What Fits Aman
What Fits Aman
What Fits Aman
the cup and the baptism that fits a house, without his mother, was a
man for spiritual leadership, and for big challenge for Joseph. He had
placement in the divine scheme of no bosom to cry unto. He only
things in Gods programme, we shall could cry to a father, who was
examine the path that brought actually the father of all. Joseph
Joseph from being a mere dreamer could have developed a resistant
unto becoming a prime minister in heart against his brothers and
Egypt. refused to stretch a helping hand
Joseph was the eleventh son to them but it seemed Joseph
of Jacob, through Rachel, his had an encounter with God that
favorite wife. He was a long awaited changed his life and values. The
child of Jacobs old age. He became Bible says:
the apple of his eyes, moreso as Now Joseph had a dream, and
Joseph lost his mother when he was he told it to his brothers: and they
barely two years of age, at the birth hated him even more. Gen.37:5.
of Benjamin, his only brother. He At age seventeen, Joseph began to
was reared up by his step- mother have dreams, not about girls and
(possibly Bilhah). Jacob made for worldly things but about God.
him a coat of diverse colours and Though he grew in an
protected him much from the wickedness and cruelty of environment of constant rift and conflict. His dreams
his half brothers who were several years older than him. He revealed a heart pursuing after God and His purpose. Reuben
was pampered with care and affection. He was shielded was a loose man, who could sleep with his fathers wife;
from any hard work, though he was feeding the flock with Simeon and Levi were so cruel and wicked that they could
his brothers. Jacob was concerned about his safety, lest lead a revolt and cause man-slaughter; Dinah was such a
any untimely death should claim this little gem of his, that loose girl that went out as a harlot. But Joseph feared the
was the comfort of his heart after the death of his darling LORD and rather prayed daily to know Gods will for his
Rachel, for whom he spent twenty one years of his precious life.
life to secure in marriage. For Joseph to keep having such meaningful dreams;
On the family side, Jacobs exceptional love for his progressive dreams and unforgettable dreams, he must have
son, Joseph, was not hidden. It created envy and violent set his heart at knowing the LORD more and more personally
hatred for Joseph in the hearts of his older brothers. Their and intimately. It is true that God only reveals His secret to
father, Jacob, preferred him to them all and treated him like themeekandlowlyinheart.If you seek me diligently,
the only true son, while others were like bastards and you shall find me (Jer. 29:13) is a clear principle of how
mistakes. This situation carved a hard path for Joseph so God deals with men in all generations. Josephs dreams
he could not freely play with his brothers. His only friends proved that he had a personal altar, where he communed
were his father and his little brother, Benjamin. with God regularly.
Jacob, his father, was Josephs only close confidant. Joseph, being very close to Jacob at this, time may
He reported to him, the evil that several of his brothers did on have heard Jacob recount the testimonies of his encounters
the field. It was either havoc to other peoples farms, which with God and how he wasted several of his own years.
they ravaged with their cattle, or the women they molested Jacob may have told him of his first encounter at Bethel
while out there and such likes. (Read Gen. 37:1-4). (where he dreamed and saw a ladder set up from earth to
heaven). He must have told him of the man that wrestled The hostility of his brothers did not stop Joseph from
with him all through the night till the break of day, dreaming yet another dream. He sought Gods face more
which resulted in his permanent dislocation. Jacob must and more. And God continued to expand the scope of the
have told him how the Peniel encounter changed his name vision. It was not to be in the matter of the sheaves on the
and his character. He must have told Joseph how he cheated field. It was not just his brothers bowing to the ground for
his brother, Esau, and how God delivered him from Esaus him, the sun, the moon and the eleven stars bowed
hands, not as a strong, energetic man this time, but as a down to me.
broken man, leaning upon a staff. Joseph must have learnt Joseph was growing in communion. The vision was
his first lesson of walking with God from Jacob, who by becoming clearer to him by the day. God was enlarging his
then had become such a tender man, worshipping God heart to see the divine possibilities ahead of him in Gods
leaning upon a staff. He leaned on God for all his support programme for the nations. The sun, the moon and even
now. Joseph learnt the act of praying from Jacob. He began the eleven stars would pay obeisance to him in the future.
to cherish God and every word that was dropped in his At seventeen, Joseph was being drawn by God into the
heart. In this present age, we would call these, continuation of the vision He had given
series of dreams. He was innocent about it. to Abraham, his great grand father.
He shared these dreams with his brothers who Though Joseph would not provide the
were much older than him and who could guide sensation lineage, he had a role to play
him into its meaning. He did not expect them in preserving the royal seed. His
to react as violently as they did. ministry in Egypt would preserve the
Now Joseph had a dream, and he young nation, till the iniquity of Moab
told it to his brothers, and they hated was full; and it would prepare a
him even more. So he said to them, friendly Egypt as the place to hide the
Please hear this dream which I have young Messiah-king, Till all who
dreamed; They were binding seek his life have been taken out
sheaves in the field. Then behold, of the land. (Please read Matt.2:
my sheaf arose and stood upright; 13-15).
and indeed your sheaves stood all To Joseph, the sun, the moon and
around and bowed down to my the eleven stars did not just refer to
sheaf.Gen. 37:5-7. his immediate family. Subduing his
The way Joseph told his brothers revealed a immediate family was not of any
humble heart. He did not draw any inference, interest in Josephs heart. He was not
or any implication. He sought for counsel and ambitious to rule over his brethren.
interpretation from men who by their Ruling, Reigning Dominion
experience ought to know what God was however, were all his brothers could
saying to him. They seemingly interpreted the dreams but see in his dreams. Joseph only saw the preserving of life. It
with much hatred in their hearts for him. His brothers saw was a divine covering for shepherding and for provision.
in those dreams a destiny for Joseph, which they were not Sun, moon and the stars from different nations under heaven
comfortable with. They saw what God was saying about would bow to Josephs wisdom and administration. His
their brother and only decided to destroy him with the divine words would make men of many years of experience to
purpose. submit and take cue from his wisdom, if they must survive
Shall you indeed reign over us? Or shall you the days of famine. All of these were in Gods plan for
indeed have dominion over us? was their response. They Joseph. And they were all meant to fulfill the greater purpose
did not seek the face of God for the purpose of God over their of God for the nations in Christ Jesus. He did not find
brothers life; neither did they ask God why will our sheaves fellowship with his brothers. He only received a rebuke from
bow down to our brothers sheaf? They simply saw the his beloved father, but he did not abandon the heavenly vision.
negative effect of their brothers dream and were incensed to Having laid bare the background of Joseph and his
scuttle it and destroy the divine purpose and provision for their dreams, what we must now focus upon is how he translated
future deliverance. Even Jacob, his father was baffled at the from being a mere dreamer to the leader he saw afar off in
consistent and progressive emphasis of Josephs dreams. his dreams. He dreamed as if it was a stone- throw away.
He dreamed as if it would immediately happen the next day, (rather the processing of his own character) of becoming a
when he would be on the field with his brethren. The eleven vessel in Gods hands for the fulfillment of the Abrahamic
stars could only mean his eleven brothers, who were in covenant.
no way stars at the time, was what his immediate mind
could comprehend.
This is how it is with every man, to whom God
Her e I am
Then his brothers went to feed their fathers flock
has given a vision to fulfill in life. It usually begins in their
in Shechem. And Israel said to Joseph, Are not
fathers parlor (so to say). And it would appear as if it is a
your brothers feeding the flock in Shechem?
victory over the little house hold. Men may even quarrel
Come, I will send you to them. So he said to him
with you, because all they see is the immediate environment.
Here I am. Then he said to him, please go and
Some quickly give name to their vision before its meaning
see if it is well with the flocks, and bring back
and dimensions become clear to them. Others build quick
word to me. So he sent him out of the valley of
structures to contain it and so limit its fulfillment.
Hebron, and he went to Shechem.
