1) Metoclopramide, a promotility agent, can cause extrapyramidal side effects and is contraindicated in Parkinson's disease.
2) Meconium ileus is seen in cystic fibrosis and indicates pancreatic problems beginning in utero rather than lung problems developing after birth.
3) The 5 signs of oral squamous cell carcinoma are pain, bleeding, non-healing sores, lumps or masses, and white or red patches.
1) Metoclopramide, a promotility agent, can cause extrapyramidal side effects and is contraindicated in Parkinson's disease.
2) Meconium ileus is seen in cystic fibrosis and indicates pancreatic problems beginning in utero rather than lung problems developing after birth.
3) The 5 signs of oral squamous cell carcinoma are pain, bleeding, non-healing sores, lumps or masses, and white or red patches.
1) Metoclopramide, a promotility agent, can cause extrapyramidal side effects and is contraindicated in Parkinson's disease.
2) Meconium ileus is seen in cystic fibrosis and indicates pancreatic problems beginning in utero rather than lung problems developing after birth.
3) The 5 signs of oral squamous cell carcinoma are pain, bleeding, non-healing sores, lumps or masses, and white or red patches.
1) Metoclopramide, a promotility agent, can cause extrapyramidal side effects and is contraindicated in Parkinson's disease.
2) Meconium ileus is seen in cystic fibrosis and indicates pancreatic problems beginning in utero rather than lung problems developing after birth.
3) The 5 signs of oral squamous cell carcinoma are pain, bleeding, non-healing sores, lumps or masses, and white or red patches.
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Major side effect of metoclopramide Promotility agent EPS, contraindicated in Parkinsons
Meconium ileus Seen in CF, pancreatic probs start in utero vs lung probs after birth 5 signs of oral SCC Pain, bleeding, non-healing sore, lump/mass, white/red patch Lobular disarray Acute hepatitis Lobular collase Fulminant hepatitis Only DNA hepatitis virus B, all others are RNA Bile is conjugated with Glucoronide Bilirubin is conjugated with Alanine/taurine Oral white plaque that CAN be scraped off Candida, assoc w/ immunocomprimise, so look for underlying cause! Oral white plaque that CANNOT be scraped off Leukoplakia, may be due to EBV (hairy), or precancerous lesion Gray-Turner Flank discolor (retroperitoneal hemorrhage w/ acute pancreatitis) Cullen sign Periumbilical discolor (retroperiton hemorrhage w/acute pancreatitis) Kayser-fleischer rings Dark rings that encircle the iris, due to Cu accum in Wilsons dz Bird beak on barium xray Acalasia (no peristalsis in esophagus) Shrunken liver Extreme, rapid necrosis (ex) fulminant hepatitis Signet-ring cells, linitis plastica (leather bottle) Diffuse/infiltrating gastric adenocarcinoma Athralgias, lymphadenopathy, malabsorption, PAS Whipples disease, due to infxn by T whippelli Beaded bile ducts Primary sclerosing cholangitis, assoc w/ IBD Triple therapy For H pylori, first line is omeprazole + clarithromycin + amoxicillin Pseudopolyps Ulcerative colitis Pseudocysts Pancreatitis Pseudoacalasia Acalasia due to neoplasm Pseudomembranes C diff Pseudohyphae Candida anti-mitochondrial Ab (AMAs) Primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune destruction of intrahepatic ducts Abd pain that radiates to back, worse w/ food Acute pancreatitis RUQ pain that radiates to shoulder Acute cholecystitis Abd pain 30m post-prandial, worse by eating Gastric ulcer Abd pain btw meals, relieved by eating Duodenal ulcer Most common oral cancer Squamous cell carcinoma (usually tongue), high risk if smoke/EtOH Elevated alkaline phosphatase Hallmark of cholestasis Major cause of ACUTE pancreatitis Gallstones duct obstruction Major cause of CHRONIC pancreatitis Alcoholism Frond-like papilla, no goblet cells Villous adenoma Carcinoid Tricuspid insuffiency, pulm stenosis, flushing, diarrhea, due to 5HT Portal inflamm/fibrosis Chronic hepatitis, cholestasis Rose spots, CNS disturbances, high sustained fever Enteric fever due to salmonella typhi, get a BLOOD culture ABx NOT indicated in which infectious diarrheas? EHEC (HUS risk) or uncomplicated salmonella non-typhi (self-limiting) NO risk of chronic hepatitis Hep A/E Onion skinning of bile ducts Primary sclerosing cholangitis, assoc w/ IBD Gingival hyperplasia + lymphadenopathy Assoc w/ myelogenous leukemias (hyperplasia alone assoc w/ dilantin) UNconjugated serum bilirubin Hemolytic dz conjugated serum bilirubin Liver/biliary tract dz (cant be secreted into bile so spills into blood) ONE test that proves a viral hepatitis infxn IgM anti-HBc Location of esophageal cancers SCC affects proximal, adenocarcinoma affects distal (assoc w/ Barrett) Jaundice, dark urine, acholic stools Cholestasis, due to hyperbilirubinemia Asterixis Flapping tremor seen in hepatic encephalopathy Necrotic bowel but duodenum/transverse spared EMBOLUS that lodges in SMA distal to branching of middle colic a Necrotic bowel w/ above NOT spared THROMBUS that forms @ branch point of SMA, thus MCA also occluded N-acetylcysteine Antidote to acetaminophen OD, as glutathione stores Secretin effects on pancreas Causes HCO3 secretion from ductal cells CCK effects on pancreas Causes enzyme secretion from acinar cells Hepatic tumor + bile production HCC, vs cholangiocarcinoma which does NOT produce bile Murphys sign Pain w/inspiration when palpating under R rib, in acute cholecystitis Elevated gastrin, pernicious anemia , hypochlorhydria Due to autoAb against parietal cells Most common hepatic tumor Metastasis, esp from gut due to portal circulation Most common primary hepatic tumor Cavernous hemangioma, seen in young women Most common primary hepatic malignancy HCC, assoc w/ hepB, hepC, cirrhosis, hemachromatosis Fat, forty, female, fertile 4 Fs assoc w/ cholesterol cholelithiasis Free air under diaphragm GI perforation escape of air, seen on xray Zollinger Ellison syndrome PUD + gastrinoma + gastric acid hypersecretion Renal oxylate stones Seen in fat malabsorption APC tumor suppressor gene mutation FAP, 100% risk of colon adenocarcinoma Most common small bowel obstruction Intra-abdominal adhesions, due to past surgery Cons of H2 blockers (compared to PPIs) Less effective, adj in renal pts, tolerance, inhibits CYP450 many DDI Focal nodular hyperplasia Benign hepatic growth in young women NOT assoc w/ estrogen Heptaocellular adenoma Benign hepatic growth in young women w/ STRONG assoc w/ estrogen Crigler-Najjar Syndrome Homozygotes unable to conjugate bilirubin (usually die w/ kernicterus) Dubin-Johnson Syndrome Black liver (melanin) and high serum conjugated bilirubin Rotor Syndrome Similar to Dubin-Johnson but dont have black liver