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INTRODUCTION Systemic acupuncture, the aim is, through the points, hold the bala

nce of vital energy. This balance is achieved through the stimulation applied to
the points with needles, finger pressure, etc.. At the Ear, applies the stimulu
s points that relates directly to the brain. The therapy is achieved by reflex a
ction on the organs of the brain and its functions. The best way to get good res
ults is to associate the two, with the systemic Ear acupuncture in the treatment
of diseases that manifest.
Ear The word has Latin origin, where = auris ear auricle = small ear and Greek T
herapien = treatment and, by extension, that made the therapy caused by stimuli
in the ear points. Using the ear as a treatment refers to antiquity. It's histor
y that women in Egypt wore points as a form of contraception, 2.500ac, reported
that the writings points used in producing ejaculation scarce man, inactive and
unfruitful. The same point was teaching a headset to cure male impotence. This p
uncture caused sleep, which the patient awoke cured.
The classic work, the book "NEI CHING HUNG IT", written over 5,000 years, says t
hat the ear is an organ isolated (micro) that maintains relations with other org
ans and parts of the body through the reflex brain. In 1480, a work dated by the
Dutch painter Jeronimus Bosch, called the "Garden of Delights," presents in det
ail two auricles together by the rear faces, standing between them a long knife.
The image symbolizes the male genitals. In the upper region of the inferior tur
binate ear an urchin launches a spear point 'libido', while in the middle fossa
triangular one sees another spear pierced on the spot to cure sciatic.
When he found this picture, Dr. Paul Nogier and his friend and disciple, Dr. Bou
rdiol, decided to test the points drilled by imp. The location and nomenclature
of the points have been introduced gradually, as they were stepped up studies. T
hey contributed to the scientific development of the pinna.
In 1951, the date of the first milestone of the science phase of acunpuntura of
the auricle (a new approach). He perfected the method and stimuli used headsets
made by sewing needles and due to the sensitivity obtained positive results.
This also established a correlation between the auricle and the fetus in the inv
erted position in utero, where the ear lobe corresponds to the fetal head, the a
nte-helix to the backbone, the region of the shell below the cardiopulmonary sys
tem and the upper shell systems digestive and genito-urinary system.
In 1973, Dr. Nogier start experimental work in animals and publishes the rabbit
ear points, along with Dr. Niboyet and Corcelle. Nogier's work was welcomed by t
he people in China, resulting in two lines of auricular therapy: the French (Wes
tern): physiological and pathological points and nervous system. It is a floatin
g system, ie the points are not fixed and can only be projected or reflected in
the ear when there is a corresponding disorder. And the Chinese (Eastern) takes
into account the influence of the meridians that pass close to the ear, practice
s the
The auricle IN BRAZIL In the museum of the Indian, in Manaus, we see the rudimen
tary tools of acupuncture aborigines of Brazil. The shaman of the tribe practice
d inserting a stylus of wood, cactus and more. The cauterization, and even parti
al removal of the ante-helix in the treatment of craniofacial pain was used.
ANATOMY OF THE EAR The ear cartilage is practically identical to bronchial carti
lage, so in an individual with a lot of flexibility in the ear may have or may h
ave bronchial problems. Eg bronchitis, asthma, etc.. As for the hardness of the
cartilage, just shows us physical and mental tension. The pinna is composed of f
ibrocartilaginous tissue, supported by connective tissue richly innervated, and
is characterized morphologically by the appearance ovoid-triangular and concave,
with the upper end wider than the bottom.
Innervation of the EAR The ear, in their faces later and earlier, receives numer
ous nerves and blood circulation consists of extensive network of capillaries. C
apillaries are more numerous on the surface of the pinna, whereas the nerve fibe
rs are deeper. The ear receives four pairs of nerves distributed between the fro
nt and back ear.
The Most Important Nerves: Nerve auriculo-temporal nerve Pneumogastric
Nerve-brain stem
Auditory nerve
The thread motor nerve corresponds to the temporal branch of facial nerve
MECHANISM OF ACTION OF Auriculotherapy The neuroanatomy and neurophysiology do n
ot provide complete answers to understand the mechanism of action. Dr. William s
ays in his book that the atrium has abundant innervation. What are the stimuli w
ith needles or pressure sensitizes brain regions.
Each point of the atrium is directly related to a cerebral point which, in turn,
is connected to the nervous system, the specific organ or body region commandin
g their duties.
