Issue Facts: Yared V Ilarde
Issue Facts: Yared V Ilarde
Issue Facts: Yared V Ilarde
FACTS litigated by the appeal and considering that in the case at bar, lis pendens is not a matter litigated
1) On October 17, 1990, petitioner Estrella Tiongco Yared filed an amended complaint[2] in the appeal and the records have not as yet been transmitted to the appellate court so that this
before the Regional Trial Court, 6th Judicial Region, Branch XXVI, against private Court still has jurisdiction to issue the Order of February 14, 1994 cancelling the notices of lis
respondents Jose B. Tiongco and Antonio Doronila, Jr. Docketed as Civil Case No. 19408, pendens annotated on TCT No. T-92383 covering Lot 3244 and on TCT No. T-5050 covering lot 3246
the action was one for "annulment of affidavit of adjudication, sales, transfer certificates of and considering further, that the said Order does not direct cancellation of lis pendens annotated
title, reconveyance and damages. on TCT No. T-89483 covering Lot no. 1404 which contains a total area of 1,587 square meters where
2) In brief, the amended complaint alleged that respondent Tiongco, on the basis of an the area of 64 square meters claimed by plaintiff can very well be taken; as prayed for by the
affidavit of adjudication dated April 17, 1974 alleging that he is the sole surviving heir of defendant Jose B. Tiongco, the Order of March 4, 1994 is hereby reconsidered and set aside and the
the previous owner, Maria Luis de Tiongco, succeeded in having the subject properties Order of February 14, 1994 is hereby reconsidered and set aside and the Order of February 14,
registered in his name, to the prejudice of the other surviving heir of the previous owner, 1994 cancelling the notices of lis pendens on TCT No. T-92383 covering lot 3244 and on TCT No. T-
petitioner among them. 5050 covering lot 3246 is hereby reinstated.
- Petitioner and respondent Tiongco's father were siblings, and both were among
several heirs of Maria Luis de Tiongco. The aforesaid affidavit of adjudication was On April 5, 1994, the Register of Deeds cancelled the annotation of notices of lis pendens.
registered with the Office of the Register of Deeds of Iloilo City on May 10, 1974. - [17]
Petitioner prayed that the properties be reconveyed to the original registered owners,
subject to partition among the lawful heirs, and that respondent Tiongco be ordered 8) Feeling that a motion for reconsideration would be fruitless, petitioner filed the instant
to pay damages and costs. special civil action for certiorari, alleging that:
3) To protect her interest in the properties during the pendency of the case, petitioner caused
to be annotated on Transfer Certificate of Title Nos. T-52547, T-4666 and T-52546,[3] which
covered Lot Nos. 3244, 3246 and 1404, respectively. TCT Nos. T-92383 and T-5050 were
derived or transferred from TCT Nos. T-52547 and T-4666 respectively and registered in the
name of Tiongco.
4) After respondent Jose B. Tiongco filed his answer, trial ensued during which, on three
separate occasions, he filed motions seeking the cancellation of the notices of lis pendens.[4]
All these motions were denied.[5]
5) On December 14, 1993, the respondent judge issued a Decision[6] dismissing petitioner's
complaint and private respondent's counterclaim. The trial court found that petitioner's
The doctrine of lis pendens is founded upon reasons of public policy and necessity, the
cause of action had already prescribed.
6) Petitioner filed a notice of appeal[7]on December 17, 1993. As before, respondent Tiongco purpose of which is to make known to the whole world that properties in litigation are still
filed a motion for cancellation of the notices of lis pendens[8] dated December 21, 1993; this within the power of the court until the litigation is terminated and to prevent the defeat of
was denied in an Order dated January 10, 1994.[9] He filed a "Second Motion for the judgment or decree by subsequent alienation.[18]
The notice of lis pendens is an announcement to the whole world that a particular real
Reconsideration"[10] which was also denied in an Order dated January 26, 1994.[11]
property is in litigation, and serves as a warning that one who acquires an interest over said
Displaying remarkable tenacity, respondent Tiongco filed a "Third Motion for
property does so at his own risk, or that he gambles on the result of the litigation over said
Reconsideration."[12] This time, however, his arguments proved persuasive. In an
Order[13]dated February 14, 1994, the respondent judge ruled to wit:
Rule 13, Section 14 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure[20] and Section 76 of Presidential
In the light of the ruling laid down in Magdalena Homeowners Association Inc. vs. Court of Decree No. 1529,[21] otherwise known as the Property Registration Decree provide the
Appeals, 184 SCRA 325; 330 (1990), cited in Vda. De Kilayko vs. Tengco, 207 SCRA 600; 614- statutory bases for notice of lis pendens. From these provisions, it is clear that such a notice
615 (1992), that "the continuance or removal of a notice of lis pendens is not contingent on is proper only in:
the existence of a final judgment in the action and ordinarily has no effect on the merits
thereof so that the notices of lis pendens in the case at bar may, on proper grounds, be a) An action to recover possession of real estate;
cancelled notwithstanding the non-finality of the judgment of this Court brought about by b) An action to quiet title thereto;
plaintiff's appeal and considering the finding of this Court that plaintiff's action had already c) An action to remove clouds thereon;
prescribed, which finding is based on the admitted fact that the questioned deed of d) An action for partition; and
adjudication was registered way back of May 10, 1974 so that the possibility of this finding e) Any other proceedings of any kind in Court directly affecting title to the land or the use
being reversed is quite remote if not totally nil and, considering further, the circumstances or occupation thereof or the building thereon.[22]
obtaining in this case, among which are: (1) that the criminal complaint for perjury filed by
plaintiff against defendant Jose B. Tiongco based on the same deed of adjudication had Thus, all petitioner has to do is to assert a claim of possession or title over the subject
already been dismissed with finality also on the ground of prescription; (2) that the property to put the property under the coverage of the rule.[23] It is not necessary for her to
occupants of the property who were alleged as formerly paying rentals to herein plaintiff, prove ownership or interest over the property sought to be affected by lis pendens.
