Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems: Errata List For The AIAA Education Series Text Book
Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems: Errata List For The AIAA Education Series Text Book
Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems: Errata List For The AIAA Education Series Text Book
This file contains various typos that were found in the first printing of the 1st edition of the text
book. Please use this page to update your book copy. A 2nd printing has not been released which
fixes many of these typos. This first printing errata sheet is no longer updated! A 2nd
printing errata sheet contains any typos which were found after the deadline for the 2nd printing.
If you find typos that are not listed in this errata document, check the errata2.pdf document to
see if it contains your error. If not, please contact the author at [email protected] and email the typo
type, as well as the typo location within the manuscript. A revision history is provided at the end
of the document.
p. 41, After Eq. (2.37)): strike the statement or r = rp . The only condition for H
for a particle is that rp is inertial (non-accelerating).
p. 41, first equation in Ex. 2.6:): Missing a dot on , should read E/N = e3 = n
p. 133, Example 4.1: After the first equation on the top of p. 133, change the text to:
The normal force is defined as N = N e3 , and the gravity force is given by Fg = mg e3 .
Note that at the hinge point only the torques = e and 3 = 3 e3 are applied. The
external torque about point O is
LO = Rc (Rc + N ) + + 3 = (L(mg N ) + ) e + 3 e3
Note that by taking the moments about point O the reaction forces of the pin joint O do not
O = LO and equating vector components, we find
appear. Using Eulers equation H
Is 2
N = mg + +
3 = 0
To express , we compute all moments and torque about the disk center of mass and find
L e3
Hc = [Ic ]B/N = Is eL + It
Lc = Ff reL e 3 e3
where Ff is the frictional force at the contact point which causes the disk rotation. Using
3 = 0 and H c = Lc , we find
Ff = 0
= Is 2
Note that if were not 0, then we would have a non-zero Ff term. Finally, the normal force
magnitude is expressed as
N = mg + 2
The polar moment of inertia of a circular disk of mass m and radius r is
m 2
Is = r
which allows N to be written as
N = m g + r 2
p. 140, Ex. 4.3, 2nd equation from bottom: Should read rc = (R + r)2 er + (R + r)e
p. 142, sentence before Eq. 4.56: Strike one of the the words. Should read Let us write
the angular momentum...
p. 147, Fig 4.7: The sepratrix arrow directions were corrected, as shown in Fig. 1 of this
p. 157, Eq. 4.110: In the last term of this equation, the subscript is wrong. It should read
+ (Jt Js )s t gg
p. 161, Eq. 4.126: The last line of this equation should read
2 !
1 Rc r 3 rr 15 Rc r
3 13 + +
Rc Rc2 2 Rc2 2 Rc2
H3 Energy
T > H2
2I2 T =
T =
H2 Sepratrix
T <
T =
Figure 1: (Fig. 4.7) A Family of Energy Ellipsoid and Momentum Sphere Intersections
p. 162, last sentence before Eq. 4.127: Change to Substituting up to first order terms of
Eq. (4.126) into Eq. (4.125) yields
p. 162,
R Eq. 4.130: Missing brackets around r Rc . Should read
B (r (r Rc ) + (r r)Rc ) dm
p. 162, Eq. 4.132: Missing an equal sign right after the vector LG .
p. 163, sentence before Eq. 4.136: . . . the resulting product, dropping terms higher than
2nd order results in the gravity force vector FG being expressed as
p. 163, paragraph prior to Eq. 4.137: Change to Note that the first and last term in the
p. 164, top of page: delete the text where the last term in the parenthesis is zero due to
the definition of the center of mass.
p. 164, top of page: Change 2nd sentence to Using the definition of the inertia matrix in
Eq. (4.14), as well as r = Rc /Rc and B r2 dm = 21 tr([I]), the gravity force vector of a rigid
p. 169, Eq. 4.165, 4.167 and Fig. 4.12 the Y and R index got reverse here in the text.