According to traditional medicine The ear is the place of arrival and assembly o
f energy (active). She communicates with the twelve meridians as follows: 5) Dir
ectly with VB, TR, ID, IG, C and F 2) Indirectly with B, R, CS, P, BP and EO Yin
and Yang comes to the atrium and constitutes a meeting system of vital energy.
According to traditional medicine The ear is the place of arrival and assembly o
f energy (active). She communicates with the twelve meridians as follows: 1) Dir
ectly with VB, TR, ID, IG, B, E and Yang 2) Indirectly R, CS, P, BP, C, F and Yi
n Yin and Yang comes the atrium and constitutes a system of meeting the vital en
ergy. The auditory function and brain receive nutrition and metabolic energy of
the kidney, according to the conception Zang Fu. "The kidney communicates with t
he outside through the ear"
Laterality and dominance - as the polarity is Yang the right ear while the left
is yin. Laterality crusade is justified because the left brain and right is yin
yang. The individual has handed handedness dominant left brain, or Yin, control
energy and neurophysiological on the right side of body, and the right ear has p
olarity Yang. A person with a predominance of right cerebral hemisphere or Yang
has control over the energy and neurophysiological hemilateralidade left ear and
body (Yin).
Therefore, in 80% of patients have the right ear dominance on the left (or contr
adominante promotes the inhibitory action on the right ear). Verification of ref
lection shows that the ear headset and which dominated the ruling. After which t
he ear shows that the dominant and dominated. After observation, the dominant ea
r receives the main stimulus in the ear points. Otherwise follows the typologica
l classification Yin_Yang. Indivíduodo type = Yin and Yang left ear laterality l
aterality = right atrial.
In practice, we will seek information on both ears. Tighten with the same intens
ity to make the sore spots in evidence. Observe the appearance of frown or not (
pain). There are patients who are hypersensitive and hiposensíveis that impede t
he examination. To highlight the points of these patients, we use the electronic
detector at ground zero and stimulates it will electronically.
It is important to examine visually and through the pressure, before any treatme
nt: wash, stretch ... to avoid changes in the skin. The natural light or indirec
t focus on the ear is such a distance that prevents the heating of the patient's
skin and skin color does not change the headset. When looking at the ear and th
e same means is large and thick enough energy, a small, thin ears, a deficiency
of kidney energy.
1) VISUAL INSPECTION: The same information provides us with: e) anatomic defects
, anatomical irregularities of the flag show changes and / or organ dysfunction,
eg, congenital renal (kidney Yin insufficient) is associated with low implantat
ion of the ear, but also ear signals. Anatomical defects in the area indicate he
adset or functional changes in the energy field or body somatotopy correspondenc
e. Example: anatomical changes in the region of the ante-helix corresponding to
the backbone
b) coloring of the flag: The changes of the ear are indicative of functional dis
orders, and we can find the characteristics of a gradient dyschromias headset su
ch as:-Pallor - insufficient kidney - color blue - liver or aches; - Green - Liv
er; -Ash-lung - Yellowish - spleen;
In general, one can establish that: • The scales with red spots, reddish papule
with sebaceous secretion (spine) with bright color reflect inflammatory process;
• White spots or isolated scales, depression, swelling and hives white color wi
th no secretion brilliant show a chronic organic disease; • Points with bumps, s
caly gray opaque color are significant tumor;

Points with scars, rounded or crescent-shaped, white or gray opaque appear after
a surgery or external aggression;
• Whitish patches indicates disease polarity Yang; • Squamous, pathology; • hype
rpigmented degenerative.€Seborrhea is a recent YIN
brownish: diseases
The lesions are key clinical signs and when found in any area headset indicate c
hanges of an organ, meridian and / or structure in correspondence somatotopy. Th
erefore, we can find blemishes or stains in the areas ear accusative lesional le
vels that determine the polarity of the pathology. Therefore: - Stains Whitening
= Yang polarity disease - scaling, seborrhea = shallow, recent, - = erythema pa
thology Yang, acute inflammation - hyperpigmented brownish = Yin disease, degene
rative - hyperchromia dark = proliferative disease, gallstones, tumors. The brow
n spots are signs also of a lack of structure or congenital or due to organ remo
val, and exclusion rests with the diagnostic anamnesis. We can find clinical fin
dings of other types of basic lesions: papules, plaques, etc. epithelial desquam
ation. On the ear area, indicating alteration of the function of the meridian an
d / or structure contained in the microsystem.
