Draft Letter of Offer (Company Update)

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This Draft Letter of Offer is sent to you as a registered equity shareholder of Techno Electric and Engineering Company
Limited (referred to as TEECL or the Company) as on the Record Date in accordance with Securities and Exchange Board
of India (Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 1998, as amended (referred to as the Buyback Regulations). If you require
any clarifications about the action to be taken, you should consult your Stock Broker or Investment Consultant or the
Manager to the Buyback Offer (VC Corporate Advisors Private Limited.) or to the Registrar to the Buyback Offer(Niche
Technologies Private Limited). Please refer to the section on Definitions for the definition of capitalized terms used


CIN: L40108WB2005PLC139595
Regd. Office: P-46A, Radha Bazar Lane, Kolkata 700 001
Corporate Office: 1B, Park Plaza, South Block, 71, Park Street, Kolkata-700 016
Phone No: (033) 4051 3000, Fax No: (033) 4051 3326,
Website: www.techno.co.in; E-mail: [email protected]; Company Secretary and Compliance Officer: Mr.Niranjan Brahma
Cash offer to buyback not exceeding 15,00,000 (Fifteen LakhsOnly) fully paid up equity shares of face value of Rs. 2/- each representing 1.31%
of the present outstanding equity shares of the Company from all the existing public shareholders/beneficial owners of the Company as on
the record date i.e. March 03, 2017 on a proportionate basis through the tender offer route at a price of Rs. 400/- (Rupees Four Hundred
Only) per equity share for an aggregate amount of Rs. 60,00,00,000/- (Rupees Sixty Crores Only).

1) The Buyback is in accordance with the provisions contained in the Article 15 of the Articles of Association of the Company, Section 68, 69,70,
and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Companies Act), the Companies (Share Capital and
Debentures) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Share Capital Rules) and in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (Buyback of Securities) Regulations 1998, as amended (the Buyback Regulations) including any amendments, statutory modifications
of re- enactments thereof, and such other approvals, permissions and exemptions as may be required, from time to time, from the National
Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and the BSE Limited (the BSE) where the equity shares of the Company are listed and from any
other statutory and /or regulatory authority, as may be required and which may be agreed to by the Board and/ or any other committee
thereof. The Buyback would be undertaken in accordance with Circular No. CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015read with
circular no. CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 09, 2016 (the SEBI Circular) issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India,
which prescribes mechanism for tendering of shares through Online trading platform of the Stock Exchange. In this regard, the Company will
request BSE to provide the Acquisition Window. For the purpose of this Buyback, BSE would be the designated Stock Exchange.

2) The Buyback Offer Size is 8.30% of the fully paid up equity share capital and free reserve of the Company based on Standalone accounts for
the financial year ended March 31, 2016 and is within the statutory limits of 10% of the fully paid-up equity share capital and free reserves
as per the last standalone audited accounts of the Company.

3) This letter of Offer will be sent to the Equity Shareholder(s)/Beneficial Owner(s) of Equity shares of the Company as on the Record Date i.e.,
March 03, 2017.

4) The procedure for Tender and Settlement is set out in paragraph 20 of this Letter of Offer. The Form of Acceptance-cum-Acknowledgement
(Tender Form) is enclosed together with this Letter of Offer.

5) For mode of payment of consideration to the Equity Shareholders refer Paragraph 20.10 of Letter of Offer.

6) A copy of the Public Announcement and this Letter of Offer (including Tender Form) will be available on the website of Securities and
Exchange Board of India- www.sebi.gov.in

7) Equity Shareholders are advised to refer to paragraph 17 (Details of Statutory Approvals) and paragraph 21 (Note on Taxation) before
tendering their Equity Shares in the Buyback.
All future correspondence in relation to Buyback, if any should be addressed to the Manager to the Buyback Offer or the Registrar to the
Buyback Offer at the respective addresses mentioned below:
SEBIREGN NO: INM000011096 SEBI REGN NO: INR000003290
(Contact Person: Mr. Anup Kumar Sharma) (Contact Person: Mr. S. Abbas)
31 Ganesh Chandra Avenue, 2nd Floor, D-511, Bagree Market, 5th Floor
Suite No 2C, Kolkata-700 013. 71, B R B Basu Road, Kolkata- 700 001
Phone No : (033) 2225-3940 / 3941 Phone No.: (033) 22357270/71;
Fax : (033) 2225-3941 Fax No.: (033) 2215-6823,
Email: [email protected] Email-Id:[email protected]

Sr. No. Subject Page No
1 Schedule of Activities of the Buyback Offer 2
2 Definition of Key Terms 3
3 Disclaimer Clause 4
4 Text of the Resolution passed at the Board Meeting 4
5 Details of Public Announcement 8
6 Details of the Buyback 8
7 Authority for the Buyback 9
8 Necessity of the Buyback 10
9 Management Discussions and Analysis of the Likely Impact of Buyback on the Company 10
10 Basis of Calculating Buyback Price 11
11 Sources of funds for the Buyback 12
12 Details of the Escrow account and the Amount to be deposited therein 12
13 Capital Structure and Shareholding Pattern 12
14 Brief Information of the Company 13
15 Financial Information about the Company 16
16 Stock Market data 18
17 Details of the statutory approvals 19
18 Details of the Registrar to the Buyback 19
19 Process and methodology for Buyback 20
20 Procedure for Tender/offer and Settlement 22
21 Note on Taxation 26
22 Declaration by the Board of Directors 28
23 Auditors Certificate 29
24 Documents for Inspection 30
25 Details of the Compliance Officer 30
26 Details of the Remedies available to the Shareholders/ Beneficial Owners 30
27 Details of the Investor Service Centres 31
28 Details of the Manager to the Buyback 31
29 Declaration by the directors regarding the authenticity of the information in the offer 31
30 Tender Form 32


Date of Board Meeting Approving the Proposal of the Buyback February 10, 2017 Friday
Date of Publication of Public Announcement for the buyback February 14, 2017 Tuesday
Record date for determining the Buyback entitlement and the names of the March 03, 2017 Friday
eligible shareholders
Date of Opening of the buyback Offer [] []
Date of Closing of the Buyback Offer [] []
Last Date of verification by the Registrar [] []
Last date of providing acceptance to the Stock Exchange by the Registrar [] []
Last date of Settlement of Bids on the Stock Exchange [] []
Last date of dispatch of Share certificate(s)/return of unaccepted demat shares [] []
by Stock Exchange to Selling Member
Last date of Extinguishment of equity shares [] []

Acceptance Acceptance of Equity Shares, tendered by Eligible Persons in the Buyback Offer
Act The Companies Act, 2013 and any amendment thereof
Additional Shares / Eligible Equity Shares tendered by an Eligible Person over and above the Buyback Entitlement of
Additional such shareholder.
Equity Shares
Company /
Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited
the Company/TEECL
Board of Directors/ Board of Directors of the Company, or the Committee of Directors or Buyback Committee for the
Board purpose of the Buyback.
NSE The National Stock Exchange of India Limited
BSE BSE Limited
The number of Equity Shares that a Shareholder is entitled to tender in the Buyback Offer, based
Buyback Entitlement on the number of Equity Shares held by that Shareholder, on the Record date and the Ratio of
Buyback applicable in the category, to which such Shareholder belongs to.
Offer by Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited to buy back up to maximum of
Buyback Offer /
15,00,000 fully paid-up Equity Shares of face value of Rs. 2/- each at a price of Rs. 400/- per
Buyback /
Equity Share from all the Equity Shareholders/beneficial owners of the Company through Tender
Offer process, on a proportionate basis.
CDSL Central Depository Services (India) Limited
DP Depository Participant
Person(s) eligible to participate in the Buyback Offer and would mean all Equity Shareholders /
Eligible Person(s)
Beneficial Owner(s) of Equity Shares of the Company as on the Record Date i.e., March 03, 2017.
Equity Shares / Shares Fully paid up Equity Shares of face value of Rs. 2/- each of Techno Electric & Engineering Limited
Escrow Account The Escrow Account opened with HDFC Bank Ltd. Kolkata
Form/ Tender Form Form of AcceptancecumAcknowledgement