Eq. 4.165 should read (1 + 3kY + kY kR )2 > 16kY kR , while Eq. 4.167 should read kR < kY . A
corrected figure is shown in Figure 2.
kR kY < 0 kY < kR
Region II
kR kY < 0
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
p. 170, 5th line after Eq. 4.168): Omega should be greek letter .
p. 187, Eq. (5.35): The 4 times that m occurs in these two equations, we need to replace m
with m2 .
p. 189, before Eq. (5.46): Missing brackets around vector cross products, should read a (b
c) = (b a) c.
h i
p. 266, before Eq. (7.6): The second term within the {. . . } brackets should read L q
qi i
p. 266, before Eq. (7.7): The term qi is missing after the {. . . } brackets.
p. 276, Eq. (7.55): The right hand side of this equation should read F (q, q,
p. 276, Eq. (7.57): p = [B(q, t)]q The double-dot should be a single dot over q.
h i
p. 277, Eq. (7.60): qj .
p. 396, Ex. 9.1: After integrating both sides of this equation over one orbit, and recognizing
that the right-hand side computes twice the area A of an ellipse . . .
p. 397, before Eq. (9.70): with the kinetic energy rate expressed as
p. 397, before Eq. (9.76): For the special case in which m2 << m1 , . . .
p. 399, Table 9.2: The value of Pluto should be updated to 8.476 102 km3 /s2 , about 500
times smaller than Earths value.
p. 410, after Eq. (9.125): By making use of the numerical function atan2(x, y), . . .
p. 415, Eq. (9.145): Missing square root here. Should read i = 2 tan1 Q21 + Q22
p. 419, Eq. (9.180): Should read F G GF = 1
p. 421, Problem 9.4: Verify that Eq. (9.132) is indeed the derivative of Eq. (9.131)
p. 431432, Eq2. (10.4244), (10.4849), (10.5051): Need to multiply the right hand side of
these equations by the gravitational constant G.
p. 442, 2nd line after Eq. (10.76): Should read Think of C as a relative energy measure.
p. 443, 1st line after Eq. (10.83): Sentence should read Using Eqs. (10.81) and (10.83) we
are . . .
p. 443, Eq. (10.86): Right hand side should be x , not U
x . Same for
y and U
z .
p. 453, Eq. (10.97): The left hand side of this equation should have the a replaced with .
p. 454, Eq. (10.101): Replace F with [F ]. This is equation should yield a 3x3 matrix, not a
p. 454, Eq. (10.101): The 51 term should be 31 . (first line, in the denominator)
p. 470, Eq. (11.19): Left hand side of this equation should read term 3.
p. 473, Eq. (11.36): Unclear typesetting, this should read = (1 2 ) 2 j , or simply
= (1 2 )j/2
p. 487, After Eq. (11.80) change the Table reference from 9.3 to Table 9.2
p. 487, Table 11.1: Earth sphere of influence should be 925,000 (listed as 916,600)
p. 487, Table 11.1: Pluto sphere of influence should be 3,120,000 (due to updated value of
in Table 9.2)
e E
p. 505, Eq. (12.69): 2nd line of the 3x1 matrix. The term should be
a a
p. 510, Eq. (12.86c): This equation should read:
d 3 a3 req 2 h p 1
= J2 n 3 e + cosf 1 + e cosf + 4e cos2 i 3e(3 + cos 2f ) sin2 i
dt 2 eb r r 2
p2 i
+ cosf (3 e2 + (3 + 5e2 ) cos(2i) + 6e2 sin2 f sin2 i) sin2 2 sinf sin2 i sin(2)
p. 510, Eq. (12.86e): Last term has the closing bracket off. This equation should read:
de 3 a2 req 2 h p
= J2 n sin f (1 3 sin2 sin2 i)
dt 2 br r r i
+ (e + cos f (2 + e cos f )) sin(2) sin2 i
dM0 3 a2 req 2 h 2 p
= J2 n 2 ( cosf e sin2 f )(3 sin2 i sin2 1)
dt 2 eb r r
p2 i
+ 2 sinf sin2 i sin(2)
p. 512, Eq. (12.95): The term should be
s e
p. 516, Eq. (12.120): The left hand side of this equation should read reh =
p. 520, Eq. (12.145): The first fraction
to the right of the equal sign should be 1/h. The
de 1
final equation will read as dt = h
p. 520, After Eq. (12.145): Change sentence to After making use of the orbit equation in
Eq. (9.6) and the semi-latus rectum relation in Eq. (9.9), the eccentricity . . .
