Jur Ding
Jur Ding
Jur Ding
journal of medicine
established in 1812 june 10 , 2004 vol. 350 no. 24
Untreated, one third of patients who undergo surgery will have postoperative nausea From Julius-Maximilians Universitt,
and vomiting. Although many trials have been conducted, the relative benefits of pro- Wrzburg, Germany (C.C.A., M.K., N.R.);
the University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky.
phylactic antiemetic interventions given alone or in combination remain unknown. (C.C.A., D.I.S.); Helsinki University Cen-
tral Hospital, Helsinki, Finland (K.K., R.J.);
methods the London School of Hygiene and Tropi-
cal Medicine, London (M.A., S.J.P.); the
We enrolled 5199 patients at high risk for postoperative nausea and vomiting in a ran- Universittsklinik Mannheim, Mannheim,
domized, controlled trial of factorial design that was powered to evaluate interactions Germany (H.K.); Trakya University Hospital,
among as many as three antiemetic interventions. Of these patients, 4123 were ran- Edirne, Turkey (A.T.); von Bodelschwing-
sche Anstalten Bethel, Bielefeld, Germany
domly assigned to 1 of 64 possible combinations of six prophylactic interventions: (I.V.); Kreiskrankenhaus Garmisch-Parten-
4 mg of ondansetron or no ondansetron; 4 mg of dexamethasone or no dexamethasone; kirchen, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
1.25 mg of droperidol or no droperidol; propofol or a volatile anesthetic; nitrogen or (C.Z.); Westpfalz-Klinikum, Kaiserslaut-
ern, Germany (K.D.); Reiman University
nitrous oxide; and remifentanil or fentanyl. The remaining patients were randomly as- Hospital, Presov, Slovakia (S.T.); and the
signed with respect to the first four interventions. The primary outcome was nausea Universittskliniken des Saarlandes, Hom-
and vomiting within 24 hours after surgery, which was evaluated blindly. burg, Germany (A.B.). Address reprint re-
quests to Dr. Apfel at Outcomes Research
Institute, 501 East Broadway, Suite 210,
results Louisville, KY 40202, or at [email protected].
Ondansetron, dexamethasone, and droperidol each reduced the risk of postoperative
*The International Multicenter Protocol
nausea and vomiting by about 26 percent. Propofol reduced the risk by 19 percent, and to Assess the Single and Combined Ben-
nitrogen by 12 percent; the risk reduction with both of these agents (i.e., total intrave- efits of Antiemetic Interventions in a Con-
nous anesthesia) was thus similar to that observed with each of the antiemetics. All the trolled Clinical Trial of a 222222
Factorial Design (IMPACT) Investigators
interventions acted independently of one another and independently of the patients are listed in the Appendix.
baseline risk. Consequently, the relative risks associated with the combined interventions
could be estimated by multiplying the relative risks associated with each intervention. N Engl J Med 2004;350:2441-51.
Copyright 2004 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Absolute risk reduction, though, was a critical function of patients baseline risk.
Because antiemetic interventions are similarly effective and act independently, the safest
or least expensive should be used first. Prophylaxis is rarely warranted in low-risk pa-
tients, moderate-risk patients may benefit from a single intervention, and multiple in-
terventions should be reserved for high-risk patients.
tive nausea and vomiting,21 so to ensure sufficient mental oxygen, and pain was ameliorated with the
power to quantify the effect of antiemetics in the use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications
propofol subgroup, we assigned twice as many pa- administered intraoperatively. The patients who had
tients to propofol as to volatile anesthetics (for a 2:1 been assigned to receive intraoperative remifentanil
randomization ratio). Therefore, permuted blocks were given 50 g of morphine per kilogram or an
of 96 (23322) patients were generated. Each cen- equivalent opioid at the end of surgery. The need
ter received four blocks with a unique computerized for a postoperative opioid was left to the discretion
randomization, stored in sequentially numbered, of the anesthesiologist, and the dose was adjusted
sealed, opaque envelopes. according to clinical needs. Patients who requested
The envelopes were opened after consent was antiemetic therapy or who had an emetic episode
obtained, just before the induction of general anes- were given 4 mg of ondansetron; if symptoms per-
thesia. The anesthesiologists responsible for intra- sisted, 4 mg of dexamethasone and 1.25 mg of dro-
operative management were not blinded to the treat- peridol were added.
