DCCM Grade 4

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Department of Education

Regional Office VIII

3- Day Division Training workshop on Science Curriculum Contextualization: Localization
and Indigenization
Grade-IV ( 3rd Quarter) Sub-group 3
Grade: FOUR Force and Energy
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies
Effects of Force on Force that can change the Demonstrate the effects of Explain the effects of force
objects shape, size or movement of force by playing common local applied to an object.
-Shape , size and objects that is exerted in games such as dampa , shato S4FE-IIIa-1
movement playing local games. and tumbalata. Explains the
effects of force
applied to an
object in playing
local games /laro
ng lahi like

The different safety measures Practice safety measures in Practice safety measure
in playing local games and physical activities in proper in physical activities and
handling household and local handling of materials by using proper handling of
materials. local materials like kudkuran. materials.
Practice safety
measure in
physical activities
and proper
handling of
materials like

Light , Heat and How light , heat and sound Demonstrates conceptual Describe how light , heat
Sound travel using indigenous and understanding of properties / and sound travel.
audio materials. characteristics of light in S4FE-IIIf-g-4
some indigenous household
Demonstrates conceptual Describes how heat
understanding of transfer in some
properties / indigenous
characteristics of heat in household materials
Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix-Science

Grade FOUR- Force and Energy

Content Content Standards Performance Learning
Standards Competency
Effects of The learners Practice safety Practice safety
Force on demonstrate measures in measure in
objects understanding of physical physical
-Shape , force that can activities and activites and
size and change the shape, proper handling proper handling
movement size or movement of of indigenous of materials
objects. household S4FE-IIIb-c-2
material like Practice safety
Kaguran . measure in
physical activities
and proper
handling of
material like

Local Heritage What learners What learners What learners

should know should think and should be able to
feel about it do to transfer
It is used in Appreciate the Practice safety
scraping the meat of
coconut. The old-school
importance and measure in
grater was a flat metal, usefulness of physical
the size of a spoon indigenous activities and
having ugly serrated household proper handling
Kaguran or coconut edge around its head so materials
as to flesh out the kaguran.
of indigenous
grater coconut meat as you household
Should take
manually scrape the materials like
cracked coconut against responsibility in
preserving kaguran.
its teeth. This serrated
metal was attached to a indigenous Demonstrate
scaled-down wooden household proper way of
chair that looked like a materials. scraping
footstool, hence, one
had to grate the
coconut meat
coconuts while sitting with the use of
down. kaguran.

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