Edward Jenner Advanced Terms and Conditions
Edward Jenner Advanced Terms and Conditions
Edward Jenner Advanced Terms and Conditions
Advanced Programme
Terms and Conditions
Edward Jenner Advanced Programme fees,
terms and conditions
for 2015/16
Applications for the Programme require the support of both the applicants line manager and their
employing organisation.
By their signature on this form the applicant, the applicants line manager and the authorised
signatory of the employing organisation confirm that they have read and are agreeing to the terms
and conditions of this document.
Please complete the information requested and sign in the places provided.
Applicant name:
1. By their signature above the authorised signatory for the employing organisation confirms:
1.1 The applicable Programme fee entered above will be due payable upon acceptance by the
applicant of a place on the Programme. The invoice will be paid in full within 30 days of issue
by the Academy.
1.2 The Programme fee covers all Programme costs and accommodation where indicated above
as being required. Travel and subsistence other than lunches during the learning days is not
covered and the organisations own expenses policy will apply.
2.1 If, having accepted a place, the applicant either fails to start or fails to complete the
Programme for any reason whatsoever (other than for a reason that the Academy (in absolute
discretion) determines is an extenuating circumstance), the fee for the Programme remains
payable and there will be no refund.
3.1 I fully support the applicant to take part in the Programme and agree to make the necessary
work-place arrangements for the applicant to attend all of the face-to-face elements as detailed
3.2 The amount of paid or unpaid study leave the applicant receives to complete the required study
time detailed above will be determined by the relevant policy of or by the management of the
employing organisation.
4.1 If I am from outside of the EU and working in England with a visa, my UK Border Agency
clearance covers study as well as work.
4.2 I will not share my access to the learning environment, or download, plagiarise or distribute any
of the learning materials to anyone.
4.3 I will complete all of the face-to-face study days (as detailed above) and all of the learning
activity associated with the Programme, regardless of the amount of study leave I am granted.
I understand that all the elements of the Programme are compulsory and attendance is part of
the Academy accreditation.
4.4 I understand that these programmes are designed around practical learning in the workplace
the most important environment for me to learn and develop as a leader and that I will not be
able to complete the Programme without application in my workplace.
4.5 I will ensure that I have enough access to the on-line learning environment to complete the
significant amount of on-line learning required. I will make the NHS Leadership Academy
aware of any accessibility issues I have in this regard so that appropriate support can be found
before the Programme starts.
4.6 I understand that, if I am employed by an NHS Organisation and I move jobs during the
Programme that:
4.7 This does not constitute extenuating circumstance for withdrawal from the Programme; and
4.8 I will make my new employer and line manager aware before I accept the job offer that I am
committed to complete the Programme and will require their support to do so;
4.9 I will use my best endeavours to have a new version of this document completed by myself, my
new line manager and my new employers authorised signatory which both acknowledges the
payment already made and accepts liability to pay the Academy 350 if I fail to complete the
4.10 I agree to my personal data (whether supplied by me, collected by the Academy via the
application process and from time to time throughout the delivery of the Programme) being
shared by the Academy with its contracted service providers (their global organisation(s) and
subcontractors) and the Academy and/or its contracted service providers (their global
organisation and subcontractors), may share or disclose my personal data to a third party for a
specific purpose, for example where the Academy needs to provide a caterer with meal
preference information. In addition I agree that my personal data may be routed, stored, or
transferred internationally both inside and outside the EU on the understanding that the
Academy has sought assurance from its contracted service providers (their global organisation
and subcontractors) that they have policies in place to ensure an equivalent level of protection
is in place as is provided by the Academy; and
4.11 I understand that there may be audio recording, filming and / or photography of me, taken
whilst on the Programme. I agree that the Academy may use pictures (incl photographs), film,
audio and video recordings of me made during the Programme to showcase the Programme
including promoting it in the NHS, to Central Government, and to the general public via the
Academys website or other media.