Newtonian Physics - (Crowell) PDF
Newtonian Physics - (Crowell) PDF
Newtonian Physics - (Crowell) PDF
The Light and Matter series of
introductory physics textbooks:
1 Newtonian Physics
2 Conservation Laws
3 Vibrations and Waves
4 Electricity and Magnetism
5 Optics
6 The Modern Revolution in Physics
Benjamin Crowell
Fullerton, California
edition 2.3
rev. February 18, 2008
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with no invariant sections, no front-cover texts, and no
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ISBN 0-9704670-1-X
To Paul Herrschaft and Rich Muller.
Brief Contents
0 Introduction and Review 19
1 Scaling and Order-of-Magnitude Estimates 43
Motion in One Dimension
2 Velocity and Relative Motion 69
3 Acceleration and Free Fall 91
4 Force and Motion 123
5 Analysis of Forces 147
Motion in Three Dimensions
6 Newtons Laws in Three Dimensions 177
7 Vectors 189
8 Vectors and Motion 201
9 Circular Motion 217
10 Gravity 231
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 date changes in size, 55.
1.4 Order-of-Magnitude Estimates. . . 57
0 Introduction and Review Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
0.1 The Scientific Method . . . . . . 19 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
0.2 What Is Physics? . . . . . . . . 22
Isolated systems and reductionism, 24.
0.3 How to Learn Physics . . . . . . 25
0.4 Self-Evaluation . . . . . . . . . 27
0.5 Basics of the Metric System. . . . 27
The metric system, 27.The second, 28.
The meter, 29.The kilogram, 30.
Combinations of metric units, 30.
0.6 The Newton, the Metric Unit of Force 31
0.7 Less Common Metric Prefixes . . . 31
0.8 Scientific Notation . . . . . . . . 32
0.9 Conversions . . . . . . . . . . 33
Should that exponent be positive or
negative?, 34.
0.10 Significant Figures . . . . . . . 35
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
velocity, 80.Motion is relative, 81.
2.5 Addition of Velocities. . . . . . . 83
Addition of velocities to describe relative
motion, 83.Negative velocities in relative
motion, 83.
2.6 Graphs of Velocity Versus Time . . 85
2.7 Applications of Calculus . . . . 86
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5 Analysis of Forces
5.1 Newtons Third Law . . . . . . . 147
A mnemonic for using Newtons third law
correctly, 149.
5.2 Classification and Behavior of Forces152 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
7 Vectors
7.1 Vector Notation . . . . . . . . . 189
Drawing vectors as arrows, 191.
7.2 Calculations with Magnitude and
Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
7.3 Techniques for Adding Vectors . . 194
Addition of vectors given their
II Motion in Three Dimensions components, 194.Addition of vectors
given their magnitudes and directions,
194.Graphical addition of vectors, 194.
6 Newtons Laws in Three 7.4 ? Unit Vector Notation . . . . . . 196
Dimensions 7.5 ? Rotational Invariance . . . . . . 196
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
6.1 Forces Have No Perpendicular Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
9 Circular Motion 10 Gravity
9.1 Conceptual Framework for Circular 10.1 Keplers Laws . . . . . . . . . 232
Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 10.2 Newtons Law of Gravity . . . . . 234
Circular motion does not produce an out- The suns force on the planets obeys an
ward force, 217.Circular motion does not inverse square law., 234.The forces be-
persist without a force, 218.Uniform and tween heavenly bodies are the same type of
nonuniform circular motion, 219.Only an force as terrestrial gravity., 235.Newtons
inward force is required for uniform circu- law of gravity, 236.
lar motion., 219.In uniform circular mo- 10.3 Apparent Weightlessness . . . . 239
tion, the acceleration vector is inward, 221. 10.4 Vector Addition of Gravitational
9.2 Uniform Circular Motion . . . . . 223 Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
9.3 Nonuniform Circular Motion . . . . 226 10.5 Weighing the Earth . . . . . . . 243
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 10.6 ? Evidence for Repulsive Gravity . 245
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Why a New Physics Textbook?
We Americans assume that our economic system will always scam-
per to provide us with the products we want. Special orders dont
upset us! I want my MTV! The truth is more complicated, espe-
cially in our education system, which is paid for by the students
but controlled by the professoriate. Witness the perverse success
of the bloated science textbook. The newspapers continue to com-
pare our system unfavorably to Japanese and European education,
where depth is emphasized over breadth, but we cant seem to cre-
ate a physics textbook that covers a manageable number of topics
for a one-year course and gives honest explanations of everything it
touches on.
The publishers try to please everybody by including every imag-
inable topic in the book, but end up pleasing nobody. There is wide
agreement among physics teachers that the traditional one-year in-
troductory textbooks cannot in fact be taught in one year. One
cannot surgically remove enough material and still gracefully nav-
igate the rest of one of these kitchen-sink textbooks. What is far
worse is that the books are so crammed with topics that nearly all
the explanation is cut out in order to keep the page count below
1100. Vital concepts like energy are introduced abruptly with an
equation, like a first-date kiss that comes before hello.
The movement to reform physics texts is steaming ahead, but
despite excellent books such as Hewitts Conceptual Physics for non-
science majors and Knights Physics: A Contemporary Perspective
for students who know calculus, there has been a gap in physics
books for life-science majors who havent learned calculus or are
learning it concurrently with physics. This book is meant to fill
that gap.
Learning to Hate Physics?
When you read a mystery novel, you know in advance what structure
to expect: a crime, some detective work, and finally the unmasking
of the evildoer. Likewise when Charlie Parker plays a blues, your ear
expects to hear certain landmarks of the form regardless of how wild
some of his notes are. Surveys of physics students usually show that
they have worse attitudes about the subject after instruction than
before, and their comments often boil down to a complaint that the
person who strung the topics together had not learned what Agatha
Christie and Charlie Parker knew intuitively about form and struc-
ture: students become bored and demoralized because the march
through the topics lacks a coherent story line. You are reading the
first volume of the Light and Matter series of introductory physics
textbooks, and as implied by its title, the story line of the series
is built around light and matter: how they behave, how they are
Preface 15
different from each other, and, at the end of the story, how they
turn out to be similar in some very bizarre ways. Here is a guide to
the structure of the one-year course presented in this series:
1 Newtonian Physics Matter moves at constant speed in a
straight line unless a force acts on it. (This seems intuitively wrong
only because we tend to forget the role of friction forces.) Material
objects can exert forces on each other, each changing the others
motion. A more massive object changes its motion more slowly in
response to a given force.
2 Conservation Laws Newtons matter-and-forces picture of
the universe is fine as far as it goes, but it doesnt apply to light,
which is a form of pure energy without mass. A more powerful
world-view, applying equally well to both light and matter, is pro-
vided by the conservation laws, for instance the law of conservation
of energy, which states that energy can never be destroyed or created
but only changed from one form into another.
3 Vibrations and Waves Light is a wave. We learn how waves
travel through space, pass through each other, speed up, slow down,
and are reflected.
4 Electricity and Magnetism Matter is made out of particles
such as electrons and protons, which are held together by electrical
forces. Light is a wave that is made out of patterns of electric and
magnetic force.
5 Optics Devices such as eyeglasses and searchlights use matter
(lenses and mirrors) to manipulate light.
6 The Modern Revolution in Physics Until the twentieth
century, physicists thought that matter was made out of particles
and light was purely a wave phenomenon. We now know that both
light and matter are made of building blocks with a combination of
particle and wave properties. In the process of understanding this
apparent contradiction, we find that the universe is a much stranger
place than Newton had ever imagined, and also learn the basis for
such devices as lasers and computer chips.
A Note to the Student Taking Calculus Concurrently
Learning calculus and physics concurrently is an excellent idea
its not a coincidence that the inventor of calculus, Isaac Newton,
also discovered the laws of motion! If you are worried about taking
these two demanding courses at the same time, let me reassure you.
I think you will find that physics helps you with calculus while cal-
culus deepens and enhances your experience of physics. This book
is designed to be used in either an algebra-based physics course or
a calculus-based physics course that has calculus as a corequisite.
This note is addressed to students in the latter type of course.
Art critics discuss paintings with each other, but when painters
get together, they talk about brushes. Art needs both a why
and a how, concepts as well as technique. Just as it is easier to
enjoy an oil painting than to produce one, it is easier to understand
the concepts of calculus than to learn the techniques of calculus.
This book will generally teach you the concepts of calculus a few
weeks before you learn them in your math class, but it does not
discuss the techniques of calculus at all. There will thus be a delay
of a few weeks between the time when a calculus application is first
pointed out in this book and the first occurrence of a homework
problem that requires the relevant technique. The following outline
shows a typical first-semester calculus curriculum side-by-side with
the list of topics covered in this book, to give you a rough idea of
what calculus your physics instructor might expect you to know at
a given point in the semester. The sequence of the calculus topics
is the one followed by Calculus of a Single Variable, 2nd ed., by
Swokowski, Olinick, and Pence.
Newtonian Physics
0-1 introduction review
2-3 velocity and acceleration limits
4-5 Newtons laws the derivative concept
6-8 motion in 3 dimensions techniques for finding deriva-
tives; derivatives of trigono-
metric functions
9 circular motion the chain rule
10 gravity local maxima and minima
Conservation Laws
1-3 energy concavity and the second
4 momentum
5 angular momentum the indefinite integral
Vibrations and Waves
1-2 vibrations the definite integral
3-4 waves the fundamental theorem of
Preface 17
The Mars Climate Orbiter is pre-
pared for its mission. The laws
of physics are the same every-
where, even on Mars, so the
probe could be designed based
on the laws of physics as discov-
ered on earth. There is unfor-
tunately another reason why this
spacecraft is relevant to the top-
ics of this chapter: it was de-
stroyed attempting to enter Mars
atmosphere because engineers
at Lockheed Martin forgot to con-
vert data on engine thrusts from
pounds into the metric unit of
force (newtons) before giving the
information to NASA. Conver-
sions are important!
Chapter 0
Introduction and Review
If you drop your shoe and a coin side by side, they hit the ground at
the same time. Why doesnt the shoe get there first, since gravity is
pulling harder on it? How does the lens of your eye work, and why
do your eyes muscles need to squash its lens into different shapes in
order to focus on objects nearby or far away? These are the kinds
of questions that physics tries to answer about the behavior of light
and matter, the two things that the universe is made of.
niques for precise construction and measurement. (Early on, it was
considered a major advance when English machine shops learned to
build pistons and cylinders that fit together with a gap narrower
than the thickness of a penny.) But even before the industrial rev-
olution, the pace of discovery had picked up, mainly because of the
introduction of the modern scientific method. Although it evolved
over time, most scientists today would agree on something like the
following list of the basic principles of the scientific method:
(1) Science is a cycle of theory and experiment. Scientific the-
ories are created to explain the results of experiments that were
created under certain conditions. A successful theory will also make
new predictions about new experiments under new conditions. Even-
tually, though, it always seems to happen that a new experiment
comes along, showing that under certain conditions the theory is
not a good approximation or is not valid at all. The ball is then
a / Science is a cycle of the-
back in the theorists court. If an experiment disagrees with the
ory and experiment.
current theory, the theory has to be changed, not the experiment.
(2) Theories should both predict and explain. The requirement of
predictive power means that a theory is only meaningful if it predicts
something that can be checked against experimental measurements
that the theorist did not already have at hand. That is, a theory
should be testable. Explanatory value means that many phenomena
should be accounted for with few basic principles. If you answer
every why question with because thats the way it is, then your
theory has no explanatory value. Collecting lots of data without
being able to find any basic underlying principles is not science.
(3) Experiments should be reproducible. An experiment should
be treated with suspicion if it only works for one person, or only
in one part of the world. Anyone with the necessary skills and
equipment should be able to get the same results from the same
experiment. This implies that science transcends national and eth-
nic boundaries; you can be sure that nobody is doing actual science
who claims that their work is Aryan, not Jewish, Marxist, not
bourgeois, or Christian, not atheistic. An experiment cannot be
reproduced if it is secret, so science is necessarily a public enterprise.
As an example of the cycle of theory and experiment, a vital step
toward modern chemistry was the experimental observation that the
chemical elements could not be transformed into each other, e.g.,
lead could not be turned into gold. This led to the theory that
chemical reactions consisted of rearrangements of the elements in
b / A satirical drawing of an different combinations, without any change in the identities of the
alchemists laboratory. H. Cock, elements themselves. The theory worked for hundreds of years, and
after a drawing by Peter Brueghel was confirmed experimentally over a wide range of pressures and
the Elder (16th century).
temperatures and with many combinations of elements. Only in
the twentieth century did we learn that one element could be trans-
formed into one another under the conditions of extremely high
pressure and temperature existing in a nuclear bomb or inside a star.
d / Reductionism.
0.4 Self-Evaluation
The introductory part of a book like this is hard to write, because ev-
ery student arrives at this starting point with a different preparation.
One student may have grown up in another country and so may be
completely comfortable with the metric system, but may have had
an algebra course in which the instructor passed too quickly over
scientific notation. Another student may have already taken calcu-
lus, but may have never learned the metric system. The following
self-evaluation is a checklist to help you figure out what you need to
study to be prepared for the rest of the course.
If you disagree with this state- you should study this section:
ment. . .
I am familiar with the basic metric 0.5 Basic of the Metric System
units of meters, kilograms, and sec-
onds, and the most common metric
prefixes: milli- (m), kilo- (k), and
centi- (c).
I know about the newton, a unit of 0.6 The newton, the Metric Unit of
force Force
I am familiar with these less com- 0.7 Less Common Metric Prefixes
mon metric prefixes: mega- (M),
micro- (), and nano- (n).
I am comfortable with scientific no- 0.8 Scientific Notation
I can confidently do metric conver- 0.9 Conversions
I understand the purpose and use of 0.10 Significant Figures
significant figures.
It wouldnt hurt you to skim the sections you think you already
know about, and to do the self-checks in those sections.
The second
The sun stood still and the moon halted until the nation had
taken vengeance on its enemies. . .
The meter
The French originally defined the meter as 107 times the dis-
tance from the equator to the north pole, as measured through Paris
(of course). Even if the definition was operational, the operation of
f / The original definition of
traveling to the north pole and laying a surveying chain behind you the meter.
The kilogram
The third base unit of the SI is the kilogram, a unit of mass.
Mass is intended to be a measure of the amount of a substance,
but that is not an operational definition. Bathroom scales work by
measuring our planets gravitational attraction for the object being
weighed, but using that type of scale to define mass operationally
would be undesirable because gravity varies in strength from place
to place on the earth.
Theres a surprising amount of disagreement among physics text-
books about how mass should be defined, but heres how its actually
handled by the few working physicists who specialize in ultra-high-
precision measurements. They maintain a physical object in Paris,
which is the standard kilogram, a cylinder made of platinum-iridium
alloy. Duplicates are checked against this mother of all kilograms
by putting the original and the copy on the two opposite pans of a
balance. Although this method of comparison depends on gravity,
the problems associated with differences in gravity in different geo-
graphical locations are bypassed, because the two objects are being
compared in the same place. The duplicates can then be removed
from the Parisian kilogram shrine and transported elsewhere in the
32 = 3.2 101
320 = 3.2 102
3200 = 3.2 103 ...
The student concludes that 102 bacteria would form a line of this length:
0.9 Conversions
I suggest you avoid memorizing lots of conversion factors between
SI units and U.S. units. Suppose the United Nations sends its black
helicopters to invade California (after all who wouldnt rather live
here than in New York City?), and institutes water fluoridation and
the SI, making the use of inches and pounds into a crime punishable
by death. I think you could get by with only two mental conversion
1 inch = 2.54 cm
An object with a weight on Earth of 2.2 pounds-force has a
mass of 1 kg.
The first one is the present definition of the inch, so its exact. The
second one is not exact, but is good enough for most purposes. (U.S.
units of force and mass are confusing, so its a good thing theyre
103 g
1 kg
to be a way of expressing the number one. This may bother you. For
instance, if you type 1000/1 into your calculator, you will get 1000,
not one. Again, different people have different ways of thinking
about it, but the justification is that it helps us to do conversions,
and it works! Now if we want to convert 0.7 kg to units of grams,
we can multiply kg by the number one:
103 g
0.7 kg
1 kg
103 g
0.7 kg = 700 g .
1 kg
60 min
60 s
1 =
= 3.15 107 s .
103 kg
5 cm (1 sig fig)
+0.04 cm (1 sig fig)
=5 cm (rounded off to 1 sig fig)
The fact that the final result only has one significant figure then
alerts you to the fact that the result is not very accurate, and would
not be appropriate for use in designing the engine.
Note that the leading zeroes in the number 0.04 do not count
as significant figures, because they are only placeholders. On the
other hand, a number such as 50 cm is ambiguous the zero could
be intended as a significant figure, or it might just be there as a
placeholder. The ambiguity involving trailing zeroes can be avoided
by using scientific notation, in which 5 101 cm would imply one
sig fig of accuracy, while 5.0 101 cm would imply two sig figs.
Summary 39
R A computerized answer check is available online.