p. 541, Problem 12.1 In the problem statement, change the equation reference from 11.57
to 11.64.
p. 567, Ex. 13.3: This corresponds to a maximum out-of-plane separation from the original
orbit of 97.92km.
p. 573, Ex. 13.5: The Mars mean orbit rate value should be n4 = 0.523814 deg/day
p. 575, Fig. 13.16 Redrew the transfer orbit to make it more realistic.
p. 582, Eq. (13.88): v2 = 2S r12 r13 + v12
p. 582, Eq. (13.93): 2 = v22 + v22 2v2 v2 cos 2
d2 4
p. 584, Eq. (13.100): e = 1 + a2 2
p. 588, Eq. (13.109): v3 = 32 + v22 + 23 v2 cos 3
p. 590, Fig. P13.1 Redrew the transfer orbit to make it more realistic.
p. 591, Fig. P13.3 Redrew the transfer orbit to make it more realistic.
f t2
t1 t1
(t1 )
Figure 3: (Fig. 13.16) Non-Minimum Energy Transfer Orbit Illustration between Earth and
F 2
t1 1
p. 650, Eq. (14.191): Remove the transpose on the partial derivative matrix [/eosc ].
p. 664, Eq. (14.245b): p + 2ra e = p 1e
p. 667, Eq. (14.259): Second line of this equation should have the x replace with v and
2 0
+ 2 0 0 v +
0 0 0
Revision History
April 6, 2004: Beginning of the revision history section. Added two corrections on page 187.
April 28, 2004: Changed stability condition to squared version in 4.165 on page 169. Adjusted
figure label accordingly.
April 30, 2004: Added brackets around cross product on page 189.
July 17, 2004: added entry on page 650 which removes the partial derivative matrix transpose
Oct. 9, 2004: pages 575, 590, 591. Redrew the transfer orbits to make them more realistic.
Nov. 10, 2004: pages 399 (Table 9.2) and page 487 (Table 11.1). Updated Pluto values , page
573, update n4 value
Nov. 11, 2004: pages 487 changed table reference from 9.3 to 9.2
Dec. 31, 2004: corrections on pages 453, 454, 468 and 470 added.
Jan. 5, 2005: corrections on page 266 (Eqs. 7.6 and 7.7), page 270 (Eq. 7.24), and page 276
(Eq. 7.55) added.
March 2, 2005: fix on page 454, Eq. (10.101), p. 453, p. 455 with Eq. (10.109)
March 12, 2005: fix in Eq. (12.69) on page 505, Eq. (12.95) on page 512, Eq. (12.120) on
page 516
March 29, 2005: fix on page 355 (Eq. 8.174), page 147 (Fig. 4.7)
April 13, 2005: fix on page 520, Eq. (12.145), and sentence after this equation.
May 17, 2005: fix on page 510, Eqs. (12.86c), (12.86.e) and (12.86.f)
May 26, 2005: fix on page 161, Eq. (4.126), page 162 prior to (4.127), page 163 prior to
(4.136), page 163 with (4.136), page 163 prior to Eq. (4.137), page 163 with Eq. (4.137),
page 164 top of page, page 164 with Eq. (4.138), page 58, page 307 top of page, page 315
Eq. (8.40), page 688