Next Generation Wind and Solar Power
Next Generation Wind and Solar Power
Next Generation Wind and Solar Power
This publication was prepared by the System Integration of Renewables (SIR) Unit of the
International Energy Agency (IEA). Simon Mueller, Head of the SIR Unit, is the main author of this
report; it was developed under the supervision of Paolo Frankl, Head of the Renewable Energy
Division and Keisuke Sadamori, Director of Energy Markets Security. Emanuele Bianco, Karl Page | 1
Hauptmeier, Yanqiu Bi, Thomas Guibentif, Timon Dubbeling and Cdric Philibert of the IEA
Renewable Energy Division contributed to analysis and drafting of the document. Laszlo Varro,
IEA Chief Economist, and Rebecca Gaghen, Head of the Communication and Information Office,
provided valuable guidance.
The authors are grateful for the comments received by the Anne Thyssen, Steffen Nielsen, Anders
Brix Thomsen (Danish Energy Agency), Jake Badger (DTU Wind Energy), Julian Barquin (Endesa
and Pontificia Comillas University Madrid), Tobias Bischof-Niemz (Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research, South Africa), Rebecca Collyer (European Climate Foundation), Eric Delteil
(Total New Energies), Emily Farnworth (The Climate Group), Marta Martinez (Iberdrola), Steve
Sawyer (Global Wind Energy Council), Katrin Schaber (Stadtwerke Munich), Fernando de
Sisternes (Argonne National Laboratory) and Stefan Ulreich (E.ON SE).
Justin French-Brooks and Therese Walsh were the primary editors of this report. Thanks go to the
IEA Communication and Information Office for their editorial and production guidance and to
Bertrand Sadin for graphic design.
This study contributes to the work of the Multilateral Solar and Wind Working Group as part of
the Clean Energy Ministerial. The work has been supported by a voluntary contribution by the
Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate.
Comments and questions on this report are welcome and should be addressed to: Simon Mueller
([email protected]) or [email protected].
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
Table of contents
Table of contents.....................................................................................................................2
Summary for policy makers .....................................................................................................4
Page | 2 Highlights ................................................................................................................................... 4
This document ........................................................................................................................... 7
Next-generation wind and solar power..................................................................................... 7
The integration challenge .......................................................................................................... 8
From integration to transformation .......................................................................................... 9
A paradigm shift for low- and medium-voltage grids.............................................................. 11
System value, or the need to go beyond costs........................................................................ 13
System-friendly VRE deployment ............................................................................................ 18
Policy priorities: Shifting from generation cost to system value ........................................ 22
Strategies to unlock system-friendly deployment ....................................................... 22
Reflecting SV in renewable energy policy frameworks ................................................... 24
Conclusions and recommendations ........................................................................................ 27
Summary of case studies ....................................................................................................... 29
Focus on South Africa .............................................................................................................. 30
Focus on Denmark ................................................................................................................... 32
Focus on China......................................................................................................................... 34
References ............................................................................................................................ 35
List of figures
List of tables
Table 1 Overview of system-friendly policy tools and impacts on System Value (SV) .................. 6
Table 2 Overview of system-friendly policy tools and impact on SV ........................................... 27
Table 3 Key issues for maximising VRE system value in South Africa .......................................... 31
Table 4 Key issues for maximising VRE system value in Denmark ............................................... 33 Page | 3
Table 5 Key issues for maximising VRE system value in China..................................................... 35
List of boxes
response or storage resources to achieve a better match with local demand and thus
reduce the need for investment in distribution network infrastructure. Countries such as
Australia and Germany are already providing incentives to maximise household self-
Optimising generation time profile. The design of wind and solar plants can be optimised
to facilitate integration. For example, using larger blades on a wind turbine with the same Page | 5
nameplate capacity reduces integration challenges because they produce electricity in a
less variable fashion. As part of this project, a detailed modelling study showed that such a
design yields electricity with a higher value to the system. Market premium systems and
advanced auction systems can be used to unlock this contribution.
Integrated planning, monitoring and revision. The relative costs of VRE and other
generation technologies as well as the cost of various flexible resources are changing
dynamically. Consequently, the optimal mix of flexible resources and system-friendly
deployment strategies will change over time, prompting the need to adjust strategies.
Denmark, for example, has a well-established tradition of integrated planning of the
energy system.
Unlocking the contribution of system-friendly deployment calls for a paradigm shift in the
economic assessment of wind and solar power. The traditional focus on the levelised cost of
electricity (LCOE) is no longer sufficient. Next-generation approaches need to factor in the system
value (SV) of electricity from wind and solar power.
SV is defined as the overall benefit arising from the addition of a wind or solar power
generation source to the power system; it is determined by the interplay of positives and
negatives. Positive effects can include reduced fuel costs, reduced costs from lower emissions
of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants, reduced need for other generation capacity and
possibly grid infrastructure, and reduced losses. Negative effects include increases in some
costs, such as those related to more frequent cycling of conventional power plants and the
costs associated with additional grid infrastructure, as well as curtailment of VRE output.
Calculating the SV of a technology requires making a number of assumptions concerning fuel
prices, for example, or CO2 prices. In addition it may require modelling tools that can compare
costs between different scenarios. It is also possible to estimate certain components of SV by
analysing actual market data. While this has the advantage that it is fairly easy to obtain data,
it requires a very careful interpretation of results. Only in the theoretical case that markets
accurately price in all relevant externalities, remunerate all benefits and charge all costs, do
market prices fully reflect SV. The degree to which these conditions are met in practice
depends on a wide range of factors.
SV provides crucial information above and beyond generation costs; in cases where SV is
higher than the generation cost, additional VRE capacity will help to reduce the total cost of
the power system. As the share of VRE generation increases, the variability of VRE generation
and other adverse effects can lead to a drop in SV.
It is important to distinguish between the short-term and long-term SV of VRE. In the short
term, SV is strongly influenced by existing infrastructure and the current needs of the power
system. For example, if new generation is needed to meet growing demand or retirements
as in South Africa SV will tend to be higher. In contrast, the presence of large amounts of
relatively inflexible generation capacity as is the case in Germany can lead to a more rapid
SV decline in the short term. For long-term energy strategies, the long-term SV is most
relevant. This accounts for both fuel savings and capital investment.
In order to attract investments in VRE at least cost, policy mechanisms that provide sufficient long-
term revenue certainty to VRE investors are needed. In turn, such mechanisms need to be
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
designed in a way that accounts for the difference in SV of different generation technologies.
