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CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Working Almost Usually Often listens Rarely listens

with others always listens to, to, shares to, shares
listens to, shares, with, with, and with, and
shares with, and supports supports the supports the
and supports the efforts of efforts of efforts of
the efforts of others. Does others, but others. Often
others. Tries not sometimes is is not a good
to keep cause \"wave not a good team player.
people s\" in the team
working well group. member.
Participatio Routinely Usually Sometimes Rarely
n provides provides provides provides
useful ideas useful ideas useful ideas useful ideas
when when when when
participating participating participating participating
in the group in the group in the group in the group
and in and in and in and in
classroom classroom classroom classroom
discussion. A discussion. A discussion. A discussion.
definite strong group satisfactory May refuse to
leader who member who group participate.
contributes a tries hard! member who
lot of effort. does what is
Motivation Consistently Focuses on Focuses on Rarely
and task stays the task and the task and focuses on
focused on what needs what needs to the task and
the task and to be done be done what needs to
what needs most of the some of the be done. Lets
to be done. time. Other time. Other others do the
Very self- group group work.
directed. members members
can count on must
this person. sometimes
nag, prod,
and remind to
keep this
person on-
Quality of Provides Provides Provides Provides
Work work of the high quality work that work that
highest work. occasionally usually needs
quality. needs to be to be
checked/redo checked/redo
ne by other ne by others
group to ensure
members to quality.
Monitors Routinely Routinely Occasionally Rarely
Group monitors the monitors the monitors the monitors the
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Effectivene of the group, of the group of the group of the group
ss and makes and works to and works to and does not
suggestions make the make the work to make
to make it group more group more it more
more effective. effective. effective.

Time- Routinely Usually uses Tends to Rarely gets

manageme uses time time well procrastinate, things done
well throughout but always by the
nt throughout the project, gets things deadlines
the project to but may done by the AND group
ensure have deadlines. has to adjust
things get procrastinate Group does deadlines or
done on d on one not have to work
time. Group thing. Group adjust responsibilitie
does not does not deadlines or s because of
have to have to work this person\'s
adjust adjust responsibilitie inadequate
deadlines or deadlines or s because of time
work work this person\'s management.
responsibiliti responsibiliti procrastinatio
es because es because n.
of this of this
person\'s person\'s
procrastinati procrastinati
on. on.

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