Whether as a matter, of procedure[24] or substance,[25] the rule is that a notice of lis
Estrella Tiongco Yared, had already recognized defendant's ownership and had long
stopped paying rentals to plaintiff without the latter intervening, much less, contesting the pendens may be cancelled only on two (2) grounds, namely (1) if the annotation was for the
decision in Civil Case No. 15421 where defendant Jose B. Tiongco was declared with finality purpose of molesting the title of the adverse party, or (2) when the annotation is not
as the true and lawful owner of Lots Nos. 3244 and 3246; and (3) that, if at all, the present necessary to protect the title of the party who caused it to be recorded.[26]
claim of plaintiff covers but a very small portion of subject lots consisting only a total of
about 64 square meters hence, it would be unfair to the defendant who has torrens title The petition should be dismissed, there being a clear violation of the doctrine of judicial
covering the parcels of lands solely in his name to have the same subjected to the harsh hierarchy that we have taken pains to emphasize in past jurisprudence.
Thus, we ruled in Vergara v. Suelto[27] that:
effect of such a encumbrance; the Court, in view of all the foregoing considerations and
[t]he Supreme Court is a court of last resort, and must so remain if its is to satisfactorily
upon further review of the records, hereby reconsiders its stand on the subject matter of lis
perform the functions assigned to it by fundamental charter and immemorial tradition. It
pendens and so holds that the continued annotation of subject notices of lis pendens is
cannot and should not be burdened with the task of dealing with causes in the first
intended to molest the defendant, Jose B. Tiongco, and is not necessary to protect the rights
instance. Its original jurisdiction to issue the so-called extraordinary writs should be
of plaintiff as such rights, if any, are now foreclosed by prescription.
7) This time, it was petitioner's turn to seek reconsideration.[14] On March 4, 1994, the public exercised only where absolutely necessary or where serious and important reasons exist
respondent issued an Order[15] reversing himself on the ground that (1) it had already lost therefor. Hence, that jurisdiction should generally be exercised relative to actions or
jurisdiction over the case due to the expiration of the last day to appeal of both parties, (2) proceedings before the Court of Appeals, or before constitutional or other tribunals, bodies
the notice of appeal has been approved, and (3) the records had been ordered elevated to or agencies whose acts for some reason or another, are not controllable by the Court of
the Court of Appeals. Appeals. Where the issuance of an extraordinary writ is also within the competence of the
Private respondent Tiongco filed another motion for reconsideration[16] against the Order Court of Appeals or a Regional Trial Court, it is in either of these courts that the specific
dated March 4, 1994. On March 17, 1994, the respondent judge issued the order, subject of action for the writ's procurement must be presented. This is and should continue to be the
this petition, which is quoted hereunder: policy in this regard, a policy that courts and lawyers must strictly observe.