ment, but they were not involved in the postoperative
assessment. Supplemental oxygen may22,23 or may measurements
not24,25 have an antiemetic effect. Consequently, at Our primary outcome measure was the incidence of
three centers patients were randomly assigned to any nausea, emetic episodes (retching or vomiting),
30 percent oxygen in nitrous oxide, 30 percent oxy- or both (i.e., postoperative nausea and vomiting)
gen in nitrogen, or 80 percent oxygen in nitrogen, during the first 24 postoperative hours. After the
in a randomization ratio of 1:1:1. As a result, a min- 2nd and 24th postoperative hours, trained investi-
imum of 144 (348) patients were required per gators who were fully blinded to the intraoperative
block. To provide sufficient power, each center management and random treatment assignments
agreed to study 288 patients, twice as many as the recorded the number of emetic episodes and the
minimum. time each one occurred. At both these time points,
The patients were given premedication with a patients orally rated their worst nausea episode dur-
benzodiazepine. Three minutes before the induc- ing the preceding interval on an 11-point scale,
tion of anesthesia, they received either a bolus of where 0 represented no nausea and 10 the most
fentanyl (100 to 200 g) or an infusion of remifen- severe nausea possible.
tanil (0.25 g per kilogram of body weight per min-
ute), according to the treatment to which they had statistical analysis
been assigned. Anesthesia was induced with intra- Different sample-size estimations were performed
venous propofol (Disoprivan or Diprivan, Astra- and indicated that about 5000 patients would be
Zeneca) at a dose of 2 to 3 mg per kilogram, and tra- needed for the analysis of interactions involving as
cheal intubation was facilitated with rocuronium. many as three factors, whereas the number of pa-
Normocapnic mechanical ventilation was insti- tients required for the analysis of two-factor inter-
tuted with the assigned gas combination. Anesthe- actions or of single factors was considerably small-
sia was maintained with either propofol (starting at er.20 An interaction was defined as present if the
about 80 g per kilogram per hour) or a standard- effect of two factors in combination was signifi-
ized concentration of a volatile anesthetic. If the cantly different from the separate effects of each
heart rate or blood pressure deviated by more than factor multiplied together on an odds-ratio scale.
20 percent from the preoperative value, an intrave- For each of the six randomized treatments, the
nous bolus of fentanyl (50 to100 g) was given or the numbers of patients who had postoperative nausea
rate of remifentanil infusion was increased slightly. and vomiting were compared with the use of chi-
In addition, the concentration of volatile anesthetics square tests for each main effect, and reductions
or the propofol infusion rate could be adjusted as in the relative risk of nausea and vomiting were
clinically appropriate. In the designated patients, estimated. Logistic-regression analyses were used
4 mg of dexamethasone (if assigned) and 1.25 mg to quantify the relative effects of the six interven-
of droperidol (if assigned) were given intravenously tions as odds ratios and to identify potential two-
within 20 minutes after the start of anesthesia,10,26 or three-factor interactions by a stepwise forward-
and 4 mg of ondansetron (if assigned) was given in- inclusion algorithm. This analysis was repeated
travenously during the last 20 minutes of surgery.27 to compensate for the specified covariates (female
Postoperatively, the patients received supple- sex, nonsmoking status, age, a history of postoper-
ative nausea and vomiting or motion sickness, use tions of interventions, which ranged from 59 per-
of postoperative opioids, type of surgery, and study cent among patients who were given volatile anes-
center). A two-sided P value of less than 0.05 was thesia, nitrous oxide, fentanyl, and no antiemetics
considered to indicate statistical significance. (26 of 44 of these patients had nausea and vomit-
ing) to 17 percent among patients who received pro-
results pofol, nitrogen, remifentanil, ondansetron, dexa-
methasone, and droperidol (17 of 102 of these
Patients were recruited from February 2, 2000, un- patients had nausea and vomiting). Nausea occurred
til July 30, 2002, at 28 centers; 5199 patients under- in 1617 patients (31 percent) and vomiting in 734
went factorial randomization to ondansetron or (14 percent). Among the patients who had symp-
no ondansetron, dexamethasone or no dexameth- toms, the median and mean ratings for the maximal
asone, droperidol or no droperidol, and propofol or nausea level were 5 and 5.7, respectively, and the
a volatile anesthetic. Outcome data were incomplete median and mean numbers of emetic episodes were
for 38 patients, leaving 5161 patients (99 percent) 1 and 1.5, respectively. According to bivariate analy-
for whom complete outcome data were available. ses, each antiemetic reduced the incidence of post-
One center each did not randomize with respect to operative nausea and vomiting by about 26 percent,
carrier gas (424 patients), use of remifentanil or fen- propofol reduced it by about 19 percent, and nitro-
tanyl (191 patients), or both of these factors (181 gen reduced it by about 12 percent (Table 1). The
patients). Three centers randomly assigned a total rates of hypotension, use of intraoperative vasocon-
of 280 patients to 80 percent oxygen in nitrogen (as strictors, and shivering were similar with each anti-
a third alternative to 30 percent oxygen in nitrogen emetic. Propofol was associated with less frequent
or in nitrous oxide). A total of 4123 patients were use of intraoperative vasoconstrictors (15 percent)
thus randomly assigned with respect to all six pri- than were volatile anesthetics (20 percent, P=0.001).