Existing policy practice already provides a number of ways in which the value of VRE can be
boosted by facilitating system-friendly deployment strategies (Table 1).
This document
This document summarises the study Next-Generation Wind and Solar Power, which was carried
out by the International Energy Agency (IEA) as part of its Grid Integration of Variable
Renewables (GIVAR) programme.1 It contributes to the work of the Multilateral Wind and Solar
Working Group as part of the Clean Energy Ministerial. Its main focus is the contribution that Page | 7
next-generation wind and solar power technology can make to transforming power systems
around the globe when combined with advanced, system-friendly deployment strategies. The
main purpose of system-friendly deployment is to maximise overall value to the power and wider
energy system in contrast to minimising the generation cost of wind and solar power in
isolation. This summary places such strategies in the context of integrating renewables in a wider
system, and presents policy makers with concrete recommendations for unlocking this
contribution. This document also features brief summaries of country case studies, which were
carried out as part of Next-Generation Wind and Solar Power. The main project report is
scheduled for release in July 2016.
This is the second edition of this summary, released in October 2016. This replaces the original version published in June
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
100% Onshore
Indexed cost (2008=100%)
Page | 8
Solar PV -
20% utility scale
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Note: Costs refer to global average of LCOE with country specific assumptions on investment costs (declining over time) and cost of
financing (fixed over time). Different costs per country are averaged weighted by annual capacity additions.
Key message The falling cost of wind and solar PV is opening up new opportunities for cost-effective
Page | 9
Key message The integration challenge is shaped by the interaction of VRE properties, the flexibility of
the overall power system and the policy, market and regulatory frameworks that govern this interaction.
The interaction between the two factors differs from system to system as a result of technical
variation as well as the influence of policy and market frameworks. However, a growing body of
experience across a diverse range of power systems shows a common pattern of challenges. This
allows for the development of best practice principles for policy and market frameworks
principles that can be applied in a wide range of circumstances.
In this context, advanced VRE technologies and deployment strategies can make a valuable
contribution. Indeed, a VRE power plant is not simply a wind turbine or a collection of solar
panels. Modern VRE plants connect to the grid using electronic power converters, so-called
inverters. Simply put, these can be programmed like a computer to allow the way in which VRE
power plants behave on the power grid to be controlled.
and enhanced scheduling of power plants. Where liberalised wholesale markets are in place,
this may require an upgrade of market rules and products. In heavily regulated systems,
action will need to target operational protocols and key performance indicators (KPIs) for
system and power plant operators.
Investment in additional flexible resources. Even in concert, improved operations and system-
Page | 10 friendly VRE deployment practices will be insufficient to manage high shares of VRE in the
long term. The point at which investment in additional flexible resources becomes necessary
depends on the system context. In all systems, however, an increase in flexible resources will
become a cost-effective integration strategy at some point, requiring additional investment.
Figure 3 Share of VRE generation in 2015 and 2021 for selected countries
Key message Growing shares of wind and solar PV make grid integration issues a priority.
Mobilising the contribution of each of the three areas requires putting in place appropriate
market, policy and regulatory frameworks. It frequently also requires changing the roles of
institutions in the power system, which can require time and resources to achieve. In a nutshell,
actions from the last two areas aim to make the overall power system more suitable for VRE
generation, while the first area encompasses all those measures that make VRE more suitable for
the existing power system.
To implement this strategy, actions across the entire power system are likely to be needed. For
example, increasing the flexibility of the demand side (beyond large industrial consumers) is likely
to require changes in the regulation of distribution networks, analysis of the acceptability of
different business models to consumers, adaptation of wholesale market design, etc. By contrast,
a common approach to integrating VRE views its place in the power system in isolation. This leads
to an emphasis on solutions that first make VRE more like traditional generation, for example
by adding storage or dedicated power plants to balance VRE. As previous IEA analysis has
demonstrated (IEA, 2014), such an isolated approach leads to significantly higher costs than a
more system-wide strategy. Such an improved strategy will reveal that those power plants that
are currently used to balance the variability of power demand can be put to work to balance the
combined variability of VRE supply and electricity demand.
Given the need for a system-wide strategy, the traditional notion of integrating renewable
energy into an otherwise unchanged power system can fall short of what is needed; it is not VRE
that needs to adapt to what is already there for historical reasons. Successful integration of a
high share of VRE requires finding a new optimum across all power system assets. In many cases,
such an approach will lead beyond the confines of the current power system, calling for the
electrification of end-use sectors such as heating and transport.
OECD/IEA 2016 Next-generation wind and solar power
From cost to value
The need for a comprehensive approach is better captured by the notion of transformation of
the overall power system: Successful integration means system transformation.
Compressed air Electrification of transport
Key point Power system transformation implies a paradigm shift for low- and medium-voltage grids
away from passive distribution of electricity and towards becoming a critical hub for electricity and data.
On the technical side, more dynamic and bi-directional flows of electricity (from lower to higher
voltage levels and vice versa) require reinforced monitoring and control capabilities as well as
upgrades to infrastructure. Moreover, planning standards need upgrading to manage the uptake
of large shares of distributed resources. In this context, next-generation VRE technology such as
advanced inverters can offer technical capabilities to support and sustain safe and reliable
operations in local power grids, while also reducing energy losses in the overall power system.
For example, under a business-as-usual approach, a high local penetration of distributed solar PV
can create challenges related to maintaining voltage at appropriate levels. These challenges can
Distributed electricity resources are typically modular and/or small scale, connected to a local network, providing energy-
related services with the capability of supplying energy or system services.
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
In the past, consumers did not have a strong incentive to substitute grid-based electricity by
generating their own power. The rise of distributed solar PV, combined with cost reductions in
smart-home and battery technology, has begun to change this. However, the design of electricity
tariffs is often based on the assumption that consumers have no alternative to the grid for
obtaining their electricity. For example, the cost of the electricity network itself is frequently
recovered via per-unit charges on electricity. In a situation where customers use their own solar
PV generation to displace electricity from the grid, such pricing arrangements may be rendered
Tariff design will need to evolve, reflecting the fact that consumers of electricity can now also
become producers, and consequently requiring a fair allocation of grid costs across all
consumers. This may entail a departure from the current model of recovering the cost of
distribution grid infrastructure. For example, the state of New York is currently comprehensively
reviewing the design of electricity tariffs (State of New York, 2016). As part of the reform, it is
proposed to introduce a new pricing element, a so-called demand charge. Customers who use
electricity when the grid is most strained will need to pay more, while those customers that avoid
consumption during peak times will pay less.