LOF/ Offer Document Letter of Offer

Non-Resident Includes Non-Resident Indians (NRI), Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) and Overseas Corporate
Shareholders Bodies (OCB)
NSDL National Securities Depository Limited
Offer Price / Buyback Price at which Equity Shares will be bought back from the Shareholders i.e. Rs. 400/- per fully
Price paid up Equity Share, payable in cash
Number of Equity Shares proposed to be bought back (i.e. 15,00,000 Equity Shares) multiplied by
Offer Size / Buyback
the Offer Price (i.e. Rs. 400/- per Equity Share) aggregating to Rs. 60,00,00,000/- (Rupees Sixty
Crores Only).
PA / Public Public Announcement regarding the Buyback dated February 13, 2017, published in Business
Announcement Standard (English), Business Standard (Hindi) and Arthik Lipi(Bengali) on February 14, 2017.
RBI Reserve Bank of India
The date for the purpose of determining the entitlement and the names of the Shareholders, to
whom the Letter of Offer and Tender Offer Form will be sent and who are eligible to participate
Record Date
in the proposed Buyback offer in accordance with the Regulations. The Record Date in this Buy
Back offer is March 03, 2017
Registrar to the Offer /
Registrar to the Niche Technologies Private Limited
Regulations / SEBI
Regulations /
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-Back of Securities) Regulations, 1998 including any
SEBI Buyback
statutory modifications or re-enactments thereof
Regulations /
Buyback Regulations
SEBI The Securities and Exchange Board of India
A Shareholder, who holds Equity Shares whose market value, on the basis of closing price on the
Small Shareholder
Stock Exchanges as on Record Date i.e. March 03, 2017 is not more than two lakh rupees.
Stock Exchanges/Stock
NSE and BSE, being the Stock Exchanges where the equity shares of the Company are listed.
VCAPL/ Manager to the
VC Corporate Advisors Private Limited
Buyback Offer


As required, a copy of this Draft Letter of Offer has been submitted to Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). It is to
be distinctly understood that submission of the Draft Letter of Offer to SEBI should not, in any way be deemed or construed
that the same has been cleared or approved by SEBI. SEBI does not take any responsibility either for the financial soundness
of the Company to meet the Buyback commitments of for the correctness of the statements or opinions expressed in the
Offer document. The Manager to the Buyback Offer, M/s. VC Corporate Advisors Pvt. Ltd. has certified that the disclosures
made in the Offer document are generally adequate and are in conformity with the provisions of Companies Act and
Buyback Regulations. This requirement is to facilitate investors to take an informed decision for tendering their Equity
Shares in the Buyback.

It should be clearly understood that while the company is primarily responsible for the correctness, adequacy and
disclosures of all relevant information in the Offer Document, the Manager to the Buyback Offer is expected to exercise due
diligence to ensure that the Company discharges its duty adequately in this behalf and towards this purpose, the Manager
to the Buyback Offer, M/s. VC Corporate Advisors Pvt. Ltd. has furnished to SEBI a Due Diligence Certificate dated February
20, 2017 in accordance with Buyback Regulations which read as follows:

We have examined various documents and materials contained in the annexure to this letter, as part of the due-diligence
carried out by us in connection with the finalization of the Public Announcement and the Letter of Offer. On the basis of
such examination and the discussions with the Company, we hereby state that:
The Public Announcement and the Letter of Offer are in conformity with the documents, materials and papers
relevant to the Buyback offer;
All the legal requirements connected with the said offer including SEBI (Buy Back of Securities) Regulations, 1998,
as amended, have been duly complied with;
The disclosures in the Public Announcement and the Letter of Offer are, to the best of our knowledge, true, fair
and adequate in all material respects for the shareholders of the Company to make a well informed decision in
respect of the captioned Buyback offer.
Funds used for buy back shall be as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.

The filing of Offer Document with SEBI, does not, however, absolve the Company from any liabilities under the provisions
of the Companies Act, 2013, as amended or from the requirement of obtaining such statutory or other clearances as may be
required for the purpose of the proposed Buyback.

Promoters / Directors declare and confirm that no information / material likely to have a bearing on the decision of
investors has been suppressed / withheld and / or incorporated in the manner that would amount to mis-statement /
misrepresentation and in the event of it transpiring at any point of time that any information / material has been
suppressed / withheld and / or amounts to a mis-statement/ misrepresentation, the Promoters / Directors and the
Company shall be liable for penalty in terms of the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 as amended and the SEBI (Buy
Back of Securities) Regulations, 1998, as amended.

Promoters / Directors also declare and confirm that funds borrowed from Banks and Financial Institutions will not be used
for the Buyback.


RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 68, 69, 70 and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the
Companies Act, 2013 as amended (the "Companies Act"), and in accordance with Article 15 of the Articles of Association of
the Company, the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 (the "Share Capital Rules") to the extent
applicable, and in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 1998, as
amended (the "Buyback Regulations"), and any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in
force and, subject to such other approvals, permissions and sanctions of Securities and Exchange Board of India ('SEBI'),
Registrar of Companies, Kolkata, West Bengal ("ROC") and/ or other authorities, institutions or bodies (the "Appropriate
Authorities"), as may be necessary and subject to such conditions and modifications as may be prescribed or imposed while
granting such approvals, permissions and sanctions which may be agreed to by the Board of Directors of the Company (the
"Board" which expression shall include any committee constituted by the Board to exercise its powers, including the powers
conferred by this resolution), the Board hereby approves the buy back by the Company of its fully paid-up equity shares of
face value of Rs. 2/- each not exceeding 15,00,000 (Fifteen Lakhs) equity shares (representing 1.31% of the present total
number of equity shares in the paid-up equity share capital of the Company) at a price of Rs. 400/- (Rupees Four Hundred
Only) per equity share (the "Buy Back Offer Price") payable in cash for an aggregate consideration not exceeding
Rs.60,00,00,000/- (Rupees Sixty Crores Only) (excluding Companys transaction cost such as brokerage, securities
transaction tax, service tax, stamp duty etc ) (the "Buyback Offer Size") being 8.30%, which is not exceeding 10% of the

aggregate of the fully paid-up equity share capital and free reserves (including securities premium) as per the standalone
audited accounts of the Company for the financial year ended 31st March, 2016 from the equity shareholders of the
Company, as on the record date to be fixed, on a proportionate basis, through the Tender Offer route as prescribed under
the Buyback Regulations

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company do implement the Buyback using the "Mechanism for acquisition of shares through
Stock Exchange", to the extent legally permissible as notified by SEBI vide circular CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April
13, 2015 and CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 09, 2016.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Buyback would be subject to maintaining minimum public shareholding requirements as
specified in Regulation 38 of the Securities and Exchange of Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulation 2015 (Listing Regulations).