A problem that requires calculus.
? A difficult problem.
1 Correct use of a calculator: (a) Calculate 53222+97554 on a cal-
culator. [Self-check: The most common mistake results in 97555.40.]
(b) Which would be more like the price of a TV, and which would
be more like the price of a house, $3.5 105 or $3.55 ?
2 Compute the following things. If they dont make sense be-
cause of units, say so.
(a) 3 cm + 5 cm
(b) 1.11 m + 22 cm
(c) 120 miles + 2.0 hours
(d) 120 miles / 2.0 hours
Problems 41
42 Chapter 0 Introduction and Review
Life would be very different if you
were the size of an insect.
Chapter 1
Scaling and
1.1 Introduction
Why cant an insect be the size of a dog? Some skinny stretched-
out cells in your spinal cord are a meter tall why does nature
display no single cells that are not just a meter tall, but a meter
wide, and a meter thick as well? Believe it or not, these are questions
that can be answered fairly easily without knowing much more about
physics than you already do. The only mathematical technique you
really need is the humble conversion, applied to area and volume.
they cannot be applied to irregularly shaped areas.
Units of square cm are more commonly written as cm2 in science.
Of course, the unit of measurement symbolized by cm is not an
algebra symbol standing for a number that can be literally multiplied
by itself. But it is advantageous to write the units of area that way
and treat the units as if they were algebra symbols. For instance,
if you have a rectangle with an area of 6m2 and a width of 2 m,
then calculating its length as (6 m2 )/(2 m) = 3 m gives a result
that makes sense both numerically and in terms of units. This
algebra-style treatment of the units also ensures that our methods
of converting units work out correctly. For instance, if we accept
the fraction
100 cm
as a valid way of writing the number one, then one times one equals
one, so we should also say that one can be represented by
100 cm 100 cm
1m 1m
which is the same as
10000 cm2
1 m2
That means the conversion factor from square meters to square cen-
timeters is a factor of 104 , i.e., a square meter has 104 square cen-
timeters in it.
All of the above can be easily applied to volume as well, using
one-cubic-centimeter blocks instead of squares on graph paper.
To many people, it seems hard to believe that a square meter
equals 10000 square centimeters, or that a cubic meter equals a
million cubic centimeters they think it would make more sense if
there were 100 cm2 in 1 m2 , and 100 cm3 in 1 m3 , but that would be
incorrect. The examples shown in figure b aim to make the correct
answer more believable, using the traditional U.S. units of feet and
yards. (One foot is 12 inches, and one yard is three feet.)
b / Visualizing conversions of
area and volume using traditional
U.S. units.
self-check A
Based on figure b, convince yourself that there are 9 ft2 in a square yard,
A L2 .
d2 L3
d L3/2 .
If the shape stayed the same regardless of size, then all linear di-
mensions, including d and L, would be proportional to one another.
If our reasoning holds, then the fact that d is proportional to L3/2 ,
not L, implies a change in proportions of the bone. As shown in the
right-hand panel of figure p, the vertebrae of African Bovidae follow
the rule d L3/2 fairly well. The vertebrae of the giant eland are
as chunky as a coffee mug, while those of a Gunthers dik-dik are as
slender as the cap of a pen.
Discussion Questions
A Single-celled animals must passively absorb nutrients and oxygen
from their surroundings, unlike humans who have lungs to pump air in and
out and a heart to distribute the oxygenated blood throughout their bodies.
Even the cells composing the bodies of multicellular animals must absorb
oxygen from a nearby capillary through their surfaces. Based on these
facts, explain why cells are always microscopic in size.
B The reasoning of the previous question would seem to be contra-
dicted by the fact that human nerve cells in the spinal cord can be as
much as a meter long, although their widths are still very small. Why is
this possible?
Problems 61
from the epicenter as a wave, and for the sake of this problem well
assume were dealing with seismic waves that spread out in three
dimensions, so that we can visualize them as hemispheres spreading
out under the surface of the earth. If a certain 7.6-magnitude earth-
quake and a certain 5.6-magnitude earthquake produce the same
amount of vibration where I live, compare the distances from my
house to the two epicenters. . Solution, p. 271
13 In Europe, a piece of paper of the standard size, called A4,
is a little narrower and taller than its American counterpart. The
ratio of the height to the width is the square root of 2, and this has
some useful properties. For instance, if you cut an A4 sheet from left
to right, you get two smaller sheets that have the same proportions.
You can even buy sheets of this smaller size, and theyre called A5.
There is a whole series of sizes related in this way, all with the same
proportions. (a) Compare an A5 sheet to an A4 in terms of area and
linear size. (b) The series of paper sizes starts from an A0 sheet,
which has an area of one square meter. Suppose we had a series
of boxes defined in a similar way: the B0 box has a volume of one
cubic meter, two B1 boxes fit exactly inside an B0 box, and so on.
What would be the dimensions of a B0 box?
14 Estimate the mass of one of the hairs in Albert Einsteins
moustache, in units of kg.
15 According to folklore, every time you take a breath, you are
inhaling some of the atoms exhaled in Caesars last words. Is this
true? If so, how many?
Albert Einstein, and his mous- 16 The Earths surface is about 70% water. Marss diameter is
tache, problem 14. about half the Earths, but it has no surface water. Compare the
land areas of the two planets.
17 The traditional Martini glass is shaped like a cone with
the point at the bottom. Suppose you make a Martini by pouring
vermouth into the glass to a depth of 3 cm, and then adding gin
to bring the depth to 6 cm. What are the proportions of gin and
vermouth? . Solution, p. 271
18 The central portion of a CD is taken up by the hole and some
surrounding clear plastic, and this area is unavailable for storing
data. The radius of the central circle is about 35% of the radius of
the data-storing area. What percentage of the CDs area is therefore
19 The one-liter cube in the photo has been marked off into
Problem 19. smaller cubes, with linear dimensions one tenth those of the big
one. What is the volume of each of the small cubes?
. Solution, p. 272
Show that the units of this equation make sense. In other words,
check that the units of the right-hand side are the same as your
answer to part a of the question. . Solution, p. 272
Estimate the number of man-hours required for building the Great
Wall of China. . Solution, p. 272 Problem 20.
Problems 63
Part I
Chapter 2
Velocity and Relative
2.1 Types of Motion
If you had to think consciously in order to move your body, you
would be severely disabled. Even walking, which we consider to
be no great feat, requires an intricate series of motions that your
cerebrum would be utterly incapable of coordinating. The task of
putting one foot in front of the other is controlled by the more prim-
a / Rotation.
itive parts of your brain, the ones that have not changed much since
the mammals and reptiles went their separate evolutionary ways.
The thinking part of your brain limits itself to general directives
such as walk faster, or dont step on her toes, rather than mi-
cromanaging every contraction and relaxation of the hundred or so
muscles of your hips, legs, and feet.
Physics is all about the conscious understanding of motion, but
were obviously not immediately prepared to understand the most
complicated types of motion. Instead, well use the divide-and-
conquer technique. Well first classify the various types of motion,
and then begin our campaign with an attack on the simplest cases.
To make it clear what we are and are not ready to consider, we need b / Simultaneous rotation and
to examine and define carefully what types of motion can exist. motion through space.
taneously: a rotation and a motion of her body as a whole through
space, along an arc. It is not immediately obvious, however, what
is the most useful way to define the distinction between rotation
and motion through space. Imagine that you attempt to balance a
chair and it falls over. One person might say that the only motion
was a rotation about the chairs point of contact with the floor, but
another might say that there was both rotation and motion down
and to the side.
It turns out that there is one particularly natural and useful way
to make a clear definition, but it requires a brief digression. Every
object has a balance point, referred to in physics as the center of
f / The circus performers hang mass. For a two-dimensional object such as a cardboard cutout, the
with the ropes passing through center of mass is the point at which you could hang the object from
their centers of mass. a string and make it balance. In the case of the ballerina (who is
likely to be three-dimensional unless her diet is particularly severe),
it might be a point either inside or outside her body, depending
on how she holds her arms. Even if it is not practical to attach a
string to the balance point itself, the center of mass can be defined
as shown in figure e.
Why is the center of mass concept relevant to the question of
classifying rotational motion as opposed to motion through space?
As illustrated in figures d and g, it turns out that the motion of an
objects center of mass is nearly always far simpler than the motion
of any other part of the object. The ballerinas body is a large object
with a complex shape. We might expect that her motion would be
much more complicated than the motion of a small, simply-shaped
h / An improperly balanced
We can now replace the ambiguous idea of motion as a whole wheel has a center of mass that
through space with the more useful and better defined concept is not at its geometric center.
of center-of-mass motion. The motion of any rigid body can be When you get a new tire, the
cleanly split into rotation and center-of-mass motion. By this defini- mechanic clamps little weights to
tion, the tipping chair does have both rotational and center-of-mass the rim to balance the wheel.
motion. Concentrating on the center of mass motion allows us to
make a simplified model of the motion, as if a complicated object
like a human body was just a marble or a point-like particle. Science
really never deals with reality; it deals with models of reality.
Note that the word center in center of mass is not meant
to imply that the center of mass must lie at the geometrical center
of an object. A car wheel that has not been balanced properly has
a center of mass that does not coincide with its geometrical center.
An object such as the human body does not even have an obvious
geometrical center.
It can be helpful to think of the center of mass as the average
location of all the mass in the object. With this interpretation,
we can see for example that raising your arms above your head
raises your center of mass, since the higher position of the arms
mass raises the average. We wont be concerned right now with i / This toy was intentionally
calculating centers of mass mathematically; the relevant equations designed so that the mushroom-
shaped piece of metal on top
are in chapter 4 of Conservation Laws.
would throw off the center of
mass. When you wind it up, the
mushroom spins, but the center
Ballerinas and professional basketball players can create an illu- of mass doesnt want to move,
sion of flying horizontally through the air because our brains intu- so the rest of the toy tends to
itively expect them to have rigid-body motion, but the body does counter the mushrooms motion,
not stay rigid while executing a grand jete or a slam dunk. The legs causing the whole thing to jump
are low at the beginning and end of the jump, but come up higher at
the middle. Regardless of what the limbs do, the center of mass will
follow the same arc, but the low position of the legs at the beginning
and end means that the torso is higher compared to the center of
mass, while in the middle of the jump it is lower compared to the
center of mass. Our eye follows the motion of the torso and tries
to interpret it as the center-of-mass motion of a rigid body. But
since the torso follows a path that is flatter than we expect, this
attempted interpretation fails, and we experience an illusion that
the person is flying horizontally.
k / Example 1.
Frames of reference
The example above shows that there are two arbitrary choices
you have to make in order to define a position variable, x. You have
to decide where to put x = 0, and also which direction will be posi-
tive. This is referred to as choosing a coordinate system or choosing
a frame of reference. (The two terms are nearly synonymous, but
the first focuses more on the actual x variable, while the second is
more of a general way of referring to ones point of view.) As long as
you are consistent, any frame is equally valid. You just dont want
to change coordinate systems in the middle of a calculation.
Have you ever been sitting in a train in a station when suddenly
you notice that the station is moving backward? Most people would
describe the situation by saying that you just failed to notice that
o / Motion with constant ve- the train was moving it only seemed like the station was moving.
locity. But this shows that there is yet a third arbitrary choice that goes
into choosing a coordinate system: valid frames of reference can
differ from each other by moving relative to one another. It might
seem strange that anyone would bother with a coordinate system
that was moving relative to the earth, but for instance the frame of
reference moving along with a train might be far more convenient
for describing things happening inside the train.
F I have been using the term velocity and avoiding the more common
English word speed, because introductory physics texts typically define
them to mean different things. They use the word speed, and the symbol
s to mean the absolute value of the velocity, s = |v |. Although Ive
chosen not to emphasize this distinction in technical vocabulary, there
are clearly two different concepts here. Can you think of an example of
a graph of x -versus-t in which the object has constant speed, but not
constant velocity?
G For the graph shown in the figure, describe how the objects velocity
Discussion question G.
H Two physicists duck out of a boring scientific conference to go
u / This Air Force doctor volunteered to ride a rocket sled as a w / The earth spins. People
medical experiment. The obvious effects on his head and face are not in Shanghai say theyre at rest
because of the sleds speed but because of its rapid changes in speed: and people in Los Angeles are
increasing in 2 and 3, and decreasing in 5 and 6. In 4 his speed is moving. Angelenos say the same
greatest, but because his speed is not increasing or decreasing very about the Shanghainese.
much at this moment, there is little effect on him.
Motion is relative
According to our modern world-view, it really isnt that reason-
able to expect that a special force should be required to make the
air in the train have a certain velocity relative to our planet. After
all, the moving air in the moving train might just happen to
have zero velocity relative to some other planet we dont even know
x / The jets are at rest. The
about. Aristotle claimed that things naturally wanted to be at
Empire State Building is moving.
rest, lying on the surface of the earth. But experiment after exper-
vBC = vBT + vT C
= 5 cm/s + 10 cm/s
= 15 cm/s
your months positive receipts and negative payments, you either got
a positive number, indicating profit, or a negative number, showing
a loss. You could then show that total with a high-tech + or
sign, instead of looking around for the appropriate bottle of ink.
Nowadays we use positive and negative numbers for all kinds
of things, but in every case the point is that it makes sense to
add and subtract those things according to the rules you learned
in grade school, such as minus a minus makes a plus, why this is
true we need not discuss. Adding velocities has the significance
of comparing relative motion, and with this interpretation negative
and positive velocities can be used within a consistent framework.
For example, the trucks velocity relative to the couch equals the
trucks velocity relative to the ball plus the balls velocity relative
to the couch:
vT C = vT B + vBC
= 5 cm/s + 15 cm/s
= 10 cm/s
Summary 87
about relative velocities. If object A is in motion relative to object
B, and B is in motion relative to C, then As velocity relative to C
is given by vAC = vAB + vBC . Positive and negative signs are used
to indicate the direction of an objects motion.
Problems 89
8 Peanut plants fold up their leaves at night. Estimate the top
speed of the tip of one of the leaves shown in the figure, expressing
your result in scientific notation in SI units.
9 (a) Translate the following information into symbols, using
the notation with two subscripts introduced in section 2.5. Eowyn
is riding on her horse at a velocity of 11 m/s. She twists around in
her saddle and fires an arrow backward. Her bow fires arrows at 25
m/s. (b) Find the speed of the arrow relative to the ground.
10 Our full discussion of two- and three-dimensional motion is
postponed until the second half of the book, but here is a chance to
use a little mathematical creativity in anticipation of that general-
ization. Suppose a ship is sailing east at a certain speed v, and a
passenger is walking across the deck at the same speed v, so that
his track across the deck is perpendicular to the ships center-line.
What is his speed relative to the water, and in what direction is he
moving relative to the water? . Solution, p. 272
11 Freddi Fish(TM) has a position as a function of time given
R by
x = a/(b + t2 ). Find her maximum speed.
12 Driving along in your car, you take your foot off the gas,
and your speedometer shows a reduction in speed. Describe a frame
of reference in which your car was speeding up during that same
period of time. (The frame of reference should be defined by an
observer who, although perhaps in motion relative to the earth, is
not changing her own speed or direction of motion.)
13 The figure shows the motion of a bluefin tuna, as measured
Problem 8.
by a radio tag (Block et al., Nature, v. 434, p. 1121, 2005), over
the course of several years. Until this study, it had been believed
that the populations of the fish in the eastern and western Atlantic
were separate, but this particular fish was observed to cross the
entire Atlantic Ocean, from Virginia to Ireland. Points A, B, and C
show a period of one month, during which the fish made the most
rapid progress. Estimate its speed during that month, in units
kilometers per hour.
Problem 13.
Chapter 3
Acceleration and Free Fall
3.1 The Motion of Falling Objects
The motion of falling objects is the simplest and most common
example of motion with changing velocity. The early pioneers of
physics had a correct intuition that the way things drop was a mes-
sage directly from Nature herself about how the universe worked.
Other examples seem less likely to have deep significance. A walking
person who speeds up is making a conscious choice. If one stretch of
a river flows more rapidly than another, it may be only because the
channel is narrower there, which is just an accident of the local ge-
ography. But there is something impressively consistent, universal,
and inexorable about the way things fall.
Stand up now and simultaneously drop a coin and a bit of paper
side by side. The paper takes much longer to hit the ground. Thats
why Aristotle wrote that heavy objects fell more rapidly. Europeans
believed him for two thousand years.
Now repeat the experiment, but make it into a race between the
coin and your shoe. My own shoe is about 50 times heavier than
the nickel I had handy, but it looks to me like they hit the ground at
exactly the same moment. So much for Aristotle! Galileo, who had
a flair for the theatrical, did the experiment by dropping a bullet
and a heavy cannonball from a tall tower. Aristotles observations
had been incomplete, his interpretation a vast oversimplification.
It is inconceivable that Galileo was the first person to observe a
discrepancy with Aristotles predictions. Galileo was the one who
changed the course of history because he was able to assemble the
observations into a coherent pattern, and also because he carried
out systematic quantitative (numerical) measurements rather than
just describing things qualitatively.