Reform will need to take electricity tariffs beyond simply pricing consumption. Distributed solar
PV systems, combined with smart-home systems and electric batteries, are valuable resources
for the entire power system. However, a way is needed to allow these resources to offer their
services and receive appropriate compensation. For example, distributed resources can
contribute to the provision of system services (Box 1). But unlocking this contribution requires
commercial arrangements to appropriately remunerate resources.
Reliable operation of the power system critically depends on a number of system services, which
contribute to maintaining system frequency and voltage levels. Special capabilities may also be
required when restarting the system after a large-scale blackout (so-called black-start capabilities).
Some of these services are procured by system operators or traded on dedicated markets. Others are
mandated via grid codes (known in North America as interconnection standards), which set out
technical requirements for any entity that connects to the grid. Different systems may obtain the
same service in different ways, e.g. some will mandate it in the grid code, while others use a
procurement or market mechanism.
Traditionally, system services markets have been controlled by TSOs and only a small minority of
these allow for the participation of distributed VRE assets. Looking ahead, making optimal use of the
grid support services offered by distributed VRE may require that these services are procured and co-
ordinated in a more localised fashion.
Finally, participation in distribution grids is bound to change. For example, electricity suppliers will
increasingly compete with aggregators of system services for access to customers. Similarly, a strong
OECD/IEA 2016 Next-generation wind and solar power
From cost to value
case can be made for establishing transparent power markets, known as market platforms, governed
by independent institutions that have the responsibility to operate them fairly.
SV complements the information provided by classical metrics of generation costs, such as the
LCOE. It captures the effects that additional generation has on the remaining power system.
Simply put: the LCOE informs how much one has to pay for a certain technology, while the SV of
that technology captures the net effects on the system (Figure 5).
Calculating the SV of a technology requires making a number of assumptions, regarding, for
Page | 14 example, fuel prices or CO2 prices. It may also require modelling tools that can compare costs
between different scenarios. Further, it is possible to estimate certain components of SV by
analysing actual market data, which has the advantage that it is fairly easy to obtain data, but it
requires a very careful interpretation of results. Only in the theoretical case that markets
accurately price all relevant externalities, remunerate all benefits and charge all costs, do market
prices fully reflect SV. The degree to which this is met in practice depends on a large number of
factors. For example, assessing the SV on the basis of spot-market revenues (see analysis below
for onshore wind) may not capture all relevant impacts on grid infrastructure if the same price is
formed over large geographic regions. However, even partial information on SV may provide
critical insights for policy and market design.
A high SV indicates a good match between what a technology provides and what the power
system needs. For example, when a new VRE power plant generates during times of high
electricity prices, this favourable situation will be reflected in a high SV of this power plant. In
well-designed power markets, a generator will receive an above-average price for the produced
electricity on the market during these times.
The SV perspective provides crucial information above and beyond generation costs. Indeed, a
comparison between the LCOE and the SV yields critical information for policy makers and other
power system stakeholders: where the SV of VRE is higher than its generation cost, additional
VRE capacity will help to reduce the total cost of the power system.
Key point The LCOE and SV provide complementary information. The LCOE focuses on the level of the
individual power plant, whereas SV captures system-level effects.
Comparing the SV of different technologies and not just their LCOE provides a more complete
picture and a sound basis for policy design (Figure 6). In the example below, Technology B has the
lowest cost, but also a very low value hence it would require the most support to trigger
deployment. By comparison, Technology C has an intermediate cost but a very high SV its
deployment would not require any support on the basis that an appropriate market design was in
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From cost to value
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Key point Given well-designed markets, the relationship between cost and SV determines the need for
financial support or the degree of competitiveness of a technology.
The power system of South Africa provides an effective example of a situation where VRE can
have a high SV. South Africa exhibits a favourable overlap of wind and solar resources with
demand. Moreover, in recent years a tight supply situation has seen VRE offset a considerable
amount of diesel consumption and, in some cases, even prevent load shedding. Analysis carried
out by CSIR (2015) found that for VRE assets operating in the first half of 2015, the savings from
avoided fuel and lost load more than compensated for the cost of wind and solar power
(Figure 7).
Figure 7 Illustration of SV and cost for wind and solar power in South Africa, H1 2015
Renewables net
Avoided unserved
100 energy
50 Fuel saving
Benefits Cost Net benefit
Source: Adapted from CSIR (2015), Financial Benefits of Renewables in South Africa in 2015.
Key point Depending on system circumstances, the value of VRE may significantly exceed the cost.
Conversely, when additional VRE generates power at times and locations when it is not optimal
for the overall system, this will yield a lower SV. A low SV can signal a misalignment between VRE
generation and the rest of the power system. It is important to note that this is the result of an
interaction between the system and VRE rather than a property of VRE per se.
As the share of VRE generation increases in power systems, the variability of VRE generation and
other adverse effects can lead to a drop in the overall SV of VRE.
The example of Germany illustrates how rising shares can challenge the value of VRE generation.
It is possible to analyse part of the SV of a generation resource by looking at its value on the
electricity market. While such an analysis may not reflect all the benefits of VRE, the overall trend
of market revenues can provide information about the evolution of SV at growing shares of VRE.
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
Liberalised short-term electricity markets have a different wholesale price for each hour of the
day. The price in each hour is determined by the short-run (fuel) costs of the most expensive
generator. When VRE generation is present during times of high demand, it will thus have a high
value on the electricity market. It is convenient to express the wholesale market value as a so-
called value factor. In short, a value factor below one means that electricity from a certain
Page | 16 technology makes lower-than-average revenues selling electricity to the market, while a factor
above one signals a high value.
At the onset of deployment, solar PV often generates at times of fairly high demand. This
translates into a high market value as long as its share is low. However, as more PV capacity is
added to the system, all PV systems will tend to generate at the same time. This means that
when PV capacity is generating, increasingly there is an abundance of electricity. This is also
known as the merit order effect (Box 2). The merit order effect leads to lower prices and, in turn,
a lower market value. This effect is similar for wind, though not as pronounced (Figure 8). The
exact magnitude of this decline is highly system specific. The principle itself, however, is
universal: the economic challenge of system integration is reflected in the declining value of wind
and solar power.
