Delay Analysis Techniques Comparison

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Delay Analysis Techniques Comparison 741

Global Impact technique can be done without delayed days result from summarizing all of the delay
considering the project schedule. By applying the events of the project, regardless of their criticality or
Global Impact Technique on the case study, the result their delay types.
is 38 delayed days, as shown in Table 1. The 38

Fig. 1 As-Planned CPM schedule of the case study.

Fig. 2 As-Built bar chart schedule of the case study.

Note: ES = Early start, LS = Late Start, AS = Actual start, DT = Delayed Time, DAS = Delayed Activity Start, EF = Early Finish,
LF = Late Finish, AF = Actual Finish, AT = Accelerated Time, AAS = Accelerated Activity Start, TF = Total Float, OA = Owner
Acceleration, NE = Nonexcusable Delay, EN = Excusable Noncompensable Delay, CA = Contractor Acceleration, EC = Excusable
Compensable Delay, CO = Change Order.
742 Delay Analysis Techniques Comparison

Table 1 Results of techniques example.

Project Delays (Days) Total Float Delays
No. Delay Analysis Technique Concurren Total
t Delay
1 Global Impact 12 18 8 38
2 As-Planned (Gross of Measure) 4 9 3
3 As-Planned (Unite of Measure) 4 8 3
4 As-Built 4 6 3
5 Impacted As-Planned 4 0 3
6 Time Impact 4 9 3
7 But For (Gross of Measure) 0 5 3
8 But For (Unite of Measure) 0 6 3
9 Isolated Delay Time (IDT) 6 9
10 Window/Snapshot 5 7 3 0 13
11 Window/But For 3 5 3
12 TF Management (Easy-Rule) 2 3 3 2 6 2
13 TF Management (Fair-Rule) 3 4 3 2 6 2
Note: NE = Nonexcusable Delay, EN = Excusable Noncompensable Delay, and EC = Excusable Compensable Delay.

Furthermore, the technique fails to address the

2.2 As-Planned Technique
concurrent delay issues present in the case study.
The As-Planned technique uses the As-Planned Giving the owner and the contractor credit for their
schedule as a baseline to analyze delay claims [4]. acceleration is addressed by this technique; however,
As-Planned schedule, in the publication, includes two not considering the real time delay may give rise to a
known methods to implement the As-Planned situation in which the contractor could not receive
technique; they are Unit of Measure and Gross of credit for its acceleration while the owner does, as was
Measure [5]. In the Gross of Measure, all of the evident in the case study example. Finally, the method
delay events that one of the project parties is addresses only critical path delay (noncritical path
responsible for are imposed together on the As-Planned delay is not accounted for in this method) but does not
schedule. By doing so, the overall impact of the provide adequate guidelines for float consumption.
As-Planned schedule in the completion of the project is Therefore, the contractor could consume the float to
determined to know the responsibility of one party in create a pacing delay situation.
delaying the project. The other method of
2.3 As-Built Technique
implementing the As-Planned technique is the Unit of
Measure. This method differs from the Gross of The As-Built Technique uses the As-Built schedule
Measure in that the As-Planned schedule is impacted as a baseline for analysis. Previous research has
for each delay/acceleration event, rather than for events introduced two methods for implementing the As-Built
grouped together in one analysis step. In general, the technique of analysis [4, 5]. One method is to compare
As-Planned Technique fails to address several issues. It the actual start and finish dates for each activity against
does not address properly the real time of delaying the the As-Planned dates [4]. Table 1 shows both the
events, because its analysis could be based on a critical As-Planned and As-Built schedule dates. However,
path that might be different from the actual project only a first comparison of the delayed activity on the
schedule. This happens because the technique schedule can give an indication about the real time
considers one type of delay events and ignores others. impact of the delayed/accelerated events. Once the
Delay Analysis Techniques Comparison 743