Do you know it never occurred to Joseph that there
Gen.37: 12-14.
was an Egypt component in it all? He did not see the
Here in this short narrative, we find the beginning
valleys in between the mountaintops he saw in his vision.
of Gods training and preparation of Joseph. It does not
Yet, every mountain top vision includes the valley, which is
appear divine. It seems an ordinary thing, but this is how
generally invisible. In your dreams, you are always brought
God works severally. He uses ordinary situations of life to
to a mount like Pisgah to behold the land from afar off. It
weave out the divine purposes in our lives.
is easier to see from a mount only the top of another
To Jacob, Joseph was just to go and bring me
mountain. You can only see a range of hilltops, not knowing
word again. It was not a journey that would keep Joseph
there could be gullies and valleys of several kilometers of
over the night. Shechem was the place where he first settled
depth and width in between. You may probably not see the
before he moved his tent to the outskirts, to give room for
process of climbing the steep hills. Even the thorny bush on
his growing family. He actually bought the parcel
the path to the mountaintop appears like carpet
of land where he had pitched his tent from the
grasses when viewed from afar off. It looks like
children of Hamor, Shechems father, for one
beautiful scenery, good only for photograph from a
hundred pieces of money. He later moved to
distance. The closer you come to the vision, the more
where Isaac, his father, was at Mamre or Kirjath
the reality of its inaccessibility by ordinary means
Arba (that is Hebron), where Abraham and Isaac
dawns on your life. You will see
had dwelt.
beautiful water falls whitish and
To Joseph, it was
sparkling like silver afar off, not
just a short journey from
knowing they are the gullies without
Hebron (the family base) to
bridges you must need cross, if you
Shechem their farmland. He
will arrive at the fulfillment of the
did not know it was the
vision God has shown you.
beginning of his journey to
Joseph, not knowing what
the mountain he had seen in
his dreams entailed must have said O
his dreams. If he knew it
Lord, let Thy will be done; I am
was a long journey, he would
willing to be a vessel in your hand,
have packed boxes and
at all cost. Do not mind my
traveling kits. There would
brothers; go ahead with your
have been elaborate
purpose for my life. He gave God
preparations: donkeys and
the unconditional right to mould him
camels to bear his goods and
for the leadership role he must play in J o s e dp rh e a m aehtndi od mt he, el e v e n
a retinue of servants to serve
his generation. He had to keep the
fantasy of the dreams away but stored
s t a cr o
s u ol n
d m
l y
e h
a i n m
s m e d i a t e him and keep him
safely in his heart; to face the process b r o t h e r s . eI . nv. e vr yi s i o tn h, e air sel w a y s
comfortable. There would
ai n v i s i b cl eo m p o n e bn i t g g te hr wa hn a t have been a special send-
i sm m e d i a t e cl oy m p r e h e n s i b l e
forth party at home and he would have launched his welfare of his brothers and to take some victuals to them
Dreams ministry in the company of men in Hebron. on the battlefield. It was that journey that brought him to
Egypt would not have been the place of choice, knowing the limelight. It was that journey that started him off on the
how his great grand father almost lost his life and his wife path and process of becoming the king of Israel after Saul.
there. Even if it was, it would have been to quickly go down It was that journey that took him to the quarry of his own
there, make some money and get on the way unto training. It took him to caves, fields, Philistia, Jebus and all
establishing the ministry as many of our men today that constituted his preparation, before he came back to
think of just dashing to America to quickly get some dollars Hebron, where he was crowned king after many years. David
to come and start their ministries in Africa in a grand way, carried the anointing of a king on his head, but he would not
and so got hooked and derailed with temporary pleasures. become one till he had slept in caves, acted insane, escaped
The most crucial thing that Joseph did, which placed him at javelins, was tested in the matter of forgiveness, in the matter
Gods disposal to be taken to the Quarry of Egypt was to of spoils of wars, and in the matter of obedience.
say Here I am. Though it appeared he said it to Jacob, Each one only responded to their earthly fathers
but in essence it was to the Big Hand, behind Jacobs hand; Here I am, send me. This is the second matter I must
it was to the Big Voice in Jacobs voice. Come let me point out here. If it was God, who stood and said, come
send you to seek the welfare of thy brothers, was the let Me send you, it might have been easier; but it was
word. It was as ordinary (as it sounds) but that was the men they first obeyed. The step unto becoming great in
prophetic commissioning of Josephs life. It was the last Gods hands may begin for most of us by yielding only to
command from Hebron. As he went and wandered in the the instruction of fathers (physical parents) or fathers in
fields it became the watch- word on his lips. To every the faith: leaders and disciplers that God has placed over
question; What are you seeking out there? Where are our lives.
you going? Why are you here? that came his way either Several young men of our day desire to be great.
from outside or inside of him, the ready answer on his lips Yet, they quickly pull themselves away from the sending
was To seek and search out the welfare of my people. of men. They would serve no man. They have never been
To become great in Gods hands, it is not greatness under any hand. They sprang up just like banana tree and
you must seek. It is service, and the service of the brethren, began to go in pursuit of what they perceive is Gods call
even if they be presently hostile and unco-operative. The on their lives. They die with their first fruits. They are bundles
commission Joseph responded to was not a search for the of succulent stem, that got rotten unto the earth, once the
Rule, the reign and the Dominion which his dreams first fruits was harvested by men. They can never become
portrayed. It was a search for the welfare, the upkeep, the pillars in Gods house. Their fruits cannot be preserved for
preservation of his brothers. He carried some toasted bread, a long season. They are the immediate consumables, other-
fresh drink, some soup from him for them to be refreshed wise they are wasted.
on the open field. It is important to note here, what would Beloved, it takes time to prepare durables but
look like a coincidence but it is a divine recurrent principle disposables only need a crash programme of preparation.
for all who became great in Gods hands. Vegetable and bananas grow so quickly off the ground
The journey that brought Saul, the son of Kish, to with no deep roots under. They spread so fast around, but
the anointing as the first king of Israel was not a search for they have no capacity to grow tall without bending to the
greatness. It was not a desire to see Samuel for special winds. They are not used for landmarks. I wonder what
prayers to be made a king. It was a search for his fathers you hope to become. Many rose so quickly and so soon
donkeys that were lost. It was not even the search for his have become forgotten. They built works and ministries
own personal asses. He was going from one field to another, that appeared imposing at the time, but today are packed
with dry, parched bread and no fresh water in their jar and aside. Rottenness within their own lives actually destroyed
no money in his own purse, searching for his fathers them.
donkeys. This was the way God led Saul to come into a As we study this journey of Joseph, it is imperative
divine purpose for which heaven was preparing him. for you to listen to God! It is important for you to check if
David did not seek greatness, or a show of the you have said Here I am to God, through your disciplers
fresh anointing on his head, when he went to the battle and the hands God has appointed to mould you into the
field, where Goliath had been harassing the people of God. shape and size He has ordained for your life.
He was sent by his father (out of Bethlehem) to seek the
The first pre-requisite is to say, Here I am. It is those He had processed before, are the enduring vessels
to present your life as an available material for the Potter to we read and speak about today.
work upon. It is to become free and freed from all other I must say to you, saying Here I am, for me, is
entanglements, so God can freely deal with you as He sees the point of entry into my rest. It is so sweet to rest in His
it meet. Can you once again say with the Hymn writer? Almighty hands. Leave the result with Him. I am a living
Behold me, Saviour at Thy feet proof. He has not wasted my life. He will not waste yours
Deal with me as Thou seest meet; either. Joseph said, here I am and so the processing
Thy work begin, Thy work complete, started from that moment. It took over thirteen years before
And take me as I am the aroma of what God was making of him began to ooze
When you say, Here I am, you are willingly out.
yielding your neck to the yoke. He says Take My yoke
upon you and learn of Me; it means you are giving Him Out Of Hebr on
a free hand to cut and join whatever He sees fit in your life.
So he sent him out of the valley of Hebron. And
He is free to choose the mode of training. He is free to
he went to Shechem and there he was,
choose the venue and the processing plant. He has the choice
wandering in the field Gen. 37:14b-15a.
of the Black smith and the hammers to use. He chose Midian
Simple, but very significant! Hebron meant a lot of
as the quarry for Moses and Jethro as the Blacksmith. The
things to Joseph. Hebron was where he had grown and
cave of Adullam with the Philistine country was the training
lived for the first fifteen years of his life. It was the familiar
ground for Davids further making. Paul must come under
country home for him. The graves of his patriarchs were
the hand of Barnabas along with the Desert of Arabia
standing there. The ancient altars stood there. The altars of
College of suffering that his natural energy might be broken.
Abraham, of Isaac and even of Jacob, which were
To me, this here I am is the basic thing I need
foundation to his own spirituality and communion with the
to contribute to the making of my life. After that, I am no
invisible God, were all what made Hebron significant to
more bothered by what I become. I know whom I believe.
He is able to keep and make good whatsoever I have placed
In Hebron, Joseph had his own personal room. He
in His hands. It was the most difficult thing for me to do at
actually lived in the special apartment built in honour of
that time. I was prone to say Here I am by mouth but in
Rachel. As Isaac dwelt in his mothers tent (after the death
actual practice to act I am coming, sir. Wait till I have
of Sarah), so was it the custom for Joseph to dwell in
finished all I am doing first. This was the delay in my
Rachels tent. Hebron was where his wardrobe of tunics of
growth with God. It is the interruption to what God would
diverse colours stood. Hebron was a valley, surrounded by
have made of me beyond where I am today.
hills, a beautiful location both for comfort and for security.
