 2000 BC. has transmitted the science to Uma Devi.She in
The books like Tirukkua and others are the turn passed it on to Nandi Deva. He has taught
monumental evidences to evince their antiquity. The Sage Akattiyar and Akattiyar inturn to Pulathi-
philosophy and the medicine are like two sides of the yar, Bogar, Theraiyar and others of Pothigai Hills.
coin. The great philosophers like Aristotle, Galen were There are so many theories to explain the
the great philosophers and also physicians. The Sid- Origin of Siddha Science and its antiquity.Ac-
dhars were also the great philosophers and physicians. cording to Lemurian Continental origin theory
Some of the treatises in Tamil have been named in the Based on the literary work It is believed that the
names of medicine like Tirikaukam (Three pungent) and Kumari-k-kandam was lost in the Indian Ocean.
lti (Cardomom), though there is no relevancy with Mediterranean Origin theory explains
the medicine. When all the other system cites 3 humors that Dravidians belong to Mediterranean
Vatha, Pittha and Kapha Siddha in its antiquity as repre- stock and due to Aryan invasion moved to-
sented Vtam, Pittam, Kapam as VaI, Aal and Aiyam. wards south. South Indian Origin theory evinc-
Both Tolkppiyar and Vauvar used es that Tamil Nadu is the homeland of Tamils.

Dept. of AYUSH
12 Siddha System of Medicine

Tiruvutuai inscription of Vikra-
Archaeological Evidences ma Ca dating back to 121 A.D.
refers to Medical school. Prin-
There are very few monumental evi- cess Kuntavai Ncciyar estab-
dences available to know the his- lished a free dispensary in the
tory. There are evidences to prove name of her father Cuntara Ca.
that Pallava ruler Nantivarma do-
nated a village Kumramaka
Vellu to Physician.

Chidambaram temple inscription of

13th century gives a list of grants to
Vaittiyar (Physician), Jatyambashtha,
Barber, surgeon & Mid-wives.
Literary treasures Monumental evidences Period
Jain literatures, Irmyaam, Sethubridge,Poompuhar 3000 BC
Tolkppiyam,Cilappatikram Reminiscence and back.
Akanu, Puanu,
civakam Karuvurar statue and Bra- Before 3000
hadeeswarar temple BC

lti,Tirikaukam Mention Palani bhogars statue of 3000 BC

about Lord Murugan in Lord murugan


King Shahji 1684 1712 A.D Con- The Tavantiri Mahl Research
structed a hospital & employed phy- was practiced in a tantra system
sicians from Hyderabad & Arabia. like Siddha, Unani & Ayurveda

King Serfoji Took interest in the

preservation & propagation of In-
digenous medicines. He published
Carapntira Vaittiya Muaika

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 13

In 1919 the Madras Makjaa Ca- Systematizing the existing indigenous
pai wrote to Govt. about the im- medical help.
portance of Indigenous medicines
Funds allotted to up-keep of librar-
Sound Vernacular indigenous medical ies consisting of books relating to
education to the children of this country. Ayurvedic, Unani &Akattiyar traditional
Afford cheap and good medi-
cal help to the public.


Notes on drugs & compounds used in eases treated at the Govt. Hos-
these medicines should be investigat- pital should be maintained.
ed thoroughly. Summary of the notes on
medicines should be discussed in detail. Report on analysis of drugs
should be maintained.
The composition & methods of prep-
aration should be standardized.

Statement showing the dis-


Established the Govt. school of Indian In 1914 - AIM (Associate in Indian
Medicine in Madras in 1925 to teach Medicine) Constituted a Central Board
Ayurveda, Siddha & Unani. of Indian Medicine to act as recom-
mending authority to the Govt. for reg-
Establish provincial rural dispensaries, istration & supervision of pharmacies &
Municipal & District board dispensaries. teaching institutions.

Established in 1926, a Govt Hospital Established a college of Indian Medi-

of Indian Medicines attached to the cine in 1947.
Gave sanction for starting a Research
Instituted a Post-Graduate course Institute in 1947.
in 1930 in Indian Medicine for the
graduates of Western Medicines Sanctioned Village Vaidya Scheme in
F.I.M. - Fellow of Indian Medicine

ALIM - Associated Licentiate in In-

dian Medicine

Dept. of AYUSH
14 Siddha System of Medicine


The Government Indian Medical School was formed by Dr. G. Srini-
vasamurthi as its first Principal and 120 students were admitted per year. In 1933
L.I.M. course was extended from 4 years to 5 years. The final year was devoted for
special clinical training. In 1940 Sir Mohammed Usman Committee was appointed
for the improvement of the curriculum.



Mrs. A. Rukmani Laksh- - uniform standards, training

mipathi - Minister of Public for P.G. and research facilities.
Health Department the medi-
cal school was up graded to Metha Committee - the Uni-
college of Indian Medicine. versity of Madras approved
an Indian Medicine college
In 1948, Col. R. N. Chopra com- at Palayamkottai in 1964.
mittee- recommended for a
scientific methods in the devel- The Indian Medical Practitio-
opment of indigenous system. ners Co-Operative Pharmacy
and Stores (IMCOPS) were
In 1955, Shri Dayashankar Trikanji established in 1945 at Ma-
Dave a committee recommended dras-Mfg & Analysis of Drugs.


ATSVS was created in 1937 at Muncirai, a village which belonged to Neyya-

tinkara taluk of the ex-South Travancore before becoming part of Tamil Nadu.
1. It was founded by Netiyananda Samikal with the aim to develop Siddha.
2. This is clearly expressed in a letter by the Director of Ayurveda, Travancore,

dated 8th February 1939, in which he informs the Chief Secretary to Finally, on the
vast land belonging to ATSVS, a small school was established to teach Siddha to chil-
dren capable to read and write, and then, to hereditary and traditional practitioners.
3. After two-year courses, the practitioners got the Certificate of Siddha Prac-
titioner. This certificate was recognized since 1947 by the State of Travancore-Co-
chin, but the merger of this area with the State of Madras resulted in the lost of
this recognition due to the regulations applied by the Tamil Nadu Government.

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 15


At the end of the nineteenth century, the British Another milestone in the field of indigenous
colony, the then Ceylon, had a system of Indigenous medical system was the enactment of Indigenous
medicine, but no College to provide indigenous Medical Ordinance No. 17 of 1941. Hon S.W.R.D.
medical education. Three associations or bodies Bandaranaike as the Minister of Health and the
that were formed had done the preliminary work for Chairperson of the Indigenous Medical Advisory
the preservation of traditional medical knowledge Council had brought the legislation to uplift the qual-
and to protect and uphold the professional status ity of teaching at the College with a national stan-
of those engaged in practicing oriental medical sys- dard. In 1961, the Ayurveda Act No. 31 of 1961 was
tem. These associations are The Sinhalese Medical enacted by repealing the Indigenous Medical Ordi-
Association (1891), Sri Lanka Vaidya Maha Manda- nance No. 17 of 1941 and the College was renamed
laya (1901), and Sri Lanka Samaja Prathisanskarana as the Government College of Indigenous Medicine
Sangamaya (1915). Eminent personalities such and came under the management of the Ayurveda
as, Sir Solaman R. Dias Bandaranaike, F.R. Sena- College and Hospital Board. This was a step taken to
nayake, K. Balasingham, Donald Ubhayasekera uphold the quality of Ayurveda health care delivery
and Ananda Coomaraswamy, the great patriots and the systems of education in Ayurveda, Unani
were involved in creating a fund for this purpose. and Siddha. Four Statutory Boards namely, Ayurve-
In 1926, for the first time, a committee that da Medical Council, the Ayurveda College and Hos-
looked into the indigenous medical system pro- pital Board, Ayurveda Research Committee and
posed that a college should be established with Ayurveda Drug Formulary Committee were created.
an adjoining teaching hospital, to provide train- In 1963, the Diploma in Indigenous Medicine &
ing to those who are keen to pursue this system Surgery (DIMS), the qualification hitherto named was
of medicine. The then States Council (Rajya Man- changed to that of the Diploma in Ayurveda Medicine
thrana Sabhawa) appointed an Advisory Council and Surgery (DAMS) under the new Ayurveda Act.
titled Ayurveda Sammelana Sabha in 1928 with In 1977, the College of Indigenous Medicine
Dr K. Balasingham as its Chairperson. Based on was absorbed as the Institute of Indigenous Medi-
this Committees recommendation , an Institute cine and affiliated to the University of Colombo un-
named Swadeshiya Vaidya Vidyalaya (Indige- der the University Act No. 1 of 1972. This was done
nous Medical College) was established on 10th June by the Institute of Ayurveda Statute No. 1 of 1977,
1929, and it was inaugurated by the then Governor published in the Government Gazettee Extraordi-
General of Ceylon, Sir Herbert James Stanley, at nary bearing number 258 of March 30, 1977. The ob-
the Bauer building situated at Cotta Road, Borella. jective of this step was to produce qualified medical
Dr A.N.N Panikkar from India who had western practitioners in the field of Ayurveda, Unani and Sid-
medical qualification and who possessed a Sound dha medical systems. Institute of Indigenous Medi-
training in Ayurveda Sciences was brought down cine Ordinance No. 7 of 1979 published in the Gov-
to the newly established College by the then Gov- ernment Gazettee - Extraordinary bearing No. 67/14
ernment as its first Principal. Similarly, Dr H.M. dated 21.12.1979 under the Universities Act No. 16 of
Jaffer and Dr H. Ahamed were also brought down 1978. With this enactment, the Siddha section was
from India to develop Unani system of medicine. transferred and affiliated to the University of Jaffna.
Dept. of AYUSH
16 Siddha System of Medicine



During the II World Tamil Conference Siddha medical field

came to limelight.
Then Chief Minister C. N. Annadurai sowed the seed for re-
vival and K. Anbazhagan nurtured it.
Siddha Scientific Development Committee was formed Pub-
lishing rare Siddha text books, preservation of Cudjon leaves.
Madras University started a UG course in 1964 and Madu-
rai Kamaraj University started a UG Course in 1966 and P.G.
Course in 1972.
At present Dr. M.G.R. Medical University- gives the Siddha
degree and now it is being awarded as B.S.M.S. (Bachelor of
Siddha Medicine and Surgery),Post Graduation degree M.D
(Siddha) Doctor of Medicine in Siddha and Ph.D in Siddha.
Siddha Central Research Institute (SCRI) and National Insti-
tute of Siddha (NIS) are affliated centres for undergoing Ph.D
in Siddha.
Role of Central Government in the development
of Indigenous Medicine
1969- the Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and
Homeopathy (CCRIMH) was established.
1970, the Central Council for Indian Medicine under L.C.I.M.
Act for registering and regulating their practice.
1975 Central Research Institute for Siddha in Chennai for con-
ducting scientific research.
1995 Medicinal Plants Garden exclusively for Siddha was de-
veloped in Mettur Dam.
2005 National Institute of Siddha in Tambaram was inaugu-

rated by Honorable Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.

2010 1 st September, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda
and Siddha (CCRAS) was bifurcated to establish a seperate
Research Council for Siddha for a focused Research in Sid-
dha sytem as per cabinet approval. Hence the Central Council
for Research in Siddha (CCRS) came into existence.

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 17

Infrastructure, National &

Global Scenario
Summary of Infrastructure Facilities under Siddha
Sl. No. Facility Siddha
1. Hospitals 275
2. Beds 2576
3. Dispensaries 541
4. Registered Practitioners 7195
5. (a) UG Colleges 7
Admission Capacity (UG) 350
5. (b) PG Colleges 3
Admission Capacity (PG) 126
5. (C) Exclusively PG College (NIS, 1
Admission Capacity (Exclu- 46*
sive PG)

*Including one seat of for BIMSTEC Countries in National Institute of Siddha , Chennai

Summary of Siddha Medical Care Facilities

Sl. No. Management Siddha
Hosp. Disp.
1. State Govt./UT 268 530
2. C.G.H.S -- 3
3. CCRS Units 2 2
4. NIS, Chennai 1 --

State Wise No. of Siddha Hospitals and their Bed Strength

Sl. No. State / UT Siddha
Hosp. Beds
1. Tamilnadu 270 2201
2. Kerala 2 170
3. Puducherry 1 25


18 Siddha System of Medicine

State Wise No. of Siddha Dispensaries

Sl. No. State / UT Siddha
1. Tamilnadu 502
2. Kerala 5
3. Puducherry 23

State Wise Distribution of Hospitals, Beds and Dispensaries in

Siddha by Management Status


Number of

Number of

*Others Number of

Number of

Number of

*Others Number of

Number of

Number of

*Others Number of




State / UT
Sl. No.









1. Tamilnadu 267 0 3 270 1871 0 330 2201 502 0 0 502

2. Kerala 1 0 1 2 20 0 150 170 5 0 0 5

3. Puduch- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 23

4. CGHS & 3 0 0 3 205 0 0 205 11 0 0 11


Total 271 0 4 275 2096 0 480 2576 541 0 0 541

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 19

Siddha branches itself into Maruttuvam, Ciappu Maruttuvam,
Kuapam, Auvai Maruttuvam, ,Ny Nal, Ny Ill NeI, Nacu Maruttu- Maruttuvam - General
vam, Cl Makair Maruttuvam, Plavkaam Various Branches of Siddha
Medicine is now Taught as specialized areas of Education in PG level. Medicine

Kuapam -

Maruttuvam deals with Plavkaam is a separate Pharmacology

Diseases, their classification, etiology, Branch of Siddha science which
Complications and Medicines. It also deals with Pediatric diseases, Ciappu Maruttuvam -
suggests Diet Pattern and Restriction. Prevention of Diseases, Immune
prophylactic measures, pediatric Special Medicine
Kuapam deals with neurological disease, Ethno medical
usage of Herbal, Metallic, Mineral practices in pediatrics. Balavakadam Plavkaam - Peadiatrics
Compounds, Marine products and also deals with medicines used
Zoological products. It describes about in Pediatric practice Diet and Ny Nal - Pathology
their pharmacological actions, Taste, Developmental pattern in a Childs life.
Preparation of Medicines, Their expiry Nacu Maruttuvam - Toxi-
dates and adverse effects. It also deals Ny Nal is a branch of Siddha
in detail about co-drug vehicle called dealing with basic diagnostic procedures cology
as Thunai marundhu and anupanam. is Siddha and symptoms of each and
every disease. Eight tools of diagnosis Auvai Maruttuvam -
form a basic method in Noinadal
Ciappu Maruttuvam as Surgery
the name itself indicates it deals with
specialzed procedures for Neurology cl makair maruttuvam -
Varmam, Psychiatry, Dermatological Nacu Maruttuvam
disorders, yoga, pranayama and deals with toxic effects of Herbs Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Methods of kaya kalpa procedures. It is and Drugs used in Siddha system
a specialized Branch, which Helps one and also about detoxification Ny Ill Nei - Social and
to be free from diseases maintaining a of toxins in Herbs and drugs.
proper health of Body, Mind and soul Preventive Medicine
Auvai Maruttuvam is a cl makair maruttuvam
Branch of Siddha Medicine, which deals with Antenatal, Postnatal and Gy-
deals with Minor Surgical procedures necological diseases. It details about
such as Karam, Sutigai, Ottadam, giving medicines in each and every
Kombu- Kattal ec. It also deals about month of pregnancy, care and diet to
prevention of surgical intervention and be taken at the time of pregnancy. Me-
conservative methods of treatment dicinal to abort a child if any complica-
of surgical disorder. Hemorrhoids, tion is felt. Invention of oral contra-
Renal stones, Filariasis, Fistula in ano and ceptives and methods of prevention
Hernia. Eye, Ear, nose and Throat of Diseases during pregnancy. It also
diseases are dealt in Surgery. deals in Detail about the diseases af-
Older methods of treating Cata- fecting female such as oligomenorrhea,
ract and prevention of Eye dis- Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, menor-
eases are highlighted in surgery. rhagia and Tumors of ovary / uterus etc.


