March 2017 Final

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Some sort of periodical is an essential life-line in village such as ours

Welcome to West Farleighs own

Distributed freely in March 2017 Edition no 486
Editors: Stephen Norman, Helen Swan and Jacky Taylor
Website: www.thefarleighs Email: [email protected]

Lambing Day

Sunday 12th March

Geoff, Candy and Oliver Martin are once again
opening Smiths Hill Farm for all, to see the newly born
lambs. The Farm will be open from 10-4. There will be In this Lifeline
plenty of parking accessed from Hunt Street.
Refreshments will be provided by the Parish Council, 2. Pastoral Letter
tea, coffee and delicious cake. Take Granny and the
kids, they will all enjoy it! 3. Around the Village
4. An article by Tim Hill

Mothering Sunday 26th March 5. Farleigh Feathers

There will be a Mothering Sunday Service in All Saints West 6. A View From the Garden
Farleigh at 9.30. The service will be suitable for everyone, 7. View from the Scoreboard
including children, parents and grandparents.
8. Events
Do come along and join us, children will be most welcome,
we do have facilities for young children in the church. Also
a toilet. There will be posies distributed to be given to all The Editors would like to
mothers. We would very much like you to join us for coffee apologise to Rodney Crittenden
afterwards. for any hurt or embarrassment
Did you know that Mothering Sunday was a time when people in service, were caused by Tracie Crittendens
given time off to visit the church where they were baptized or their family parish request to Lifeline for
church? They would take flowers to their mothers and the mothers would bake information about her past.
a cake, traditionally a Simnel Cake. It is a day when Lenten fasting is lifted and The editors accept no
cake etc. can be enjoyed. Even if you cant make it to church, it is a day to responsibility for the accuracy
eat that chocolate, or do whatever else you have given up for Lent! of information given to us by a
third party. We publish requests
for information in good faith.
Jim Patch
You can also follow The
Jim unfortunately had a fall at home a few weeks ago and broke his left Farleighs on Facebook
shoulder. He is not able to use his walker to get around, and is consequently
confined to bed at the Maidstone Hospital and was rather fed up, spending his
97th birthday there. He is now moving to Halliwell Nursing Home in Tunbridge
Wells. We hope that he will make a good recovery and enjoys his new
Deadline for April issue 19th March There wasnt a Remembrance
Day service in February! Sorry to
mislead you all. Editors error.

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Pastoral newsletter

Well, what a tumultuous start to 2017 we have seen in the political world. President
Donald Trump is just a few weeks into his term of office as I write this, and whatever
your political views, there is much controversy surrounding his style of leadership. I
follow him on Twitter (@realDonaldlTrump and now @POTUS President Of The
United States) and it is fascinating to get notification of his latest pronouncement
even before it hits the news headlines on the BBC or other sources. The modern
world of social media has transformed the way we learn about the world around
us, and has created the concepts of fake news and alternative facts. When
sources for news are not checked or verified, anybody with a blog or a Twitter
account or a Facebook page can publish something that is not real, and before
you know it, it has a life of its own and is being understood as the truth.
The Oxford Dictionary word of 2016 was announced as post-truth an adjective defined as relating to
or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than
appeals to emotion and personal belief. They comment that the concept of post-truth has been in
existence for the past decade, but there has seen a spike in frequency this past year in the context of
the EU referendum in the United Kingdom and the presidential election in the United States.
What is truth? Bible accounts tell us that an accused Jesus stood before Pilate on trumped up (no pun
intended) charges of insurrection. Pilate interrogated him in response to words Jesus just had uttered. For
this purpose I have come into the worldto bear witness to the truth (John 18:37b).
When Jesus says, I am the way, the truth, and the life, he primarily means two things. First, in a negative
sense, he means that his followers are not the truth. So, whenever Christians make truth claims, we need
to speak them with a sense of humility. We are not the truth. We dont hold the truth. Second, and in a
positive sense, Jesus means that the truth is like him nonviolent love. If we truly follow Jesus, we dont
find ourselves primarily attempting to defeat our opponents, but attempting to reconcile with them.
Paul wrote that we can possess all the truth about the mysteries and knowledge of the world, but if we
dont have love we are like a clanging cymbal (1 Corinthians 13). Unlike our post-truth world that
emphasizes emotions, biblical love is not an emotion. Its an action. Love is a verb. It seeks the best for
ourselves and for others, including those we call our enemies.
Be blessed during this season of Lent, and take time to ponder on the truth of Gods love for the whole
Peter Callway


