a[(4) 8(On receipt of contribution card of a member in respect of a currency period or quarter, as the case
may be,) the Commissioner or such other Officer subordinate to him as may be authorized by him in this
behalf shall ascertain therefrom the total amount of the member's and employer's contributions 8[to the
Coal Mines Provident Fund] paid for the member and shall credit the amount to the account of the
member as at the last day of the period of currency or quarter as this case may be.]
61. Interest
1. The Commissioner shall credit to the account of eash member interest at such rate as may be
determined by the Central Government in consultation with the Board in respect of the periods of
currency of the cards expiring in each financial year.
2. Interest for the period of currency of the card shall be credited with effect from the last day of the
period on the opening balance at the credit of the member on the first day thereof ;
1[ Provided that when the amount standing at the credit of the member;; has become payable,
interest shall thereupon be credit:; 1 under this sub-paragraph for the period upto the end of the
month preceding the date of the tender of payment].
**[Provided further that the rate of interest to be allowed on claims for refund for the broken
period of currency of cards shall be the rate fixed for the financial year in which [+the claim
becomes payable].
3. The aggregate amount of interest credited to the accounts of the members shall be debited to
"Interest Suspense Account".
4. Interest shall not be credited to the account of a member if he informs in writing to the
Commissioner, or, where so authorised by the Commissioner, to any officer subordinate to him,
that he does not wish to receive it. If, however, the member subsequently asks for interest, it shall
be credited to his account with effect from the first day of the period of currency, in which he
makes a request therefor.
62. Nomination (1) Each member, or if he is a minor his guardian shall make in his declaration in Form
'A' 4(to be submitted in duplicate) a nomination conferring the right to receive the amount that may stand
to his credit in the Fund in the event of his death before the amount standing to his credit has become
payable, or where the amount has become payable, before payment has been made.
2 Sub-para (4) of para 60 first inserted vide S.R.O. 3306 dated 22.10.54 and then reconstituted vide
G.S.R. 1203 dt. 20.8.1964.
3 Substituted vide G.S.R. 2191, dated 21.10.1969.
5 [ ] Inserted vide Notification No. 11011 (I)/72-PFI (i) dated 8.8.1972.
1 Reconstituted under S.R.O. 424 dated 22.1.58 (published and effective from 1st February 1958.)
** Inserted by Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour Notification No. PF 5(21)/51 dated the 18th January,
+ These words were inserted under the Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour Notification No. PF 5(21)/51
dated 12.2.1952.
* Sub-para (4) added vide G.S.R. 1577 dated 5.10.66.
4 ( ) Inserted vide G.S.R, 463 dated 24.3.79.
the llth December, 1948
No. P.F.I5(5)/48 In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the Coal Mines Provident Fund and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948 (XLVI of 1948), the Central Government is pleased to frame the
following Coal Mines Provident Fund Scheme, namely :
1. Short Title and Application (i) Mines Provident Fund Scheme. This Scheme may be called the Coal
1 [(ii) It shall apply to all coal mines in West Bengal, Bihar, [Maharastra], the Central Provinces and
Berar, 6[Nagaland] and Orissa including those in partially excluded areas in the Provinces of 3[West
Bengal], Bihar, Central Provinces and Berar and Orissa to which the Coal Mines Provident Fund and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948, has been applied under Sub-section (1) of Section 92 of the
Government of India Act, 1935].
4 [(iii) The provisions of this Scheme shall be deemed to have come into force
a. On the 12th of May, 1947, in respect of coal mines in West Bengal and Bihar including those
situated in the partially excluded areas of the province of Bihar ;
b. On the 10th of October, 1947 in respect of the coal mines in the Central Provinces and Berar and
Orissa including those situated in the partially excluded areas in those provinces;
c. On the 1st of January, 1957 in respect of all coal mines (except Sasti Coal Mine) situated in the
5(territories which as from 1st May, 1960 are comprised in the State of Maharastra)] ;
1. This sub-paragraph with the exception of the words 'West Bengal' in sub-para (ii) was substituted
2. the original one under Government of India, Ministry Of Labour Notification No. PF 15(9) 50
dated the 9th January, 1950.
3. The word 'Bombay' which had been inserted vide S.R.O. 3566 dated 31.10.57 was substituted by
the word 'Maharastra' by S.O. 2276 dated 3.9.60 published on 27.9.60. The words 'West Bengal'
were inserted by the Government of India, Ministry of Labour Notification No. PF 15(9) 50,
dated the 23rd February, 1950.
4. Reconstituted by S.R.O. 3566 dated 31.10.57.
5. The words 'New State of Bombay' substituted vide S.O. 2276 dated 13.9.60 published on 27.9.60.
6. The words "Nagaland" added vide G.S.R. 690 dated 25.4.1$64,
5 [(d) On the 1st of December, 1963 in respect of all coal mines situated in the State of Nagaland.]
1 [(iv) The provisions of this Scheme shall come into force on the 1st of December, 1957 in respect of the
Sasti Coal Mine]
[For extension to Assam see para 1 of Appendix I,
For extension to Talcher see para 1 of Appendix II,
For extension to the States of Rewa and Korea see para 1 of Appendix III,
For extension to J&K see para 1 of Appendix IV]
In this Scheme, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context
a. "Act" means the Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948 (XLVI of
1948) ;
b. "Basic Wages" means the total cash emoluments, whether earned while 6n duty or while on
leave with pay, but excluding all payments for food concession, dearness, house rent and other
similar allowances, overtime, bonus, commission, presents, or donations ;
c. "Board" means the Board of Trustees constituted under [Section 3-A of the Act].
* [(cc) "Chief Inspector of Mines" has the meaning assigned to it in Subsection (1) of Section 5 of
the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952) ;
d. "Children" means legitimate children and includes adopted children if the '(commissioner) is
satisfied that under the personal law of the member adoption of a child is legally recognised ;
e. "Commissioner" means the Coal Mines Provident Fund Commissioner appointed under *[sub
section (1) of section 3-C of the Act] ;
f. "Excluded Employee" means an employee
8 (i) who, having been a member of the Fund once, withdraw the
amount of his accumulation in the Fund either in whole or in part on permanent retirement after
attainment of the age of 50 years or on retirement on account of total incapacity due to bodily or mental
infirmity acquired after attaining the age of 50 years, or,
(ii) who is employed in a coal mine belonging to or under the control of the National Coal Development
Corporation Ltd., on pay and under conditions of service which for the time being are similar to those
obtaining in Railway establishments, or under conditions of service which entitle him to pension under
the Civil Rules or under conditions of service drawn up by the said Corporation.
(iii) who is employed as labourer of a contractor for building, brick making or tile making ;
(h) "Family" means
*[in the case of a male member, his wife, his children, whether married or unmarried, his dependent
parents and his deceased son's widow and children.]
Provided that if a member proves that his wife has ceased under the personal law governing him or the
customary law of the community to which the spouse belongs to be entitled to maintenance she shall no
longer be deemed to be a part of the member's family in matters to which this scheme relates, unless the
member subsequently intimates by express notice in writing to the commissioner that she shall continue
to be so regarded ; and
@[in the case of a female member, her husband, her children whether married or unmarried, her
dependent parents, her husband's dependent parents and her deceased son's widow and children. ]
Provided that if a member by notice in writing to the commissioner expresses her desire to exclude her
husband from the family, the husband shall no longer be deemed to be a part of the member's family in
matters to which this scheme relates unless the member subsequently cancels in writing any such notice.
Explanation In either of the above two cases, if the child of a member -f-*[or, as the case may be, the
child of a deceased son of a member] has been adopted by anotherperson and if, under the personal law of
the adopter adoption is legally recognised such a child shall be considered as excluded from the family of
the member.
*The words "in the case of a male member, the wife, children and dependent parents of the member, and
the widow and children of a deceased son of the member substituted vide G.S.R. 863 dated 27.5.67.
@ The words 'in the case of female member, the husband and children of the member, the dependent
parents of the husband, and the widow and children of a deceased son of the member substituted vide
G.S.R. 863 dated 27.5.67.
"Proviso to para 2(g) (ii) ommitted vide G.S.R. 531 of 21.3.70. +'Inserted vide G.S.R. 863 dated 27.5.67.
1. The words "ending with the date of application on which he is permitted to withdraw the amount
standing to his credit in the Fund under paragraph 63" substituted by S.RO.. 424 dated 22.1.58.
@The proviso inserted vide G.S.R. 492, dated 1.4.66.
The word "further" inserted vide G.S.R. 492 dated 1.4.66.
2. Clause (H) inserted vide S.O. 2620 dated 26.11.61.
3. Clause (k) reconstituted vide S.R.O. 2564, dated 31.7.57.
3[(m) "Total Emoluments" means the total cash emoluments inclusive of all allowances, overtime,
compensation for guaranteed wage, additional payments for difficult and arduous work, remuneration for
paid holidays, whether earned while on diity or on any kind of leave with pay, but does not include
4[(n) "Wages" has the meaning assigned to it in clause (vi) of section 2 of the Payment of Wages
Act,1936 (IV of 1936);
[For Assam, see para 2 of Appendix-I,
For Talcher, see para 2 of Appendix-II,
For Rewa and Korea, see para 2 of Appendix-HI,
For J&K see para 2 of Appendix-IV].
3. H ]
5[4. Terms of Office (1) Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Scheme the term of office of the
trustees other than those referred to in clauses (a), (b), (c) & (d) of sub-section (1) of section 3A of the
Act shall be two years or such other period not exceeding five years as the Central Government may
specify by notification in the Official Gazette, commencing on the date on which their appointment is
notified in the Official Gazette.
Provided that a trustee shall notwithstanding the expiry of the period specified in sub-paragraph (1),
continue to hold office until the appointment of his successor is notified in the Official Gazette.]
(2) The trustee referred to in 2[clause (a), (c) and (d) of sub-section (1) of section 3 A of the Act] shall
hold office during the pleasure of the Central Government.
3 Clause [m] inserted vide Notification No. PF 1/2(114) 56-1 dated 10.1.58.
4 Re-lettered vide Notification No. PF 1/2(114)56-1 dated 10.1.58.
1 Paragraph 3 omitted vide G.S.R. 492 dated 1.4.66.
2 The words, brackets, figures and letters "clauses (a) and (b) of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3"
substituted vide G.S.R. 492, dated 1.4.66.
5 Sub-paragraph (1) of para 4 substituted vide G.S.R. 1013 dated 20.7.79.
6(2A) Where the Central Government directs that a trustee appointed under clause (d) of sub-section (1)
of section 3-A of the Act to represent any state Government shall cease to be a trustee, the State
Government concerned shall be consulted ;
s(3) An outgoing trustee shall be eligible for 4(reappointment.)
5.[Resignation A trustee '(other than that referred to in clause (b) of subsection (1) of section 3-A of the
Act) may resign his office by notice in writing to the Central Government and his office shall fall vacant
from the date on which his resignation is accepted or on the expiry of 30 days from the date of receipt of
the letter of resignation whichever is earlier]
6. 8(Ceasation and restoration of Trusteeship) 9(A trustee t shall cease to be such) trustee, t if he fails
to attend three consecutive meetings of the Board t without obtaining leave of absence from the Chairman
of the Board ;
Provided that the Central Government may restore him to trusteeship + if it is satisfied that there were
reasonable grounds for the absence.
10 [6A. Disqualification for trusteeship
(1) A person shall be disqualified for being appointed as and for being a
7. Removal from "[Trusteeship] The Central Government may remove from office any trustee if it is
satisfied that the trustee has ceased to represent the interest on whose behalf he was nominated a(or that
his continuance is otherwise undesirable).
3.Original sub-paragraphs (3) and (4) omitted and sub-para(5) renumbered as (3) by S.R.O. 1360 dated
The words "or member of the Committee" "or re-election as the case may be" "or member" "or the
Committee" "or membership as the case may be" were omitted by S.R.O. 1360 dated 1.6.56.
4. The word "renomination" substituted vide G.S.R. 492 dated 1.4.66.
5.The new sub-paragraph (2A) added by G.S.R. 492 dated 1.4.66.
6.Paragraph 5 reconstituted vide Notification No. PF 2(120)/56, dated 12.2.57.
7.Inserted vide G.S.R. 492 dated 1.4.66.
If The words "or member of the Committee" "or re-election as the case may be" "or member" "or the
Committee" "or membership, as the case may be" were omitted by S.R.O. 1360, dated 1.6.56.
8.The word "cessation of membership" substituted vide Notification No. 1,11015(21)/70 PF 1 dated
9.The words "A trustee shall cease to be such" substituted vide Notification No. 1,11015(21)/70P.F. 1
dated 1.12.71.
10.Para '6A' added vide Notification No. 1, 11015(21)/70, PF 1, dated 1.12.71.
11. The word "membership" substituted vide Notification No. 1, 11015(21)/70,
PF 1, dated 1.12.71. 3 Please see on next page
2 Please see on next page
12(7A. Removal from Trusteeship for default in payment of any dues of the Fund.) The Central
Government may remove from office any trustee if in its opinion the trustee, as an employer in relation to
a ccal mine to which the Scheme applies, has defaulted in the payment of any dues to the Board or the
Fund recoverable from him under the Act or the Scheme, as the case may be :
Provided that no such trustee shall be removed from office unless a reasonable opportunity is given to
such trustee of making any representation against the proposed action.)
8. Absence from India (1) Before a non-official trustee leaves India
(a) he shall intimate to Chairman of the Board** of the date of his departure from and expected return to
India, or
(b) if he intends to absent himself for a longer period than six months, he shall tender his resignation.
@(2) If any trustee leaves India for a period of six months or more without intimation to the Chairman of
the Board he shall cease to be a trustee ;
Provided that the Central Government may restore him to trusteeship, if it is satisfied that there were
reasonable grounds for his leaving India without intimation to the Chairman.
(3) A Trustee appointing a substitute for attending any meeting of the Board shall notwithstanding
anything contained in this paragraph, continue to be liable for the misappropriation or misapplication of
the Fund and shall also be liable for any act of misfeasance or non-feasance committed in relation to the
Fund by the substitute appointed by him].
2[9. Filling of Vacancies (1) A casual vacancy in the office of a trustee shall be filled up by the Central
Government by notification in the Official Gezette, as soon after the occurrence of the vacancy as
possible, after consultation with the State Government or the organisations of employers or employees, as
the case may be, which was being represented by the trustee whose office is to be filled up.
(2) A trustee appointed to fill a casual vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of
his predecessor].
10. Vacation of office A person shall be disqualified for being a trustee
1[lOA. Constitution of Committees (1) The Board may constitute committees consisting of such
number of trustees as the Board may consider necessary in each case, to assist it in the discharge of its
functions and shall lay down the terms of reference of such committees, the quorum thereof and the venue
where such committees should meet.
(2) The provisions of paragraph 21 shall mutatis mutandis apply for the payment of fees and allowances
to the members of the committees constituted under sub-paragraph-^) for attending meeting thereof.]
11. Authentication of Orders, Decisions etc. (1) All orders and decisions of the Board* shall be
authenticated by the signature of its Chairman or by some other officer or member of the Board @
authorised by it in this behalf. 3[A11 orders and decisions of any committee set up by the Board under
paragraph 10A shall be authenticated by the Commissioner.]
12. Delegation of Powers The Commissioner may delegate, from time to time, the powers vested in him
under this Scheme to any officer under his control to the extent considered suitable by him for the
administration of the Scheme.]
13. Disposal of Business (1) Every question which is to be considered by the Board shall be considered
either at its meeting or, if the Chairman so directs, by sending the necessary papers to all the trustees for
their opinion ;
Provided that the paper need not be sent to a trustee who is absent from India at that time.
(2) When a question is referred under sub-paragraph-(l) for opinion, any trustee may request that the
question be considered at a meeting of the Board and thereupon the Chairman, may, and if the request is
made by not less than three trustees, shall direct that it be so considered.!
14. Meetings of Board of Trustees, The Board tt shall meet at such place and time as may be appointed
by the Chairman of the Board,
15. Notice of Meeting and List of Business (1) Notice of not less than fifteen days from the date of
posting shall be given of the time and place fixed for each ordinary meeting of the Board tt to every
trustee tt present in India and to such notice shall be attached a list of business to be discussed at the
meeting ; Provided that when the Chairman calls a meeting for considering any matter which in his
opinion is urgent, a notice giving such reasonable time as he may consider necessary, shall be deemed
(2) No business which is not on the list shall be considered at the meeting except with the permission of
the Chairmen.