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT such Buyback be made out of the Company's internal accruals as may be permitted by law
through "Tender Offer' route and as required by the Buyback Regulations and the Companies Act, the Company may
buyback equity shares from all the existing members holding equity shares of the Company on a proportionate basis,
provided 15% (fifteen percent) of the number of equity shares which the Company proposes to buyback or number of
equity shares entitled as per the shareholding of small shareholders as on the record date, whichever is higher, shall be
reserved for the small shareholders, as prescribed under proviso to Regulation 6 of the Buyback Regulations.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company has complied and shall continue to comply with, Section 70 of the Companies Act,
2013 wherein:

a) lt shall not directly or indirectly purchase its own shares:

i. through any subsidiary company including its own subsidiary companies; or
ii. through any investment company or group of investment companies; or

b) There are no defaults subsisting in the repayment of deposits, interest payment thereon, redemption of debentures or
interest payment thereon or redemption of preference shares or payment of dividend due to any shareholder, or
repayment of any term loans or interest payable thereon to any financial institution or banking company, in the last
three years.

c) The Company is in compliance with the provisions of Sections 92, 123, 127 and 129 of the Companies Act, 2013.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT confirmation is hereby made by the Board of Directors that:

a) all equity shares of the Company are fully paid up;

b) the Company has not undertaken a buyback of any of its securities during the period of one year immediately
preceding the date of this Board meeting;
c) the Company shall not issue and allot any shares or other specified securities including byway of bonus, till the date of
closure of this Buyback;
d) the Company shall not raise further capital for a period of one year from the closure of the Buyback offer, except in
discharge of its subsisting obligations.
e) the Company shall not buyback locked-in equity shares and non-transferable equity shares till the pendency of the
lock-in or till the equity shares become transferable.
f) the Company shall not buy back its equity shares from any person through negotiated deal whether on or off the stock
exchanges or through spot transactions or through any private arrangement in the implementation of the Buyback;
g) that the aggregate consideration for Buyback not exceeding Rs.60,00,00,000/- (Rupees Sixty Crores Only), does not
exceed 10% of the aggregate of the fully paid-up equity share capital and free reserves as per the latest standalone
audited accounts of the Company for the financial year ended 31 stMarch, 2016 (the last audited financial statements
available as on the date of the Board meeting);
h) that the maximum number of equity shares proposed to be purchased under the Buyback i.e. 15,00,000 (Fifteen
Lakhs)equity shares, does not exceed 10% of the total present number of equity shares in the paid-up share capital of
the company;
i) the ratio of the aggregate of secured and unsecured debts owed by the Company shall not be more than twice the
paid-up capital and free reserves after the Buyback as prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made
j) there is no pendency of any scheme of amalgamation or compromise or arrangement pursuant to the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013, as on date.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT as required by Clause (x) of Part A of Schedule ll under Regulation 5(1) of the Buyback
Regulations, the Board hereby confirms that the Board of Directors have made a full enquiry into the affairs and prospects
of the Company and that based on such full inquiry conducted into the affairs and prospects of the Company, the Board of
Directors has formed an opinion that:

a) immediately, following the date of this Board meeting, there will be no grounds on which the Company could be found
unable to pay its debts;
b) As regards the Company's prospects for the year immediately following the date of this and meeting, and having
regard to the Board's intention with respect to the management of Company's business during that year and to the
amount and character of the financial resources which will in the Board's view be available to the Company during that
year, the Company will be able to meet its liabilities as and when they fall due and will not be rendered insolvent
within a period of one year from the date of this Board meeting; and
c) In forming an opinion as aforesaid, the Board has taken into account the liabilities, as if the Company was being wound
up under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (to the extent applicable) and Companies Act, 2013 (to the extent
notified), as the case may be, including prospective and contingent liabilities.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the proposed Buyback be implemented from the existing shareholders excluding the
Promoter(s)/Promoter Group of the Company as have been disclosed under the shareholding pattern filings made by the
Company from time to time under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and Securities
and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations 2011, as amended ("SEBI
Takeover Regulations") as the Board may consider appropriate, from out of its internal accruals of the Company and by such
mechanisms as may be permitted by Law, and on such terms and conditions as the Board may decide from time to time,
and in the absolute discretion of the Board, as it may deem fit.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Company shall not use borrowed funds, directly or indirectly, whether secured or unsecured, of
any form and nature, from Banks and Financial Institutions for paying the consideration to the equity shareholders who
have tendered their equity shares inthe Buyback.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company shall not Buyback the locked-in equity shares or other specified securities, if any
and non-transferable equity shares or other specified securities, if any, till the pendency of the lock-in or till the equity
shares or other specified securities become transferable.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the draft of the Declaration of Solvency along with the annexures including the Statement of
assets and liabilities as at 31st March, 2016 prepared in the prescribed form and supporting affidavit and other documents
in terms of Section 68(6) of the Act and Regulation 8(7) of the Buyback Regulations, draft as placed before the meeting and
Mr. Padam Prakash Gupta, Managing Director and Mr. Ankit Saraiya, Director of the Company be and are hereby authorized
to finalize and sign the same, for and on behalf of the Board, and file the same with the ROC, Stock Exchanges and SEBI in
accordance with applicable law.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Buyback from shareholders who are persons resident outside India including the Foreign
Institutional Investors, Overseas Corporate Bodies, if any, shall be subject to such approvals, if, and to the extent necessary
or required including approvals from Reserve Bank of India (RBI) under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the
rules and regulations framed there under, if any.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT as per the provisions of Section 68(8) of the Companies Act,2013, the Company will not issue
same kind of shares or other specified securities within a period of 6 months after the completion of the Buyback except by
way of bonus issue or in the discharge of subsisting obligations such as conversion of warrants, stock option schemes, sweat
equity or conversion of preference shares or debentures into equity shares.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT no information/ material likely to have a bearing on the decision of the investors has been
suppressed/ withheld and/ or incorporated in the manner that would amount to mis-statement/ misrepresentation and the
event of it transpiring at any point of time that any information/ material has been suppressed/ withheld and/ or amounts
to mis-statement/misrepresentation, the Board and the Company shall be liable for penalty in terms of the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013 and Buyback Regulations.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the buyback is being proposed in keeping desire to enhance overall shareholders value and the
buyback would lead reduction in number of equity shares.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the approval of Board for appointment of intermediaries such as Manager to the Offer i.e. VC
Corporate Advisors Pvt. Ltd, Registrar and Transfer Agent i.e. Niche Technologies Private Limited and Escrow Account Bank
be and is hereby accorded.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT a Committee be constituted ("Buyback Committee") comprising of Mr. P.P Gupta, Managing
Director, Mr. Ankit Saraiya, and Mr. Samarendra Nath Roy, Directors, and that Mr. Niranjan Brahma, Company Secretary
shall act as the Secretary to the Buyback Committee. Further, the Buyback Committee is hereby authorized, to do all such
acts, deeds, matters and things as it may, in its absolute discretion deem necessary, expedient, usual or proper, as the
Buyback Committee may consider to be in the best interests of the shareholders, including but not limited to:

a) finalizing the terms of buyback like the mechanism for the buyback, record date, entitlement ratio, the schedule of
activities for Buyback including finalizing the date of opening and closing of Buyback, the timeframe for completion of
the buyback;
b) to enter into escrow arrangements as may be required in terms of the Buyback Regulations;
c) opening, operation and closure of all necessary accounts, including bank accounts, depository accounts (including
escrow account) for the purpose of payment and authorizing persons to operate the said accounts;
d) preparation, signing and filing of public announcement, the draft letter of offer/ letter of offer with the SEBI, ROC, the
stock exchanges and other Appropriate Authority;
e) making all applications to the Appropriate Authority for their requisite approvals including approvals as may be
required from the Reserve Bank of India under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the rules and
regulations framed there under, if any;
f) extinguishment of dematerialized shares and physical destruction of share certificates and filing of certificate of
extinguishment required to be filed in connection with the Buyback on behalf of the Company and/ or the Board, as
required under applicable law;
g) appoint any intermediaries / agencies / persons as may be required for the purposes of the Buyback and decide and
settle the remuneration for all such intermediaries/ agencies/persons, including by the payment of commission,
brokerage, fee, charges etc and enter into agreements/ letters in respect thereof;
h) to affix the Common Seal of the Company on relevant documents required to be executed for the buyback of shares in
accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company.
i) sign, execute and deliver such other documents, deeds and writings and to do all such acts, matters and things as it
may, in its absolute discretion deem necessary, expedient or proper, to be in the best interest of the shareholders for
the implementation of the Buyback, and to initiate all necessary actions for preparation and issue of various
documents and such other undertakings, agreements, papers, documents and correspondence as may be necessary for
the implementation of the Buyback to the SEBI, RBl, ROC, stock exchanges, depositories and/or other Appropriate
j) obtaining all necessary certificates and reports from statutory auditors and other third parties as required under
applicable law.
k) dealing with stock exchanges (including their clearing corporations), where the shares of the Company are listed, and
to sign, execute, and deliver such documents may be necessary or desirable in connection with implementing the
Buyback using "Mechanism for acquisition of shares through Stock Exchange" notified by SEBI circular
CIR/CFD/POL|CYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13,2015 and CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 09, 2016.
l) to delegate all or any of the authorities conferred on them to any Director(s)/ Office(s)/Authorized Signatory(ies)/
Representative(ies) of the Company.
m) to give such directions as may be necessary or desirable and to settle any questions or difficulties whatsoever that may
arise in relation to the Buyback.
n) to settle and resolve any queries or difficulties raised by SEBI, stock exchanges, ROC and any other authorities
whatsoever in connection to any matter incidental to and ancillary to the Buyback.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the quorum for any meeting of the Buyback Committee forimplementing the Buyback shall be
any two Directors.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in terms of Regulation 19(3) of the Buyback Regulations, Mr.Niranjan Brahma, Company
Secretary be and is hereby appointed as the Compliance Officer for the Buyback.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT nothing contained herein shall confer any right on any shareholder to offer and/ or any
obligation on the Company or the Board or the Buyback Committee to buyback any shares and / or impair any power of the
Company or the Board or the Buyback Committee to terminate any process in relation to such buyback, if so permissible by

