Ambar Watershed Sehore

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ISSN 2320-9186 1

International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2015, Online: ISSN 2320-9186


Jayanta Karmakar (GIS assistant at MPCST, Bhopal , M. P.) - [email protected],
Mr. Hari Natarajan ( Principal Scientist , MPCST, Bhopal , M.P.) 2
In this present study, the main objective of this study is to explore the groundwater availability for agriculture in this
watershed region. Remote sensing data and Geographical Information System were used to locate potential zones for
groundwater in this watershed. After delineating the watershed zone from survey of India toposheet , all the thematic
layers (Geomorphological , Geological , Soil , Land use/land cover maps ) of this watershed region has been prepared by
on screen visual interpretation techniques using remote sensing data ( IRS P6 LISS III data ) along with the existing data .
The pediplain, pediment, plateau top, buried pediment, scarp, were successfully delineated and shown as the
prospective zones of groundwater. And others maps i.e. slope, drainage density, base maps all are generated by using SOI
toposheet (55F/1, 55F/2, 55F/5, and 55F/6). The Lu/Lc map was prepared (for kharif season) using an unsupervised
classification techniques (Digital classification technique). Each class or unit of every thematic layer was assigned a
knowledge based ranking depending on its significance in storage and transmittance of groundwater. All thematic layers
have been assigned their weighted value on the basis of their standard deviation value. Then all thematic layers were
overlay through overlay process/method in Arc GIS environment. The groundwater availability of this watershed is
qualitatively classified into five classes based on its hydro geomorphological condition by using overlay analysis process of
ArcGIS. Most of the area of this watershed is moderate to very poor zone.

Arc gis ; ERDAS IMAGINE ; Groundwater; weighted overlay (Multi-influence factor); Thematic Maps; Composite
Suitability Index.

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Chapter I

Groundwater is the largest available source of fresh water lying beneath the surface. . water is
the most essential resources in our day to day life is regressing faster in rural as well as urban
areas mainly because of increasing in agriculture and domestic demands respectively.
Groundwater is growing need in domestics, agriculture and industrial uses. Groundwater has
become crucial not only for finding groundwater potential zone, but also monitoring and
conserving this important resource. Besides targeting groundwater potential zones it is also
important to identify suitable sites for artificial recharge usage cycle. In our day to day life
groundwater is going to decreasing and in future one day we will face the scarcity of
groundwater availability. So the water cycle balance will be disturbed and demand for water
mainly which areas are situated in far away from sea or rivers.
Groundwater is now a one of most precious natural resource which supports to
our human civilization. Groundwater is not available in everywhere of the world so need to
identify suitable sites for artificial recharge usage cycle and also important judicious use of
groundwater, proper evaluation is required. . Integrated use of remote Sensing and GIS can
provide the appropriate platform for convergence of multidisciplinary data from various
sources for appropriate planning. In the present study, an integrated remote Sensing and GIS
based methodology is developed and tested for the evaluation of the groundwater resources of
Ambar watershed, which is a small part of Sehore district in Madhya Pradesh. Satellite based
data along with other data sets; existing maps have been utilized to extract information of
hydro geomorphic features of the study area.

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Chapter II
Study Area:
Sehore district is lying in the central part
of Madhya Pradesh. It is in Bhopal
commissioners division and is well
connected by roads and railways. Sehore
district forms the part of Malwa plateau
with an undulating topography. This
study area is a part of Sehore district.
This study area is situated towards the
southern side of Sehore district in
Madhya Pradesh, (Fig no 1) India
which is covered an area of 276 km2. The
study area lies in between 2203941.66 N
to 2205619.71 N & 770 14 10.67E to
7701952.22 E. Survey of India
Toposheet numbers are 55F/1, 55F/2,
55F/5, 55F/6. This is a small watershed
area. Ambar River which is the small
tributary of Kolar River and also the sub-
tributary of Narmada River. Laurki
protected forest is laying towards the
north-west part of the study area and
also a little bit part of Ichhawar reserve
forest is included in my study area that
is found to the north eastern side. Fig-1: Study Area Map

Physical features of the study area:

Sehore district lies in an undulating surface of Vindhyan range. This area is a part of Deccantrap
plateau region .The highest elevation of this area is 520 meters and lower most area which is
found towards the southern side is 280 meters. Mainly southern side is plain area which is
occupied by the alluvium soil of Narmada and Kolar rivers.
Soil: Mostly this area lies on Deccantrap plateau and Narmada alluvium soil. We can find the
three types of soil of this region. Those are clay, sandy clay and clay loam.