20 Siddha System of Medicine



1. Govt. Siddha Medical College, The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical 1964
Palyamkottai, Tirunelveli -627002, University, Chennai-32. Government
Tamilnadu. Tamilnadu.
2. Govt. Siddha Medical College, The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical 1985
Arumbakkam, Chennai-600106, University, Chennai-32. Government
Tamilnadu. Tamilnadu.
( Actually established at Palani and later
shifted to Chennai)
3. Akila Thiruvithamcore Siddha Vaidya The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical 2001-2002
Sangam Siddha Maruthuva Kalloory & University, Chennai-32. Private
Hospital, Munchirai, Tamilnadu.
Kanyakumari- 629 171, Tamilnadu.

4. Sri Sai Ram Siddha Medical College & The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical 2001-2002
Research Centre, Poonthandalam, University, Chennai-32. Private
Tambaram, Chennai -600 044, Tamilnadu.

5. Velumailu Siddha Medical College, The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical 2001-2002
Sriperumbudur, University, Chennai-32. Private
Kancheepuram -602 105, Tamilnadu.

6. National Institute of Siddha, The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical 2004

Tambaram, University, Chennai-32. Government
Chennai - 600047, Tamilnadu.
Tamil Nadu.

7. RVS Siddha Medical College, The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical 2007
242 B, Trichy Road, University, Chennai-32. Private
Sulur, Tamilnadu.
Coimbatore -641402, Tamil Nadu.

8. Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical 2009
Thumbathulipatty, University, Chennai-32. Private

Siddhar koil Main road, Salem-636307, Tamilnadu.

Tamil Nadu.

9. Santhigiri Siddha Medical College, University of Kerala, Thiruvanan- 2002

Santhigiri P.O, thapuram- 695034, Kerala. Un-aided
Thiruvanthapuram 695539 (self finance)

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 21


1. To validate and Time The Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS)
test Siddha Medicine is an autonomous body registered on 27 th July
through intensive re- 2010. The Council came into existence after bi-
search To clinically furcation of the erstwhile Central Council for Re-
validate the efficacy of search in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS) into Cen-
Drugs through clinical tral Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS)
trials Siddha Central Research Institute,
2. To Standardize High or- Chennai.
der Medicines like Kattu, 044 26214809
Kalangu, Urukku, Sathu [email protected]
and make it compatible.
3. To explore Literary re-
sources through exten- Siddha Regional Research Institute
sive research Which is Puducherry.
Hidden in old Manu- 0413-2244042
scripts. [email protected]
4. To Standardize The exter-
nal therapies with special Siddha Clinical Research unit
reference for Varmam Palayamkottai.
and Thokkanam. 0462-573736
5. Phytochemical, Pharm- [email protected]
cognostical and Pharma-
cological Validation of
Siddha Regional Research Institute
Siddha medicine.
6. Conservation of Medici-
nal Plants and organic
[email protected]
Siddha Medicinal Plants Garden
04298 243773
[email protected]

Central Council for Research in Siddha

61-65, Jawahrlal Nehru Anushandan bhawan Institutional Area,
Opp to D Block,Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110058
Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Govt. of India
Ph: +91 11 28524163
[email protected] [email protected]


22 Siddha System of Medicine

National Institute of
It is an institute under Dept . of AYUSH
To impart Post-graduate education in Sid-
dha System.
To conduct experiments and to develop pat-
tern of teaching in PG education in Siddha
To conduct research in various aspects of
To provide medical care through Siddha Sys-
tem of Medicine to the suffering humanity.
To develop, promote and propagate the sci-
ence and art of Siddha.
To act as a centre of excellence for Siddha

Civar vmpu Ammpaccarici

Indigofera aspalathoides Vahl ex DC. Euphorbia hirta L.

Uthamarayan CS,Thotrakirama ariachiyum Siddha maruthuva varalarum,DIM Publica-
Uthamarayan CS,A Compendium of Siddha Doctrine,DIM Publications,2005.
AYUSH Report 2010 -11

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 23



24 Siddha System of Medicine

In Siddha science man is viewed as a micro- poses that 96 basic principles exist which is the basic
cosm and the universe as a macrocosm. In other concept underlying this holistic medical science.The
words, man is a miniature universe in himself. The various proportions in which they combine gives
whole universe in turn is believed to be constituted rise to different substances. Thus, this theory pro-
of five primordial elements or Pacaptam viz. poses that 96 basic principles exist which is the ba-
Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space and so is man. sic concept underlying this holistic medical science.
The Packaraam theory (Five Fold Combina-
tion) of Siddha science explains the origin and for- The human body formed by these
mation of these basic elements as well as the role 96 basic principles is conditioned mainly by:
of these five elements in the formation of every 1) Uyirttukka (also called Tiritam
substance both in the universe and in humans. or Mukkuam) are the three hu-
mours, viz. Vtam, Pittam and Kapam.
According to Packaraam theory, each of
these five elements is said to possess two properties 2) Ualttukka are the physical constitu-
viz. subtle and gross. These elements act with a mu-
ents, (Seven Tissues) viz. Cram, Cennr, ,
tual co-ordination and can never act independently.
The various proportions in which they combine gives Kouppu, Epu, Mai, Cukkila Curitam.
rise to different substances. Thus, this theory pro-

Relationship between the basic elements (Pacaptam), five sense organs (Poi) and functions of these
sense organs (Pula) can be understood from the tabulation below:


Nilam (Earth) Nose Smell
Nr (Water) Mouth Taste
T(Fire) Eyes Vision
Ku (Air) Skin Touch
kyam (Space) Ears Hearing

It can be deduced from the above table that the sense of smell per-

ceived by the sense organ nose, is due to the action and properties of the ele-
ment, earth. Similarly, the other senses can be linked to corresponding elements.

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 25

The 96 principles include physical, physiological, psychological, intellectual aspects of every human.


Pacaptam Five elements 5
Poi Sense organs 5
Pula Five senses 5
Kamntiriyam Motor organs and motor func- 5
ntiriyam Centers of Perception 5
Karaam Mind, Intellect, Conation, Ac- 4
Aivu Self realization 1
Ni Channels of life force 10
Vyu Kinetic Vital force 10
cayam Gastro intestinal uro genital 5
Kcam Sheaths of Food, Breath, Mind, 5
Knowledge and Bliss
tram Basic centers of subtle body 6
Maalam Sheaths of Humours 3
Malam Impurities related to soul 3
Tam Humours 3
aai Attachments, Desires related of 3
Kuam Qualities of mind 3
Viai Physical & mental acts 2
Irkam Emotional status of mind 8
Avattai Status of Consciousness 5


26 Siddha System of Medicine

Nam inum a volorei ciatio qui
comni odi conseque nam, consece ressim volo te ea quate coresse con pa
vai represents the elements air and space. It is
In Siddha, vtam, pittam and kapam responsible for all movements of mind and body.
which are the three humours, are respon- Motor, sensory activities are governed by vtam.
sible for the creation, preservation and Though it is present all over the body, which pre-
destruction of human body and health. When dominates only in the region below navel and based
they are in the state of equilibrium (4:2:1- on that its function it is classified into 10 types viz.
the ratio in which they exist) our body re- Roughness, dryness, lightness and mobility are
mains in a healthy state while any disturbance certain attributes of vtam. It also strengthens
in this ratio leads to diseased state or death. the five sensory organs, and regulates respira-
tion, the functions of physical constituents (called
ualttukka and are seven in number) and physiologi-
cal reflexes (called Vkaka and are 14 in numbers).



Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 27

Aal represents the element- t (fire) in our body and is responsible for
the preservation of health. It maintains the body heat for normal physiol-
ogy and dominates the chest and abdominal area. It exhibits itself in 5
forms within our body.

AIYAM Aiyam is formed by the elements earth and water. It is responsible for
strength, joint movements, body built and endurance. It dominates the
head and neck region and there are 5 forms of kapam viz


28 Siddha System of Medicine

The food we intake nourishes each of the physical constituent in a sequence
beginning from Cram and provides total nourishment to the body on 8th
day, after nourishing each constituent.


CRAM Plasma Water
CENNR Blood Fire + Water
Muscle Earth + Water
KOUPPU Adipose tissue Water + Earth
EPU Bone Earth + Air
MAI Marrow Water + Air
CUKKILA CURITAM Male or Female Hormones Fire + Air


CRAM Growth and development, nourishment
CENNR Nourishes the muscle, imparts colour and
improve intellect
Responsible for shape of the body
KOUPPU Lubricates joints, maintains balance

EPU Supports body structure and responsible for

posture and movement.
MAI Imparts strength, endurance and shine
CUKKILA CURITAM Responsible for reproduction

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 29


Siddha medicine emphasis more later sciences proved that taste are
on UAV MARUNTU MARUNT synergy of various therapeutic com-
UAVU (Medicine is Food and Food ponents. As an example the pun-
is Medicine) and used all natural sub- gent nature of Ginger is due to its
stances including poisonous herbs fire potency (Gingerol Oleo resin)
for treating the diseased. Each and is responsible to improve digestion.
every substance is classified among Siddhars used to treat a patient
6 tastes based on their taste. Every with the diagnosis of vitiated altered
individual taste is sub classified as humors and restored the altered hu-
2 active elements from the 5 basic mors by administering these 6 tastes.
elements. Individual tastes hold in- The following table illustrates be-
dividual therapeutic property. The tween the 6 taste and five elements.

Elements Cuvai
Ma + Nr Iippu
Ma + T Puippu
T+ Nr Uppu
Ku + kyam Kaippu
Ku + T Krppu
Ku + Ma Tuvarppu

In Practice we take upon four tastes in the maximum which are Sweet, Sour, Pungent and Salt
leading to various ailments where Bitter and Astringent in the form of drugs come to a rescue.
Methods of plant containing drug preparations are based on the taste con-
cept, i.e., on Compatible taste (Napucuvai) and inimical taste (Pakaiccuvai).


30 Siddha System of Medicine


Napucuvai Pakaiccuvai
Iippu Uppu (Salt) Kaippu (Bitter)
Puippu (Sour) Krppu (Pungent)
Puippu Iippu (Sweet)
Uppu (Salt)
Tuvarppu (Astringent)
Kaippu (Bitter)
Krppu (Pungent)
Uppu Iippu (Sweet) Tuvarppu (Astringent)
Kaippu (Bitter)
Krppu (Pungent)
Puippu (Sour)
Kaippu Krppu (Pungent) Iippu (Sweet)
Uppu (Salt)
Tuvarppu (Astringent)
Puippu (Sour)
Krppu Iippu (Sweet)
Uppu (Salt)
Tuvarppu (Astringent)
Kaippu (Bitter)
Puippu (Sour)`
Tuvarppu Uppu (Salt) Kaippu (Bitter)
Krppu (Pungent)
Puippu (Sour)


Uthamarayan CS. ,Siddha MaruthuvangaChurukkam. 2nd reprint. Chennai. Dept of Indian

Medicine andHomeopathy. 2006.
Shanmugavelan ., Noi Nadal Noi Mudal Naadal. 2nd reprint. Chennai. Dept of Indian Medicine
andHomeopathy. 2006
Uthamarayan CS,Thotrakirama ariachiyum Siddha maruthuva varalarum,DIM Publica-

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 31

Concept of Health and



32 Siddha System of Medicine

Concept of Physician

In Siddha system of medicine a physician should be spiritual and have an in-

depth knowledge about normal/abnormal functioning of the three humors, ca-

pable of curing ailments, intelligent, truthful, confident, associated with the

elite, capable of preparing high quality drugs with mastery over medical classes.

According to Tra (one among the 18 Siddhars) in his Tailavarkkacurukkam,

the physician should have pure thought and action, love for all human beings, a

detailed knowledge about geographical seasonal variations, correct physical and

mental state and dietary habits. Akattiyar Cillaraikkvai further adds generosity,

patience, untiring hard work, capability of overcoming greed, anger, knowledge

about astrology and Paca Paci Cstiram and Cara Nl as the qualities of a physi-

cian. He says that a physician should protect his patient like an eyelid, which pro-

tects the eyes and care as a mother who cares for her sick child.

A physician should not wear colorful dress, nor use silk, leather rope, cos-

metics and should always move around in white dress, using only sandal

paste as cosmetics. Tra in his Tailavarkkacurukkam insists that a physician

should clean his hands many times and have bath after examining a patient.

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 33

Seasons are six. This is called (Perumpoutu).
Each day is divided into 6 periods of 4 hrs each
(Ciupoutu) and every year is divided into 6 seasons
of 2 months each (Perumpoutu).The effect of sea-
sons on the incidence of the diseases have been re-
ferred and the Seasonal conduct have been advised
to prevent these diseases. The reference about the
vitiated humor in every season has also been re-
ferred. Specific period of a day and hence the food
habits and other lifestyles must be tuned in accord-
ingly for healthy living. It has been scientifically
proved that in circadian rhythm the particular organ
of body is predominant at a particular time of the day.