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company do maintain a register of securities bought back wherein details of equity shares
bought back, consideration paid for the equity shares bought back, date of cancellation of equity shares and date of
extinguishing and physically destroying of equity shares and such other particulars as may be prescribed, shall be entered
and that the Company Secretary of the Company be and is hereby authorised to authenticate the entries made in the said

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT any of the Directors of the Company and /or the Company Secretary for the time being, be and
are hereby severally authorized to file necessary e-forms with the Registrar of Companies, Kolkata, West Bengal and other
regulatory authorities as maybe required under the Companies Act and the Buyback Regulations and to do all such acts,
deeds and things as may be necessary to give effect to the above resolutions."


The Public Announcement dated February 13, 2017 was made in the following newspapers, in accordance with Regulation
8(1) of the Buyback Regulations, within two working days from the date of passing of the Resolution in the meeting of Board
of Directors for the Buyback, on February 10, 2017.

Publication Language Edition

Business Standard English All editions
Business Standard Hindi All editions
ArthikLipi Bengali Kolkata Edition

The Public Announcement is available on the SEBI website- www.sebi.gov.in


Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited has announced the Buyback of not exceeding 15,00,000 Equity shares from
all the existing public shareholders/ beneficial owners of equity shares, on a proportionate basis, through the Tender Offer
route at a price of Rs. 400/- (Rupees Four Hundred Only) per equity share payable in cash for an aggregate amount of Rs.
60,00,00,000 (Rupees Sixty Crores Only) (excluding Companys transaction cost such as brokerage, securities transaction
tax, service tax , stamp duty etc). The maximum number of equity shares proposed to be bought back represents 1.31% of
the present total number of equity shares in the Paid-Up Equity share capital of the Company.

The Buyback is in accordance with the provisions contained in the Article 15of the Articles of Association of the Company,
Section 68, 69, 70and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Companies Act), the
Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Share Capital Rules) and in
compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buyback of Securities) Regulations 1998, (the Buyback
Regulations) including any amendments, statutory modifications of re- enactments thereof, and such other approvals,
permissions and sanctions, as may be required, from time to time, from the stock exchanges where the equity shares of the
Company are listed and from any other statutory and /or regulatory authority, as may be required and which may be
agreed to by the Board and/ or any other committee thereof.

The Buyback would be undertaken in accordance with Circular No. CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015 read
with SEBI Circular no CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 09, 2016issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of
Indiawhich prescribes mechanism for tendering of shares through Online Trading Platform of the Stock Exchange. In this
regard, the Company will request BSE to provide the Acquisition Window. For the purpose of this Buyback, BSE would be
the designated Stock Exchange.

The Buyback Offer Size is 8.30% of the fully paid-up equity share capital and free reserve as per the standalone audited
accounts of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2016 and is within the statutory limits of 10% of the fully
paid-up equity share capital and free reserves as per the last audited accounts of the Company. The Buyback Offer Size does
not include Companys transaction costs such as brokerage, securities transaction tax, service tax, stamp duty etc

The aggregate shareholding of the Promoters, Promoter Group, directors of the Promoter Group companies holding shares
in the Company and of Persons who are in control of the Company as on the date of the Public Announcement (i.e.,
February 14, 2017) is as follows:

a) Shareholding of the companies/entities forming part of the Promoter Group

Sl. No Name Equity shares held % of the total paid up

equity share capital
1. Ankit Saraiya 216000 0.19
2. Avantika Gupta 72000 0.06
3. P.P. Gupta (HUF) 1198800 1.05
4. Padam Prakash Gupta 306000 0.27
5. Raj Prabha Gupta 92440 0.08
6. Checons Limited 2128806 1.86
7. Kusum Industrial Gases Ltd 14166000 12.41
8. Pragya Commerce Private Limited 1435506 1.26
9. Techno Leasing And Finance Co. Pvt. Ltd. 13788000 12.08
10. Techno Power Projects Ltd. 6408000 5.61
11. Trimurti Associates Private Limited 1999924 1.75
12. Varanasi Commercial Ltd. 24389800 21.36
Total 66201276 57.98

b) Shareholding of Directors of the Promoter Group Companies [mentioned in point (a) above]:
Name of Directors Directorships held in companies mentioned under point No. of % of
no. (a) above Equity Shareholding
Avantika Gupta Checons Limited 72000 0.06
Avantika Gupta Kusum Industrial Gases Ltd 72000 0.06
AnkitSaraiya Techno Leasing And Finance Co. Pvt. Ltd. 216000 0.19
PadamPrakash Gupta Techno Power Projects Ltd 306000 0.27
Avantika Gupta Techno Power Projects Ltd 72000 0.06

c) Shareholding of Directors or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company:

Name Designation No. of Equity Shares % of Shareholding

Padam Prakash Gupta Managing Director 1198800 1.05
Ankit Saraiya Director 216000 0.19
Avantika Gupta Director 72000 0.06
K. Krishna Rai Director 2000 0.00

d) No equity shares of the Company have been purchased/ sold by the persons referred to in Para 3.1 above during
the period six months preceding the date of the Board Meeting i.e., February 10, 2017 at which the Buyback was

e) The Promoters have expressed their intention not to participate in the Buyback. The Promoters have not been
involved in any transactions and there has been no change in their holdings for the last six months prior to the
date of the Board Meeting at which the Buyback was approved i.e., February 10, 2017.

f) Assuming response to the Buyback is to the extent of 100% (full acceptance) from all the Equity Shareholders upto
their entitlement, the aggregate shareholding of the Persons in Control, post Buyback will increase to 58.75% of
the Post Buyback Equity Share Capital of the Company. Post Buyback the Non- Promoter Shareholding of the
Company will not fall below the Minimum Statutory Limit as per the Listing Norms.


The Buyback is in accordance with the provisions contained in the Article 15 of the Articles of Association of the Company,
Section 68, 69,70 and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Companies Act), the
Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Share Capital Rules) and in
compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buyback of Securities) Regulations 1998, as amended (the
Buyback Regulations) including any amendments, statutory modifications of re- enactments thereof, and such other
approvals, permissions and sanctions, as may be required, from time to time, from the stock exchanges where the equity
shares of the Company are listed and from any other statutory and /or regulatory authority, as may be required and which
may be agreed to by the Board and/ or any other committee thereof.

The Board of Directors at their meeting on February 10, 2017 passed a resolution approving Buyback of Equity Shares of the


Share buyback is the acquisition by a Company of its own shares. The objective is to return surplus cash to the
shareholders holding equity shares of the Company. The Board at its meeting held on February 10, 2017, considered the
accumulated free reserves as well as the cash liquidity reflected in the Standalone audited accounts for the financial
year ended March 31, 2016 and considering these, the Board decided to allocate a sum of Rs. 60,00,00,000/- (Rupees
Sixty Crores Only) for distributing to the shareholders holding equity shares of the Company through the Buyback.