The climate of study area can be divided into four seasons .The winter season
commences from end of November and lasts till the end of Feb. The period from March to about
the middle of June is the hot season. The south west monsoon season from middle of June to
end of September, October & end of November constitute the post monsoon or retreating
monsoon season.
Temperature: The nearest meteorological observatory of this study area is at Bairagarh where
the similar conditions of weather is prevail. The winter season starts from end of November &
ends till last week of February. The January is the coldest month of the year. The average
normal minimum temperature during the month is about 10.4%. From March onwards, the
temperature starts rising and maximum temperature observed during the month of May.
The average normal maximum temperature is 40.7 C. On the arrival of monsoon the weather
became pleasant. In October, the retreating of monsoon the temperature rises slightly during

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the day time and nights become pleasant. The average annual normal temperature of Sehore
district is 31.4 C.
Rainfall: The nearly rain gauge station in my study area is Nasrullaganj. The normal rainfall
in this study area is near about 1250mm .July is the wettest month of the year and about 36% of
the annual rainfall takes place during this month only. About 92.4% of the annual rainfall takes
place during the southwest monsoon period i.e. between June to September. About 6.2% and
1.4% rainfall received during winter and summer season respectively. Hence only 7.6% of the
annual rainfall takes place from October to May months.
Wind: Winds are generally light to moderate in the district with some slight strengthening in
force during the monsoon season. The wind velocity in the post monsoon or during the winter
season is, in general, low as compared to Pre-monsoon or summer season. The normal average
and wind velocity of the district is about 8.3 Km/hr.
Humidity: During the southwest monsoon the relative humidity is generally high exceeding
about 88% in August. Humidity decreases in the post monsoon season. In the cold season it is
fairly good over the district. The driest part of the year is the summer season with the humidity
going down to 26% or less. The annual normal relative humidity of the district is 57%.
Sehore district is preliminary the agriculture dominated district. The main occupation of this
districts people is Agriculture.
The forest of this district are classified into three categories a) Reserve forest
b) Protected forest & c) Village forest. These are administrative by forest department .Sehore
district is divided into eight ranges namely Bhopal, Brasia , Sehore , Larkui, Ichhawar , Budni ,
Rethi and Astha and 605 forest compartment . This study area is lying in Ichhwar and Larkui
forest range.
According to H. G. champions Classification the forest of the Sehore district fall into the forth
class southern tropical dry deciduous forest which further sub-categories into three class 1)
dry teak , 2) south Indian dry mixed deciduous , 3) bamboo.
Mostly in this study area above two categories forest can find dry teak and south Indian dry
mixed deciduous forest tree.
Systematic groundwater studies utilizing Remote Sensing, digital elevation models (DEM) and
Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
The specific objectives:
a) Prepare thematic maps of the area such as lithology, lineaments, Geomorphology
landforms and slopes from remotely sensed data.
b) Identify and delineate groundwater potential zones through integration of various
thematic maps with GIS techniques.
c) Recommendations for future work and provide guidelines for groundwater