mary factors, and outcome data were incomplete The use of remifentanil rather than fentanyl did not
in 37 of them (1 patient with incomplete data was significantly reduce the incidence of postoperative
among those not randomly assigned with respect nausea and vomiting, but it was associated with in-
to carrier gas), leaving 4086 patients (99 percent) for creased use of intraoperative vasoconstrictors (21
whom complete outcome data could be analyzed percent, vs. 13 percent with fentanyl; P<0.001) and
(Fig. 1). an increased incidence of shivering (6.7 percent,
Of the 5161 patients, 81.5 percent were women, vs. 3.3 percent with fentanyl; P<0.001).
81.2 percent were nonsmokers, 54.5 percent had a Increasing the number of antiemetics adminis-
history of postoperative nausea and vomiting or mo- tered reduced the incidence of postoperative nausea
tion sickness, and 78.1 percent received postopera- and vomiting from 52 percent when no antiemetics
tive opioids. Hernia repair was performed in 2.8 per- were used to 37 percent, 28 percent, and 22 percent
cent of the patients, cholecystectomy in 7.7 percent, when one, two, and three antiemetics, respectively,
hysterectomy in 16.9 percent, thyroid surgery in 5.9 were administered (Fig. 2). This corresponds to a
percent, breast surgery in 2.8 percent, hip replace- 26 percent reduction in the relative risk of nausea
ment in 3.5 percent, knee arthroscopy in 2.2 per- and vomiting for each additional antiemetic used
cent, arm or hand surgery in 2.5 percent, head and (95 percent confidence interval, 23 percent to 30
neck surgery (including ophthalmic surgery) in 9.0 percent). Furthermore, there were no significant
percent, gynecologic surgery other than hysterecto- differences among the antiemetics (chi-square=
my in 28.2 percent, other bone surgery in 6.6 per- 0.01, 2 df; P=1.00) or among any pair of antiemet-
cent, and other types of general surgery in 11.7 per- ics (chi-square=0.42, 2 df; P=0.81).
cent. The baseline characteristics were similar The effects of the anesthetic interventions and
among the patients randomly assigned to each their combinations were explored in the 4086 pa-
intervention; more detailed information can be tients who were randomly assigned with respect to
found in Table S1 of the Supplementary Appendix all six interventions. The average incidence of post-
(available with the full text of this article at www. operative nausea and vomiting was 41 percent
nejm.org). among those given a volatile anesthetic and nitrous
Overall, 1731 of 5161 patients (34 percent) had oxide, 34 percent among those given a volatile an-
postoperative nausea and vomiting. This reflects the esthetic and nitrogen, 32 percent among those given
average incidence among all 64 possible combina- propofol and nitrous oxide, and 29 percent among
Yes Yes
N=2591 N=2576
N=15 N=5161
No No
N=2608 N=2585
Yes Yes
N=2617 N=2596
N=21 N=5161
No No
N=2582 N=2565
N=17 N=5161
Yes Yes
N=2586 N=2573
N=13 N=5161
No No
Propofol Propofol
Randomly N=3455 N=3427
Consented Maintenance
assigned N=28 N=5161 N=4086
N=5262 N=5199 Volatile Volatile
anesthetic anesthetic
N=1744 N=1734
N=63 Nitrogen Nitrogen
N=2164 N=2146
N=18 N=4277
Oxygen Oxygen
N=280 N=280
Downloaded from nejm.org on May 15, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
The new england journal of medicine
Table 1. Risk of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting According to Patients Randomly Assigned Interventions.