Mothers Union is flourishing in Coxheath. Contact, Rev. Eileen 01622 20424

Services at All Saints

Sunday 5th Mar 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion

All Saints Church is available for
Sunday 12th Mar 11.00 a.m. Morning Prayer (modern)
hire for more information,
Sunday 19th Mar 9.30 a.m. Morning Prayer (trad)
please ring 01622 820305
Sunday 26thMar 9.30 a.m. Mothering Sunday service

Rev Peter Callway: Rector 01622 747570 Call for Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals, not Fridays
Rev David Jones: Hon. Associate Rector 01622 741474. Not Friday
Rev Eileen Doyle: Associate Rector 01622 204241. Not Mondays and Tuesdays
Becky Parnham Childrens and Families Worker 07949 646885

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Dandelion Time are extending their work LETS ENTERTAIN YOU!
with young parents at the Sunshine
Childrens Centre in Maidstone. These young The Farleighs WI is putting on a Show!
parents groups help parents develop a Book you tickets now to see your friends and
healthy attachment with their child and feel neighbours doing silly things. Drama, music,
more comfortable in themselves and their dancing and comedy.
parenting. It will be great fun!
Learn how to make Marmalade with Paula Friday 17th March at 7.30
George. Friday 10th March. Wow your family Saturday 18th March 2.30
with the real thing!
Lunch and ingredients included. Tickets 6 from Pauline Mack
Book your place at [email protected] or 812296
[email protected] or 814001
Daphne Springett
Quiz Night at Coxheath Village Hall. Three
course meal supplied by Cooks.
[email protected] or 728167
Tables of 8. 15 per head. Book a table or
join up with others. Fri 24th March.

The Evergreens enjoyed playing Beetle at the last meeting. It was progressive so they mixed and mingled
more than usual. They all seemed to have had fun. Unfortunately, one of members was missing. Jim Patch
was in hospital. Everyone signed a card for him to wish him well.
A questionnaire was given to everyone, the results indicated that they all enjoyed coming but would like
more outings and would enjoy a lunch club.
Are there any younger retired people out there who would be happy to help on a regular or occasional
basis? Our group is not big enough to hire a coach, so we rely on people kindly giving lifts. Unfortunately,
some of our older drivers, are reluctant to go very far! Tony Walsh, a Street Pastor, is coming to talk at the
next meeting. Do come and join us. If you need a lift or more info ring Helen 814445


7 Things GP receptionists want you to know by Emily Hunter

1. Firstly, one of the most common misconceptions about staff in GP surgeries is the attitudes of the
receptionists. Since becoming one of these frequently named Rottweilers last summer, I have
learned the truth behind these tales. Whilst it may be true that there are some in the profession who
are more abrupt and sometimes even rude (although no one that I work with!), the majority of us do
actually want to give you an appointment with a doctor, despite the scarcity of them.

2. We dont always necessarily want to know the reason that youre booking an appointment. I
understand that this is not the case in all surgeries, but where I am currently working, it is down to you
to decide whether you need an emergency appointment or whether it can be arranged for a later
date. As you are well aware, we are not the ones who are medically trained, so we cannot be
responsible for determining when you see the doctor. I completely agree that this kind of information
need not be discussed with us. Therefore, to those of you who stereotype all of us as nosy and
interfering, please remember that we are human beings too. Thank you.

3 Samples. Need I say any more? Whilst the sight of various types of samples no longer turns my
stomach, there are certain things that just arent ok. If I literally see you walk out of the toilet, please
please please do not try and give me your sample bottle directly. Yes, you may have washed it but
I dont know that. There is a box with a red label on it saying Samples Here Please. If you cant see
it, I will happily direct you to it. Seriously, just ask. For the other 4 see the next issue or go to

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An article by Lifelines former Editor Tim Hill
Does the character of your house influence your own character?