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Chapter III
Material & Methodology:
Data products:-the remote sensing data used for the study are below ----
Primary Data
Satellite Data IRS P6 LISS III 4 band satellite image with.
(Path & row 97-56)
Survey of India Toposheet (Scale on 1:50,000)
Topo Sheet nos. 55 F/1, 2, 5 & 6
Secondary Data
DRM (District Resource Map which is produced by GSI )/
geological map
soil texture
The whole process of this project work has been carried out in three phases:-
1. Data collection
2. Data analysis and interpretation
3. Validation of results
First of all the watershed boundary has been delineated from Survey of India
toposheet. The methodology includes generation of thematic maps showing drainage
pattern, lineament, slope and geomorphology, Drainage Density, Lu/Lc, Lithology
units through processing and visual interpretations of remote sensed data. The
identification and delineation of various units on the thematic maps was based on nine
elements of the image interpretation (tone, texture, shape, color etc). Thematic layers of
geomorphologic units, slope, lineament, Lithology, drainage density and, Lu/Lc, soil
texture were generated and integrated in GIS environment to determine suitable zones
for groundwater prospecting.
In order to identify the ground water potential zone in the study area the primary and
secondary data are used. The collected Toposheets of the study area were scanned,
registered with Lambert Conical Conformal (LCC) a projection system (datum WGS
84) which is the most suitable projected system behalf of whole Madhya Pradesh and all
the toposheets are mosaicked using Erdas imagine 9.1 software.
After producing the all thematic layers, those were converted into raster form. Before
rasterization of two layers Lineament and drainage buffer both of layers has been
intersected with all input feature and creating a complete attributes with boundary
using the union tools of Arc gis 10. After that both the layers was converted into raster
form. Contours from Toposheet were digitized and digital elevation modal (DEM) for
the study area was generated using the Arc gis10. Thematic layers on lithology,
geomorphology, slope, drainage, lineament, Land use/land cover were developed for
the study area. Rectified satellite data also has been collected. Through the digital
image processing the land use/land cover has been prepared using Erdas Imagine 9.1
software. For this purpose clusters (nearly the same classes) formed automatically into
input classes of the False Color Composite (FCC) image of the study area on the
unsupervised classification process. After 100 classes cluster image has been generating
then those was merged into nine main classes with the help of recoding process of
Erdas Imagine 9.1 software. After creating all thematic layers, the rank has been
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denoted to every feature of the thematic layers from 1 5 scale respecting their
ground water suitability. The weightage were assigned for different themes and
individual features and its corresponding normalized weight were derived based on the
Composite Suitability Index (CSI). Maximum value is given to the feature with high
ground water potentiality. These thematic layers were finally integrated using overlay
analysis of landform pattern the impact of the ground water potential zones of the
study area were demarcated.
Chapter IV
Thematic layers and Analysis
Drainage System of the Study Area
A well-developed network of drainages is seen in the study area .Drainage pattern
seems to be parallel to bus-parallel and mainly dendritic in nature. Regarding on
drainage pattern on can judge this is a denudated area, because dendritic drainage
pattern give us information about denudational landform. Stream ordering for entire
area has been done by Strahler method .the order-
wise details are given in the table below----
Table: stream segments with respective order
Order No. of streams
1st order 632
2nd order 139
3rd order 36
4th order 7
5th order 1

Fig 2 : Drainage map

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LITHOLOGY: Sehore district forms the Malwa plateau, the part of Malwa plateau with an
undulating topography. This district is covering an area of 6576 sq. kms which is situated in the
western part of Madhya Pradesh. Physiographically, the district is highly rugged and
undulated comprising hills, dissected plateau, valley and flats/plains. This district is
characterized by the rocks of a Palaeo Proterozoic age, Vindhyan super group, Deccan trap and
Quaternary formations. . Deccan traps occupy a major part of the district as hills and uplands.
Vindhyans are mainly confined to Narmada coast in the eastern part of Sehore occupying E-W
and N-S trending hills.
This watershed is covering an area of 276 sq. km. which is situated in the southern part of
Sehore district in Madhya Pradesh. On the basis of lithological aspect this area is classified into
three categories which is shown in fig no -3 .

Fig-3: Lithological map

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Table: Lithological information of the study area (source DRM by GSI).

Class flow Formation Group Age of Rocks characteristics Area
formation Km2
Calcareous 5 Beneta formation Recent era Middle Calcareous , brown silt , 116
sand , silt , clay Pleistocene fine sand , with lenses
, gravel and (quaternary) of volcanic ash , beds ,
conglomerate coal, bearing red silty
sand , calcareous clay ,
coarse sand , gravel and
conglomerate .

Compound to 2 Kalisindh Malwa group Cretaceous Dark grey , fine grained 98

simple and formation ( Deccantrap ) to Paleocene , non-porphyretic to
Aa basaltic sparsely porphyritic ,
lava flows dense , hardrock.