Why is it that some objects, like the coin and the shoe, have sim-
ilar motion, but others, like a feather or a bit of paper, are different?
Galileo speculated that in addition to the force that always pulls ob-
jects down, there was an upward force exerted by the air. Anyone
can speculate, but Galileo went beyond speculation and came up
with two clever experiments to probe the issue. First, he experi-
mented with objects falling in water, which probed the same issues
but made the motion slow enough that he could take time measure-
ments with a primitive pendulum clock. With this technique, he
established the following facts:
How the speed of a falling object increases with time c / The v t graph of a falling
Galileos second stroke of genius was to find a way to make quan- object is a line.
titative measurements of how the speed of a falling object increased
as it went along. Again it was problematic to make sufficiently accu-
rate time measurements with primitive clocks, and again he found a
tricky way to slow things down while preserving the essential physi-
cal phenomena: he let a ball roll down a slope instead of dropping it
vertically. The steeper the incline, the more rapidly the ball would
gain speed. Without a modern video camera, Galileo had invented
a way to make a slow-motion version of falling.
d / Galileos experiments show
that all falling objects have the
same motion if air resistance is
self-check A
An object is rolling down an incline. After it has been rolling for a short
time, it is found to travel 13 cm during a certain one-second interval.
During the second after that, if goes 16 cm. How many cm will it travel
in the second after that? . Answer, p. 269
What is gravity?
The physicist Richard Feynman liked to tell a story about how
when he was a little kid, he asked his father, Why do things fall?
As an adult, he praised his father for answering, Nobody knows why
things fall. Its a deep mystery, and the smartest people in the world
dont know the basic reason for it. Contrast that with the average
persons off-the-cuff answer, Oh, its because of gravity. Feynman
liked his fathers answer, because his father realized that simply
giving a name to something didnt mean that you understood it.
The radical thing about Galileos and Newtons approach to science
was that they concentrated first on describing mathematically what
really did happen, rather than spending a lot of time on untestable
speculation such as Aristotles statement that Things fall because
they are trying to reach their natural place in contact with the
earth. That doesnt mean that science can never answer the why
questions. Over the next month or two as you delve deeper into
physics, you will learn that there are more fundamental reasons why
all falling objects have v t graphs with the same slope, regardless
3.2 Acceleration
Definition of acceleration for linear v t graphs
Galileos experiment with dropping heavy and light objects from
a tower showed that all falling objects have the same motion, and his
inclined-plane experiments showed that the motion was described by
v = at+vo . The initial velocity vo depends on whether you drop the
object from rest or throw it down, but even if you throw it down,
you cannot change the slope, a, of the v t graph.
Since these experiments show that all falling objects have lin-
ear v t graphs with the same slope, the slope of such a graph is
apparently an important and useful quantity. We use the word accel-
eration, and the symbol a, for the slope of such a graph. In symbols,
a = v/t. The acceleration can be interpreted as the amount of
speed gained in every second, and it has units of velocity divided by
time, i.e., meters per second per second, or m/s/s. Continuing to
treat units as if they were algebra symbols, we simplify m/s/s to
read m/s2 . Acceleration can be a useful quantity for describing
other types of motion besides falling, and the word and the symbol
a can be used in a more general context. We reserve the more
specialized symbol g for the acceleration of falling objects, which
on the surface of our planet equals 9.8 m/s2 . Often when doing f / Example 1.
approximate calculations or merely illustrative numerical examples
it is good enough to use g = 10 m/s2 , which is off by only 2%.
Finding final speed, given time example 1
. A despondent physics student jumps off a bridge, and falls for
three seconds before hitting the water. How fast is he going when
he hits the water?
. Approximating g as 10 m/s2 , he will gain 10 m/s of speed each
second. After one second, his velocity is 10 m/s, after two sec-
onds it is 20 m/s, and on impact, after falling for three seconds,
he is moving at 30 m/s.
Extracting acceleration from a graph example 2
. The x t and v t graphs show the motion of a car starting
from a stop sign. What is the cars acceleration?
. Acceleration is defined as the slope of the v-t graph. The graph
rises by 3 m/s during a time interval of 3 s, so the acceleration is
(3 m/s)/(3 s) = 1 m/s2 .
Incorrect solution #1: The final velocity is 3 m/s, and acceleration
is velocity divided by time, so the acceleration is (3 m/s)/(10 s) =
0.3 m/s2 .
g / Example 6.
100 cm 980 cm
s 1
. What is g in units of miles/hour2 ?
3600 s 2
9.8 m 1 mile
= 7.9 104 mile/hour2
s2 1600 m 1 hour
This large number can be interpreted as the speed, in miles per
hour, that you would gain by falling for one hour. Note that we had
to square the conversion factor of 3600 s/hour in order to cancel
out the units of seconds squared in the denominator.
. What is g in units of miles/hour/s?
v (6 m/s) (1 m/s)
a= = = 10 m/s2 .
t (1.5 s) (1.0 s)
Discussion question B.
Discussion Questions
A A child repeatedly jumps up and down on a trampoline. Discuss the
sign and magnitude of his acceleration, including both the time when he is
in the air and the time when his feet are in contact with the trampoline.
B The figure shows a refugee from a Picasso painting blowing on a
rolling water bottle. In some cases the persons blowing is speeding the
bottle up, but in others it is slowing it down. The arrow inside the bottle
shows which direction it is going, and a coordinate system is shown at the
bottom of each figure. In each case, figure out the plus or minus signs of
the velocity and acceleration. It may be helpful to draw a v t graph in
each case.
C Sally is on an amusement park ride which begins with her chair being
hoisted straight up a tower at a constant speed of 60 miles/hour. Despite
stern warnings from her father that hell take her home the next time she
misbehaves, she decides that as a scientific experiment she really needs
to release her corndog over the side as shes on the way up. She does
not throw it. She simply sticks it out of the car, lets it go, and watches it
against the background of the sky, with no trees or buildings as reference
points. What does the corndogs motion look like as observed by Sally?
Does its speed ever appear to her to be zero? What acceleration does
she observe it to have: is it ever positive? negative? zero? What would
her enraged father answer if asked for a similar description of its motion
as it appears to him, standing on the ground?
D Can an object maintain a constant acceleration, but meanwhile Discussion question C.
reverse the direction of its velocity?
E Can an object have a velocity that is positive and increasing at the
same time that its acceleration is decreasing?
p / The area under the v t If the range of v values on your graph does not extend down
graph gives x .
to zero, then you will get the wrong answer unless you com-
pensate by adding in the area that is not shown.
Since the result is a x value, it only tells you xaf ter xbef ore ,
which may be less than the actual distance traveled. For in-
stance, the object could come back to its original position at
the end, which would correspond to x=0, even though it had
actually moved a nonzero distance.
x = vo t + at2 . [motion with
constant acceleration]
r / The shaded area tells us vf2 = 2ax . [motion with constant acceleration, vo = 0]
how far an object moves while
accelerating at a constant rate.
For the more general case where , we skip the tedious algebra leading
to the more general equation,
Space sickness
Well, rich, brave, and possessed of an iron stomach. Travel
agents will probably not emphasize the certainty of constant space-
sickness. For us animals evolved to function in g = 9.8 m/s2 , living
in g = 0 is extremely unpleasant. The early space program focused
obsessively on keeping the astronaut-trainees in perfect physical
shape, but it soon became clear that a body like a Greek demigods
was no defense against that horrible feeling that your stomach was
Simulated gravity
If humans are ever to live and work in space for more than a
year or so, the only solution is probably to build spinning space sta-
tions to provide the illusion of weight, as discussed in section 9.2.
Normal gravity could be simulated, but tourists would probably en-
joy g = 2 m/s2 or 5 m/s2 . Space enthusiasts have proposed entire
orbiting cities built on the rotating cylinder plan. Although science
fiction has focused on human colonization of relatively earthlike bod-
ies such as our moon, Mars, and Jupiters icy moon Europa, there
would probably be no practical way to build large spinning struc-
tures on their surfaces. If the biological effects of their 2 3 m/s2
gravitational accelerations are as harmful as the effect of g = 0, then
we may be left with the surprising result that interplanetary space
is more hospitable to our species than the moons and planets.
Optional Topic: More on Apparent Weightlessness
Astronauts in orbit are not really weightless; they are only a few hundred
miles up, so they are still affected strongly by the Earths gravity. Section
10.3 of this book discusses why they experience apparent weightless-
ness. More on Simulated Gravity For more information on simulating
gravity by spinning a spacecraft, see section 9.2 of this book.
3.8 Applications of Calculus
In the Applications of Calculus section at the end of the previous
chapter, I discussed how the slope-of-the-tangent-line idea related
to the calculus concept of a derivative, and the branch of calculus
Section 3.8 Applications of Calculus 113
Selected Vocabulary
gravity . . . . . . A general term for the phenomenon of attrac-
tion between things having mass. The attrac-
tion between our planet and a human-sized ob-
ject causes the object to fall.
acceleration . . . The rate of change of velocity; the slope of the
tangent line on a v t graph.
a . . . . . . . . . . acceleration
g . . . . . . . . . . the acceleration of objects in free fall; the
strength of the local gravitational field
Galileo showed that when air resistance is negligible all falling
bodies have the same motion regardless of mass. Moreover, their
v t graphs are straight lines. We therefore define a quantity called
acceleration as the slope, v/t, of an objects v t graph. In cases
other than free fall, the v t graph may be curved, in which case the
definition is generalized as the slope of a tangent line on the v t
graph. The acceleration of objects in free fall varies slightly across
the surface of the earth, and greatly on other planets.
Positive and negative signs of acceleration are defined according
to whether the v t graph slopes up or down. This definition has
the advantage that a force in a given direction always produces the
same sign of acceleration.
The area under the v t graph gives x, and analogously the
area under the a t graph gives v.
For motion with constant acceleration, the following three equa-
tions hold:
x = vo t + at2
vf2 = vo2 + 2ax
They are not valid if the acceleration is changing.
Problems 115
5 A ball rolls down the ramp shown in the figure, consisting of a
curved knee, a straight slope, and a curved bottom. For each part of
the ramp, tell whether the balls velocity is increasing, decreasing,
or constant, and also whether the balls acceleration is increasing,
decreasing, or constant. Explain your answers. Assume there is no
air friction or rolling resistance. Hint: Try problem 20 first. [Based
on a problem by Hewitt.]
6 A toy car is released on one side of a piece of track that is bent
into an upright U shape. The car goes back and forth. When the
car reaches the limit of its motion on one side, its velocity is zero.
Is its acceleration also zero? Explain using a v t graph. [Based on
a problem by Serway and Faughn.]
Problem 5.
7 What is the acceleration of a car that moves at a steady
velocity of 100 km/h for 100 seconds? Explain your answer. [Based
on a problem by Hewitt.]
8 A physics homework question asks, If you start from rest and
accelerate at 1.54 m/s2 for 3.29 s, how far do you travel by the end
of that time? A student answers as follows:
1.54 3.29 = 5.07 m
His Aunt Wanda is good with numbers, but has never taken physics.
She doesnt know the formula for the distance traveled under con-
stant acceleration over a given amount of time, but she tells her
nephew his answer cannot be right. How does she know?
9 You are looking into a deep well. It is dark, and you cannot
see the bottom. You want to find out how deep it is, so you drop
a rock in, and you hear a splash 3.0 seconds later. How deep isthe
10 You take a trip in your spaceship to another star. Setting off,
you increase your speed at a constant acceleration. Once you get
half-way there, you start decelerating, at the same rate, so that by
the time you get there, you have slowed down to zero speed. You see
the tourist attractions, and then head home by the same method.
(a) Find a formula for the time, T , required for the round trip, in
terms of d, the distance from our sun to the star, and a, the magni-
tude of the acceleration. Note that the acceleration is not constant
over the whole trip, but the trip can be broken up into constant-
acceleration parts.
(b) The nearest star to the Earth (other than our own sun) is Prox-
ima Centauri, at a distance of d = 4 1016 m. Suppose you use an
acceleration of a = 10 m/s2 , just enough to compensate for the lack
of true gravity and make you feel comfortable. How long does the
round trip take, in years?
(c) Using the same numbers for d and a, find your maximum speed.
Compare this to the speed of light, which is 3.0 108 m/s. (Later
in this course, you will learn that there are some new things going
Problems 117
18 In July 1999, Popular Mechanics carried out tests to find
which car sold by a major auto maker could cover a quarter mile
(402 meters) in the shortest time, starting from rest. Because the
distance is so short, this type of test is designed mainly to favor the
car with the greatest acceleration, not the greatest maximum speed
(which is irrelevant to the average person). The winner was the
Dodge Viper, with a time of 12.08 s. The cars top (and presumably
final) speed was 118.51 miles per hour (52.98 m/s). (a) If a car,
starting from rest and moving with constant acceleration, covers
a quarter mile in this time interval, what is its acceleration? (b)
What would be the final speed of a car that covered a quarter mile
with the constant acceleration you found in part a? (c) Based on
the discrepancy between your answer in part b and the actual final
speed of the Viper, what do you conclude about how its acceleration
changed over time? . Solution, p. 273
19 The graph represents the motion of a rolling ball that bounces
off of a wall. When does the ball return to the location it had at
t = 0? . Solution, p. 273
20 (a) The ball is released at the top of the ramp shown in the
figure. Friction is negligible. Use physical reasoning to draw v t
and a t graphs. Assume that the ball doesnt bounce at the point
Problem 19. where the ramp changes slope. (b) Do the same for the case where
the ball is rolled up the slope from the right side, but doesnt quite
have enough speed to make it over the top. . Solution, p. 273
21 You throw a rubber ball up, and it falls and bounces sev-
eral times. Draw graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration as
functions of time. . Solution, p. 274
22 Starting from rest, a ball rolls down a ramp, traveling a
distance L and picking up a final speed v. How much of the distance
Problem 20. did the ball have to cover before achieving a speed of v/2? [Based
on a problem by Arnold Arons.] . Solution, p. 275
23 The graph shows the acceleration of a chipmunk in a TV
cartoon. It consists of two circular arcs and two line segments.
At t = 0.00 s, the chipmunks velocity is 3.10 m/s. What is its
velocity at t = 10.00 s?
24 Find the error in the following calculation. A student wants
to find the distance traveled by a car that accelerates from rest for
5.0 s with an acceleration of 2.0 m/s2 . First he solves a = v/t for
Problem 23. v = 10 m/s. Then he multiplies to find (10 m/s)(5.0 s) = 50 m.
Do not just recalculate the result by a different method; if that was
all you did, youd have no way of knowing which calculation was
correct, yours or his.
Problems 119
29 Some fleas can jump as high as 30 cm. The flea only has a
short time to build up speed the time during which its center of
mass is accelerating upward but its feet are still in contact with the
ground. Make an order-of-magnitude estimate of the acceleration
the flea needs to have while straightening its legs, and state your
answer in units of g, i.e., how many gs it pulls. (For comparison,
fighter pilots black out or die if they exceed about 5 or 10 gs.)
30 Consider the following passage from Alice in Wonderland, in
which Alice has been falling for a long time down a rabbit hole:
Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end? I
wonder how many miles Ive fallen by this time? she said aloud.
I must be getting somewhere near the center of the earth. Let me
see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think (for, you see,
Alice had learned several things of this sort in her lessons in the
schoolroom, and though this was not a very good opportunity for
showing off her knowledge, as there was no one to listen to her, still
it was good practice to say it over)...
Alice doesnt know much physics, but lets try to calculate the
amount of time it would take to fall four thousand miles, starting
from rest with an acceleration of 10 m/s2 . This is really only a lower
limit; if there really was a hole that deep, the fall would actually
take a longer time than the one you calculate, both because there
is air friction and because gravity gets weaker as you get deeper (at
the center of the earth, g is zero, because the earth is pulling you
equally in every direction at once).
Chapter 4
Force and Motion
If I have seen farther than others, it is because I have stood
on the shoulders of giants.
Newton, referring to Galileo
Even as great and skeptical a genius as Galileo was unable to
make much progress on the causes of motion. It was not until a gen-
eration later that Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was able to attack the
problem successfully. In many ways, Newtons personality was the
opposite of Galileos. Where Galileo agressively publicized his ideas,
Newton had to be coaxed by his friends into publishing a book on
his physical discoveries. Where Galileos writing had been popular
and dramatic, Newton originated the stilted, impersonal style that
most people think is standard for scientific writing. (Scientific jour-
nals today encourage a less ponderous style, and papers are often
written in the first person.) Galileos talent for arousing animos-
ity among the rich and powerful was matched by Newtons skill at
making himself a popular visitor at court. Galileo narrowly escaped
being burned at the stake, while Newton had the good fortune of be-
ing on the winning side of the revolution that replaced King James
II with William and Mary of Orange, leading to a lucrative post
running the English royal mint.
Newton discovered the relationship between force and motion,
and revolutionized our view of the universe by showing that the
same physical laws applied to all matter, whether living or nonliv-
ing, on or off of our planets surface. His book on force and motion,
the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, was un-
contradicted by experiment for 200 years, but his other main work,
Optics, was on the wrong track, asserting that light was composed
of particles rather than waves. Newton was also an avid alchemist,
a fact that modern scientists would like to forget.