Box 2 The merit order effect and its impact on the power plant mix
Once built, wind power and solar PV provide electricity practically for free. The low short-run
costs imply that once VRE generation is built, it is likely to be among the first technologies to be
called upon to generate. This is expressed by stating that VRE comes first in the merit order. The
merit order ranks the power plants according to their short-run costs. It is often used to
determine which units will be used to supply expected demand, with the cheapest units being
used first. The availability of additional low-cost VRE power production pushes the offer curve to
the right (i.e. plants with higher marginal costs are pushed out of the market), thus displacing
the (most expensive) generators and reducing the resulting market price for electricity. Lower
energy prices, more pronounced when high VRE generation happens during periods of low
demand, benefit power consumers. Conversely, this means reduced income and asset values for
power generators that are exposed to market risk.
OECD/IEA 2016 Next-generation wind and solar power
From cost to value
Figure 8 Market value factor of wind and solar PV as a function of their market share in Germany,
PV Page | 17
Value factor
0.9 Wind
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
Market share
Notes: Each point corresponds to one year; the value factor is defined as the ratio between the electricity market revenue of the
average wind/solar generator and the average electricity price; a value factor above one signals above-average market revenues; a
factor below 1 signals below-average market revenues.
Source: Adapted from Hirth (2013), The market value of variable renewables: The effect of solar wind power variability on their
relative price
Key point As the share of VRE generation increases in power systems, its SV may decline. This decline is
system specific.
The reason for the drop in value is a lack of flexibility in the power and wider energy system,
combined with the variability of wind and solar power. The aim of power system transformation is to
deploy a comprehensive package of measures that make the overall system more flexible. In a flexible
power system, the SV of VRE remains high even at high penetration levels.2
It is important to distinguish between the short-term and long-term SV of VRE. In the short term, SV is
strongly influenced by existing infrastructure and the current needs of the power system. For
example, if new generation is needed to meet growing demand or retirements as in South Africa
SV will tend to be higher. By contrast, the presence of large amounts of inflexible generation capacity
as is the case in Germany can lead to a more rapid SV decline in the short term.
When putting in place a strategy for VRE deployment, it is critical to keep in mind the difference
between short- and long-term SV. In formulating long-term strategies, the long-term value of VRE
is most relevant. It needs to be evaluated with due consideration of all available options to
increase system flexibility and thus secure the value of wind and solar power at high penetration
For example, a more responsive demand side boosts SV, because it can help to create demand
when there is abundant supply. More generally, all options that increase the flexibility of the
power system will have a positive impact on the SV of VRE.3 Conversely, variable generation
increases the SV of flexibility. The more variability there is in the system, the greater the need for
flexibility and the higher its value. Economically speaking, high shares of VRE and flexibility are
complementary goods; the presence of one increases the value of the other.
An increase in flexible resources not only boosts the SV of VRE. More generally, it can increase the value of all inflexible
technologies. Historically, the uptake of flexible resources, such as pumped hydro storage or programmable electric heaters,
was used to integrate inflexible generation, in particular nuclear energy.
Increasing interconnections between power systems will generally boost the overall value of VRE for the combined system.
However, there may be distributive effects: one VRE system may experience a drop in value, while the other will then
experience an increase.
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
Most importantly, it is not only greater flexibility that can help to address the value challenge.
VRE sources themselves can make a critical contribution to increasing their own SV by
implementing system-friendly deployment techniques.
Figure 9 Evolution of wind power costs according to wind resource in the United States
Page | 19
Notes: m/s = metre per second; MACRS = Modified Accelerated Cost-Recovery System; PTC = Production Tax Credit.
Source: Wiser, R. et al.(2012), Recent developments in the levelized costs of energy from U.S. wind power projects, presentation to
IEA Wind Task 26, Paris.
Key point Reductions in the cost of wind power production have been greater for low wind-speed
technology in recent years. This opens up new deployment opportunities closer to power demand, which
can boost the SV of wind.
Technology mix. The output of wind and solar power is complementary in many regions of
the world. In addition, the availability of VRE can be complementary to other renewable
resources, such as hydropower. Deploying a mix of technologies can thus bring valuable
synergies. For example, the current mix of wind and solar power in Germany leads to an
overall more stable generation profile than each technology by itself (Figure 10), which raises
the combined SV.
Local integration with other resources. Distributed deployment of VRE can open the
opportunity to integrate generation resource directly with other flexibility options to form an
integrated package. For example, solar PV systems can be combined with demand-side
response or storage resources to achieve a better match with local demand and hence
increase the value of the generated electricity. However, it is critical to update distribution
grid electricity tariffs and remuneration schemes to ensure that such resources are used in a
way that is optimal for the system as a whole, including a fair allocation of fixed network
costs. For example, the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) process in the state of New York
aims to establish retail electricity tariffs that incentivise grid-friendly consumption and create
a market platform that remunerates the system services provided by VRE. Such an integrated
approach ensures the collaborative operation of distributed resources, maximising overall SV.
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
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Key point Combining wind and solar power in appropriate shares facilitates integration.
Economic design criteria. The design of wind and solar plants can be optimised to
facilitate integration even at plant level. For example, positioning solar panels to be east-
and/or west- facing or actively tracking the sun rather than facing the equator can bring
overall system benefits, thanks to generating relatively more electricity earlier and/or
later in the day, when electricity is more valuable (Figure 11). This option is already used
widely in California. A detailed modelling study that was carried out as part of the Next-
Generation Wind and Solar Power project also highlighted that the design of wind
turbines can increase the SV of their output (see Box 3 for details).
Figure 11 Impact of panel orientation on solar PV production profile, month of May in Germany
0.9 East
Relative output
0.4 East/West
0.1 South
3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Note: Identical profile results have been produced at the same latitude in other parts of the world.
Source: Adapted from Troester E. and Schmidt J. D. (2012), Evaluating the impact of PV module orientation on grid operation,
Energynautics GmbH, Darmstadt.
Key point In Germany, the combined generation of panels oriented east and west leads to lower ramp
gradients and slightly higher generation levels during morning and evening hours.
OECD/IEA 2016 Next-generation wind and solar power
From cost to value
Box 3 The link between wind turbine design and the value of electricity from wind power
System-friendly deployment may be achieved by spreading generators across large geographic areas
or deploying a well-chosen mix of technologies. Another possibility lies in the technical design of VRE
generators themselves. Wind turbine technology has evolved significantly during the past decade.