As readers will know, we recently moved to a different house rather far

away from West Farleigh, in Cheshire. The dwelling we live in now is the
sixth we have owned and strikingly different, in its relative modernity, to
most of its predecessors. Thus I have come to ponder the nature of the
buildings we have lived in and to contemplate how they have influenced us. Have we,
as individuals, and perhaps as a nation, been under the spell of bricks and mortar?
Our first house was a very modest new-build, ideal for newly-weds. It was described as a town house,
though it was in a village and its distinctive feature was a river running through the front garden, dividing
us off from quite a busy road. The river was a chalk stream, and I soon learned to appreciate that what
was said academically, that chalk streams didnt fluctuate, no matter how much it rained, was indeed
largely true. As another branch of the river ran behind the house we were actually on an island, albeit
one occupied by a housing estate. I cannot say that the materials of construction, conventional brick
with some timber cladding, influenced us at all, but the neighbourhood, with its high percentage of
young couples (and soon babies) did.
Our second house was in the north, and was a stone built cottage some 200 years old. We soon faced
an increase in rates, because the previous owner had pretended that the upstairs was not in use and
had achieved a rebate. It had a fine cellar, which alas I was never able to utilise properly. The stone of
which it was built was actually pale magnesian limestone, and it stood on the edge of that very narrow
outcrop of that rock which runs north-south to the east of the Pennines. It was a mere 50ft or so above
the plain, but that 50ft made all the difference in terms of having a view. The effect of a tiny bit of altitude
should not be underestimated.
After nearly a decade we went westwards, and to fulfil the needs of a growing family, moved into a
semi in the shape of a wing of a substantial Edwardian house, with large rooms and a well-established
garden. It had a turret to one corner and a large plaque giving a date of 1902 in the form of a circle. The
house had a famous windmill opposite and a treasure hunt (these were popular at the time) question
was, What is the date of the adjacent property?. When I was outside, gardening, punters would ask
me whether it was 1902 or 1920, but I would wickedly say 1290. Thus houses willy-nilly lead us into
We then moved to Kent and into a conventional modern house in Shipbourne, which is an obviously
attractive village. But the house and garden felt a little cramped and underwhelming, in spite of having
a small balcony, which seemed like a good idea, but in practice was of little use to us. So we soon started
looking for something a bit more expansive which is what brought us to West Farleigh and to School
House. We recognised that it had, as the estate agents say, character. It also needed some work on
it to complete its conversion to a house a task lovingly commenced, but not finished by the Parkingtons,
from whom we bought it. We had not been looking for a project. Indeed, I do not recall having much
work done, or even organised by us, on any of the earlier houses we have owned, though if I gave it
thought some efforts would probably come to mind. When our alterations were completed, neighbour
Pip Wakefield said the new window looked as if it had always been there, which we thought a satisfactory
accolade! We always felt the atmospheric large rooms were a treat as the morning light streamed in.
Our project now in (further) retirement is to have to do almost nothing to what is a modern house of
unconventional lay-out. It has separate rooms for each domestic function and these have a different feel
about them. We got the keys for it on the day the referendum result was announced, so I am inclined to
rename it Brexit House, but this whim of mine has been over-ruled, to avoid misunderstanding, I suppose,
though the sound of the word would reflect the use of robust brickwork and other different textures in the
building, as well as the date.
The question is then, have our six very different houses influenced not just our life-style, but our way of
thinking as we have moved on from one to another? I think they have, though whether becoming semi-
attached to mere possessions is a good thing is open to question. Christine and I agree that we have
been very lucky to have lived in a variety of homes over the near half-century of our perambulations.
N.B. The pictures are for interest, not houses Tim has lived in!

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Farleigh Feathers
March: The great crocus robbery
A common complaint of gardeners at this time of year is the mysterious disappearance of yellow crocus
flowers, and the finger of suspicion is often pointed at the local house sparrows. Its not entirely a
coincidence, nor is it undeserved. As spring blossom starts to brighten the garden and attract our
attention to the show of fresh colours, so the males of many bird species start to display brighter colours
too to attract the attention of females. Last years young blackbirds get their first breeding opportunities
and acquire the bright yellow bill and eye-ring that help attract a mate. The coloured feathers of some
species also start to look a bit brighter male chaffinches, blue tits and great tits seem to look just that bit
brighter in the spring sunshine, and the male house sparrows black bib begins to look bigger and bolder
A young
male before
the breeding
season (left)
and one in
full breeding

