Middle East Choice Board
Middle East Choice Board
Middle East Choice Board
Write a fictional story about a time Write an argumentative Choose 6 counties in the Middle
that you and your family when on a paragraph answering the East and compose a poem or rap
journey through the Middle East. In following question. that helps scholars remember where
your story, describe your surrounding they are on the Middle East map.
and the people/culture you see along Is deforestation essential to the
the way. economic success of Africa or is **Must include absolute and
does it cause too much harm to relative location**
**Must include 3 physical and 3 the environment of Africa?
human characteristics**
Create a TV commercial. You work Create a miniature model to Create a game about a middle
for the tourist office in a middle demonstrate a major issue facing eastern country or event. Provide a
eastern country. You are trying to the Middle East. Attach a visual, instructions and rules.
encourage people to visit. Commercial paragraph explanation of your
should be between 3-5 minutes long. diorama.