The low wind-speed turbines that have entered the market are taller and have a larger rotor-to- Page | 21
generator ratio (a lower specific rating per area swept by the rotor). These turbines capture more
energy at low wind speeds. This technology evolution also has implications for the value of the
generated electricity. Simply put, a turbine with a larger tower and a relatively larger rotor (compared
to its maximum power output) will produce more energy per installed unit of capacity. This means
that less overall capacity will be required to generate the same amount of electricity. Ultimately, this
means that the output from the overall fleet of wind power plants will become more constant,
generating more electricity during times of moderate wind speed and having less pronounced peaks
during high wind conditions. A further benefit is that less transmission capacity needs to be built,
thanks to lower overall installed capacities.
A detailed techno-economic modelling study of northwest Europe carried out as part of the GIVAR
programme at the IEA (Hirth and Mueller, 2016) assessed the impact of advanced turbine technology
on the value of the generated electricity.
The main finding of the study is that advanced wind turbine technology can significantly increase the
SV of wind power. In the study, using a fleet of turbines with relatively larger blades and higher
towers increased the market value of the generated electricity by 15% (Figure 12, left). The main
reason for the increase in value is a more stable output of these turbines, reflected in a higher
capacity factor.
The modelling assessment quantified in detail part of the overall benefits of this technology: the
increase in spot market value. Additional benefits include a possible reduction in forecast errors and
reduced need for grid capacity (Figure 12, right).
Source: Hirth and Mueller (2016), System-friendly wind power: How advanced wind turbine design
can increase the economic value of electricity generated through wind power, Energy Economics,
Figure 12 Comparison of the economic value of advanced and classical wind turbine designs for
northwest Europe
Source: Adapted from Hirth L. and Mueller S. (2016), System-friendly wind power: How advanced wind turbine design can increase
the economic value of electricity generated through wind power, Energy Economics, Vol. 56, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 5163.
Key message Advanced wind turbine design increases the SV of wind power.
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
specific auctions are used to contract VRE capacity, auctioned capacity can be set to
achieve an optimal balance for the system as a whole.
Local integration with other resources. The distributed nature of VRE, and solar PV in
particular, allows generation to be located alongside other resources, including small-
scale battery electricity storage or demand-side response resources. Co-location of
resources can help avoid grid congestion and enable the provision of system services from Page | 23
a package of resources. Because such resources are often installed on the customer side
of the electricity meter, policy interventions need to be applied thorough the design of
appropriate retail electricity and grid tariffs (Box 4).4 For example, the state of New York is
currently implementing a systematic re-design of retail tariffs. The aim is to charge for
consumption according to its cost and then pay the energy and system services provided
by distributed resources according to their value, while ensuring a fair allocation of fixed
network costs. For large-scale projects, co-locating wind and solar PV or solar PV with
solar thermal electricity (STE) can increase the value of the generated electricity. For
example, the Atacama-1 project in the Atacama Desert in Chile provides round-the-clock
electricity via a mix of solar PV and STE with thermal energy storage.
Economic design criteria. Influencing the design of VRE power plants to make them more
system friendly is a dynamically evolving field. Simply put, all those measures that
encourage an increase in the capacity factor of VRE resources will tend to make them
more system friendly. For solar PV this can include tracking systems, or installing
east/west-facing panels with a relatively smaller inverter capacity. For wind power, the
relative size of the blades compared to the generation capacity is a critical parameter.
Putting in place mechanisms that signal SV to developers (see next section) will, in
principle, incentivise such options: power plants that generate electricity with a higher
value receive a higher remuneration. However, existing policy frameworks may actually
hinder the adoption of system-friendly design. For example, where the eligible amount of
revenues under a support mechanism is capped at a certain level of full-load hours,
project developers may choose to deliberately oversize the generation capacity to
increase profit.5 This leads to an incentive to reduce capacity factors. The example of
Denmark shows how policies can be adjusted to prevent this. Under the new feed-in
premium system, the size of the rotor is considered when calculating eligible full-load
Integrated planning, monitoring and revision. The relative costs of VRE and other
generation technologies, as well as the cost of various flexible resources, are changing
dynamically. In addition, continuing innovations in technology are opening new
deployment opportunities and technical capabilities of VRE. Most importantly, changes in
electricity demand structures via energy efficiency can evolve more quickly than expected.
Consequently, the optimal mix of flexible resources, as well as system-friendly
deployment strategies, will change over time, prompting the need to adjust strategies.
More generally, the rise of distributed resources calls for a revision of regulation more generally (for details, see IEA, 2016b).
For example, when a generator is eligible to receive payments for the first 10 000 full-load hours of operation, one way to
increase the amount of payments is to simply install a larger generator, say from 2 megawatts (MW) to 2.5 MW. This
increases the eligible amount of energy from 20 gigawatt hours (GWh) to 25 GWh. However, oversizing reduces the capacity
factor and hence is less system friendly.
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
Box 4 The role of retail electricity pricing for guiding investments in distributed solar PV
Retail pricing is increasingly gaining significance in directing VRE investments due to the fact that the
cost of electricity from solar PV is close to or below electricity rates in a growing number of cases. In
this context, pricing electricity consumption and remunerating distributed electricity production in a
Page | 24 time- and location-specific manner is a crucial step in pushing for system-friendly VRE deployment.
Retail prices should give the right incentives to both network users and distributed energy resources,
in a time- and location-specific manner. In particular, network tariffs need to cover the costs of
infrastructure and should send a signal for efficient use of the network, as well as minimise the cost
of future investments. Of course, this needs to be balanced with other policy objectives, such as
economic development in rural communities. In the context of rising self-consumption, this is likely to
require tariff reform.
For example, the introduction of demand charges that accurately reflect a customers contribution to
peak demand in a local distribution grid can be an appropriate way of ensuring fair charges for all
users of the network. In addition, the gradual introduction of time-based pricing to reflect local
power production should be encouraged.
Electricity taxation may also have to evolve. With distributed resources, electricity consumption is
becoming more responsive to electricity prices, and high levels of taxation and levies can create a
strong economic incentive for customers to offset grid-based electricity via their own solar PV
system. Where used as a targeted strategy, this can help increasing solar PV deployment. But where
left unattended, it can lead to inefficient investment decisions. For example, it may block the uptake
of options such as efficient electric heat pumps to displace gas heating; a high electricity tariff will
make a switch from gas to electricity uneconomic, even if the electricity-based solution is more
Note: Blue areas indicate below-average market value; red areas show above-average market value.