4.1 Force
We need only explain changes in motion, not motion itself.
So far youve studied the measurement of motion in some detail,
but not the reasons why a certain object would move in a certain
way. This chapter deals with the why questions. Aristotles ideas
about the causes of motion were completely wrong, just like all his
other ideas about physical science, but it will be instructive to start
with them, because they amount to a road map of modern students
a / Aristotle said motion had
to be caused by a force. To incorrect preconceptions.
explain why an arrow kept flying Aristotle thought he needed to explain both why motion occurs
after the bowstring was no longer and why motion might change. Newton inherited from Galileo the
pushing on it, he said the air
important counter-Aristotelian idea that motion needs no explana-
rushed around behind the arrow
and pushed it forward. We know tion, that it is only changes in motion that require a physical cause.
this is wrong, because an arrow Aristotles needlessly complex system gave three reasons for motion:
shot in a vacuum chamber does
Natural motion, such as falling, came from the tendency of
not instantly drop to the floor
as it leaves the bow. Galileo
objects to go to their natural place, on the ground, and
and Newton realized that a force come to rest.
would only be needed to change Voluntary motion was the type of motion exhibited by ani-
the arrows motion, not to make
mals, which moved because they chose to.
its motion continue.
Forced motion occurred when an object was acted on by some
other object that made it move.
In physics, an objects weight, FW , is defined as the earths
gravitational force on it. The SI unit of weight is therefore the
a = Ftotal /m ,
m is an objects mass
Ftotal is the sum of the forces acting on it, and
a is the acceleration of the objects center of mass.
Ftotal = mv /t
= (2000 kg)(25 m/s 0 m/s)/(34 s)
= 1.5 kN .
A generalization
As with the first law, the second law can be easily generalized
to include a much larger class of interesting situations:
Suppose an object is being acted on by two sets of forces,
one set lying along the objects initial direction of motion and
another set acting along a perpendicular line. If the forces
perpendicular to the initial direction of motion cancel out,
e / A simple double-pan bal-
ance works by comparing the then the object accelerates along its original line of motion
weight forces exerted by the according to a = Ftotal /m.
earth on the contents of the two
pans. Since the two pans are The relationship between mass and weight
at almost the same location on Mass is different from weight, but theyre related. An apples
the earths surface, the value mass tells us how hard it is to change its motion. Its weight measures
of g is essentially the same for the strength of the gravitational attraction between the apple and
each one, and equality of weight
the planet earth. The apples weight is less on the moon, but its
therefore also implies equality of
mass. mass is the same. Astronauts assembling the International Space
Station in zero gravity cannot just pitch massive modules back and
forth with their bare hands; the modules are weightless, but not
We have already seen the experimental evidence that when weight
(the force of the earths gravity) is the only force acting on an ob-
ject, its acceleration equals the constant g, and g depends on where
you are on the surface of the earth, but not on the mass of the ob-
ject. Applying Newtons second law then allows us to calculate the
magnitude of the gravitational force on any object in terms of its
|FW | = mg .
(The equation only gives the magnitude, i.e. the absolute value, of
FW , because were defining g as a positive number, so it equals the
absolute value of a falling objects acceleration.)
FW = mg
= (1.0 kg)(9.8 m/s2 ) = 9.8 N ,
FW = mg
= (2.0 kg)(9.8 m/s2 ) = 19.6 N .
Fair + FW = 0 , i.e.,
cAv 2 mg = 0 .
self-check A
It is important to get into the habit of interpreting equations. This may be
difficult at first, but eventually you will get used to this kind of reasoning.
(1) Interpret the equation vter minal = mg /c A in the case of =0.
The reason why Newtons laws fail in the trucks frame of refer-
ence is not because the truck is moving but because it is accelerating.
(Recall that physicists use the word to refer either to speeding up or
slowing down.) Newtons laws were working just fine in the moving
trucks frame of reference as long as the truck was moving at con-
stant velocity. It was only when its speed changed that there was
a problem. How, then, are we to tell which frames are accelerating
and which are not? What if you claim that your truck is not ac-
celerating, and the sidewalk, the asphalt, and the Burger King are
accelerating? The way to settle such a dispute is to examine the
motion of some object, such as the bowling ball, which we know
has zero total force on it. Any frame of reference in which the ball
appears to obey Newtons first law is then a valid frame of reference,
and to an observer in that frame, Mr. Newton assures us that all
the other objects in the universe will obey his laws of motion, not
just the ball.
Valid frames of reference, in which Newtons laws are obeyed,
are called inertial frames of reference. Frames of reference that are
not inertial are called noninertial frames. In those frames, objects
violate the principle of inertia and Newtons first law. While the
truck was moving at constant velocity, both it and the sidewalk
were valid inertial frames. The truck became an invalid frame of
reference when it began changing its velocity.
You usually assume the ground under your feet is a perfectly
inertial frame of reference, and we made that assumption above. It
isnt perfectly inertial, however. Its motion through space is quite
Problems 143
6 A blimp is initially at rest, hovering, when at t = 0 the pilot
turns on the motor of the propeller. The motor cannot instantly
get the propeller going, but the propeller speeds up steadily. The
steadily increasing force between the air and the propeller is given
by the equation F = kt, where k is a constant. If the mass of the
blimp is m, find its position as a function of time. (Assume that
Problem 6. during the period of time youre dealing with, the blimp is not yet
moving fast enough to cause a significant backward force due to R air
7 A car is accelerating forward along a straight road. If the force
of the road on the cars wheels, pushing it forward, is a constant 3.0
kN, and the cars mass is 1000 kg, then how long will the car take
to go from 20 m/s to 50 m/s? . Solution, p. 275
8 Some garden shears are like a pair of scissors: one sharp blade
slices past another. In the anvil type, however, a sharp blade
presses against a flat one rather than going past it. A gardening
book says that for people who are not very physically strong, the
anvil type can make it easier to cut tough branches, because it
concentrates the force on one side. Evaluate this claim based on
Newtons laws. [Hint: Consider the forces acting on the branch,
and the motion of the branch.]
9 A uranium atom deep in the earth spits out an alpha particle.
An alpha particle is a fragment of an atom. This alpha particle has
initial speed v, and travels a distance d before stopping in the earth.
(a) Find the force, F , that acted on the particle, in terms of v, d,
and its mass, m. Dont plug in any numbers yet. Assume that the
force was constant.
(b) Show that your answer has the right units.
(c) Discuss how your answer to part a depends on all three variables,
and show that it makes sense. That is, for each variable, discuss
what would happen to the result if you changed it while keeping the
other two variables constant. Would a bigger value give a smaller
result, or a bigger result? Once youve figured out this mathematical
relationship, show that it makes sense physically.
(d) Evaluate your result for m = 6.7 1027 kg, v = 2.0 104 km/s,
and d = 0.71 mm.
12 When I cook rice, some of the dry grains always stick to the
measuring cup. To get them out, I turn the measuring cup upside-
down, and hit the back of the cup with my hand. Explain why this
works, and why its success depends on hitting the cup hard enough.
Problems 145
146 Chapter 4 Force and Motion
What forces act on the girl?
Chapter 5
Analysis of Forces
5.1 Newtons Third Law
Newton created the modern concept of force starting from his insight
that all the effects that govern motion are interactions between two
objects: unlike the Aristotelian theory, Newtonian physics has no
phenomena in which an object changes its own motion.
Is one object always the order-giver and the other the order-
follower? As an example, consider a batter hitting a baseball. The
bat definitely exerts a large force on the ball, because the ball ac-
celerates drastically. But if you have ever hit a baseball, you also
know that the ball makes a force on the bat often with painful
results if your technique is as bad as mine!
How does the balls force on the bat compare with the bats
force on the ball? The bats acceleration is not as spectacular as
the balls, but maybe we shouldnt expect it to be, since the bats
mass is much greater. In fact, careful measurements of both objects
a / Two magnets exert forces masses and accelerations would show that mball aball is very nearly
on each other. equal to mbat abat , which suggests that the balls force on the bat
is of the same magnitude as the bats force on the ball, but in the
opposite direction.
Figures a and b show two somewhat more practical laboratory
experiments for investigating this issue accurately and without too
b / Two peoples hands exert
much interference from extraneous forces.
forces on each other.
In experiment a, a large magnet and a small magnet are weighed
separately, and then one magnet is hung from the pan of the top
balance so that it is directly above the other magnet. There is an
attraction between the two magnets, causing the reading on the top
scale to increase and the reading on the bottom scale to decrease.
The large magnet is more powerful in the sense that it can pick
up a heavier paperclip from the same distance, so many people have
a strong expectation that one scales reading will change by a far
different amount than the other. Instead, we find that the two
changes are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction: the force
of the bottom magnet pulling down on the top one has the same
strength as the force of the top one pulling up on the bottom one.
In experiment b, two people pull on two spring scales. Regardless
of who tries to pull harder, the two forces as measured on the spring
scales are equal. Interposing the two spring scales is necessary in
order to measure the forces, but the outcome is not some artificial
result of the scales interactions with each other. If one person slaps
another hard on the hand, the slappers hand hurts just as much
as the slappees, and it doesnt matter if the recipient of the slap
c / Rockets work by pushing
exhaust gases out the back.
tries to be inactive. (Punching someone in the mouth causes just
Newtons third law says that if the as much force on the fist as on the lips. Its just that the lips are
rocket exerts a backward force more delicate. The forces are equal, but not the levels of pain and
on the gases, the gases must injury.)
make an equal forward force on
the rocket. Rocket engines can
Newton, after observing a series of results such as these, decided
function above the atmosphere, that there must be a fundamental law of nature at work:
unlike propellers and jets, which
work by pushing against the
surrounding air. Newtons third law
Forces occur in equal and opposite pairs: whenever object A exerts
a force on object B, object B must also be exerting a force on object
A. The two forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
Repulsive forces are those that tend to push the two partic-
ipating objects away from each other. More specifically, a
repulsive contact force acts perpendicular to the surfaces at
which the two objects touch, and a repulsive noncontact force
acts along the line between the two objects.
Attractive forces pull the two objects toward one another, i.e.,
they act along the same line as repulsive forces, but in the
opposite direction.
Normal forces
A normal force, FN , is a force that keeps one solid object from
passing through another. Normal is simply a fancy word for per-
pendicular, meaning that the force is perpendicular to the surface
of contact. Intuitively, it seems the normal force magically adjusts
itself to provide whatever force is needed to keep the objects from
occupying the same space. If your muscles press your hands together
gently, there is a gentle normal force. Press harder, and the normal
force gets stronger. How does the normal force know how strong to
be? The answer is that the harder you jam your hands together,
the more compressed your flesh becomes. Your flesh is acting like
a spring: more force is required to compress it more. The same is
true when you push on a wall. The wall flexes imperceptibly in pro-
portion to your force on it. If you exerted enough force, would it be
possible for two objects to pass through each other? No, typically
the result is simply to strain the objects so much that one of them
Gravitational forces
As well discuss in more detail later in the course, a gravitational
force exists between any two things that have mass. In everyday life,
the gravitational force between two cars or two people is negligible,
so the only noticeable gravitational forces are the ones between the
earth and various human-scale objects. We refer to these planet-
earth-induced gravitational forces as weight forces, and as we have
already seen, their magnitude is given by |FW | = mg.
k / Kinetic friction: the car 3. Does static friction create heat? Kinetic friction? . Answer, p. 269
skids. The maximum possible force of static friction depends on what
self-check C
Can a frictionless surface exert a normal force? Can a frictional force
exist without a normal force? . Answer, p. 269
If you try to accelerate or decelerate your car too quickly, the
forces between your wheels and the road become too great, and they
Locomotives example 3
Looking at a picture of a locomotive, n, we notice two obvious
things that are different from an automobile. Where a car typi-
cally has two drive wheels, a locomotive normally has many
ten in this example. (Some also have smaller, unpowered wheels
in front of and behind the drive wheels, but this example doesnt.)
Also, cars these days are generally built to be as light as possi-
ble for their size, whereas locomotives are very massive, and no
effort seems to be made to keep their weight low. (The steam
locomotive in the photo is from about 1900, but this is true even
n / Example 3.
Fluid friction
Try to drive a nail into a waterfall and you will be confronted
with the main difference between solid friction and fluid friction.
Fluid friction is purely kinetic; there is no static fluid friction. The
nail in the waterfall may tend to get dragged along by the water
flowing past it, but it does not stick in the water. The same is true
for gases such as air: recall that we are using the word fluid to
include both gases and liquids.
Often you may be unsure whether you have forgotten one of the
forces. Here are three strategies for checking your list:
See what physical result would come from the forces youve
found so far. Suppose, for instance, that youd forgotten the
floating force on the barge in the example above. Looking
at the forces youd found, you would have found that there
was a downward gravitational force on the barge which was
not canceled by any upward force. The barge isnt supposed
to sink, so you know you need to find a fourth, upward force.
Another technique for finding missing forces is simply to go
through the list of all the common types of forces and see if
any of them apply.
Make a drawing of the object, and draw a dashed boundary
line around it that separates it from its environment. Look for
points on the boundary where other objects come in contact
with your object. This strategy guarantees that youll find
every contact force that acts on the object, although it wont
help you to find non-contact forces.
The following is another example in which we can profit by check-
ing against our physical intuition for what should be happening.
FyL = FLy ,
and that the dogs force on the leash is equal and opposite to its
force on the dog
FdL = FLd .
Still, we have a strong intuitive expectation that whatever force we
make on our end of the leash is transmitted to the dog, and vice-
versa. We can analyze the situation by concentrating on the forces
that act on the leash, FdL and FyL . According to Newtons second
law, these relate to the leashs mass and acceleration:
FdL + FyL = mL aL .
The leash is far less massive then any of the other objects involved,
and if mL is very small, then apparently the total force on the leash
is also very small, FdL + FyL 0, and therefore
FdL FyL .
Thus even though Newtons third law does not apply directly to
these two forces, we can approximate the low-mass leash as if it was
not intervening between you and the dog. Its at least approximately
as if you and the dog were acting directly on each other, in which
case Newtons third law would have applied.
In general, low-mass objects can be treated approximately as if
they simply transmitted forces from one object to another. This can
be true for strings, ropes, and cords, and also for rigid objects such
as rods and sticks.
r / Example 6.
A pulley example 6
. Farmer Bill says this pulley arrangement doubles the force of
his tractor. Is he just a dumb hayseed, or does he know what hes
|Fk | = k |FN | .
Summary 169
R A computerized answer check is available online.
A problem that requires calculus.
? A difficult problem.
1 A little old lady and a pro football player collide head-on.
Compare their forces on each other, and compare their accelerations.
2 The earth is attracted to an object with a force equal and
opposite to the force of the earth on the object. If this is true,
why is it that when you drop an object, the earth does not have an
acceleration equal and opposite to that of the object?
3 When you stand still, there are two forces acting on you,
the force of gravity (your weight) and the normal force of the floor
pushing up on your feet. Are these forces equal and opposite? Does
Newtons third law relate them to each other? Explain.
In problems 4-8, analyze the forces using a table in the format shown
in section 5.3. Analyze the forces in which the italicized object par-
4 A magnet is stuck underneath a parked car. (See instructions
5 Analyze two examples of objects at rest relative to the earth
that are being kept from falling by forces other than the normal
Problem 6. force. Do not use objects in outer space, and do not duplicate
problem 4 or 8. (See instructions above.)
6 A person is rowing a boat, with her feet braced. She is doing
the part of the stroke that propels the boat, with the ends of the
oars in the water (not the part where the oars are out of the water).
(See instructions above.)
7 A farmer is in a stall with a cow when the cow decides to press
him against the wall, pinning him with his feet off the ground. An-
alyze the forces in which the farmer participates. (See instructions
8 A propeller plane is cruising east at constant speed and alti-
tude. (See instructions above.)
9 Todays tallest buildings are really not that much taller than
the tallest buildings of the 1940s. One big problem with making an
even taller skyscraper is that every elevator needs its own shaft run-
ning the whole height of the building. So many elevators are needed
to serve the buildings thousands of occupants that the elevator
shafts start taking up too much of the space within the building.
Problem 9. An alternative is to have elevators that can move both horizontally
and vertically: with such a design, many elevator cars can share a
Problems 171
(c) Assume now that water friction on the two vessels hulls is neg-
ligible. If the force acting on the tugs propeller is F , what is the
tension, T , in the cable connecting the two ships? [Hint: Write
down two equations, one for Newtons second law applied to each
object. Solve these for the two unknowns T and a.]
(d) Interpret your answer in the special cases of M = 0 and M = .
Problem 14. 16 (a) Using the solution of problem 14, which is given in the
back of the book, predict how the spring constant of a fiber will
depend on its length and cross-sectional area.