When you say Here I am, it is like the consent
(Note that Hebron later became part of Jerusalem). As
form every patient fills for the surgeon before he/she is
mountains surround Jerusalem (Psalm 125:1-2). It
wheeled to the Theatre for a surgical operation. To confirm
was a place of constant water supply. It was also secluded
that consent form, he signs again and yields to the
from the inter mixture of the Canaanites then. It was an
Anaesthesia which puts him to a deep stupor. He
exclusive resort for Jacob and his children.
becomes so released to the doctor, that he could be turned
For Joseph, Hebron was not just a place. It was a
anyhow, anywhere, while the doctor cuts, sutures and
relationship. Hebron meant a bosom of love for him. It
examines all he wants. Men give this unconditional surrender
was the bosom of Jacob. Whatever his brothers did to him
to human surgeons, but to God we would struggle. We
on the field, Joseph rushed home to this Hebron bosom of
seem to suspect Him. We feel He is not capable of handling
his father. It was the bosom of care and acceptance. Hebron
our lives well enough. We are afraid that He may damage
was also a place of divine communion for Joseph. There,
our lives.
he dreamed his great dream. He had a spot in Hebron where
Friend, have you said, Yes, Here I am to God?
he met with God regularly. It was the sanctuary he first
Are you willing to bow your knees now and just hand over
knew in life.
to Him, so He can begin His good work in you? The
Hebron was also the bosom of affection for his only
beginning is what matters. Leave the ending with Him. All
full brother Ben, whom he fondly called Ben-Ben. He
cudled that boy as the only object of his love. He could not
pour his love on the senior brothers who could not speak tenaciously to your Hebron. To leave Hebron is the initial
peaceably to him because of envy and jealousy. Every man sacrifice for each one of us. Hebron is our self life built and
needs some one to love and some one who loves him. To be decorated. It is our tunics of diverse colors made for us by
a balanced man, you must receive love and give love. our fathers. It is the filial relationship that must give way
To be sent out of the valley of Hebron and to wander for a deeper relationship with God and with men, based on
about in the open fields, under the scorching heat of the higher values of spiritual growth. For Abraham, he had to
sun, was a harsh beginning for Joseph. It did not dawn on get out of his Haran-
him at first that Hebron was out and gone for him at least Get out of your country,
for many years to come. He must have thought, he would From your family
be gone for only few hours. He did not pack up his Hebron And from your fathers house to a land that I will
property. He took nothing out of Hebron except the God show you. Gen. 12:1.
whom he had now learnt not to localize in Hebron. He kept And for every disciple, Jesus speaks of this Hebron in this
company with God even on this journey and turned often to manner:
Him in his heart at every junction, for direction. If anyone comes to me and does not hate his
Hebron was pleasant, but it was not the quarry of father and mother, wife and children, brothers
the next training for Joseph. Hebron had served its own and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot
usefulness in the upbringing of Joseph. Hebron initiated his be my disciple. So likewise, whoever of you does
walk with God. It initiated his dreams and vision. It initiated not forsake all that he has cannot be my disciple.
his home training, which Jacob could provide. But Hebron Luke 14:26.
was limited in the expanse of Gods preparation for this For Joseph, Hebron was where this first condition
man, Joseph. The wilderness test could not be administered of discipleship was located. He was helped by God to meet
in this cherished Hebron. The test of servanthood would the first condition. He left home with nothing else. He left
never be made possible in Hebron, where Joseph was a all his clothes; all his brothers and sisters; all his animals
pampered child. He would not pass the test of faithfulness and pets; all his worldly goods. He left for the first time his
in the things that belonged to another man while he was father, Jacob, who mourned him as though dead to him,
only maintaining his mothers tent, which actually was his with no hope of seeing him again. No communication by
heritage. Hebron couldnt engage his spiritual growth of the any mail or phone. He was dead as far as Jacob was
gift of God in his life. He could not grow in interpretation of concerned.
dreams while in Hebron where there was no opportunity to Joseph had no means of contacting any of his
meet with other dreamers. As at this point, Hebron was no people. If any letter were to come, it had to pass through
more the right place to be. God needed to move him to the Reuben, Simeon and co. You know what they would do?
next place of divine formation. He could not perfect his They would tear the letter and burn it, lest their father would
leadership quality at Hebron, where his brothers hear that Joseph was alive and their lie be discovered. He
misunderstood every assignment he was given by their father, had no one to seek his bail or visit him all the thirteen years
as a deliberate attempt to make him rule and reign and have he was imprisoned. The only thing he took out of Hebron
dominion over them. He needed a place where he could was the cloth he wore and the sandals on his feet. He went
grow in service (which is the only means of spiritual with no change of raiment and even the one he wore was
leadership) as a slave, not as a son and heir in the house. As removed from his neck and smeared with blood to show
son and heir, there were servants and slaves in the house to his father as the possible reason for his death. A lion
run the errands and carry out the dirty jobs. devoured him, they told Jacob.
Now, what do we glean from this? Each man begins Again, this Hebron is the first place to leave in the
with a Hebron! It is very significant to have a place to leave pursuit of Gods call and plan for your life. Let him deny
behind. It is a place of initiation, and it is good only for such himself, take up his cross and follow me, is the condition
a purpose. To tarry too long at your Hebron is to become a of Christ to all men He would make apostles and ministers
dwarf. It is to die at your initials! Your initials: no one is of the New Testament. Have you left self behind with all its
known at the gates with his initials. Your initials are for appurtenances? Have you stepped out of the familiar ground
your boyhood friends. Those who call you by your first of self-esteem? Do you see yourself responding to Gods
initials are mostly your family members. If you do not seek hand removing from you all of your cherished Hebron, unto
to be known outside your family, then you may cling
a base field, where the only treasure you have left is Christ Hebron for good; temporarily a pain, but forever a gain.
and Christ alone? Have you been disrobed of the tunics of Presently, it looked like a step out of what seemed real to
diverse colors made for you from Hebron, so that you can the realm of uncertainty, but in the long run it was a step
be clothed with the garment of service- of a slave and of a into Rest and eternal reality.
prisoner? He who has not been disrobed of self cover, and Joseph had stepped out of mere dreaming unto the
put upon the cloth of a slave (bond-servant), cannot be reality of Gods call. Let me say frankly here that until you
clothed upon with the clothes of glory and honour. Jesus, leave your Hebron in obedience, all your visions of becoming
our Master Himself, left His own Hebron; He emptied a vessel in Gods hand will remain a mere dream. Many are
Himself of all glory and took upon Himself the nature of a just telling their dreams around; they print bogus posters,
servant. call themselves appellations in keeping with the dream they
He has no form nor comliness. And when we had; speak great confession of faith, but remain in their
see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Hebron. They are still dreamers!
Him. He is despised and rejected by men. A man Though his brothers were ignorant of this divine
of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, processing that began as soon as Joseph said Here I am,
as it were our face from Him; He was despised, they were the first instruments employed by God to push
and we did not esteem Him. forward His purpose in Josephs life. They said to one
So His visage was marred more than any man another, Look, this dreamer is coming. They were
and His form more than the sons of men. mistaken. He was no more a dreamer. He had started his
Isa 53:2-3, Isa52: 14, Phil2: 6-7. journey to the throne. Sun, moon and stars of several nations
Saul of Tarsus, who later became Paul, also had to leave his would soon come to this seemingly spineless man, to pay
own Hebron, in order to enter into Gods moulding process. homage and receive their sustenance. God had already begun
All that were gain to him, he counted loss for Christ. a good work in Joseph.
Yet, indeed I also count all things loss for the
excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my I nt o The Pl ace Of Deat h
Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all
Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of
things, and count them as rubbish, that I may
wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains
gain Christ. Phil 3:7-8.
alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.
Peter said, Lord, we have left all and have followed
John 12:24.
thee Mark 10:28.
And let him take up his cross (Luke 9:23).
The issue of leaving our Hebron is universal and
Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast
common to all. It is the beginning of any serious step
him into some pit; and we shall say, some wild
towards becoming what God wants you to become. Please,
beast has devoured him. We shall see what will
do note here and in all the cases we have alluded to: Hebron
become of his dreams. Gen. 37:20.
is not necessarily sinful. Actually, it is not the issue of sin.