Source: Adapted from enervis/anemos (2016), Market Value Atlas,
Key point Depending on power plant location, wind power has a different value for the power system.
As part of its recent comprehensive electricity market reform, Mexico has taken an
alternative approach to reflecting SV in investment decisions. It is based on comprehensive
modelling of the future power system, including expected electricity market prices for the
coming 15 years, calculated for each hour of a typical day for each month, differentiated for
50 regions of the country (price zones). In order to implement such an approach, it is critical
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
to have available sophisticated modelling tools for power system planning. It also requires
making a set of assumptions about the future evolution of fuel prices as well as expansions of
the grid and additional investments in system flexibility. The large dataset of prices is publicly
available (CENACE, 2016).
Combining electricity prices with the feed-in profile of a generation resource, it is possible to
Page | 26 calculate its market revenue; this is a proxy for the SV. The exact calculation is somewhat
technical and involves the combined revenue from electricity and the sale of green
certificates. This does not change the main point, however. In essence, those producers that
offer electricity with a higher-than-average value can reduce their bids in two steps
(Figure 14). In the first step, a correction for the timing of generation is applied, as calculated
by project developers. In the second step, a correction factor for location is applied. In
summary, these factors are reflected in the order in which projects are selected. The
Mexican system has recently been introduced and the first auction results were obtained in
April 2016. While its design is excellent from the perspective of SV in principle, it remains to
be seen if further modifications may become necessary in practice.
Figure 14 Conceptual illustration of the Mexican auction system for variable renewables
Key point The design of the Mexican auction system reflects the SV of different projects depending on
when and where they generate electricity.
It is important to note that this auction design puts high demands on the accuracy of the
modelling that underpins the auction. Procurement results will only be as good as the
underlying simulation, which are updated for each new auction cycle. This means that they
would also be required to factor in the possible contribution of demand-side options, grid
expansion etc. Sensitivity analysis can reveal how the SV of wind and solar power can be
improved by the adoption of certain flexibility measures. Such integrated long-term
planning models are becoming increasingly adopted for the guidance of policy making.
Their further development needs to be a priority wherever similar approaches are to be
OECD/IEA 2016 Next-generation wind and solar power
From cost to value
The measures discussed in this section are summarised in the following table (Table 1).
Grid codes that require advanced By providing system services from Page | 27
capabilities Participation of wind in VRE, more thermal generation can be
System service
balancing the grid in turned off during times of abundance,
capabilities Advanced design of system Denmark and Spain which makes room for VRE and
services markets increases SV
The main objective of the summaries is to provide a succinct overview of the main aspects of
wind and solar power deployment, highlighting in particular the impact that current policy,
market and regulatory frameworks have on increasing the value of wind and solar power. To this
end, five categories have been selected:
system-friendly VRE deployment
investments in power generation, grid infrastructure, demand-side response and storage
system and market operations
consumer engagement and uptake of distributed resources
overall planning and co-ordination.
In each of these five categories, the most relevant items are briefly presented and their impact
on the value of wind and solar power highlighted.
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
Table 3 Key issues for maximising VRE system value in South Africa
System-friendly VRE deployment
South Africa has excellent wind and solar resources, but many VRE projects are concentrated in relatively remote areas.
By designating Renewable Energy Development Zones (REDZ), where grid reinforcement will be prioritised, the
government has made a promising step towards directing IPP development to areas where that incremental capacity would
be of higher system value.
Page | 31
The IRP foresees the rollout of a wide range of clean energy technologies. In recognition of past deployment and
technology cost trajectories, the government can revisit technology-specific capacity targets on an iterative and transparent
basis in order to optimise the system value of clean energy additions. Such an iterative process is foreseen in the IRP itself.
The IRP sets out a clear pathway to a more diverse energy mix, providing useful guidance regarding the needed
investment flows. Following a stable and realistic timeline for VRE procurement can lead to more predictable investment
and prevent prolonged spells of lower capacity factors in domestic VRE manufacturing industries.
Grid investment is currently falling behind IPP development. More comprehensive co-ordination between Eskom and the
DOE may allow for more cost-effective expansion of the transmission grid and reduce connection delays.
Eskom takes a conservative approach to calculating available transmission capacity. Room exists to connect more VRE
capacity to existing substations by considering the different temporal production profiles of wind and solar PV.
Power plant performance indicators provide an incentive for thermal power plant operators to increase total operating
hours. Upgrading the system to reward cycling and ramping capabilities may increase overall system flexibility and prevent
unnecessary curtailing of VRE production.
Consumer engagement
Uptake of distributed solar PV has increased significantly in recent years. Finalising important legislative documents, such
as low-voltage grid codes, can allow for better monitoring and control of these assets in local grids.
Time-of-use (TOU) tariffs are already available for large consumers. Offering TOU tariffs to residential consumers, and
encouraging their uptake, may help bring down demand during the (evening) peak hours.
Comprehensive planning co-ordination between the DOE, Eskom and the National Treasury has been crucial to the early
success of the REIPPPP. Maintaining this co-ordination will become ever more important to prevent delays in further VRE
A number of municipalities actively support deployment of distributed VRE. Increased technical support from Eskom and
legal clarity at a national level will support them to effectively monitor and utilise these assets in the local grid.
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
Focus on Denmark
Denmark is a member of the Nordpool spot (NPS) power market (which includes a day-ahead,
intraday and a regulating power market), providing a unified market design across the Nordic and
Baltic countries. Denmark has a stable power system, with consolidated electricity demand.
Page | 32 Annual electricity consumption peaked in 2008 and has subsequently dropped by 7% to
32.5 TWh in 2015.
The Danish generation landscape has seen drastic changes over the last 30 years. Starting as a
system with few centralised power plants, it evolved into a highly distributed system. Installed
generation capacity is roughly 13 700 MW, with high shares coming from wind turbines (35.8%)
and distributed thermal generation units (20%). Generation from wind power met approximately
42% of Danish electricity demand in 2015.
Denmark is a world leader in wind power deployment and system integration. It routinely utilises
advanced system operation techniques, including dynamic use of abundant interconnection
capacities with neighbouring countries as well as very flexible operation of thermal generation.