16. Presiding at Meeting The Chairman of the Board, tt shall, 1( ) preside at every meeting of the Board
tt at which he is present. If the Chairman is absent at any time, the trustees* present shall elect one of their
members to preside over the meeting and the trustee* so elected shall at that meeting exercise all the
powers of the Chairman.
3 Original paragraph omitted and the paragraph inserted by S.R.O. 1363 dated 1.6.56 and later substituted
by G.S.R. 492 dated 1.4.66.
tSub-paragraph (3) omitted by S.R.O. 1360 dated 1.6.56.
The words "and Executive Committee" "and the Committee" "or the committee as the case may be" "or of
the committee as the case may be to every member of the committee" "or of the committee as the case
may be" deleted by S.R.O. 1360 dated 1.6.56.
1 The words, brackets and figures save as provided in sub-paragraph (2) and (3) of paragraph 3 omitted
vide G.S.R. 492 dated'1.4.66.
*The words, "or the members of the committees" omitted by S.R.O. 1360 dated 1.6.56.
17. 3[(1) No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the Board, whether ordinary or emergent, unless
at least four Trustees are present of whom at least one each shall be a trustee appointed under clause (e)
and under clause (f) respectively of subsection (1) of section 3A of the Act.]
(2) If at any meeting the number of trustees+ is less than the required quorum, the Chairman shall adjourn
the meeting to a date not less than seven days later informing the trustees @ present and also the other
trustees @ of the date, time and place of the adjourned meeting and it shall thereupon be lawful to dispese
of the business at such adjourned meeting whether the quorum is secured or not.
18. Recommendation by Majority
1. Every question at a meeting of the Board @ shall be decided by a majority of votes of the Trustee
@ present and voting, but the minority may require their dissent to be noted.
2. Every question referred to the trustees for opinion shall, unless the Chairman in pursuance of sub-
paragraph (2) of paragraph 13 reserves it for consideration at a meeting, be decided in accordance
with the opinions received within the time limit allowed.
3. In the case of equality of votes or opinions, the Chairman shall exercise an additional vote or
1. The proceedings of a meeting of the Board @ shall be circulated to all trustees present in India
and thereafter they shall be recorded in a minute book to be kept as a permanent record.
2. The record of the proceedings of each meeting shall be signed by the Chairman after confirmation
at the next meeting.
20. Acts of the Board etc. not invalid by reason of defect in constitution No act of the Board @ shall
be deemed to be invalid by reason of any defect in the constitution of the Board @ or on the ground that
any trustee @ thereof was not entitled to hold or continue in office by reason of any disqualification or of
any irregularity in the *[appointment] @ or by reason of such act having been done during the period of
any vacancy in the Board @.
*Sub-paragraph (2) omitted and sub-paragraph (3) renumbered as sub-paragraph (2) by S.R.O. 1360 dated
+The words "or members of the committee as the case may be" "or members" omitted by S. R. O. 1360
dated 1.6.56.
@The words "or the committee" "or members of the committee" "or of the committee," "or members as
the case may be" "or the committee" "or member" "or election" "and/or the committee" omitted by S.R.O.
1360 dated 1.6.56.
2 The words, brackets and figures "nominated under clause (c) and at least two nominated under clause
[d] of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3" substituted vide G.S.R. 492 dated 1.4.66. "The words, "or
member" omitted by S.R.O. 1360 dated 1.6.56.
3 Sub-paragraph [i] of paragraph 17 substituted vide notification No. R-110/1/1/76-PFI, dated 10.9.76
21. Fees and allowances (1) The travelling allowance of an official trustee shall be governed by the rules
applicable to him for journey performed on official duty and shall be paid by the authority paying his
1[(2)Subject to the provisions of sub-paragraphs (3),(4)and (5), every non-official trustee shall be paid
travelling allowance for attending the meetings of the Board at such rates as are admissible to grade-I
officers of the Central Government and daily allowance calculated at the maximum rates admissible to
Grade-I Officers of the Central Government in the respective localities:
Provided that, where such trustee
(i) arrives at the place of the meeting at 12 noon or in the afternoon of the day immediately preceding the
day. of the meeting or leaves the place of the meeting in the forenoon of the day immediately succeeding
the day of meeting, he shall be entitled to one half of the daily allowance for such days of arrival and
departure :
(ii) arrives at the place of the meeting in the forenoon of the day immediately preceding the day of the
meeting or leaves the place of the meeting at 12 noon or in the afternoon of the day immediately
succeeding the day of the meeting, he shall be entitled to full daily allowance for such days of arrival and
2[(iii) arrives at and departs from the place of the meeting on the same day, he shall be entitled to full
daily allowance for the day of meeting.]
(3) Where such trustee, being a member of a State Legislature attends a meeting of the Board, he shall be
(i) when the State Legislature is not in session, to such travelling and daily allowance as are admissible to
grade-I officers of the State Government ; and
(ii) when the State Legislature is in session, to such travelling and daily allowance as are admissible to the
members of the Legislature for attending meeting of the Legislature.
(4) Where such trustee, being a member of either House of Parliament, attends meeting of the Board, he
shall be entitled to such travelling allowance and daily allowance as may be admissible to him under the
rules laid down by the Central Government on the subject from time to time.
*The word 'nomination' substituted vide G.S.R. No. 492 dated 1.4.66.
1 Sub-paragraph (2) reconstituted and new sub-paragraph 3, 4, & 5 added vide S.O. No. 2778 dated 17th
Nov. 1961.
2 Clause (iii) sub-para (2) added vide G.S.R. 1772 dated 6.11.63.
@The words "or the committee" "or members of the committee" "or of the committee", "or members as
the case may be", "or the committee", "or member" "or election" "and/or the committee" omitted h S R.O.
1360 dated 1.6.56.
(5) Where such trustee is neither a member of the State Legislature nor of either House of Parliament and
he resides at the place where the meeting of the Board is held and he attends such meeting, he shall be
entitled only to the actual amount of conveyance hired subject to a maximum of Rs. 10/- per day.
[(6) In matters regarding grant of travelling and daily allowance to the non-official members of the Board
not covered in this paragraph orders issued by the Central Government from time to time shall apply]1.
Note : (1) No daily or travelling allowance in respect of any day or journey, as the case may be, shall be
claimed from the Fund by a trustee if he has drawn or will draw allowance for the same from his
employer or as a member of the Legislature or of any Committee or Conference of Government and no
travelling allowance shall be claimed if he uses a ? means of locomotion provided at the expense of
Government or his employer.
Note : (2) Where the journey is performed by road between places connected by railway road mileage
shall be paid only if the trustee concerned certifies that the journey was undertaken by road to avoid loss
of time which the journey by railway would have entailed and the distance travelled does not exceed 75
miles in a single journey.
22. *[ ]
23. Coal Mines Provident Fund Commissioner @ [ ]
(2) The Commissioner shall be a whole time officer of the Fund and shall not undertake any work not
connected with his office without the sanction of the Central Government.
2[ ]
@[ ]
(5) A person shall be disqualified from being the Commissioner if he is subject to any of the
disqualifications specified in Paragraph 10.
(6) [Coal Mines Provident Fund Commissioner appointed under 4[subsection (1) of section 3-C of the
Act] may at any time, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after he is given reasonable opportunity of
showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in the manner prescribed for Central Government
officers of similar status, be removed by the Central Government.]3
4[ 24. Opening of Regional and Other Offices The Board may, with the approval of the Central
Government, open such regional and local offices as it may consider necessary for the proper
implementation of the Scheme framed under section 3 of the Act. It may also define and vary from time
to time the functions, duties and jurisdiction of the regional and local offices.]
25. Class of Employees Required to Join the Fund 6[in respect of any quarter prior to the 1st January,
1962]. (1) Every employee in a coal mine to which this scheme applies, other than an excluded employee
shall be required to join the Fund and become a member immediately after the end of the quarter
following any quarter after the thirtieth of September, 1948 8[but before the first of January, 1962] in
which he qualified for a bonus under sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 4 or sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph
5 of the Coal Mines Bonus Scheme.
(2) Every employee in a coal mine to which this scheme applies, other than an excluded employee, shall
be required to become a member of the Fund (hereinafter called the "initial member") from the beginning
of the first period or quarter before the first of October, 1948, in respect of which he qualifies for a bonus
under paragraph 4 or paragraph 5 of the Coal Mines Bonus Scheme :
Provided that an initial .member, who has received before the first October 1948, from his employer the
full amount of his as well as the employer's contribution on his leaving employment in the coal mining
industry, shall cease to be an initial member.
[7(3) Every employee in a coal mine to which this scheme applies, except an excluded employee, and an
employee employed in a managerial or supervisory capacity in a coal mine belonging to or under the
control of the National Coal Development Corporation (Private) Ltd., who, by virtue of exception (a)
under paragraph 3 of the Coal Mines Bonus Scheme cannot entitle himself for the membership of the
Fund in accordance with sub-paragraph (1) and (2) above, by qualifying for Bonus, shall be required to
become a member and join the fund immediately after the end of the quarter following any quarter after
the thirtieth June, 1956 in which he puts in seventy five days' attendance in any coal mine to which this
Scheme applies].
1[Explanation An employee whose basic wages exceed three hundred rupees per month subsequent to
his qualifying for the membership of the Fund under sub-paragraph(l) and (2) shall be required to
continue his membership and contribution shall be payable as under :
a. at the rates prescribed in Table 1 of paragraph 27 till the 31st December, 1957 ;
b. at the rates prescribed in Table IV of paragraph 27 during the period from the 1st January, 1958
to the 3Cth September, 1962 ;
c. at the rates prescribed in Table V of paragraph 27 from the 1st October, 1962 onwards.]
(2) Any dispute as to whether an employee is an underground or a surface employee shall be referred to
the Coal Mines Provident Fund Commissioner, whose decision thereon shall be final,
(3) The period of six months in which the qualifying attendance is required to be put in under sub-
paragraph (1) shall be reckoned from the beginning of 4fAugust 1961J or from the beginning of the
month in which an employee is appointed in the Coal Mine concerned, whichever is later. Where an
employee fails to qualify for membership of the Fund in the first spell of six months, subsequent spells
shall be worked out by eliminating the first month of the previous spell and adding up there to another
month at the end ;
Provided that in the case of an employee other than a monthly paid employee, the attendance put in a
week which spreads over two calendar months shall be deemed to relate to the calendar month in which
the week ends.
25B. Allowance for leave etc.
(1) For the purpose of paragraph 25A, any kind of leave, other than maternity leave, granted by the
employer to an aggregate of 21 days in a calendar year or, where an employee has availed himself of
earned leave (including accumulations), the actual number of days of such leave plus five days, days of
lay off as defined in clause (kkk) of Section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, days of idleness
caused by any lock out which is illegal under Section 24 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and days of
absence from work on account of compulsory attendance in a court of law shall count as days of
attendance. (For J&K see paragraph 3 of Appendix-IV).
(2) If on any working day in any qualifying period of six months an employee is on maternity leave or is
unable to attend work owing to temporary disablement, the number of days for which such employee
must put in attendance to qualify for the membership of the Fund under paragraph 25A shall be reduced
by seventy percent of such" working days if such employee is an underground employee and by eighty
five percent of such working days if such employee is a surface employee.
Explanation In calculating the said percentage of such working days a fraction less than half shall be
disregarded and not less than half shall be counted as one.
1[(3) If in any qualifying period of six months, any day, other than the weekly holiday is observed as a
paid holiday in any coal mine, the number of days for which the employees must put in attendance in such
period to qualify for the membership of the Fund under paragraph 25A shall be reduced by the number of
such paid holidays falling in such period. In the event of a dispute as to whether a day is a paid holiday or
not, the decision of the Chief Inspector of Mines shall be final.]
4 "August 1962" for Assam, Talcher and Rewa & Korea vide G.S.R. 48, 50 and 49 respectively dated
1 sub-paragraph (3) of para 25B substituted by G.S.R. 45 dated 28.12.62.
(4) If any question arises whether an employee is required to become or continue as a member of the
Fund or as regards the date from which he is required to become a member, the decision thereon of the
Coal Mines Provident Fund Commissioner shall be final.
[225C. Continuance of membership of the Fund in case of Employees of the National Coal Development
In the event of a member becoming an excluded employee under sub-clause (ii) of clause (g) of pargaraph
2, he shall be required to continue his membership of the Fund till the date on which the order of his
permanent absorption by the National Coal Development Corporation Limited in a cadre to which this
Scheme does not apply, is issued.
Provided that where any member on becoming an excluded employee as mentioned above, before the
commencement of the Coal Mines Provident Fund (Amendment) Scheme 1970, has been made a member
of any Provident Fund other than the Coal Mines Provident Fund, such member shall be required to
contribute to the later Fund from such date as the Commissioner may specify in each case.]
26. Election for Continuance of Membership of Certain Other Provident Funds (1) Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained in paragraph 25 a subscriber to a Provident Fund recognised under the
Indian Income Tax Act 1922 (XI of 1922), or to which the Provident Funds Act 1925 (XIX of 1925),
applies, may elect to continue as a subscriber thereto and if he does so, he shall not be required to or be
entitled to become a member of the Fund.
(2) The election referred to sub-paragraph (1) shall be made in Form C annexed hereto as soon as possible
after he qualifies for membership of the Fund and shall be sent by the employer by registered post to the
commissioner so as to reach him within six months of the date on which the Scheme is notified or within
six weeks of the end of the period or quarter in which he qualifies for membership of the Fund under
paragraph 25, whichever is later.
[For Assam, see paragraph 5 of Appendix-I.
For Talcher, see paragraph 4 of Appendix-II.
For Rewa and Korea, see paragraph 4 of Appendix-Ill.
For J&K, see paragraph 4 of Appendix-IV].
*[(3) Where a subscriber to a recognised Provident Fund having elecetd to continue to subscribe to that
Fund under sub-paragraph (1) and (2) makes an application to the Commissioner @ for becoming a
member of the Provident Fund established under this Scheme, the Commissioner may, if he is so
satisfied, permit the subscriber to make a fresh election and where the subscriber is so permitted, the
employer shallrequire the subscriber to make a fresh election in Form C and if he elects to join the Fund,
he shall be deemed to have become a member of the Fund and shall be entitled to contribute to it from the
date of such re-election. The election certificate together with a return, in duplicate, in Form H and the
declaration of the subscriber in Form 'A' shall be forwarded to the Commissioner by the employer within
a fortnight of the date of the said certificate. The said return in Form H shall be marked 'Special' and shall
be deemed to relate to the quarter in which the certificate in Form C is signed irrespective of whether the
subscriber qualifies or does not qualify for bonus in that quarter.]
27. Rates of C ontributions (1) Contributions shall be payable under this Scheme in respect of every
member, whether an initial member or not, employed directly or indirectly in any coal mine to which this
scheme applies in respect of each month or week, as the case may be, for the whole or part of which he is
so employed after the 31st of December, 1948 and shall comprise contribution by the member and
contribution by the employer at the rates specified in the following table :
1[Provided that in respect of every member who may qualify for membership of the Fund under sub-
paragraph (3) of paragraph 25, contribution shall be payable under this scheme in respect of every month
for whole or part of which he is so employed after the 31st December, 1956, and shall comprise
contribution by the member and the employer at the rates specified in
2[(a) Table-I below till the 31st December, 1957.
(b)Table-TV below during period from the 1st January, 1958 to the 30th September,1962;
(c) Table-V below from the 1st October, 1962 onwards.]
3[Provided further that nothing contained in this paragraph shall be deemed to require contribution in
respect of any member for any period before the commencement of the Coal Mines Provident Fund
(Amendment) Scheme, 1961, during which he was a non-contributory member and contributions in
respect of a member who, immediately before the commencement of the said Scheme, was non-
contributory member, shall be payable in respect of each month or week, as the case may be, for the
whole or part of which he is employed after such commencement.]
[For Assam, see paragraph 6 of Appendix-I.
For Talcher, see paragraph 5 of Appendix-II.
For Rewa and Korea, see paragraph 5 of Appendix-Ill].
**Total of monthly basic wages, dearness allowance and cash equi-valent to concessional rations at the
rate of fifteen rupees per month
Member's con- Employer's con- Total monthly
tribution tribution contribution
Rs. As. Rs. As. Rs. As.
Upto Rs. 10 0 10 0 10 14
"Over Rs. 240 @l/16thof the total of monthly basic wages, @ 1/1 6th of the total of monthly basic wages,
@2/16thofthe total of monthly basic wages,
dearness allowances and cash equivalent of concessional rations at the rate of fifteen rupees per month
dearness allowances and cash equivalent of concessional ration at the rate of fifteen rupees per month
dearness allowance and cash equivalent of concessional rations at the rate of fifteen rupees per month
rounded off to the nearest rupee.