N Oukkam mentions the systematic order ii. MALACALAM KAITTAL(EXCRETION
of every day activities that every person needs to fol- OF STOOLS AND URINE)
low in order to avoid lifestyle disorders and related Malacalam Kaittal
diseases. It describes the methodology to take good is the act (or) function of
care of our body and mind. eliminating the waste prod-
i. KLAI EUTAL(WAKING UP) ucts of digestion and other
Our new day begins as metabolic activities.
we wake up and it is the Excretion of feces
first activity of a day. and urine are activities of
The apt time for wake- Vtam and hence it should be performed soon after
up is between 4:00 we wake up. Urine is passed first followed by stools.
AM and 5:00 AM. As It is normal to pass feces twice a day and urine 4
we wake-up early, we breathe fresh air rich in vital times a day which when disturbed indicates abnor-
respiratory gases and that also helps the three hu- mal bowel function. One should not suppress these
mors or Uyirttukka to be in the state of equilibrium. two physiological reflex activities.
Waking up in the early morning induces secretion of Certain methods have also been mentioned
Civakkuilai Nr (Holy secretion of Pineal gland). It for cleaning after the act of defecation in order to
brings immense pleasure to ones mind and so it is avoid infections.
the correct time to performe Meditation and wor- Proper excretion indicates proper digestion
ship. and helps the three humors or uyirttukka to stay in


34 Siddha System of Medicine

PAL TULAKKUTAL(BRUSHING OF TEETH) ing in health and harmony. Early morning is the
Oral cavity being the best time to perform yogic exercises as it help to
main entrance of our face the day with great energy and enthusiasm. To
Gastro-intestinal tract refresh oneself after a days activity, physical exer-
must be well maintained cises can be done in the evening. Physical exercises
by taking good oral care. must be done in a well-aerated area and before
Plaque deposits formed as a result of mastication meals or 2 hours after meals.
should be cleaned properly in order to avoid infec- Yogic and physical exercises practiced un-
tion. der proper guidance along with appropriate diet
Siddhars have mentioned the use of certain habits facilitate proper functioning of internal or-
herbal twigs and powders for a good dental care. gans, thereby leading to longevity.
The herbal twigs are considered best to be used
as brush, as they are used and thrown (single use). KUIYAL(BATH)
Also, the act of chewing the herbal twig increases
salivation and releases the juice of that particular Physical exercise is followed by bath in view of
twig which usually has astringent and disinfec- cleaning oneself of the sweat
tant property. The bristles so formed help remove and dirt formed as a result
plaque easily away from teeth. This twig is usually of ones activities. A bath
selected without any nodes and from a fresh, well before sunrise is considered
grown tree. good for health. Oil bath is
In cases where people suffer from ailments recommended once in 4 days
like stomatitis, the use of twigs is restricted and in- to bring strength to the five
stead the use of appropriate herbal powders is ad- motor organs also known
vised. as Pacntiriyam. The method prescribed is ap-
plication of Gingelly oil/Ghee/certain medicated
UAPAYICI(EXERCISE) oil, usually followed by use of a herbal bath pow-
Iron rusts when not der (Pacakapam) for washing. This practice is
in use and similarly, our believed to protect the body against illness in all
body becomes a ground seasons. Methods for an oil bath, seasonal and diet
for diseases when not in- restrictions while taking an oil bath have also been
volved in proper physical clearly mentioned in ancient Siddha literature.
exercise. As a part of daily

regimen (N Oukkam),
Siddhars have mentioned
the importance of practicing yoga which includes
asanas, breathing techniques, meditation tech-
niques, etc. These practices are aimed at develop-
ing body strength as well as peace of mind result-

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 35

UAIKAUM PARAAKAUM (DRESS ferent physical constituents, viz., Ualttukka in a

AND ORNAMENTS) particular sequence and finally provides strength
A detailed description of to our body. However, food like milk, water and
dress code for men and meat soup provide instant strength to body.
women according to sea- According to Saint Tiruvauvar, 3 main factors de-
sonal variations have been cide the structure of a good diet.
given due importance in a. Taste
day-to-day life. Influence of b. The constitution of person who intakes
planets on humans, their rela- c) Time of season.
tion to ornamental gems and CUVAI (TASTE)
how these can be used to treat Tastes may have a friendly counterpart or
diseases have been described in an inimical counterpart and inimical tastes should
detail. never be taken together. A particular taste of food
when taken in combination with its inimical taste
UAVU (DIET) food might yield poisonous effects due to dietetic
Diet plays a major role in our everyday activ- incompatibilities.
ity. Diet acts as the E.g. Milk and fish should never be tak-
source of vital nu- en together. Similarly, a combination of milk and
trients to gain en- green leafy vegetables is also harmful.
ergy and it builds A diet should also include food that normal-
our body. Improper izes the three humors (Tirita Camapporuka).
diet habits cause The concept of inimical and friendly taste in diet
disturbances in is also applied for selection and preparation of Sid-
equilibrium of the dha medicines.
three humors (Uyirttukka) and physical constitu- YKKAIYI ILAKKAAM (THE CONSTITUTION OF
ents (Ualttukka) in turn causing several diseases. PERSON)
Uav Maruntu Marunt Uavu Diet with respect to quantity and qual-
This verse, means that diet can act as med- ity should be taken according to the gender, age,
icine and vise versa emphasising the importance physical/mental activity and basic body constitu-
of diet. tion (viz., vtam, pittam and kapam) of the per-
The diet concept of Siddhars is based upon taste son.
of foods as it indicates the natural property of the NILAM, POUTU MAUM KLAM (TIME, SEASON
kind of food. A typical diet must therefore include AND LAND)
a combination of 6 tastes that is best suited to the Selection of proper diet also takes into
prevailing season. consideration the period of day (break fast /lunch/
Hunger (Paci- one of the 14 Vkaka) indicates dinner) seasonal variations and geographic loca-
the need for food. Diet intake nourishes the dif- tions.


36 Siddha System of Medicine


UAKKAM (SLEEP) Tia Mirau Cikka Vaakkma
Sleep is the na- Peip Loaip Perukkmal - Uukl
tures way of pro- Nrcurukki Mrperukki Neyyurukki Yupavartam
viding rest to our Pruraikki Pm Pii.
body. Proper sleep -Tra
is required when
our body feels tired Plupm Eeypei Vennra Kuippm
after a days work Pakapuarm Pakauyilm Paytaramu Mtta
and it is therefore best to sleep at the end of a lacr Kualiyar iaveyilum Virumpm
day. Sleep helps our body to carry out repair ac- Iraaakkm Oaivim Iatu Kaiyi Pauppm
tivities. The quantity and quality of sleep equally Mlacr Kainukarm Mtta Tayira Upm
influences ones good health. A man deprived of Mutai Camaittakai Yamuteiu Maruntm
sleep develops varied disorders. Siddhars have lant Vantiium Pacittoiya Vum
mentioned certain procedures to follow with re- Namarkki Ktukavai Nmirukku Miatt
gard to sleep.
As a part of daily chores (N Oukkam), Upatiru Poutoiya Mupou Tum
good Psychic traits like silence, sincerity, charity, Uakuvati Rvoiyap Pakaluakka Ceyym
humanity, humility, honesty, politeness, justice, Pekaamait Tikaukkr Klai Maruvm
love and care for others are also encouraged Peruntka Meuttiium Peyarttun Rantm
since they result in purity of mind and will better Maparavu Kiakukai Karuaiyaip Puciym
our chances of success in achieving eternal bliss. Vaiyiam Picoiyak Kaiyaruntal Ceyym
Napupea Vuapipu Kuunaaiyu Kovm
Siddhars have recommended certain basic
guidelines to be followed for healthy living which utika Korutaavai Vamaamarun Tayilvm
includes observation of certain regimen as men- Aarnku Matikkoruk Ptiyuai Nukarvm
tioned in Piiyauk Viti (Preventive Measures) Tumati Yoaraikkr Taranaciyam Peuvm
literally meaning rules that help prevent disease. Tikaaraik Kirautara Cavaavirup Puuvm
Their concept of Kyakapam(rejuvenating Vucatur Nkorukl Neymuukkait Tavirm
procedures) for prevention of diseases is highly Viikaukka Caamu Nkoruk Liuvm

admirable as it makes ones body resistant to in- Nukantam Pupamivai Naunaciyi Mukarm
fections. Their concepts pertaining to Habitat, Namarkki Ktukavai Nmirukku Miatt
Seasons, Diet (Tiai/ Nilam, N Oukkam, Kla
Oukkam, Uavu) is both preventive and adap- Pakattoukku Mtaraca Karantuaippa Mivait
tive. Paanerukm Tpamaintar Maranialil Vaciym
Cukappuaracci Yacaapaca attarua Ceyym
Tucalua Virumalacai Ykamaukkai
Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 37

Vakuppeukki Cintukaca Mivaimlai Virumpm 22. Take oil bath once every four days
Vacalantey Vampitucaka Kuruvaivia Mm 23. Apply corryllium once in three days
Nakaccalamu Muaiccalamun Teikkumia 24. Avoid foods causing ano rectal disorders
Maukm 25. Avoiding exposure to morning sunlight
Namarkki Ktukavai Nmirukku Miatt 26. Lie in left lateral position while sleep
-Tra 27. Never smell fragrance of flowers during
The above verses illustrate the dos 28. Never close to dust and articles produc-
and donts in all our activities. These preven- ing dust
tive measures against illness are summarized 29. Never sleep under a tree shade or near a
below: burning lamp
1. Drink boiled then cooled water 30. Stay away from water splashing from
2. Take food twice a day hairs and nails
3. Take diluted buttermilk and melted ghee 31. Workship Cow, God, Ancestors and Guru
4. Take sufficient quantity of cows milk
5. Never eat root tubers except Karunai- These instructions when followed
kizhangu strictly, keep away death. These simple pre-
6. Never consume food that was prepared ventive principles have an in depth scien-
the previous day tific value though they were designed much
7. Always have food after feeling hunger before the advent of modern science. These
8. Always consume well fermented curd instructions have been followed as routine
9. Practice walking after a good diet custom through several generations.
10. Dont drink water in between during
course of meal
11. Use warm water while taking oil bath.
12. Never suppress any natural urge
13. Avoid sex and sleep during daytime
14. Avoid sex with elderly women
15. Avoid excess sexual indulgence
16. Avoid sex after consumption of heavy
17. Always indulge in healthy sexual acts
18. Take emetic medication once in six
months Ttuvlai
19. Take purgative medication every four Solanum trilobatum L.
months an year
20. Instill nasal drops once in 45 days
21. Have shaving once in a week
38 Siddha System of Medicine

CONCEPTS REGARDING HABITAT AND adaptive and preventive measure for ones health.
SEASON Accordingly, Siddhars designed basic
regimen in harmony with the habitat (Nilam) and
Siddha science which visualizes man as seasons (Poutu).
a microcosm, believes that planetary changes NILAM(LAND)
and natural rhythms that result in 6 seasons/year Land or nilam indicates the place where
(Perumpoutu) and 6 periods/day (Ciupoutu) also one lives. On the basis of certain characteristic
result in corresponding physiological changes in features like geographical (landscape) conditions,
other creatures living in macrocosm, viz., the Uni- climatic conditions, flora, fauna, etc., Land is cat-
verse. egorized as follows:
aatti luat piam i. Kuici (Hilly region)
piatti luat aam ii. Mullai (Sylvian range)
aamum piamum out iii. Marutam (Agricultural land)
aintu t prkkumpt iv. Neytal (Coastal area)
--CAAIMUAM v. Plai (Arid zone)
This verse means that the environment is Each habitat is said to harbor a particular
same within and outside our body which indicates
humor (uyirttu). The influence of land on the inci-
that the body physiology must be tuned accord-
dence of the diseases was predicted as follows.
ing to the habitat and the prevailing season as an


Kuici Hilly region Mountains and its surroundings Kapam related disease and
liver disease
Mullai Sylvian range Forest and its surroundings Pittam, Vtam related diseas-
es and liver disease
Marutam Agricultural land Fields and its surroundings Ideal place for healthy living
Neytal Coastal area and Ocean, Sea and its surround- Vtam related disease and
ings liver disease
Plai Arid zone Desert and its surroundings Vtam, Pittam, Kapam relat-
ed diseases
(uyirttukka) AREA AREA

Vtam @ # #
Pittam # @ #
Kapam # @ #
# indicates predominant and @ indicates balanced

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 39


The seasonal conduct is calledKla Oukkam
structures out the guidelines to be followed in dif-
ferent seasons to prevent illnesses and helps ones
wellbeing. The guidelines are related to modifica-
tions in diet, lifestyles, etc. with respect to a par-
ticular season.


The seasonal regimen also mentions some
pre-cautionary steps to follow during Klaccrkkai
which is a transition period of 14 days i.e., last 7
days of the ongoing season and first 7 days of the
next season. Seasonal regimen of the ongoing sea-
son should be gradually stopped and the regimens
of the next season should be gradually initiated
during this period so as to help our body adapt to
seasonal changes.

Coldenia procumbens L.

Hedyotis puberula (G.Don)Arn.


40 Siddha System of Medicine


(Uyirttukka) &

Krklam Sweet (Iippu), Hot potency Emetic, purga- Use dry cloth- Aal is in accu-
Rainy season Sour (Puippu), and digestible tive drugs and ing. Avoid butter mulated state,
from Aug 16th Salty (Uppu) food. appetizers milk, day time Vai is in aggra-
Oct 15th sleep and tire vated state
some work Decreased ap-

Ktirklam Sweet (Iippu), Dry and cool Bloodletting Avoid curd, oi1, Aal is in aggra-
Bitter (Kaippu), food, light diet fats, alcohol, vated state,
Autumn from Astringent (Tu- daytime sleep Vai is in Mitigat-
Oct 16th Dec varppu) sunlight, dew, ed state.
15th heavy meals

Mupaikklam Sweet (Iippu), Cool Oil application Use boiled wa- Aal is in miti-
Early winter Dec Sour (Puippu), ter, blankets. gated state.
16th Feb 15th Salty (Uppu) Exposure to Increased appe-
evening sun light tite and immu-
and slight work is nity.
Always use foot-
Pipaikklam Sweet (Iippu), Avoid diet Oil application Use boiled wa- Aiyam is in
Late winter from Sour (Puippu), that increases ter, blankets. accumulated
Feb 16th Apr Astringent (Tu- vaatham Exposure to state.
15th varppu) evening sun light
and slight work is
Iavil Klam Bitter (Kaip- Dry and hot Emetic,Nasal Avoid bulky diet Aiyam is in ag-
pu), Pungent potency food, application cool diet and gravated state.
Spring from Apr (Krppu), Astrin- solid, liquid and (Nasyam)medi- daytime sleep
16th June 15th gent (Tuvarppu) semi- solid food. cations.