(b) The constant of proportionality is called the Youngs modulus,
E, and typical values of the Youngs modulus are about 1010 to
1011 . What units would the Youngs modulus have in the SI (meter-
kilogram-second) system? . Solution, p. 276
17 This problem depends on the results of problems 14 and
16, whose solutions are in the back of the book When atoms form
chemical bonds, it makes sense to talk about the spring constant of
the bond as a measure of how stiff it is. Of course, there arent
really little springs this is just a mechanical model. The purpose
of this problem is to estimate the spring constant, k, for a single
bond in a typical piece of solid matter. Suppose we have a fiber,
like a hair or a piece of fishing line, and imagine for simplicity that
it is made of atoms of a single element stacked in a cubical manner,
Problem 17.
as shown in the figure, with a center-to-center spacing b. A typical
value for b would be about 1010 m.
(a) Find an equation for k in terms of b, and in terms of the Youngs
modulus, E, defined in problem 16 and its solution.
Problems 173
Newtons third law says that their forces on each other are also
equal. But a = F/m, so how can this be, since their masses are
unequal? (Note that the paradox isnt resolved by considering the
force of the batters hands on the bat. Not only is this force very
small compared to the ball-bat force, but the batter could have just
thrown the bat at the ball.)
25 This problem has been deleted.
26 (a) Compare the mass of a one-liter water bottle on earth,
on the moon, and in interstellar space. . Solution, p. 276
(b) Do the same for its weight.
27 An ice skater builds up some speed, and then coasts across
the ice passively in a straight line. (a) Analyze the forces. (b) If
his initial speed is v, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is k ,
find the maximum theoretical distance he can glide before coming
to a stop. Ignore air resistance. (c) Show that your answer to
part b has the right units. (d) Show that your answer to part b
depends on the variables in a way that makes sense physically. (d)
Evaluate your answer numerically for k = 0.0046, and a world-
record speed of 14.58 m/s. (The coefficient of friction was measured
by De Koning et al., using special skates worn by real speed skaters.)
(e) Comment on whether your answer in part d seems realistic. If
it doesnt, suggest possible reasons why.
Motion in Three
Chapter 6
Newtons Laws in Three
6.1 Forces Have No Perpendicular Effects
Suppose you could shoot a rifle and arrange for a second bullet to
be dropped from the same height at the exact moment when the
first left the barrel. Which would hit the ground first? Nearly
everyone expects that the dropped bullet will reach the dirt first,
and Aristotle would have agreed. Aristotle would have described it
like this. The shot bullet receives some forced motion from the gun.
It travels forward for a split second, slowing down rapidly because
there is no longer any force to make it continue in motion. Once
it is done with its forced motion, it changes to natural motion, i.e.
falling straight down. While the shot bullet is slowing down, the
dropped bullet gets on with the business of falling, so according to
Aristotle it will hit the ground first.
a / A bullet is shot from a gun, and another bullet is simultaneously dropped from the same height. 1.
Aristotelian physics says that the horizontal motion of the shot bullet delays the onset of falling, so the dropped
bullet hits the ground first. 2. Newtonian physics says the two bullets have the same vertical motion, regardless
of their different horizontal motions.
B You have thrown a rock, and it is flying through the air in an arc. If
the earths gravitational force on it is always straight down, why doesnt it
just go straight down once it leaves your hand?
C Consider the example of the bullet that is dropped at the same
moment another bullet is fired from a gun. What would the motion of the
two bullets look like to a jet pilot flying alongside in the same direction as
the shot bullet and at the same horizontal speed?
y = ay t 2 ,
d / Example 1.
h = (g)t 2 .
Since the vertical force had no effect on the cars horizontal mo-
tion, it had ax = 0, i.e., constant horizontal velocity. We can apply
the constant-velocity equation
vx = ,
vx = .
which simplifies to
vx = w .
Plugging in numbers, we find that the cars speed when it went
over the edge was 4 m/s, or about 10 mi/hr.
ax = Fx,total /m ,
ay = Fy,total /m , and
az = Fz,total /m .
FA on B,x = FB on A,x ,
FA on B,y = FB on A,y , and
FA on B,z = FB on A,z .
Fx,total = F1,x +
Fy,total =
>+ F
y 2,y
Discussion Question
A The figure shows two trajectories, made by splicing together lines
and circular arcs, which are unphysical for an object that is only being
acted on by gravity. Prove that they are impossible based on Newtons
ax = Fx,total /m ,
ay = Fy,total /m ,
az = Fz,total /m ,
Summary 185
R A computerized answer check is available online.
A problem that requires calculus.
? A difficult problem.
1 (a) A ball is thrown straight up with velocity v. Find an
equation for the height to which it rises.
(b) Generalize your equation for a ball thrown at an angle above
horizontal, in which case its initial velocity components are vx =
v cos and vy = v sin .
2 At the Salinas Lettuce Festival Parade, Miss Lettuce of 1996
drops her bouquet while riding on a float moving toward the right.
Compare the shape of its trajectory as seen by her to the shape seen
by one of her admirers standing on the sidewalk.
3 Two daredevils, Wendy and Bill, go over Niagara Falls. Wendy
sits in an inner tube, and lets the 30 km/hr velocity of the river throw
her out horizontally over the falls. Bill paddles a kayak, adding an
extra 10 km/hr to his velocity. They go over the edge of the falls
at the same moment, side by side. Ignore air friction. Explain your
(a) Who hits the bottom first?
(b) What is the horizontal component of Wendys velocity on im-
(c) What is the horizontal component of Bills velocity on impact?
(d) Who is going faster on impact?
4 A baseball pitcher throws a pitch clocked at vx = 73.3 mi/h.
He throws horizontally. By what amount, d, does the ball drop by
the time it reaches home plate, L = 60.0 ft away?
(a) First find a symbolic answer in terms of L, vx , and g.
(b) Plug in and find a numerical answer. Express your answer
units of ft. [Note: 1 ft=12 in, 1 mi=5280 ft, and 1 in=2.54 cm]
Problem 4.
7 Two cars go over the same bump in the road, Marias Maserati
at 25 miles per hour and Parks Porsche at 37. How many times
greater is the vertical acceleration of the Porsche? Hint: Remember
that acceleration depends both on how much the velocity changes
and on how much time it takes to change.
Problems 187
188 Chapter 6 Newtons Laws in Three Dimensions
a / Vectors are used in aerial nav-
Chapter 7
7.1 Vector Notation
The idea of components freed us from the confines of one-dimensional
physics, but the component notation can be unwieldy, since every
one-dimensional equation has to be written as a set of three separate
equations in the three-dimensional case. Newton was stuck with the
component notation until the day he died, but eventually someone
sufficiently lazy and clever figured out a way of abbreviating three
equations as one.
FA on B,x = FB on A,x
(a) F A on B = F B on A stands for FA on B,y = FB on A,y
FA on B,z = FB on A,z
Ftotal,x = F1,x + F2,x + . . .
(b) F total = F 1 + F 2 + . . . stands for Ftotal,y = F1,y + F2,y + . . .
Ftotal,z = F1,z + F2,z + . . .
ax = vx /t
(c) a = t stands for ay = vy /t
az = vz /t
Example (a) shows both ways of writing Newtons third law. Which
would you rather write?
The idea is that each of the algebra symbols with an arrow writ-
ten on top, called a vector, is actually an abbreviation for three
different numbers, the x, y, and z components. The three compo-
nents are referred to as the components of the vector, e.g., Fx is the
x component of the vector F . The notation with an arrow on top
is good for handwritten equations, but is unattractive in a printed
book, so books use boldface, F, to represent vectors. After this
point, Ill use boldface for vectors throughout this book.
In general, the vector notation is useful for any quantity that
has both an amount and a direction in space. Even when you are
not going to write any actual vector notation, the concept itself is a
useful one. We say that force and velocity, for example, are vectors.
A quantity that has no direction in space, such as mass or time,
is called a scalar. The amount of a vector quantity is called its
magnitude. The notation for the magnitude of a vector A is |A|,
like the absolute value sign used with scalars.
Often, as in example (b), we wish to use the vector notation to
represent adding up all the x components to get a total x component,
etc. The plus sign is used between two vectors to indicate this type
of component-by-component addition. Of course, vectors are really
triplets of numbers, not numbers, so this is not the same as the use
of the plus sign with individual numbers. But since we dont want to
have to invent new words and symbols for this operation on vectors,
we use the same old plus sign, and the same old addition-related
words like add, sum, and total. Combining vectors this way
is called vector addition.
Similarly, the minus sign in example (a) was used to indicate
negating each of the vectors three components individually. The
equals sign is used to mean that all three components of the vector
on the left side of an equation are the same as the corresponding
components on the right.
Example (c) shows how we abuse the division symbol in a similar
manner. When we write the vector v divided by the scalar t,
we mean the new vector formed by dividing each one of the velocity
components by t.
Its not hard to imagine a variety of operations that would com-
bine vectors with vectors or vectors with scalars, but only four of
them are required in order to express Newtons laws:
operation definition
vector + vector Add component by component to
make a new set of three numbers.
vector vector Subtract component by component
to make a new set of three numbers.
vector scalar Multiply each component of the vec-
tor by the scalar.
vector/scalar Divide each component of the vector
by the scalar.
h / Example 6.
self-check C
How would you subtract vectors graphically? . Answer, p. 270
r = (290 km)
x + (230 km)
y ,
Rx = Px Qx
Ry = Py Qy
Rz = Pz Qz
Rx = 0
Ry = 0
Rz = 0
Rx = 1/2
Ry = 1/2
Rz = 0
i / Component-by-component
multiplication of the vectors in 1
would produce different vectors
in coordinate systems 2 and 3.
C x = Ax + B
C y = Ay + B
C y = Ay + B
Problems 199
200 Chapter 7 Vectors
Chapter 8
Vectors and Motion
In 1872, capitalist and former California governor Leland Stanford
asked photographer Eadweard Muybridge if he would work for him
on a project to settle a $25,000 bet (a princely sum at that time).
Stanfords friends were convinced that a galloping horse always had
at least one foot on the ground, but Stanford claimed that there was
a moment during each cycle of the motion when all four feet were
in the air. The human eye was simply not fast enough to settle the
question. In 1878, Muybridge finally succeeded in producing what
amounted to a motion picture of the horse, showing conclusively
that all four feet did leave the ground at one point. (Muybridge was
a colorful figure in San Francisco history, and his acquittal for the
murder of his wifes lover was considered the trial of the century in
The losers of the bet had probably been influenced by Aris-
totelian reasoning, for instance the expectation that a leaping horse
would lose horizontal velocity while in the air with no force to push
it forward, so that it would be more efficient for the horse to run
without leaping. But even for students who have converted whole-
heartedly to Newtonianism, the relationship between force and ac-
celeration leads to some conceptual difficulties, the main one being
a problem with the true but seemingly absurd statement that an
object can have an acceleration vector whose direction is not the
same as the direction of motion. The horse, for instance, has nearly
constant horizontal velocity, so its ax is zero. But as anyone can tell
you who has ridden a galloping horse, the horse accelerates up and
down. The horses acceleration vector therefore changes back and
forth between the up and down directions, but is never in the same
direction as the horses motion. In this chapter, we will examine
more carefully the properties of the velocity, acceleration, and force
vectors. No new principles are introduced, but an attempt is made
to tie things together and show examples of the power of the vector
formulation of Newtons laws.
|vW L |
= sin1 .
d / Example 2.
Rappelling example 2
In figure d, the rappellers velocity has long periods of gradual
change interspersed with short periods of rapid change. These
correspond to periods of small acceleration and force, and peri-
ods of large acceleration and force.
8.4 Calculus With Vectors
j / Discussion question B. Using the unit vector notation introduced in section 7.4, the defini-
tions of the velocity and acceleration components given in chapter
6 can be translated into calculus notation as
dx dy dz
v= +
x +
dt dt dt
dvx dvy dvz
a= +
x +
z .
dt dt dt
To make the notation less cumbersome, we generalize the concept
of the derivative to include derivatives of vectors, so that we can
abbreviate the above equations as
a= .
In words, to take the derivative of a vector, you take the derivatives
of its components and make a new vector out of those. This defini-
tion means that the derivative of a vector function has the familiar
d(cf ) d(f )
=c [c is a constant]
dt dt
d(f + g) d(f ) d(g)
= + .
dt dt dt
The integral of a vector is likewise defined as integrating component
by component.
r1 = 3t 2 x + t y
r2 = 3t 4 x + t y .
v1 = 6t x + y
v2 = 12t 3 x + y ,
a1 = 6x
a2 = 36t 2 x .
The first objects acceleration could have been found without cal-
culus, simply by comparing the x and y coordinates with the
constant-acceleration equation x = vo t + 21 at 2 . The second
equation, however, isnt just a second-order polynomial in t, so
the acceleration isnt constant, and we really did need calculus to
find the corresponding acceleration.
The integral of a vector example 7
. Starting from rest, a flying saucer of mass m is observed to
vary its propulsion with mathematical precision according to the
F = bt 42 x + ct 137 y .
(The aliens inform us that the numbers 42 and 137 have a special
religious significance for them.) Find the saucers velocity as a
function of time.
. From the given force, we can easily find the acceleration
b c
= t 42 x + t 137 y .
m m
The velocity vector v is the integral with respect to time of the
v = a dt
b 42 c 137
= t x + t y dt ,
m m
Section 8.4 Calculus With Vectors 209
and integrating component by component gives
b 42 c 137
= t dt x + t dt y
m m
b 43 c
= t x + t 138 y ,
43m 138m
where we have omitted the constants of integration, since the
saucer was starting from rest.
A fire-extinguisher stunt on ice example 8
. Prof. Puerile smuggles a fire extinguisher into a skating rink.
Climbing out onto the ice without any skates on, he sits down and
pushes off from the wall with his feet, acquiring an initial velocity
vo y . At t = 0, he then discharges the fire extinguisher at a 45-
degree angle so that it applies a force to him that is backward
and to the left, i.e., along the negative y axis and the positive x
axis. The fire extinguishers force is strong at first, but then dies
down according to the equation |F| = b ct, where b and c are
constants. Find the professors velocity as a function of time.
. Measured counterclockwise from the x axis, the angle of the
force vector becomes 315 . Breaking the force down into x and
y components, we have
F = (b ct)x + (b + ct)y .
a = F/m
b ct b + ct
= x + y .
2m 2m
To find the velocity vector as a function of time, we need to inte-
grate the acceleration vector with respect to time,
v = a dt
b ct b + ct
= x + y dt
2m 2m
= (b ct) x + (b + ct) y dt
x y
v= (b ct) dt + (b + ct) dt
2m 2m
! !
bt 12 ct 2 bt + 21 ct 2
= + constant #1 x + + constant #2 y
2m 2m
Section 8.4 Calculus With Vectors 211
The velocity vector points in the direction of the objects motion.
Relative motion can be described by vector addition of velocities.
The acceleration vector need not point in the same direction as
the objects motion. We use the word acceleration to describe any
change in an objects velocity vector, which can be either a change
in its magnitude or a change in its direction.
An important application of the vector addition of forces is the
use of Newtons first law to analyze mechanical systems.
Problem 1.
Problem 4.
Problems 213
(a) If the tightrope walker wants the rope to sag vertically by no
more than a height h, find the minimum tension, T , that the rope
must be able to withstand without breaking, in terms of h, g, M,
and L.
(b) Based on your equation, explain why it is not possible to get
h = 0, and give a physical interpretation.
5 Your hand presses a block of mass m against a wall with a
force FH acting at an angle . Find the minimum and maximum
possible values of |FH | that can keep the block stationary, in terms
of m, g, , and s , the coefficient of static friction between the block
and the wall. ?
6 A skier of mass m is coasting down a slope inclined at an angle
Problem 5. compared to horizontal. Assume for simplicity that the treatment
of kinetic friction given in chapter 5 is appropriate here, although a
soft and wet surface actually behaves a little differently. The coeffi-
cient of kinetic friction acting between the skis and the snow is k ,
and in addition the skier experiences an air friction force of magni-
tude bv 2 , where b is a constant.
(a) Find the maximum speed that the skier will attain, in terms of
the variables m, g, , k , and b.
(b) For angles below a certain minimum angle min , the equation
gives a result that is not mathematically meaningful. Find an equa-
tion for min , and give a physical explanation of what is happening
for < min .
7 A gun is aimed horizontally to the west, and fired at t = 0. The
bullets position vector as a function of time is r = b y + dt2 z
x + ct ,
where b, c, and d are positive constants.
(a) What units would b, c, and d need to have for the equation to
make sense?
(b) Find the bullets velocity and acceleration as functions of time.
, y
(c) Give physical interpretations of b, c, d, x , and z
8 Annie Oakley, riding north on horseback at 30 mi/hr, shoots
her rifle, aiming horizontally and to the northeast. The muzzle speed
Problem 9. of the rifle is 140 mi/hr. When the bullet hits a defenseless fuzzy
animal, what is its speed of impact? Neglect air resistance, and
ignore the vertical motion of the bullet. . Solution, p. 277
9 A cargo plane has taken off from a tiny airstrip in the Andes,
and is climbing at constant speed, at an angle of =17 with respect
to horizontal. Its engines supply a thrust of Fthrust = 200 kN, and
the lift from its wings is Flif t = 654 kN. Assume that air resistance
(drag) is negligible, so the only forces acting are thrust, lift, and
weight. What is its mass, in kg? . Solution, p. 278
10 A wagon is being pulled at constant speed up a slope by a
rope that makes an angle with the vertical.