2. Palpation INSPECTION: After observing the basic lesions in microssitema heads
et the next stage is inspection by palpation and right / direct or indirectly it
self. It is emphasized that the ear should be handled as little as possible in o
rder not to change color and electrical resistance of the ear points.
3. DETERMINATION OF THE HEADSET hyperalgesia ITEMS During the diagnostic maneuve
r made by digital palpation right seeks to investigate the most painful area and
to identify the headset, you must understand the texture, temperature, appearan
ce of lesions basic data that will later be compared to mapping ear points to re
cognize them. The face of palpation punctiform and right are of great importance
in determining the extent and hyperalgesia can be made with the aid of blunt in
struments: stiletto wooden matchstick or else the cable filiform acupuncture nee
dle, a pen cap or even with the electric puntoscópio (pen detector acupoints). T
he patient may express pain on palpation punctuated at some point in corresponde
nce somatotopy. The research resource painful auricular point is valuable for bo
th diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, given the pain point is the main receivi
ng acupoint stimulation.
TECHNIQUES: Once given points in the ear to be stimulated, we must consider othe
r aspects of the technique, such as angle of needle insertion; Speed puncture; D
epth. 1) DIRECTOR: The needles are made with 90-degree angle at the points of th
e shell region and other regions made with 45 º to 60 º. * Stimulation of the oc
cipital point, if done at 45 ° causes a tranquilizing effect, but if carried out
at 90 degrees produces euphoric effects. 2) SPEED: Due to the sensitivity of th
e ear is shown to quickly enter the needle to reduce pain. 3) Depth: When the ne
edle deeper, the greater the stimulus (sedation). Serious illness or more severe
, it should be greater stimulus (sedation) in patients with low resistance or ch
ronic cases, it is a smaller stimulus (superficial toning effect). In deep punct
ure, the needle must go through the cartilage, while puncturing the skin surface
must cross to reach the cartilage.
STIMULATION: Making stimulation, we obtain that both reactions may occur in the
ear and body. 1) IN THE EAR: * Heat: sign of good puncture occurs 80% of cases;
* Sleep: a sign of successful puncture, Pain: When more accurate puncture, incre
ased pain, whose characteristics are different from normal pain, it is a feeling
scorching heat from the inside out stabbing, stopping in a few minutes. 2) BODY
: * Heat: is observed in almost all patients with chronic diseases; * Tingling:
indicates success in diseases of the nervous system * Sleep: effect in patients
with chronic diseases; * Tingling: in skin diseases * Dry throat: When the gland
ular secretion is stimulated * Weight: Notes on the members to feel * Cold: In r
heumatic diseases.
SIDE EFFECTS Sometimes, you may experience, dizziness, paleness, cold sweat. To
avoid inconvenience it is appropriate, make applications with the patient lying
down and withdraw or stop stimulating the needles. When fainting occurs, remove
the needle, place the head lower than the body and ear points puntuar: occipital
, adrenal, heart and cortex or systemic points: all TING, VG26 and VC24. In deep
puncture of the kidney, adrenal, and glandular secretion, the patient may exper
ience dizziness and nausea, coldness of the limbs and sleeping. The occurrence o
f these symptoms is enough to withdraw the needle a little, or stimulate the E36
.€Indications Can be used in all types of physical and psychological problems. I
t has curative effects, preventive, giving the body enough energy to prevent dis
ease outbreaks. You can get excellent results in analgesia and anesthesia in den
tistry and children. CONTRAINDICATIONS: - Pregnant women less than three months
- Malnutrition, low physical resistance, hypertension (be careful not to use poi
nts to strong stimuli and deep). - Inflammation, infection of the ear. - Stomach
full. - Drunkenness
Time spent in the first systemic application with needles, can remain in the app
lication 20-30 min. In both ears. The second session onwards, routine treatment,
alternating ears and making use of implants. In simple cases one can use only o
ne ear per session. When the point is stimulated by pressure or with implants "m
ustard seed" effect, although slow, is effective and safe and can stay up to 1 w
eek. Implants "needle" should not exceed three days. Phenomena can occur because
of rejection, infection or local tissue necrosis, which can cause disease in or
gans or regions of reflection. The application of ear follows the anatomical dis
position of organs and body regions. Thus, liver, gall bladder, ascending colon
are located on the right side, and they are treated the same side. Organs locate
d on the left side will be treated on the left. The other organs located in the
center of the body (spine, stomach, uterus, genitals, etc..) Can be treated anyw
here. When choosing items to be discussed, we start with points:
• • •
Shenmen: Has action tranquilizer sedative, hypnotic, analgesic. Reduces fevers,
counteracts toxicity among others. RIM: It stimulates the functions of the respi
ratory system, endocrine glands excretory organs, the filtering of blood by the
kidneys, releasing toxins. Sympathetic: It accelerates and regulates the activit
ies of the autonomic system, balancing the general body, stimulates the bone mar
row functions, activates blood circulation, acts on the muscles causing anti-inf
lammatory action, relaxation and toning of muscle fibers.