2 These words and figures were inserted under the Ministry of Labour Notification No. P.P. 2(2) 51
dated 23rd April 1951.
**The words "basic wages for the month" substituted by S.R.O. 1472 dated 2.7.55. @The words and
figures "l/16th of basic wages" and "2/16th of basic wages rounded off to the nearest rupee" which were
inserted vide notification no. PF 2(2)/51 dated 23.4.1951 were later subsituted by S.R.O. 1472 dated
2.7.55 1 The heading modified by Notification No. P.P. 2 (10)/52 dated 2nd July 1955 was reconstituted
under Notification No. PF 1/2 (114)/56-l dated 10th January 1958.
1. Table IV inserted vide Notification No. P.P. 1/2 (114)/56-l dated 10.1.1958.
2. Substituted vide G.S.R. 1173 dated 1.9.1962.
3. Table V inserted vide G.S.R. 1173 dated 1.9.1962.
4. Sub-para (2A) inserted vide Notification No. PF l/2(114)/56-l dated 10.1.1958.
5. 5 Sub-para (3) and (4) inserted vide S.R.O. 1472 dated 2.7.1955.
1[(5) For the purpose of ascertaining the amount of a member's contribution or an employer's contribution
payable in terms of Table IV, *[or Table V], total emoluments shall, in the first instance, be rounded off,
to the nearest rupee by treating 50 naye paise or more as a rupee and ignoring sums less than 50 naye
Provided that an. intimation of the variation in the rate of voluntary contribution shall be sent by the
member to the Commissioner B[or to any other officer subordinate to him and authorised by him in this
behalf] in such form and manner as may be prescribed by '[the Commissioner.]
6[(3A) The Commissioner or any other Officer so authorised by him may, on receipt of an application in
such form as he may prescribe, permit a member to discontinue his voluntary contribution at any time.
(3B) Where cessation of voluntary contribution is permitted under sub-paragraph (3A) within six months
from the date of commencement of the Coal Mines Provident Fund (Amendment) Scheme, 1964, the
Commissioner or any other Officer subordinate to him and duly authorised by him may, if the member so
desires, allow the member to withdraw his voluntary contribution to the Fund made till the date from
which cessation of voluntary contribution is permitted, togetherwith such interest as may be admissible
under paragraph 61.]
7[(4) The voluntary contribution applied for under sub-paragraph (2) or the variation thereof under sub-
paragraph (3) or cessation thereof under sub-paragraph (3A), as the case may be shall take effect from the
beginning of a prospective wage period, as may be directed in each case by the Commissioner or when so
authorised by the Commissioner, by any officer subordinate to him.]
1. Sub-para (5) of para 27 added vide Notification No. F/1/2(114)/56-l dated 10.1.1958.
2. Inserted vide G.S.R. 1173 dated 1.9.1962.
3. Para 27A added vide G.S.R. 1063 dated 6.6.1963.
4. Added vide G.S.R. 1063 dated 20.1.1964.
5. The word "him" substituted vide G.S.R. 121 dated 20.1.1964.
6. Sub-paras (3A) and (3B) added vide G.S.R. 128 dated 20.1.1964.
* Substituted vide G.S.R. 513 dated 16.7.83.
7. Sub-para (4) re-constituted vide G.S.R. 128 dated 20.1.1964,
(5) The employer shall not be required to add any matching contribution on the voluntary contribution
prescribed in sub-paragraph (1) by members in excess of their compulsory contribution prescribed in
Table V under sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 27].
Each contribution under paragraphs 27 and 27A shall be rounded off to the nearest rupee treating fifty
paise or more as the next higher rupee and ignoring fractions of a rupee less than fifty paise.
2[28. Payment of Contribution The employer shall, in the first instance, pay both the contributions
payable by himself (in this Scheme referred to as the employer's contribution) and also on behalf of the
members employed by him directly or by through a contractor the contribution payable by such members
(in this scheme referred to as the member's contribution) irrespective of whether he or the contractor has
recovered the member's contribution from their v/ages or whether the contractor has made the payment to
the employer under paragraph 30 or not.
29. Recovery of Member's Contribution (1) The employer, while paying any wages to a member
employed by him directly and a contractor while paying any wages to a member employed by or through
him, shall recover there from, the member's contribution for the period to which the wages relate.
(2) Any sum deducted under sub-paragraph (1) by an employer or by a contractor from the wages of a
member shall be deemed to have been entrusted to him for the purpose of paying the contribution in
respect of which it was deducted.
(3) Where an employer or a contractor proves to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that he, for reasons
beyond his control or because of any bonafide error on the part of employees in charge of making
recovery from the members, could not recover the member's contribution from the concerned member's
wages for the period to which the contribution relates, the Commissioner may, at his discretion, permit
recovery of arrears of such contributions from subsequent wages of the members concerned, in such
number of instalments as he may deem proper.
30. Duties of Contractors (1) Any sum recovered or due to be recovered by a contractor under sub-
paragraph (1) of paragraph 29 alongwith the employer's contribution thereon and the charges payable
under sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 33A for meeting the cost of administration of the Fund shall be paid
by him to the employer within three days from the date on which the wages to which such contributions
and charges relate, become due for disbursement to the members under Section 5 of the Payment of
Wages Act, 1936.
(2) The contractor required to make any recovery under sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 29 shall record all
recoveries to be made under that sub-paragraph and also the employer's contribution payable thereon, in
the appropriate columns of the register of wages in Form III appended to the Payment of Wages (Mines)
Rules, 1956 framed under Payment of Wages Act, 1936 relating to the wage period to which such
recoveries and contributions relate and shall furnish a copy of the said Form III to the employer within
three days from the date on which disbursement of wages for that wage period becomes due under
Section 5 of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936. He shall also furnish to the employer such other
documents and information as the employer may require of him for the purpose of submitting returns
under this Scheme or generally for the purpose of implementing this Scheme.]
31. Payment of contribution in respect of Initial members (1) In respect of all initial members of the Fund
employed by an employer in West Bengal and Bihar during the period from the twelvth of May, 1947 to
the thirtieth of September, 1948 and by an employer in Central Provinces and Berar and Orissa during the
period from the tenth of January, 1948 to the thirtieth of September, 1948 the employer shall be required
to pay for the credit as member's contribution to the Fund the amounts deducted by him under sub-
paragraph (3) of paragraph 7 of the Coal Mines Bonus Scheme from the bonus payable, together with an
equal amount on account of the employer's contribution and also an administrative charge equal to 5 per
cent of the total amount of the employer's and member's contributions.
(2) The payment referred to in sub-paragraph (1) shall be made by deposit in such Government treasury
or branch of the Imperial Bank of India and under such head of account and at such time as the Central
Government may direct. The original treasury or bank challan shall be, sent to the Commissioner with a
statement in Form 'B' annexed hereto within one week of the date of the deposit.
Note : 1. The employer's as well as member's contribution shall be payable in respect of all initial
members irrespective of whether or not the initial member is in the services of the employer at the time
when the payment falls due.
Note : 2. If the total amount of the member's as well as his employer's contribution has been refunded by
the employer to any member at the time of his leaving the coal mining industry before the 1st October,
1948 no contribution shall be payable to the Fund by the employer in respect of such member. In all other
cases employer's as well as the member's contribution shall be payable to Fund.
Note : 3. For the sake of removal of doubt, it is hereby stated that no contribution under paragraph 27 or
under this paragraph, shall be payable in respect of the period from the first of October, 1948 to the thirty
first of December, 1948.
[Paragraph 31 omitted for Assam, Talcher, Rewa and Korea and J&K see paras 7, 6, 7 and 5 of Appendix
I, II, III & IV respectively.]
[For Talcher also see paragraph 9 of Append ix-II.]
1. Where an employee who is a subscriber to any provident fund of the coal mine in which he is
employed becomes a member of the Fund he shall, if he has not withdrawn his accumulations in
that Provident Fund before 1st April, 1966, apply in form and in such manner as the
Commissioner may specify, for transfer of his accumulations in the Provident Fund of the coal
mine standing to his credit, to the Fund.
2. The Commissioner or, where so authorised by him, any officer subordinate to him shall, on
receipt of an application under sub-paragraph (1), call upon the employer or the authority
administering the Provident Fund of the coal mine, as the case may be, to transfer to the Fund the
accumulations of the member under sub-section(l) of Section 3-D of the Act.
3. The employer or the authority called upon to transfer a member's accumulations under sub-
paragraph(2) shall, within 3 months from being called upon, transfer to the Fund all contributions
of the member and of the employer on his behalf paid or payable till the date of the member's
joining the Fund or, till the date of his leaving service of the coal mine to which that Provident
Fund relates whichever is earlier, togetherwith all accretions and interest upto the end of the
month preceding the month in which the accumulations are transferred to the Fund.
4. Any amount required to be transferred to the Fund under sub-paragraph (3) shall be paid to the
Fund by means of account-payee cheque or bank drafts drawn in favour of the Coal Mines
Provident Fund Account No. 1 or, as the case may be, by transferring to the Board any Central
Government securities in which accumulation of Provident Fund may have been invested.
5. Where any payment under sub-paragraph (4) is made by an outstation cheque the Bank collection
charges thereon shall be paid by the Fund out of its Reserve Account referred to in sub-paragraph
(4) of paragraph 63.
6. Where any payment under sub-paragraph (4) is made by transferring Central Government
securities, such securities shall be acceptable by the Fund at their cost price, provided the cost
price does not exceed the face value thereof and where the cost price exceeds the face value, the
securities shall be accepted at their face value.
7. The employer or the authority making any payment under sub-paragraph (3) shall, within 15 days
of the payment, submit a statement in such form and in such manner as the Commissioner may
specify showing the amount of member's contribution, employer's contribution and interest
transferred to the Fund for each member alongwith written acceptance of the concerned members
confirming that the amount transferred has been accepted by them as correct.
1 The new paragraph 31A, 31B and 31C inserted by G.S.R. 492 dated 1.4.66.
(8) A receipt granted by the commissioner, or where so authorised by him, by any officer subordinate to
him for the accumulations transferred to the Fund shall be a sufficient discharge of the liability of the
employer or the authority making the transfer under sub-paragraph (3) to the extent of the amount
transferred and the members whose accumulations are transferred shall not be required to give any letter -
of discharge or receipt for such amounts.
(9) Any amount transferred to the Fund under sub-paragraph (3) for a member shall be credited to his -
accounts in the .Fund and shall thereafter be treated as his accumulations in the Fund for all purpose of
this Scheme.
(10) Any accumulations transferred under sub-paragraph (3) for a member shall be deemed to be his
contributions for the currency period in which the amount is received in the Fund and such contributions
shall, not withstanding the provisions contained in paragraph 61, earn interest in the Fund from the
beginning of the month immediately following the month in which the amount is received in the Fund.
3IB. Transfer of accumulations from Provident Funds of establishments other than coal mines.
(1) Where an employee who is subscriber to any Provident Fund of an establishment, not being a coal
mine to which this Scheme applies, leaves his employment in that establishment and obtains re-
employment in a coal mine and becomes a member of the Fund, he may, if he so desires, apply in such
form and in such manner as the Commissioner may specify, for the transfer of his accumulations in the
Provident Fund of the establishment to the Fund.
(2) On receipt of an application under sub-paragraph (1) the Commissioner or, where so authorised by
him any other officer subordinate to him shall ascertain from the authority administering the Provident
Fund to which the member was subscribing period to his joining the Fund whether the rules of that
Provident Fund permit the desired transfer.
(3) Where rules of the Provident Fund to which the member was subscribing before joining the Fund
permit the desired transfer, the Commissioner or where so t authorised by him, any other officer
subordinate to him shall call upon the authority administering that Provident Fund to transfer to the Fund
the member's accumulations in that Provident Fund. Where an authority administering a Provident Fund
has been called upon to transfer a member's accumulations under this sub-paragraph, the provisions
contained in sub-paragraphs (3) to (10) of paragraph 31A shall apply in the same manner as if the
Provident Fund from which accumulations are to be transferred, was that of a coal mine.
1. Where a member of the Fund leaves his employment in a coal mine and obtains re-employment in
any other establishment not being a coal mine, to which this Scheme applies, and becomes a
subscriber to any Provident Fund of that establishment he may, if he so desires, apply in such
form and manner as the Commissioner may specify for the transfer of his accumulations in the
Fund to the Provident Fund of .the establishment in which he is re-employed (hereinafter referred
to as the new establishment).
2. On receipt of an application under sub-paragraph (1) the Commissioner or, where so authorised
by him, any officer subordinate to him shall ascertain from the authority administering the
Provident Fund of the new establishment whether the rules of the Provident Fund of the new
establishment permit acceptance of accumulations transferred from other Provident Funds.
3. Where the rules of the Provident Fund of the new establishment permit acceptance of the
transferred accumulations, the; Commissioner or where so authorised by him, any officer
subordinate to him shall transfer the amount standing to the credit of the member in the Fund
together with interest upto the end of the month preceding the month in which the transfer is
effected and shall send to the authority administering the Provident Fund of the new
establishment a statement in such form as the Commissioner may specify showing the amount of
member's contribution, employer's contribution and interest transferred.
4. The transfer of accumulation under sub-paragraph (3) shall be made by means of an account
payee cheque in favour of the authority administering the Provident Fund to which the amount is
transferred and in the event of any Bank collection charges being demanded by the authority
administering the Provident Fund of the new establishment the same shall be paid out of the
Reserve Account of the Fund referred to in sub-paragraph (4) of paragraph 63.
5. The receipt granted by the authority administering the Provident Fund to which any amount is
transferred under this paragraph shall be a sufficient discharge of the liability of the Fund to the
member whose accumulations are transferred to the extent of the amount transferred.]
32. Lumpsum Contribution (1) Every employer shall be required to pay for credit to the "Reserve
Account" of the Fund a consolidated contribution in respect of the period from the twelvth of May, 1947
in the case of coal mines in West Bengal and Bihar and from the tenth of October, 1947 in the case of
coal mines in the Central Provinces and Berar and Orissa upto thirty first of December, 1948 at such rate
per ton of coal raised in the coal mine during the period concerned as the Central Government may
specify in this behalf :
Provided that any sum deposited under paragraph 31 as the employer's contribution and the administrative
charge shall be allowed as a deduction from the amount which would otherwise be required to be paid
under this paragraph.
(2) The payment referred to in sub-paragraph (1) shall be made by deposit in such Government treasury
or branch of the Imperial Bank of India and under such head of account and at such time, as the Central
Government may direct. The original treasury or bank challan shall be sent to the Commissioner, with a
statement in such Form as he may specify, within one week of the date of the deposit.
33. Mode of Payment of Contribution (*in respect of any period of currency commencing prior to the
1st of April, 1953) Affixing of Stamps (1) Every contribution payable under this Scheme (*in respect of
any period of currency commencing prior to the 1st of April, 1953) shall, except as otherwise provided
herein, be paid by affixing stamp in the space provided therefor in the Contribution Card maintained for
each member in Form 'D' or *E' annexed hereto.
(2) An employer who is liable to pay contribution in respect of [**such period of currency for] any
member employed by him, shall pay the contributions in the following manner :
The employer shall before paying the member the wages in respect of any part of the period for which
contributions are payable, affix to the card of the member a stamp or stamps in payment of the
contributions due in respect of that period :
a. before the termination of the employment, except where the employment is terminated by the
member without any notice or intimation to the employer in which case the employer shall pay
contributions within fourteen days of the termination of the employment,
b. within six days after the expiration of the period of currency of the card,
c. if the wages have become due but have not been paid, within fortyeight hours after receiving a
request in that behalf from the member, to affix to the card of the member a stamp or stamps in
respect of the period, ending at the date of such termination, expiration or request.
(3) In respect of [***any currency period commencing before the 1st April, 1953 or part thereof] during
which the contribution card of the member has not been received by an employer from the last employer
or the Commissioner, the employer shall prepare an emergency card in Form F annexed hereto and shall
pay any contribution payable in respect of the member by affixing a stamp or stamps to such a card.
@ Provided that the Commissioner may direct that any payment under this paragraph shall be made in
one or the other modes specified in clauses (i) to (iv) of sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 33A of this
**[as provided in this Scheme] for all wage periods ending in a month.
(2) The employer shall pay to the Fund both the employer's contribution as well as the member's
contribution togetherwith an amount [***calculated at the rates mentioned in pargaraph 33B of this
Scheme] to defray the cost of administration of the Fund on or before 3(the last day) of every month
following the month to which the contributions relate.