The next crucial place God brings every man He
Though the sinful self must be discarded even just to become
plans to use for great things is the place of Baptism unto
a Christian; the Hebron here is more of your positive self-
death. The first place Jesus reported to, having emptied
life. It may even be the endowment of God to you or the
Himself of all and made Himself of no reputation is the Jordan,
heritage from your fathers. It may be that which was
to be buried in Baptism unto death, under the hand of John,
acquired even through concrete prayer. What they left behind
the Baptist. Jethro had to baptize Moses unto his own death
was not just their sins. They left their Hebron- their security,
from the old life in Egypt. For Joseph, the appointed hands
self esteem; accumulated properties; honour and dignity.
were his brothers. They only saw his death as the death of
God takes a man out of his Hebron in order to
his dreams, they did not see the possibility of resurrection.
expand and enlarge him. Hebron dies for each man God
They saw death as the dead-end for Joseph; they did not
desires to use, so that a life of fruitfulness may break forth.
understand the wisdom of God. The High Priests and the
Hebron is limited in providing a basis for what God intends
Sanhedrin council in Jerusalem saw the death of Christ on
to make of your life. If you have responded to the first
the cross as the end of His life and ministry; they did not
matter Here I am, then get ready to be sent out of your
understand Gods great wisdom of sowing unto death that
Hebron, in pursuit of the divine purpose of God. Joseph left
life may break forth in many other lives. Jesus him. He may have recalled the Peniel
embraced the death and endured the cross, encounter his father told him as the
saying gateway unto becoming a prince in Gods
And I, if I be lifted up from the hands, but this was rather different. Death
earth, I will draw all men unto me is worse than dislocation of limbs, he
Signifying by what death He thought. Joseph at this moment only pleaded
would die. John 12:32-33. with God to let him see His face if that
Jesus showed Peter the manner of death by was the end of all his dreams.
which Peter would glorify God, if he must He probably bowed his head in
become all that God called him from the prayer to the LORD saying O Lord! You
lakeside of Genesaret to accomplish in his own are still my God, even in this situation.
generation. I do not understand any more. I
The men who always construct the surrender my will, my ambition and my
cross for the dying of Gods servant do not dream unto You even in this pit of
always see the glory beyond the cross. Their death. If this is the way it will all end,
mobilization is actually in this ignorance of the LORD l thank You. I prefer to be in
mystery of death in bringing forth fruit unto your presence than anywhere else. I
God. If the Princes had known, they would have been stripped of all my earthly
not have crucified the King of glory (1Cor2:8) goods, including my last cloth. But I
and if Josephs brothers had known that they am comforted, no one can strip me of
were only sending him ahead of them and that my relationship with You; into Your
their action would actually help him to become able hands do I commit my soul and
the Ruler, the king and the Dominion- my future. With this, Joseph bowed unto
holder they feared, they would not have death. He died literally in his heart to
contemplated his death at all. everything. He saw no glory in this world
Note here that those God employ to again; he rested in the hope of resurrection.
send a man to the place of death are usually This was the first death. Joseph died even
his next of kin. The devil may seem to be to his dreams. He died to Jacob. He died
interested and be pressing the remote control; to Ben-Ben. He died to himself. If God
but the physical hands that are used to execute ever brings him out of that dry pit, it would
the death and the dying of a man in Gods purpose are no longer be his own life. It would no longer be to serve his
generally those of his brethren. Moses was chased to the own purpose. No man on earth would claim anything
place of his dying, not by the soldiers of Pharaoh, but by a again
fellow Hebrew, who shouted who made you a leader over Even his brothers sat down to a meal having
us? It was the men from the synagogue that placed Jesus concluded that Joseph was as good as dead. They no longer
at the disposal of Pilate and it was Josephs brothers that feared his dreams. They thought they had finished with the
put him in the pit of death and then in the hand of the dreams and with the dreamer. They had agreed on how to
Midianites for continual dying. break the news of his death to their aged father. They had
Joseph was faced with this crucial death- the already got the scape goat, whose blood, splashed on
gradual death of the cross, so to say, by the same brothers Josephs coat would serve as the token of his death to their
he had come out to seek their welfare. It was a rude shock father. The mourning arrangement was already concluded.
to him. It was a serious contradiction. How could he place They celebrated the job accomplished over a meal. Even in
this in the light of all his dreams of being used of God? their hearts, the number is now eleven. We will see what
Where was God in all of this? Why was God silent as they will become of his dreams, they all might have chorused
stripped him naked of his only cloth and dropped him into as they cracked the bones of the roasted meat.
a dry pit waiting to slay him and cover him with the dry Listen, my dear brother or sister; every death must
sand of Dothan? Question upon question raced all through be accompanied with a resurrection. If God submits you to
his mind. He did not understand why this was happening to the Death, it is certain that you will surely rise again, out
of that pit.
A Fi gur e Of Resur r ect i on fee. He was so valueless to them that they took a ridiculous
amount of twenty shekels of silver to be shared among the
And they sat down to eat a meal. Then they lifted
ten of them.
their eyes and looked, and there was a company
So the brothers pulled Joseph up and lifted him
of Ishmaelites, coming from Gilead with their
out of the pit
Camels, bearing spices, balm, and myrrh, on their What a figure! The power that pushed him down
way to carry them down to Egypt. So Judah said
into the pit of death was nothing compared with the energy
to his brothers, What profit is there if we kill our
they exerted to pull him up and to lift him out of the pit.
brother and conceal his blood? Come and let us
This was the first experience of the power of resurrection
sell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand
by Joseph. His silent prayer had been answered now. He
be upon him, for he is our brother and our flesh. was now being carried up and lifted up by the same brothers
And his brothers listened.
who thought they had downtrodden him to the sand in the
Then Midianite traders passed by; so the brothers
pit. He has been lifted out of that pit and placed on a camel.
pulled Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit,
He would no longer trek back to Hebron. He would ride a
and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels
camel now to wherever God has determined to place His
of silver. And they took Joseph to Egypt. slave. Joseph was as good as dead. This was the same
Gen 37: 25-28.
sense that came over Isaac after he was miraculously loosed
This was divine. It was God at work! The death
from the altar of burnt offering where he was tied. For
actually had occurred. What Judah saw was not
Isaac, the ransom was the ram caught in a thicket by its
resurrection. He only saw the profit they would further make,
horns; but for Joseph, twenty shekels of silver, with the
by selling the corpse; Joseph was now looked upon as a ram they slaughtered, was his own ransom. His brothers
dead but living and walking corpse. What does it profit
least understood the miracle of resurrection that had taken
us if we kill him physically and bury his body under the
place. Joseph for once had been lifted up out of the dungeon
pit; we have already killed him, mentally,
by their hands. They also by their hands set him up on the
psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. We have
caravan of the Midianite traders.
devalued and dehumanized him already. He has become Though physically naked, Joseph had gained a higher
a mere good now! He is just a mere cadaver but
treasure. He became free from the tyranny of mundane
with a little difference, in that he is still breathing. He
things of this world. He was valued for twenty shekels of
is a living-dead man now. His hopes and his dreams are
silver, but now he had become an invaluable treasure in
dead as far as we know. Rather than bury him under
Gods hands. He became free from the claim of his brothers
the soil and just fertilize the soil of Dothan, let us give as well. They have shared the price of his ransom; they
him away as mere junk to these Midianites for a token
have eaten the meat so to say. He was free now to be clothes his brothers took away from him. Rachels tent was just
anything and go anywhere for God.. They concluded they a mere tent; he now managed a whole mansion for Potiphar.
had no Joseph again. They organized the mourning. They This new lift was meant to be the next platform of
watched their father weep out his eyes. They rose up to training in the purpose of God for Joseph. There was yet
comfort him and to persuade him to forget Joseph. another death coming but not until some lessons had been
Above all of these, Joseph had gained God. He felt drilled into the fabrics of his soul. It is not a one-time death
lifted out of the pit of sin into the very arm of his God. He that Gods servant must experience in their preparation for
felt lifted out of rivalry and jealousy into a wider place. spiritual leadership. The deaths come in stages with some
Though he would remain a slave of God (and of whosoever measure of resurrection bonuses in between. Some have
he was sold unto), he cherished the opportunity to start life experienced a measure of resurrection and have settled on
on this other side and to see what God was going to do. that flat plain. They have refused the further death; they
It was a resurrection of a kind. The Ishmaelite sold seem to relish their present plateaus of grace. They have
him in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh and captain stopped and stagnated in the purpose of God, as they have
of the guard. (Gen 37:36). He had been positioned by God refused the next death that would have lifted them higher
in the right place of training. He would eat the officers and taken them into the higher plateau in Gods calling upon
meat if that was his desire. He would handle businesses of their lives. They seem great in the eyes of those who have
a different class. Even as a slave, he ate more dainties that not left their Hebron at all; yet they are still dwarfs in the
fell from the kings table than the brothers who envied him. eyes of God, who laments daily over their lives saying,
Every death brings a better hope. Every time a seed is cast Why did you stop at that? They are like king Joash,
into the ground, and it dies, it does not come out the same who struck the arrow three times and stopped. Elisha was
way it was sown. It must come forth with a more glorious wroth with him, for stopping the victory God was bringing
body and much more than the quantity planted. Let me into Israel half way. Would you not ask the Lord to keep
emphasize here again that each death you experience attracts bringing the deaths until He has taken you to the zenith of
a measure of resurrection life. It attracts a measure of His call for your life?
uplifting. Joseph was better clothed even physically than all the To be continued.