Interconnection is particularly valuable in the Nordic region because it links diverse power
systems with different characteristics, e.g. wind in Denmark and hydro power in Norway.
The Danish electricity system operated without any participation of its central generation units
for the first time in September 2015. Newly installed, advanced grid support technology
(synchronised condensers) was used to maintain grid stability under these conditions.
Denmark has reached a stage of VRE integration where periods of abundant VRE generation
often exceeding domestic power demand are becoming increasingly common. Consequently,
measures to boost the SV of VRE are quite advanced in Denmark compared to other regions of
the world. For example, Denmark has seen an uptake of electricity boilers in co-generation
plants.6 These play an important role in making economically attractive use of abundant VRE
More generally, measures to enhance electrification are being targeted for the medium term.
Future electricity consumption is expected to rise by an additional 3.7 TWh from 2015 until 2024.
This is due to the increased electrification of the Danish heating and transport sector through
further uptake of electric boilers, heat pumps and electric vehicles.
The current support scheme for wind power plants has been designed to promote the use of
larger rotors, which can help to increase the SV of the produced electricity. For onshore wind
plants commissioned from January 2014, a guaranteed fixed feed-in premium (FIP) of
USD 36/MWh (DKK 250/MWh) is provided. The maximum revenue (premium plus market price)
is capped at USD 84/MWh (DKK 580/MWh). The support is paid for up to 6 600 full-load hours,
plus an additional 5.6 MWh per square metre of rotor area. An additional premium of
USD 3.3/MWh (DKK 23/MWh) is paid for covering the balancing costs. Offshore wind farms
installed following a tender process are subject to separate incentives, set as variable FIPs.
Denmark is already one of the countries with the highest shares of renewables as a proportion of
electricity consumption, but the goal of the Danish government is independence from coal, oil
and gas by 2050.
To reach this goal, Energy Strategy 2050 has been developed. The strategy sets out the actions
needed for a full transition. It details the long-term energy infrastructure necessary for the
Co-generation refers to the combined production of heat and power.
OECD/IEA 2016 Next-generation wind and solar power
From cost to value
integration of more variable electricity production and electrification of end uses and emphasises
the need to plan and prepare for the rollout of this infrastructure.
At the distribution level, the government will endeavour to strengthen its energy infrastructure
to incorporate still larger amounts of renewable energy. At the distribution level, the government
wishes to enter agreements with distribution companies for the installation of smart meters at
the same time that consumers install heat pumps and recharging stations for electric cars (Efkm, Page | 33
The current support scheme for wind power plants has been designed to promote the use of larger rotors which can
provide system-friendly wind power production. Regular review of wind power plant eligibility parameters that could
optimise energy production may be beneficial for the entire energy system.
Given the ever-decreasing costs of the PV technology, it may be helpful to investigate the potential benefits of portfolio
synergies of wind and PV.
Further upgrades to interconnection capacity with Germany and the Netherlands are planned, which will help smooth wind
power fluctuations via geographical aggregation and by linking diverse resources. Denmark is approaching a situation in
which surpluses of VRE energy will be structural; power-to-heat and electric vehicle solutions may help to take advantage
of these surpluses.
In the coming years, wind plant refurbishment will become a central aspect of investment in the Danish VRE sector. A
dedicated analysis of the kind of new wind plant that could be beneficial for the power grid and the energy sector in general
may be appropriate and help avoid pitfalls.
System operation and wholesale power market design in Denmark have been systematically adapted to deal with high
levels of VRE. Operating practices for thermal power are among the most advanced globally. Demand-side resources can
participate on an equal footing as supply resources in the intraday market.
Structural periods of very high wind penetration require the supply of system services in innovative ways; the ongoing
ancillary services update will enable wind power plants to offer these system services. For the same reason, it may be
useful to expand the interconnectors dedicated capacity for short-term balancing.
Consumers may opt for variable tariffs that are linked to wholesale price levels, thus enhancing demand-side response.
Danish energy prices are among the most heavily taxed in the European Union. The effect is a reduction in the
effectiveness of real-time price signals and a possible misalignment of economic incentives. A review of taxation may help
reflect system value.
The Danish government aims to reach an agreement with distribution system operators to install smart meters when power
consumers install heat pumps or recharging stations for electric cars. Once in place, such infrastructure should be used to
unlock the contribution of remote demand-side management.
Systematic and long-term planning has been a cornerstone of the transformation of the Danish energy sector. Maintaining
this approach will help Denmark achieve its policy objectives in an effective way.
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
Focus on China
China has experienced a marked increase in electricity demand over the past decade, requiring
rapid and large investments in the power sector. This has provided an opportunity for
streamlining system integration with the expansion of overall electricity infrastructure. However,
Page | 34 this opportunity has not been fully realised and investments have predominantly been in coal-
fired capacity. The dominance of coal in the power sector has translated into growing concerns
over local air pollution and CO2 emissions. To address these issues, China is ramping up
deployment of renewable energy resources and putting in place measures to effectively limit
increases in coal-fired capacity.
In recent years, wind and solar PV deployment have gathered significant momentum. In 2015,
renewables represented over 50% of net additions to power capacity. Grid-connected onshore
wind capacity increased by over 32 gigawatts (GW) in 2015, the highest rate of installation to
date. China installed 15 GW of solar PV in 2015 according to government estimates. Overall
cumulative capacity reached over 43 GW, with over 80% from utility-scale projects. China
proposed more ambitious renewable energy targets under the 13th Five-Year Plan: nearly
doubling land-based wind capacities from 128 GW in 2015 to 250 GW by 2020, and tripling solar
PV capacity from 43 GW in 2015 to 150 GW by 2020.
The ramp-up of renewables capacity is complemented by measures to limit construction of new
coal-fired capacity. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and National
Energy Administration (NEA) issued special emergency guidance, requiring local governments and
companies to suspend or cancel the permitting and construction of coal-fired power plants.
Against the background of slowing economic growth and restructuring of the Chinese economy
away from heavy manufacturing, growth in power demand has been slowing dramatically. In
2015, Chinas power demand grew by only 0.5%, the lowest since 1998. In a growing number of
regions of the country, the issue is no longer how to rapidly meet growing power demand.
Rather, the question has become how to scale down coal generation in line with the expansion of
renewable energy. This raises issues both within the power sector but also for the Chinese
economy more widely, in particular how to deal with the possible negative impacts on
employment and economic growth in coal-mining regions.