Mutuvil Klam Sweet (Iippu) Coolant Vatha neutraliz- Reside in ven- Vai is in accu-
Summer June ing medications tilated area. mulated state,
16th Aug 15th Avoid food that Aiyam is in miti-
is digested with gated state.

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 41

Uthamarayan CS. ,Siddha MaruthuvangaChurukkam. 2nd reprint. Chennai. Dept of Indian
Medicine andHomeopathy. 2006.
Dorairajan .C.,Noi illa Neri, ,College of Indianmedicine,Kilpauk,1951.
Shanmugavelan ., Noi Nadal Noi Mudal Naadal. 2nd reprint. Chennai. Dept of Indian Medicine
andHomeopathy. 2006


42 Siddha System of Medicine

foods and drugs

Kuapam (Siddha pharmacology) deals with the detailed study of Siddha drugs.

Distillation Apparatus

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 43

This branch of Siddha medicine describes

I. Mlapporuka (Raw drugs used in Siddha)
II. Cutti (Purification) of raw drugs and
III. Maruntukai Ceymuai (Medicinal preparations)
Siddha pharmacology is based on
the concept of five primordial elements Based on their origin, raw drugs are categorized into
or pacaptam and cuvai (taste) of
the drug. Innumerable varieties of the following classes:
herbs, mineral and animal products I. Mlikai Vakuppu (Plant origin)
find mention in Siddha literature.
II. Ttu Vakuppu (Metals and Minerals)
III. Cva Vakuppu (Animal origin)

Sublimation process Sublimation process

with cooled water with cooled air


44 Siddha System of Medicine


mlikai mlapporuka (Herbal raw drugs) are classified further into 11
sub-divisions based on the plant part used in preparation of a medicine.
In certain plants, the medicinal value may be attributed to a particular
plant part like root,leaves, flowers etc. which is used.
E.g. Zingiber officinale is used for the medicinal value of its rhizhome only.


In the Siddha system of medicine, use of metals and minerals is very
much advocated. The depth of their knowledge in the field of minerals is
clearly evident from the way the drug classification has been done.
Siddha literature describes 220 minerals which are of immense medici-
nal value. The metals and minerals are studied under the following four heads:
a) Ulkam ( Metals) - 11
b) Kracram(Minerals) - 25
c) Pam(Mercury and Arsenic compound) - 64
d) Uparacam(Other minerals) -120


Raw drugs obtained from animal kingdom are also used for medicinal
preparations in Siddha.Eg. Coral, Conch, Earth worm , Honey, etc..

On the basis of (Five elemental) Panchabhoothic the- Siddhars have predicted the therapeutic
ory, raw/crude drugs are divided into 5 major catego- efficacy of each drug based on simple five Phar-
ries based on the predominant element they possess. macological characters, i.e Cuvai (Taste), Kuam
For example, among metals (quality), Vriyam (Potency), Pirivu (after gastric
changes) and Ceykai (specific actions)
Based on taste, raw drugs are divided into six
METAL PREDOMINANT which can be understood from the table below:
Gold Earth
Lead Water
Sesamum indicum Sweet
Copper Fire
Tamarindus indicus Sour
Iron Air
Cassia tora Salty
Zinc Space

Andrographis paniculata Bitter

Elettaria cardamomum Pungent
Here, the metal gold will exhibit characters and prop-
Saraca asoka Astringent
erties of the element earth as it is the predominant
element in its formation and the other metals can be
linked correspondingly.

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 45


Purification of raw drugs is a process aimed at both purification as well as potencifying the raw drug.
It usually involves processes like cleaning, frying, soaking and grinding with herbal juices until impurities are
removed. No medicinal preparation is done without prior Suddhi process. This process helps raw material/
crude drugs (mlapporuka) to lose their undesirous or toxic effect and thereby aid better dosage efficacy


Siddha system classifies all medicinal

preparations into 64 categories, of which 32 are
internal medications and 32 are external medica-
tions and methods.


Internal Medicaments& Their Shelf Life External Medicaments& Their Shelf Life

Umarun Tcura Cukui Nrkaka Veimarun Tkau Paoa ampccu

Mukkai Yaaiyr Cmam Vtu Poaan Tokkaam
Uyarcra ampiu Vaakamve eynki Mepukaimai Poitimir Talkalikka Naciyamtal
uyirmu Tika kum Mvun Cikpa Raamum
Vimaap Pkuney Racyaa Miakanl Kaimpuclai Nrvartti Cuikai Calkaipacai
Mvumau Tika eey Kaipoi Muiccal Kal
Viraviu Muyarntamt Tiraikauku Pakkuvam Krama aiyauvai Kompui Calkuruti
Miirti al T Nr Kau Vkutal Pccivai
Kou Mru Meukou Kuampaintu Veimarut Tuvamup Pattira eaar
Kppata Kampat Tm Viulavu Citta Rml
Kurutipoi Yeup aintu Nuka Mlava ipacai Pccumai Naciyamum
uukku Kaaku N Mekalik Kaka r
eic Cuamain Nuka Pacattu oivartti Poiyunr Ncik Paraamivai
Kurukuikai Mikk Yue Yorumu Tika kum
evarumaki Cittarmup Pattira akamarut Uyarclai Kaimpivaika autika kume
Ticaittav Yua avar. ti Ryu Maumar


46 Siddha System of Medicine
internal Medications
5.UKAI (Dough)
1.CURACAM (Decantent)
Rice, cereals, seeds, etc
Juice extracted without mix- are powdered and added
ing water. with sufficient quantity
Juice of a plant or leaf or of water and sugar or jag-
root into which a red hot gery and put into a sand
iron is plunged or heated in a pot ,heated upto kai Pak-
sand pot. kuvam and before taken
Juice extracted from a solu- from heat sufficient quan-
tion of triturated drugs. tity of ghee should be added.


2.CU (Juice)
A medicinal prepara-
The essence or the juice ex- tion, pressed like a
pressed or extracted from rounded ,flat cake.
fresh plants or parts of plants Flour made from pow-
directly or after steam or dered rice,herbals is placed
direct heating of the mate- on hot tawa applied with
rial or by using some other ghee,like a round cake.
vehicle for getting the juice.

3.KUINR (Decoction) 7.CRAAM (Powder)

Powdered plants or parts Medicinal powder made by
of plants added with spe- pounding or grinding well
cific quantity of water the herbs,other substances
prescribed,be boiled upto in a mortar with a pestle and
1/4,1/8,1/16,1/24 th of the passing the powder through
initial quantity and taken af- a fine cloth or musline.
ter filtering it or prepared in a
specific process if mentioned.

4.KAKAM (Herbal paste) 8. PIU (Steam boiled)

Powdered substances made

Kakam is a lump or paste from rice, herbs added with

of plant ingredient, metallo little quantity of milk or wa-
mineral ingredient ground ter and get steam boiled us-
well with or without us- ing milk in the apparatus till
ing water or any other liq- vapour coming from upper
uid. Ingredient available in part of the apparatus,the re-
fresh form do not normally sultant should be added with
need any other liquid unless sugar or jaggary or as pre-
specified in the formulation. scribed in the formulation.
Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 47

9. VAAKAM (Lozenges) 12. NEY (MEDICATED Ghee)

It is a type of internal medicine, It is a category of med-
in which the powdered materials icine that is prepared by boil-
are being made into a bigger size ing the substances with ghee.
of pills after the cooking process. It is prepared by boil-
It is prepared by taking the in- ing the mixture of ghee with
dividual materials, powdered specified herbal or other
and mixing them with brown substances paste, juices, de-
or white sugar and the mix- coction and milk. The ingre-
ture be steam heated, using dients are mixed and heated
milk in the apparatus and heated upto the reduction till dehydration and the prod-
of milk into of initial quantity and the material is uct is strainer and filtered.
poured to a mortar and grinded, then rolled into
balls of required weight and size and dried in shade.
10. VEEY ( MEDICATED Butter) confections)
The powdered materials mixed thoroughly
Medicinal prepara- with ghee and sugar as per their specification attains
tion of creamy in appearance. a semisolid form, which is known as Iracyaam.
They are prepared by It is prepared by fine powdering materials,
taking the specific quantity mixing sugar and ghee with the powder and knead-
of the substance, powdering ing it to homogeneity. Sometimes the product
them and melting them with is brought to the consistency of semi liquid mass
sesame oil till they go into a
solution and pouring the so- 14. IAKAM (Confections)
lution into a vessel with wa-
ter or tender coconut water Iakam is a sweetened semi-
then churning out to recover solid medicinal preparation.
the fat content into which the Iakams are confections that
drug has got incorporated in are prepared by heating certain
the form of a buttery mass. decoctions, juices and milk with
the addition of sugar till a thick
syrupy consistency is reached,
11. MAAPPKU (Syrup) at which state the specified ma-
terial powders are added and
Maappku are syr- mixed to homogeneity after which ghee is mixed in and
ups made with juices or de- then honey is stirred into it when it has cooled down.
coction added with sugar or There are some Iakams that do not require juices or
sugar candy and heated till decoctions as shown in their formula. In such cases
sufficient dehydration and the syrup is prepared by boiling the required quan-
attainment of syrupy consis- tity of milk or water as the case may be and adding
tency. In some of the prepa- sugar or jaggery. When the syrup stage is reached
ration honey is also added. honey is added and when it froths up the specified
In yet other instances, after material powder are sprinkled little by little and
the syrup is prepared some stirred into a homogenous mixture. Then the rec-
powdered herbs or other ommended quantity of ghee and honey is added
substances are also added.


48 Siddha System of Medicine

15. EEY (MEDICATED Oil) 18. PAKKUVAM (Processed

These are medicated oil pre- Mixtures)
pared by boiling the decoction,
juice, milk and pastes of other It is a type of internal medicine, which is prepared
materials with oil as prescribed by processing the material in different juices and
for a stipulated period and fil- powders till it reaches the final form. strainer and
tered. filtered.
Eey or Tailam are prepared
by boiling to dehydration, the
specified oils with milk and de-
coction, juices and some powders or pastes accord- 19. TAL (Honey soaked)
ing to the formulation. After the boiling, mixture has
attained the requisite state of dehydration; the oil is These are honey-pro-
taken for use after straining and filtering. As an indi- cessed medicine.
cation of proper dehydration the oil will foam up, at The purified herbal seeds or
which stage a small quantity of drug material in the other substances are made
boiling mixture should be examined by rolling be- with holes on their surface
tween fingers. If the correct stage is reached, it will and placed in a container
not stick to the fingers. If that material is ignited, it with honey.
will burn without spurting and noise.

16. MTTIRAI (Tablets) 20. TNR (Distillates)

It is a kind of medicinal prepa- Tnr
ration in the form of a pill or It is a distilled volatile essence of the substances .In
tablet. They are also called as this process herbs or animal parts are used. Drugs are
Uruai, Vaam, and Kuikai. taken as per formulation in a Vlai (an apparatus used
They are made by powder- for distillation). Sufficient quan-
ing the ingredients if they are tity of water is added .It is then
solids and grinding them with sealed and burnt .The distillate
water or decoction or juices or is collected in a separate appa-
as prescribed for the formula- ratus. Sometimes, drugs, before
tion, for the recommended going to distillation, undergo fer-
duration and rolling into pills, when pill rolling mentation.
consistency is attained, confirming to the size or
weight of pill specified and they dried in shade. Tirvakam (Pukainr, Caktinr)
These are corrosive distilled liq-
uids obtained from salts and minerals. These are
17. KAUKU (Sediments) mainly used for medicinal preparation like Papam,

Cuam etc. A very little quantity is used as internal

The sediment or the residue, medicine also.
after boiling the medicated The salts mentioned in the formulation are taken and
oil. purified as per formulation. They are ground one by
one and placed in moonlight for a night. Then the
drugs are placed in Vlai and distillation is worked
out. The distillate is collected.

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 49

24. CENTRAM (Red Oxides/

21. MEUKU (Waxy)
It is a kind of medicinal prepara- Centram is a category or
tion by the way of grinding well medicine with reddish colour and
the drugs or heating them still powdering form, made from met-
they attain waxy state. i.e. the als, minerals or arsenicals or salts
prepared medicine should not by grinding them with specified
be sticky when we hold it be- juices or distillates or extractives
tween two fingers . and subjecting to a process of cal-
These are classified into two cinations of sublimation or burning
types Araippu Meuku (Simple or frying or exposing to insulation
ground mezhgu) till the characteristics reddening of the; product takes
Curukku Meuku (Heat treated place. There are five different modes or preparation
mezhgu) of Centram they are:
1. Centram prepared without heating ---- (Araippu
22.KUAMPU (Semi Liquid) Centram)
2. By open heating -- (Erippu Vauppu Centram)
Kuampu is a semi liquid 3. By Capsule heating (Puac Centram)
form of medicine. They are 4. By Sand bath process (Kuppierippu Centram)
prepared by taking mixture 5. By applying heating the range close to 100oC
of juices together with sugar (Ilakupua Centram)
and certain drugs powders.
Then it is heated till it attains 25. PAPAM (Oxides)
a thick syrupy state.
Papam is the drug prepared
by a process of calcinations,
which is equivalent to salt.
There are rare exceptions to
23.PATAKAM (Sublimates) this general concept where no
leading at all is required in the
process. Muttuppapam is an
Patakam are sublimates example where according to
prepared from organic and certain herbs the plants are simply ground with rose
inorganic drugs. It is pre- into a fine powder Kukiliya Papam is an example
pared in a special apparatus where the drug is hot actually cabined but is heated
to melting stage with coconut water and then dried
and powdered.
According to specified methods, Parpam are
made from the given drugs. The drugs taken may ei-
ther be inorganic (as in the case of Kalnr Papam,
Taka Papam, Vei Papam) in origin. Accordingly
these may be bones or bone shells or secretions and
metals or minerals or ores or salts. Chemically most
of the drugs taken are oxidized when certain the
Parpam form having a few physically the Parpam is
composed of particles in a fine state or division, with
a major portion. This ultra fineness is obtained by the
efficient methods, which have followed by Siddhars.