Aa & 5 Kankariyapirukher Malwa group . Dark grey , fine grained 62

compound i formation ( Deccantrap) Cretaceous , non-porphyritic to
basaltic lava to Paleocene porphyreticmegacrysts
flows age of feldspar , hardrock.

Drainage Density: Drainage density is good

representative of climatic and physiographic
condition of its drainage basins. It highlights the
surface expression of denudational activity
within the basin which is influenced by various
inputs and output energies .Drainage density
explains the stage of fluvial eroded landscapes.
An importance of drainage density in drainage
basin analysis is due to two reasons. Firstly it
reflects the potential rate at which water can be
transmitted through basin. Secondly it reflects
the climatic condition of a particular area and
also its basin characteristics including rock
Where Dd = L/Ad
L= the total length of all channels (L) divided by the
area of the drainage.
Ad. - Basin
Equation: Drainage density

Fig- 4: Drainage Density Map

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Soil Texture: In this study area we can find mostly three types of soil on the basis of
their texture as clay, sandy loam, and clay loam. So in this watershed region most of
the area is covered by clay soil. Clay soils have greater strength especially when dry,
and are also susceptible to water-logging due to poor infiltration which results in poor
aeration (contain/passing air into). Clay soil is not healthy for increasing of
groundwater resource but also good indicates
for cultivation. The soil map of this area has
been shown in fig no -5.
Lineament Buffer Map:
Lineaments are defined as the "significant lines of
landscape, which reveals the hidden
Architecture of the rocks basement. They are
character lines of the earth's physiognomy.
These are linear geomorphic features that are the
surface expression of zones of weakness or
structural displacement in the crust of the earth.
Lineaments are buffered at a distance of 50, 100,
1nd 150 meters area which is 50 m from the
lineament is consider as a most suitable zone for
groundwater. And much more distance from
lineament consider as a least suitable for ground
water improvement that has been shown in fig no

Categories Value
Very High Density 3.8848172 6.2303671
High Density Area 2.9075047 3.8848171
Moderate Density 1.9546250 2.9075046 Fig-5: Soil Map
Low Density Area 0.9284469 1.9546249
Very Low Density 0 0.9284468

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Geomorphology is defined as scientific study of landforms. Geo means earth, morpho
means form and Logy means discourse or science. It is a branch of earth science, which has
grown after the advent of aerial photographs and
satellite data. Geomorphology, along with
information on soil, water and vegetation has
become one of the essential inputs in planning for
various developmental activities. The denudational
landforms of this study area and its map ( fig no
7) are discussed below.
Pedi plain: The extensive slightly inclined
denudational plain which is formed under the
condition of arid and semiarid region.
Residual hill: The residual meaning is generally a
quantity left over at the end of a process the hard
rocks left behind after erosion are called residual
hills .
Pediment: A pediment is a very gently sloping
(.5-7) inclined bedrock surface. It typically slopes
down from the base of a steeper retreating hilly
area or escarpment, but may continue to exist after
the mountain has eroded away. It develops when
sheets of running water wash over it in intense
rainfall events as a result this zone is thinly
covered with fluvial gravel that has washed over it

from the foot of mountains produced by cliff Fig-6 : Lineament Buffer Map
retreat erosion.
Scarp: A continuous line of cliffs produced by vertical movement of the Earth's crust along a
fault or by erosion. In this study area where a
long scarp can find to the Middle Eastern side
which is formed by the erosion.
Buried pediment: These units are moderately
weathered with their thickness greater than
that of the shallow pediments. This type of
landforms the top area is covered by a thin
layered that can be made by eroded gravels,
silt, or clay.
Mesa: A mesa is an isolated, flat-topped hill
or mountain with steep sides that is smaller
in area than a plateau. A mesa has a surface
area of less than 4 square miles (10 square
Valley: Valley is an erosional landforms .A
valley through which a river runs may also
be referred to as a valley .It may be u or v
shaped. Here most of the valley region is v
shaped which indicates a high altitude area.