By Emmanuel Akaahimbe
Now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the
son of Amittai, saying, arise, go to Nineveh, that
great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness
is come up before me. But Jonah rose up to flee
unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord, and
went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going
to Tarshish so he paid the fare thereof, and went
down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from
the presence of the Lord. But the Lord sent out a
great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty
tempest in the sea, so that the ship was like to be
broken. Then the Mariners were afraid, and cried
every man unto his god, and cast forth the wares
that were in the ship into the sea, to lighten it of
them. But Jonah was gone down into the sides of
the ship; and he lay, and was fast asleep.
Jonah1: 1-5.
The word of the Lord came unto Jonah the When God could not persuade Jonah to obey His
second time saying, arise, go unto Nineveh, that instruction any more; God made it a matter of force.
great city, and preach the preaching that I bid Remember that in the days of Jonah, he was not the only
thee. Jonah 3: 1-2. prophet; yet, I do not know why God insisted that it must
Gods commission is upon every one of us if we be Jonah, even after Jonah had shown clearly that he was
are truly born again. This commission comes with its calling not willing to go to Nineveh. The Lord then decided that He
and posting. The Lord Himself determines what and where would resist, withstand and oppose Jonah.
each one of us would labour. Thus, He has posted us to
several parts of the world. But by human analysis, some How Di d God Resi st Jonah?
areas of postings or locations are considered better than
But the Lord sent out a great wind into the sea, and
others. We refer to some areas as greener pastures. This
there was a mighty tempest in the sea, so that the ship
then creates a tendency in us to either accept or refuse
wasliketobebroken. Jonah 1:4.
either our call with the place of call or to accept our call but
On Jonahs way, he joined himself to a group of mariners
reject the place of call.
who were on their normal routine. These people unfortunately
In the case of Jonah, he did not only say no to the
had to incur a lot of loss because Jonah joined himself to
message but he fled from the presence of the Lord and was
their ship. If only they knew they would not have allowed
not ready for any dialogue. Instead of the road to Nineveh,
him into their ship. Is there a man in your ship who is running
Jonah took the road to Tarshish, a direction directly opposite
away from the call of God on his life? Beware; you might
to Nineveh. Jonah was running away from God. Is there
incur the wrath of God.
any assignment, posting, a commission or demand of God
I warn you, Christian friends, who have persisted in
upon your life that you do not want to obey? Are you also
backsliding, despite Gods repeated appeals to you to return
on your way in the opposite direction? May the story of
to the old approved faith, to the Apostles doctrines, that if
Jonah be a warning to you.
you do not change and amend your ways, God will soon the dangers of your current way of life; you spitefully handled
visit you, not as a lamb, but as a lion of the tribe of Judah, the God-sent help. King Asa imprisoned the prophet of the
as a consuming fire. Initially God sent His word but when Lord. He rejected Gods help to his life. 2Chronicles 16:10.
Jonah would not obey, God sent a boisterous wind against How many times have you also rejected Gods gracious
him. God has more than a thousand and one ways of help when He sent one of His dear servants to you? How
resisting a man. He may start by sharing with you in quiet many men of God (not just title holders but genuine disciples
times some Bible passages that may convey warnings. If of Christ) have you also imprisoned in your heart? You say
you fail to take heed He may take the second step by sending quietly in your heart, I dont want to see him; I dont
his children to prophesy warnings to you. If you still neglect want to hear him!
this, God may still go ahead to arrange situations and When king Asa got to this point not just the point of
circumstances to come your way. When all these are coming his disobedience, but also the point of rejecting Gods help,
your way do not treat them lightly. God had to think of another way of handling this case. God
I hope that you remember king Asa in 2 W h l e ai n fib es e c o m i n a g first of all removed kind words towards
Chronicles 14, 15, and 16. (Please study these J o n a dih ase, n g e r o atu los l Asa. He began to speak harshly to him.
three chapters of king Asas life before you It was no longer goodness and mercy
continue the reading of this article). t jh ooa ous nr e n we i yh t i h m ... shall follow you all the days of life
The kings situation was very similar to but that henceforth, you shall have
the story of Jonah. He too started well. He wars. (Note the plural, wars).
saw the support of the Lord during several After this pronouncement, the first
of his early battles; he had built a testimony war was the war of a disease that defied
with God. Later God saw that the kings all medical management within and
heart was deviating from the path of abroad. This disease deliberately lasted
righteousness and Prophet Hanani was sent three years to give king Asa the chance
to warn him. When the prophet Hanani went to repent and return to God. He remained
to warn him, he used his position to imprison adamant, and he finally died in his
the prophet. When God saw that this man disobedience.
could no longer heed warnings from a man, Jonah wanted to die like that but
God decided to visit him in another way. God seemed to postpone His own.
At that time Hanani the seer came Gods refusal to allow Jonah die in the
to Asa king of Judah, and said unto ship was also a way of God resisting
him, because thou hast relied on him. Jonah would have wanted to die
the king of Assyria and not on the Lord thy God without doing what God wanted him to do; God resisted
for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro through his desire to so do. He had to live against his will. Every
out the whole earth, to show Himself strong in single effort Jonah made was met with resistance.
the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward God also arranged a one-bedroom flat for Jonah the
Him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore big fish, which served both as an accommodation and a
from henceforth thou shalt have wars And Asa means of transport for Jonah. It seems to me as if God
in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased instructed the fish sternly dont squeeze him to death;
in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: dont heat him up; kindly transport him after a three
YET IN HIS DISEASE, HE SOUGHT NOT TO days retreat if he would change- and quite unlike king
THE LORD, BUT TO THE PHYSICIANS. Asa Asa, who was adamant even after three years of a bedridden
slept with his fathers and died in the one and fortieth illness, Jonah changed and repented after three days. How
year of his reign 2Chronicles 16:7, 9, 12, 13. long will yours last? How long will you continue to flout
What a terrible summary of a life!! godly counsel?
You were picked from the miry clay, and you saw The word of the Lord came unto Jonah the son of
the help of God, He has lifted and given you a high position Amittai saying, arise, go to Nineveh, that great city,
in the government, in the society or even in the body of Christ. and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up
Now you feel that you do not need God any longer. Even, before me. Jonah 1:1-2.
God offered you help by allowing a prophet to warn you of And the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second
time, saying, Arise, go unto Nineveh that great city, the records are lost you are free according to human
and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee. investigations. But is that the end of the matter? Is there
Jonah 3:1-2. nothing more to it?
You will discover in this matter that God was beginning My friend, have you searched your team recently to be
to repeat Himself before Jonah. God had to say one thing sure there is no Jonah among your men? Do you remember
more than once, and it was not a commendation, it was the story of Achan? He flouted the Lords command, perhaps
because Jonah could not take instruction the first time. I do in a very little way and nobody would have known it (were
not know whether you are like Jonah, that God had to serve it not that God intervened).
repeated warnings to you because you could not take the For Achan the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi,
first one. You have been warned severally about a the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of
relationship, business, courtship, building of that house, the accursed thing: and the anger of the Lord
spending that salary, and several other things, but you was kindled against the children of Israel. (Not
continued. When any life is becoming a just Achan). Joshua 7:1.
Jonah, once used of God, but now yI hof Jau oav ne ia nh Note that it was the sin of one
walking in disobedience beware of such
a life. When Jonah came to this point in
y o s u h r i p ,c oa hus i tm ! man called Achan that attracted the anger
of the Lord over the whole nation of
his life, he was branded a dangerous Israel. So when God sighted Jonah, the
man. Gods invisible mark on Jonahs run- away prophet, Gods anger was
forehead was dont associate with kindled against him and whoever aided
him, remove him out of your boat, him in any way (by offering a ship,
break fellowship with him, take him providing transport fare, light refreshment
out of your midst. in the ship, and whoever shared in the
My dear friend, is there any matter seat, the hidden seat in the ship). Thus
that the Lord has tried to stop you and every one needs to be very careful and
has sounded the same warning over and critical with any child of God who may
over again and you will not change? Are be going through some difficult times in
you beginning to walk in persistent their lives. The Bible teaches about
disobedience? Are you becoming suffering for all Christians, but there is
dangerous? I can hear God quietly also what the Bible calls or refers to as
warning your acquaintances to run away suffering due to ones sin. Thus, some
from you. If they had ears, they would may be suffering because of their
have complied long ago; they would have disobedience, they could not take correct
stopped putting you on their church/ counsel and so they may face the
fellowship preaching roster and sending you invitations long boisterous wind of their lives sponsored and fanned from
ago. heaven under the supervision of the devil.