(a) Assuming negligible friction, show that the tension in the rope
Problem 10.
Problems 215
(d) Discuss the mathematical behavior and physical interpretation
of your result for negative values of .
(e) Do the same for very large positive values of .
forces, the balls acceleration creates a vivid illusion that there must
be an outward force.
at work. Atoms on the surface of the top are prevented from flying
off straight by the ordinary force that keeps atoms stuck together in
solid matter. The earth is nearly all liquid, but gravitational forces
pull all its parts inward.
e / A series of three hammer taps makes the rolling ball trace a tri-
angle, seven hammers a heptagon. If the number of hammers was large
enough, the ball would essentially be experiencing a steady inward force,
and it would go in a circle. In no case is any forward force necessary.
|a| = |v|/t
|v|2 sin 1
= .
r sin
|a| = |v|2 /r .
ar = |v|2 /r
at = slope of the graph of |v| versus t .
Summary 227
R A computerized answer check is available online.
A problem that requires calculus.
? A difficult problem.
1 When youre done using an electric mixer, you can get most
of the batter off of the beaters by lifting them out of the batter with
the motor running at a high enough speed. Lets imagine, to make
things easier to visualize, that we instead have a piece of tape stuck
to one of the beaters.
(a) Explain why static friction has no effect on whether or not the
tape flies off.
(b) Suppose you find that the tape doesnt fly off when the motor
is on a low speed, but at a greater speed, the tape wont stay on.
Why would the greater speed change things?
2 Show that the expression |v|2 /r has the units of acceleration.
Problems 229
(c) What happens mathematically to your solution if the motor is
run very slowly (very large values of P )? Physically, what do you
think would actually happen in this case?
10 Psychology professor R.O. Dent requests funding for an ex-
periment on compulsive thrill-seeking behavior in hamsters, in which
the subject is to be attached to the end of a spring and whirled
around in a horizontal circle. The spring has equilibrium length b,
Problem 10. and obeys Hookes law with spring constant k. It is stiff enough to
keep from bending significantly under the hamsters weight.
(a) Calculate the length of the spring when it is undergoing steady
circular motion in which one rotation takes a time T . Express your
result in terms of k, m, b, T , and the hamsters mass m.
(b) The ethics committee somehow fails to veto the experiment, but
the safety committee expresses concern. Why? Does your equa-
tion do anything unusual, or even spectacular, for any particular
value of T ? What do you think is the physical significance of this
mathematical behavior?
11 The figure shows an old-fashioned device called a flyball
governor, used for keeping an engine running at the correct speed.
The whole thing rotates about the vertical shaft, and the mass M
is free to slide up and down. This mass would have a connection
(not shown) to a valve that controlled the engine. If, for instance,
the engine ran too fast, the mass would rise, causing the engine to
slow back down.
(a) Show that in the special case of a = 0, the angle is given by
1 g(m + M )P
= cos ,
4 2 mL
where P is the period of rotation (time required for one complete
(b) There is no closed-form solution for in the general case where
Problem 11. a is not zero. However, explain how the undesirable low-speed be-
havior of the a = 0 device would be improved by making a nonzero.
12 The figure shows two blocks of masses m1 and m2 sliding
in circles on a frictionless table. Find the tension in the strings if
the period of rotation (time required for one complete rotation)
Problem 12. 13 The acceleration of an object in uniform circular motion can
be given either by |a| = |v|2 /r or, equivalently, by |a| = 4 2 r/T 2 ,
where T is the time required for one cycle (example 5 on page 224).
Person A says based on the first equation that the acceleration in
circular motion is greater when the circle is smaller. Person B, ar-
guing from the second equation, says that the acceleration is smaller
when the circle is smaller. Rewrite the two statements so that they
are less misleading, eliminating the supposed paradox. [Based on a
problem by Arnold Arons.]
Chapter 10
Cruise your radio dial today and try to find any popular song that
would have been imaginable without Louis Armstrong. By introduc-
ing solo improvisation into jazz, Armstrong took apart the jigsaw
puzzle of popular music and fit the pieces back together in a dif-
ferent way. In the same way, Newton reassembled our view of the
universe. Consider the titles of some recent physics books written
for the general reader: The God Particle, Dreams of a Final The-
ory. When the subatomic particle called the neutrino was recently
a / Johannes Kepler found a
proven for the first time to have mass, specialists in cosmology be-
mathematical description of the
gan discussing seriously what effect this would have on calculations motion of the planets, which led
of the ultimate fate of the universe: would the neutrinos mass cause to Newtons theory of gravity.
enough extra gravitational attraction to make the universe eventu-
ally stop expanding and fall back together? Without Newton, such
attempts at universal understanding would not merely have seemed
a little pretentious, they simply would not have occurred to anyone.
This chapter is about Newtons theory of gravity, which he used
to explain the motion of the planets as they orbited the sun. Whereas
this book has concentrated on Newtons laws of motion, leaving
gravity as a dessert, Newton tosses off the laws of motion in the
first 20 pages of the Principia Mathematica and then spends the
next 130 discussing the motion of the planets. Clearly he saw this
as the crucial scientific focus of his work. Why? Because in it he
showed that the same laws of motion applied to the heavens as to
the earth, and that the gravitational force that made an apple fall
was the same as the force that kept the earths motion from carrying
it away from the sun. What was radical about Newton was not his
laws of motion but his concept of a universal science of physics.
4 2 mr
[3] F = .
This unfortunately has the side-effect of bringing in the period, T ,
which we expect on similar physical grounds will not occur in the
final answer. Thats where the circular-orbit case, T r3/2 , of
Keplers law of periods comes in. Using it to eliminate T gives a
result that depends only on the mass of the planet and its distance
from the sun:
Gm1 m2
F = [gravitational force between objects of mass
m1 and m2 , separated by a distance r; r is not
the radius of anything ] h / Students often have a
hard time understanding the
physical meaning of G. Its just
Newton conceived of gravity as an attraction between any two a proportionality constant that
masses in the universe. The constant G tells us the how many tells you how strong gravitational
newtons the attractive force is for two 1-kg masses separated by a forces are. If you could change it,
distance of 1 m. The experimental determination of G in ordinary all the gravitational forces all over
units (as opposed to the special, nonmetric, units used in astronomy) the universe would get stronger
is described in section 10.5. This difficult measurement was not or weaker. Numerically, the
gravitational attraction between
accomplished until long after Newtons death.
two 1-kg masses separated by a
The units of G example 1 distance of 1 m is 6.67 1011 N,
. What are the units of G? and this is what G is in SI units.
If you jump up in the air, gravity does not stop affecting you
just because you are not touching the earth: gravity is a non-
contact force. That means you are not immune from the grav-
ity of distant parts of our planet just because you are not
touching them.
Newton knew neither the mass of the earth nor a numerical value
for the constant G. But if someone could measure G, then it would
be possible for the first time in history to determine the mass of the
earth! The only way to measure G is to measure the gravitational
force between two objects of known mass, but thats an exceedingly
difficult task, because the force between any two objects of ordinary
size is extremely small. The English physicist Henry Cavendish was o/A simplified version of
the first to succeed, using the apparatus shown in figures n and o. Cavendishs apparatus, viewed
from above.
The two larger balls were lead spheres 8 inches in diameter, and each
one attracted the small ball near it. The two small balls hung from
the ends of a horizontal rod, which itself hung by a thin thread. The
frame from which the larger balls hung could be rotated by hand
Book 3, section 3.5, presents some of the evidence for the Big Bang.
Selected Vocabulary
ellipse . . . . . . . a flattened circle; one of the conic sections
conic section . . . a curve formed by the intersection of a plane
and an infinite cone
hyperbola . . . . another conic section; it does not close back
on itself
period . . . . . . . the time required for a planet to complete one
orbit; more generally, the time for one repeti-
tion of some repeating motion
focus . . . . . . . one of two special points inside an ellipse: the
ellipse consists of all points such that the sum
of the distances to the two foci equals a certain
number; a hyperbola also has a focus
G . . . . . . . . . the constant of proportionality in Newtons
law of gravity; the gravitational force of at-
traction between two 1-kg spheres at a center-
to-center distance of 1 m
Kepler deduced three empirical laws from data on the motion of
the planets:
Keplers elliptical orbit law: The planets orbit the sun in ellip-
tical orbits with the sun at one focus.
Summary 247
Newton was able to find a more fundamental explanation for these
laws. Newtons law of gravity states that the magnitude of the
attractive force between any two objects in the universe is given by
F = Gm1 m2 /r2 .
Problem 3.
Problems 249
a radius r and a uniform density , and the time required for one
rotation is T . At the surface of the planet, the apparent acceleration
of a falling object is reduced by the acceleration of the ground out
from under it. Derive an equation for the apparent acceleration of
gravity, g, at the equator in terms of r, , T , and G.
(b) Applying your equation from a, by what fraction is your appar-
ent weight reduced at the equator compared to the poles, due to the
Earths rotation?
(c) Using your equation from a, derive an equation giving the value
of T for which the apparent acceleration of gravity becomes zero,
i.e., objects can spontaneously drift off the surface of the planet.
Show that T only depends on , and not on r.
(d) Applying your equation from c, how long would a day have to
be in order to reduce the apparent weight of objects at the equator
of the Earth to zero? [Answer: 1.4 hours]
(e) Observational astronomers have recently found objects they called
pulsars, which emit bursts of radiation at regular intervals of less
than a second. If a pulsar is to be interpreted as a rotating sphere
beaming out a natural searchlight that sweeps past the earth with
each rotation, use your equation from c to show that its density
would have to be much greater than that of ordinary matter.
(f) Astrophysicists predicted decades ago that certain stars that used
up their sources of energy could collapse, forming a ball of neutrons
with the fantastic density of 1017 kg/m3 . If this is what pulsars
really are, use your equation from c to explain why no pulsar has
ever been observed that flashes with a period of less than 1 ms or
8 You are considering going on a space voyage to Mars, in which
your route would be half an ellipse, tangent to the Earths orbit at
one end and tangent to Mars orbit at the other. Your spacecrafts
engines will only be used at the beginning and end, not during the
voyage. How long would the outward leg of your trip last? (Assume
the orbits of Earth and Mars are circular.)
9 (a) If the earth was of uniform density, would your weight be
increased or decreased at the bottom of a mine shaft? Explain.
(b) In real life, objects weigh slightly more at the bottom of a mine
shaft. What does that allow us to infer about the Earth? ?
10 Ceres, the largest asteroid in our solar system, is a spherical
body with a mass 6000 times less than the earths, and a radius
Problem 8. which is 13 times smaller. If an astronaut who weighs 400 N on
earth is visiting the surface of Ceres, what is her weight?
. Solution, p. 280
11 Prove, based on Newtons laws of motion and Newtons law
of gravity, that all falling objects have the same acceleration if they
are dropped at the same location on the earth and if other forces
such as friction are unimportant. Do not just say, g = 9.8 m/s2
its constant. You are supposed to be proving that g should be the
Problems 251
is 0.059 A.U., and planet cs average distance is 0.83 A.U., where an
astronomical unit or A.U. is defined as the distance from the Earth
to the sun. For technical reasons, it is possible to determine the
ratios of the planets masses, but their masses cannot presently be
determined in absolute units. Planet cs mass is 3.0 times that of
planet b. Compare the stars average gravitational force on planet
c with its average force on planet b. [Based on a problem by Arnold
Arons.] . Solution, p. 280
16 Some communications satellites are in orbits called geosyn-
chronous: the satellite takes one day to orbit the earth from west
to east, so that as the earth spins, the satellite remains above the
same point on the equator. What is such a satellites altitude above
the surface of the earth? . Solution, p. 280
17 As is discussed in more detail in section 5.1 of book 2, tidal
interactions with the earth are causing the moons orbit to grow
gradually larger. Laser beams bounced off of a mirror left on the
moon by astronauts have allowed a measurement of the moons rate
of recession, which is about 1 cm per year. This means that the
gravitational force acting between earth and moon is decreasing. By
what fraction does the force decrease with each 27-day orbit? [Hint:
If you try to calculate the two forces and subtract, your calculator
will probably give a result of zero due to rounding. Instead, reason
about the fractional amount by which the quantity 1/r2 will change.
As a warm-up, you may wish to observe the percentage change in
1/r2 that results from changing r from 1 to 1.01. Based on a problem
by Arnold Arons.] . Solution, p. 281
18 Suppose that we inhabited a universe in which, instead of
Newtons law of gravity, we had F = k m1 m2 /r2 , where k is some
constant with different units than G. (The force is still attrac-
tive.) However, we assume that a = F/m and the rest of Newtonian
physics remains true, and we use a = F/m to define our mass scale,
so that, e.g., a mass of 2 kg is one which exhibits half the accelera-
tion when the same force is applied to it as to a 1 kg mass.
(a) Is this new law of gravity consistent with Newtons third law?
(b) Suppose you lived in such a universe, and you dropped two un-
equal masses side by side. What would happen?
(c) Numerically, suppose a 1.0-kg object falls with an acceleration
of 10 m/s2 . What would be the acceleration of a rain drop with a
mass of 0.1 g? Would you want to go out in the rain?
(d) If a falling object broke into two unequal pieces while it fell,
what would happen?
(e) Invent a law of gravity that results in behavior that is the op-
posite of what you found in part b. [Based on a problem by Arnold
19 (a) A certain vile alien gangster lives on the surface of an
asteroid, where his weight is 0.20 N. He decides he needs to lose
Problems 253
Appendix 1: Exercises
Exercise 0A: Models and Idealization
coffee filters
ramps (one per group)
balls of various sizes
sticky tape
vacuum pump and guinea and feather apparatus (one)
The motion of falling objects has been recognized since ancient times as an important piece of
physics, but the motion is inconveniently fast, so in our everyday experience it can be hard to
tell exactly what objects are doing when they fall. In this exercise you will use several techniques
to get around this problem and study the motion. Your goal is to construct a scientific model of
falling. A model means an explanation that makes testable predictions. Often models contain
simplifications or idealizations that make them easier to work with, even though they are not
strictly realistic.
1. One method of making falling easier to observe is to use objects like feathers that we know
from everyday experience will not fall as fast. You will use coffee filters, in stacks of various
sizes, to test the following two hypotheses and see which one is true, or whether neither is true:
Hypothesis 1A: When an object is dropped, it rapidly speeds up to a certain natural falling
speed, and then continues to fall at that speed. The falling speed is proportional to the objects
weight. (A proportionality is not just a statement that if one thing gets bigger, the other does
too. It says that if one becomes three times bigger, the other also gets three times bigger, etc.)
Hypothesis 1B: Different objects fall the same way, regardless of weight.
Test these hypotheses and discuss your results with your instructor.
2. A second way to slow down the action is to let a ball roll down a ramp. The steeper the
ramp, the closer to free fall. Based on your experience in part 1, write a hypothesis about what
will happen when you race a heavier ball against a lighter ball down the same ramp, starting
them both from rest.
Show your hypothesis to your instructor, and then test it.
You have probably found that falling was more complicated than you thought! Is there more
than one factor that affects the motion of a falling object? Can you imagine certain idealized
situations that are simpler? Try to agree verbally with your group on an informal model of
falling that can make predictions about the experiments described in parts 3 and 4.
3. You have three balls: a standard comparison ball of medium weight, a light ball, and a
heavy ball. Suppose you stand on a chair and (a) drop the light ball side by side with the
comparison ball, then (b) drop the heavy ball side by side with the comparison ball, then (c)
join the light and heavy balls together with sticky tape and drop them side by side with the
comparison ball.
Use your model to make a prediction:
Test your prediction.
4. Your instructor will pump nearly all the air out of a chamber containing a feather and a
heavier object, then let them fall side by side in the chamber.
Use your model to make a prediction:
Exercise 1A: Scaling Applied to Leaves
leaves of three sizes, having roughly similar proportions of length, width, and thickness
(example: blades of grass, large ficus leaves, and agave leaves)
graph paper with centimeter squares
1. Each group will have one leaf, and should measure its surface area and volume, and determine
its surface-to-volume ratio (surface area divided by volume). For consistency, every group should
use units of cm2 and cm3 , and should only find the area of one side of the leaf. The area can be
found by tracing the area of the leaf on graph paper and counting squares. The volume can be
found by weighing the leaf and assuming that its density is 1 g/cm3 , which is nearly true since
leaves are mostly water.
Write your results on the board for comparison with the other groups numbers.
2. Both the surface area and the volume are bigger for bigger leaves, but what about the
surface to volume ratios? What implications would this have for the plants abilities to survive
in different environments?