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Fig-7: Geomorphological Map

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Low dissected Lower plateau: A dissected plateau is a plateau area that has been severely
eroded land area so that the relief is sharp. The low dissected plateau is further categories from
dissected plateau .That is the lower part of the dissected plateau region. Such an area may be
referred to as mountainous hilly region. That is the Malwa plateau region.
Plateau Top: A highly plain area which is usually consisting of relatively flat terrain. That type
of land forms are look like a table which surrounding is bounded by escarpment or little bit
slope downwards and upper area is flat plain area. Middle-east side of the study area where we
can find a top plain area that is much more
height from its base.
Slope :Slope is the rate of change of
elevation and considered as the principal
factor of the superficial water flow since it
determines the gravity effects on the water
movement .Slope analysis is an important
parameter in geomorphic studies. The
slope is directly proportional to run off
.Slope plays a key role in groundwater
occurrence as infiltration is inversely
related to slope that we can find in fig no-

Value ( In Modified Categories

Degree ) Value
0 3.329505 03 Equal to plain area
3.329506 39 Gentle
9.2750507 9 15 Moderate
15.454818 15 23 Steep
23.544359 Fig-8: Slope Map
23.544360 23 - 60 Very high or equal
60.644562 to Scarp

Land use/Land cover

Land use is the part of the earth which
is constructing or made by the human or
human made it for their suitability i.e. that is
built up, agriculture, parks, industries, and
artificial water body etc. Land cover is that
part of the earth which is natural or made by
natural activities that is river, forest, water
body and hills etc.
Lu/Lc has a vital role for groundwater. One of
the parameters that influence the occurrence
of sub-surface groundwater occurrence is the
present condition of land cover and land use
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Fig-9: Land use/Land cover

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of the area. The effect of land use / cover is manifested either by reducing runoff and
facilitating, or by trapping water on their leaf. Water droplets trapped in this way go
down to recharge groundwater. Land use/cover may also affect groundwater
negatively by evapotranspiration, assuming interception to be constant. Most of area of
this study area has been covered by double cropland and forestry that has been shown
in fig no 9.

Table: Land use /Land cover Classification

Classes Area (in sq. Km ) Percentage

Double crop 102.65 37.09
Single crop 20.60 7.45
Open forest 56.55 20.43
Dense forest 22.74 8.23
Water body 4.83 1.75
Fallow land 31.44 11.35
Waste land 21.74 7.85
Degraded forest 14.25 5.15
Settlement 1.90 0.70
Total 276.00 100.00

Chapter V
GIS analysis for groundwater prospect mapping
Check dams, nala bunds/plugs, recharge pits and wells etc. provide a good measure of
rainwater harvesting structures in the hard rock terrains by arresting runoff and
increasing the surface area of infiltration. Suitability of these structures depends on
various factors, which can be integrated by GIS techniques (M. Girish Kumar, et al. 2008).

All the thematic layers was prepared from different primary and secondary data
sources .first of all two thematic layers Drainage buffer & lineament buffer are
involving polygons made around the drainage & lineament (buffer zone) was
integrated with boundary layer by the union option. All the thematic layers have been
converted into raster form so that they can be easily integrated using GIS. Each of these
thematic maps has been assigned suitable weightage factors .These weightage factors
have assigned from knowledge based and also taken from considering the works
carried out by researchers.
Multi Influencing Factors (MIF) for groundwater potential zones
Eight influencing factors, such as Lithology, slope, land-use/land-cover,
geomorphology, drainage density & buffer, soil, and lineament have been identified to
delineate the groundwater potential zones. The representative weight of a factor of the
potential zone is the sum of all weights from each factor. A factor with a higher weight
value shows a larger impact and a factor with a lower weight value shows a smaller
impact on groundwater potential zones. Integration of these factors with their potential
weights is computed through weighted overlay analysis in ArcGIS.