We reaffirmed this policy in People v. Cuaresma,[28] thus:
Considering that under Section 9, Rule 41 of the Rules of Court, although appeal had already been
perfected, the Court, prior to the transmittal of the records to the appellate court, may issue orders
Yared v Ilarde
xxx A last word. This Court's original jurisdiction to issue writ of certiorari (as well as its continuance or removal-like the continuance or removal or removal of a preliminary
prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus and injunction) is not exclusive. It is attachment of injunction-is not contingent on the existence of a final judgment in the action,
shared by this Court with Regional Trial Courts (formerly Courts of First Instance), which and ordinarily has no effect on the merits thereof.
may issue the writ, enforceable in any part of their respective regions. It is also shared by In the case at bar, the case had properly come within the appellate jurisdiction of the Court
this Court, and by the Regional Trial Court, with the Court of Appeals (formerly of Appeals in virtue of the perfection of the plaintiff's appeal. It therefore had power to deal
Intermediate Appellate Court), although prior to the effectivity of Batas Pambansa Bilang with and resolve any incident in connection with the action subject of the appeal, even
129 on August 14, 1981, the latter's competence to issue the extraordinary writs was before final judgment. The rule that no questions may be raised for the first time on appeal
restricted to those "in aid of its appellate jurisdiction." have reference only to those affecting the merits of the action, and not to mere incidents
thereof, e.g., cancellation of notices of lis pendens, or, to repeat, the grant or dissolution of
This concurrence of jurisdiction is not, however, to be taken as according to parties seeking provisional remedies. [emphasis supplied]
any of the writs an absolute, unrestrained freedom of choice of the court to which Had petitioner brought the instant petition before the Court of Appeals, the same could,
application therefor will be directed. There is after all a hierarchy of courts. That hierarchy and would, have been consolidated with the appeal, thereby bringing under the
is determinative of the venue of appeals, and should also serve as a general determinant of competence of the said court all matters relative to the action, including the incidents
the appropriate forum for petitions for the extraordinary writs. A becoming regard for that thereof.
judicial hierarchy most certainly indicates that petitions for the issuance of extraordinary Prescinding from the foregoing discussion, the disposition of the instant case will be
writs against first level ("inferior") courts should be filed with the Regional Trial Court, and incomplete without a reference to the improper and unethical language employed by
those against the latter, with the Court of Appeals. respondent Jose B. Tiongco, who is also counsel for private respondents, in his pleadings
A direct invocation of the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction to issue these writs should and motions filed both before us and the court a quo. It is his belief that counsel for
be allowed only when there are special and important reasons therefor, clearly and petitioner, Atty. Marciana Deguma, "a rambunctious wrestler-type female of 52 who does
specifically set out in the petition. This is established policy. It is a policy that is necessary to not wear a dress which is not red, and who stampedes into the courtroom like a mad fury
prevent inordinate demands upon the Court's time and attention which are better devoted and who speaks slang English to conceal her faulty grammar,"[35] is impelled by less than
to those matters within its exclusive jurisdiction, and to prevent further over-crowding of less than noble reasons in serving as counsel for petitioner. Her ulterior motive? "[T]o please
the Court's docket. and tenderize and sweeten towards her own self the readily available Carmelo M.
Indeed, the removal of the restriction on the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals in this Tiongco,"[36] a retired police major described by respondent Tiongco as Atty. Deguma's
regard, supra-resulting from the deletion of the qualifying phrase, "in aid of its appellate "nio bonito,"[37] an unmarried mestizo with curly hair who lives with plaintiff for being
jurisdiction"-was evidently intended precisely to relieve this Court pro tanto of the burden houseless[38] who rents a place on the subject property sought to be recovered by
of dealing with applications for the extraordinary writs which, but for the expansion of the petitioner.
Appellate Court's corresponding jurisdiction, would have had to be filed with it. Atty. Deguma, apparently are unmarried maiden of a certain age, is variously described by
The Court feels the need to reaffirm that policy at this time, and to enjoin strict adherence respondent Tiongco as "a love-crazed female Apache [who] is now ready to skin defendant
thereto in the light of what it perceives to be a growing tendency on the part of litigants and alive for not being a bastard,"[39] and a "horned spinster and man-hungry virago and
lawyers to have their applications for the so-called extraordinary writs, and sometimes even female bull of an Amazon who would stop at nothing to molest, harrass (sic) and injure
their appeals, passed upon and adjudicated directly and, immediately by the highest defendant - if only to please and attract police-major Carmelo Tiongco Junior - the deeply
tribunal of the land. The proceeding at bar is a case in point. The application for the writ of desired object of her unreciprocated affections - who happens not to miss every chance to
certiorari sought against a City Court was brought directly to this Court although there is laugh at her behind her back."[40] He claims that Atty. Deguma, a lawyer with the Public
no discernible special and important reason for not presenting it to the Regional Trial Court. Attorney's Office, is engaged in a game of one-upmanship with a fellow employee, in that
The Court therefore closes this decision with the declaration, for the information and "she happens to be ambitious enough to secretly (that what she thought) plot to put one
guidance of all concerned, that it will not only continue to enforce the policy, but will over her office-mate who simply netted a corporal (if not a private) by aiming at no lest than
require a more strict observance thereof. (emphasis supplied) an IMDC major - hoping to catch him by sheer brass and audacity.[41] In so doing, Atty.