Exercise 4A: Force and Motion
2-meter pieces of butcher paper
wood blocks with hooks
masses to put on top of the blocks to increase friction
spring scales (preferably calibrated in Newtons)
Suppose a person pushes a crate, sliding it across the floor at a certain speed, and then repeats
the same thing but at a higher speed. This is essentially the situation you will act out in this
exercise. What do you think is different about her force on the crate in the two situations?
Discuss this with your group and write down your hypothesis:
1. First you will measure the amount of friction between the wood block and the butcher paper
when the wood and paper surfaces are slipping over each other. The idea is to attach a spring
scale to the block and then slide the butcher paper under the block while using the scale to
keep the block from moving with it. Depending on the amount of force your spring scale was
designed to measure, you may need to put an extra mass on top of the block in order to increase
the amount of friction. It is a good idea to use long piece of string to attach the block to the
spring scale, since otherwise one tends to pull at an angle instead of directly horizontally.
First measure the amount of friction force when sliding the butcher paper as slowly as possi-
Now measure the amount of friction force at a significantly higher speed, say 1 meter per second.
(If you try to go too fast, the motion is jerky, and it is impossible to get an accurate reading.)
Discuss your results. Why are we justified in assuming that the strings force on the block (i.e.,
the scale reading) is the same amount as the papers frictional force on the block?
2. Now try the same thing but with the block moving and the paper standing still. Try two
different speeds.
Do your results agree with your original hypothesis? If not, discuss whats going on. How does
the block know how fast to go?
1. Note that these magnets are extremely strong! Being careful not to pinch your skin, put two
disc magnets together to make magnet B.
2. Familiarize yourself with how the magnets behave. In addition to magnets A and B, there
are two other magnets that can come into play. The compass needle itself is a magnet, and the
planet earth is a magnet. Ordinarily the compass needle twists around under the influence of
the earth, but the disc magnets are very strong close up, so if you bring them within a few cm
of the compass, the compass is essentially just responding to them. Investigate how different
parts of magnets A and B interact with the compass, and label them appropriately. Investigate
how magnets A and B can attract or repel one another.
3. You are ready to form a hypothesis about the following situation. Suppose we set up two
balances as shown in the figure. The magnets are not touching. The top magnet is hanging from
a hook underneath the pan, giving the same result as if it was on top of the pan. Make sure it
is hanging under the center of the pan. You will want to make sure the magnets are pulling on
each other, not pushing each other away, so that the top magnet will stay in one place.
The balances will not show the magnets true weights, because the magnets are exerting forces
on each other. The top balance will read a higher number than it would without any magnetic
forces, and the bottom balance will have a lower than normal reading. The difference between
each magnets true weight and the reading on the balance gives a measure of how strongly the
magnet is being pushed or pulled by the other magnet.
How do you think the amount of pushing or pulling experienced by the two magnets will com-
pare? In other words, which reading will change more, or will they change by the same amount?
Write down a hypothesis:
Before going on to part 4, discuss your hypothesis with your instructor.
4. Now set up the experiment described above with two balances. Since we are interested in
the changse in the scale readings caused by the magnetic forces, you will need to take a total of
four scale readings: one pair with the balances separated and one pair with the magnets close
together as shown in the figure above.
When the balances are together and the magnetic forces are acting, it is not possible to get both
balances to reach equilibrium at the same time, because sliding the weights on one balance can
cause its magnet to move up or down, tipping the other balance. Therefore, while you take a
reading from one balance, you need to immobilize the other in the horizontal position by taping
its tip so it points exactly at the zero mark.
You will also probably find that as you slide the weights, the pointer swings suddenly to the
opposite side, but you can never get it to be stable in the middle (zero) position. Try bringing
the pointer manually to the zero position and then releasing it. If it swings up, youre too low,
and if it swings down, youre too high. Search for the dividing line between the too-low region
and the too-high region.
If the changes in the scale readings are very small (say a few grams or less), you need to get
the magnets closer together. It should be possible to get the scale readings to change by large
amounts (up to 10 or 20 g).
Exercise 8A: Vectors and Motion
Each diagram on page 265 shows the motion of an object in an x y plane. Each dot is one
location of the object at one moment in time. The time interval from one dot to the next is
always the same, so you can think of the vector that connects one dot to the next as a v vector,
and subtract to find v vectors.
1. Suppose the object in diagram 1 is moving from the top left to the bottom right. Deduce
whatever you can about the force acting on it. Does the force always have the same magnitude?
The same direction?
Invent a physical situation that this diagram could represent.
What if you reinterpret the diagram, and reverse the objects direction of motion?
2. What can you deduce about the force that is acting in diagram 2?
Invent a physical situation that diagram 2 could represent.
3. What can you deduce about the force that is acting in diagram 3?
Invent a physical situation.
1. Discuss as a class what can be done to simplify the task of calculating the vector sum, and
how to organize things so that each group can work in parallel with the others.
2. Each group should write its results on the board in units of piconewtons, retaining six
significant figures of precision.
3. The class will determine the vector sum and compare with the result that would be obtained
with the shell theorem.
Answers to Self-Checks
Page 21, self-check A: If only he has the special powers, then his results can never be
Page 22, self-check B: They would have had to weigh the rays, or check for a loss of weight
in the object from which they were have emitted. (For technical reasons, this was not a mea-
surement they could actually do, hence the opportunity for disagreement.)
Page 29, self-check C: A dictionary might define strong as possessing powerful muscles,
but thats not an operational definition, because it doesnt say how to measure strength numer-
ically. One possible operational definition would be the number of pounds a person can bench
Page 32, self-check D: A microsecond is 1000 times longer than a nanosecond, so it would
seem like 1000 seconds, or about 20 minutes.
Page 33, self-check E: Exponents have to do with multiplication, not addition. The first line
should be 100 times longer than the second, not just twice as long.
Page 37, self-check F: The various estimates differ by 5 to 10 million. The CIAs estimate
includes a ridiculous number of gratuitous significant figures. Does the CIA understand that
every day, people in are born in, die in, immigrate to, and emigrate from Nigeria?
Page 37, self-check G: (1) 4; (2) 2; (3) 2
Page 73, self-check A: Coasting on a bike and coasting on skates give one-dimensional center-
of-mass motion, but running and pedaling require moving body parts up and down, which makes
the center of mass move up and down. The only example of rigid-body motion is coasting on
skates. (Coasting on a bike is not rigid-body motion, because the wheels twist.)
Page 73, self-check B: By shifting his weight around, he can cause the center of mass not to
coincide with the geometric center of whe wheel.
Page 74, self-check C: (1) a point in time; (2) time in the abstract sense; (3) a time interval
Page 75, self-check D: Zero, because the after and before values of x are the same.
Page 82, self-check E: (1) The effect only occurs during blastoff, when their velocity is
changing. Once the rocket engines stop firing, their velocity stops changing, and they no longer
feel any effect. (2) It is only an observable effect of your motion relative to the air.
Page 93, self-check A: Its speed increases at a steady rate, so in the next second it will travel
19 cm.
Page 135, self-check A: (1) The case of = 0 represents an object falling in a vacuum, i.e.,
there is no density of air. The terminal velocity would be infinite. Physically, we know that an
object falling in a vacuum would never stop speeding up, since there would be no force of air
friction to cancel the force of gravity. (2) The 4-cm ball would have a mass that was greater by a
factor of 4 4 4, but its cross-sectionalparea would be greater by a factor of 4 4. Its terminal
velocity would be greater by a factor of 43 /42 = 2. (3) It isnt of any general importance. Its
just an example of one physical situation. You should not memorize it.
Page 139, self-check B: (1) This is motion, not force. (2) This is a description of how the
sub is able to get the water to produce a forward force on it. (3) The sub runs out of energy,
not force.
Page 149, self-check A: The sprinter pushes backward against the ground, and by Newtons
third law, the ground pushes forward on her. (Later in the race, she is no longer accelerating,
but the grounds forward force is needed in order to cancel out the backward forces, such as air
Page 156, self-check B: (1) Its kinetic friction, because her uniform is sliding over the dirt.
(2) Its static friction, because even though the two surfaces are moving relative to the landscape,
theyre not slipping over each other. (3) Only kinetic friction creates heat, as when you rub
your hands together. If you move your hands up and down together without sliding them across
each other, no heat is produced by the static friction.
Page 157, self-check C: Frictionless ice can certainly make a normal force, since otherwise a
hockey puck would sink into the ice. Friction is not possible without a normal force, however:
we can see this from the equation, or from common sense, e.g., while sliding down a rope you
do not get any friction unless you grip the rope.
Page 158, self-check D: (1) Normal forces are always perpendicular to the surface of contact,
which means right or left in this figure. Normal forces are repulsive, so the cliffs force on the
feet is to the right, i.e., away from the cliff. (2) Frictional forces are always parallel to the surface
of contact, which means right or left in this figure. Static frictional forces are in the direction
that would tend to keep the surfaces from slipping over each other. If the wheel was going to
slip, its surface would be moving to the left, so the static frictional force on the wheel must be
in the direction that would prevent this, i.e., to the right. This makes sense, because it is the
static frictional force that accelerates the dragster. (3) Normal forces are always perpendicular
to the surface of contact. In this diagram, that means either up and to the left or down and to
the right. Normal forces are repulsive, so the ball is pushing the bat away from itself. Therefore
the balls force is down and to the right on this diagram.
Page 179, self-check A: The wind increases the balls overall speed. If you think about it
in terms of overall speed, its not so obvious that the increased speed is exactly sufficient to
compensate for the greater distance. However, it becomes much simpler if you think about the
forward motion and the sideways motion as two separate things. Suppose the ball is initially
moving at one meter per second. Even if it picks up some sideways motion from the wind, its
still getting closer to the wall by one meter every second.
Page 204, self-check A: (1) It is speeding up, because the final velocity vector has the greater
magnitude. (2) The result would be zero, which would make sense. (3) Speeding up produced
a v vector in the same direction as the motion. Slowing down would have given a v that
bointed backward.
Page 205, self-check B: As we have already seen, the projectile has ax = 0 and ay = g, so
the acceleration vector is pointing straight down.
Page 219, self-check A: (1) Uniform. They have the same motion as the drum itself, which
is rotating as one solid piece. No part of the drum can be rotating at a different speed from any
other part. (2) Nonuniform. Gravity speeds it up on the way down and slows it down on the
way up.
Page 234, self-check A: It would just stay where it was. Plugging v = 0 into eq. [1] would give
F = 0, so it would not accelerate from rest, and would never fall into the sun. No astronomer
had ever observed an object that did that!
103 g 103 kg
134 mg = 1.34 104 kg
1 mg 1g
Page 41, problem 8: (a) Lets do 10.0 g and 1000 g. The arithmetic mean is 505 grams. It
comes out to be 0.505 kg, which is consistent. (b) The geometric mean comes out to be 100
g or 0.1 kg, which is consistent. (c) If we multiply meters by meters, we get square meters.
Multiplying grams by grams should give square grams! This sounds strange, but it makes sense.
Taking the square root of square grams (g2 ) gives grams again. (d) No. The superduper mean
of two quantities with units of grams wouldnt even be something with units of grams! Related
to this shortcoming is the fact that the superduper mean would fail the kind of consistency test
carried out in the first two parts of the problem.
Page 61, problem 11: The bigger scope has a diameter thats ten times greater. Area scales
as the square of the linear dimensions, so its light-gathering power is a hundred times greater
(10 10).
Page 61, problem 12: Since they differ by two steps on the Richter scale, the energy of the
bigger quake is 10000 times greater. The wave forms a hemisphere, and the surface area of the
hemisphere over which the energy is spread is proportional to the square of its radius. If the
amount of vibration was the same, then the surface areas much be in the ratio of 10000:1, which
means that the ratio of the radii is 100:1.
Page 62, problem 17: The cone of mixed gin and vermouth is the same shape as the cone of
vermouth, but its linear dimensions are doubled, so its volume is 8 times greater. The ratio of
gin to vermouth is 7 to 1.
Page 62, problem 19: Scaling down the linear dimensions by a factor of 1/10 reduces the
volume by a factor of (1/10)3 = 1/1000, so if the whole cube is a liter, each small one is one
Page 63, problem 20: (a) Theyre all defined in terms of the ratio of side of a triangle to
another. For instance, the tangent is the length of the opposite side over the length of the
adjacent side. Dividing meters by meters gives a unitless result, so the tangent, as well as the
other trig functions, is unitless. (b) The tangent function gives a unitless result, so the units on
the right-hand side had better cancel out. They do, because the top of the fraction has units of
meters squared, and so does the bottom.
Page 63, problem 21: Lets estimate the Great Walls mass, and then figure out how many
bricks that would represent. The wall is famous because it covers pretty much all of Chinas
northern border, so lets say its 1000 km long. From pictures, it looks like its about 10 m high
and 10 m wide, so the total volume would be 106 m 10 m 10 m = 108 m3 . If a single brick
has a volume of 1 liter, or 103 m3 , then this represents about 1011 bricks. If one person can
lay 10 bricks in an hour (taking into account all the preparation, etc.), then this would be 1010
1 light-year = vt
= 3 108 m/s (1 year)
365 days 24 hours 3600 s
= 3 10 m/s (1 year)
1 year 1 day 1 hour
= 9.5 1015 m
Page 89, problem 5: Velocity is relative, so having to lean tells you nothing about the trains
velocity. Fullerton is moving at a huge speed relative to Beijing, but that doesnt produce any
noticeable effect in either city. The fact that you have to lean tells you that the train is changing
its speed, but it doesnt tell you what the trains current speed is.
Page 89, problem 7: To the person riding the moving bike, bug A is simply going in circles.
The only difference between the motions of the two wheels is that one is traveling through space,
but motion is relative, so this doesnt have any effect on the bugs. Its equally hard for each of
Page 90, problem 10: In one second, the ship moves v meters to the east, and the person
moves v meters north relative to the deck. Relative to the water, he traces
the diagonal of a
2 2 1
triangle whose length is given by the Pythagorean theorem, (v + v ) /2 = 2v. Relative to
the water, he is moving at a 45-degree angle between north and east.
= 10 3t2
= 6t
= 18 m/s2
Page 118, problem 18: (a) Solving for x = 12 at2 for a, we find a = 2x/t2 = 5.51 m/s2 .
(b) v = 2ax = 66.6 m/s. (c) The actual cars final velocity is less than that of the idealized
constant-acceleration car. If the real car and the idealized car covered the quarter mile in the
same time but the real car was moving more slowly at the end than the idealized one, the real
car must have been going faster than the idealized car at the beginning of the race. The real car
apparently has a greater acceleration at the beginning, and less acceleration at the end. This
make sense, because every car has some maximum speed, which is the speed beyond which it
cannot accelerate.
Page 118, problem 19: Since the lines are at intervals of one m/s and one second, each box
represents one meter. From t = 0 to t = 2 s, the area under the curve represents a positive x
of 6 m. (The triangle has half the area of the 2 6 rectangle it fits inside.) After t = 2 s, the
area above the curve represents negative x. To get 6 m worth of area, we need to go out to
t = 6 s, at which point the triangle under the axis has a width of 4 s and a height of 3 m/s, for
an area of 6 m (half of 3 4).
Page 118, problem 20: (a) We choose a coordinate system with positive pointing to the right.
Some people might expect that the ball would slow down once it was on the more gentle ramp.
This may be true if there is significant friction, but Galileos experiments with inclined planes
showed that when friction is negligible, a ball rolling on a ramp has constant acceleration, not
constant speed. The speed stops increasing as quickly once the ball is on the more gentle slope,
but it still keeps on increasing. The a-t graph can be drawn by inspecting the slope of the v-t
(b) The ball will roll back down, so the second half of the motion is the same as in part a. In
the first (rising) half of the motion, the velocity is negative, since the motion is in the opposite
direction compared to the positive x axis. The acceleration is again found by inspecting the
slope of the v-t graph.
Page 118, problem 21: This is a case where its probably easiest to draw the acceleration
graph first. While the ball is in the air (bc, de, etc.), the only force acting on it is gravity, so
it must have the same, constant acceleration during each hop. Choosing a coordinate system
where the positive x axis points up, this becomes a negative acceleration (force in the opposite
direction compared to the axis). During the short times between hops when the ball is in contact
with the ground (cd, ef, etc.), it experiences a large acceleration, which turns around its velocity
very rapidly. These short positive accelerations probably arent constant, but its hard to know
how theyd really look. We just idealize them as constant accelerations. Similarly, the hands
force on the ball during the time ab is probably not constant, but we can draw it that way,
since we dont know how to draw it more realistically. Since our acceleration graph consists
of constant-acceleration segments, the velocity graph must consist of line segments, and the
position graph must consist of parabolas. On the x graph, I chose zero to be the height of the
center of the ball above the floor when the ball is just lying on the floor. When the ball is
touching the floor and compressed, as in interval cd, its center is below this level, so its x is
Page 145, problem 10: (a) This is a measure of the boxs resistance to a change in its state
of motion, so it measures the boxs mass. The experiment would come out the same in lunar
(b) This is a measure of how much gravitational force it feels, so its a measure of weight. In
lunar gravity, the box would make a softer sound when it hit.
