Lab 1 Completed 2-6-17

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ENEE 205 Lab #1: Basic DC Measurements

Post-Lab Report

Name: Nikhil Uplekar

Partner: Cameron Taylor

Teaching Assistant: Xiechen Zheng

Section: 0101

Lab date & time: 1/31/17 12:00 pm 1:50 pm

ENEE205 Lab 1: Basic DC Measurements

Table of Contents

1 Abstract...........................................................................................................3
2 Variables and Materials...................................................................................3
3 Background/Theory.........................................................................................3
4 Experimental procedure..................................................................................4
4.1 Breadboards and Ohmmeters........................................................................4
4.2 Resistance Variations..................................................................................... 4
4.3 Resistance from I-V data................................................................................4
4.4 Current-voltage data on a resistive bridge circuit..........................................5
4.5 Wheatstone Bridge........................................................................................ 5
5 Results and Analysis........................................................................................6
5.1 Breadboards and Ohmmeters Post-lab Questions..........................................6
5.2 Resistance Variations - Post-lab Questions....................................................7
5.3 Resistance from I-V data Post-lab Questions..................................................8
5.4 Resistive bridge circuit Post-lab Questions.....................................................9
5.5 Wheatstone Bridge Post-lab Questions..........................................................9
6 Conclusion and Evaluation.............................................................................10
6.1 Weaknesses, Limitations, and Improvements..............................................10
7 Appendix.......................................................................................................11

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ENEE205 Lab 1: Basic DC Measurements

1 Abstract

This lab was performed to familiarize participants with the fundamentals of electric
circuitry: how to use and understand solderless breadboards, voltmeters, ohmmeters,
ammeters, and DC voltage supplies. By constructing, measuring, and analyzing simple
resistive circuits, the set of experiments provide a necessary understanding Ohms Law
and Kirchhoffs Laws.

Goal of lab

2 Variables and Materials

2 1k Resistors
10 2k Resistors
3.3k Resistor
3.3k Resistor
10k Variable Resistor (Potentiometer)
Wires & Solderless Breadboard
Elenco #XP-660 Triple Power Supply
Fluke 8808A Digital Multimeter (DMM)

3 Background/Theory

Ohms law states that the voltage, v , across a resistor is directly proportional to the
current, i , flowing through the resistor.
v i

The constant of proportionality for a resistor is defined to be the resistance, R. The

resistance of an element designates its ability to resist the flow of electrical current;
resistance is measured in unit ohms ().

v =iR

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ENEE205 Lab 1: Basic DC Measurements

Kirchhoffs current law states that the algebraic sum of current entering a node (a point
of connection on the circuit between two or more branches) is zero.

Kirchhoffs voltage law states that the algebraic sum of all voltages around a closed
path/loop is zero.

4 Experimental procedure

Watch lab video tutorial (password = ENEE205)

4.1 Breadboards and Ohmmeters

1. Use the solderless breadboard, wires, and the necessary resistors, to construct
the above circuit combinations.
2. Use the ohmmeter to record the resistance between points designated A and B
on the 3 circuit combinations in the figure above.
4.2 Resistance Variations

1. To measure the variation among supposed identical resistors, use the digital
ohmmeter to record the resistance of ten 2 k resistors.

4.3 Resistance from I-V data

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1. Record the resistance of a 2 k resistor using an Ohmmeter, as shown in (a)


2. Apply a DC voltage, V s , across the resistor using the Elenco Power Supply, as
shown in (b) above.

3. Connect the ammeter (in series) and voltmeter (in parallel) with the resistor.

4. Simultaneously measure the current through the resistor (using the Fluke 8808A
DMM) and voltage across the resistor (using the NI myDAQ DMM).

5. Measure current and voltage for 15 different values of V s ; Vs values

should be equally distributed across 0-5 volts.

6. Remove the 2 k resistor from the circuit, set Vs to 5 V, and record the
voltage and current.

4.4 Current-voltage data on a resistive bridge circuit

1. Measure and record the resistances of the 6 resistors shown in the figure above
(labeled R1 through R6) using the ohmmeter. Next, connect the resistive bridge
circuit to the solderless breadboard using the circuit diagram above.

2. Record the voltages at nodes A, B, C and D, (referencing the above figure), with
respect to the GND (ground) using the Fluke DMM.

