March 12, 2014 Builder
March 12, 2014 Builder
March 12, 2014 Builder
retires as Administrative Assistant at First Baptist Church. Virginia has served in this position faithfully for the last 13 1/2 years. As I have previously stated , we will fill the position but we will never be able to replace the person. THANK YOU , VIRGINIA , FOR A JOB WELL DONE!!! This Sunday Evening Brenda and Ken Cloud will join us to share in music and to share about an exciting new ministry that has begun in our Association. This is the Crisis Pregnancy Ministry that will be located in Donaldsonville. Come and hear how God has opened doors for this work to begin and how we as individuals and a church can be a part of the work. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday,
Paul ****************************************************** YOU ARE INVITED All our Widows & Widowers A Special Banquet given in your Honor Sponsored by Your Deacons Friday, March 28th Fellowship Hall @ 5:00 PM Please make your reservations no later than March 24th by calling the Church Office. Menu will be Catfish and all the trimmings.
Sunday March 9, 2014 Budget Receipts $16,296.95 Budget Needs To Date $165,156.30 Budget Receipts YTD $1165,418.34 Receipts Over Budget By $742.76 Bible Study 269 WEDNESDAY FAMILY NIGHT March 19 Hamburgers French Fries Baked Beans Dessert
Sunday, March 16 Early Worship 8:30 AM Bible Study 9:45 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Reception honoring Virginia Smith 2:004:00 PM Shockwave 5:30 PM AWANA 5:30 PM Evening Worship 6:30 PM Monday, March 17 Saints Alive Rehearsal 10:30 AM Finance Committee 5:30 PM Helen Lane Group 3:00 PM Deacons 6:30 PM Tuesday, March 18 Youth Prayer Breakfast 6:45 AM Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM Wednesday, March 19 Graded Choirs rehearse 5:45 PM Student Ministry 6:00 PM Family Supper 6:00 PM Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Mission Friends 7:00 PM GAs, RAs 7:00 PM Handbells 7:00 PM Chancel Choir 7:45 PM Thursday, March 20 BCM @ College 7:00 PM
Saturday, March 22 6:30 pm FBC Fellowship Hall Well provide the popcorn!
EXTENDED SESSION March 16 Darren & Tammy Deal, Kim Burrell, Peyton Burrell, Faye & Morrell Martin, Crystal Hines.
First Baptist
March 12, 2014
Church wide reception, Sunday March 16, 2:00 PM 4:00 PM, honoring Virginia Smith on her retirement as Administrative Assistant with 13 1/2 years of service at First Baptist Church .
Pastor Rev. Paul Medley Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer
Lord, thou knowest better than I know myself that I am growing older, and will someday be old. Keep me from getting talkative, and particularly from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every occasion. Release me from craving to try to straighten out everybodys affairs. Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details give me wings to get to the point. I ask for grace enough to listen to the tales of others pains. Help me endure them with patience. But seal my lips on my own aches and pains they are increasing and my love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally it is possible that I may be mistaken. Keep me reasonably sweet; I do not want to be a saint some of them are hard to live with but a sour old person is one of the crowning works of the devil. Make me thoughtful, but not moody; helpful, but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom, it seems a pity not to use it all but Thou knowest, Lord, that I want a few friends in the end. AUTHOR UNKNOWN Art ************************************************** WE EXTEND CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY TO: *****Sandra Wilkinson and family in the death of her father, Enoch Rentz and grandfather of Brett Wilkinson and family. *****Peggi Horne and family in the death of her sister, Judy French Smith of Forsyth.
March 16 Shockwave 5:30 PM March 18 Prayer Breakfast @ Bettys 6:45 AM March 19 Youth Supper & Bible Study March 19 Team 1 Host Wednesday Supper Hope Toole, Tammy Deal, Rhonda Walker, Ginger Jones, Hildy Conder, Jennifer Boutwell March 23 Shockwave 5:30 PM March 25 Prayer Breakfast @ Bettys 6:45 AM March 26 Youth Supper & Bible Study March 26 Team 2 Host Wednesday Supper April Helms, Jan Thomas, April Aldridge, Pam Oliver, Prissy Butler March 30 April 4Spring Break April 8 Prayer Breakfast @ Bettys 6:45 AM April 9 Youth Supper & Bible Study April 9 Team 3 Host Wednesday Supper Beth Briggs, Carla Smith, Kelley Harrell, Angie Presnal, Randa Barr April 13 Shockwave 5:30 PM April 15 Prayer Breakfast @ Bettys 6:45 AM ****************************************************** TRUCK LOADINGS Georgia Baptist Childrens Home Thursday, March 20Bring your donations to the church by Wednesday, March 19. Items needed are: 100% Fruit Juices (all kinds), Garlic Powder, Lemon Pepper Seasonings, Seasoning Salt, Kool-Air, and Furniture Polish or Gift Cards.