50 Siddha System of Medicine

26. KAU (Non combustible 28. KAAKU (Amalgam)

form of combustible inorganic)
It literally means that is bound. These are medicaments of metals and easily vola-
It is a pr`ocess where the mercurials tile substances such as mercury, mercurials and ar-
and the arsenic compounds, which senicals. In this recipe mercury or mercurials com-
are combustible, are converted into ponents should be present while processing. In this
non-combustible. category or medicine, the metals become finely
Process: A pan is gently heated and brittle during the process and are present at finely
adding the liquids like herbal juice reduced mass. Process in a pan with moderate fire
or Ceyanr Kuittailam, Tirvakam in the metals and other ingredients are melted. The
small increments periodically, was the drugs are placed. easily volatilized substances are separately melted
Dose: It is rubbed with the vehicle number of times as very cautiously taking care not to volatilize them off.
specified. This Form of administration is waning due to While they are still in hot or melton condition, plant
number of reasons. juices or Ceyanr or Pukainr alias Tirvakam (Both
Shelf life is one hundred years. of them are acids of peculiar nature) as stipulated in
the recipe are added in small increments periodically
27. URUKKU (Solidification) so as to enable the melt to absorb them completely`
The drugs, Like Metals or solid minerals are
placed in crucibles specially mentioned like Paca 29. CUAM (Strong oxides)
Cuakkukai and sealed properly. Then using the Cuam are prepared by heating the drugs
blowers it is calcined and the final product is collect- converting in the form of calcinations as per the
ed. In this process the dugs are burnt to a malleable procedures mentioned in the recipes. They process
form and the particles of the drug attain more fine- alkaline properties similar to that of limestone.
ness so that the absorbability and the efficacy are Cuam - Suitable calcinated lime and oth-
optimal. er calcium group of raw materials are also
known by the name Cuam. There
30. KAPAM (Black oxides) are two types of methods for Cuam.
Kapam in Siddha medical sci- In the first method either lime stone or other cal-
ence means the drugs, which rejuvenate the cium group of raw materials are subjected to in-
whole body and mind towards the longest life. tense heat (ti Erittal) or calcinations (Puam) as
Some of the forest herbs, important metals, salts, specified in the formula, e.g. Veiyuppu Cuam
and minerals (Iracam, Uparacam, Ulkam, Uppu In the second method, metals mercury and the
Vakaika) and transferred into potent medicaments other poisons (Paka) are put into Kalvam
either singly or in combination as per the Siddha text. either singly or in combination as stipulated in
The Kapam drugs to be consumed adhering the rules the recipe ground with plant juices or Ceyanr or
and regulations, strictly. Usually the Kapam drugs Pukainr alias Tirvakam (Both of them are ac-
should be taken either slowly increasing the dosage ids of peculiar nature) into a paste and are well
or gradually decreasing the dosage or vice versa. dried. Then they are kept either in an earthen
The Kapam drugs are classified two types: Capsule (Maakal) or in a crucible (Mcai) the
1.Instaneously Prepared and edges are sealed with clay smeared ribbons and

2. Prepared drugs subjected calcinations with cow dung cakes.

Daily preparation is usually from forest medicinal
herbs (Mlikaikkapam leaves, barks, stem, and 31. CATTU (Concentrates)
roots. Any metal rendered brittle for the purpose
Prepared Kapam Drugs of reducing it to powder by destroying its corro-
The recipe prepared out of metals, minerals, salts sive force
and quintessence of metals, minerals and salts,
( Ttukkapam,) and some are out of animals also, 32. KURUKUIKAI (Mercurial Bolus)
(Cva Kapam) Reputed pills, prepared out of mercury
Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 51

External Medications
2.PAU (Paste)
1.Kattuthal (Dressing)
Application of medicated preparations
All bandaging methods over an abscess, wound over it as a firm protec-
tive covering.
3.OAAM (Fomentation)
4.PCCU (Anointing)
A treatment of warm application to the painful Liniment externally applied.
or other injured parts of body

5.VTU (Vapour bath/Steam 6.POAAM (Bolus fomentation)

Steam bath using some medicinal prepara- Bundles containing medicinal substances they
tions.. are used for fomentation.

7.TOKKAAM (Oil Massages) 8.PUKAI (Fumigation)

A process consisting of striking with and then A method of fume application.
pressing the body. All methods of massage.

9.MAI (Corrylium) 10.POI TIMIRTAL (Powder

A medicinal paint for the eye.
Rubbing of whole body with some medicinal
11.KALIKKAM (Corrylium) Substances.

A very pungent eye medicines 12.NACIYAM (Nasal instillation)

13.TAL (Blowing) A type of nasal medicine which is liquid in nature.

Medicinal substances chewed in mouth of the 14.NCIKPARAAM (Nasal

applicator and the air from mouth is bloated to dusting)
the patient ear, etc
Medicated powder used as a snuff.
15.KAIMPU (Ointment)
16.CLAI (Plaster)
Soft unctuous preparations made by mixing
butter with medicinal drugs and ground well and Piece of cloth applied with medicinal preparation
used for dressing a wound.
17.NR (Liquid)
18.VARTTI (Medicated gauze)
Medicated water or decoction used for clean-
ing the wounds. Medicated plug stick used for application into
sinuses of chronic wounds.
19.CUIKAI (Cauterization by
solids) 20.CALKAI (Probes)
An act of burning or scarring as of morbid flesh An instrument used to measure the depth of the
with a red hot needle or turmeric root. wound.


52 Siddha System of Medicine

21.PACAI(Paste) 22.KAI (Poultice)

Glutinous substances of paste. Thick paste i.e. poultice made from rice flour
mixed with powder of medicinal substances,
added with water or milk and heated up to a
23.POI (Powder) poultice form and applied externally.

Medicinal powder made from herbal or minerals 24.MUICCAL (Bone setting)

and used as external application for wounds.
Breaking procedure, to correct mal union of
bone .The affected bone part is beaked and the
25.KAL (Incision) position is corrected.

Tearing or scratching or dissecting an abscess 26.KRAM (Caustics)

and similar other swelling to drain the pus etc.
To heal a wound or to create a rash some toxic
material powder used externally as a rubefa-
27.AAIVIAL (Leach cient.

Leech application therapy. 28.AUVAI (Surgery)

Operative procedure for surgical cases.
29.KOMPUKAAL (Splints)
Immobilization methods used for treating frac- 30.UICAL (Aspiration)
tures. After reduction of the fracture, the limbs
should be immobilized by using wooden sticks To draw in by the mouth or the nose, to suck
placed over the limb and tied to made immobi- up the pus and other material and removed.
lization of the part.

31.KURUTIVKAL (Blood letting) 32.PCCU (Enema)

Bloodletting therapy. To remove the blood Enema used to expel the stool.
from the affected part, the blood vessel in that
area is made a small slit to drain the affected

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 53

Concept of UAVU


54 Siddha System of Medicine

Food as medicine, is the basic concept of Sid- Healthy food and Avoidable
dha and it is repeatedly emphasized by all the Sid-
ones :
dhars. Maruntu Atikram in TTirukkua have deals Food including fruits, high fiber contents, veg-
only with food habits, the calorific calculation, etables, cereals, pulses, fish, meat etc should be a
the time and need of food and have also well ex-
part of our meal. Rice varieties like Maiccamp
plained about Balanced diet. The astonishing line
is good for diabetic patients, Craka Camp
Maruntea Vvm Ykkaikku Aruntiyatu
and KuimaI Camp are good for Vtam
Aatu Pi Ui
ailments. The gruels prepared from Rice, Wheat
Stands to add support for the food concept in
form an important part of diet. Various gruels like
According to Siddha, the amount of food con- Crakakaci , Ventayakaci, Plkaci, Nikrakaci,
sumed should suit with persons appetite. One Kaci with medicinal powders, Neykaci, Rkikaci,
should always consume food only after the com- Koukaci, Uuntukaci, Navarakkaci etc are
plete digestion of food previously taken. Food enriched with medicinal values and very healthy
should be avoided during excessive hunger, anger for patients during medication and Pattiyam.
or grief. Food should never be taken in full stomach. Greens
Half of the stomach should be left empty for air,
water, fire and space to enhance proper digestion.
People should take care of the utensils used
for cooking and serving food. There are traditional
healthy ways of cooking and eating formulated by
our Siddhars and ancestors. Cooking in Mud pots is
highly beneficial for our health. Food of sour tastes
should not be cooked in copper and brass vessels as
they cause metallic toxicity. Copper and brass vessels
should be coated with tin to prevent toxicity. Eating
in plantain leaf gives good Health. Plantain yields a Greens have always played a major role in pro-
lot of Bio chlorophyll. It cures indigestion and im- viding health. Globalization set a trend of Junk food
proves appetite. Eating in plates of Gold, Silver and and has replaced the concept of food which suits
pure bronze are good but earthen plates are the best. a region. For people in Tropic regions should have
light food and take items which will suit their cli-
Name of Plate Benefits
mate. Excess use of butter ,Ghee and bakery items
Gold Increases spermato- do not match people of Sub continent. One of the
genesis, digestion, healthiest friendly food is greens, packed with nu-
complexion and gen- trients and vitamins, low in Calories. Greens pro-
eral debility vide beauty and health to all age groups. When
Silver Cures Aiyam and Aal taken raw, the nutrition value doubles. Greens
diseases. Increases like Spinach, Lettuce, Basil (Tuaci), Mint etc are

complexion a store house of medicinal values. Lettuce con-

Copper Cures Aal diseases. tains Folic acid, Manganese, Chromium, Vitamin
Increases eye sight. B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Mint is helpful in al-
Bronze Cures general weak- leviating Kapam ailments and abdominal ailments.
ness and Hyperten- Pacalaikkrai (Spinach) has high antioxidant values.
sion Basil is a good antioxidant, carminative and best

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 55

for skin ailments. Traditionally known as Tuaci (Oci- Fruits

mum sanctum), basil is considered as a natural rem-
edy for stress apart from its anti-inflammatory and
anti-oxidant properties. Enriched with holistic and
religious values for Hindus this herb has a remedy for
the three mind, body and soul. The leaves of this
plant can be dropped into water, tea or juice and con-
sumed. This helps in providing immunity and control- Fruits like Gooseberry, Pomegranate, Ja-
ling the negative influence that stress produces in the mun, Mango, Plantain, Dates, Pineapple, Or-
body like fluctuating hormones and metabolism. Reg- anges should be included in our diet. Fruits
ular consumption also tackles the problem like cold, like Jack fruit is not advised as it causes dis-
fever, cardiac disorder, asthma, respiratory prob- eases and should always be taken with honey.
lem, memory disorder, eye disorder, headache etc. Milk
Cereals like wheat, unpolished rice, salad
containing raw vegetables are rich in fibre. Diet
should always be rich in fiber which lowers the

Milk is an important part of food but certain

things should be followed while taking milk. For first
six months, babies should be given only breast milk.
Then along with semisolid and solid foods breast
milk can be continued till the age of two or even
C Reactive Protein (CRP) causing inflamma- three. This helps Physiological and Psychological de-
tory reactions in blood. It is also good for heart, velopment of a child. Early administration of cows
digestive system, Utiravra Curitam (Rhue- milk or any other milk than breast milk can lead to
matoid arthritis), abdominal disorders etc. Pl Mntam(Lactose intolerance) and skin diseases.
Oils For young children and adults cows milk, goats milk
Oils like linseed oil, Gingelly oil, Peanut oil, and donkeys milk are good. However milk of buf-
if rotated in usage will be good for heart. It low- falo, sheep and camel are not advised. While boiling
ers the bad cholesterol in blood. Dalda, Va- goats and cows milk it should be added with 1/8th
naspathi etc should be avoided. Reuse of oils part of water and buffalos milk with equal quantity
and deep frying of foods should be avoided. of water. A special fat found in milk inhibits sub-
stances which trigger inflammation and damage of
joints as seen in Arthritis. Conjugated Linoleic acid
is an essential Fatty acid found in milk which brings
benefit to degenerative and inflammatory disorders.
Butter milk should be included in diet instead
of curd especially for those people who are obese,
diabetic or having high cholesterol level. Butter
milk can be consumed even at night. It removes
sense of heat, aneamia, abdominal pain etc. Includ-
ing cows ghee and butter in diet is equally good.


56 Siddha System of Medicine

Meat of Goat is advisable in anemia, general TIRITA CAMAPPORUKA
debility, mental disorders and during convales- 1. Cardomom decreases heat and enhances
cence. Meat of sheep, beef and pig should be digestion. It should be added in sweet dishes
avoided. Meat of rabbit is advised for mental dis- and non-vegetarian food.
orders and TB. Flesh of chicken causes Vtam ail- 2. Cumin seeds should be an ingredient of
ments and aggravate hemorrhoids but improves
soups and curries. It reduces Aal humour and
Spermatogenesis. Flesh of black fowl is for good
increases appetite.
health. Flesh of duck increases skin ailments and
aggravate wounds. People should lower the con-
3. Ginger should be included in curd, butter
milk and non-veg food. It is good for the man-
sumption of grilled, fried and microwaved meat
agement of Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid
items which increases AGE (Advanced Glyca-
arthritis. Since this herb has no side effects
tion End products) found in blood of people with
it is advised to include Ginger in adequate
Chronic diseases associated with inflammation
amount to prevent cancer and inhibit the
like Aalklvyu , Utiravra Curitam . Steamed growth of cancerous cell. Dried ginger is one
fish, sea foods, simmer chicken can be included in of the main ingredients of Siddha medicine, it
meals with more fruits and vegetables for healthy cures indigestion, rheumatism etc.
body. Eggs of the birds like ducks cause gastritis
4. Garlic cures the disorders caused by imbal-
should be avoided. Egg of hen are good for Vtam ance of the three humors. It should be includ-
and Kapam ailments but aggrevates Aal and ed in the food stuffs prepared from bulbous
Eczema. Half boiled eggs with salt and pepper roots, pulses and non-vegetarian foods. It
can be given for respiratory disorders like cough. helps in controlling cholesterol level and ad-
Food should be taken according to age, sex, vised for patients suffering from Hypercho-
physical work, region and season. Certain foods lesterolemia and Hypertension.
when mixed other becomes poison and such 5. Asafoetida cures worm infestation and indi-
foods should be avoided. Eg Milk and Fish. Cer- gestion. A little amount is enough to remove
tain foods should be consumed with other for re- the ill effects of pulses. It should be fried,
moving its ill effects. Eg : Jack fruit given along powdered and then used.
with ghee or honey. Ground nut with jaggery. 6. Fenugreek is a spice bitter in taste but very
healthy. It reduces Aal and good for gastritis.
Food Inimical Food It should be added in butter milk and pungent
Milk Fish, Sour fruits, foods. The Kacior gruel prepared from little
Greens, Horse gram fenugreek is good for abdominal ailments
Curd Chicken, Banana and lactating mother. It is also a lactogogue.
Raddish Urad Dhal It contains anti diabetic property.
Manathakkali Pepper, Long Pep- 7. Turmeric having bitter and pungent taste
per, Honey and should be added in all dishes except sweet
Jaggery dishes. It increases appetite, neutralizes

Honey Lotus seed three humors and removes toxic substances.