4(3) Every payment under sub-paragraph (2) shall be made in one or the other of the methods specified
below :
i. By means of crossed account-payee cheque drawn in favour of the Coal Mines Provident Fund
Account No. 1.
Provided that where payment is made by means of a cheque of a Bank situated in a place, other
than Dhanbad, Bank collection charges shall be added to the amount of the cheque or remitted
separately when so directed by the Commissioner ;
ii. By means of crossed account-payee bank drafts on the State Bank of India, Dhanbad, drawn in
favour of the Coal Mines Provident Fund Account No. 1.
iii. By deposit of the amount in cash either in the State Bank of India, Dhanbad, or in the office of the
Commissioner at Dhanbad for being credited to the Coal Mines Provident Fund Account No. 1.
2[(4) For all payments made by an employer under sub-paragraph (3) upto and for the month of May,
1963 a monthly abstract in Form 'P' annexed hereto and in Form 'P' (Revised) annexed hereto in respect of
all payments made thereafter shall be sent by an employer in duplicate separately in respect of each
colliery to the Commissioner by registered post or by a messenger on or before 7(the last day) of each
month following the month to which such payments relate togetherwith the appropriate cheques, draft,
receipted pay-in-slip or B(cash receipts) in taken of the employer having made such payment.]
""Provided that all payments made by employer under sub-paragraph (3) of this paragraph and under
paragraph 7(2) of the Coal Mines Family Pension Scheme shall be sent in a Form 'PP' in respect of all
payments made after the month of March, 1988 by the employer, in triplicate, separately in respect of
each colliery to the Commissioner or such other officer as may be authorised by the Commissioner, by
registered post, or by a messenger on or before the last day of each month to which such payments relate
togetherwith the appropriate cheques, drafts, receipted pay-in-slip, or cash receipt in token of employer
having made such payment, as the case may be". ^SB. Rate of administrative charge (1) The amount for
defraying the cost of administration of the Fund payable under sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 33A of this
Scheme shall be calculated at the following rates :
Rate of administrative charge
(i) Provident Fund contribution payable for any period upto the 17th July 1955.
(ii) Provident Fund contribution payable for any period 9[between the 18th July, 1955 and the 30th Sept.,
(iii) Provident Fund contribution payable for any period 3[between the 1st October, 1962 and 31st
January, 1963].
4[(iv) Provident Fund contribution 5[not including the voluntary contribution by members in excess of
their compulsory contribution prescribed in Table-V under sub-paragraph(l) of paragraph 27] payable for
any period after the 31st January, 1963 "[but before the 1st June, 1973].
9[(v) Provident Fund contribution not including the voluntary contribution by members in excess of their
compulsory contribution prescribed in Table-V under sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 27 payable for any
period after the 1st June, 1973, 10[but before the 31st March, 1980],
10[(vi) Provident Fund contribution not including the voluntary contributions by members in excess of
their compulsory contribution prescribed in Table-V under sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 27 payable for
any period after the 31st March, 1981].
Five per centum of the total amount of member's and employer's contributions.
Three per centum of the total amount of member's and employer's contributions.
Two and half per centum of the total amount of member's and employer's contributions.
Two and point four (2.4) per centum of the total amount of member's and employer's contributions].
Three and point five (3.5) per centum of the total amount of member's and employer's compulsory
Three (3) per centum of the total amount of member's and employer's compulsory contributions].
(2) The rate mentioned in clause 10[(vi) of sub-paragraph (1) may, from time to time, be reviewed by the
Central Government in consultation with the Board.
34. Stamps to be affixed by employer only and stamps which have previously been affixed or are
cancelled or defaced not be affixed No persons other than an employer shall affix to the card any stamp
relating to this Scheme and no person shall affix to a card any stamp which has been cancelled or defaced
or which has been previously affixed to a card to which stamps are required or authorised to be affixed for
the purpose of this Scheme.
35. Cancellation of Stamps Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Scheme, an employer shall
immediately after affixing any contribution stamp to a card cancel the stamp by stamping with a metallic
die with black indelible ink across the face of the stamp the date upon which it is affixed and the
employer's registered number.
36. Writing on Contribution Cards and Stamps (1) An employer may, if he thinks fit, inscribe upon
the card of any member employed by him, but only in such manner as may easily be erased or removed,
the number of that member upon the pay list or in the books of the employer.
(2) Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Scheme or as specially authorised by the Central
Government, no writing or other mark shall be made at any time upon the card or stamps until after the
surrender of the card to the Commissioner.
*(3) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, no overwriting of erasure mark shall be allowed to be
made in any entry in the contribution cards of a member relating to the basic wages + or the total of
monthly basic wages, dearness allowance and cash equivalent of concessional rations at the rate of fifteen
rupees per month [or total emoluments as the case may be] of such member and the contributions paid in
respect of him :
Provided that where any alteration or amendment of such entry becomes necessary in the opinion of the
Manager, accountant or the head clerk of a coal mine, such alteration or amendment shall be made in th;
contribution card by scoring through the incorrect entry and substituting therefor a correct entry, which
will be duly initialled by the manager, accountant or the head clerk, as the case may be :
Provided further that where any adjustment on account of any excess or short payment becomes necessary
a plus or minus entry, as the case may be, shall be recorded in the appropriate column of Contribution
37. Declarations by Employees and Preparation of Contribution Card Every person who is required
to be a member or an initial member of the Fund shall be asked forthwith by employer to furnish and shall
on such demand furnish to him, for communication to the Commissioner, particulars concerning himself
and his nominees in Form 'A' annexed hereto. The particulars shall be entered in his own hand writing or
if he is unable to write, shall be ascertained from him by the employer and entered in Form A. The
employer shall obtain the signature and/or the thumb impression of the person and sign the certificate on
the form at the place provided for the purpose and shall immediately thereafter prepare in respect of the
person a contribution card** :
2(b) in respect of any period of currency commencing on or after the 1st April, 1953 but before the 1st
July, 1964, in Form D (revised) or in Form E (revised) annexed hereto as the case may be.
3[Provided that in the case of a member permitted to make voluntary contribution under paragraph 27 A,
during any such currency period, the contribution card shall be opened in Form D(V) or E(V) annexed
hereto as the case may be, with effect from the date of commencement of voluntary contribution].
2[(c) in respect of any period of currency commencing on or after the 1st July, 1964 *(but before the 1st
April, 1968) in Form T or in Form U annexed hereto as the case may be.]
7[(d) in respect of period of currency commencing on or after the 1st April, 1968 in Form T (Revised) or
Form U (Revised) annexed hereto, as the case may be.]
*[37A. Method of opening of Contribution Cards for periods of currency commencing on or after the 1st
of April, 1953 [but before the 1st July, 1964]** Every employer shall in respect of every member in a
coal mine to which this Scheme applies other than an excluded employee shall on or before the
commencement of any period of currency beginning on or after the 1st of April, 1953, open a new
Contribution Card in Form D (Revised) or E (Revised) [or D(V) or E(V) annexed hereto, as the case may
be 2[and record in the contribution card in the columns bearing "wages earned" and, 'contributions' entries
showing the amount of wages in respect of wage periods ending on or before the 26th January, 1958 or
total emoluments in respect of wage periods ending on or after the 27th January, 1958, as the case may
be, earned by such employees in every month or week] and the total amount of the member's contribution
and the employer's contribution payable in respect of each month or week for such employee.
3[Provided that in the case of monthly rated employees whose basic rate of pay exceeds Rs. 30/- per
month, the total of monthly basic wages, dearness allowance and cash equivalent of concessional rations
at the rate of fifteen rupees per month calculated according to sub-paragraph 4 of paragraph 27 shall be
recorded in the contribution card in Form E (Revised) in the column bearing the heading ''wages earned"
4[against contribution for any wage-period ending on or between the 18th July, 1955 and the 26th
January, 1958. The words "Basic rate above rupees thirty" shall be endorsed at the top of such
contribution cards relating currency period beginning before the 6Ist January, 1958].
6[Provided further that in the case of a member permitted to make voluntary contribution under paragraph
27 A the member's contribution and his employer's contribution shall be recorded separately .by the
employer in the member's contribution card in Form D(V) or E(V) as the case may be.]
For J&K see Paragraph 7 of Appendix-IV.
'[37B. Method of opening contribution cards for periods of currency commencing on or after the 1st of
July, 1964 (1) Every employer shall, in respect of every member in coal mine to which this Scheme
applies on or before the commencement of the quarter of period of currency, as the case may be, open :
(i)Contribution cards in Form T' or Form 'U' annexed hereto as the case may be, in respect of any period
of currency commencing on or after the 1st July, 1964 but before the 31st March, 1968 for the first
quarter of such currency period.
4[(ii) Contribution cards in Form 'T' (Revised) or Form 'IT (Revised) annexed hereto, as the case may be,
in respect of any period of currency commencing on or after the 1st April, 1968, where the member is not
eligible to join the Coal Mines Family Pension Scheme under paragraph 3 of the Coal Mines Family
Pension Scheme, 1971 (hereafter referred to as the Pnsion Scheme) ;
Contribution cards in Form 'X' or Form 'Y' annexed hereto, as the case may be, in respect of any period of
currency commencing on or after 1st April, 1972, where the member is eligible to join the Coal Mines
Family Pension Scheme under paragraph 3 of the Pension Scheme].
8"(iv) Ledger, in duplicate, in respect of each member for currency period commencing from the 1st
April, 1988 onwards in Form 'YY'.
8(2) Every employer shall record every week in the contribution card in Form 'YY' :
4 The words "and that the words Basic wages" above rupees thirty shall be endrosed at the top of such
contribution card substituted vide Notification No. PF 1/2 (114) 56 dated 10.1.58.
5 The figure "26th"corrected vide S.O. 511 dated 1.4.58.
6 2nd proviso to para 37A added vide G.S.R. 1063 dated 6.6.1963.
7 Para 37B first added vide G.S.R. 1203 dated 20.8.1964 and then substituted vide G.S.R 2491 dated
8 Inserted vide G.S.R. No. 97 dated 13.2.88.
9 Substituted vide GSR No. 97 dated 13.2.88.
Provided that for the purpose of posting member's own contribution and employer's contribution in the
contribution cards in Form 'YY', each such contribution shall be split up into contribution towards the
Pension Scheme at the rate of 1.1/6% of total emoluments and the balance of contribution towards the
Coal Mines Provident Fund in case of persons who are members of the Coal Mines Family Pension
Scheme and each such contribution shall be posted in the contribution cards in Form 'YY' in the space
already provided for the purpose.]
38. Submission of return of qualified employees 1(1) Every employer shall send by registered post or
through a messenger to Commissioner a return in '(triplicate)
(i) in Form 'H' annexed hereto within six weeks from the end of every quarter commencing on or before
the 2(Ist October, 1961) but not before the 3(Ist October, 1948) **(and also of every quarter commencing
on or after the 1st January, 1970) intimating the particulars of employees who qualified for the
membership of the Fund during the quarter to which the return relates;
(ii) in Form 'H' (Revised) annexed hereto within fifteen days from the commencement of every month
from 4(February, 1962) 9(to December, 1969) 10( ) intimating the particulars of employees who qualified
for membership of the Fund under paragraph 25A during the preceding month;
"12(iii) in Form 'HH' within fifteen days of the completion of calender quarter following quarter ending
March, 1988 showing the particulars of employees, who qualified for membership of the Fund under para
25A during the preceding month and also the details of person whose services ceased on account of
superannuation, resignation, death, medical unfitness or for another reason."
(2) Declaration in Form 'A' furnished in duplicate by persons qualifying for the membership of the Fund
shall accompany the returns in Form 'H' or Form 'H' (Revised) as the case may be. One copy of
declaration in Form 'A' shall be retained in the Regional Office and the duplicate copy duly authenticated
by the Regional Commissioner shall be returned to the employer who shall make over the same to the
member or if he is a minor, to his guardian, as the case may be, for his record.
8[38A. Maintenance of abstract attendance register for the purpose of deciding eligibility of employees to
become members of the Fund Every employer shall "(till the 31st December 1969) maintain in respect of
every person employed by him who is not a member of the Fund on the day the 6[Coal Mines Provident
Fund (Amendment) Scheme, 1961] comes into force and also in respect of every person employed by him
after such day who gives a negative declaration in Form 'Q' in terms of paragraph 45, an abstract
attendance register in Form 'S' annexed hereto and shall make entries therein every month from '(August,
1961) or the month in which the employee is appointed, whichever is later, until the employee qualifies
for membership of the Fund or ceases to be employed in the Coal Mine as the case may be ;
Provided that register in Form 'S' for an employee shall be preserved by the employer till the expiry of at
least one year from the month in which his name is included in the return in Form 'H' (Revised) or he
leaves service, as the case may be.]
[For J&K see paragraph 7 of Appendix-iv]
39. Allotment of Account Number On receipt of the return required under paragraph 38 the
Commissioner shall promptly allot an Account Number to each per son who has qualified to become a
member and shall communicate the Account Num ber to the employer2 [ ].
40. Currency of Contribution Cards The Contribution Cards issued under this Scheme shall have the
period of currency of one year ;
Provided that this period of one year may commence and terminate at such different times for coal mines
in-different areas as may be decided by the Board from time to time ;
8Provided further that for the cards issued
(i) in respect of the first contribution period or
(ii) in respect of any other contribution period as the Board may direct.
(the period of currency may be longer or shorter than the period of one year).
4 February 1963 for Assam, Talcher and Rewa & Korea vide G.S.R. No. 48, 50 and 49 respectively dated
5 Para 38A inserted vide S.O. 2620 dated 26.11.61.
6 Coal Mines Provident Fund (Assam) Second Amendment Scheme,1962 "for Assam vide G.S.R. 48
dated 28.12.62, Coal Mines Provident Fund (Talcher) Second Amendment Scheme, 1962" "for Talcher
vide G.S.R. No. 50 dated 28.12.62 'Coal Mines Provident Fund (Rewa & Korea) Second Amendment
Scheme, 1962" "for Rewa & Korea vide G.S.R. 48 dated 28.12.62."
7 "August 1961" for Assam Talcher and Rewa & Korea vide G.S.R. 48, 50 & 49 respectively dated
2 The words "He shall also arrange to have the person so qualified photographed as soon as possible and
prepare Identity Cards for them in Form G annexed hereto two copies of the photographic prints shall be
taken from the same negative and shall be affixed on the Identity Cards and Declaration Forms. The
Identity Card shall hereafter be sent to the employer, who shall sign and the member shall sign of affixed
his thumb impression across the edge of the photograph so as to prevent its subsequent replacement
Omitted vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour, Notification No. PF 2(6)/52 dated the 24th November,
8 Second proviso substituted vide G.S.R. 2491 dated 21.10.1969.
3(Provided also that each currency period commencing on or after the 1st of July, 1964 6(but before the
1st April, 1968) shall be divided into four quarters of three consecutive months each and for every
member there shall be a separate Contribution Card in Form T or U, as the case may be, for each quarter.)
4[41. Renewal of Contribution Cards Every employer shall on or before the expiration of the period of
currency and in the case of currency periods commencing on or after the 1st of July, 1964 *(but before the
1st April, 1968, on or before the expiration of each quarter in the currency period prepare in respect of
each member employed by him a contribution card 8 or the ledger in Form 'YY' in such form as may be
appropriate under paragraph 37 7(or paragraph 37B as the case may be) for the next currency period or
quarter as the case may be].
1[42. Submission of Contribution Cards to the Commissioner (1) Every employer shall submit to the
Commissioner or to such other Officer subordinate to him as may be authorised by him in this behalf,
contribution cards
s[(v) in Form 'T (Revised) or in Form 'U' (Revised) in respect of each currency period commencing on or
after the 1st April, 1968, within six weeks from the date of expiration of the currency period togetherwith
a statement in duplicate in Form 'V annexed hereto.]
4[(vi) in Form X or in Form Y in respect of each currency period commencing on or after the 1st April,
1972 in the case of members who have joined the pension scheme, within six weeks from the date of
expiration of the currency period togetherwith a statement in triplicate in Form V (Revised) annexed
(2) In the case of a member who starts making voluntary contribution at any time of a currency period
commencing before the 1st of July, 1964, his contribution card in Form D (Revised) or E (Revised) as the
case may be, relating to that part of the currency period in which the member had not made any voluntary
contribution and his contribution card in Form D(V) or E(V) as the case may be, for that part of the
currency, period in which the member had made the voluntary contribution, shall be linked together by
carrying forward the contribution in the former to the latter. Such linked-up cards shall be regarded as
contribution cards in Forms D (V) or E(V), as the case may be, for submission under sub-para graph (1).