After considering several factors and benefits to the shareholders holding equity shares of the Company, the Board
decided to recommend Buyback of not exceeding 15,00,000(Fifteen Lacs) equity shares (representing 1.31% of the total
number of shares in the present paid-up equity share capital of the Company) at a price of Rs. 400/- (Rupees Four
Hundred Only) per equity share for an aggregate consideration of Rs. 60,00,00,000/- (Rupees Sixty Crores Only).
Buyback is a more efficient form of distributing surplus cash to the shareholders holding equity shares of the Company,
inter-alia, for the following reasons:

(i). The Buyback will help the Company to distribute surplus cash to its shareholders holding equity shares broadly in
proportion to their shareholding, thereby, enhancing the overall return to shareholders;

(ii). The Buyback, which is being implemented through the Tender Offer route as prescribed under the Buyback
Regulations, would involve allocation of 15% of the outlay to small shareholders. The Company believes that this
reservation of 15% for small shareholders would benefit public shareholders, who would get classified as Small

(iii). The Buyback would help in improving return on equity, by reduction in the equity base, thereby leading to long
term increase in shareholders value;

(iv). The Buyback gives an option to the shareholders holding equity shares of the Company, who can choose to
participate and get cash in lieu of equity shares to be accepted under the Buyback Offer or they may choose to not
participate and enjoy a resultant increase in their percentage shareholding, post the Buyback Offer, without
additional investment;

(v) Optimizes the capital structure.


9.1 The Buyback is not likely to cause any material impact on the profitability/earnings of the Company except a
reduction in the investment income, which the Company could have otherwise earned on the amount distributed
towards Buyback. Assuming there is full response to the buyback, the funds deployed by the Buyback would be Rs.
60,00,00,000 (Rupees Sixty Crores Only). This shall impact the investment Income earned by the Company, on
account of the reduced amount of funds available for investments.

9.2 The buyback will not in any manner impair the ability of the Company in meeting to pursue growth opportunities or
meet its cash requirements for business operations.

9.3 The Promoter and Promoter Group of the Company have expressed their intention not to participate in the
proposed Buyback, in writing and have irrevocably waived their rights as shareholders in respect of this Buyback

9.4 The Buyback of Equity shares of the Company will not result in a change in control or otherwise effect the existing
management structure of the Company.

9.5 Assuming response to the Buyback is to the extent of 100% (full acceptance) from all the public Equity Shareholders
upto their entitlement, the aggregate shareholding of the Promoter Group/Persons in Control, post Buyback will
increase to 58.75% from 57.98% (Pre- Buyback shareholding)and the aggregate shareholding of the Public in the
Company shall decrease to 41.25% (Post Buyback shareholding) from 42.02% (Pre Buyback shareholding).

9.6 Consequent to the Buyback and based on the number of Equity shares bought back from the Non- resident
Shareholders, Indian Financial Institutions, Mutual Funds and the Public including other bodies corporate, their
shareholding would undergo a change.

9.7 The debt-equity ratio post buyback will be compliant with the permissible limit of 2:1 prescribed by the Companies
Act, even if the response to the buyback is to the extent of 100% (full acceptance).

9.8 The Company shall not issue any equity shares or other securities (including by way of Bonus) till the date of closure
of buyback.

9.9 The Company shall not raise further capital for a period of one year from the closure of Buyback except in discharge
of subsisting obligations.

9.10 Salient Financial Parameters consequent to the Buyback based on the latest Standalone audited results as on
March 31, 2016 are as under:

Parameters Standalone Consolidated

Pre Buyback^ Post Buyback^ Pre Buyback^ Post Buyback^
Networth (Rs in lacs) 72288.90 66288.90 95877.25 89877.25
Return on Networth 17.25% 18.80% 14.66% 15.65%
Earnings Per Equity Share (net of tax) 10.92* 11.06* 12.31* 12.48*
(basic & Diluted) Rs.
Book value per share (Rs) 63.31* 58.83* 83.97* 79.76*
P/E based as on latest audited financial 34.45 34.01 30.56 30.14
results adjusted for bonus issue $
Total Debt/Equity Ratio 0.24 0.26 0.53 0.57
^Pre and Post Buyback Calculations are based on financial numbers as on March 31, 2016. Post Buyback
numbers are calculated by reducing the net worth by the proposed buyback amount (assuming full
acceptance) without factoring any impact on the Profit & Loss Account.
*Earnings Per Equity Shares and Book Value per share as on 31.03.2016 has been adjusted for bonus issue in
the ratio 1:1 made by the Company in September 2016.
$ P/E ratio based on the closing market price as on February 14 2017, i.e., the date of publication of the Public

Announcement Rs. 376.15 on NSE.


10.1 The Buyback Offer Price has been arrived at after considering various factors such as the volume weighted
average market prices of the equity shares of the Company on the NSE and BSE where the equity shares of the
Company are listed, the net worth of the Company and the impact of the Buyback on the key financial ratios of
the Company. The buyback price represent a premium of 9.04% and 9.45% over the volume weighted average
price on BSE (i.e., Rs. 366.84) and NSE (i.e., Rs. 365.46) respectively, as on February 03, 2017 i.e., date of
intimation to the BSE and NSE regarding the convening of the Board Meeting.

10.2 For trends in the Market price of the equity shares please refer to paragraph 16.

10.3 The Buyback price of Rs. 400 is higher by 531.81% and 376.36% of the adjusted book value per equity share of the
Company, which pre buyback, as on March 31, 2016, is Rs. 63.31 and Rs. 83.97, on a standalone and consolidated
basis, respectively.

10.4 The basic adjusted earnings per share of the Company pre buyback as on March 31, 2016 is Rs. 10.92 and Rs.
12.31 on a standalone and consolidated basis respectively, which will increase to Rs. 11.06 on standalone basis
and Rs. 12.48on consolidated basis, post buyback assuming full acceptance.

10.5 The Return of adjusted net worth of the Company Pre- Buyback as on March31, 2016is 17.25% and 14.66% on a
standalone basis and consolidated basis respectively, which will increase to 18.80% and 15.65% on standalone
and consolidated basis respectively, post Buyback assuming full acceptance of the Buyback, as calculated at 9.10


11.1 Assuming full acceptances, the funds that will be employed by the Company for the purpose of Buyback of
15,00,000 equity shares at a price of Rs. 400/-per equity share would be Rs. 60,00,00,000/- (Rupees Sixty Crores

11.2 The funds for the Buyback will be sourced from cash balances available with the Company and/or liquidation of
financial instruments held by the Company. These funds have been generated through internal accruals. The
Company does not intend to raise additional debt for the explicit purposes of the Buyback. Accordingly, borrowed
funds will not be used for the Buyback. However, if required, the Company may borrow funds in the ordinary
course of its business.


12.1 In accordance with the Regulation 10 of the Buyback Regulations, an Escrow agreement has been entered into
between the Company, VC corporate Advisors Private Limited and HDFC Bank Limited(Escrow agent) having its
branch at Central Plaza, 2/6 Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata- 700 020.

12.2 In accordance with the Escrow agreement, the Company has opened an Escrow account in the name and style
TEECL- Buyback Offer Escrow Account bearing Account No: 00140350010867 with the Escrow agent. In
accordance with Regulation 10 of the Buyback Regulations, the Company have deposited Rs. 60,00,000/- in the
Escrow Account and will procure a bank guarantee from [] having its office at [] in favour of the Manager to the
Buyback Offer on or before the Buyback Opening Date. In accordance with the Buyback Regulations, the Manager
to the Buyback Offer is empowered to operate the Escrow Account. Bank guarantee shall be valid until 30 days
after the Buyback Closing Date i.e. until [], 2017.

12.3 M/s. P. K. Jaiswal & Co. Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration number 326643E), located at 56/1/1, Kings
Road, Trimurti Villa Complex, Ground Floor, Howrah- 711101, signing through their Partner Mr. P. K. Jaiswal
(Membership Number: 065000) have certified, vide their certificate dated February 10, 2017, that the Company
has adequate funds for the purposes of buyback of 15,00,000 Equity Shares at Rs. 400 each.