As-Planned schedule is impacted for the first 2.4 Impacted As-Planned Technique
delayed/accelerated event, all the early and late dates of
The Impacted As-Planned technique provides a
successor activities consequently will be changed. As a
delay analysis method that is more developed than the
result, comparing the As-Built dates with As-Planned
As-Planned and As-Built techniques [6]. It considers
dates for those successor activities cannot indicate
all the real time delay/acceleration events immediately
whether or not the activity was on time. Accordingly,
before they occur. However, because the method
the true comparison should be made immediately
considers only the delays/acceleration of the
before and after the impacted delayed/accelerated
As-Planned critical path(s), the technique fails to
events on the schedule, as shown in the next improved
address the shift of the critical path to noncritical path.
Consequently, the technique does not address the real
The second method to implement the As-Built
time status of delaying event properly. Besides, the
technique of analysis is to consider the Total Float (TF)
concurrent delay is not considered by the technique
impacted as a result of impacting the schedule [5]. The
because it ignores other critical path(s). Even in a
TF of the As-Planned schedule is impacted by all the
situation in which two As-Planned critical paths are
delayed/accelerated events for each impacted activity.
involved, the technique handles each path separately;
Therefore, the new value of after the impact TF is
thus, concurrent delay is overlooked, which is the
calculated by using the following equation:
situation in the case study example. The impact of
TFAs-Built = TFAs-Planned Delayed/Accelerated Days delaying and accelerating the events of activities B, E,
C, and J only have been considered by this technique
A negative As-Built TF value indicates that the
because they are critical on the As-Planned schedule of
impacted event affect delays the overall project
the case study.
completion by a number of days equal to that negative
Some conclusion can be drawn from analyzing the
value. In case of having two impacts on the same
case study by the Impacted As-planned technique.
activity, the TF will be impacted twice, one at a time, as
Although the technique tries to consider the real time
shown in Activities C, H, and J. After determining all
delayed/accelerated events by including previous
the As-Built TF for all affected activities, all the project
delayed/accelerated events before starting any analysis,
delays/accelerations are added and grouped based on
it fails to consider the real time impact because of
their responsible party, as shown in Table 1.
ignoring the shifting of the critical path and analyzing
Because the two techniques provide similar results,
the parallel events separately. This separate analysis
the As-Built technique addresses the delay analysis
leads to overlooking the concurrent delay. In addition,
issues in a manner similar to the As-Planned technique.
because of the absence of a guideline for float
The technique however, does not consider the real time
consumption, the technique fails to address the pacing
events because it analyzes the delayed/accelerated
delay issue. However, the analysis considers the
events individually. Therefore, the real time critical
owners and contractors acceleration if they occur
path is ignored. For the same reason, the technique
only on the As-Planned critical path.
does not consider the concurrent delay issue. Moreover,
the technique does not track the total float change or 2.5 Time Impact Technique
assign parties responsibilities for consuming the total
The Time Impact Technique is similar to the
float. As a result, the method does not solve the pacing
Impacted As-Planned Technique in considering the
delay issue. However, the technique considers owner
schedule impact prior to the analysis of any
and contractor project acceleration.
delayed/accelerated event. However, the Time Impact
744 Delay Analysis Techniques Comparison

Technique is developed one notch more than the will be discussed later. Previous studies have
Impacted As-Planned schedule because it is taking into introduced two methods to implement this technique:
account all possible new developed critical path(s) the Gross of Measure and the Unit of Measure [6].
prior to analyze each of the delayed/accelerated events. The Gross of Measure method measures the delay by
The technique updates the As-Planned schedule with collapsing grossly (at one time) from the As-Built
As-Built data before starting any analysis of the schedule all the delay/acceleration events related to a
delayed/accelerated events. The result is an Updated project party. The Unit of Measure, another method of
Analysis Schedule that reflects the real time impact and implementing the But-For technique [6], measures the
the actual critical path for the analyzed event. This delay by collapsing each of the delayed events
Updated As-Planned schedule then is impacted with individually. Then, it groups the results according to
the delay event in question and its relevant activity. the project party responsible for delay. Table 1 shows
Following this, a comparison is made of the schedule the results of the analysis using this method, which
before and after the impact to determine the effect of produced three final outcomes.
this event on the actual overall project completion [3]. In reviewing the But-For technique analysis results,
The final result of each responsible party is grouped many interpretations can be deduced. The But-For
and added based on project parties responsibilities, as technique does not consider either the real time delay
discussed with previous techniques. or the project acceleration issues in their analysis as
Although the Time Impact Technique considers the proved by Al-Gahtani [2]. The inaccurate results of this
real time impact and acceleration issues, it fails to analysis relate to the fact that the As-Built critical path
address the issue of concurrent delay and pacing delay. is the sole path considered in the analysis. Finally, the
Two concurrent delay situations are observed in the technique does not solve the pacing delay issue due to
case study and they are solved improperly [2]. the absence of float consumption regulations.