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3. Using the Fluke DMM, record the current through branches B-C, C-D, and C-
GND (a branch symbolizes a single element, such as a voltage source or a

4.5 Wheatstone Bridge

1. Replace R6 in the circuit from the previous section with a 10 k variable resistor,
as shown above.

2. Adjust the potentiometer R6 until the voltage across R4 reaches 0 volts.

3. Carefully remove only R6 (the potentiometer) from the circuit, and then record
the potentiometers resistance using the ohmmeter.

5 Results and Analysis

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5.1 Breadboards and Ohmmeters Post-lab Questions

1 Provide a side-by-side comparison showing (1) the circuit schematic (2)

your photograph and (3) the corresponding wiring diagram from Fritzing.

See Figure.1 in Appendix for side-by-side comparison of circuit (a)

See Figure.2 in Appendix for side-by-side comparison of circuit (b)

See Figure.3 in Appendix for side-by-side comparison of circuit (c)

2 Calculate the expected resistance between points A and B, based upon the
nominal resistances in each circuit, and compare your measured result
with the actual measured value.

Circuit (a)
1 1
1 1 1 1
Expected Resistance : Req =( + ) =( + ) =2.47 k
3.3 6.8+ 2+ 1 3.3 9.8

Measured Resistance: 2.45 k

Circuit (b)
1 1
1 1 1
Expected Resistance : Req =( + ) +1=( ) +1=2.55 k
2 6.8 9.8

Measured Resistance: 2.53 k

Circuit (c)
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
Expected Resistance : Req =( + + ) =( + + ) =1.28 k
6.8 3.3 2+1 6.8 3.3 3

Measured Resistance: 1.26 k

5.2 Resistance Variations - Post-lab Questions

1 Calculate the mean and standard deviation of your measurements

See Table 1 in the Appendix for mean and standard deviation computation.

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Mean 1.978 k

Standard deviation = =0.013 k

2 Determine the standard deviation as a percentage of the nominal value (2


See Table 1 in the Appendix for standard deviation computation.

( i)2=0.0249 k
Standard deviation = N i=1

N = Number of measurements (10)
= Nominal value (2)
x i = measured resistance

StdDev Percent of Nominal= | Nomninal Value| * 100


2 k |
100 1.245

3 How does your error compare with the stated precision (as marked by the
color band on the resistors)?

Our error calculated to 1.245 %. The stated tolerance is 5%.

Our error is within the resistors tolerance.

5.3 Resistance from I-V data Post-lab Questions

See Figure 4 in Appendix for Current vs Voltage data.

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Voltmeter internal resistance estimate

Ohms Law and Kirchhoffs Rules combine to provide the following relationship between
the electromotive force ( V s ) and current ( i )

V s=iR+ir

Vs = electromotive force

i = current

R = resistance of circuit

r = resistance of battery (internal resistance)

Thus, the potential difference, or voltage ( v , of the battery is

v =V sI r

Rearranging the above voltage-equation results in

V s v

With this equation and the experimental values of V s , i , and v , we can calculate
the preliminary value for the internal resistance of the battery.

5.4 Resistive bridge circuit Post-lab Questions

See Table 2 for the measured resistances across resistors R1-R6.

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See Table 3 for the measured voltages across resistors R1-R6 and nodes A, B, C,
and D.

See Table 4 for the measured currents through branch B-C, branch C-D, and branch

1 Based on the node voltages VB and VC (which were measured relative to

ground), calculate the branch voltage VBC = VB VC.

VBC = VB VC = 3.237 V 1.239 V = 1.998 V

2 Use Ohms law, with the measured resistance of R2 to compute the current IBC
= VBC/R2. How does your calculated current compare with the ammeter
measurement performed on branch BC?

IBC = VBC/R2 = 1.998 V / 0.978 k = 2.04 mA

3 Repeat these calculations for branch CD and branch C-GND

VCD = VC-VD = 1.239v-1.737v = -.498v

ICD = VCD/R4 = -.498v/2k = -0.249mA
Current of C-ground = 1.29mA
So we can get voltage at this point since we have a resistance R5 = 2k.
Vc-ground = R5*Icground = 2k*1.29mA = 2.58v
Weve measured current of CD branch to be .28mA. Therefore, we can get the voltage
of this branch since were given the resistance R4 = 2k:
VCD_branch = R4*ICD_branch = 2k*.28mA = .56V

4 Make a diagram of the circuit in your lab write-up that shows the measured
currents in each branch of the circuit. To receive credit, you must correctly

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label the true direction of current flow in addition to the measured value.