If the mariners had interviewed Jonah earlier they
W hen There I s Jonah would have saved themselves the trouble of having to share
womb is located in the woman by divine providence. This
is not a coincidence at all but a special arrangement by the
Lord. When it comes to the issue of incubating and carrying
the foetus till the time of delivery the man has to helplessly
depend on the woman for that job. It is such a great privilege
that God has given the woman. All the experience that a
woman goes through in her body during pregnancy and
delivery is a divine privilege irrespective of individual
differences between one woman and the other.
Give thanks to the Lord for making you a woman:
Gods own human incubator. Not only is a womb needed
before any child can be born into the world, but even children
that would become great vessels in Gods hands must pass
through the womb of one woman or the other before being
born. The children of Israel suffered a great deal as slaves
under their Egyptian masters. They cried and cried to the
Lord for deliverance but the answer to their cry did not
come until God found a womb in Jocebed to bring forth
Moses. Not only that, she was also the mother of Aaron
and Miriam who, together with Moses, led the children of
Israel out of Egypt the land of bondage (Mic 6:4). For her
it was such a great privilege to have used her womb to
serve the Lord. She became an incubator for Gods divine
purpose (the deliverance of the children of Israel from the
land of Egypt) to be fulfilled. Today, many are in bondage
under the elements of the world; slaves to the traditions of
men and to the basic principles of the world. Many are
slaves of sin, heavily laden under the yoke of bondage. If
By Sade Akanni you dedicate your womb to the Lord to bring forth a child
like Moses, for the deliverance of such people, God will be
pleased with you.
Hannah yielded her womb to the Lord to bring forth
An incubator is an apparatus in which small weak a son (Samuel) at a time when a prophet was seriously
babies are cared for, especially those born earlier than normal. needed in Israel. God was not pleased with Eli the priest
There are also incubating devices in which eggs can hatch and his sons for they were sons of Belial (1Sam 2:12,22)
by artificial warmth. Both of these, are however, artificial who polluted the offerings of the Lord in Shiloh and did
incubators. In Gods own creation, birds sit and brood over abominable things.
their eggs to incubate them for some time till they hatch Now the sons of Eli were corrupt; they did not
while human beings and other mammals incubate their young know the Lord.
in the womb for a period of time before they are born. Therefore the sin of the young men was very great
Whether artificial or natural, incubation is an important before the Lord, for men abhorred the offering of the
process in physical reproduction though the duration varies Lord.
in different animals. Every fertilized chicken egg needs to Now Eli was very old; and he heard everything his
stay under incubation for a minimum of twenty-one days to sons did to all Israel, and how they lay with the women
become a viable chick. In human beings, it takes averagely who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of
nine months for a fertilized ovum to be incubated in the meeting. 1Sam.2: 12, 17,22.
mothers womb in order to become a matured foetus ready These were the evils done by Elis sons. Elis eyes were
to be born into the world. The womb is such a good incubator already growing dim and the lamp of God was almost going
that no artificial incubator can be compared with it. The out in the tabernacle of the Lord. The word of the Lord was
Almighty God made it in such a way that it is very conducive very scarce in those days (1Sam.3:1-3). There was a great
for the proper development of the embryo. Fortunately the need for a replacement priest in the temple at that time.
That was also the time Hannah had a great
need for a son. God needed a prophet and
The Heart, A Great
Hannah needed a son. What a divine Incubator
coincidence! Hannah, knowing the kind The heart is a complex incubator of
of evil being done by the priests (Elis spiritual things. It is capable of incubating
children) allowed her need to also meet either good or evil things. It adapts itself to
Gods desire. And then it happened. She whatever seed is planted in it to incubate it
had a son in Samuel, and God had a tomaturity.InProv.4:23 the Bible says
prophet in Samuel. She yielded her womb Keep your heart with all diligence; for out
to the Lord to incubate and bring forth an of it are the issues of life. (KJV).
answer to the problem in the temple. Be careful how you think; your life is
Are you a woman seeking to have shaped by your thoughts. (GNB).
a child? Can you open your eyes to see Just as a babys physical body is formed,
the great need for vessels that God can shaped and developed in the physical womb,
use in the church not only in Nigeria but so also it is in the spiritual. A persons life is
also abroad? There is a great dearth of shaped by the thoughts in his or her heart.
replacement sons in Gods service, vessels What people encounter in your life in form
to replace the outgoing ones and bring of behaviour, speech and action, is a product
revival to the Body of Christ. God was of your heart. It is an out-working of what
willing to wait for Samuel to be born and has been conceived in your heart. The period
to grow old enough to know the Lord and of conception of such an idea may be long
to be able to handle the affairs of the people and the temple. or short, but surely, our actions are preceded by thoughts
Maybe He is waiting for a yielded womb like that of Hannah of the heart. For example, before you decide on what career
in this our time too. Mary yielded her virgin womb to bring to pursue in life, you must have thought about it and
forth Christ the Saviour of the world. Will you yield your conceived the idea in your heart over a long or short period
womb to the Lord for that purpose? He will not refuse you of time. I met a man some years ago who said he did not
if you do it with all your heart. There is a great need in the want to be rich or to be great in life. He was satisfied to be
world and in the church today for such instruments. You the poor wretched mason that he was. When asked why,
will be remembered for what you have done. he said that it was only rich, popular and great people that
Unfortunately there are many children from witches run after for destruction. They never run after poor
Christian homes who neither love the Lord nor walk in His people. That was why he would not work hard enough to
ways. There is need to pray. We must not allow the devil to make ends meet or to become anything tangible in life. His
hijack our wombs to suit his own purpose. The divine life has been shaped by his thoughts. Those thoughts were
privilege must not be turned to a disadvantage. Satan also conceived in his heart before it became his physical lifestyle.
needs vessels to use, and he needs wombs to bring them The heart works like a womb to conceive thoughts and
forth. There is an urgent need to cry to God for the salvation ideas that result in physical action.
of such children born from your womb and the womb of
those around you. Give Him no rest until their salvation Gateways Into The Heart
goes forth as a lamp that burns, and their righteousness as For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the
brightness. The Lord will have compassion and answer you. lust of the eyes, and the pride of life- is not of the
However, just as physical incubators are necessary Father but is of the world. 1Jn.2:16.
for physical reproduction, so also it is in the spiritual. In Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted by
order to bear fruit spiritually, spiritual incubators are needed. God for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He
For anything spiritual to be born into the world, it has to Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when
pass through spiritual incubation. The process and duration he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then
of incubation may be long or short, but it is real and there is when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin,
a great incubator that performs that job. when it is full-grown, brings forth death. Jas.1: 13-15.
Then I arose in the night, I and a few men with me;
I told no one what my God had put in my heart to do
in Jerusalem Neh 2:12. of the Jews taken captive to Babylon where he became the
And supper being ended, the devil having already cupbearer to the king. One day, Hanani, one of his brothers,
put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simons son, to came with other men from Judah to visit him. As he enquired
betray Him, Jn.13: 2. about the Jews who had escaped the captivity, and about
The heart (sometimes called the spirit or the mind Jerusalem, he was told a sad story.
in some parts of the Bible) has different sources of And they said to me, The survivors who are left from
information. It is capable of receiving information from the the captivity in the province are there in great distress
physical realm as well as the spiritual. Through the eyes, and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem is also broken
the ears, nose, tongue, skin, information is fed into the heart down, and its gates are burned with fire. So it was,
which then processes it (using thoughts) and interprets it. when I heard these that I sat down and wept, and
Whatever interpretation the heart gives to a piece of mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying
information is what determines the resulting behavioural before the God of heaven.Neh.1: 3-4.
action of the person. When Nehemiah heard about the situation of the
In the same way that God passes on information people, something happened. A seed was cast into his heart
spiritually into the heart of man (Neh.2: 12) is also the same through those words that he heard. A conception took place
that the devil does (Jn.13: 2). The book of Jas 1:13-15 in his heart. He sat down, wept and mourned for many
clearly illustrates the process that goes on in the heart before days, carrying and nursing that pregnancy. The conception
a physical action results. It is likened to the process of lasted many days before it resulted into a definite action. He
conception and delivery. Whenever a piece of information kept thinking about the sad situation of his people and his
gets into the heart (whether physical or spiritual), a kind of city (Jerusalem). Each time he thought to a point, tears rolled
conception takes place. Thoughts are gathered around it to down his cheeks and he mourned. The pregnancy grew
nourish it and develop it and form an idea with it. Sooner or on. As he fasted and prayed over the matter, the conception
later, there is a giving birth. An action results, whether sinful developed more and more until an idea was formed in his
or godly. heart. Through those thoughts, God put an idea in his heart.