12.4 The Manager to the Buyback Offer has satisfied itself in regard to the ability of the Company to Implement the
Buyback Offer in accordance with the Buyback Regulations.


13.1 The capital Structure of the Company as on the date of the Public announcement is as follows:
Particulars No. of Shares Amount (Rs)
Authorized Equity Share Capital
preference Shares of Rs. 10/- each 5,50,20,000 55,02,00,000
equity shares of Rs. 2/- each 42,49,00,000 84,98,00,000
Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up Equity
Shares of face value of Rs. 2/- each 11,41,82,400 22,83,64,800

13.2 The Company has not bought back any equity shares under any buyback programme, during the 3 years
preceding the date of the Public Announcement.

13.3 As on the date of the Public Announcement there are no outstanding preference shares, partly paid-up equity
shares or outstanding convertible instruments or calls in arrears.

13.4 The shareholding pattern of the Company pre- buyback, taken on Record date i.e., March 03, 2017, as well as
Post Buyback shareholding pattern, is as shown below:

Pre- Buyback Post Buyback

Particulars No. of equity % of existing No. of equity % of Post-
shares equity share shares Buyback equity
capital share capital
Promoters and persons acting in [] [] [] []
Concert (Collectively the
Foreign Investors [] [] [] []
Pre- Buyback Post Buyback
Particulars No. of equity % of existing No. of equity % of Post-
shares equity share shares Buyback equity
capital share capital
(Including Non Resident Indians,
FIIs and Foreign Mutual Funds)
Financial Institutions/Banks & [] [] [] []
Mutual Funds promoted by
Others (Public, Public Bodies [] [] [] []
Corporate etc.)

13.5 Assuming 100% response to the Buyback Offer, the Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up Equity Share Capital of the
Company after the completion of the Buyback Offer is as follows:

Particulars No. of shares Amount(Rs.)

Issued, Subscribed and paid up 11,26,82,400 22,53,64,800
equity share

13.6 Assuming response to the Buyback is 100% (full acceptance) from all the equity shareholders upto their
entitlement, the aggregate shareholding of the Promoter Group/ Persons in control Post Buyback, will increase
to 58.75% of the Post Buyback equity share capital of the Company.


14.1 The Techno Electric and Engineering Company Limited was originally incorporated under the name of Super
Wind Project Private Limited on October 26, 2005, under the Companies Act1956 as a Private Limited company
under the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra, Pune. The name of the Company was changed to Super Wind
Project Limited through a resolution passed by the shareholders on November 10, 2009 in terms of Section
31/21 read with Section 44 of the Companies Act, 1956 and fresh Certificate of Incorporation to this effect was
issued on December 11, 2009. The name of the Company was subsequently changed to Techno Electric and
Engineering Company Limited after passing of necessary resolution in terms of Section 21 of the Companies Act,
1956 alongwith the approval of the Central Government and a fresh certificate of incorporation to this effect was
issued on July 14, 2010.The registered office of the Company is situated at P-46A, Radha Bazar Lane, Kolkata
700 001 and the Corporate office at 1B, Park Plaza, South Block, 71, Park Street, Kolkata-700 016

14.2 The Company is engaged in the business of engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracting with its
focus primarily on the Indian power sector. It provides engineering, procurement and construction services for
fuel oil storage and handling systems, comprehensive piping systems including power cycle piping, process plant
installation, fire protection systems, ehv switchyards, ehv sub stations, power plant cabling system, plant
electrical distribution system including plant earthing systems and lightning protection system and plant
illumination systems and such like. The Company also possess specific domain knowledge that enables it to serve
the steel, fertilizer, metals and petrochemicals sectors along with specialized jobs in diversified manufacturing.

14.3 Details of the changes in share capital of the company since incorporation:

Date of the Board resolution authorizing No. of equity % of total Cumulative equity share capital
allotment shares issued outstanding
share capital
No. of equity Amt.(Rs)
On Incorporation 10000 0.0088% 10000 100,000
28.08.2006 240000 0.2102% 250000 2,500,000
27.03.2008 16000400 14.0130% 16250400 16,250,40,000
31.03.2008 200 0.0000% 16250600 16,250,60,000
24.09.2008 14540000 12.7340% 30790600 3,079,060,000
10.10.2009 (Sub Division of each share 123162400 107.8646% 153953000 3,079,060,000
from Rs.10 to Rs.2.)
10.07.2010 (Cancellation of 153953000 (153953000) (134.8306) - -
Equity shares pursuant to Scheme of
Date of the Board resolution authorizing No. of equity % of total Cumulative equity share capital
allotment shares issued outstanding
share capital
No. of equity Amt.(Rs)
10.07.2010 (Allotment of shares pursuant 57091200 50.00% 57091200 114,182,400
to Scheme of Amalgamation.) FV Rs. 2/-
29.08.2016 (Issue of bonus share in the 57091200 50.00% 114182400 228,364,800
ration of 1:1)
Total 114182400 100.00%

14.4 Details of the Board of Directors as on the date of PA:



1. Mr. P. P. Managing Director Bachelor in 24.06.2010 1) Techno Power Projects

Gupta Engineering and a Ltd.
Age: 68 years Post Graduate in 2) Ascu Arch Timber
DIN: 00055954 Business Protection Ltd.
Management from 3) Deserve Vincom Pvt. Ltd.
IIM, Ahmedabad 4) Jhajjar KT Transco Private
Business 5) Horizon Vintrade Pvt. Ltd.

2. Mr. K. M. Director B.Com 24.06.2010 Ceeta Industries Limited

Age: 72 years Industrialist
DIN : 00028012
3. Mr. K. Director Bachelor of 24.06.2010 Henson Enterprises Private
Vasudevan Engineering Limited
Age: 78 years (Electrical)
DIN : 00018023
4. Mr. K. K. Rai Director Bachelor of Arts 24.06.2010 RamsarupLohhUdyog
Age: 73 years and member of Limited
DIN : 00629937 CAIIB

5. Mr. S. N. Roy Director Bachelor of 14.09.2009 1)Bargarh Green Power
Age: 74 years Engineering Generating Company
DIN : 00408742 (Electrical) Limited
2) North Dinajpur Power
Professional Limited
3) Rajgarh Bio-Power
4) Simran Wind Project
5) Techno Ganga Nagar
Green Power Generating
Company Limited
6) Techno Birbhum Green
Power Generating Company
7) Techno Power Grid
Company Ltd.
8) WPIL Limited
6. Dr. R. P Singh, Director Graduation and 05.08.2016 1) Bajaj Electricals Limited
Age: 69 years post-graduation, in 2) Vijai Electricals Limited
DIN : 00004812 mechanical 3) L&T-Sargent & Lundy
engineering & Limited
Degree of Doctor of
(HonorisCausa) by
BHU in 2007.
7. Mr.AnkitSaraiy Director BSc (Corporate 08.02.2014 1) Techno International Ltd
a Finance & 2) Simran Wind Project
Age: 31 years Accounting) Limited
DIN : 02771647 3) Techno Clean Energy
Service Private Ltd.
4) Techno Wind Power
Private Ltd.
5) Techno Green Energy
Private Limited
6) Jhajjar Power
Transmission Pvt. Ltd.
7) Saffron Enclave Private
8) Gagan Realdev Private
9) Techno Infra Developers
Private Ltd.
10)Techno Leasing &
Finance Co. Pvt Ltd
11) Direction Barter Private
12) Deserve Vincom Private
13) Ankit Credits Pvt Ltd
14) Enertech Engineers India
Pvt Ltd

8. Ms.Avantika Director BSc (Economics & 07.02.2015 1) Kusum Industrial Gases
Gupta Finance) Ltd
Age: 27 years 2) Checons Ltd
DIN : 03149138 Service 3) Techno International Ltd
4) Simran Wind Project
5) Saffron Enclave Private
5) Pinnacle Commodeal
Private Limited
6) Direction Barter Private
7) Techno Power Projects
8) Raj Projects Pvt Ltd

14.5 The details of the Changes in the Board of Directors during the last 3 years

Sr. No. Name Appointment/Cessation/ Effective date Reasons

Re-appointment/Change in
01. Mr. Ankit Saraiya Appointment 08.02.2014 Appointment
02. Ms. Avantika Gupta Appointment 07.02.2015 Appointment
03. Dr. R.P. Singh Appointment 05.08.2016 Appointment
04. Mr. V.D. Mohile Resignation 05.08.2016 Resigned due to personal reasons

14.6 The Buyback will not result in any benefit to any directors/Promoters/person in control of the Company/group
companies and the changes in their shareholding as per the response received in the Buyback Offer, as a result
of the cancellation of Equity Shares which will lead to a reduced Equity Share capital post Buyback.