It is anti-cancerous, antioxidant and helps in
Betle leaf Edible oil fighting infections. It is a good drug for hypo-
Spinach Sesame seed glycemic activity.
8. Pepper cures poison, Kapam diseases and
acts as an antidote. A healing agent for vari-
ety of ailments like ear disorders, liver diseas-
es, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, skin

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 57

nutrients for easy absorption in blood, increases Healthy Food Habits

digestion, improves brain function, reduces 1. Other than what you take, there are certain
depression, controls respiratory problems and other factors which are mandatory to be incul-
has high effect in fighting cancer of colon. It is cated in our food habit if we want to remain
good for body and mind. It is a complete health healthy and active for a long time. Some ex-
booster. amples are quoted below
Types of Food 2. Fasting once in a fort night makes you healthy.
Diet is considered to be vital for a human Fruits and mild juices can be taken in a lesser
body as it provides the basic nutrients, which are amount on those days.
necessary to carry out the basic activities of di- 3. Skipping meal is one habit that should be
gestion and metabolism. Siddha has categorized strictly avoided as it strains your digestive sys-
food into three types based on its basic quality- tem. If skipping meal becomes a regular phe-
the Cattuvam or spiritual quality, Irajacam or nomenon it can lead to chronic hyperacidity,
gastritis and duodenal ulcers.
active quality, and Tamacam or material quality.
4. Eating in excess and before the normal time
It is said that whatever food we eat it influences
and interval may lead to indigestion, obesity,
our mind in accordance with its basic quality. Cat-
and anorexia.
tuvam food is enriches and elevating the spiritual
5. Consuming less fluid that required also leads
quality while , Irajacam food has a basic tendency
to indigestion and acidity.
to provoke man to a materialistic and selfish way
6. Drinking of water during a course of a meal
of living. Tamacam food is one, which accounts
should be avoided.
for a devilish streak in a person. .
Ideal Diet
Though different kinds of diet are suggested in
Siddha, there is no specific diet which can be said
to be ideal for every human body. It is because
every human being has a different body structure
and digestive power. There are various factors
that need to be kept in mind while working out the
ideal diet for every individual as it will be distinctly
different based on the persons specific constitu-
tional characteristics.
Points to ponder
1. Awareness of the alterations that might takes
place in its nutritional value, with time.
2. The effects of combining foods - proper and
improper combinations as suggested by Sid-
3. The quantity of a particular food that is Mucumucukkai
healthy. Mukia maderaspatana (L.)Cogn.
4. Difference in the time while consumption of
two different kind of food items.
5. The places and climatic condition where the
food is grown prepared and consumed.
6. The effect of consuming the food in a particu-
lar season.
7. Use of artificial flavors, chemicals, preserva-
tives and colors.
58 Siddha System of Medicine

Thiagarajan, R. Gunapadam metals and animal kingdom, volume 2, Directorate of Indian-
Medicine, Madras. 206. (1981).
Kuppuswamy Muthaliar, K.N. and Utamarayan, K.S. Siddha pharmacopoeia (In
Tamil),Parinilyam, Madras. 167, 168 (1987).
Anonymous. Impcops Siddha Formulary, X Edn., IMPCOPS, Madras. 124 (1991).
Prema. S. and Nagarajan, B.V. Boghar Vaidhyam 700 (In Tamil), Tamil University,Tanjavur.

129. (1985).
5. Anonymos. Agasthiar paripoornam 400, (In Tamil). B. Rathnanayagar and sons, Ma-
dras.37. (1951).
6. Abdhula Sayubu PM. Vediuppu Chendhuram. (2006),Anubhoga Vaidhya Navaneetham III
Part. 2nd ed. (pp. 76, 77) Chennai.,Thamarai noolagam.(1-10 Volumes)

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 59

Therapeutic Approaches


60 Siddha System of Medicine

To diagnose a disease, Siddhars investigate the This is a method in which a drop of Gingili oil is
cause of the disease, the signs and symptoms, dropped over a urine sample. The spreading pat-
complications if any and pathological tissue tern exhibited by the oil droplet over the surface
of urine gives a confirmatory clue that helps in the
(Ualku) changes. diagnosis of the disease.
They examine both the body and the disease to-
gether to arrive at a conclusion regarding the
condition or disease. For diagnosis, two paths are
It is very unique in Siddha Medicine,
followed, viz., approach to the disease called Ny which was introduced to other Indian Systems of
Nal and determination of etiology of the dis- Medicine at a later period .It is always essential to
ease called Nymutaal. identify the cause for any disease to be accepted
Essentially, the Siddha system follows a as a scientific method. The same has been re-
unique methodology in diagnosis of disease. It is flected in Tirukkua.
called Evakaittrvu which means the eight crite-
ria for physical examination. These include: Ny Ni Nymutal Ni Atutaikkum
N Niam Moi Vii Vyni Vyppac Ceyal
Ni Paricam Mala Mttiramivai The diagnostic methodology in Siddha
Maruttuvaryutam treatment is unique as it focuses majorly on the
basis of the Clinical wisdom of the physician. The
1. N (Tongue) Physician examines the tongue, complexion,
speech, eyes, and palpation findings in a patient
2. Niam (Colour ) and also examines the urine and stools. The diag-
3. MoI (Speech) nosis is then confirmed by the Pulse Diagnosis.
4. ViI (Eyes) The interrogation plays only a very minimal role.
5. Malam (Stool) The examination for the above is called as the
6. Mttiram (Urine) Eight Tools of Diagnosis.
7. Paricam (Touch) Diagnosis using pulse is a very important
aspect of Siddha and is the method developed
8. NI (Pulse) by Siddhars to extend our sensual perceptions
to the interior of our body to diagnose and con-
Out of these 8 entities, methods used
firm illnesses. In other words, it performs the job
for physical examination of Urine (Nrkkui and of present day inventions like stethoscope and
Neykkui) and pulse are unique to Siddha and act sphygmomanometers. There are innovations of
as confirmatory diagnostic tools. Bio medical instruments which may pave a digital
imaging of pulse diagnosis in near future.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF URINE The pulse movements (pulsations) are compared

NRKKUI to the movement of different animals according
This is the physical examination of urine to the intensity felt for easy interpretation. It is
which deals with the color, smell, quantity, fre- felt mainly at 10 pts, out of which the one felt over
quency, specific gravity, frothiness and taste of radial artery is considered the best and is felt in
urine left hand for females and in right hand for males.
It is usually felt using 3 fingers (viz. index, middle

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 61

and ring fingers) in view of assessing the states GENERAL MEDICINE:

of Vai, Aal ,and Aiyam simultaneously. The Disease Classification mentioned in
The lick and rhythm of the pulse indi- Siddha is 4448 and this is the highest number
cates the type of constitution and the irregulari- of disease classification of subcontinent. The
ties present in the body. The pulse is examined contribution made by the sage Yki and Tra in
in the Right hand of males and the left hand for both prevention and classifications are the evi-
females which supports theory of Arttanri . The dences of their accomplishment.
pulse is recorded at the Radial-artery. The unit of All the other Siddhas have contributed a
pulse diagnosis is 1 for Vai 1/2 for Aal and 1/4 lot in drafting the treatment schedule which is
for Aiyam. This unit is equivalent to the size of a holistic including the life style dictation, Bedside
grain (wheat) regimens and Karmic eradication measures. The
strength of Siddha medicine in prevention and
Treatment Principles treating the chronic life style disorders has made
Siddha approaches treatment of Diseas- this system as patient friendly. Public health ini-
es Holistically. Pretreatment Procedures in Sid- tiatives in prevention of Anaemia and Chickun-
dha helps in normalizing the altered Mukkutram guniya, Swine flu have repeatedly proved that
vtam, pittam and kapam Siddha Medicine can be used as a main stream-
Mikium Kuaiyium Nyceyyum Nlr ing.
Strength of Siddha actually lies in the
Vaimutal Eiya Mu
success stories in NCDs both prevention and
treatment. Even though these medicines are
Vircaattl Vtam Tum advocated for longer duration cause no Known
Vamaattl Pittam Tum Adverse effects and are helpful even in taking
Naciya Acaattl Aiyam Trum care of prevent in the complications which is a
Vta Nyka such as Arthritis, Sciatica, If a patient enters in a Siddha OPD/hospi-
Neuralgia, and Insomnia are certain examples tal for a surgical condition in his primitive stage
there are exists a success rate of more than 60
of increased vtam, Therapeutic purgation nor-
% to get treated conservatively and avoid sur-
malizes altered vtam, gery. Renal calculi, Haemarrhoid, Sinusitis and
Pitta Nyka such as Gastritis, Giddiness, Gynecological disorders are some promising ex-
Bronchial asthma, Migraine, and Allergic Bron- amples.
chitis are Diseases of pittam.Therpaeutic emesis Dermatology, Gynecology, Obstetrics,
Normalizes altered pittam.Emetic treatment is Orthopedics and Ophthalmology are superspe-
prohibited among cialities treating organs separately. But Siddhas
Patients suffering from hematemesis basically treat a body as a whole. The time test-
Aiya Nyka such as Sinusitis, Head ache, ed clinical studies have proven the effectiveness
and influenza are normalized by Nasal drops in- of Siddha system in Dermatology, Gynecology &
stigation and Obstetrics andOrthopedics have made Siddha
Application of corrylium prevents aggra- Physicians ground competitors of Super speci-
alities in bio medicine.
vation of kapam diseases.


62 Siddha System of Medicine

Oil bath - preventive measure adopted and twined with the heritage of Dravidians.
Normalizes altered Mukkutram
Complements freshness to five Senses.
Tones the Joints
Tones digestive apparatus.
Remove lethargy

Procedure of oil bath

Once in a week is to be followed

Oil drops to be instilled in Nose, Eyes and Ears
To be applied all over the body and also in the feet
Can use Soap nut powder to remove oil while bathing.
Bath in boiled water in a warm temperature.


Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 63

VARMAM Varmam is a special branch sification called as tau varmam.

of Siddha which is basement of Varmam points in our body are
many alternative therapies such as affected due to any trauma (or)
Acupressure, Acupuncture,Sujok pressures it causes in diminishing
pressure. These therapies got of energy in these vital points. If
their basement from Varmam energy in these points is dimin-
and practiced in their area. ished it leads to many diseases.
Varmam practitioners are called Stimulation of these Varma
varmi. They are abundantly points by methods called as
seen in kaiykumari District aakal and giving Internal medi-
of Tamilnadu. But various other cines relieves the patients from
people who are having a sound diseases. Since Varmam points
knowledge of cilampam do are referred to energy resources
know this therapy. Varmam is in Neurological areas Varmam
divided into 108 classifications is beneficial in treating many
among which pau varmam is 12 Neurological disorders. Stimula-
in number and tou varmam is 96 tion of Varmam points is useful
in number. There is another clas- in treating General diseases too.

Tokku + anam =Tokkaam tok- Hemiplegia, paraplegia, mus-
ku means skin and anam means cle weakness, dystrophies, sciat-
Heat and therapeutic touch given ica and spondylosis disorders are
to skin and muscles. tokkaam some of the neurological disor-
is the massaging techniques men- ders where tokkaam is used.
tioned in Siddha. taal iukkal Process consisting of striking
piittal muukkal kaikaal iuttal with fist and then pressing the
mallttutal auttutal are nine ypes body or its parts of a person suf-
of tokkaam procedures. The fering from some ailment.
tokkaam procedures handled The process is differentiated as
in the spinal column and other follows:
musculatures of the body treat all
vtam disorders and neurological
Thattal Patting Kaikattal Tying the
Irukkal Tightly hold- hands
ing Azhuthal Pressing
Pidithal Seizing Ezhuththal Pulling
Murukkal Twisting Mallathuthal Lying flat
Asaithal. Shaking


64 Siddha System of Medicine

Bone Setting
Bone setting practices is one of Many difficult fractures such
the specialties in Siddha. In His- as fractures of femur and even
tory of Bone setting, traditional bone fractures nearest to the
practitioners even before emer- joints are handled dramatically.
gence of orthopedic science start- Even though there is a minor de-
ed healing bone fractures with gree of complications, compa-
splints (or) Traditional Bandag- rably with orthopedic practice
es which are made of Egg yolk, it is equal (or) less in number.
Black gram powder, kukiliyam Bone setting practitioners
and certain Herbs. These Ban- are more in number and their
dages are equal in action to plas- services are cheaper and ef-
ter of Paris. There is more than ficacious than the current or-
thousand of bone setting tradi- thopedician. Many times they
tional practitioners along with become the primary care physi-
graduate practitioners in India. cians in minor to major fractures

via vaittiyam is a branch of Siddha here. The treatment given for snake-
which is traditionally practiced by prac- bite and poisonous bite is peculiar, people
titioners of Siddha. via vaittiyam deals used to put incisions in various parts of
with disorders of skin and Toxicological the body with knife and viakkuampu is
symptoms such as Gastritis, continuous applied in their incised spots. The medi-
vomiting etc. But in most of the areas poi- cine is absorbed via these incisions and
sonous bites, snakebites, and anonymous reduces the poison and detoxifies them
bites are treated in via vaittiyam clinics. and makes the blood pure. Many antioxi-
Allergic manifestations and edema of the dants are used in internal therapy, which
body are also considered in via vaitti- will be used in treatment of allergy, skin
yam. Drugs such as viakkuampu , nanti disorders by scavenging free radicals.
mai and various medicated oils are used

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 65

Due to the simplicity and Tribals of hill stations such as kol-
motherhood care. Each and limalai maklikamalai akat-
every people considered Sid- tiyamalai are well versed in us-
dha medicine as his or her own age of Herbs as Tribal Resources
property. Due to this, like the in Therapy of Siddha. Usages of
folklore art Siddha system also Ricinus Communis leaf in cur-
spread via folklore and folk say- ing Jaundice, maramaca
ings. Most of the sayings are in (Coscinium fenestratum) in
the form of Proverbs and Folk curing fever and Vellarugu
songs for example there is a (Enicostema axillare) in treating
popular saying called. There is no leucorrhea are some of the ex-
medicine equivalent to cukku ample in tribal Siddha medicine
as No god is good as muruka.
Like the folk medicine, sid-
dha system also spread via Tribal
community. iruar paukar and

High order forms of medicine internally in a human being when meditation attains
Siddhas as mentioned earlier are alchemical satiety; it helps in the secretion of Civakkuilai Nr
Scientists and undoubtedly High Order forms which may be equated to present days Melatonin and
of Medicines mentioned in Siddha such as Kau, Serotonin. At this stage it is called as Ykamuppu.
Kaaku, Urukku, Cuam, Kurukuikai were not There exists many schools of thoughts and
mentioned and used in other system of medicines. people have hot success in black magic still the
The minute dosage, longer shelf standard format of Muppu is yet to be arrived.
life, increased half-life, Easy transportation,
increased bio availability, Palatable and Multiple MAIKKAAINL
therapeutic benefits are their special characters. The wrist circumference ratio as we cal-
culate BMD in the present day there exists a
physical measurement other than regular 8 tools
MUPPU of diagnosis is mentioned in Siddha called as
An abundance of literature is available in Siddha
alone for the Universal Bio-enhancer, Muppu which Maikkaainl. A standard thread is used to
is a combination of three salts, one form the Earth, measure the wrist circumference of every patient
one form the Sea and other from the Space. This Bio- and equated the disease list and health chart men-
enhancer is also having a potency to convert the lower tioned accordingly by Siddhas. The mention differs
element to higher element where it goes by the name from minor to mortality and repetition of time test-
Jlamuppu. When it is given as a co-drug, to enhance ed findings prove that the accuracy matches with
the activity of a main drug is called the Vaittiyamuppu. contemporary people and their disease encounter.
Muppu other than external can be secreted


66 Siddha System of Medicine

rita tmarai Miakaraai

Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.)F.v.Muell. Toddalia asiatica (L.)Lam.