(3) All contribution cards and the statements in Forms I, I(Revised), I(V) 7[V or V (Revised)] shall be
sent to the Commissioner or to such other officer subordinate to him as may be authorised by him in this
behalf, either by registered post or through a messenger.]
8[(4) Before submission of any contribution card in Form 'T' (Revised), Form U (Revised), Form X or
Form Y under sub-paragraph (1) for any currency period ending on or after the 31st March, 1973, every
employer shall fill in the counterfoil of the contribution card and make over the same to the concerned
member who shall retain the same for his own reference.]
9"(5) Every employer shall submit statement of contribition in Form 'W for currency period commencing
from the 1st April, 1988 onwards calculated on the basis of ledger in Form 'YY' togetherwith
reconciliation of the statement appended there to."
2[44. Contribution Cards of Absentee Members-Submission to the Commissioner (1) where an
employee leaves service in a coal mine @ [at any time during any period of currency commencing before
the 1st April, 1956] without any notice to employer, the employer shall keep with himself his contribution
card until the end of the calendar month following that in which the employee left such service and if
during such period the employee is not re-employed in the coal mine the employer after making the
necessary entries therein shall send the card by registered post or through a messenger to the
Commissioner accompanied by a statement in duplicate in Form J annexed hereto.
Provided that if during any such period the employee is employed in another coal mine and the employer
receives a request from the employer in the other coal mine for the card of the member, the first
mentioned employer shall, within 10 days of the receipt of the request, send to the other employer by
registered post the said card duly completed togetherwith a copy of a statement in Form ' J' in duplicate, a
copy of such statement being sent simultaneously also to the commissioner.
@[(2) Where an employee leaves service in a coal mine or is transferred to any other coal mine or when
his service is terminated by the employer at any time during any period of currency commencing on or
after the 1st April 1953, the Contribution Card of such employee shall be retained by the employer for,
submission to the Commissioner on the expiry of the period of the currency to which the contribution
card relates or at any time before the expiry of such period, if so directed by the Commissioner.]
4[44A. Return of Member Ceasing to be Employed 5(1) Every employer shall, 6within fifteen days of
the close of each month during the period commencing from July 1964 and ending with December, 1969)
send to the Commissioner or to such other Officer subordinate to him as may be authorised by him in this
behalf a return, in duplicate, in Form 'W annexed hereto, in respect of members ceasing to be employed
during the preceding month.]
*[(2) Every employer shall within one month of the close of each quarter commencing on or after the 1st
January, 1970 send to the Commissioner or to such other officer subordinate to him as may be authorised
by him in this behalf, a return, in duplicate, in Form 'W (Revised) annexed hereto showing the particulars
of members ceasing to be employed during the preceding quarter, either by death or otherwise.
10"(2A) From quarter ending June, 1988 onwards, a return of the members ceasing to be employed and
persons going to retire in the next 6 months shall be sent to respective Regional Commissioner in Form
'HH' instead of Form 'W'."
(3) On receipt of a return in Form "W" (Revised), the Commissioner or any 6ther officer subordinate to
him as may be authorised by him in this behalf, shall advise in writing every outgoing member or the
nominee of every deceased member listed in such return either to claim refund of Provident Fund or to
intimate the details of his re-employment in any other coal mine and such advice shall be accompanied by
a blank form for applying for refund.]
45. Declaration Form Procedure to be followed by the Employer When a person presents himself for
work at a coal mine, the employer shall ask him to state whether or not he is a member of the Fund and if
he is, ask for his x[ ] Account number and the name and the particulars of last employer and get his Cards
from the Commissioner or from the last employer. When the new employer receives the Con tribution
cards, Emergency Cards, if any a[ ] in respect of the members of the Fund who have joined him, from the
last employer or the commissioner, he shall sign and return one copy of the statement in Form J or K
annexed hereto in token of receipt to the last employer or the Commissioner, as the case may be.
3 [Provided that in respect of any person who presents himself for work at a coal mine at any time during
a period of currency commencing on or after the first of April, 1953, the employer shall require the person
to furnish a written declaration in Form 'Q' annexed hereto or if the person is unable to read and write in
English, the employer shall obtain the necessary information from the person and complete the Form and
obtain thereon the person's signature or thumb impression. Such person on being so required to do shall
complete the form or furnish the information as the case may be. The declaration in form 'Q' from any
such person containing a negative statement shall be affixed to the declaration of such person in Form A
and forwarded to the Commissioner alongwith returns in Form 'H' as and when such person qualifies for
membership of the Fund. Where the declaration in Form 'Q' is affirmative, it shall be preserved by the
employer until such time as the contents thereof are verified from the previous employer :
Provided further that where any such person makes a declaration in Form 'Q' to the effect that he was a
member of the Fund, the employer shall open for him a new contribution card in Form 'D' (Revised) or 'E'
(Revised) [or T or 'U']B '(or T (Revised)or 'U' (Revised) "[or 'X' or 'Y'] as the case may be, and "in the
case of a member who declares in Form 'Q' that he was making voluntary contribution at the colliery
where previously employed, under paragraph 27 A, in Form 'D(V)' or 'E(V)' as the case may be *[for
currency periods commencing before the 1st July, 1964 and 8[in form T or U, as the case may be, for
currency periods commencing on or after the said date, but before the 31st March, 1968 and in Form 'T'
(Revised) or in Form 'U' (Revised), as the case may be, for currency periods commencing on or after the
1st April, 1968] '[and in Form 'X' or Form 'Y' as the case may be for currency period commencing on or
after the 1st April, 1972 in the case of members who have joined the Pension Scheme.] The employer
shall then enter therein the basic wages 1or the total monthly basic wages, dearness allowance and the
cash equivalent of concessional rations at the rate of fifteen rupees per month calculated according to sub-
paragraph(4) of paragraph 27[or total emoluments]8, [as the case may be] and 3[the member's
contribution and employer's contribution, either separately, or jointly, as the case may be] to be paid by
the new employer during the remaining period of currency during which such person has worked under
the new employer. The employer shall at the same time take steps to verify the truth or otherwise or the
statement from his former employer, who shall be bound to furnish the required information.
1 The words "Identity Card" appearing in the original scheme were omitted vide Govt. of India, Ministry
of Labour Notification No. PF 2(16)52 dated the 8th July 1952.
2 The words "and Identity Card, if any" appearing in the original scheme omitted vide Govt. of India,
Ministry of Labour Notification No. PF 2(16)52 dated 8th July 1952
3 1st, 2nd and 3rd provisos to para 45 added vide S.R.O. 3306 dated 22.10.1964,
* Sub-Paragraph 2 and 3 added vide G.S.R. 2483 dated 21.10.69.
10 Inserted vide G.S.R. 97 dated 13.2.88
7 ( ) Inserted vide G.S.R. 2491 dated 21.10.1969
5 Inserted vide G.S.R. 1203 dated 20.8.1964.
Provided also that where such person makes a false declaration in Form 'Q' suppressing the fact of his
previous membership of the Fund, [or his voluntary contribution]4 the arrears on account of the member's
share of the contribution may, notwithstanding the proviso to sub-paragraph(l) of paragraph 29, be
realised from his wages which he may earn subsequently in such number of instalments as may be
considered to be suitable by the Commissioner who shall be furnished with a complete report of the case,
supported by the declaration in Form 'Q' within a period of fifteen days from the date on which the falsity
of the declaration of such person comes to the notice of the new employer.]
B"Provided also that though no declaration in Form 'Q' shall be obtained from the 1st April, 1988
onwards and instead information regarding persons being transferred to and from the unit shall be
furnished in Form 'HH'."
46. Supply of Cards and Forms to Employers The Commissioner shall supply to employers free of
charge on demand Declaration Forms,-f Contribution Cards, Emergency Cards1 and' other forms referred
to in this Scheme :
Provided that if any employer desires to obtain any card or form in excess of what the Commissioner
considers to be the requirement of the employer, the Commissioner may if he thinks fit, supply such
excess cards or forms and make such change therefor as he considers necessary.
Custody of "Contribution^ Cards The employer shall, @ retain the *Contribution Cards in respect of each
member in his custody and shall take every possible precaution to guard them against loss or damage.
Inspection l[of Cards and Pass Books] by Members Any member who makes a request in this behalf to
the employer shall be permitted 1[to inspect his card and pass book] within a period of 72 hours of
making such request provided that no member may make such a request more than once in any calendar
Production of Cards for Inspection by the Commissioner or Inspector (1) Every employer shall, whenever
the Commissioner or any other officer authorised by him in this behalf or an Inspector so requests either
in person or by notice, produce to the Commissioner, Officer or Inspector the Cards of any member
employed by him and any card then in his possession and if so required by the Commissioner, Officer or
Inspector shall deliver such card to the Commissioner, Officer or Inspector who may, if he thinks fit,
retain the card.
(2) The Commissioner, Officer or Inspector shall grant a receipt for every card retained by him.
Procedure for the Purchase of Contribution Stamps by Employers Rate of Administrative Charge The
contribution stamps to be affixed to the Contribution cards of the members under this Scheme shall be
obtained by the employer from one of the Govt. treasuries [and post offices2] specified in Schedule 'A' on
indent in Form 'N' annexed hereto and the nominal value of the stamps indented for, together-with an
administrative charge of 5 per cent of the nominal value of the stamps shall be paid into the treasury [and
post office*] under the Head of account to be specified by the Central Government in this behalf ;
@ The words "subject to paragraph 43" omitted by Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour, Notification No.
PF 2(16)/52 dated 24.11.1962.
1 [ ] Substituted vide Notification No. 1101 (l)/72PFI(i) dated 8.8.72.
2 Inserted vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour Notification No. PF 21(23)/11 dated 23rd June, 1952.
+ The words "Identity Cards" omitted vide Government of India, Ministry of Labour, Notification No. PF
2 (16)/52 dated 8.7.52.
* The words "Identity and" omitted vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour, Notification No. PF 2(16)/52
dated 8.7.52.
Provided that the rate of administrative charge shall be reviewed by the Central Government in
consultation with the Board, before the expiry of three years from the date of publication of this Scheme.
[For J&K See paragraph 7 of Appendix iv]
**50A. Remittance of Coal Mines Provident Fund Money
1. All amount deposited into Government Treasuries under paragraph 31(2), 32(2), @ and 50 shall
be remitted to the Current Account No. 1 of the Coal Mines Provident Fund with the Imperial
Bank of India, Dhanbad, [*** by the third day of the week following the week of deposit], under
advice to the Government of India in the ^Ministry of Labour, Employment and Rehabilitation
(Department of Labour and Employment)] and the Coal Mines Provident Fund Commissioner.
The remittance shall be made by the Treasury Officers by means of Reserve Bank Drafts at par
marked "Intra-Provincial" favouring Imperial Bank of India, Dhanbad, for credit to the Current
Account No. 1 of the Fund. The account shall be operated on by such officers as may be specified
by the Board of Trustees of the Coal Mines Provident Fund from time to time.
2. The Coal Mines Provident Fund Commissioner shall submit demand statements to the
Accountant General/Comptroller by the 15th of the month in respect of the deposits made into the
Government Treasuries during the month preceding the last month. Any difference between the
amount remitted by the Treasury Officers and that actually due to the Fund shall be adjusted by
the Accountant General/Comptroller concerned in a subsequent month.
3. The amount of administrative charges collected by Post Offices shall be remitted by the Post
Masters concerned in the first week of the month following the month of sale of stamps in cash or
by means of Reserve Bank Drafts at par marked 'Intra-Provincial' favouring Imperial Bank of
India, Dhanbad for credit to the current Account No. 1 of the Fund. The Coal Mines Provident
Fund Commissioner shall forward to the Deputy Accountant General, Posts and Telegraphs
concerned a monthly statement by the 15th of each month showing the amounts realised by Post
Offices within their circle of audit, on account of administrative charges on the sale of Coal
Mines Provident Fund contribution stamps during the month preceding the last month, any
difference between the amount already remitted by the Post Masters into the Current Account No.
1 of the Fund with the Imperial Bank of India, Dhanbad and that due to the Fund being adjusted
by the Post Masters concerned in due course on advice from the Deputy Accountant General
Posts & Telegraphs concerned.
@ The figures, letter and brackets, 33A(3) (iv) first inserted vide S.R.O. 3306 dated 22nd October 1954
and later omitted vide G.S.R. 1726 dated 11.9.68.
**Inserted vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour Notification No. PF 21(23)/11 dated 23rd June 1952.
***The words "in the first week of the month following the month of deposit" substituted vide S.R.O.
2226 dated 5.10.55.
1 The words "Department of Social Security' substituted vide G.S.R. 1221 dated 28.7.1966.
54. investment of Monies belonging to Coal Mines Provident Fund (1) Alt monies belonging to the
Coal Mine& Provident Fund shall 'be either deposited in the Imperial Bank of India or in such other
scheduled banks as may be approved by the Central Government from time to time, or invested in
securities mentioned OF referred to in clauses (a) to (d) of section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (II of
1882) subject to the condition that the securities in which investments are made are payable both in'
respect of capital and of interest in Dominion of India.
(2) The Board shall prepare a classified summary of the Asset of the Fund as on the 31st March in each
year or on such other dates as the Central Government may specify in Form 'O' annexed hereto, and shall
append it to annual report required to be submitted to the Central Government under paragraph 68.
2[55. Disposal of the Coal Mines Provident Fund (1) The Coal Mines Provident Fund not including
therein Reserve Account and the Administration Account thereof shall not, except with the previous
sanction of the Central Government, be expended for any purpose other than the payment of the sums
standing to the credit of individual members of the Fund or to their nominees or heirs-or legal
representatives in accordance with the provision of this Scheme.
(2) Amount credited to the Reserve Account under sub-paragraph (4) of paragraph 63, may in accordance
with such instructions as the Central Government may issue from time to time be expended for any or all
of the following purposes :
(i) for providing financial assistance to the nominees or heirs or legal representatives of deceased
members ;
(ii) for financing any Scheme for the benefit of the dependents of employees killed or disabled in
accidents in coal mines;
4(iii) for making payments to outgoing members and to the nominees or heirs or legal representatives of
deceased members where Provident Fund contributions or Family Pension Fund contributions, or both in
respect of such members have, either in whole or in part, not been deposited into the Fund by their
(iv) for establishing the rate of interest allowed to the members under paragraph 61 of this Scheme;
3(v) for paying late fees and such other charges as may be levied by the Life Insurance Corporation of
India in cases where remittance of premia in respect of any policy financed from the Fund under
paragraph 65C is delayed for no fault of the concerned member or where any such policy having been
paid up or having lapsed for no fault of the concerned member is to be revived;
1(vi) for making payment to the member or to the nominee or legal heir or representative of deceased
member, as the case may be, where the amount payable to the member is either withdrawn by and paid to
a person other than rightful claimant or where such amount, when remitted by money-order or by an
account payee cheque, is paid to a person other than a rightful claimant.
(3) Amount credited to Reserve Account under paragraph 32 and any interest earned by investing the
amounts in the Reserve Account may in accordance with such instructions as the Central Government
may issue from time to time, be expended for the following purposes :
(i) for meeting capital expenditure on land, building, machines and such other tangible assets as are used
over a period exceeding 5 years ;
(ii) for meeting any deficit in the Administration Account of the Fund.]
56. Expenses of Administration (I) Subject to the provisions of the Act and of the Scheme all expenses
of administration of the Coal Mines Provident Fund, including the fees and allowances of the trustees +
and salaries, leave and joining time allowances,, travelling and compensatory allowances, gratuities and
compassionate allowances pensions, contribution to Provident Fund or other benefit funds for the officers
and servants of the Fund, the cost of audit of the accounts, legal expenses and the cost of all stationery
and forms required for the purpose of giving effect to this scheme, shall be met from the Administration
(2) All expenses incurred by the Central Government for and in connection with the establishment of the
Fund, whether before or after the date of its establishment, shall be treated as a loan advanced by the
Central Government to the Fund and such loan shall be repaid to the Central Government from the
Administration Account.