MATERIAL USED: needle acupuncture: TIWG, (is contraindicated in children under s
even years). Same applicator (applicator or mechanic Madril); ball pen to mark t
he points of treatment; swab to clean the ear, and clamp applicator for needle i
mplants, tracer point pressure; Implants mustard seed and silver needles have th
e function of sedating and gold tone. Semi-permanent needles: needles are stainl
ess steel with 3mm active tip, cable circular, horizontal. Points are applied af
ter the skin prick with needles filiform and are set out in paragraph headset wi
th micropore tape. Purpose: Continuous stimulation by the needles point up to te
n days. You can intensify the stimulus applying ribbon magnet on the needle, two
or three times a day or press with fingers to enable them, increasing the stimu
lation time for fifteen days on average.
STIMULUS OR TECHNICAL Another technique of moxibustion stimulation of A. is the
moxa or heat the acupoints in the pavilion inside the heat tolerance of the pati
ent's skin. Can be accomplished with the use of: incense stick thin; moxador ele
ctric. - Time of stimuli: make three to five applications on the spot. - Indicat
ions: astralgia worsened by the winter, cold, humidity, nervragia trigeminal, ne
utrites. Needles with thermal stimulation: combined technique of needle plus mox
ibustion. After inserting the needle at the point applies heat in the needle, wh
ich is transferred to the point skin. - Indications: joint pain that require mor
e intense stimulus.
TREATMENT We must find and examine the points for treatment; Hygiene ear; Applic
ation of the needles starting points: (Shenmen, kidney, sympathetic), the compla
ints related to the patient and the clinical diagnosis. Observe the points to be
used on the right side and that will be left and the central points that will b
e used bilaterally. All painful points in the ear should be treated. 4) stimulat
ion by the technique of auricular massage: The massage consists of two types: 1.
Self-massage: massaging the patient himself. 2. Heteromassagem: application of
the massage therapist's hands over the patient.
The massage headset can be done by maneuvers direct and indirect. Held by blunt
instruments such as brumidor, sewing, etc.. with swirling, circular acupoint on
the ear. Massage bidigital headset: it can be by self or heteromassagem. Eg mass
age lobe for the treatment of childhood epilepsy.€The professional may recommend
the patient to massage the ear lobe of the ear, therefore, the mother can massa
ge the ear of the child at home. Bidigital The massage is performed by the index
finger and thumb, massage the second round to face the flag and the first exter
nal to internal. In practice, massage bidigital made with the instrument tip pre
operatively, or nervous patients were hypertensive, phobic by the needles (in th
e latter case it is also recommended the stimulus-mail: laser) in children, give
s good results. The simple massage Shen Men ear points over the oral cavity and
dental sedan desensitize the patient and the area budental, allowing dental inst
headset: c.Tonificação: clockwise circular massage on the ear or the pinna point
for five minutes. b. Sedation: counterclockwise circular massage on the ear, fo
r ten to fifteen minutes in acute cases, several times a day. 5. Color-puncture:
It consists of the type of stimulation through the use of light energy (chrome
= color) directed at the point headset. Obeys the methodology of the theory of f
ive elements and colors, namely:
- To stimulate R and B = infra-red and yellow and Bp = Vb = F and P green or blu
e and white C and GA = ID = red Cs and TA = red - to sedate: R and B = E and yel
low Bp F = green or blue and white Vb = P and C IG = red and infrared ID = Cs an
d TA = The infra-red device more suitable for color-puncture is the fotopolimine
rador (halogen light) optical fiber tip and thin. - Advantage: does not warm the
ear, effective, painless and causes no side effects, since the exact color sele
cted. - Indication: Patients who are hypersensitive and afraid of needles, child
Ear IN PEDIATRICS 1. BRONCHITIS: d) Shenmen, lung, bronchus, thorax, and the poi
nt of allergy. TECHNIQUE: Making bilateral application with continuous pressure,
lasting 5 to 10 sec. Repeat 2X, preventing the child is stressed. Can be made d
uring sleep of the child. Perform two or three weekly sessions.