Thiagarajan, R. Gunapadam metals and animal kingdom, volume 2, Directorate of IndianMedi-
cine, Madras. 206. (1981).Kuppuswamy Muthaliar, K.N. and Utamarayan, K.S. Siddha pharmaco-
poeia (In Tamil),Parinilyam, Madras. 167, 168 (1987).
Anonymous. Impcops Siddha Formulary, X Edn., IMPCOPS, Madras. 124 (1991).
Prema. S. and Nagarajan, B.V. Boghar Vaidhyam 700 (In Tamil), Tamil University,Tanjavur. 129.
5. Anonymos. Agasthiar paripoornam 400, (In Tamil). B. Rathnanayagar and sons, Madras.37.
6. Abdhula Sayubu PM. Vediuppu Chendhuram. (2006),Anubhoga Vaidhya Navaneetham III Part.
2nd ed. (pp. 76, 77) Chennai.,Thamarai noolagam.(1-10 Volumes)
Uthamarayan CS. ,Siddha MaruthuvangaChurukkam. 2nd reprint. Chennai. Dept of Indian Medi-
cine andHomeopathy. 2006.

Dorairajan .C.,Noi illa Neri, ,College of Indianmedicine,Kilpauk,1951.Shanmugavelan ., Noi Nadal

Noi Mudal Naadal. 2nd reprint. Chennai. Dept of Indian Medicine andHomeopathy. 2006

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 67

Research & Development


68 Siddha System of Medicine

Siddhars research perspectives are mentioned in Caiva Cintnta Aavai. Kal (Observa-
tion), Karutal (Inference), Urai (Evidence) and Upamam (Comparison) are well established and
same has been followed until today in research. Kuamaa Kci in Aavai is the analogue for stand-
ing without bias in Research. The words Meam(Hypothesis) and Viam (Scientific interpre-
tation) used in basic Poru Tattuvam (Materialistic science) is the start of scientific research.
Hypothesis laid down by Siddhars are repeatedly proved by scientists in research councils and
Institutes which are translated into useful products for the common man.
Research in Siddha has been started by the Indian government in the year 1964 to explore
the hypothesis laid down by Siddhars and give evidence based back up for the research. The Clinical
research is supported with Literary and Drug Standradization. Slowly these departments gained im-
portance and started functioning with their exclusive mandates to support Research.

Focus areas

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 69

Development of research centers

S.NO Research Institute Place Year Activities

1 Literary Research Thanjavur 1964(Merged with Literary research &
Unit CRI in 1979) documentation
2 Literary Research Palayamkottai 1971(Merged with Literary research &
Unit CRI in 1979) documentation
3 Central Research Chennai 1971 Clinical research
Institute (Siddha) Drug Research
4 Literary Research and Chennai 1979 Literary research &
Documentation documentation
5 Drug Research Chennai 1979 Standardization
(Multi Displinary)
6 Mobile Clinical Re- Chennai 1979 Clinical research-Survey and-
search Unit Survellience
7 Siddha Regional Puducherry 1979 Clinical research
Research Institute
8 Clinical Research Unit Palayamkottai 1980 Clinical research
9 Survey of Medicinal Palayamkottai 1971 march Survey of Medicinal plants
Plants Unit -Siddha Merged with Mettur
from 2009
10 Clinical Research Unit Trivananatha- 1986 Clinical research
-Siddha puram Drug Standardization
Upgraded as Siddha
Regional Research
Institute since 2010

11 Project on Tribal Tiruppathur, 1985 Tribal research

Research Programme Tamilnadu Merged with CRIS Abondoned since its merger
in Siddha Kalasa,Karnatka
12 Clinical Research New delhi Upto 2000 Clinical research
13 Preliminary Screen- Trivandrum 1982-1999 Standardization
ing Institute for
Siddha Drugs.


70 Siddha System of Medicine

Evidence based research centers

Central council for research in siddha

Siddha Central Research Institute, Chennai.

Siddha Regional Research Institute, Puducherry.

Siddha Clinical Research unit, Palayamkottai.

Siddha Regional Research Institute, Trivandrum.

Siddha Medicinal Plants Garden, Mettur.

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 71

S.No Name of Centre Location

1 National Institute of Siddha Tambaram Sanatorium
Chennai 600047
2 Central Research Facility Sri Ramachandra University
Porur,Chennai 600116
3 Indian Medicine Research Laboratory Sri Ramachandra University
Porur, Chennai 600116
4 Central Animal Facility for Develop- Sri Ramachandra University
mental Research and Toxicology Porur, Chennai 600116
5 Centre for Advanced Research in Sastra University
Indian System of Medicine (CARISM) Thanjavur
6 Captain Srinivasa Murthi Drug Research Arumbakkam
Institute in Ayurveda and Siddha Chennai
7 Centre for Research in Indian System of IIIM,Jammu ( CSIR)
Medicine(CRISM) India
8 Sri Sai Ram Siddha Medical College and Tambaram West
Research Centre Chennai
9 Centre for Research & Development of Bharathidasan University
Siddha-Ayurveda Medicines Trichy
10 Navajyothisree Karunakara Guru Re- Thiruvananathapuram
search Centre for Ayurveda and Siddha Kerala
11 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Chennai
12 Tamil University Thanjavur
13 French Institute of Puducherry Puducherry
14 Centre for Asian Studies Taramani, Chennai
15 Foundation for Reviatalization of Local Bengaluru
Health Traditions (FRLHT)


72 Siddha System of Medicine

Preclinical research Standardization of a Siddha formulation Amuk-

In order to have a good coordination be- kara Curanam by HPTLC, Jeganathan,N. S.,
tween the quality of raw materials, in process ma- Kannan, K., Manavalan, R. and Hannah R Va-
terials and the final products, it has become essen- santhi, African Journal of Traditional Comple-
tial to develop reliable, specific and sensitive quality mentary and Alternative Medicines | Year: 2008
control methods using a combination of classical | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | Page: 131 140.
and modern instrumental method of analysis. Scientific Validation of Purification Method of
Standardization is an essential measurement for Terminalia chebula in Siddha Medical Practice
ensuring the quality control of the herbal drugs. ( in India, Natarajan Shanmugasundaram , Sathi-
Standardization describe all measures, which are yarajeswaran Parameswaran , Kannan Muthiah
taken during the manufacturing process and qual- , Thieme eJournals, Planta Med 2011; 77 DOI:
ity control leading to a reproducible quality. It also 10.1055/s-0031-1273671.
encompasses the entire field of study from birth of Pharmacognostic studies on Sida acuta Burm.f,
a plant to its clinical application. It also means ad- S.Mohideen, E.Sasikala, and V.Gopal, Ancient
justing the drug preparation to a defined content of science of life Vol: XXII (1) July /2002.
a constituent or a group of substances with known Electrochemical Determination of L-Dopa
therapeutic activity respectively by adding excipi- in Mucuna pruriens Seeds, Leaves and Com-
ents or by mixing herbal drugs or herbal drug prep- mercial Siddha Product Using Gold Modified
arations.) Pencil Graphite Electrode, H. C. B. Kalachar
Evaluation of a drug means confirmation of its S.Basavanna, R. Viswanatha, Y. Arthoba Naik,
identity and determination of its quality and purity D. Ananda Raj, P. N. Sudha Electroanalysis Spe-
and detection of its nature of adulteration. cial Issue: Topical Cluster on Electroanalysis in
Russia and Belorussia Volume 23, Issue 5, pages
Central council for research in Siddha adapt follow- 1107 1115, May 2011.
ing guidelines to meet with the global standards in Physical and chemical analysis of mercurial
preclinical Research. preparations in siddha medicine viz. Rasa Chen-
Good Agricultural ,collection and cultivation dooram and Lingha Chendooram, AUSTIN A.,
practices(GACP) Indian drugs ISSN 0019-462X 2003, vol. 40,
Good manufacturing practices(GMP) no10, pp. 587-588.
Good laboratory practices(GLP) Standardization of Siddha drug Sangu Parpam
using Infrared spectrum, V.N. Meena devi P.
In standardization Standards laid down by PLIM, Nagendra Prasad & K. Kalirajan ,International
Ghaziabad is being followed. Journal Of Pharmacy Technology.
Following are certain publications in Siddha which Standartisation and Antioxidant Studies of a
authenticates standardization. Siddha Formulation Gandhaka Parpam, Ma-
Austin, A., 2003. Physical and chemical analysis larkodivelraj, V. Ravichandiran, Nagamani,
of mercurial preparations in Siddha medicine A.Vijayalakshmi, Sanjay Regala, IJPIS Journal
viz., rasa Chenduram and lingha Chenduram. of Pharmacognosy and Herbal FormulationsVol
Indian Drugs, 40: 587-588. 1:4 (2011).
Pharmacognostical and physio-chemical stan- Pharmacognostic studies on Alangium salvifo-

dardization of leaves of Wrightia Tinctoria R.Br., lium (Linn.f.) Wang. root bark,Saraswathy A,
Mahendra S. Khyade and Nityanand P. Vaikos, Meena AK, Shakila R, Sunil Kumar KN, Ariyana-
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Re- than S, PHCOG J, August 2010 | Vol 2 | Issue 11.
search and Development | Year : 2009 | Volume : Quantification of Tamarindeal from Tamarindus
1 | Issue : 8 | Page : 1-10 indicus, Saraswathy A,Joy.S., & Shakila.R.,Indian

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 73

Semecarpus anacardium L. nut extract ad-

After standardization drugs are subjected for ani- ministration induces the in vivo antioxidant
mal studies in which Siddhars Intuition are time defence system in aflatoxin B1 mediated he-
tested for their efficacy and Tested for their tox- patocellular carcinoma, B. Premalatha, and P.
icity for safety human usage and dosage fixation. Sachdanandam, Journal of Ethnopharmacol-
Following are some of the animal studies pub- ogy Volume 66, Issue 2, August 1999, Pages
lished as output of Preclinical studies. All the stud- 131-139.
ies are done after proper Approval of IAEC and in Effect of Withania somnifera on glycosami-
compliance with CPCSEA Guidelines. noglycan synthesis in carrageenin-induced air
Austin, A. and M. Jegadeesan, 2003. Biochem- pouch granuloma, V.Hazeena Beguma and J.
ical studies on the anti ulcerogenic potential Sadique, Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic
of Hemidesmus indicus R. Br. var. indicus. J. Biology,Volume 38, Issue 3, December 1987,
Ethnopharmacol., 84: 149-156. Pages 272-277.
Austin, A., M. Jegadeesan and S. Subrama- Free Radical Quenching and Immunomodula-
nian, 1999. Pharmacological studies of Ling- tory Effect of a Modified Siddha Preparation,
ha chendooram-No.1, A Siddha drug. Indian Kalpaamruthaa, Shanmugam Arulkumaran,
Drugs, 36: 285-288. Vanu Ramkumar Ramprasath), Palanivelu
Anna Pavala Sindhooram an Antiatheroscle- Shanthi2) and Panchanatham Sachdanandam,
rotic Indian drug, K.Radha Shanmugasunda- journal of Health Sciences Vol. 53 (2007) , No.
ram, P.G. Seethapathy and E.R.B. Shanmu- 2 170-176.
gasundaram, Journal of Ethnopharmacology | Effect of Naga Parpam, a Zinc-Based Siddha
Year : 1983 : | Volume : 7 | Issue : 3 |Pages 247- Medicine, on Hyperlipidemia in Rats, lango
265 Balakrishnan, Dawood Sharief Sultan, Vinoth
Anti-diabetic activity of alcoholic extract of Kumar Krishnamurthy, Rajkumar Raman, Su-
Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schultes in rats, T. kumar Ethirajan, Viswanathan Subramanian,
Vetrichelvan b M. Jegadeesan, Journal of Eth- Journal of Complementary and Integrative
nopharmacology Volume 80, Issues 2-3, May Medicine, Vol. 6 (2009) .
2002, Pages 103-107. Pharmacological investigation of Rasa Gan-
Anti-inflammatory Effect of Semecarpus dhi Mezhugu (RGX) a Siddha drug,D. Ghosh,
anacardium LINN. Nut Extract in Acute and B.M.V. Shetty, A. Anandakumar, Journal of
Chronic Inflammatory Conditions, Vanu Ram- Research in Ayuveda and Siddha | Year: July
kumar RAMPRASATH,a Palanivelu shanthi,b Dec 1995 |Volume III | Issue: 1&2| Page: 33-52.
and Panchanatham sachdanandam, Biol. Anti inflammatory and anlagesic activity of
Pharm. Bull. 27(12) 2028 to 2031 (2004). Idivallathi Mezhugu a Siddha preparation,
Rasagenthi lehyam (RL) a novel complemen- Sudesh Gaidhani, Thenammal , and Velu-
tary and alternative medicine for prostate chamy, Journal : Journal of Research in Ayu-
cancer, Rama S. Ranga, Ramankutty Girija, veda and Siddha | Year: April- June 08 |Volume
Mohammed Nur e alam, Sabapathy Sath- XXIX | Issue:2 | Page: 60-67
ishkumar, Mohammed A. Akbarsha, Sub-
biah Thirugnanam, Jurgen Rohr, Mansoor
M. Ahmed and Damodaran Chendil, Cancer
Chemotherapy and Pharmacology Volume
54, Number 1, 7-15, DOI: 10.1007/s00280-004-