5 How closely do your measurements satisfy Kirchhoffs current law at node C?

5.5 Wheatstone Bridge Post-lab Questions

1. Does the value R6 match the theoretical prediction for a balanced Wheatstone
Answer: Based upon the measurements we obtained, the value we obtained through
the use of the potentiometer for the varying R6 resistor, the value matched the
theoretical predication for a balanced Wheatstone Circuit. Based on our measurement,
we obtained a value of 4.006k. This value is very close to the standard theoretical
value of 4K for a Wheatstone Bridge.

2. The Wheatstone Bridge circuit is used up to this day. For what practical
applications is it used?
From what research Ive done, the practical applications the Wheatstone Bridge
is used for the following:
Measuring low resistance values precisely

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ENEE205 Lab 1: Basic DC Measurements

Measure the physical parameters (such as temperature, strain, light, etc)

Measure the quantities of capacitance, inductance, and impedance

6 Conclusion and Evaluation

Talk about what youve learned during the lab procedure, what mistakes youve
done, and hows the overall measurement comparing to the theoretical result?

The overall lab was well constructed and made practical sense. The only mistake
my partner and I made was the polarity change on the actual circuit for the R4
resistor that gave us a negative current value. But besides that issue, the
measurements we obtained were very similar to the hand calculations we made
as we were measuring the different components of the circuits. The only issue
that we disliked during the lab was the unstableness of the Digital Multimeter.The
problem we had constantly with that was that it was very difficult to get stable
readings whenever we measure voltage or current. We thought maybe the
problem with that the Multimeter was going bad and maybe need new batteries

6.1 Weaknesses, Limitations, and Improvements

The only weakness I saw we had just us as a team getting used to setting up the circuit
on the breadboard. Even with that issue, we managed to collaborate as a unit and get
the experiment done in a reasonable amount of time while learning how to analyze
errors in our measurements as were measuring. I think for future improvements, well
continue to help our skills grow in setting up circuits efficiently and properly. One of the
limitations we have to get used to is working with the small resistors and other
components on the breadboard. As the semester goes on, well be used to working with
those things in those conditions.

7 Appendix

Figure 1: side-by-side comparison of circuit (a)

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Figure 2: side-by-side comparison of circuit (b)

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Figure 3: side-by-side comparison of circuit (c)

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Table 1: Resistance Measurements and Standard Deviation

Resistance - (Resistance -
No. Nominal Nominal
Value Value)^2
1 1.956 -0.044 0.00194
2 1.957 -0.043 0.00185
3 1.994 -0.006 0.00003
4 1.982 -0.018 0.00032
5 1.990 -0.010 0.00011
6 1.985 -0.015 0.00022
7 1.989 -0.011 0.00011
8 1.978 -0.022 0.00050
9 1.981 -0.020 0.00038
10 1.973 -0.027 0.00074

Mean 1.978 k
on 0.013 k
Value 2 k
Standard Deviation with
nominal value (k) 0.0249
Standard Deviation as a % of
nominal value 1.2%

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Figure 4: Current vs. Voltage


0 f(x) = 0x

0 Current (A) Linear Trendline

Current (A)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Voltage (V)

Table 2: Measured Resistances

Resistor Nominal Resistance (k) Resistance (k)
R1 1 0.981
R2 1 0.978
R3 2 1.965
R4 2 1.985

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R5 2 1.941
R6 3.3 3.186

Table 3: Voltage across Elements/Nodes

Element/No Voltage (V)
Resistor R1 1.763
Resistor R2 1.998
Resistor R3 1.516
Resistor R4 0.490
Resistor R5 1.238
Resistor R6 1.719
Node A 5
Node B 3.237
Node C 1.239
Node D 1.737

Table 4: Current through Branches

Branch Current (mA)
Node B - 1.04
Node C
Node C 0.280
Node D
Node C - GND 1.290

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