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After assigning the weightage value of the all the feature classes then those are
converted into weightage or reclassification map. These all weight maps were then
integrated using spatial analysis tools of GIS to delineate groundwater potential zone.
Ranking & Weight assignment
Thematic layers viz., geomorphology, lithology, lineaments, drainage density, slope,
drainage buffer zone, Lu/Lc and soil map have been considered for site suitability
analysis. Based on the available knowledge on the role of each of these parameters in
controlling the occurrence, storage and distribution of groundwater, weightages were
assigned for geomorphology, lithology, lineament, and drainage, lu/Lc and all layers .
Again each of these layers has further been classified into different classes which are
ranked from 1 to 5 according to their suitability of the water percolation for improving

Table: value or ranking of each class

Class Ranking / Scale
Excellent 5
Good 4
Moderate 3
Poor 2
Very poor 1

Final weight assignment procedure:

The every thematic layers standard deviation has been derived by following formula

N Number of variables (classes),

Xi value of the individual feature class.
x - - variance value of the feature class.
And every class weightage has been calculated by
following formula

Equation: Standard deviation for individual thematic layers

Weight value = / * 100

Standard deviation
Total of the standard deviation value .
Equation: Weight assignment for individual thematic layer.
Table: Final ranking or scale value and final weightage vale for each class

Thematic layers Features class Ranking Standard Weight Weighted

deviation mean

Geomorphology Pedi plain Excellent 5 1.414 10 14.28
Pediment Poor 2
Buried Pediment Good 4
Mesa Very poor 1
Low dissected Lower Poor 2
Plateau Top Poor 2
Residual hill Very poor 1
Valley Moderate 3
Scarp Very poor 1
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Lithology Aa compound Moderate 3 2.000 15 14.28
basaltic lava flow

Calcareous ,silt ,sand, Excellent 5

clay, gravel &

Compound to simple Very poor 1

Aa basaltic lava flow

Lineament 0 m buffer very poor 1 1.707 13 14.28

0-50 m buffer Excellent 5
50-100 m buffer Good 4
100-150 m buffer moderate 3
Soil Texture Clay Very poor 1 1.825 14 14.28
Clay loam Poor 2
River- water body Excellent 5
Sandy loam Good 4
Drainage Density 0-0.928446 Excellent 5 1.581 12 14.28
0.928446-1.954624 Good 4
1.954625-2.907504 Moderate 3
2.907505-3.884817 Poor 2
3.884818-6.230368 Very poor 1
Slope 0-3 Excellent 5 1.581 12 14.28
3-9 Good 4
9-15 Moderate 3
15-23 Poor 2
23-60 Very poor 1
Drainage order 1st Very poor 1 1.581 11 14.28
2nd Poor 2
3rd Moderate 3
4th Good 4
5th Excellent 5
Land use/Land Waste land Poor 2 1.691 13 14.28
cover Fallow land Good 4
Open forest Poor 2
Degraded forest Moderate 3
Dense forest Very Poor 1
Single crop Excellent 5
Double crop Excellent 5
Water body Excellent 5
Settlement Very Poor 1

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Difference between weight and weight mean

Weight value

4 weight line
0 Weight mean line

Fig-10: Weight and weight mean value for each class.

Chapter VI
Result and discussion
There are different ways in which the suitability assessment can be done. There have been
studies of suitability assessment employing a maximization or worscase model ( space
application center -1999 ) .Firstly every feature class has been categorized according to their
groundwater suitability and given a rank .Knowledge based weight assignment was carried out
for each feature and they were integrated and analyzed by using the weighted aggregation
method and Multi Influence Factor (MIF) . The different units in each theme were assigned
ranking from 1 to 5 on the basis of their significance with reference to their site selection for
groundwater prospecting mapping .Then calculate the standard deviation of the every thematic
layers .Those thematic layers are denoted weightage value according to their standard deviation
() .Finally weightage has been given according to their groundwater suitability on the basis of
weight value of every thematic layers. After that the all thematic layers has been integrated with
GIS environment (using spatial analysis tool: weighted overlay process) and a new composite
groundwater suitability map has been generated. This map has been indicated for identification
of groundwater infiltration or recharge zone. The investigation was conducted with objectives
to delineate the areas with promising ground water zone in Ambar watershed region and the
composite map of the ground water potential zones (Fig no- 11) summarizes the result.
The choice among a set of zones for development of ground water is based upon multi-criteria
evaluation techniques which gives linear combination of probability weights for different
themes for the study. The integrated final map has been generated into five classes to represent
ground water potentiality of the study area. Out of the total area 0.07% were classified as very
poor potential zone, poor zone occupies 28.90 %. Moderate potential zone accounts 38.97 %.
Good potential zone accounts 31.97 % and excellent potential zone occupies 0.09 %.
Table: Groundwater potential zone area in accordance with classes
Classes Area ( % )
Very poor zone 0.07
Poor zone 28.90
Moderate zone 38.97
Good zone 31.97
Excellent zone 0.09
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A new composite groundwater map
has been generated. Contain the composite
detail of all the thematic layers together
numerically having maximum weight and
minimum weight with standard deviation.
Grouping of polygons of high ranks of all the
thematic layers has helped in delineating the
sites that are excellent for construction of water
harvesting structures. A Composite Suitability
Index (CSI) value has been calculated for each
composite unit by multiplying weightage with
rank of each parameter and summing up the
values of all the parameters. Categorization of
the CSI is achieved by ranging the CSI into five
classes (Fig no- 12).