Percent Relative P
Intervention Received Intervention Risk (95% CI)* Value
Yes No
no. with PONV/total no. (%)
Ondansetron (vs. no ondansetron) 735/2576 (28.5) 996/2585 (38.5) 26.0 (31.5 to 19.9) <0.001
Dexamethasone (vs. no dexamethasone) 739/2596 (28.5) 992/2565 (38.7) 26.4 (31.9 to 20.4) <0.001
Droperidol (vs. no droperidol) 742/2573 (28.8) 989/2588 (38.2) 24.5 (30.2 to 18.4) <0.001
Propofol (vs. inhalational anesthetic) 1066/3427 (31.1) 665/1734 (38.4) 18.9 (25.0 to 12.3) <0.001
Nitrogen as carrier gas (vs. nitrous oxide) 668/2146 (31.1) 755/2131 (35.4) 12.1 (19.3 to 4.3) 0.003
Remifentanil (vs. fentanyl) 827/2386 (34.7) 792/2403 (33.0) 5.2 (2.9 to 13.8) 0.21
those given propofol and nitrogen. Figure 3 shows curred; in contrast, 79 of the 482 men who did not
these incidences broken down according to the receive droperidol had nausea or vomiting (16 per-
number of antiemetics. There was no significant cent), as compared with 80 of the 472 men who did
interaction between propofol and nitrogen (chi- receive this agent (17 percent) (odds ratio, 1.04; 95
square=0.94, 2 df, by the likelihood ratio test; percent confidence interval, 0.74 to 1.46; P=0.82).
P=0.33). Although the type of volatile anesthetic The results based on analyses of data from 4086
(isoflurane, sevoflurane, or desflurane) was not a patients remained essentially unchanged when data
randomized factor, it had no significant effect on from all 5161 patients were considered or when po-
the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting tential confounders were included in the statistical
in a multivariate model (P=0.30). The incidence of models (Table 2). Detailed results for the 4086 pa-
postoperative nausea and vomiting was 31 percent tients in the 64 groups are given in Table S2 of the
among the patients who received 80 percent oxygen Supplementary Appendix. Given the finding that to-
in nitrogen and 24 percent among those who re- tal intravenous anesthesia or the use of any anti-
ceived 30 percent oxygen in nitrogen (P=0.07). emetic independently reduced the risk of postoper-
Multivariate logistic analyses of data from all ative nausea and vomiting by about 26 percent, the
5161 patients and of data from the 4086 patients incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting for
assigned with respect to all six treatments are shown five different initial risks was calculated for as many
in Table 2. This analysis found no significant inter- as four interventions (Table 3).
actions among the treatments. When the interac-
tions between treatments and potentially confound- discussion
ing factors (e.g., the type of surgery) were analyzed,
only one significant interaction was detected: an in- The large enrollment and the factorial design of our
teraction between droperidol and sex (P=0.003). trial allowed simultaneous evaluation of the anti-
Droperidol significantly reduced the risk of post- emetic efficacy of three antiemetic interventions and
operative nausea and vomiting among women, but three anesthetic interventions and of all possible
not among men: 910 of the 2106 women who did combinations of two or three interventions. All the
not receive droperidol had nausea or vomiting (43 tested antiemetics appeared to be similarly effective.