(c) As in part a, this is a measure of its resistance to a change in its state of motion: its mass.
Gravity isnt involved at all.
Looking at the three forces on the connector, we see that the hands force must be double the
force of either spring. The value of x xo is the same for both springs and for the arrangement
as a whole, so the spring constant must be 2k. This corresponds to a stiffer spring (more force
to produce the same extension).
(b) Forces in which the left spring participates:
hands leftward force on left spring
...left springs rightward force on hand
right springs rightward force on left spring
...left springs leftward force on right spring
Forces in which the right spring participates:
left springs leftward force on right spring
...right springs rightward force on left spring
walls rightward force on right spring
...right springs leftward force on wall
Since the left spring isnt accelerating, the total force on it must be zero, so the two forces acting
on it must be equal in magnitude. The same applies to the two forces acting on the right spring.
The forces between the two springs are connected by Newtons third law, so all eight of these
forces must be equal in magnitude. Since the value of x xo for the whole setup is double what
it is for either spring individually, the spring constant of the whole setup must be k/2, which
corresponds to a less stiff spring.
Page 172, problem 16: (a) Spring constants in parallel add, so the spring constant has to be
proportional to the cross-sectional area. Two springs in series give half the spring constant, three
springs in series give 1/3, and so on, so the spring constant has to be inversely proportional
to the length. Summarizing, we have k A/L. (b) With the Youngs modulus, we have
k = (A/L)E.The spring constant has units of N/m, so the units of E would have to be N/m2 .
Page 173, problem 18: (a) The swimmers acceleration is caused by the waters force on the
swimmer, and the swimmer makes a backward force on the water, which accelerates the water
backward. (b) The clubs normal force on the ball accelerates the ball, and the ball makes a
backward normal force on the club, which decelerates the club. (c) The bowstrings normal force
accelerates the arrow, and the arrow also makes a backward normal force on the string. This
force on the string causes the string to accelerate less rapidly than it would if the bows force
was the only one acting on it. (d) The tracks backward frictional force slows the locomotive
down. The locomotives forward frictional force causes the whole planet earth to accelerate by
a tiny amount, which is too small to measure because the earths mass is so great.
Page 173, problem 20: The persons normal force on the box is paired with the boxs normal
force on the person. The dirts frictional force on the box pairs with the boxs frictional force
on the dirt. The earths gravitational force on the box matches the boxs gravitational force on
the earth.
Page 174, problem 26: (a) A liter of water has a mass of 1.0 kg. The mass is the same in
all three locations. Mass indicates how much an object resists a change in its motion. It has
nothing to do with gravity. (b) The term weight refers to the force of gravity on an object.
The bottles weight on earth is FW = mg = 9.8 N. Its weight on the moon is about one sixth
that value, and its weight in interstellar space is zero.
Page 186, problem 5: (a) The easiest strategy is to find the time spent aloft, and then find
the range. The vertical motion and the horizontal motion are independent. The vertical motion
has acceleration g, and the cannonball spends enough time in the air to reverse its vertical
velocity component completely, so we have
vy = vyf vyi
= 2v sin .
t = vy /ay
= 2v sin /g .
R = vx t
= 2v 2 sin cos /g .
(b) The range becomes zero at both = 0 and at = 90 . The = 0 case gives zero range
because the ball hits the ground as soon as it leaves the mouth of the cannon. A 90-degree angle
gives zero range because the cannonball has no horizontal motion.
Page 214, problem 8: We want to find out about the velocity vector vBG of the bullet relative
to the ground, so we need to add Annies velocity relative to the ground vAG to the bullets
velocity vector vBA relative to her. Letting the positive x axis be east and y north, we have
vAG,x = 0
vAG,y = 30 mi/hr .
Its speed on impact with the animal is the magnitude of this vector
|vBG | = (100 mi/hr)2 + (130 mi/hr)2
= 160 mi/hr
(rounded off to 2 significant figures).
Page 214, problem 9: Since its velocity vector is constant, it has zero acceleration, and the
sum of the force vectors acting on it must be zero. There are three forces acting on the plane:
thrust, lift, and gravity. We are given the first two, and if we can find the third we can infer its
mass. The sum of the y components of the forces is zero, so
The mass is
Page 214, problem 10: (a) Since the wagon has no acceleration, the total forces in both the
x and y directions must be zero. There are three forces acting on the wagon: FT , FW , and the
normal force from the ground, FN . If we pick a coordinate system with x being horizontal and y
vertical, then the angles of these forces measured counterclockwise from the x axis are 90 ,
270 , and 90 + , respectively. We have
which simplifies to
The normal force is a quantity that we are not given and do not with to find, so we should
choose it to eliminate. Solving the first equation for |FN | = (sin / sin )|FT |, we eliminate |FN |
from the second equation,
|FW |
|FT | = .
cos + sin cos / sin
Multiplying both the top and the bottom of the fraction by sin , and using the trig identity for
sin( + ) gives the desired result,
|FT | = |FW | .
sin( + )
(b) The case of = 0, i.e., pulling straight up on the wagon, results in |FT | = |FW |: we simply
support the wagon and it glides up the slope like a chair-lift on a ski slope. In the case of
= 180 , |FT | becomes infinite. Physically this is because we are pulling directly into the
ground, so no amount of force will suffice.
< tan1 s .
(b) Both m and g canceled out, so the angle of repose would be the same on an asteroid.
Page 228, problem 5: Each cyclist has a radial acceleration of v 2 /r = 5 m/s2 . The tangential
accelerations of cyclists A and B are 375 N/75 kg = 5 m/s2 .
Page 229, problem 6: (a) The inward normal force must be sufficient to produce circular
motion, so
|FN | = mv 2 /r .
We are searching for the minimum speed, which is the speed at which the static friction force is
just barely able to cancel out the downward gravitational force. The maximum force of static
friction is
|Fs | = s |FN | ,
and this cancels the gravitational force, so
|Fs | = mg .
The upward component of the normal force must cancel the downward force of gravity,
= tan .
Page 250, problem 10: Newtons law of gravity tells us that her weight will be 6000 times
smaller because of the asteroids smaller mass, but 132 = 169 times greater because of its smaller
radius. Putting these two factors together gives a reduction in weight by a factor of 6000/169,
so her weight will be (400 N)(169)/(6000) = 11 N.
Page 250, problem 11: Newtons law of gravity says F = Gm1 m2 /r2 , and Newtons second
law says F = m2 a, so Gm1 m2 /r2 = m2 a. Since m2 cancels, a is independent of m2 .
Page 251, problem 12: Newtons second law gives
F = mD aD ,
where F is Idas force on Dactyl. Using Newtons universal law of gravity, F= GmI mD /r2 ,and
the equation a = v 2 /r for circular motion, we find
4 2 r3
mI = ,
GT 2
so Idas density is
= mI /V
4 2 r3
= .
GV T 2
Page 251, problem 15: Newtons law of gravity depends on the inverse square of the distance,
so if the two planets masses had been equal, then the factor of 0.83/0.059 = 14 in distance would
have caused the force on planet c to be 142 = 2.0 102 times weaker. However, planet cs mass
is 3.0 times greater, so the force on it is only smaller by a factor of 2.0 102 /3.0 = 65.
Page 252, problem 16: The reasoning is reminiscent of section 10.2. From Newtons second
law we have
F = ma = mv 2 /r = m(2r/T )2 /r = 4 2 mr/T 2 ,
4 2 mr/T 2 = GM m/r2 ,
which gives
GM T 2
4 2
= 4.22 104 km .
This is the distance from the center of the earth, so to find the altitude, we need to subtract
the radius of the earth. The altitude is 3.58 104 km.
Page 252, problem 17: Any fractional change in r results in double that amount of fractional
change in 1/r2 . For example, raising r by 1% causes 1/r2 to go down by very nearly 2%. The
fractional change in 1/r2 is actually
(1/27) cm 1 km
2 5
5 = 2 1012
3.84 10 km 10 cm
Page 252, problem 19: (a) The asteroids mass depends on the cube of its radius, and for
a given mass the surface gravity depends on r2 . The result is that surface gravity is directly
proportional to radius. Half the gravity means half the radius, or one eighth the mass. (b)
To agree with a, Earths mass would have to be 1/8 Jupiters. We assumed spherical shapes
and equal density. Both planets are at least roughly spherical, so the only way out of the
contradiction is if Jupiters density is significantly less than Earths.
acceleration, 95 Dialogues Concerning the Two New Sciences,
as a vector, 204 46
constant, 107 dynamics, 66
definition, 102
negative, 98 elephant, 55
alchemy, 21 energy
area, 105 distinguished from force, 137
operational definition, 43 falling objects, 91
scaling of, 45 Feynman, 94
area under a curve Feynman, Richard, 94
area under a-t graph, 107 force
under v-t graph, 105 analysis of forces, 160
astrology, 21 Aristotelian versus Newtonian, 124
Bacon, Francis, 25 as a vector, 207
attractive, 153
calculus contact, 126
differential, 86 distinguished from energy, 137
fundamental theorem of, 113 frictional, 155
integral, 113 gravitational, 155
invention by Newton, 86 net, 127
Leibnitz notation, 86 noncontact, 126
with vectors, 208 normal, 155
cathode rays, 23 oblique, 153
center of mass, 70 positive and negative signs of, 127
motion of, 71 repulsive, 153
center-of-mass motion, 71 transmission, 163
centi- (metric prefix), 28 forces
circular motion, 217 classification of, 152
nonuniform, 219 frame of reference
uniform, 219 defined, 76
cockroaches, 53 inertial or noninertial, 140
coefficient of kinetic friction, 157 French Revolution, 28
coefficient of static friction, 157 friction
component fluid, 159
defined, 181 kinetic, 155, 156
conversions of units, 33 static, 155, 156
coordinate system
defined, 76 Galileo Galilei, 45
Copernicus, 80 gamma rays, 22
grand jete, 71
Darwin, 24 graphing, 78
delta notation, 74 graphs
derivative, 86 of position versus time, 76
second, 113 velocity versus time, 85
high jump, 73 order-of-magnitude estimates, 57
Hookes law, 165
inertia motion of projectile on, 182
principle of, 80 Pauli exclusion principle, 24
integral, 113 period
of uniform circular motion, 224
Kepler, 232 photon, 151
Keplers laws, 233 physics, 22
elliptical orbit law, 233 POFOSTITO, 149
equal-area law, 233 Pope, 46
law of periods, 233, 235 projectiles, 182
kilo- (metric prefix), 28 pulley, 166
kilogram, 30
kinematics, 66 radial component
defined, 226
Laplace, 22 radio waves, 22
Leibnitz, 86 reductionism, 24
light, 22 Renaissance, 19
rotation, 69
magnitude of a vector
defined, 190 salamanders, 53
matter, 22 scalar
mega- (metric prefix), 28 defined, 190
meter (metric unit), 30 scaling, 45
metric system, 27 applied to biology, 53
prefixes, 28 scientific method, 20
micro- (metric prefix), 28 second (unit), 29
microwaves, 22 SI units, 30
milli- (metric prefix), 28 significant figures, 35
mks units, 30 simple machine
model defined, 166
scientific, 156 slam dunk, 71
models, 71 spring constant, 165
motion Stanford, Leland, 201
rigid-body, 69 strain, 165
types of, 69 Swift, Jonathan, 45
Muybridge, Eadweard, 201
tension, 164
nano- (metric prefix), 28 time
Newton duration, 74
first law of motion, 127 point in, 74
second law of motion, 132 transmission of forces, 163
Newtons laws of motion
in three dimensions, 183 unit vectors, 196
Newtons third law, 148 units, conversion of, 33
Newton, Isaac, 27
definition of time, 30 vector, 66
acceleration, 204
operational definitions, 29 addition, 190
Index 283
defined, 190
force, 207
magnitude of, 190
velocity, 202
addition of velocities, 83
as a vector, 202
definition, 77
negative, 83
vertebra, 56
operational definition, 43
scaling of, 45
weight force
defined, 126
relationship to mass, 134
biological effects, 110
x-rays, 22
284 Index
Mathematical Review
Algebra Properties of the derivative and integral (for
students in calculus-based courses)
Quadratic equation:
2 Let f and g be functions of x, and let c be a con-
The solutions
of ax + bx + c = 0
b b2 4ac stant.
are x = 2a .
Linearity of the derivative:
Logarithms and exponentials:
d df
ln(ab) = ln a + ln b (cf ) = c
dx dx
ea+b = ea eb
d df dg
(f + g) = +
ln e = e ln x
=x dx dx dx
Geometry, area, and volume f (g(x)) = f 0 (g(x))g 0 (x)
area of a triangle of base b and height h = 2 bh
circumference of a circle of radius r = 2r Derivatives of products and quotients:
area of a circle of radius r = r2
surface area of a sphere of radius r = 4r2 d df dg
4 3 (f g) = g+ f
volume of a sphere of radius r = 3 r dx dx dx
Trigonometry with a right triangle
f0 f g0
d f
= 2
dx g g g
Some derivatives:
d m m1
dx x = mx , except for m = 0
d d
dx sin x = cos x dx cos x = sin x
sin = o/h cos = a/h tan = o/a d x x d 1
dx e = e dx ln x = x
The fundamental theorem of calculus:
Pythagorean theorem: h2 = a2 + o2 Z
Trigonometry with any triangle dx = f
Index 285
Trig Table
sin cos tan sin cos tan sin cos tan
0 0.000 1.000 0.000 30 0.500 0.866 0.577 60 0.866 0.500 1.732
1 0.017 1.000 0.017 31 0.515 0.857 0.601 61 0.875 0.485 1.804
2 0.035 0.999 0.035 32 0.530 0.848 0.625 62 0.883 0.469 1.881
3 0.052 0.999 0.052 33 0.545 0.839 0.649 63 0.891 0.454 1.963
4 0.070 0.998 0.070 34 0.559 0.829 0.675 64 0.899 0.438 2.050
5 0.087 0.996 0.087 35 0.574 0.819 0.700 65 0.906 0.423 2.145
6 0.105 0.995 0.105 36 0.588 0.809 0.727 66 0.914 0.407 2.246
7 0.122 0.993 0.123 37 0.602 0.799 0.754 67 0.921 0.391 2.356
8 0.139 0.990 0.141 38 0.616 0.788 0.781 68 0.927 0.375 2.475
9 0.156 0.988 0.158 39 0.629 0.777 0.810 69 0.934 0.358 2.605
10 0.174 0.985 0.176 40 0.643 0.766 0.839 70 0.940 0.342 2.747
11 0.191 0.982 0.194 41 0.656 0.755 0.869 71 0.946 0.326 2.904
12 0.208 0.978 0.213 42 0.669 0.743 0.900 72 0.951 0.309 3.078
13 0.225 0.974 0.231 43 0.682 0.731 0.933 73 0.956 0.292 3.271
14 0.242 0.970 0.249 44 0.695 0.719 0.966 74 0.961 0.276 3.487
15 0.259 0.966 0.268 45 0.707 0.707 1.000 75 0.966 0.259 3.732
16 0.276 0.961 0.287 46 0.719 0.695 1.036 76 0.970 0.242 4.011
17 0.292 0.956 0.306 47 0.731 0.682 1.072 77 0.974 0.225 4.331
18 0.309 0.951 0.325 48 0.743 0.669 1.111 78 0.978 0.208 4.705
19 0.326 0.946 0.344 49 0.755 0.656 1.150 79 0.982 0.191 5.145
20 0.342 0.940 0.364 50 0.766 0.643 1.192 80 0.985 0.174 5.671
21 0.358 0.934 0.384 51 0.777 0.629 1.235 81 0.988 0.156 6.314
22 0.375 0.927 0.404 52 0.788 0.616 1.280 82 0.990 0.139 7.115
23 0.391 0.921 0.424 53 0.799 0.602 1.327 83 0.993 0.122 8.144
24 0.407 0.914 0.445 54 0.809 0.588 1.376 84 0.995 0.105 9.514
25 0.423 0.906 0.466 55 0.819 0.574 1.428 85 0.996 0.087 11.430
26 0.438 0.899 0.488 56 0.829 0.559 1.483 86 0.998 0.070 14.301
27 0.454 0.891 0.510 57 0.839 0.545 1.540 87 0.999 0.052 19.081
28 0.469 0.883 0.532 58 0.848 0.530 1.600 88 0.999 0.035 28.636
29 0.485 0.875 0.554 59 0.857 0.515 1.664 89 1.000 0.017 57.290
90 1.000 0.000
286 Index
Index 287
288 Index
Index 289
Useful Data
mass (kg)
9.109 1031
radius (fm)
. 0.01
Earth, Moon, and Sun
proton 1.673 1027 1.1
neutron 1.675 1027 1.1
body mass (kg) radius (km) radius of orbit (km)
The radii of protons and neutrons can only be given approx- earth 5.97 1024 6.4 103 1.49 108
imately, since they have fuzzy surfaces. For comparison, a moon 7.35 1022 1.7 103 3.84 105
typical atom is about a million fm in radius. sun 1.99 1030 7.0 105
290 Index
Index 291