56. Budget-- (1) The [Commissioner @] shall place before the Board at a meeting to be held in January
each year a budget showing separately the probable receipts from the sale of stamps and the levy of the
administrative charge and the expenditure which [he @] proposes to incur during the financial year
commencing on the first of April next. The budget as approved by the Board shall be submitted for
sanction to the Central Government before the 15th of February each year.
@ The words "Committee' and "it" substituted by S.R.O. 1360 dated 1.6.56.
1 Clause (vi) to para 55 inserted vide G.S.R. 308 dated 15.3.80.
+ The words "and of the members of the Committee" were omitted by S.R.O. 1360 dated 1,6.56.
(2) The Central Government may sanction the budget as submitted or with such alterations therein as it
considers desirable.
*[(3) The Commissioner may make budgetary re-appropriation of funds subject to the conditions that the
total budget sanctioned under sub-paragraph (2) shall not be exceeded by him and that the re-
appropriation made by him is for meeting such expenses of administration as may be met from the
Administration Account in pursuance of the provisions of paragraph 56.
Provided that any re-appropriation made under sub-paragraph (3) shall be reported by the Commissioner
to the Board at the first meeting held by it after such re-appropriation.]
58. Form of Accounts The Board shall maintain the accounts of the Fund including the "Administration
Account" in such form and manner as may be specified by it with the previous approval of the Central
59. Audit (1) The accounts of the Fund including the "Administration Account", shall be audited in such
manner as the Central Government may direct.
(2) The cost of the audit as determined by the Central Government shall be paid out of the
"Administration Account".
60. Member's Accounts
1. An account shall be opened in the name of each member in which shall be credited
i. his contribution 6[to the Coal Mines Provident Fund]
ii. the contribution made by his employer, 5[to the Coal Mines Provident Fund] and
iii. interest, as provided by paragraph 61.
2. All items of account shall be calculated to the nearest 4[rupee treating fifty paise or more as the
next higher rupee and ignoring fractions of a rupee less than fifty paise].
3. On receipt of the Contribution and emergency cards if any, of a member a[in respect of any
period of currency commencing before the 1st April, 1953] from his employer at the end of the
period of currency of the contribution cards, the commissioner shall ascertain the nominal value
of the contribution stamps affixed on the card or cards of the member and shall credit to the
account of the member as at the last day of the period of currency, the employer's contribution
and the member's contribution included in such nominal amount.
* Inserted vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment Notification No. 2 (328)/53
PFI dated 23.5.63.
1 Inserted vide S.R.O. 3306 dated 22.10.1954.
4 Substituted vide G.S.R No. 1312 dated 29.12.84.
5 Please see on next page for footnote No. 5. J
a[(4) 8(On receipt of contribution card of a member in respect of a currency period or quarter, as the case
may be,) the Commissioner or such other Officer subordinate to him as may be authorised by him in this
behalf shall ascertain therefrom the total amount of the member's and employer's contributions 8[to the
Coal Mines Provident Fund] paid for the member and shall credit the amount to the account of the
member as at the last day of the period of currency or quarter as ths case may be.]
61. Interest
1. The Commissioner shall credit to the account of eash member interest at such rate as may be
determined by the Central Government in consultation with the Board in respect of the periods of
currency of the cards expiring in each financial year.
2. Interest for the period of currency of the card shall be credited with effect from the last day of the
period on the opening balance at the credit of the member on the first day thereof ;
1[ Provided that when the amount standing at the credit of the member;; has become payable,
interest shall thereupon be credit:; 1 under this sub-paragraph for the period upto the end of the
month preceding the date of the tender of payment].
**[Provided further that the rate of interest to be allowed on claims for refund for the broken
period of currency of cards shall be the rate fixed for the financial year in which [+the claim
becomes payable].
3. The aggregate amount of interest credited to the accounts of the members shall be debited to
"Interest Suspense Account".
4. Interest shall not be credited to the account of a member if he informs in writing to the
Commissioner, or, where so authorised by the Commissioner, to any officer subordinate to him,
that he does not wish to receive it. If, however, the member subsequently asks for interest, it shall
be credited to his account with effect from the first day of the period of currency, in which he
makes a request therefor.
62. Nomination (1) Each member, or if he is a minor his guardian shall make in his declaration in Form
'A' 4(to be submitted in duplicate) a nomination conferring the right to receive the amount that may stand
to his credit in the Fund in the event of his death before the amount standing to his credit has become
payable, or where the amount has become payable, before payment has been made.
2 Sub-para (4) of para 60 first inserted vide S.R.O. 3306 dated 22.10.54 and then reconstituted vide
G.S.R. 1203 dt. 20.8.1964.
3 Substituted vide G.S.R. 2191, dated 21.10.1969.
5 [ ] Inserted vide Notification No. 11011 (I)/72-PFI (i) dated 8.8.1972.
1 Reconstituted under S.R.O. 424 dated 22.1.58 (published and effective from 1st February 1958.)
** Inserted by Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour Notification No. PF 5(21)/51 dated the 18th January,
+ These words were inserted under the Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour Notification No. PF 5(21)/51
dated 12.2.1952.
* Sub-para (4) added vide G.S.R. 1577 dated 5.10.66.
4 ( ) Inserted vide G.S.R, 463 dated 24.3.79.
(2) A member, or if he is a minor his guardian, may in his nomination distribute the amount that may
stand to his credit in the Fund amongst his nominees at his own discretion.
(3) If a member has a family at the time of making a nomination, the nomination shall be in favour of one
or more persons belonging to his family. Any nomination made by such member in favour of a person not
belonging to his family shall be invalid.
3"Provided that any nomination made by a member before his/her marriage in favour of his/her dependent
parents shall be deemed to be invalid from the day on which the member marries; and the member shall
make a fresh nomination."
(4) If at the time of making a nomination the member has no family, the nomination may be in favour of
any person or persons but if the member subsequently acquires a family, such nomination shall forthwith
be deemed to be invalid and the member shall make a fresh nomination in favour of one or more persons
belonging to his family.
*[(4A) Where the nomination is wholly or partly in favour of a minor, the member shall for the proposes
of the said Scheme appoint a major member of his family, as defined in clause (h) of paragraph 2, to be
the guardian of the minor nominee(s) in the event of the member predeceasing the nominee and the
guardian so appointed.
Provided that where there is no major person in the family, the member may at his discretion appoint any
other person to be a guardian of the minor nominee(s).]
(5) A nomination made under sub-paragraph (1) 1[or the appointment of a guardian made under sub-
paragraph (4A)J may at any time be modified by a member, or if he is a minor by his guardian, after
giving a written notice of his intention of doing so 4(in Form 'M' Revised; 'M' J[or in Form 'MM'] as the
case may be) 2[to be submitted in duplicate] annexed hereto. If the nominee predeceases the member, the
interest of the nominee shall revert to the member who may make a fresh nomination in respect of such
(6) A nomination or its modification shall take effect to the extent that it is valid on the date on which it is
received by the Commissioner.
63.Circumstances in which accumulations in the Fund are payable to a member
(1) A member may withdraw the full amount standing to his credit in the Fund
(a) on permanent retirement from service in the Coal Mining Industry at any time after the attainment of
the age of 50 years 1[orJ
a[(b) On being rendered permanently and totally incapacitated for work in the coalfields due to bodily or
mental infirmity, notwithstanding the date- on which he ceases to be employed.]
*[(c) On being transferred to a cadre in a coal mine to which this Scheme does not apply.]
(2) The Board 4[or where so authorised by the Board, the Commissioner, or where so authorised by the
Commissioner, any other officer subordinate to him] may permit a member, who has not attained the age
of 50 years to withdraw the amount standing to his credit in the Fund [
(a) 6[if] he has migrated from India for permanent settlement abroad or 8[being a national of a country
other than India and having ceased to work in or in connection with a coal mine declares his intention of
leaving India for at least a year or,<.p>
9 [(b) after expiry of a period of six months from the date of termination of his service if in the meanwhile
he does not inform the commissioner in writing that he has been re-employed in any coal mine to which
the said Scheme or the Scheme published with the notification of the Government of India in the late
Ministry of Labour No. SRO 657 dated the 12th March, 1956 or the Scheme published with the
notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Labour and Employment No. SO 32 dated the
11th February,1958, apply.]
2 Sub-clause (b) of para 63 (1) reconstituted vide G.S.R. 1061 dated 15.6.1963.
3 Clause 'C' inserted vide G.S.R. 531 dated 21.3.70.
4 Inserted vide S.R.O. 366 dated 8.2.1956.
5 The word 'if omitted vide G.S.R. 1061 dated 15.6.63.
6 The word 'if inserted vide G.S.R. 1061 dated 15.6.63.
8 Inserted vide S.R.O. 2041 dated 7.9.1955.
9 Clause (b) of para 63(2) reconstituted vide G.S.R. 1061 dated 15.6.1963.
2[Provided that the Commissioner or where so authorised by the Commissioner, any [Regional
Commissioner or]9 Assistant Commissioner may, in case of hardship, reduce the period of six months
prescribed under this clause to such extent as he may consider necessary, subject to instructions laid down
in this regard by the Commissioner with the approval of the Board] or
(c) 3[if] in the case of a member employed on fixed term contract he does not continue to work in the
coalfields after the expiry of his contract :
[Provided, however, that the exercise or discharge of the power so delegated shall be subject to such
restrictions, limitations and conditions, if any, as the Board may impose.]+
@(2A). When a member withdraws any amount under sub-paragraph (2), the following provisions shall
apply, namely :
i. seventy five percent of the employer's contribution and interest thereon shall be forfeited to the
Fund if the period of his membership of the Fund is less than 3 years; or
ii. fifty percent of the employer's contribution and interest thereon shall be forfeited to the Fund if
the period of membership is 3 years or more but less than 5 years; or .
iii. twenty five percent of the employer's contribution and interest thereon shall be forfeited to the
Fund if the period of membership is 5 years or more but less than 10 years; or
iv. 10[ ]
v. no forfeiture shall be made if the period of membership is ** 10 years or more.
@ Sub-paragraph (2A) inserted vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour notification no. PF 2(102)/56
dated 30.7.56, and the proviso "provided further that before the withdrawal is allowed (i) the full amount
of the employer's contribution and interest thereon shall be forfeited to the Fund if the period of
membership is less than 10 years or (ii) half the amount of the employer's contribution and interest
thereon shall be forfeited to the Fund, if the period of membership is 10 years or more but less than 25
years" omitted.
10 Clause IV of sub-paragraph (2A) of paragraph 63 omitted vide G.S.R. No. 258 dated 8.4.89.
** For the figure and words '15 years or more' the figure and words 10 years or more substituted vide
G.S.R. No. 258 dated 8.4.89.
1[(2B). The Commissioner may permit any member or class of members to 4, withdraw at any time after
the termination of his or their services the full amount standing to his or their credit as the case may be,
and make payment to such member or class of members in accordance with such instructions as may be
issued by the Central Government in this behalf from time to time.]
(3) A member who withdraws under sub-paragraph (2) *or a member withdrawing under sub-paragraph
(2B) who has not attained the age of fifty years at the time of withdrawal shall be required to join as a
new member of the Fund if he obtains employment again in a coal mine and qualifies again for the
membership of the Fund.
(4) All sums forfeited to the Fund under sub-paragraph (1) and (2) shall be credited to the "Reserve
Account" of the Fund.
**63A. Withdrawal before Retirement
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (a) of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 63 above, the amount
standing to the credit of a member upto the end of penultimate year of his service shall be paid to him at
least three months in advance of his impending date of retirement.
64. Accumulations of a Deceased Member to whom payable :On the death of a member before the
amount standing to his credit has become payable, or where the amount has become payable, before
payment has been made
i. if a nomination made by the member in accordance with paragraph 62 subsists, the amount
standing to his credit in the Fund or that part thereof to which the nomination relates, shall
become payable to his nominee or nominees in accordance with such nomination ;
ii. if no nomination subsists or if the nomination relates only to a part of the amount standing to his
credit in the Fund, the whole amount or the part thereof to which the nomination does not relate,
as the case may be, shall become payable to the members of his family in equal shares.
1 Sub-para 63(2B) [Originally inserted as para 63 (2A) under S.R.O. 366 dated 8 Feb.1956 and deemed to
have been always inserted, this sub-para 63 (2A) was renumbered vide Notification No. PF 2(102)56
dated 30.7.56, as 63 (2B)] reconstituted vide S.R.O. 129 dated 4 Jan. 1957.
*Inserted vide S.R.O. 366 dated 3.2.56.
**Inserted vide G.S.R. No. 237 dated 2.4.88.
Provided further that the widow or widows, and children of a deceased son shall receive between them in
equal parts only the share which that son would have received if he had survived the member and had not
attained the age of majority at the time of the members death.
1[(iii) In any case to which the provisons of clause (i) and (ii) do not apply the whole amount 29that
would have been otherwise payable in his case) shall be payble to the pension legally entitled to it]:
. 3[Provided that (i) where such payment does not exceed rupees seven hundred and fifty, the Assistant
Commissioner or (ii) where it exceeds rupees seven hundred and fifty but dose not exceed rupees three
thousands , the Regional Commissioner or (iii) where it exceed rupees three thousand but does not exceed
five thousand, the Joint Commissioner or (iv) where it exceeds rupees such summary enquiry as he thinks
entitled thereto , after getting from such pension such security as he considers necessary, and any payment
so made shall be a full discharge from all liabilities in respect of the amount so paid]
**Provided further that where the amount exceeds rupees twenty five thousand, no payment shall be
made to a person unless he is in possession of a succession certificate issued in his name by a competent
Note : For the purpose of this paragraph a members posthumous child, if born alive, shall be treated in the
same way as a surviving child born before the members death..
4[65] [ ]
5[65a. Advance From the Fund for the purpose of shares of Consumers Cooperative Societies and
Co-operative Credit Societies-
(1) A member may authorise the Commissioner as may be authorized by him in this behalf, in such
manner and in such form as may be prescribed by Commissionerto rerm't .out of the amount sending; to
hjs credit in the Fund as his own contribution with interest thereon, to a Consumer�s Coperative Society
or a Co-operative Credit Society. Of which he intends to become a member for the purpose of shares in
such societies two sums
(i) not exceeding in total , fifty per cent of his own contribution with interest there on standing to his
credit in the Fund as at the end of the last completed period of currency, or
(ii) a sum of rupees one hundred for the purpose of shares in a Consumers Co-operative Society and
another sum of rupees one hundred for the purpose of shares in a Co-operative Credit Society. Whichever
of the amount specialized in clauses (i) or, as the case may be in clause (ii) is less:
Provided that no such remittance shall be made unless, the commissioner is satisfied that such Consumers
Co-operative Society or , as the case ,ay be, the cooperative credit society aims at a minimum
membership of two hundred and fifty person.
(2) The Commissioner, or where so authorized by the Commisioner any officer subordinate to him on
being satisfied that the authorization has been made in the prescribed manner and the sum authorized is
within the limits specified in subparagraph (1) shall remit the said sum to the Consumers Co-operative
Society or the Co-operative Credit Society concerned and such remittance shall give a full discharge of
the liability of Fund rewards the member to the extent of the amount so remitted..
(3) The remittance of any amount under this paragraph to any Consumers Co-operative Society or Co-
operative Credit Society under this paragraph shall be made by crossed account pay cheque only.
(4) The amount remitted to a Consumers Co-operative Society or as the case may be, to a Co-operative
Credit Society under this paragraph shall be a non-recoverable advance.
(5) Not more than one advance in respect of a Consumers Co-operative Society and another advance i8n
respect of a Co-operative Credit Society shall be allowed to a member under this paragraph.
(6) Any Consumers Co-operative Society or Co-operative Credit Society to which an amount is remitted
under this paragraph shall intimate to the Commissioner�
(i) Such particulars of the shares allotted to the members on whose behalf advances are made from the
Fund as may be called for by the Commissioner.
(ii) such details of sale, transfer and other transactions pertaining to the shares allotted to the members out
of advances from the Fund taking place subsequent to their initial allotment to the members of the Fund
as may be called by the Commissioner.
(7) In this paragraph the expressions 'Consumers' Co-operative Society' and 'Co-operative Credit Society'
mean respectively a Consumers' Co-operative Society or a Co-operative Credit Society registered as such
or deemed to be registered under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912(2) of 1912 or under any other law
for the time being in force in any State relating to Co-operative Societies and includes registered or
deemed to be registered multipurpose co-operative societies running consumers' stores or providing credit
facilities in addition to other function.