percent), as compared with 662 of the 2101 women Ondansetron and other 5-hydroxytryptamine type 3
who did receive this agent (32 percent) (odds ratio, antagonists are considered relatively safe, but they
0.61; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.53 to 0.69; are more expensive than droperidol and dexameth-
P<0.001), and the effect was independent of men- asone. However, low-dose droperidol can cause dys-
strual-cycle phase or whether menopause had oc- phoria,28,29 and the Food and Drug Administration
Incidence of Postoperative
Nausea and Vomiting (%)
studies have identified complications associated
with the antiemetic dose of dexamethasone, al- 40
lute risk reduction is 21 percent, which translates
into a number needed to treat of about five to pre- 40
vent nausea and vomiting in one patient. Conversely,
the absolute risk reduction in a patient with a base- 30
Table 2. Results of Multiple Logistic-Regression Analysis and Odds Ratios for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting.*
Odds Ratio (95% CI) P Value Odds Ratio (95% CI) P Value
Ondansetron 0.56 (0.500.64) <0.001 0.56 (0.480.65) <0.001
Dexamethasone 0.57 (0.500.65) <0.001 0.57 (0.490.66) <0.001
Droperidol 0.58 (0.510.67) <0.001 0.56 (0.480.66) <0.001
Propofol 0.69 (0.600.79) <0.001 0.71 (0.610.83) <0.001
Carrier gas
Nitrogen (30% oxygen) 0.81 (0.700.93) 0.003 0.83 (0.720.97) 0.02
Nitrogen (80% oxygen) 0.99 (0.701.40) 0.96
Remifentanil 0.96 (0.841.10) 0.56 0.94 (0.811.09) 0.39
Female sex 3.13 (2.334.20) <0.001 2.87 (2.083.95) <0.001
Interaction of droperidol and male sex 1.85 (1.262.72) 0.002 1.97 (1.293.00) 0.002
Nonsmoking 1.57 (1.321.87) <0.001 1.57 (1.291.91) <0.001
History of postoperative nausea and 1.70 (1.491.95) <0.001 1.80 (1.542.09) <0.001
vomiting or motion sickness
Hernia repair 1.04 (0.651.67) 0.87 1.08 (0.661.78) 0.75
Cholecystectomy 1.49 (1.082.06) 0.015 1.44 (1.012.05) 0.04
Hysterectomy 1.78 (1.352.35) <0.001 1.94 (1.432.63) <0.001
Thyroid surgery 1.22 (0.861.72) 0.27 1.23 (0.851.78) 0.27
Breast surgery 0.74 (0.481.17) 0.20 0.76 (0.461.24) 0.27
Orthopedic surgery 0.91 (0.671.24) 0.55 0.91 (0.651.29) 0.60
Head and neck surgery 1.08 (0.711.65) 0.72 0.88 (0.551.42) 0.61
Other gynecologic surgery 0.91 (0.691.19) 0.48 0.98 (0.731.32) 0.91
Duration of anesthesia (per hr) 1.20 (1.121.28) <0.001 1.15 (1.061.24) 0.001
Use of postoperative opioids 2.14 (1.752.61) <0.001 2.01 (1.592.53) <0.001
* The data are presented as odds ratios, which describe the effects of the interventions or covariates as compared with the
effects when the intervention or covariate is absent. CI denotes confidence interval.
Analyses were adjusted for the study center as a potentially confounding factor.
of which combination is chosen). A 70 percent re- solute risk, but to a lesser extent than will the initial
duction in the relative risk of postoperative nausea intervention. Combining prophylactic interventions
and vomiting is thus the best that can be expected, therefore markedly increases costs and the likeli-
even when total intravenous anesthesia is used in hood of adverse effects while providing progressive-
combination with three antiemetics. ly less additional absolute benefit. Multiple interven-
Because each tested antiemetic agent and the tions should thus generally be reserved for patients
use of total intravenous anesthesia reduced the rel- at high risk for postoperative nausea and vomiting
ative risk of nausea and vomiting to a similar extent, or those in whom nausea and vomiting would be es-
the logical sequence is to use the least expensive or pecially dangerous.
safest intervention first. Additional interventions In analyses based on the entire study population,
that cost more or that are associated with a greater droperidol decreased the risk of postoperative nau-
chance of adverse effects will further reduce the ab- sea and vomiting as much as did the other anti-
ap p e n d i x
The IMPACT investigators are as follows: Steering Committee C.C. Apfel (Outcomes Research Institute and Department of Anesthesiology,
University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky., and the Klinik und Poliklinik fr Anaesthesiologie, Universitt Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany); K.
Korttila (Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland); and A. Biedler (Klinik fr Ansthesi-
ologie und Intensivmedizin, Universittskliniken des Saarlandes, Homburg, Germany). Data Management and Monitoring C.C. Apfel, E.