Notwithstanding these pronouncements, parties persisted in disregarding the judicial Deguma is using the PAO as a "marriage bureau for her own benefit.[42] Respondent
hierarchy. Tiongco predicts that nothing good will come out of opposing counsel's scheme since,
As we noted in Santiago v. Vasquez,[29]
quoting Voltaire, "outside of virtue, ther's (sic) no happiness."[43]
Respondent Tiongco has achieved a remarkable feat of character assassination. His verbal
One final observation. We discern in the proceedings in this case a propensity on the part of darts, albeit entertaining in a fleeting way, are cast with little regard for truth. However, he
petitioner, and, for that matter, the same may be said of a number of litigants who initiate does nothing more than to obscure the issues, and his reliance on the fool's gold of gossip
recourses before us, to disregard the hierarchy of courts in our judicial system by seeking betrays only a shocking absence of discernment. To this end, it will be wise to give him an
relief directly from this Court despite the fact that the same is available in the lower courts object lesson in the elementary rules of courtesy by which we expect members of the bar to
in the exercise of their original or concurrent jurisdiction, or is even mandated by law to be comport themselves.
sought therein. This practice must be stopped, not only because of the imposition upon the These provisions of the Code of Professional Responsibility are pertinent:
precious time of this Court but also because of the inevitable and resultant delay, intended
or otherwise, in the adjudication of the case which often has to be remanded or referred to CANON 8-A LAWYER SHALL CONDUCT HIMSELF WITH COURTESY, FAIRNESS AND
the lower court as the proper forum under the rules of procedure, or as better equipped to CANDOR TOWARD HIS PROFESSIONAL COLLEAGUES, AND SHALL AVOID
resolve the issues since this Court is not a trier of facts. We, therefore, reiterate the judicial HARASSING TACTICS AGAINST OPPOSING COUNSEL.
policy that this Court will not entertain direct resort to it unless the redress desired cannot
be obtained in the appropriate courts or where exceptional and compelling circumstance Rule 8.01-A lawyer shall not, in his professional dealings, use languages which is abusive,
justify availment of a remedy within and calling for the exercise of our primary jurisdiction. offensive or otherwise improper.
This policy found further application in People v. Court of Appeals,[30] Aleria v. Velez, [31] xxx xxx xxx xxx
and Tano v. Socrates.[32] Only the presence of exceptional and compelling reasons justified
a disregard of the rule.[33] Rule 11.03-A lawyer shall abstain from scandalous, offensive or menacing language before
Petitioner has failed to advance a satisfactory explanation as to her failure to comply with or the courts.
non-observance of the principle of judicial hierarchy. There is no reason why the instant In Romero v. Valle,[44] we stated that a lawyer's actuations, "[a]lthough allowed some
petition could not have been brought before the Court of Appeals, considering all the more latitude of remarks or comment in the furtherance of the cause he upholds, his arguments,
that the appeal of the main case was already before it. In Magdalena, Homeowners both written or oral, should be gracious to both court and opposing counsel and be of such
Association, Inc. v. Court of Appeals[34] we ruled, to wit: words as may be properly addressed by one gentleman to another."
Otherwise, his use of intemperate language invites the disciplinary authority of the court.
The notice of lis pendens-i.e., that real property is involved in an action-is ordinarily [45] We are aghast at the facility with which respondent Atty. Jose B. Tiongco concocts
recorded without the intervention of the court where the action is pending. The notice is accusations against the opposing party and her counsel, although it is of public record that
but an incident in an action, an extrajudicial one, to be sure. It does not affect the merits in Tiongco v. Deguma, et a1.,[46] we dismissed as totally unfounded his charge of
thereof. It is intended merely to constructively advise, or warn, all people who deal with the fraudulent conspiracy and public scandal against petitioner, Major Tiongco, Atty. Deguma
property that they so deal with it at their own risk, and whatever rights they may acquire in and even the latter's superior at the Public Attorney's Office, Atty. Napoleon G. Pagtanac.
the property in any voluntary transaction are subject to the results of the action, and may His lexicon of insults, though entertaining, do not find a ready audience in us, and he
well be inferior and subordinate to those which may be finally determined and laid down should be, as he is hereby, warned accordingly:
therein. The cancellation of such a precautionary notice is therefore also a mere incident in Homines qui gestant, quiqui auscultant crimina, si meo arbitratu liceat, omnis pendeat,
the action, and may be ordered by the Court having jurisdiction of it at any given time. And gestores linguis, auditores auribus.[47]
Yared v Ilarde
Yared v Ilarde