2["65B. Advance from the Fund for the purchase of a dwelling house/flat or for the construction of a
dwelling house including the acquisition of a suitable site for the purpose
(1) The Commissioner, or where so authorised by the Commissioner, any officer subordinate to him, may,
on application from a member in such form as may be prescribed by the Commissioner and subject to the
conditions prescribed in this paragraph, sanction from the amount standing to the credit of the member in
the Fund, a non-refundable advance
a. For purchasing a dwelling house or a flat including a flat in a building owned jointly with others
(out-right or on hire purchase basis) or for constructing dwelling house including the acquisition
of a suitable site for the purpose from the Central Government, the State Government, a
Cooperative Society, an institution, a trust, a local body or a Housing Finance Corporation
(hereinafter referred to as the agency or agencies, as the case may be) ;
b. for purchasing a dwelling site for the purpose of construction of a dwelling house or a ready-built
house or a flat from any individual provided the said house or flat to be purchased is new and
unlived one ;
c. for the construction of a dwelling house on a site owned by the member or the spouse of the
member or jointly by the member and the spouse, or for completing or continuing the
construction of a dwelling house already commenced by the member or the spouse, on such site;
d. for making addition or alteration to an existing house owned by the member or the spouse of the
member or jointly by the member and the spouse.
Explanation : (1) In this paragraph, the explanation, 'Co-operative Society' means a society registered or
deemed to be registered or under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912 (2 of 1912) or under any other law
for the time being in force in any State relating to Co-operative Societies.
Explanation : (2) In this paragraph, the fact of a new and unlived house or flat shall be determined with
reference to the certificates relating to the member and date of approval of the building plan, the date of
commencement and completion of the house or the flat, and the tax bills and receipts issued by the
appropriate authorities, and wherever necessary, by neighbourhood enquires.
(2) The amount of advance shall not exceed the member's total emoluments for twenty four months or the
member's own share of contribution togetherwith 75 % employer's share of contribution with interest
thereon standing to his credit on the date of authorisation of payment or the actual cost towards the
acquisition of the dwelling site togetherwith the cost of construction thereon or the purchase of the
dwelling house or flat or the construction of the dwelling house, whichever is the least.
Explanation : The actual cost towards the acquisition of the dwelling site or the purchase of dwelling
house or flat shall include charges payable towards registration of such site, house or flat.
(3) (a) No advance under this paragraph shall be granted unless
Provided that where a dwelling site or a dwelling house or flat is mortgaged to any of the agencies
referred to in clause (a) of sub-paragraph (1) solely for having obtained funds for the purchase of a
dwelling house or a flat or for the construction of a dwelling house including the acquisition of a suitable
site for the purpose, such a dwelling site or a dwelling house or flat, as the case may be, shall not be
deemed to be an encumbered property ;
Provided further that a land acquired on a perpetual lease or on lease for a period of not less than 30 years
for constructing a dwelling house or a flat or a house or .a flat built on such a leased land, shall also not be
deemed to be an encumbered property ;
Provided also that where the site of the dwelling house or flat is held in the name of any agency referred
to in clause (a) of sub-paragraph (1) and the allottee is precluded from transferring or otherwise disposing
of the house or flat without the prior approval of such agency, the mere fact that the allottee does not have
absolute right or ownership of the house or flat and the site is held in the mane of the agency,shall not be
a bar to the giving of an advance under clause (a) if syb-paragraph (1) , if the other conditions mentioned
in this paragraph are satisfied.
(b) No advance shall be granted for purchasing a share in a joint property of for constructing a house on a
site owned jointly except on a site owned jointly with the spouse.
(4) Subject to the limitation prescribed in sub-paragraph (2)---
a. where the advance us for the purchage if a dwelling house or a flat or a dwelling site from an
agency referred to in clause (a) of sub-paragraph (1) , the payment if advance shall not be a made
to the member but shall be made direct to the agency in one or more instalaments, as may be
authorized by the member :
b. Where the advance is for the construction of dwelling house, it shall be sanctioned in two equal
instalment, the first on application and the second when the construction reaches plinth level ;
c. Where the advance is for the acquisition of a dwelling site for the purpose of construction of a
dwelling house thereon from any individual or any agency the amount shall be paid in less than
two equal instalments, the first instalment at the time of acquisition of the dwelling site and the
remaining at his request at time of construction of dwelling house on such dwelling site ;
d. When the advance is for making addition or alteration to existing house, the advance shall be
sanctioned in two equal instalments, first at the time of application and second after
commencement of the additions or alterations.
(5) Where an advance is sanctioned for the construction of a dwelling house, the construction shall
commence within six month of the withdrawal of the first instalment and shall be completed within
twelve month of the withdrawal of the final instalment. Where the advance is sanctioned for the purchase
of a dwelling house or a flat or for the acquisition of a dwelling site, the purchase or acquisition as the
case may be, shall be completed within six months of the withdrawal of the amount ;
Provid that this provision shall not be application in case of purchage of dwelling house or flat on hire
purchage basis and in cases where a dwelling site is to beAcquired or houses are to be constructed by a
Co-operative Society on behalf of its members with a view o their allotment to the members.
(6) Expect in cases specified in sub-paragraph (7), no further advance shall be admissible to a member
under this paragraph.
(7) except in cases specified in sub-paragraph (7), no further advance shall be admissible to a member
under this paragraph.
(8) An additional advance upto six month total emoluments or the members own share of contributions
with interest thereon in the amount standing to his credit in the Fund, whichever is less, may be granted to
member for whom advances had been granted under clause (a) or (b) or (c) of sub-paragraph (1), once
and in one instalment only for additions, substantial alterations or improvement necessary to the dwelling
house owned by the member or by the spouse. Provided that the advance shall be admissible only after a
period of five years from the date of completion of the dwelling house.
3[(7a)] A further advance equivalent to the amount of difference between the amount of advance
admissible to a member on 9th june, 1984 and prior to that date, may be granted to such member who had
drawn advance under this paragraph, as it stood before 9.6.1984, at any time during six years immediately
preceding the aforementioned date. If---
i. he had availed of the earlier advance for the purchage of a dwelling site and proposes to construct
a dwelling house on the land so purchased; or
ii. he had availed of the earlier advance for making initial payment towards allotment/purchage of a
house/flat from any agency as referred to clause(a) of sub-paragraph (1), and propose to avail of
an advance for completing the transaction to get the sole ownership of the house/flat so purchased
or allotted; or
iii. he had availed of earlier advance for construction of a house but could not complete the
construction in time due to lack of funds.]
(8) The member shall produce the title deed and such other documents as may be required for inspection
which shall be returned to the member after grant of advance.
(9) (a) If the advance granted under this paragraph exceeds the amount actually spent for the purpose for
which it was sanctioned, the excess amount shall be refunded by the member to the fund in one lumpsum
within thirty days of the finalisation of the purchage, or the completion of the construction of, or
necessary additions, alterations or improvements to a dwelling house, as the case may be. The amount so
refunded shall be credited to the employers share of contributions in the member's account in the Fund to
the extent of advance granted out of the said share and the balance, if any, shall be credited to the
member's share of contributions in his account.
(b) In the event of the member not having been allotted a dwelling site or a dwelling house or a flat, or in
the event of the cancellation of an allotment made to the member and in the event of refund of the amount
by the agency referred to in clause (a) of sub-pargaraph ( 1 ) or in the event of the member not being able
to acquire the dwelling site or to purchase construct the dwelling house or a flat from any individual or to
construct the dwelling house, the member shall be liable to refund to the fund in one lumpsum and in such
manner as may be specified by the Commissioner, for where so authorised by the Commissioner any
officer subordinate to him the amount of advance remitted under this paragraph to him or, as the case may
be, to the agency referred to in clause(a) of sub-paragraph(l). The amount so refunded shall be credited to
the employer's share of contributions in the member's account in the Fund to the extent of advance
granted out of the said share and the balance if any, shall be credited to the member's own share of
contributions in his account.
(10) If the Commissioner, or where so authorised by the Commissioner any officer subordinate to him is
satisfied that the advance granted under this paragraph has been utilised for a purpose other than that for
which it Was granted or that the member refused to accept an allotment or to acquire a dwelling site or
that the conditions of advances have not been fulfilled or that there is reasonable apprehension that they
will not be fulfilled wholly or partly, or that the excess amount will not be refunded in terms of clause(a)
of sub-paragraph (9), or that the amount remitted back to the member by any agency referred to in
clause(a) of sub-paragraph (1), will not be refunded in terms of clause(b) of sub-paragraph (9), the
Commissioner, or where so authorised by the Commissioner, any Officer subordinate to him, shall
forthwith take steps to recover the amount due with penal interest thereon at the rate of two percent per
annum from the wages of the member in such number of instalments as the Commissioner, or where so
authorised by the Commissioner, any officer subordinate to him may determine, for the purpose of such
recovery, the Commissioner, or where so authorised by the Commissioner, any officer subordinate to him
may direct the employer to deduct such instalment from the wages of the member and on receipt of such
direction, the employer shall deduct accordingly. The amount so deducted, shall be remitted by the
employer to the Fund within such time and in such manner as may be specified in the direction. The
amount so refunded, excluding the penal interest, shall be credited to the employer's share of
contributions in the member's account in the Fund to the extent of advance granted out of the said share
and the balance, if any,shall be credited to the member's own share of contributions in his account. The
amount of penal interest shall, however, be credited to the Interest Suspense Account ;
(11) Where any advance granted under this paragraph has been misused by the member, no further
advance shall be granted to him under this paragraph within a period of three years from the date of grant
of the said advance or till the full recovery of the amount of the said advance, with penal interest thereon,
whichever is later.]
1[65C. Financing of Members' Life Insurance Policies :
1. The Commissioner or where so authorised by the Commissioner, any other "officer subordinate
to him, may, on an application form a member in such form and in such manner as may be
prescribed by the Commissioner, make payment on behalf of the member to the Life Insurance
Corporation of India, towards premium due on a policy of Life Insurance taken by the member on
his own life or towards the first premium on the proposal of the member in respect of such a
2. Any payment under sub-paragraph (1) shall be made out of and debited to the member's own
share of contribution including interest thereon standing to his credit in the Fund.
3. No payment shall be made under sub-paragraph(l) unless the amount of member's own
contribution togetherwith interest thereon standing to the credit of the member at the end of the
last completed currency period or quarter, as the case may be, for which posting in the individual
ledger account of the member has been completed, is
i. at the time of authorising the first payment, adequate to meet the premium for at least two
years or such period after which the proposed or existing policy for which premium is to
be paid can be converted into paid-up policy under the terms of the proposed or existing
policy, as the case may be, whichever is more; and
ii. at the time of any subsequent payment, adequate to meet the amount of premium.
4. No payment towards the first premium on a proposal of the member for insuring his own life
shall be made under sub-paragraph (1) unless
i. the proposal has been examined and approved by the Commissioner, or such officer
subordinate to him as may be authorised by him in this behalf;
ii. the proposal is acceptable to the Life Insurance Corporation of India subject to medical
fitness of the member ;
(iii) The member satisfies the Commissioner, or officer subordinate to him as may be authorized by him
in this behalf, that he has produced such evidence of his age to the Life Insurance Corporation of India as
may be acceptable to the said Corporation;
(iv) A written notice of assignment, in such form, as the Commissioner may prescribe, in fevour of the
Board, in respect of the proposed policy has been signed by the member and made over to the Life
Insurance Corporation of India alongwith the proposal for insurance.
(5) Payment under sub-paragraph (1) shall not commence unless--
i. The members own share of contribution during the last completed period of currency for which
contributions have been posted in his individual ladger account is equal to or more than the
annual premium towards his existing or proposed policy, as the case may be,
ii. The terms of the existion or proposed policy, as the case may be, are such---
a. As shall allow automatic conversion of the policy into a paid-up policy without having to
obtain the members consent, after it has run for a specified period :
b. As shall require payment of premium not more than once a year
c. as shall allow the member himself to assign the policy in favour of the Board.
(6) No payment under sub-paragraph (1) towards the premium of an existing policy of a member shall be
made unless---
i. The policy has ben assigned by the member in favour of the Board by an endorsement on the
policy and unless such assignment been registered with the life Insurance Corporation of India
ii. The policy is free from encumbrances and any prior assignment ;
iii. The age pf member has been endorsed in the policy as having been admitted by the Life
Insurance Corporation of India.
(7) No payment under sub-paragraph (1) shall be made towards the premium on an educational
endowment policy or a marriage endowment policy if that policy is due for payment in whole or part
before the member attains fifty years of age.
*(8) so long as the policy remains assigned to the Board, any bonus accruing on it shall be drawn on
behalf of the Board by the Commissioner for being credited to members own contribution account in the
(9) The terms of the policy which is financed from the Fund shall not be altered nor shall the policy be
exchanged for another policy without the prior sanction of the Commissioner or such other officer
subordinate to him as may be authrised by him in this regard and a member desirous of altering the terms
of his policy financed from the Fund or exchanging the same for a new policy, shall furnish to the
commossioner or such other officer, subordinate to him, as may be authorized by him in this behalf, the
details of the intended alteration or of the new policy, as the case may be, in such form as the
Commissioner may specify.
(10) Medical fes charged by the life Insurance Corporation of India in respect of the proposal of a
member for insurance of his life approved by the commissioner or an officer subordinate to him under
clause (1) of sub-paragraph (4) and found acceptable to the Life Insurance Corporation of India aftr
medical examination, but which eventually does not meterialise for any reason, what-so-ever, shall be
debited to the members own share of contribution with interest thereon standing to his credit in the Fund.
(11) Where a member fails to pay into the Fund any amount realized by him by way of of bonus as
required under sub-paragraph (8), such amount shall be recovered by his employer from the members
emoluments in such instalments as the commissioner, or such other officer subordinate to him as may be
authorized by him in this behalf may determine. The employer shall render such account of the recoveries
so made by him as the Commissioner may prescribe and shall deposit the sums so recovered into the
Fund in such manner as the Commissioner may specify.
(12) in the event of a member withdrawing his accumulations in the Fund under paragraph 63 before the
maturity of his insurance policy financed partly or wholly out of his accumulations in the Fund, the policy
so financed shall be assigned in favour of the member. When the assured sum of a policy financed partly
or wholly out of the Fund fall due for payment before orders fore payment of the accumulations in the
Fund of the member concerned have been passed the policy money shall be relised by the Fund the Life
Insurance Corporation of India and credited in the members own contribution account in the Fund. Such
amount shall on receipt in the Fund be deemed as the members own contribution to the Fund for currency
period in which received and be paid to him or his nominee(s) or his heir(s), as the case nay be, in
accordance with the provisions contained in this scheme.
1[(12a)] In the event of the accumulations in the Fund of a member being transferred to any other
Provident Fund under paragraph 31c before the maturity of the policy of Insurance taken by such member
and financed partly or whole out of his accumulations in the Fund, the policy so financed shall ----
1Paras(12a) & (12b) inserted vide G>S>R> No. 1387 dated 25.9.1976S
(a) where the member concerned so requests in writing to the Commissioner or where so authorised by
the Commissioner, to any other officer subordinate to him and the authority administering the Provident
Fund to which his accumulations in the Fund are transferred, agrees to accept such assignment, be re-
assigned in favour of the said authority; and
(b) where the member concerned does not so request or the authority administering the Provident Fund to
which his accumulations in the Fund are transferred does not agree to accept such assignment, the policy
shall be re-assigned to such member.
(12B) On a written request made to the Commissioner or where so authorised by the Commissioner to an
officer subordinate to him by a member to the effect that the premium payable to the Life Insurance
Corporation of India on the policy of Insurance taken by such member and financed partly or wholly out
of the accumulations of the member in the Fund need not, thereafter, be paid from such accumulations
and that the policy may be re-assigned to him, the policy shall be re-assigned in favour of the member.
Provided that in cases where a member makes a request for the re-assignment of his policy to him, the
policy shall be re-assigned to him only if he pays back into his account in the Fund, the amounts paid
from it, as premium on the policy to the Life Insurance Corporation of India or he gives an undertaking in
writing that he shall by himself thereafter, regularly pay to the Life Insurance Corporation of India, the
premium on such policy till its maturity.
Provided further that where the policy is re-assigned to the member under this sub-paragraph the policy
shall remain under the custody of the Board till the member ceases to be in employment in the Coal
Industry or till the policy matures, whichever is earlier.
(13) Any portion of the first premium on a proposal for insurance paid under sub-paragraph(l), if refunded
by the Life Insurance Corporation of India due to non-acceptance of the proposal by the said Corporation
and any bonus refunded by the member under sub-paragraph (11) shall be deemed as the member's own
contribution for the currency period in which the amount is received in the Fund or is recovered from the
member's wages, as the case may be, and shall be credited in the member's own contribution account on
receipt in the Fund.