China is moving quickly from a dynamic power system context to a stable one this is reflected in
the growing issue of wind curtailment. The highest curtailment rates are observed in provinces
where large coal-fired generation capacity is located or where a lack of transmission capacity
prevents the dispatch of surplus wind power to demand centres. Gansu Province led the
curtailment with 39% followed by Jilin (32%) and Xinjiang (32%).
In this context, the most central challenges relate to operating the power system in a more
flexible manner, while deploying new wind and solar PV capacity in a system-friendly manner.
The three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang (collectively referred to as North-East
China is this publication) have been selected for a closer analysis of current operating practices.
They are part of the same synchronous system, but each province is balanced separately.
With regard to system operations, the greatest barriers to an increased use of wind are the
contractual arrangements for the purchase of electricity and the resulting constraints on full-load
hours for thermal power plants. This leads to monthly, weekly and day-ahead scheduling for
thermal generation, leaving little room for adjustment. In addition, once a power plant has been
switched off, it is required to remain shut down for one week and unit start-up has a lead time of
approximately 12 hours. These issues are further exacerbated by the presence of heat-driven co-
generation power plants, which are particularly constrained by the nature of their operation. This
creates challenges to the effective use of increasingly mature renewable energy forecast data. In
OECD/IEA 2016 Next-generation wind and solar power
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addition, generators KPIs include overall electricity generation above and beyond generated
revenue. This can create perverse incentives to generate power even when it is not needed.
A further operational challenge is the use of interconnection capacity. Currently, flows over
interconnectors linking different provinces are fixed for 12-hour periods, a lost opportunity for
using this flexible resource. The improved use of interconnections would by itself already make a
substantial contribution to reducing curtailment of VRE in North-East China. Page | 35
Both of these challenges have been recognised by system operators and policy makers in China.
In North-East China a pilot project has been put in place to remunerate thermal generation for
also providing flexibility (ramping) in order to incentivise a more flexible operation. In addition,
making co-generation more flexible has been identified as an important priority.
Considering system-friendly deployment, there still appears to be a tendency to focus on large-
scale projects in resource-rich areas, far away from load centres. However, next-generation wind
and solar PV technology allows for more flexible deployment, which could alleviate some of the
current grid integration issues.
China already has tools available to diversify deployment. For example, FIT levels are
differentiated according to resource endowment. In addition, beginning with the 12th Five-Year
Plan, deployment of new wind and solar power is co-ordinated at the national level.
VRE deployment is focused on priority areas that are often distant from load centres. Advanced wind turbine technology
and rapidly falling costs of solar PV provide an opportunity to diversify deployment with a view to boosting the overall value
of the electricity to the power system.
FIT levels are differentiated according to the wind and solar resource quality in different provinces. A further elaboration of
the regional differentiation of the FIT could actively promote a more diversified, system-friendly deployment pattern.
Wind and solar PV plants are often treated separately in planning processes. Co-locating solar PV and wind plants could
minimise variability of the output, thus facilitating grid operations.
China has increasingly ambitious targets for VRE deployment. In order to maintain progress, measures to boost system
flexibility, including considerable grid reinforcement, will be required to make optimal use of available generation. The
current approach to VRE integration does not consider all available options on an equal basis. Deploying a balanced mix of
flexible resources also including demand-side response and energy storage options could facilitate the transformation
of the Chinese power system at least cost.
Flexibility of thermal capacity is constrained by contractual arrangements (guaranteed full load hours) and generators KPIs
(incentive to maximise electricity generation irrespective of system need). Introduction of system service markets and
revision of KPIs could enhance flexibility.
Current power exchanges between provinces are undertaken on very coarse schedules (12-hourly), locking out flexibility
and benefits of aggregating VRE and power demand across larger regions. More granular schedules, allowing for short-
term exchange of power, would enhance the value of VRE.
Consumer engagement distributed resources
Consumers currently have little incentive to adjust their electricity demand flexibly. The full rollout of time-dependent
electricity prices could provide incentives for end-users to increase demand-side flexibility. Deploying small-scale flexibility
resources (e.g. heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems with thermal storage) through public procurement or direct
incentives could further drive their adoption.
Planning and co-ordination
The special emergency guidance, requiring local governments and companies to suspend or cancel the permitting and
construction of coal-fired power plants, opens an opportunity for co-ordinated expansion of VRE in the context of reduced
reliance on coal.
In areas with high shares of co-generation, increasing the flexibility of the combined electricity and heat production system
can reduce the challenges of high wind curtailment, in particular in Northeast China. Depending on local circumstances,
viable options may include increased flexibility of co-generation plants, installation of electric boilers and upgrades to the
existing head network.
Next-generation wind and solar power OECD/IEA 2016
From cost to value
Agora Energiewende (2016), Agorameter, website,
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Page | 36
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Centre, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria, wind_solarpv.html.
DOE (2015), State of Renewable Energy in South Africa, Department of Energy, Pretoria,
0Africa_s.pdf (accessed 14 April 2016).
DOE (2011), Integrated resource plan for electricity 2010-2030, Department of Energy,
25 March 2011.
DEA (Department of Environmental Affairs) (2016), Cabinet approves gazetting of Renewable
Energy Development Zones, website,
mediarelease/cabinet_gazetting_redz (accessed 14 April 2016).
Efkm (2011), Energy strategy 2050 - from coal, oil and gas to green energy, Danish Ministry of
Climate and Energy on behalf of the Danish Government, Copenhagen,
energy/Energy%20Strategy%202050%20web.pdf (accessed 13 May 2016). (2016), New record-breaking year for Danish wind power,
enervis/anenos (2016), Market Value Atlas, website, (accessed 13
May 2016).
Fraunhofer ISE (2016), Monthly electricity generation in Germany in 2016, energy chart, 13 May 2016).
Hirth L. (2013), The market value of variable renewables: The effect of solar wind power
variability on their relative price, Energy Economics, Vol. 538, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 218
Hirth L. and Mueller S. (2016), System-friendly wind power: How advanced wind turbine design
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IEA (International Energy Agency) (2016a), System Integration of Renewables: Implications for
Electricity Security, OECD/IEA, Paris
IEA (2016b), RE-powering Markets: Market Design and Regulation during the Transition to low-
Carbon Power Systems, OECD/IEA, Paris.
OECD/IEA 2016 Next-generation wind and solar power
From cost to value
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