Network Analysis On Safety Culture and Worker S Behaviour: A Forest of All Minimum Spanning Trees
Network Analysis On Safety Culture and Worker S Behaviour: A Forest of All Minimum Spanning Trees
Network Analysis On Safety Culture and Worker S Behaviour: A Forest of All Minimum Spanning Trees
Abstract In this paper safety culture and workers (iv) To provide basic welfare facilities to all workers; to
are considered, all together, as a complex system and revise and improve on this policy whenever necessary;
statistically represented in the form of correlation network and
among their characteristics. We show that the current practice, These are an enforcement form of all the requirements of the
based on a minimal spanning tree (MS T), to filter the legislations related to safety and health as stated in the
information contained in the network is not robust. A robust Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514), as well
filter based on the forest of all possible MS Ts is then proposed as regulations and codes of practice wh ich have been
and used to analyze the network. For practical purpose, an approved. The purpose of this act is to promote and
algorithm will be provided to find the forest. The advantages of encourage occupational safety and health awareness among
the proposed filter compared to the MS T-based filter will be workers and to create safety and health organization in all
illustrated first before we use it in the case of Malaysia industrial sectors. In manufacturing industry, besides Act
manufacturing industry. S ome important results that will be 514, DOSH also needs to enforce another important act,
useful for the management will be highlighted. namely, Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Act 139) which
Index Term adjacency matrix, centrality measures, covers manufacturing, min ing, quarrying and construction
correlation matrix, distance matrix, network topology. industries.
The aim of this paper is to have a better understanding
I. INT RODUCT ION to what extent the current pract ice of safety culture and
Depart ment of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), workers behaviour differs fro m DOSH policy. More
Govern ment of Malaysia, is responsible in p roviding safety specifically, to identify the most important factors that must
and healthy work environ ment for all emp loyees and protect be paid more attention by DOSH in order to reduce the
those who may be affected by its activities. A safety and number o f fatal accidents in manufacturing sector. For that
health officer is appointed in every state office fo r purpose, safety culture and workers behaviour will be
coordinating and discharging the planned activities related considered as a complex system and numerically
to safety and health. This task is to ensure that the objectives represented in the form of a correlation network among
of DOSH policy are fu lly met. Besides that, DOSH characteristics involved in this study. The current practice to
conducted three major responsibilities, namely, standard analyze such network is generally consists of (i) info rmation
setting, enforcement, and promotion. A ll activit ies are filtering by using a min imal spanning tree (MST), and (ii)
periodically monitored fro m time to time in order to interpretating the filtered information by using, for example,
guarantee employers and employees in the country pay more centrality measures.
attention to safety and health at work [1]. In this paper we show that the MST-based filter is not
The DOSH policy comprises: robust except when the network contains only one unique
(i) To prepare and preserve a workplace with a safe and MST. However, this case is very rare in pract ice. Therefore,
healthy working system; instead of using a MST, here we propose to use the forest of
(ii) To ensure that all staff are p rovided with the relevant all possible MSTs (or simp ly the forest) as a robust filter.
informat ion, instruction, training and supervision The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next
regarding methods to carry out their duties in a safe section, we highlight the current situation on occupational
manner and without causing any risk to health; accident occurrence in Malaysia manufacturing industry as
(iii) To investigate all accidents, diseases, poisonous and/or reported in DOSH. Sect ion III will be devoted to research
dangerous occurrences, and to take action to ensure methodology including data collection and analysis, the
that these occurrences will not be repeated; proposed information filtering, the proposed algorith m to
find the forest, and some advantages of the proposed filter.
The results and discussion in Section IV will be focused on
(ii) find a MST in D, which represents the filtered Fig. 1. Complex system of five stocks
important information contained in D, To find a MST of that network, the two most suggested
(iii) analyze the topological property of all characteristics algorith ms in the literature are Kruskals algorith m an d
based on MST. For this purpose, in this paper we use Prims. If the data structure in Table II is stored in Matlab
the centrality measures. version 7.8.0 (2009a), those algorith ms will g ive the MST in
Fig. 2(a). If we store another data structure form, those
The centrality measures such as degree, betweenness, algorith ms will g ive another MST. Actually, that co mplex
closeness, and eigenvector centralities[15 will be used to system contains four MSTs as can be seen in Fig. 2(a)
identify the most important factors followed by a Pareto 2(d).
analysis to identify the vital few in safety culture as well as Each M ST in Fig. 2 filters differently the information
workers behaviour. in the network co mpared to others. Two d ifferent MSTs
represent different filtered information. Thus, they define
B. Robust information filtering different topological property co mpared to each others. This
Minimal spanning tree (MST) related to the correlat ion shows that the use of a MST might provide misleading
network beco mes an indispensible tool in network analysis informat ion. In other words, the in formation filtered by
to filter the most important informat ion. See, for example, using MST is not robust.
Mantegna [5] for the original work, Tu mminello et al.[16] The above observation motivates us to filter the
for its application in general co mp lex systems, Eo m et al. informat ion based on the forest of all MSTs instead of a
[17] in Shanghai and Shenzhen market index, and , Eo m et MST. If M ST might be not unique, the forest is unique.
al. [18] in a correlation network. Since the forest provides unique source of filtered
The role of MST in network analysis is as a tool to informat ion, it ensures the robustness of filtered info rmation.
explain the physical correlation between the topological In what fo llo ws we present an algorith m to determine the
structure and classification of the nodes [19]. If the forest of all possible MSTs constructed based on fuzzy
d*k i, j = d(i, m) d*(k -1) (m, j )
m 1
(iv) a b = min{a, b} and a b = max{a, b} for all
real numbers a and b
By using D*K we construct the forest of all MSTs in D.
