Bibliografie Secularizare

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ABE Yoshiya, Secularization: Karel Dobbelaere and Japanese sociology of religion, n

Rudi LAERMANS, Bryan WILSON, Jaak BILLIET, Secularization and Social
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2. ASAD Talal, Genealogies of Religion. Discipline and Reasons of Power in Christianity
and Islam, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1993

3. BERGER Peter L. (editor), George WEIGEL, David MARTIN, Jonathan SACKS. Grace
DAVIE, Tu WEIMING, Abdullahi A. AN-NA IM, The Desecularization of the World.
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4. BERGER Peter L., The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion,
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5. BERGER Peter L., Thomas Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality A Treatise of
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6. BLASI Anthony J., Review: Durkheims Sociology of Religion. Themes and Theories
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7. BRAUN Christina von, Wilhelm GRAB, Johannes ZACHHUBER (Hg.),
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8. BRUCE Steve (editor), Religion and Modernization. Sociologists and Historians Debate
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9. BRUCE Steve, Choice and Religion: A Critique of Rational Choice, Oxford University
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10. BRUCE Steve, God is Dead. Secularization in the West, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford,
11. BRUCE Steve, Religion in the Modern World: From Cathedrals to Cults, Oxford
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12. CARP Radu, Dumnezeu la Bruxelles. Religia n spaiul public european, Editura Eikon,
13. CASANOVA Jose, Public Religions in the Modern World, Chicago/London, 1994
14. CHAVES Mark, Secularization as Declining Religious Authority, in Social Forces,
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15. DAVIE Grace, Europe: The Exceptional Case: Parameters of Faith in the Modern World,
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16. DURKHEIM Emile, Formele elementare ale vieii religioase, trad. Magda Jeanrenaud i
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17. EASTWOOD Jonathan , Nikolas PREVALAKIS, Nationalism, Religion and
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18. FROESE Paul, Steven PFAFF, Explaining a Religious Anomaly: A Historical Analysis
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19. GEERTZ Clifford, The Transformation of Cultures, Basic Books, New York, 1973

20. GOG Sorin, Individualizarea experienei religioase i erodare funciilor eclesiale n

Romnia postsocialist, Romanian Political Science Review, Vol. VII, Nr. 3, 2007
21. GREELEY Andrew M., Unsecular Man: The Persistence of Religion, Schocken, New
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22. HABERMAS Jrgen, Zeitdiagnosen, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt Main, 2003

23. HERBERT David, Religion and Civil Society. Rethinking Public Religion in the
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24. INGLEHART Ronald, Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society, Princeton University
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25. INGLEHART Ronald, NORRIS Pippa, Sacred and Secular. Religion and Politics
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26. KISS Denes, The Sacralization of Romanian Society. An Analysis of the Profane
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27. KNOBLAUCH Hubert, Populre Religion. Auf dem Weg in eine spirituelle Gesellschaft,
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28. LATTERY Martin S, Key Ideas in Sociology, Nelson Thornes Ltd, 2003
29. MARSDEN George M., The Soul of the University: From Protestant Establishment to
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30. MARTIN David, Tongues of Fire: The Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America,
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31. RIESEBRODT Martin, Die Rckkehr der Religionen. Fundamentalismus und der
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32. SCHULZ Kevin M., Secularization: A Bibliographic Essay, Hedgehog
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33. STARK Rodney, William Sims BAINBRIDGE, A theory of religion, Peter Lang, New
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34. SWATOS William H., CHRISTIANO Kevin J., Secularization Theory: The Course of a
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35. TSCHANNEN Oliver, The Secularization Paradigm: A Systematization, in: Journal
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36. VASILESCU Mihnea, Calcul sau Credin? Aplicaii ale teoriei alegerii raionale n
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37. WILSON Bryan R., Religion in Secular Society. A Sociological Comment, C.A. Watts &
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