15.1)The salient Financial Information of the Company on a standalone basis is extracted from the Audited results and
limited review financials are given below:
(Rs. In Lakhs)
Key Financials 30.09.2016 Year ended 31 Year ended 31 March, Year ended 31 March,
(Unaudited& March,2016 2015 2014
Certified)@ (Audited figures) # (Audited figures) # (Audited figures) #
Revenue from 54785.64 103283.78 68912.20 59412.00
Other income 1355.92 2795.78 2402.27 2089.22
Total Revenue 56141.56 106079.56 71314.47 61501.22
Materials and Stores 36448.26 81321.07 49659.88 43615.74
(Increase) /Decrease 3748.73 -3165.13 555.65 -1016.35
in Inventories
Employees Benefits 1686.70 2937.43 2645.91 2779.70
Finance Cost 929.57 2081.10 2021.60 1559.16
Depreciation and 808.93 1363.11 1350.27 1513.84
Other expenses 3114.83 6358.36 4761.00 5678.34
Total Expenditure 46737.02 90895.94 60994.31 54130.43
P/L before tax 9404.54 15183.62 10320.16 7370.79
Tax Expenses
Current Tax 2291.84 2707.74 1876.20 354.53
Deferred Tax -35.66 8.12 -23.25 21.69
P/L after tax 7148.36 12467.76 8467.21 6994.57
Paid up equity share 2283.65 1141.82 1141.82 1141.82
Reserves & surplus 68892.38 71147.08 62770.52 57124.61

Key Financials 30.09.2016 Year ended 31 Year ended 31 March, Year ended 31 March,
(Unaudited& March,2016 2015 2014
Certified)@ (Audited figures) # (Audited figures) # (Audited figures) #
(excluding Capital
Reserve and
Redemption Reserve)
Net worth 71176.02 72288.90 63912.34 58266.43

Total Debt $ 9000.00 17154.82 17573.49 16136.05

# Figures are based on India GAAP.
@Figures are based on IND AS

Financial Ratios on Standalone Basis are as under:

Key Ratios 30.09.2016 Year ended 31 Year ended 31 March, Year ended 31 March,
(unaudited& March, 2016 2015 2014
Basic Earnings per shares 6.26 21.84 14.83 12.25
Diluted Earnings per shares 6.26 21.84 14.83 12.25
Book value per equity shares 62.34 126.62 111.95 102.06
Return on Net worth (%) 10.04 17.25 13.25 12.00
Debt/ Equity Ratio 0.13 0.24 0.27 0.28

$ Total Debt
Long Term Borrowing 3000.00 3000.00 7000.00 10000.00
Short Term Borrowing 2000.00 10154.82 7573.49 6136.05
Current Maturities of long 4000.00 4000.00 3000.00 -
Term Borrowing
Total 9000.00 17154.82 17573.49 16136.05

The salient financial information of the Company on a Consolidated basis as extracted from the Audited Results are given
below: (Rs in Lacs)
Key Financials Year ended 31 Year ended 31 March, 2015 Year ended 31 March,
March,2016 (Audited figures)# 2014
(Audited figures)# (Audited figures)#
Revenue from operations 109720.48 79389.32 70848.50
Other income 6285.66 2023.64 1199.17
Total Revenue 116006.14 81412.96 72047.67
Materials and Stores 81321.07 49659.88 43615.73
(Increase) /Decrease in -3165.13 555.65 -1016.35
Employees Benefits expense 3016.18 2737.86 2902.33
Finance Cost 4428.8 4653.94 4543.92
Depreciation and Amortization 4945.12 6032.10 6665.43
Other expenses 6516.64 5293.16 6093.65
Total Expenditure 97062.68 68932.59 62804.71
P/L before tax 18943.46 12480.37 9242.96
Tax Expenses
Current Tax 4862.13 1876.20 354.54
Deferred Tax 8.12 -23.25 21.69
P/L after tax 14073.21 10627.42 8866.73
P/L after adjustment of Minority 14057.21 10508.20 8749.10
Interest & Share of Profit/(Loss)
of Associate
Paid up equity share capital 1141.82 1141.82 1141.82
Reserves & surplus (excluding 94735.43 85108.17 77845.29
Capital Reserve and Debenture
Redemption Reserve)
Net worth 95877.25 86249.99 78971.11
Total Debt $$ 51221.01 56494.63 60765.92
# figures are based in Indian GAAP
Financial Ratios on Consolidated Basis are as under:
Key Ratios Year ended 31 March, Year ended 31 March, 2015 Year ended 31 March,
2016 2014
Basic Earnings per shares 24.62 18.41 15.32
Diluted Earnings per shares 24.62 18.41 15.32
Book value per equity shares 167.94 151.07 138.32
Return on Net worth (%) 14.66 12.18 11.08
Debt/ Equity Ratio 0.53 0.65 0.77

$$Total Debt
Long Term Borrowing 30681.55 39673.90 47854.24
Long Term Borrowing 10154.82 7573.49 6136.05
Current Maturities of long Term 10384.64 9247.24 6775.63
Total 51221.01 56494.63 60765.92

15.2The Company will comply with SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011, wherever
and if applicable. The Company hereby declares that it has complied with Section 68, 69,70 and other applicable
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 in relation to the Buyback offer.


16.1 The Companys equity shares are listed on BSE and NSE. The high, low and average market prices inthe preceding
three financial years (April to March period) and the monthly high, low and average market prices for the six
months preceding the date of Public Announcement from August 01, 2016 to January 31, 2017 and till February
10, 2017 is as follows:
Period High Date of No. of low Date of Low No. of Average No. of
High shares shares price shares
traded traded traded in
on the on the that period
date of date of
high low
Preceding 3 years
Year 2014 411.75 31.12.2014 2,79,835 96 18.03.2014 137879 261.36 1,06,95,151
Year 2015 579.85 09.09.2015 7513 360.1 10.02.2015 5174 460.95 32,54,706
Year 2016 360* 01.08.2016 5447 261.6 09.11.2016 6985 432.21 19,96,793

Preceding 6 months
August 01- 360* 01.08.2016 5447 312.18* 23.08.2016 1118 336.38* 57,604
August 31, 2016
September 01, 333.93* 01.09.2016 2949 294 30.09.2016 3095 383.28 68,929
2016- September
30, 2016
October 01, 2016- 346.5 25.10.2016 56,268 297 05.10.2016 313 305.62 2,78,969
October 31, 2016
November 01, 325.4 21.11.2016 80,234 261.6 09.11.2016 6985 301.67 3,14,955
2016 - November
30, 2016
December 01, 317 26.12.2016 13,160 290.2 22.12.2016 7112 297.37 4,99,231
2016- December
31, 2016
January 01, 2017- 360 31.01.2017 4848 299.65 02.01.2017 1338 332.82 11,89,160
January 31, 2017
February 01, 2017 383 06.02.2017 7628 366.30 09.02.2017 2161 366.20 49,429
February 09,