74 Siddha System of Medicine

clinical research Role of Tulasi {Ocimum sanctum Linn.) in

theManagement of Manjal Kamalai (Viral Hepa-
Clinical trials conducted in Siddha system as titis), Rajalakshmi1 , G. Sivanandam and G. Velu-
guided by WHO/ICMR Guidelines . chamy, IR.A.S. Vol. IX, No. 3-4, pp. 118-123.
Major areas of Clinical research Conducted in Effect of 777 Oil on Non-specific Dermati-
Council are on Psoriasis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Pep- tis(777 Oil-A Siddha Herbal Coded Prepara-
tic ulcer, Diabetes mellitus and Osteo arthritis. More tion), Kalavathy Kamalakar Rao, B.M.V. Shetty,
than 10 herbs are successfully tried in Hepatitis. Pub- Ramachandran,J.R. Krishnamurthy and G. Velu-
lications support lot of hope in treating anemia and chamy, /.R.A.S. Vol. X, No. 3-4, pp. 132-140.
NCD Management is a thrust area of clinical research A Siddha Remedy forChronic Ulcer, N. KALA-
in Siddha. The efficacy of RAN Therapy in Siddha in VATHY, . S. RAJALAKSHMi,M. SUNDARAM. G.
HIV increased the hope in this system as the drug VELUCHAMY, I.J H P. Vol. XXI. No. I, 1984.
clinically improved the wellbeing of the infected. A Clinical Study (Symptomatic) of a SiddhaCom-
pound. Drug in Rheumatism (CertainTypes of
Grade A Valinoigal), T. Anandan,.G .Veluchamy,
A trial of Phyllanthus amarus in Acute Viral Folk-Medical Claims From Tamil Nadu North
Hepatitis, Narendranathan M, Remla A, Mini PC, Arcot District, T. Anandan and G. Veluchamy,
Satheesh P, Tropical Gastroenterology | Year : 1999 | BM.E.B.R Vol. VII, No. 3-4, pp. 99-109.
Volume :20 | Issue : 4 | Page : 164-166. Role of Chundaiva ttral churn am in the manage-
A Comprehensive Study on a Polyherbal Sid- ment of (non-specificdiarrhoea) athisaram,P.R.
dha Compound on Plasma Glucose and Serum Lip- Saroja, K. Sivaprakasam and G. Veluchamy,
ids in South Indian Population, Thanickachalam. J.R.A.S. Vol. XIX, No. 3-4, (1998) pp.128-131.
Sadagopan, Anbarasi.Chandrasekaran, Planta Med Role of Ponnimilai Chendooram and Chiratta-
2011; 77 DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-127363 iThailam on Leucoderma, K. Sivaprakasam1, T.
Anandan, R. Yasodha and K.K. Rao, J.R.A.S. Vol.
XIV, No. 1-2, pp. 52-61.
Grade C
A Clinical Trial on offect of Chandamarutha Chen-
A Critical Study on Annabedi Chenduram in Pan-
dooram in Rheumatoid Arthritis (Keel Vayu)
du Based on Siddha Concept, D. S, Jayakaran, E.
K.Ganapathiraman1,G.Masilamani2 J.Annathai1,
Meenakshinathan, and K. Gopakumar, Res. Ay.
K.Sivaprakasam1, and E.Meenakshinathan3
Sid. Vol. VII; No. 1-2, pp. 23-32.
Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha |
A Pilot Study of Kuppaimeni Acalyphaindica, K.
Year : 2009 | Volume : 30 | No.4 | Page : 27-34
ganapathi raman, T. P. R. Bharadwaj and K. K. Pu-

rushothaman, J.Res. nd. Med, Yoga 4 ,14: 3,1979.
Clinical Evolution of a Thima Thuram in Viral Hep- Literary research
atitis (A CONTROLLED STUDY), S.Rajalakshmi, Literary research lays platform to any re-
G. Sivanandam and G. Veluchamy, J.R.A.S. Vol search in Siddha System as they are scientific reflec-
XVm, No. 3-4, (1997) pp. 141-146 tions of the Intuitions of Siddhars. Palm Leaves and
Clinical study on Neerizhivu Noi (Diabetes mel- Paper manuscripts still hold with them many unfold-
litus) - A comparative study, G. Masilamani1, ed scientific details which are to be unearthed.

V. Ravishankar, Umesh Chander Kansra and The wealth of traditional medicines is avail-
B.Chakravorty, J.R.A.S. Vol. XXI, No. 3-4, (2000) able both in a coded and non-coded documents.
pp. 126-134 Answers to many unsolved questions have been
Efficacy of Kanaga Linga Karpoora Mezhugu on properly culled out via extensive literary research.
Rheumatoid Arthritis, C. Eleza, S. SivanandanIn- This traditional knowledges should be properly doc-
dian medicine and Homoeopathy journal, July - umented, digitalized, preserved and published to
Sep. 2002. the public domain. Both virtual and real manuscripts
made available as a ready beckoner for students, re-

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 75

search scholars and the public. Literary Research tional Journal of Pharmaceuticals Analysis |
and Documentation Department under the um- Year : 2009 | Volume : 1 | Issue : 2 | Page : 20-
brella of Siddha central research institute is car- 30.
rying out the above said activities in a stipulated Sankamuni visa vathiyam 100 a book re-
manner. view, R.Rajasekaran, A. Rajendra Kumar,
MAJOR RESEARCH ACTIVITIES OF LRDD K.Suresh3, A.Narayana, Journal of Indian In-
Collection of Manuscripts and other old rare stitute of History of Medicine| Year : 2007 |
printed books and hand written copies. Volume : 37 | Page : 63 - 68.
Cleaning and preservation of collected mate- Siddha kayakalpa drugs a modulation therapy
rials. in Alzheimers - a transparency and perspec-
Preparing Cataloguing and classification. tive eye views, K. Ganapathiraman , P. Sathya
Transcription of Palm Leaves Manuscripts. Rajeswaran , S. Selvarajan, M.M. Padhi and
Annotation of poems. G.S. Lavekar, JRAS,Volume xxviii,NO-4, OCT-
Typing of transcribed poems along with an- DEC.2007,PP-99-108.
notations. Pluralism in Indian medicine Medical lore as
Publication. a genre of medical knowledge, V. Sujatha,
Translation of books published in Siddha into Contributions to Indian Sociology (n.s.) 41, 2
English & Hindi. (2007): 169202 SAGE Publications.
Publication of translated Siddha Text in Eng- Siddha medicine: an overview, Subbarayappa
lish and Hindi. BV, Lancet. 1997 Dec 20-27;350(9094):1841-
Sale of publications. 4.
Preparation of IEC Materials for AYUSH and Yugis Pramegam and Diabetes Mellitus: An
CCRS. analogue, Bulletin of Indian Institute of His-
Submission of Manuscripts For digitization. tory of Medicine Hyderabad | Year: 1999 | Vol-
Periodical training for students. ume: 29| Issue: 1 | Page: 83-87.

Siddha medicine - Background and princi- Patents
ples and the application for skin diseases, J. A Patent has been received by CCRAS
Joseph Thas, Clinics in Dermatology | Year: - IPR Status - Patent no 1666740 dated on
2008 | Volume: 26 | Issue: 1 | Page: 6278. 11.09.1987 with the clinical trial results con-
Food is Medicine and Medicine is food A ducted on 777 oil for Psoriasis at Central Re-
Siddha perspective, V. Muthulakshmi, V. Vi- search Institute for Siddha Through NDRC.
jayakumar, Functional Foods for Chronic
Diseases - Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular
diseases and AIDS | Year : 2009 | Volume : 4.
The Roots of Siddha System of Medicine in
Thiruvasagam, Rajasekaran. R, A.Gomathi,
Kannan. M, & Alanarayana., Journal of Indian
Medical Heritage | Year : 2009 | Volume : XXX-
IX | Issue : 1 | Page : 63- 79 ISSN 0975-430X.
Probing History of Medicine and Public
Health in India, Deepak Kumar,SAGE Publi-
Medicinal plants from Siddha system of med-
icine useful for treating respiratory diseases, Wrightia tinctoria (Roxb)
Arjun Ram, Duraisamy Arul Joseph, Selvaku-
mar Balachandar, Vijay Pal Singh, Interna-


76 Siddha System of Medicine

Medicinal plants research reproductive and child

Medico-ethno-botanical survey is an impor- health care
tant part of drug research which provides informa-
tion on the distribution and availability of medicinal Reproductive and Child health care project
plants in given area. The collected specimens dur- have been allotted to Siddha with 16 drugs and all
ing the survey also form the reference materials for the preclinical studies are nearing completion. As
description and characterization of raw drugs and this project is to be focused in public health research
their botanical source to avoid adulteration and sub- primary health centres and taluks other than re-
stitution. The herbarium and museum developed search councils units.
from such collections act as reference centres for
UG/PG/M/Phil/Ph.D. students and researchers for tkdl( traditional knowledge
correct identification/authentication of their plant
specimens or raw drug materials. Further, the folk digital library)
claims collected during the exploration work pro- TKDL is a collaborative project between
vide lead for validation and effective development Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),
of drugs based on traditional knowledge. Ministry of Science and Technology and Department
Central Council for Research in Siddha has of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
been involved in survey and documentation of me- TKDL involves documentation of the knowledge
dicinal plants of India used in Siddha system of medi- available in public domain on traditional knowledge
cine. One of the councils peripheral institute Siddha from the existing literature related to Ayurveda,
medicinal Plants Garden, Mettur, has a repository Unani and Siddha in digitized format, in five in-
of Herbarium contains 8325 sheets of international ternational languages which are English, French,
standard and a museum contains around 800 crude German, Spanish and Japanese. So far, the TKDL
drug samples of root, bark, flowers, fruits, leaves, includes about 2.12 lakh medicinal formulations of
gum, wood, etc. collected from field are now being Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha. This project has found
maintained by Siddha Clinical Research Unit, Palay- widespread appreciation in the IGC as first of its kind
amkottai, at the premises of GSMC, Palayamkottai initiative which provides protection to our tradition-
for want of required accommodation. The Herbari- al medical knowledge by preventing its misappro-
um, Museum, and Photographs were digitized and priation.
documented in the CCRS library.
Apart from collection of herbarium speci-
mens, the survey team has also collected and sup- ayush research portal
plied authentic raw drug samples for studies under In order to make research findings in AYUSH
various projects of council including the projects un- systems and allied faculties accessible through web,
der central scheme of Siddha Pharmacopoeia Com- the Department of AYUSH has initiated AYUSH Re-
mittee search Portal. The Central Council for Research in
Pharmacognostical studies on Triumfetta rhom- Siddha is contributing to make this event a great
boidea Jaco, Padma Sorna Subramanian, M, et success. Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic
al, Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Biol- Sciences (CCRAS) headquarters and the National

ogy. ISSN No: 0972-9720, 6 (2), 133-138, 2009. Institute of Indian medical heritage (NIIMH) Hyder-
Published on June 2010. abad are coordinating and maintaining this freely
Pharmacognostical studies on Acacia catechu accessible web portal in collaboration with National
Willd. And Identification of antioxidant principle, Informatics Centre, Hyderabad. The portal is acces-
Gayathri devi et al., Journal of Pharmacy and sible through website
Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol.3, Suppl.2, March
2011, P108-111.

Siddha Dossier
Central Council for Research in Siddha SIDDHA 77

pharmacovigilance of
siddha drugs
Pharmacovigilance is carried out in ASU
System to reassure and to exhibit to the world
about both the tall claims that the drugs are al-
ways safe or Drugs are not at all safe. The lists
of drugs were classified as toxic, semi-toxic or to
be used with precaution etc. nacu maruttuvam
in Siddha clearly explains the possible adverse ef-
fect of certain drugs and their management for
possible adverse drug reactions (ADRs) or toxic-
ity has been mentioned in detail. But, it is needed
to prove that the drugs of these systems are safe
basing upon a comprehensive safety data. Taking ut pai
the WHO guidelines for the safety issues of herbal Aristolochia bracteolata Lam.
medicines into consideration and to put Pharma-
covigilance system for ASU drugs in proper place,
the Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health priority areas of research
and Family Welfare, Govt. of India launched Phar- Scientific Validation of Varmam, Noninvasive
macovigilance Programme for ASU Drugs and procedures and simple Techniques to treat ill-
announced establishment of a National Pharma- ness.
covigilance Resource Centre at Institute for Post Revalidation of techniques and processes of
Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (IP- converting metals and minerals from inorganic
GTRA), Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar, as to organic form through the advanced modern
National Pharmacovigilance Resource Centre for techniques and subjecting them for Pharmaco-
Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani Drugs (NPRC-ASU) dynamics and Pharmaco kinetic studies.
in India for coordinating this National Pharmaco- Validation of Dietetics as Functional foods and
vigilance Program. Further this program is also Nutraceutical.
guided by National Pharmacovigilance Technical Drug development strategies for high impact
Advisory Committee (NPTAC-ASU), a technical areas such as DM/ HT/ Hyper lipidemia, Osteo-
committee mainly concerned with reviewing and porosis, Cancer and incidentally detected Viral
analysing the ADRs reported at different levels Hep- B.
and to suggest proper remedial measures. All the
units under Siddha council are having Pharmaco-
vigilance cell and National Institute of Siddha is
the regional centre for Siddha.


78 Siddha System of Medicine

Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology,
Journal of Health Sciences
Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine
Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha
Tropical Gastroenterology
Planta Med
The Lancet

Clinics in Dermatology
Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases and AIDS
Journal of Indian Medical Heritage
International Journal of Pharmaceuticals Analysis
Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Biology

Siddha Dossier
Mauppatu Ualny Maruntea Lkum
Mauppatu Uany Marunteac Clum
Mauppatu Iiny Vrtirukka
Mauppatu Cvai Maruntea Lm
- Tirumlar

A Dossier on Siddha System

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