CSI = wt*feature class ranking for all individual


Fig-11: Groundwater potential Map

CSI value for composite suitability map = x1 rank *wt,

x2 rank *wt, x3 rank * wt, x4 rank * wt, x5 * wt +
y1rank*wt, y2rank*wt, y3rank*wt, + z1rank*wt,
z2rank*wt, z3rank*wt
x, y , z = Thematic layers
1, 2, 3, 4 = Thematic class
rank = Ranking value
wt = Weight value of the thematic layers
Equation: CSI value for composite suitability map.

Fig-12: Groundwater Suitability map

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Table: CSI value and area in accordance with water percolation of the study area.
Classes Composite Values CSI Area
units Variance (%)
Class I Very poor 112 116 30.9
228 Both of the final composite maps
Class II Poor 228 41 10.9
are carrying difference information. This
Class III Moderate 269 43 11.4 study area is having a vast suitable zone
312 for ground water percolation but not
Class IV Good 312 46 12.2
healthy for potential zone.
Class - V Excellent 358 - 130 34.6 How much difference to each other
488 (suitability & potential zone) according
to their zonation map of the study area has been shown in the
following table and bar-graph.

40 Table: Zonation basis suitable for

35 water percolation and potential area
30 of the study area
25 Zone Suitability area Potential area
20 (%) (%)
Suitability area (%)
15 Very poor 30.9 0.07
10 Potential area (%) Poor 10.9 28.90
Moderate 11.4 38.97
Good 12.2 31.97
Excellent 34.6 0.09

Bar-graph: Ground water suitability for water percolation & potential zone area

Chapter VII
In the presence study for identifying the ground water potential zones in Ambar
watershed , Sehore , Madhya Pradesh using geospatial techniques which includes remote
sensing, GIS , CSI and MIF techniques is found efficient to minimize time and money. The main
objectives of this project is to use GIS and remote sensing techniques for the assessment,
evaluation and analysis of spatial distribution of ground water potential zones & prospecting
mapping with in an area of 276 sq. km using weightage analysis process. Study has focused on
the effectiveness of remote sensing and GIS in the identification and delineation of groundwater
potential zones & suitable area for water percolation of the study area. All the thematic maps
were converted into grid (raster format) and superimposed by weighted overlay method (rank
and weightage wise thematic maps). Ground water potential zone map has been produced
using eight thematic layers from toposheets, satellite images and existing data.
After superimposing (using CSI method) of all those thematic layers with the help of
weighted sum process in Arc gis and automatically has been produced the composite suitability
map which is giving us the information about ground water percolation area according to their

IJOAR 2015
ISSN 2320-9186 18
percolation ranking. So that the most of excellent area for water percolation are laid in the
southern alluvium soil of Narmada valley region, we can find it in fig no - 12.
This study has shown that large spatial variability of groundwater potential. This
variability closely followed variability in the structure, lithology, geomorphology, and land
use/land cover in the study area. The most promising potential zone in the area is related to
calcarious , silt , sand , clay , gravel , conglomerate rocks structures and having interconnected
pore spaces , with plain (Pedi plain ) geomorphic feature , less drainage density and also double
crop land use pattern area . Most of the zones with moderate to very poor groundwater
potential zone lie in the massive basement unit which is far from lineaments.
Acknowledgement: I am expressing my sincere gratitude to Mr. Sourav Shiva & Mr. Amit
Diamon for their constant help to complete my whole project work.


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IJOAR 2015

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