IL Junior CI Plus Rider (U149) : (IL Unit Deduction Rider - Investment Linked Insurance Plan)
IL Junior CI Plus Rider (U149) : (IL Unit Deduction Rider - Investment Linked Insurance Plan)
IL Junior CI Plus Rider (U149) : (IL Unit Deduction Rider - Investment Linked Insurance Plan)
1. This is a unit deduction rider that is only attachable to the following plan:
a. SmartProtect Junior (Plan Code: 0495)
2. Insurance charges will be deducted from the unit fund(s) monthly.
3. The rider's sum assured will NOT accelerate the basic plan's Basic Sum Assured (BSA).
4. This rider can be attached at any time effective at next monthly due.
Age at Entry
Category Minimum Maximum
Pre-natal policy - Life 13 weeks of gestational 35 weeks of gestational
Assured (Unborn Child) period period
This benefit is subject to RM4,000,000 critical illness limit on any one life under all policies
(excluding Bancassurance and Group policies) issued by the Company.
Non-Medical Limits
100% of the sum assured of this rider will be aggregated to the basic plan that it is attached to.
1. Insurance Charge will vary according to attained age next birthday at last policy anniversary,
gender and smoking status of the Life Assured.
2. Insurance Charge is deducted monthly by cancellation of units at the beginning of each policy
month based on the Sum Assured and calculated using the formula below or until occurrence
of a valid claim event, whichever is earlier.
Monthly Insurance Charge = Insurance Charge Rate Per Annum* x Sum Assured
1000 x 12
Riders Allowed
Not applicable.
The Company will not pay the benefits for Child Illness above if the conditions associated with the
Child Illness:
4.1 has existed prior to or on the Risk Effective Date or on the date of any reinstatement,
whichever is later; or
4.2 is caused directly or indirectly by self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane; or
4.3 is resulted from the Life Assured committing, attempting or provoking an assault or a
felony or from any violation of the law by the Life Assured; or
4.4 is caused directly or indirectly by the existence of Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS) or by the presence of any Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV)
4.5 is diagnosed due to, directly or indirectly, a congenital defect or disease, which was
manifested or was diagnosed before the Life Assured attains the age of one (1) year
or less; or
4.6 is resulted directly from alcohol or drug abuse; or
4.7 is resulted from war, whether declared of undeclared.
Note: The exclusion list may not be exhaustive .For full list of the exclusions, please refer to the
policy contract.
Child Illnesses
Next Male Female
0 2.65 1.85
1 2.65 1.85
2 2.41 1.66
3 2.07 1.62
4 1.92 1.55
5 1.89 1.52
6 1.75 1.46
7 1.74 1.44
8 1.73 1.42
9 1.72 1.40
10 1.71 1.38
11 1.70 1.36
12 1.69 1.34
13 1.68 1.33
14 1.67 1.32
15 1.66 1.31
16 1.65 1.30
17 1.64 1.29