The reason for all this, of course, is the need for males to demonstrate to females that they are the fittest,
strongest and most reliable partners available to ensure the females can raise healthy young. Females
are understandably choosy; they want their young to survive to adulthood and so pass on their genes.
The theft of yellow crocus flowers (and my red runner bean flowers later in the summer) is actually an
important part of this process. Chemicals contained in red and yellow flowers are known to be associated
with an efficient immune system in birds, and also help produce yellow and red plumage. So the female
blue tit is looking for the male displaying the finest yellow as hes likely to be healthy and a good bet for
helping with chick feeding. Another reason for the feathers looking brighter is that the duller tips are
wearing away to reveal deeper colours underneath, like the chaffinches pink breast just when they are
needed. Its why the male sparrows black bib is also getting bigger, the dull brown feather ends are
wearing away and females are attracted by the best bibs as that is another sign of the owners fitness.
More daylight hours also stimulate the males to sing. Our resident garden birds have no competition from
summer migrants yet, so evenings are full of their territorial song. Some blackbirds, song thrushes and,
particularly, robins will sing well into the night if there is a nearby light source. The nightingale that famously
sang in Berkley Square was almost certainly a robin: our evening shopping visits to Lidl at this time of year
are always brightened by Tovils own car park nightingale singing its heart out as we struggle with bags
to the car.
Finally, a reminder that any necessary trimming of hedges and shrubs should now be done very carefully,
after first inspecting them to check there are no nests under construction or already in use. All birds are
protected by law, along with their nests and eggs, and must not be disturbed once they have started
breeding. This includes the humble sparrows even if they have devoured your crocuses!


Next Match SUNDAY 5TH MARCH 2017
The plan this time is to deal with the lower road, so if you can please congregate at the layby by the
bottom end of Charlton Lane, at 9:00 a.m. on the day, we can make up our teams. As usual, well spend
an hour de-littering, followed by a hot drink and bacon butties at Brian & Lesleys to restore energy.
Please phone Tel on 815267 or Brian on 812341 ([email protected]) or just turn up on the day. We look
forward to seeing you!

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A View from the Garden by Lee Brayshaw
Spring is almost here! The days are getting longer, the ground is getting
warmer and bulbs are starting to come up. It's time for the busy
gardening season to begin.

There are so many jobs to do right now and I will talk about just a few of
the main ones.


Fork over the soil in the borders, weed and remove any roots of perennial weeds such as nettles, docks or
bramble now you can see where the plants are. Still time to dig up and divide any overcrowded perennials
too. I also give a good mulch and my preference is mushroom compost but some prefer bark. This helps retain
moisture in the summer and suppress weeds.
I have started cutting my lawns now but only on a high setting and on a day where frosts are not expected.
If the moss has got hold after the winter, then now is the time to scarify the lawn. A small lawn I would use a
scarifying rake and do it by hand. However, larger lawns I would use a petrol machine which can be hired or
better still get a professional lawn treatment company to quote which you will probably find to be quite
reasonably priced.
This not only removes all the moss but also remove dead grass and thatch.
A good spring treatment of moss and weed killer and fertiliser will set your lawn up for a healthier green lawn
this summer.

Prune overwintered hardy fuchsias back to one or two buds on each shoot.
Prune winter flowering jasmine after flowering to encourage new growth for next years flowers. Easiest way is
to lightly go over it with a pair of sharp shears.
Dead head hydrangeas before new growth appears. Cut back to the nearest strong buds and remembering
to keep an all over good shape.
There are many different types of roses in our gardens and here is how you prune the 3 most common ones.
Bush Roses (Hybrid teas, Floribundas and English roses)
After removing dead, diseased and damaged wood, prune Hybrid tea stems back to three or four buds above
last years cut, just above an outward facing bud at a slanted angle.

Floribundas and English Roses can be cut back a little less hard to four or six buds above last years cuts.

Modern shrub roses you need to aim for an open centre and build up a branching framework with sideshoots
that produce flowering spurs which are just lightly pruned

Late March I will apply a good rose fertiliser.

As they start to shoot remember to start spraying for aphids and
fungus to prevent problems. The worst thing to do is start spraying
when you first start to see blackspot or rust which spoil roses in the
summer. I start my spraying now and every 10 to 14 days right
through until August/September.