If your heart will give birth to godly action or The idea was that if he was permitted by the king, he would
character, you need to pay attention to the gateways. You go and rebuild the wall and improve the condition of his
must keep your heart with all diligence. A woman who has people. At the beginning, it was just a formless, shapeless
no control over her spirit (or heart) is like a city broken conception. But as he sat down and thought with concern
down, without walls (Prov.25:28). If you allow your heart about the situation, weeping and mourning, fasting and
to become like the type by the wayside as described in Matt praying, it formed and developed into an idea. By the time
13:4, it will forever be barren. Such a heart is open to all that idea was formed in his heart, it was ready to be born in
kinds of information from whatever source. It will be form of an action. The matter was so matured in his heart
unfruitful in the things of God. You must deliberately that it began to show even on his face. One day as he stood
determine which information to allow into your heart and before the king to give wine to him, the king noticed the
which one not to allow. Keep guard over your heart very sadness on his face and acknowledged that it was nothing
carefully. but sorrow of heart or heaviness of heart. He was heavy
Before the will of God will be done on earth as it is with that conception, ready to deliver. It did not take him
being done in heaven, incubators are needed to conceive it time to bring out what was in his heart to the kings hearing.
and bring it forth on the earth. God looks for a yielded heart The king gave him permission to go and rebuild the walls of
into which He will introduce that burden, a heart that will Jerusalem and immediately the process of delivery started.
faithfully act as a channel and an incubator for that will of The labour that normally preceeds delivery started and he
God; a heart that will travail over it until it is born and done actually delivered at last. The wall of Jerusalem was rebuilt
on earth. in fifty-two days (Neh.6:15).
This clearly illustrates how the heart works like a
How Burdens Are Born womb. It is from the heart that issues of life proceed. Life
A burden could arise in the heart through the news actions are preceded by thoughts. For anyone to achieve
that we hear and the happenings that we see around us. The anything in life whether physically or spiritually, in business
great work that Nehemiah did in re-building the wall of or academics, the heart must be properly engaged. Every
Jerusalem came from a conception in his heart. He was one issue of life attracts the thoughts of the heart. It is after
incubating it properly for a period of time that something be released. He thought deeply about it and nursed that
tangible can be born. Before Nehemiah could succeed in burden with prayers, fasting and sackcloth and ashes until
that project and bring restoration, he was not thoughtless the heavens sent an answer. His heart became the womb to
about it. He made himself available and brooded over the nurse the burden and bring forth an answer for the
matter in Gods presence before he could bring forth the deliverance of his people.
rebuilding of the wall. Kingdom works, which eventually There are captivities and troubles that could have
become great, are normally preceded by deep burdens borne ended if the Lord had found spiritual wombs (hearts) that
in someones heart over a period of time. Such burdens could bear the burdens in prayer before Him. Family
arise in different ways depending on the working of the problems, issues about our children, problems in the church
Lord. today and in the society will find solutions only as we make
Another way a burden could arise in a heart is for our hearts available to receive and conceive holy seeds and
the Lord to directly share the burden of His heart with His bring forth godly actions. You must not be loose with your
child, trusting that he will be responsible enough to bear it. heart. No human being has two hearts. Dont allow your
This happened to Abraham one day when the Lord visited him. heart to go astray. You cannot conceive something godly
And the Lord said Shall I hide from Abraham what and something evil in your heart at the same time. In essence,
I am doing, since Abraham shall surely become a great when you allow every kind of information to enter your
and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth heart, or you allow your heart to freely think about any
shall be blessed in him? For I have known him, issue that comes in contact with it, you will be barren as far
Gen. 18:17-19. as the work of God is concerned.
The Lord saw something in Abraham according to For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders,
the plan that He had in mind to make him a great nation. adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness,
Also, God said, for I have known him There was nothing blasphemies. Matt.15: 19.
that Abraham hid from the Lord. He had humbly followed Imagine that! These are babies that could be born from
the Lord over the years and had earned that testimony in some peoples hearts. Things like evil thoughts, bitterness,
Gods presence. The burden of the Lord over the sin of anger, are conceived in the heart. Before somebody commits
Sodom and Gomorrah was therefore shared with Abraham. murder, adultery, fornication or theft, the conception has
As soon as Abraham heard it, it became a burden, a first of all taken place in the heart. When you see someone
conception in his heart and he started interceding for the bearing false witness or blasphemes, she has first of all
people before the Lord. It was his intercession that eventually been pregnant with it in her heart and gone through travail
led to the deliverance of Lot from Sodom (Gen. 19:29). in her heart. What an abuse of the heart!
Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals If properly utilized, the heart is capable of becoming
His secret to His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7. the dwelling place of the Most High God: it could conceive
Should God find you thoughtful and responsible and bring forth holy seed. It is capable of making a woman
enough over spiritual matters, He will begin to reveal His become an instrument of honour in Gods hands, fit for
secrets to you. As you keep your heart holy for Him, He holy use. Yet, the same heart could become a den of lions
will speak to you the burdens of His Heart. Your heart will and an habitation for devils, useful in bringing forth things
become the incubator for holy seeds. that are corrupt and evil. May this not be your situation!
The burden of the Lord could also enter our hearts You cannot be pregnant with bitterness and hope to bear
through Gods word as we study it. the burdens of the Lord in your heart. You will not even be
In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel understood by able to pray. Are you fond of bearing grudge against your
the books the number of years specified by the word husband? Do you harbour bitterness in your heart against
of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet that He people? Do you formulate and tell lies?
would accomplish seventy years in the desolation of Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from
Jerusalem. Then I set my face towards the Lord God the same opening? Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear
to make request by prayer and supplications, with olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring can
fasting, sackcloth and ashes. Dan.9: 2-3. yield both salt water and fresh. Jas 3:11-13.
The burden about the deliverance of the Jews from It is not possible for an ungodly heart to bring forth things
captivity in Babylon came to Daniel as he studied the word that are godly. The natural heart cannot bring forth things
of God. When he read the book of Jeremiah, an that are spiritual. Such sinful conceptions above are products
understanding came to his heart that it was time for them to
of the natural human heart. If that is the condition of your Seeing all that was happening around her, she
heart, you have an urgent need to cry to God for a change became burdened in her heart. She arose, a mother in Israel.
of heart (Ezek. 36:26). As a mother does concerning her wayward children, she
It is sad to discover that for many women, such travailed in the place of prayer for the people and for the
evil conceptions are normal. They could bear grudge and rulers. She said, My heart is toward the governors of
keep malice even in sophisticated ways. Some have their Israel Her heart cried for them before God. She
hearts full of worry and encumbered with the cares and interceded for them so much until deliverance was brought
affairs of this life. How would you be able to receive and forth. One day the Lord sent her a word that would bring
conceive godly seed with all these in your heart? No wonder them deliverance from the hands of their oppressors. As
the level of divine usefulness of many women is almost she pursued that instruction with Barak, God delivered Sisera
zero in most cases. This ought not to be so. into their hands in battle and gave them victory. Because of
God has great plans for every woman. The that womans travail, the land of Israel had rest for forty
experience of physical pregnancy, labour and delivery is an years. What a great victory it will be for your home or
important equipping for us to learn how to be spiritually community to have rest from sin, sickness and the devil for
productive. If a woman learns to keep her heart pure and forty years as a result of your travail in prayers and in action!
holy for the Lord, she could do great exploits in the place of How is your walk with God? Could the Lord find
prayer. Such a woman is capable of receiving burdens from you a woman whose heart is sanctified for His use? Is your
the Holy Spirit in her heart. She could be used of God to heart conducive for a holy seed to be cast in? Are you even
travail in prayer like a woman in labour, until a holy thing is sensitive enough to be able to receive the Lords burdens
born in the earth. That is Gods heart cry for every woman. whenever He pleases to bring such? Are you available for
such a holy duty?
Deborah Travailed Our society today is not too different from what
When Ehud was dead, the children of Israel again obtained in Deborahs time. There are issues to weep to
did evil in the sight of the Lord. So the Lord sold God about, all around us. How is your heart? What have
them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan, who you brought forth into this world from your heart? Instead
reigned in Hazor. The commander of his army was of bringing forth something holy, something that will bring
Sisera, who dwelt in Harosheth Hagoyim. deliverance to someone, do you bring forth what will make
and for twenty years he harshly oppressed the the world more ungodly? There are some women who keep
children of Israel. adding daily to the worldliness in the church today. Are you
Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, was the one bringing the newest worldly fashion of dressing
judging Israel at that time. Judges 4: 1-4. and hairdo into your church? Do you take part in perpetuating
In the days of Shamgar, son of Anath, in the days of it in the name of trying to look beautiful as a kings kid? You
Jael, the highways were unoccupied, and the travelers dont know that a book of remembrance is being opened on
walked through byways. The inhabitants of the villages your behalf in heaven. You will be remembered for what
ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah arose, that I arose you have done. That direction you are going is wrong. There
a mother in IsraelMy heart is toward the governors are godly things, godly character that God is looking for
of Israel Judges 5:6-9. some one who will bring it forth in your church or locality.
