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In this work we demonstrate catalytic partial oxidation of methane into syngas at pressures up to 0.8 MPa, power densities up
to 15 MW/L and selectivity greater than 85%. The product composition proles indicate high initial selectivity to CO and low
initial selectivity to H2 , suggesting direct partial Oxidation of methane primarily into CO and water, while most hydrogen is
produced in the consecutive steam reforming of methane.
KEY WORDS: catalytic Partial Oxidation; natural Gas; syngas; microlith.
major petrochemical companies, such as Shell, Exxon- 6.3 cm3 amounting to the total amount of precious
Mobil, ConocoPhillips, only very limited work on high- metal loading of 0.25 g.
pressure CPOX of methane has been reported in Prior to the start up the catalyst was pre-heated to
scientic literature [11,12,13]. Furthermore, in these 250 C by passing the ow of hot air through the
works testing at very small scale [11], augmentation with reactor. Ignition of the reaction occurred as soon as the
steam and CO2 [12] or exotic catalyst structures, such as methane/air mixture was introduced and the reactor
honeycombs made of fused Rh foils [13], were used, achieved steady state operation in less than 15 s
making the results only indirectly applicable to practical (gure 2).
applications of the CPOX process.
In this work, we demonstrate robust, steady-state,
operation of a methane CPOX reactor at pressures up 3. Results and discussion
to 0.8 MPa with near equilibrium conversion of
In all experiments reported here the ow rates of
methane to above 90% and process selectivity about
methane and air were increased proportionally to the
90%. A series of discrete, metallic screen substrates
operating Pressure, to maintain constant linear ow
(trademarked by Precision Combustion, Inc. as
velocity and residence time. In the experiment at
Microlith ) [14] coated with a high surface area
P 0:8 Mpa, methane was fed into the reactor at a
ceramic washcoat and impregnated with Rh were used
rate of 160 standard liters per minute (SLPM) (0.11
to construct a catalytic reactor. A characteristic feature
mole. CH4 per second), which is equivalent to 88 kWt of
of these substrates is the short length of each element,
thermal power input. Normalized to the reactor volume
which prevents development of a boundary layer over
this equals 14 MWt /L power density in the tested
the catalytic surface greatly enhancing heat and mass
CPOX reactor.
transfer coefcients for the system [15,16]. These
At this power density a 1 L CPOX reactor applied to
properties of the Microlith based catalytic systems
the GTL process can produce enough syngas to make
make them perfectly suited for short contact time
100 barrels Per day of synthetic fuel (assuming 50%
oxidation reactions. In recent years such catalytic
overall conversion efciency of CH4 into (CH2 )n and
systems have been applied to catalytic combustion
0.8 g/cm3 density of the produced Synthetic oil).
[17], automotive exhaust aftertreatment [18] and fuel
Alternatively, for a fuel cell power system having
reforming [19]. Microlith based catalysts are relatively
35% overall efciency this amount of syngas may be
inexpensive, manufactured via an automated contin-
converted into hydrogen to fuel 5 MWe PEM fuel cell.
uous production process and allow a high degree of
For an estimated 50 kWe fuel cell powered mid-sized
exibility in reactor design, making them readily
car this is equivalent to the amount of hydrogen
adaptable for applications on an industrial scale.
consumed by a eet of 100 cars. In gas turbine
applications a 1 L CPOX reactor can produce enough
hydrogen (without additional WGS reactor) to provide
2. Experimental 10% augmentation to natura1 gas fuel for a 100 MW
gas turbine (assuming 35% turbine efciency) for ame
The reactor used in this work was built by stacking
stability and reduced NOx emissions.
Microlith screens with catalyst loading of 5.5 wt%.
Gas composition and temperature proles measured
Gas sample probes made of 1/16 OD high temperature
along the length of the catalyst bed (gure 3)
alloy tubing and 0.02 K-type thermocouples were
inserted between the screens at several locations along
the length of the reactor. Gas samples extracted by the
sample probes were passed through a chiller to remove
water vapor and analyzed by an on-line gas chromato-
graph. Concentrations of H2 , N2 , O2 , CH4 , CO, CO2 ,
C2 H4 and C2 H6 species were measured. Nitrogen was
assumed to be internal in the reaction and was used as
an internal standard. Water concentration in the sample
was calculated using hydrogen balance. Overall mass
balance of all species was within 10%.
The total length of the reactor was 6 cm (including
the length of the partitions, required to install the
instrumentation). The length of the catalyst itself was
2 cm, and this length is used below in the reactor prole
Plots (gure 3) and in the estimates of the reactor
volume and power density. The gas ow diameter was Figure 2. Light off of the Microlith based COPX of methane reactor.
20 mm, such that the volume of the catalyst bed was P 0:6 Mpa.
M. Lyubovsky et al./Oxidation of methane to syngas 115
Figure 5. Dependence of methane conversion and peak TC reading on the amount of air added to the reactor. Methane ow 40 SLPM at
0.2 MPa, 80 SLPM at 0.4 Mpa and 160 SLPM at 0.8 MPa constant throughout each test. Air ow is increased stepwise to increase O:C ratio.
Dotted lines show the thermodynamic prediction for methane conversion in adiabatic process under these inlet conditions.
M. Lyubovsky et al./Oxidation of methane to syngas 117
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