2.6 But-For Technique 2.7 Window-Isolated Delay Type (IDT)

The But-For Technique follows an analysis The Isolated Delay Type (IDT) is a technique that
approach different from those of previous techniques. utilizes the Window concept to track the critical path
The previous techniques try to analyze the delay by changes [3]. Although it also attempts to solve the
imposing the delay/accelerated events on the analysis concurrent delay issue by isolating the delay type based
schedule as they occur in a forward matter, in trying to on the determination of the responsible party, in
track the real critical path. However, the techniques fail different analysis schedules, it fails to assess the
to assess the concurrent delay accurately. The concurrent delay. The analysis starts by dividing the
But-For technique uses a backward concept rather project schedule into segments of window periods.
than a forward approach [7]. In order to assess a These periods are defined based on the number of
delay/acceleration impact on delaying a project, this delayed events that have occurred, and that in turn
technique collapses the events in question from the might change the critical path. In the case study, there
As-Built schedule to show how the schedule has been are three such window periods: 0-16, 16-32, and 32-48.
impacted by these specific (but-for) events. Generally, The parties delay responsibilities for each window
the technique solves the concurrent delay issue. are determined by comparing the two project
However, by not considering the change of critical path completion dates analysis schedules. The owner
during the project, it solves the concurrent delay only if analysis schedule for each window considers the EC
the critical path does not change during the project, as delayed events only before and after impacting the
Delay Analysis Techniques Comparison 745

window period. Before starting any window analysis, by the vague definition of window periods [2]. Due to
any EN delayed events that occurred before starting the the difficulties of tracking the critical paths, this
window should be added to the owner analysis. Any technique is less accurate for solving the concurrent
changes to the project sequence that occurred during delay issue. Finally, the last two delay analysis issues,
the analysis window also should be adjusted. The acceleration and pacing delays, are not solved by this
contractor analysis follows the same steps as the owner technique [2]. In sum, this method does not provide a
analysis, except that it considers only the NE delayed systematic approach to analysis and can lead to
events and overlooks the EN and EC delayed events. misleading analysis results, especially by increasing
the schedule network complexity.
2.8 Windows-Snapshot Technique
2.9 Window-But-For Technique
The Snapshot Technique, another method that uses
the window concept as a manner of analysis, does not The concept of Window-But-For technique
specify one method to analyze the window delay integrates two delay analysis concepts, Window and
schedule [3]. To follow a specific method in the case But-For [8-10]. It used the window concept to track the
study, any delayed events in the snapshot window critical path during the project in order to determine the
critical path would be the cause of the project delay on real time delay status. Simultaneously, it used the
that window. Therefore, the case study has been But-For or the collapsed concept to determine the delay
divided into three window periods similar to those that impact for each window analysis. By doing so, the
have been used in the IDT analysis (0-16, 16-32, and integrated technique solves the disadvantage of the
32-48 days). Table 1 shows the final analysis results of previous two techniques. Applying Window-But-For
the Snapshot technique. The delay in the project for technique in the case study, three window analysis
each window is determined by comparing the project periods, 0-16, 16-32, and 32-48, have been applied.
completion dates for each snapshot window, before and The analysis results can be deduced by comparing the
after the delayed events on each window segment. The project completion dates of the two analysis schedules,
three types of delay for each snapshot window are before and after the collapsed delay events that need to
deduced by observing the delayed events on the critical be analyzed. The analysis is repeated and summarized
path of each window schedule. Any delayed events that for each project party: the owner, the contractor, and
fall on the critical path within the snapshot window the third party.
therefore are considered critical delays. Finally, the The final results of the Window-But-For technique
concurrent delay is observed visually in each snapshot show that it solved the most common delay analyzing
window when two incidents occur on the critical issues: real time delay and concurrent delay. However,
path(s).Three analysis results are obtained from the technique fails to address the acceleration and
applying the Snapshot technique to the case study. pacing delay issues [2]. From the discussion of
The accuracy of the Snapshot technique in solving previous techniques, the Window-But-For method is
the real time issue is questionable. Although the considered the most accurate because it solves the two
technique tries to use the window concept to solve the most common issues in delay claim analysis: real time
real delay issue, sometimes it fails to quantify it and concurrent delay. However, the technique can
accurately due to the vagueness that characterizes the reach a more accurate result by solving the acceleration
techniques definition of window intervals, as responsibilities and incorporate it in the analysis. Such
illustrated by Al-Gahtani [2]. In addition, the accuracy analysis can be achieved by imposing the activities
of determining the concurrent delay is affected equally acceleration events into the analysis schedule instead
746 Delay Analysis Techniques Comparison