So as I said at the beginning of this article, plenty to do this month,

lets hope for a warm and sunny Spring!

An expanded version with colour photos can be found on website

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Local organisations and information

March is a busy time for the Farleighs W.I. with lots going on.
A whist drive is planned for 4th March 7 for7:30pm. Price 5 to include refreshments call Pam for tickets - 01622 726337.
Our March Meeting has Allison Ellman-Brown giving an interesting talk on Buttons.
Tickets are available for the Spring show - 'Lets Entertain You' Friday 17th March 7pm and Matinee 18th March 2pm.
Contact Daphne - 01622 728167 or Pauline 01622 812296 6:00 Adults /3 children/ 15 for family ticket includes
Our next WISH meeting 29th March (open to all so please bring a friend) has Claire Pearson updating us on Medical
Detection Dogs Entrance for non-members 3 to include refreshments.
And Finally - Saturday 1st April - Plant and Retail Sale 10 am to 12 Noon. 50% of plant sales to be donated to East Farleigh
School. Donated Store goods at rock bottom prices. Pick up a bargain - Free Entry.
Please come along and support our efforts in raising money for the refurbishment of the WI Hall Forge Lane, East Farleigh,
ME15 0HG.
The Farleighs would welcome new members please contact Diane Scott 01622 814476.


Another good month for our 1st X1, we started with a fine away win against New Romney 5-1. Next a 4-1
victory versus Larkfield and this was followed by a 5-0 thumping against Staplehurst. Finally, a fantastic
result against Blackham and Ashurst in our cup semi-final. A really good cup tie eventually coming out
2-0 victors. Heres looking to a great night out at the final in late April.
Just as our first XI are having a good season our 2nd XI have struggled this season and victories have
been hard to come by, happily we started the month with a much needed win against Rusthall in the
Tun/Wells cup winning 2-1. Unfortunately, this was followed by a 2-1 defeat against Maidstone Athletic.
Finally, a much needed boost for our confidence drawing 2-2 again against Maidstone Athletic, after
dominating the game and after being 2-0 down with 5 minutes to go.
Nets are arranged for every Monday, until the start of the season, 7pm at Sutton Valance School. We
are always looking for new players and this is a good opportunity to fine tune your skills before the
season starts. First league games start on the 29th April.
Lucky Ton up Winner for February were:-
102 Ian Payne 30 143 Christine Hill 20 9 Andy Starr 10
Our new Ton up starts in 1st
April, its only 10 a year and is much needed income for the club, please
get in touch if you are able to help.
Yours in sport, Tel

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Date and time Event and venue

Wed 1st Ash Wednesday Service at Linton church, for all the Benefice.

Fri 3rd Womens World Day of Prayer entitled Am I being fair to you?
7.30pm This Years Service will be held at The Congregational Church, 157 Linton
Road Loose, ME15 0AL.

Sat 4th WI Whist Drive. At the WI Hall East Farleigh. Everyone is welcome ring
7 for 7.30 Pam 726337 to book your place.

Sunday 12th Lambing Day Smiths Hill Farm is open to view the new lambs
10-4 (See front cover for details)

Tues 14th Evergreens at the WI Hall Forge Lane East Farleigh. Tony Walsh
2.30 will be telling us about Street Pastors. All retired people welcome.

Fri 17th Lets Entertain You! Come along to the WI Hall Forge Lane East Farleigh
7.30 and enjoy a program of song, dance, comedy, drama and more!
Tickets from Pauline 812296 or Daphne 728167.

Sat 18th Lets Entertain You!! Come along to the WI Hall Forge Lane East Farleigh
2.30 and enjoy a program of song, dance, comedy, drama and more!
Tickets from Pauline 812296 or Daphne 728167.

Fri 24th Dandelion Quiz Coxheath Village Hall. Tickets 15 to include3 course
7pm supper. Tables of 8. Email fundraising or 814001

Sun 26th Mothering Sunday Service All Saints Church West Farleigh
9.30 Everyone Welcome

Wed 29th WI Wish Meeting A talk about Medical detection dogs. The meeting is open 7.30
to all. 3 non-members. Men are most welcome!

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