(14) In cases where stamp duty on an assignment under clause (iv) of sub-paragraph (4) or clause (i) of
sub-paragraph (6) or on a re-assignment under sub-paragraph (12), 1sub-paragraph (12A) or sub-
paragraph (12B) has been paid out of the Fund, such duty shall be debited to the member's own
contribution with interest thereon standing to his credit in the Fund.]
(65D) [ ] .
8[65E. Grant of advances in special cases Where a coal mine has been locked up or closed down for more
than fifteen days and its employees are rendered unemployed without any compensation the Central
Government on being satisfied that no compensation to the employees is likely to be paid by the employer
within a reasonable time may authorise payment to a member who was employed in such coal mine one
or more non-recoverable advances from his Provident Fund account not exceeding his own total
contributions including interest thereon upto the end of the currency preceding the date of authorisation of
such payment.] 4[Provided that in the case of partial closure of a coal mine, where the Central
Government is satisfied that it has resulted in genuine hardship to a member who is un employed or
partially employed without receipt of sufficient compensation, it may also authorise payment to a member
of a non-recoverable advance from his Fund-Account of an amount not exceeding 50 percent of his own
total contributions including interest thereon standing at his credit in the Fund upto the end of the
currency period preceding the date of authorisation of such payment.]
5[65F. Advance from the Fund for meeting the expenses in connection with the marriage of the member,
his or her son or daughter or dependent sister
(1) The Commissioner or where so authorised by the Commissioner, any other officer subordinate to him,
on an application from a member in such form and supported by such documents as the Commissioner
may prescribe, sanction from the amount standing to the credit of the member in the Fund, a non-
recoverable advance 8[........................] for the purpose of meeting the expenses '(in connection with the
marriage of the member, his or her son or dependent sister.)
Provided that the amount of 8[each] advance shall not be more than 50 percent of the member's own total
contribution including interest thereon standing to his credit on the date of authorisation of such advance.
(2) No advance under sub-paragraph (1) shall be sanctioned unless the amount of the member's own total
contribution with interest thereon standing to his credit in the Fund is rupees five hundred or more on the
date of authorisation of such advance.
(3) Not more than 5[two] advances shall be sanctioned to a member under this paragraph.
(4) If the advance granted under this paragraph exceeds the amount actually spent for the purpose, the
excess amount shall be refunded by the member to the Fund within thirty days from the date on which the
marriage is performed.
@(5) The member shall, as soon as may be after the marriage of the member, his or her son or daughter or
dependent sister is performed but in any case not later than sixty days from the date the advance is drawn,
submit to the officer who sanctioned the advance a declaration in such form and in such manner as may
be prescribed by the Commissioner to the effect that the marriage was actually performed and the whole
amount of the advance drawn by him or her was spent for the purpose.
(6) in case of misuse of the advance granted under this paragraph, the whole amount of the advance shall
be recovered from the member in terms of the provision contained in sub-paragraph (9) of paragraph 65B.
(7) Any advance under this pragraph may at the option of the member, be paid---------
Provide that when payment is made by any mode other than postal money order or account payee cheque
sent through post, the officer sanctioning the payment may obtain such evidence of the identity of the
payee as he may consider proper].
**[65G. Advance from the Fund for meting expenses in connection with post-matriculation education of
(1) The Commissioner or where so authorized by the Commissioner any other officer subordinate to him,
may on an application from a member in such from and supported by such documents as the
Commissioner may prescribe, sanction from the amount standing to the credit of the member in the Fund,
a non-recoverable advance of an amount not exceeding three month pay in respect of a monthly paid
employee and twelve weeks wags in respect of a weekly-paid employee for the purpose of meeting the
expenses in connection with the post-matriculation of his children:.
Povided that the amount of advance shall not be more than 50% of the members own total constribution
including interest thereon standing to his credit on the date of authorization of such advance: Provided
further that for arriving at the quantum of advance the pay or wages drawn in the month or week
preceding the month or week in which the application fir advance is received from the monthly rated or
weekly rated employee; as the case may be shall be taken as the basis and the actual amount shall be
calculated by multiplying there same by three or twelve in cases of monthly-paid or weekly-paid
employees respectively.
(2) no advance under sub-para (1) shall be sanctioned unless the amount of the members own total
contribution with interest thereon standing to his credit in the Fund is Rupee five hundred or more on the
date of authorization of such advance.
(3 No more than one advance shall be sanctioned to a member under this paragraph.
(4) The number shall submit to the officer who sanetioned the advance, a declaration within such time, in
such form and in such manner as may be prescribed by the commissioner to the effect that the advance
has utilized for the purpose for which it was drawn.
(5) In case of misuse of the advance granted under this paragraph the whole amount of the advance shall
be recovered from the member in terms of the provisions contained in sub-paragraph (9) of paragraph
(6) Any advance under this paragraph may, at the option of the member be paid---
provided that when payment is made by any mode other than postal money order or account payee cheque
sent through post, the officer sanctioning the payment may obtain such evidence of the identity of the
payee as he may consider proper ]
1[65H Grant pf advance in abnormal conditions ---
The commissioner or where so authorized by the Commissioner, any other officer subordinate to him,
may on an application from a member whose property , movable or immovable has been damaged by
calamity of exceptional nature, suchas draught, flood, earthquakes or riots, authorise payment to him from
the Provident Fund Account, a non-refundable advance of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand) or fifty
percent of his own total contribution including interest thereon standing to his credit on the date of such
authorisation, whichever is less, to meet the unforeseen expenditure.
i. The State Government has declared that the calamity has affected the general public in the area ;
ii. The member produces a certificate from an appropriate authority to the effect that his property
(movable or immovable) has been damaged as a result of the calamity.],/li>
66. Payment of Provident Fund (1) When the amount standing to the credit of a member, or the balance
thereof after any deduction under paragraph 63 or 65 becomes payable, it shall be the duty of the
Commissioner to make prompt payment as provided in this Scheme 2[ ].
(2) If any portion of the amount, which has become payable, is in doubt or dispute the Commissioner
shall make prompt payment of that portion of the amount in regard to which there is no dispute or doubt,
the balance being adjusted as soon after as may be.
*[(3) "If the person to whom any amount is to be paid under this Scheme is a minor for whose estate a
guardian under Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 (8 of 1890) has been appointed, the; payment shall be
made to such a guardian. Where no such guardian has been appointed the payment shall be made to the
guardian appointed under sub-paragraph (4A) of paragraph 62, if any. where no guardian has been
appointed either under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 (8 of 1890) or under sub-paragraph (4A) of
paragraph 62 of the Scheme, the payment shall be made to the natural guardian and in the absence of a
natural guardian to such person as considered to be the proper person representing the minor by the
Assistant Commissioner to the extent of amount not exceeding Rs. 5,000/-, by the Regional
Commissioner to the extent of amount not exceeding Rs. 15.000/-, by the Joint Commissioner to the
extent of amount not exceeding Rs. 20.000/-, and by the Commissioner where the amount exceeds Rs.
Provided that in the event of there being more than one claimant as a guardian of a minor, the claim of the
person entitled to receive such payment on behalf of the minor shall be decided by the Commissioner ;
Provided further that no payment shall be made to such claimant without obtaining from him a bond for
indemnifying the Commissioner against the claim of any other person entitled to receive such payment
under a decree or order of any Court."]
2 The words "He shall close the account of the member and give notice in writing to the person to whom
the amount is payable, specifying the amount and tendering payment thereof," omitted vide G.S.R. 843
dated 19.5.64.
1 Sub-para (3) of paragraph 66 reconstituted vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour Notification No. PF
2 (13)/51 dated 5.9.51 and again reconstituted vide G.S.R. 1061 dated 15.6.64 and thereafter
reconstructed vide G.S.R. 907 dated 6.9.80.
2[(3A) If the person to whom any amount is to be paid under this Scheme is a lunatic for whose estate a
Manager under the Indian Lunacy Act, 1912 (4 of 1912) has been appointed, the payment shall be made -
to such Manager. If no such Manager has been appointed the payment shall be made to the natural
guardian of the lunatic and in the absence of any such natural guardian, to such person as the ^Regional
Commissioner or the] Assistant Commissioner where the amount does not exceed rupees seven hundred
fifty or the Commissioner where the amount exceeds rupees seven hundred fifty 5[ ] considers to be the
proper person representing the lunatic.
(3B) The receipt of the person to whom any payment is made under sub-paragraph (3) and (3A) shall be
sufficient discharge of the liability of the Fund in respect of the amount paid to him.]
(4) If it is brought to the notice of the Commissioner that a posthumous child is to be born to the deceased
member, he shall retain the amount which will be due to the child in the event of its being born alive, and
distribute the balance. If subsequently no child is born or the child is still born, the amount retained shall
be distributed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 64.
3[(5) Any person who desires to claim payment under this paragraph shall send a written application to
the Regional Commissioner, or to any other officer authorised by the Commissioner in this behalf, who
shall, after the claim is ready for payment, notify to the claimant in such form as the Commissioner may
prescribe, the amount to be paid and the amount to be forfeited, if any.]
4[(6) Where any application for refund of Provident Fund under sub-paragraph (5) is submitted by the
claimant through the employer of the coal mine where the member to whom the claim relates "was last
employed or where any such application received by the Commissioner or any other Officer under his
'control directly from the claimant is forwarded to the employer of the coal mine where the concerned
outgoing or deceased member was last employed, such employer shall within twenty days of the receipt
of such application, send the same duly attested to the Commissioner or to such other Officer under his
control as he may authorise in this behalf + (togetherwith such information and documents as may be
specified by the Commissioner).*
(7) Every employer shall assist the Commissioner or any other Officer under his control in obtaining such
other information as may be required for settlement of claims for refund of Provident Fund.]
2 Sub-paragraph (3A) and (3B) of para 66 added vide G.S.R. 1061 dated 15.6.1963.
1 Inserted vide G.S.R. No. 1504 dated 4.10.65.
5 [ Jthe words "but does not exceed rupees one thousand or the Chairman of the Board in any other case"
omitted vide G.S.R. No. 1140 date.i 7.5.1969.
3 Sub-para (5) of the Paragraph 66 first substituted vids G.S.R. 1121 dt. 13.S. 1962 then amended vide
G.S.R. 841 dt. 19.5.1964 again substituted vide Notification No. 1. 11015(70)/71 PF 1(1) dated 25.10.71.
Again the opening portion of the sub-para and clauses (i) and (ii) thereof substituted vide Notification No.
R 11018(3)/73-PF I(i) dated 25.8.73 again substituted vide G.S.R. No. 1118 dated 30.11.85.
4 Sub-para (6) and (7) added vide G.S.R. No. 1646 dated 2 3.10.67.
+ ( ) added vide G.S.R. 2483 da ted 21.10.69.
* The words "where the Return in Form 'W' prescribed under paragraph 44A of this Scheme has not been
submitted by the employer in respect of the outgoing or deceased member to whom the claim relates, the
same shall be sent alongwith the attested application for refund" deleted vide G.S.R No. 2483 dt.
Provided further that where it is decided to make payment otherwise than by deposit in payee's Savings
Bank Account in any Post Office, or in any branch of a Nationalised Bank, or by an account payee
cheque, sent by registered post, or by money order, the sanctioning authority shall do so, only after
getting the identity of the payee certified by the Manager of the Colliery/Office which forwarded the
payee's claim.
(2) All payments to parties other than the members under paragraphs 65B and 65C of the Scheme, shall
be made by means of account payee cheques sent by registered post.]
2[67. Provident Fund Pass Books of member's account
(1) The Commissioner or such officer subordinate to him as may be authorised by him in this behalf shall
issue for every member a Pass Book of his account in the fund in such form as the Commissioner may
prescribe from time to time and send the same to the Coal Mine where he was employed during the period
for which last posting is made in the pass book.
Provided that for members for whom Pass Books have not been issued upto the date on which the Coal
Mines Provident Fund (Amendment) Scheme, 1983 comes into force and for those who become members
thereafter, Pass Books shall be issued immediately after posting of their first contribution for any period
after the aforesaid date in the individual ledger card.
(2) The Pass Book shall show the personal particulars of the member, the opening balance at the
beginning of the period, the total amount credited and debited during the period, the total amount of
interest credited at the end of the period and the closing balance at the end of the period.
(3) On receipt of Pass Book for any member for the first time, the employer shall record the receipt in a
Register in such form as may be prescribed by the Commissioner and, within three months of the receipt
of the Pass, Book, arrange to affix thereto a passport size photograph of the member. Each member shall
be photographed alongwith a legible number plate showing his name and account number and the
photograph affixed in the pass book shall be attested under the signature of the employer or of his
authorised representative spreading from the photograph to the paper of the Pass Book on which it is
affixed. The date of photographing shall be recorded both in the Pass Book and the register referred to in
this sub-paragraph.
Provided that the cost of such Pass Books including the cost of members' photographs to be affixed in
such Pass Books shall be met from the Administration Account.
(4) After photographing of the members as provided under sub-paragraph (3), the employer shall
distribute the Pass Books received by him from the Commissioner or such officer subordinate to him as
may be authorised by him in this behalf, among the members concerned within a period of fifteen days
from the date of completion of photographing of the members and obtain -their acknowledgement in the
register referred in sub-paragraph (3).
(5) Every member shall keep the Pass Book as a permanent record of his account in the Fund and satisfy
himself as to the correctness of the account and bring errors and omissions, if any, to the notice of the
employer for communication to the issuing officer,
(6) The Regional Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioner, Incharge of the Regional Office, shall
send teams of officials to each coal mine from time to time in order to update the Pass Books already in
possession of the members. The periodicity and the manner of updating the pass books shall be laid down
from time to time by the issuing officer in consultation with the Commissioner and the employer.
(7) When a member joins a Coal Mine from another Coal Mine, the employer of the Coal Mine which he
joins shall ascertain from the member in writing whether the member had received his Pass Book at the
colliery where he was employed previously and record his reply in the register referred to in sub-
paragraph (3) indicating therein the same of the coal mine wherefrom he came.
(8) When a claim for refund of Provident Fund is received by an employer, he shall verify from the
register referred to in sub-paragraph (3) whether Pass Book of the member has been issued, where Pass
Book is found to have been issued to themember, the claimant shall be asked to return the same to the
employer. A pass book so returned to the employer shall be sent alongwith the claim to the concerned
Regional Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner, Incharge of a Regional Office.
(9) Where on receipt of a Pass Book, if it is found that the concerned member is no longer employed in
the colliery to which the pass book has been sent, the receiving employer shall transfer the pass book to
the coal mine to which the member has been transferred under intimation to the issuing officer and in the
event of member's death or retirement, the pass book shall be returned to the issuing officer.
Provided that in both the cases, receipt and transfer of the pass book shall be recorded in the register
referred to in sub-paragraph (3).
(10) The cost of photographs shall be re-imbursed from the Fund to the employer out of Administration
Account subject to such ceiling as may be laid down by the Board from time to time and for such re-
imbursement, the employer shall be required to submit to the officer who sent the pass books, bills, in
such form and supported by such documents as the Commissioner may prescribe from time to time.
(11) While submitting the returns in Form 'V or Form 'V (Revised) as the case may be, every employer
shall endorse in the remarks column thereto an abbreviation :
i. 'PB' against the names of the members where pass books are already opened ;,/li>
ii. 'New' against the names of those who qualified as new members during the currency period to
which the return in Form 'V or Form 'V (Revised)' relates ;
iii. T' against those members who have joined on transfer from other coal mines and have declared
under Sub-paragraph (7) that they have not been provided with Pass Books. In their cases, the
name and registered number of the coal mine wherefrom they have been transferred shall also be
indicated after the abbreviation 'T'.
(12) Each member shall be got photographed by the employer for the second time after expiry of a period
of ten years from the date of his first photographing within three months of such expiry and the second
photograph shall be affixed and attested in the manner laid down in sub-paragraph (3). The cost of the
photographing for the second time shall be re-imbursed by the Fund in the manner laid down in sub-
paragraph (10).]
@[68. Annual Report and Annual Accounts of Coal Mines Provident Fund : The Commissioner shall
place a report on the working of Coal Mines Provident Fund Scheme relating to the previous financial
year alongwith audited annual accounts at a meeting of the Board to be held before 15th November, each
year and the Board shall submit such report with Accounts to the Central Government for placing them on
the tables of the Houses by end of December each year.