of collapsing it. This solution can be applied to the case Simultaneously, analyzing the project delay that
study, and then accurate results would be reached that included the concurrent delay analysis, the float
are compatible with the Day-by-day technique results. consumption also has been analyzed by using the
Day-by-Day analysis approach. As a result of delaying
2.10 Day-by-Day/TF Management Technique
the project by concurrent delay, the total floats of the
Day-by-Day technique is a detailed method that parallel noncritical path also are affected. The analysis
aims to track the real time delay, concurrent delay, of total float uses only Fair-Rule when analyzing the
acceleration, and float consumption issues as they float consumption. Accordingly, the float consumption
happened day-by-day [11]. It is more accurate than analysis results of Table 1 are identical for both rules.
window techniques because it follows a daily analysis
3. Summary of the Comparison
approach for analyzing the real time delay, concurrent
delay, acceleration, and float consumption, and can be Thirteen outcomes were obtained by applying 10
utilized to eliminate any disentitled float consumption, different techniques on a case study example, as shown
such as pacing delay. Besides, the technique can in Table 1. As seen in the Table, the only delay analysis
analyze the concurrent delay by using two concurrent technique that allows tracking of the disentitled float
rules: Easy-Rule and Fair-Rule [12]. The difference consumption is the Day-by-Day/TF Management
between the two rules is that the Fair-Rule allows technique. By comparing the results on Table 1, it can
apportioning of the concurrent delay, while the be argued that the day-by-day method comes first,
Easy-Rule does not. The concurrent delay by using followed by the window/but technique in terms of their
Easy-Rule is determined as an excusable delay for the analysis accuracy. These two techniques are the only
contractor and a noncompensable delay for the owner. techniques that properly address the most common
The Easy-Rule has been followed by the previous issues of delay analysis, those of real time and
techniques and most U.S. courts, despite providing less concurrent delays. Table 2 shows a comparison among
accurate results. The rule implies that in the concurrent all delay claim techniques. It should be noticed that the
delay situation, the value of compensable damages can window/snapshot technique addresses the delay claim
be offset by the value of liquidated damages, which is issues, however, with questionable accuracy, as
an inaccurate comparison. mentioned before.

Table 2 Comparison of current techniques on delay types used.

Delay analysis techniques Real time delay Concurrent delay Acceleration credit Pacing dalay
Global impact
As Built
Impacted As-Planned
Time impact

Window-But For
TF management

Less accurate

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