Let M be a MST of D and (i = i1 ,i 2 ,.....,i p j ) be the
chain fro m i to j in M . If we define the distance d between
i and j in M by
d(i, j ) = p -1 ,
d( ik , ik+1)
(b) k =1
d*K i, j =
d(i, j) = d(im, im+1) .
Let be a fuzzy relation where its membership function
is given by
1; d( i, j) d *K i, j = 0 and i j
(i, j ) = (2)
0; d( i, j) d *K i, j 0 or i = j
Then, is the adjacency matrix that corresponds to the
forest of all MSTs in D. In other words, that forest is defined
by all pairs (i, j) where i > j and (i, j ) = 1. Consequently,
(c) MST in D is unique if and only if the number of pairs (i, j),
where i > j and (i, j ) = 1, is (n 1). Th is is an important
property that can be used to check whether o r not a network
contains unique MST.
Fig. 3. Dot plot matrix issued from the forest of all MST s.
The first advantage of the use of the forest of all MSTs
compared to the use of a MST to filter the info rmation can
be seen when we co mpare dot plot matrix in Fig. 3 with that
issued from a MST in Fig. 4. In Fig.3 there are four
additional black cells that cannot be found in Fig. 4. They
are numbered 1 and 2 in region B (between safety culture
and workers behaviour characteristics), and 3 and 4 in
region C (within wo rkers behaviour characteristics). This
will be clarified in the next sections.
The second advantage is that the nu mber o f b lack cells
in Fig. 3 is 46 which greater than that in Fig. 4 which is 42 Fig. 5. Network topology based on the forest of MST s.
(total number of characteristics minus 1). This means that
the number of M STs in D is mo re than one. More precisely, C. Centrality measures
there are 16 M STs in D. Whichever MST is used, the The importance of each particular node can be nu merically
informat ion is misleading. Therefore, the use of the forest of analyzed by using the centrality measures such as degree,
MSTs as a robust filter is mo re appropriate than a MST to betweenness, closeness, and eigenvector centralities. See [8]
filter the informat ion in D. Fo r this reason, in the rest of the for their applicat ion in co mmodity market and [9] in road
paper, only the forest will be considered. network. According to the forest, the score of each node for
those centrality measures is given in Table III.
Centrality measure
No. i di bi ci evi
1 BA1 0.024 0 0.142 0.019
2 BA2 0.071 0.138 0.165 0.053
3 BB1 0.048 0.048 0.143 0.022
4 BB2 0.024 0 0.142 0.019
5 BC1 0.024 0 0.125 0.008
6 BC2 0.071 0.138 0.165 0.053
7 BD1 0.095 0.373 0.191 0.108
8 BD2 0.024 0 0.161 0.039
Fig. 4. Dot plot matrix based on a MST .
9 BE1 0.024 0 0.186 0.159
10 BE2 0.095 0.411 0.227 0.443
B. Network Topology 11 BF1 0.071 0.463 0.213 0.155
To elaborate the above results more clearly, in Fig. 5 we 12 BF2 0.048 0.377 0.220 0.215
present the network topology that corresponds to the fo rest. 13 BG1 0.048 0.048 0.143 0.022
In that figure we see the interconnectivity among all 14 BG2 0.024 0 0.125 0.008
characteristics of both groups. Empty circles represent 15 BH1 0.048 0.048 0.122 0.017
safety culture characteristics group and black circles are fo r 16 BH2 0.024 0 0.109 0.006
workers behaviour group. In general, the two groups are 17 BI1 0.048 0.048 0.127 0.010
18 BI2 0.024 0 0.113 0.003
5 BC1 Management considers safety as important asproduction 25 CB1 I always use head gear
6 BC2 I believe safety issues are put in high priority 26 CB2 I always use eye protection and face shielding
Safe ty Procedure and Policy 27 CB3 I always use hearing protection
28 CB4 I always use respiratory protection
7 BD1 All health and safety rules and procedures need to be
29 CB5 I always use arm and hand covering
followed to get the job done safely
30 CB6 I always use foot and leg protection
8 BD2 All health and safety rules are practical
Specific Job Risk
Supportive Environment
31 CC1 I always follow safety policy and procedure
9 BE1 I am encouraged to report unsafe condition
32 CC2 I never experience accidents due to my job
10 BE2 I can influence health and safety performance
Tools and equipments
33 CD1 I always use right tools and equipments for my job
11 BF1 I am involved in informing management to important
34 CD2 I always use tools and equipments for my job correctly
safety issues
35 CD3 Tools and equipment I use for my job are always be
12 BF2 I am involved with safety issues at work
maintained well
Pe rsonal priority and need of safety
36 CD4 I always participate to keep my workplace
13 BG1 Safety is my top priority when doing my work
in a good housekeeping
14 BG2 It is important to do continuous emphasis on safety
Safe Work Practice
Pe rsonal Appreciation towards Risk
37 CE1 I understand how work safely in my job
15 BH1 I believe I will not experience occupational accident here 38 CE2 I always work safely
16 BH2 T he chance of being involved in an accident here is low
Work Environment
39 CF1 I never do many repetition in my job
17 BI1 Operational targets are always in accordance with 40 CF2 I never do my work in long duration without rest
safety measures 41 CF3 I never have awkward posture in my work
18 BI2 I am always given enough time to get my job done safely Communication
42 CG1 I always inform my friend if they act unsafely
43 CG2 I always remind my friend to work safely
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