Kaufmann, M. Kredel, A. Schmelzer, and J. Wermelt (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Anaesthesiologie, Universitt Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germa-
ny); and G. Link (Database Engineering, Rimpar, Germany). Manuscript Preparation and Data Analyses C.C. Apfel (Outcomes Research In-
stitute and Department of Anesthesiology, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky., and the Klinik und Poliklinik fr Anaesthesiologie, Uni-
versitt Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany); D.I. Sessler (Outcomes Research Institute and Departments of Anesthesiology and
Pharmacology, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky.); S.J. Pocock and M. Abdalla (Statistics Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, London). Site Investigators A. Turan (Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey); E.
Kaufmann, P. Kranke, M. Kredel, N. Roewer, A. Schmelzer, and J. Wermelt (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Ansthesiologie, Julius-Maximilians
Universitt, Wrzburg, Germany); R.M. Jokela, A. Soikkeli, and K. Korttila (Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Helsinki
University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland); C. Isselhorst, B. Fritz, and H. Kerger (Klinik fr Ansthesiologie und Intensivmedizin, Uni-
versittsklinik Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany); O. Danzeisen, C. Heringhaus, I. Schramm, and S. Spieth (Department of Anesthesiolo-
gy, Universitt Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany); L. Eberhart and K. Werthwein (Department of Anesthesiology, Universitt Ulm, Ulm, Germa-
ny); W. Leidinger, J.N. Meierhofer, U. Ruppert, and C. Zernak (Abteilung fr Ansthesiologie, Operative Intensivmedizin, und
Blutprodukte, Kreiskrankenhaus Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany); A. Bacher (Klinik fr Ansthesie und All-
gemeine Intensivmedizin, Universitt Wien, Vienna); H. Bartsch and H. Forst (Department of Anesthesiology and Surgical Intensive Care,
Zentralklinikum Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany); B. Book, W. Hoeltermann, and C. Prause (Department of Anesthesiology, Klinikum Lin-
gen, Lingen, Germany); E. Palencikova and S. Trenkler (Department of Anesthesiology, Reiman University Hospital, Presov, Slovakia); H.
Bause, H. Bordon, and K. Stoecklein (Department of Anesthesiology, Allgemeines Krankenhaus Altona, Hamburg-Altona, Germany); F.
Bach, D. Buschmann, F. Mertzlufft, and I. Vedder (Klinik fr Ansthesiologie und Operative Intensivmedizin, von Bodelschwingsche An-
stalten Bethel, Bielefeld, Germany); C. Frenkel and A. Paura (Department of Anesthesiology, Klinikum Lneburg, Lneburg, Germany); K.
Danner, C. Madler, and B. Steinbrecher (Institut fr Ansthesiologie und Notfallmedizin, Westpfalz-Klinikum, Kaiserslautern, Germany);
A. Kimmich, E. Schneider, and M. Trick (Department of Anesthesiology, Universittsklinik Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany); A. Biedler, D.
Detzel, and W. Wilhelm (Klinik fr Ansthesiologie und Intensivmedizin, Universittskliniken des Saarlandes, Homburg, Germany); M.
Koivuranta (Department of Anesthesiology, Central Lapland Hospital, Rovaniemi, Finland); M. Hinojosa, M. Lucas, S. Muoz, R. Rincon,
and P. Vila (Department of Anesthesiology, Hospital Universitario Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain); M. Hergert and F.
Liebenow (Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Klinikum Schwerin, Schwerin, Germany); H.-B. Hopf and S. Pohl (Depart-
ment of Anesthesiology, Kreisklinik Langen, Langen, Germany); G. Frings (Anesthesiology Unit, Wedau-Kliniken, Duisburg); G. Fritz and
C. Hoehne (Department of Anesthesiology, Charit, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin); H. Feierfeil and J. Motsch (Department of Anes-
thesiology, Universitt Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany); A. Goebel (Department of Anesthesiology, Eichhof Krankenhaus, Lauterbach,
Germany); S. Alahuhta, T. Kangas-Saarela, and P. Karjaleinen (Department of Anesthesiology, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland); R.
Sneyd (Department of Anaesthetics, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, United Kingdom); and U. Koschel and M. Lange (Department of Anes-
thesiology, Waldkrankenhaus Rudolf Elle, Eisenberg, Germany).
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