Deborah was a woman who knew how to control her heart What God has prepared for us and to do through us, eyes
and use it to bring forth deliverance for her people. During have not seen it, ears have not heard it; it has not even
the time of Deborah, the children of Israel backslid from entered into any heart. He desires to have human specimens
following God. Her people did evil in the sight of the Lord of His divine nature in this world and He is looking for
so much that God delivered them into the hands of their someone who will conceive and bring forth that godly
enemy. Yet in the midst of that corrupt society, Deborah lifestyle. God is looking for a person who will bring forth
stood out for righteousness. Her heart was for the Lord. deliverance to the people and show them the way into life.
She was a prophetess. She was married, yet she did not However, a heart cannot be an instrument of
allow worry or the cares of this life to encumber her heart. worldliness and an instrument of godliness at the same time.
She had no time and no room in her heart for bitterness, One will have to go for the other. If you discover that your
quarrels and the like. She was dedicated to the Lord. heart has been the seat of bringing forth wrong behaviour
and sinful acts, you need God to save you from that situation,
lest you face the hot judgment of God on the last day when the The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear
books of record will be opened. The Lord promises to change minded and self controlled so that you can pray.
your situation if you are willing and you open up to Him. 1Pet.4: 7 (NIV).
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will Clear your mind of all rubbish. Immoral thoughts,
I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart evil thoughts, proud thoughts, covetous thoughts, angry
out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. thoughts and blasphemous thoughts will hinder you from
Eze.36: 26. praying. They block the heart from being able to travail
Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man before God in the place of prayer in order to bring forth holy
hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, action. The end of all things is near. You can be both a physical
and will sup with him, and he with Me. Rev.3: 20. and spiritual incubator, the kind that God is looking for.
It is the stony hearts that have wrong conceptions
and bring forth evil actions. As fibroids hinder, disturb and
abort pregnancies, so it is with stony hearts. Such a heart
cannot be improved upon or corrected at all. The answer is to
E d i t or i a l
have it removed and a new heart placed in you. As you recognize Thequal i f i cation for leadershi p i s l ocat ed i n
that kind of heart in you and you confess it and open it up to l i f e. The person so-called i nto t h i sposi t i on must
the Lord, He will come in and remove that stony heart. He will i n hi s own l i f eposses i n t r i nsi c components, that
give you a new heart, a heart that has the potentials of conceiving God crystallizes i nt ohimby a painstaking process.
godly seed and bringing forth godly acts. Consequent l y, no man i s a leader by bi r t h. Thus
Thereafter, you must keep your heart under lock Li vi ng Seedcontinues t o vi si t t he quarrysi t e
and key. Keep it with all diligence. You must not allow any wher e t hoseso cal l edarecut t o f i t . Joseph i s one
strange thought to find space therein any longer. Genuine of such.
repentance demands that you forsake your old way of life Bedrocks surveyst he concept i onandgest at i on
and thinking. Renew your thoughts and mind with the word processof spiritual burden i n Needed i ncubat or s.
of God. You must prove that you have turned from your Godl y Exhortation t akes a l ook at the need t o
wicked ways by bringing forth good fruit. al ways be sensi t i v e t o t he Hol y Spi r i t l eadi ng.
If there is anyone that has offended you, forgive, Many have made c o s t l ymistakes as they t ake
even as Christ has forgiven us. Bring forth fruit to show Jonahs i n their ship.
that you have forgiven that person. Cease from anger; it Physi ol ogi cal hunger i s part of all things that
only causes harm. Ps.37: 8. If you have offended anyone, wor k together for good t o those whol ove God
go and beg for pardon. Follow peace with all men, and and arecal l ed accordi ng t o Hi s good purpose....
holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. Expose What coul d God achi evefromf amine?
all bitterness in your heart to the one against whom you Everyout war d expression i s as a r esul t of an
have been bitter. Bitterness grows in the dark. So expose it. i nwar d i mpression . What i s your i nwar d
Dont allow shame to make you carry it over from the old i mpr essi on?
heart into the new. Bitterness in the heart results in barrenness
Missions updatevi si t s acritical i ssueof the
of life. Keep your heart from every evil thought. They form
great commission . Must we keep si t t i ng down as
wrong conceptions (pregnancies) in the heart and give rise
we run conferences on the Great commi ssi on
to evil actions. If you do not think about such things, you
wi t hout the actual going? I f t herei s a goi ng who
will not die, will you? Actually you will enter into real life.
There are good things that the Lord says we should think aret hepeopl e goi ng?
about. Anything outside that must be thrown overboard. ALL THESE AND MUCH MORE ARE
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever BROUGHT YOUR WAY I N THI S EDI TI ON.
things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever Keep prayi ng t hat wecontinue t oremai n relevant
things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever t o you and t o t he Church.
things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if God bl ess you.
there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these Ene Ai deyan
things. Phil.4: 8
eternal excellence, A joy of many concerning the Church? Do you have with fire. No wonder, the king speedily
generations, You shall drink the an inward godly impression? How do answered him and said to him for what
milk of the Gentiles and milk the you outwardly express such an inward does thou make request? (Neh2: 4).
breast of kings; you shall know that impression? Remember, the Bible says What do you request and what do you
I, the Lord, am your Saviour and A merry heart makes a cheerful want? The king appeared to be saying
your Redeemer, the mighty one of countenance but by sorrow of heart, Because of your concern about your
Jacob. Instead of bronze I will bring the spirit is broken. citys condition, because of your
gold, instead of iron I will bring Prov. 15:13. inward impression that so troubled
silver, instead of wood, bronze, and you to the extent of showing even
instead of stones, iron. I will also outwardly on your face as if you
make your officers peace, and your were sick, I am giving you an open
magistrates righteousness, violence cheque. Ask for whatsoever you
shall no longer be heard in your want and such will be yours. Can
land, neither wasting, devastation you imagine God giving you such an
nor destruction within your open cheque to ask for anything you
borders. but you shall call your want? What will you ask for? For what
walls salvation, and your gates will you make request? What will you
praise and your days of seek from God? Will you seek first
mourning shall be ended solely for the kingdom of God and His
Isaiah 60:15-20. righteousness? Will you seek the good
Even the king perceived the of Jerusalem? Will you seek for the
inward impression from Nehemiahs good of the Church? Will you be
outward facial expression. Therefore personal or patriotic? Will you not ask
the king said to me, why is your for clothes, cars, and for houses? Will
face sad, since you are not sick? some not even ask for the head of their
(Neh. 2:2). Why this therefore enemies? Will you be personal or
since Nehemiah had not said any thing patriotic? The choice is yours.
to the king? The king saw sadness on Hear what Nehemiah asked for:
his face and knew there was If it pleases the king, and if your
something inside that was making servant has found favor in your
him sad. There was something inside A broken and a contrite heart, sight, I ask that you send me to
there, inwardly before he went into the O God, Thou wilt not despise. Judah, to the city of my fathers
presence of the king. This something Psalms 51:17. tombs, that I may rebuild it.
was not there before, so the kings Do you have sorrow of heart? Are you Neh. 2: 5.
question had never been asked. But a man or a woman of sorrowful spirit? He seemed to be saying; Send me to
surprisingly the king answered his own Hannah, a woman of sorrowful go and outwardly express my inward
question: spirit, had sorrow of heart and she heart impression. I need to back up
This is nothing but sorrow of poured out her soul before the Lord. my inward impression with outward
heart. Neh.2: 2. The same thing happened to Nehemiah. expressions. What is in your heart vis-
Dear Christian brothers and sisters, He had sorrow of heart and he poured a-vis the situation of the brethren and
do you have sorrow of heart? With all out his soul before the Lord: he sat the situation of the Church of God in
that is happening in the Church, in down and wept and mourned many the land? What has God dropped in your
fellowships, in families, in our days, fasting and praying before the heart? And how will you outwardly
universities, and in our country, do you God of heaven. He gave reasons why express this thing that God has
have sorrow of heart? Are you so he was sad, the reasons were not inwardly impressed on your heart? What
concerned about the situation of the personal but patriotic the city of is in your heart? May God Himself help
Church of Christ as to have sorrow of Jerusalem (in our own case, the you to positively express your inward
heart? Do you have a burden for the Church) the place of his fathers tombs impressions to the edification of the
Church? What is in your heart lay in waste and the gates were burned Body of Christ. Amen.