2. COUGH: • Shenmen, sympathetic, kidney, diaphragm, bronchi, lungs. TECHNICAL D
epending on the severity of cough perform bilateral stimuli with duration of 10
to 15 sec. perform two or three daily sessions.
3. Spasms: b) Shenmen, sympathetic, lung, subcortex, adrenal and brain. TECHNIQU
E: Making continuous gentle pressure for a period not exceeding 5 seconds in eac
h spot. Perform three sessions per day. 4. Indigestion: h) Shenmen, sympathetic,
stomach, small intestine, lung. TECHNICAL Apply pressure 1 hour before and two
hours after meals. In crisis, apply three or four times a day.
5. Pertussis: a) Shenmem, diaphragm, bronchus, lung. Technico: Apply in crises,
two times a day and bilaterally. 6. Night crying: g) Shenmen, sympathetic, kidne
y, brain, inner ear, pituitary endocrine cells. TECHNIQUES: In press each point
for 5 to 20 sec. Before your child sleep (bilaterally) may be made up to 3 times
7. Mumps: b) Shenmen, sympathetic, endocrine kidney, parotid, neck. TECHNIQUE: M
aking bilateral applications, maintaining pressure for 10 sec. at least at each
point. Repeat 3 times each session, three sessions a day while in the symptoms.
8. Stuttering: h) Shenmen, sympathetic, adrenal, throat, vocal cords, lungs, inn
er ear. TECHNIQUE: Making everyday applications, pressing for 15 to 30 sec., Rep
eating the sequence up to 5 times.
8. RHINITIS b) Shenmen, nose, external, internal, adrenal, forehead, endocrine.
TECHNIQUE; sessions daily or every other day, at a pressure of 10 sec. each poin
t, alternating ears w / do not intend the child. 9. Conjunctivitis h) Shenmen, e
ye, liver, occipital, endocrine. TECHNIQUE; pressures lasting for 30 sec. at eac
h point. Repeat three times daily (bilateral)
10. DYSENTERY a) Shenmen, nice, small and large intestine, rectum (anus), endocr
ine. TECHNIQUE: Apply pressure on the points indicated, keeping the pressure 30
sec .. Repeat 3 times a day. 11. INTESTINAL PARASITES: g) Shenmen, small and lar
ge intestines, and nice. TECHNIQUE: Pressing for about 1min. At each point. two
applications per week. (Bilaterally).
12. Acute gastroenteritis or chronic. LEFT: Shenmen, nice, small and large intes
tines, anus. RIGHT: Shenmen, small and large intestines. TECHNIQUE: You start th
e application by the left atrium, causing pressure with duration of 5 to 20 sec.
at each point. After completing the items on the left do the same with the poin
ts of the right atrium. Perform three sessions daily in acute cases and in one s
ession. Chronic conditions. 12. VOMITING: m) Shenmen, sympathetic, stomach, esop
hagus, sub-cortex, occipital.€TECHNIQUE: In acute cases to four applications dai
ly, bilateral, maintaining pressure for 10 to 20 sec. at each point, starting fr
om the right atrium.
13. DIARRHEA: b) Shenmen, nice, small and large intestines. TECHNIQUE: Do 2-4 se
ssions per day, with pressure for 10 to 20 sec. at each point. Always make bilat
eral applications, starting with the right ear. 14. FLU: h) Shenmen, sympathetic
, lung, nose, external throat TECHNIQUE: Apply pressure for 5 to 20 sec., Starti
ng with the right atrium at (boys) or left at (girls). Perform 1-3, sittings. 15
. ASTHMA: • Shenmen, sympathetic, adrenal, lung TECHNIQUE: Apply pressure with a
duration of 20 sec. (5 sessions per day), bilaterally.

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