Period High Date of High No. of low Date of Low No. of Average No. of
shares shares price shares
traded on traded traded in
the date on the that period
of high date of
Preceding 3 years
Year 2014 411.90 31.12.2004 80217 106.15 14.03.2014 1605 258.68 17532933
Year 2015 577.95 09.09.2015 9165 361.90 10.02.2015 11788 463.34 9428539
Year 2016 350* 01.08.2016 14464 210* 29.02.2106 3940 390.76 9482423

Preceding 6 months
August 01- 350* 01.08.2016 14464 307.15 26.08.2016 9076 333.25* 334024
August 31, 2016
September 01, 334.73 01.09.2016 7779 289.15 21.09.2016 9848 325.52 555115
2016- September
30, 2016
October 01, 2016- 343.4 25.10.2016 304229 295 10.10.2016 74986 309.63 1617803
October 31, 2016
November 01, 325.2 21.11.2016 201105 242.5 09.11.2016 57471 301.35 1997206
2016 - November
30, 2016
December 01, 318 26.12.2016 72904 290 22.12.2016 91599 298.46 2365874
2016- December
31, 2016
January 01, 2017- 359.5 12.01.2017 156105 299 02.01.2017 13094 330.43 2484180
January 31, 2017
February 01, 2017 384 06.02.2017 73103 346 01.02.2017 189728 361.45 587895
February 09,
* The market price has been adjusted to give impact of bonus issue by the company in the ratio of 1:1 made in the month of
September, 2016
16.2 The Closing Market price of the equity share of the Company on NSE and BSE on February 09i.e., the last trading day
prior to the date of board meeting approving the buyback is Rs. 368.05 and Rs. 368.25 respectively.


17.1 The Buyback offer is subject to approval, if any required, under the provisions of Companies Act, FEMA, Buyback
Regulations, and/or such other rules and regulations for the time being in force.

17.2 Non- Resident Shareholders (excluding OCBs) permitted under general permissions under the consolidated Foreign
Direct Investment Policy issued by the Government of India read with applicable FEMA Regulations, are not required
to obtain approvals from RBI.

17.3 As of date, there is no other statutory or regulatory approval required to implement the Buyback offer other than
the mentioned above. If any statutory or Regulatory approval becomes applicable subsequently, the Buyback offer
will be subject to such statutory or regulatory approval(s). In the event of any delay in the receipt of statutory or
regulatory approval, the changes in the time table of the Buyback offer, if any, shall be intimated to the NSE and BSE.


Eligible persons who wish to tender their equity shares in the Buyback offer can hand deliver the Tender form and
the TRS generated by the Exchange Bidding System along with all the relevant documents at the below mentioned
address of the Registrar to the Buyback offer in accordance with the procedure set out in this Letter of Offer. Equity
shareholders are advised to ensure that Tender forms and the other documents including TRS are complete in all
respect; otherwise the same are liable to be rejected.

M/s. Niche Technologies Private Limited.
Contact Person: Mr. S. Abbas,
D-511, Bagree Market, 71, B.R.B. Basu Road, Kolkata 700 001
Tel No.: (033) 2235 7271/7270, Fax No.: (033) 2215 6823
Email: [email protected],
Website: www.nichtechpl.com

Equity shareholders who cannot hand deliver the tender form, TRS and other documents at the above mentioned
address may send the same by Speed post/ Registered post/Recognized Courier at their own risk, by super
subscribing the envelope as Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited Buyback Offer 2017to the Registrar to
the Buyback at their abovementioned Office address, so the same are received within two days of the bidding by the
Seller Members.

The TRS and other documents should not be sent to the Company or the Manager to the Buyback Offer.


19.1 The Company proposes to Buyback not exceeding 15,00,000 Equity Shares of the Company from all the existing
public shareholders/beneficial owners of Equity shares of the Company, on a proportionate basis, through the
Tender Offer route, at a price of Rs. 400/- per equity share for an aggregate amount of Rs. 60,00,00,000/- (Rupees
Sixty Crores Only). The maximum number of Equity shares proposed to be bought back represents 1.31% of the
present outstanding equity shares of the Company. The Buyback is in accordance with the provisions contained in
the Article 15 of the Articles of Association of the Company, Section 68, 69,70 and all other applicable provisions, if
any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Companies Act), the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014
(hereinafter referred to as the Share Capital Rules) and in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (Buyback of Securities) Regulations 1998, as amended (the Buyback Regulations). The aggregate Buyback
Offer size represents 8.30% of the fully paid up equity share capital and free reserve of the Company based on
Standalone audited financials of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2016.

19.2 The aggregate shareholding of the Promoter Group/ Persons in Control is 6,62,01,276 equity shares which represents
57.98% of the existing equity share capital of the Company. In terms of the buyback regulations, under the Tender
Offer Route the Promoters of the Company have the option to participate in the proposed buyback. In this regard
the Promoter and Promoter Group of the Company have expressed their intention not to participate in the Buyback
and have irrevocably waived their rights as shareholders in respect of this Buyback Offer.

19.3 Assuming response to the Buyback is to the extent of 100% (full acceptance) from all the Equity Shareholders upto
their entitlement, the aggregate shareholding of the Promoter Group/Persons in Control, post Buyback will increase
to 58.75% from 57.98%(Pre- Buyback shareholding) and the aggregate shareholding of the Public in the Company
shall decrease to 41.25% (Post Buyback shareholding) from 42.02%(Pre Buyback shareholding).

19.4 Record Date, ratio of Buyback and entitlement of each shareholder.

a. The Buyback Committee has fixed March 03, 2017 as the Record Date for the purpose of determining the
entitlement and the names of the shareholders who are eligible to participate in the Buyback offer.

b. The equity shares proposed to be bought back shall be divided into two categories:
Reserved category for small shareholders (Reserved Category).
General category for all shareholders other than small shareholders (General Category).

c. As defined in the Buyback Regulations, a small shareholder is a shareholder who holds equity shares having
market value, on the basis of closing price on BSE and NSE as on Record Date, of not more than Rs.2,00,000
(Rupees Two Lacs only).

d. Based on the above definition, there are [*] Small shareholders with aggregate shareholding of [*] shares as on
the Record Date, which constitutes [*]% of outstanding paid up equity share capital of the company and [*] % of
the equity shares which the Company proposes to Buyback as a part of this Buyback Offer.

e. In compliance with Regulation 6 of the Buyback Regulations, the reservation for small shareholders will be[*]
equity shares which are higher of:
15% of the number of equity shares which the company proposes to buyback i.e., 15% of 15,00,000
Equity shares which works out to 225000 Equity shares;

The number of Equity shares entitled as per their holding as on the Record Date.

f. Accordingly, General Category shall consist of [*] Equity shares.

g. Based on the above the entitlement ratio of Buyback for both categories is decided as below:

Category Entitlement ratio of buyback

Reserved Category []
General Category []

19.5 Fractional Entitlement

If the entitlement under Buyback, after applying the abovementioned ratios to the Equity Shares held on Record Date, is not
a round number (i.e. not in the multiple of 1 Equity Share) then the fractional entitlement shall be ignored for computation
of entitlement to tender Equity Shares in the Buyback Offer, for both categories of Shareholders.

On account of ignoring the fractional entitlement, those small shareholders who hold [*] or less equity shares as on Record
Date, will be dispatched a Tender Form with zero entitlement. Such Small Shareholders are entitled to tender additional
Equity Shares as part of the Buyback Offer and will be given preference in the Acceptance of one Equity Share, if such Small
Shareholders have tendered for additional Equity Shares.

19.6 Basis of acceptance of equity shares validly tendered in the Reserved Category

Subject to the provisions contained in this Letter of Offer, the Company will accept the Shares tendered in the Buyback
Offer by the Small Shareholders in the Reserved Category in the following order of priority:

a) Full acceptance of Shares from Small Shareholders in the Reserved Category who have validly tendered
their Shares, to the extent of their Buyback Entitlement, or the number of Shares tendered by them,
whichever is less.
b) Post the acceptance as described in paragraph 19.6 (a), in case, there are any Shares left to be bought
back in the Reserved Category, the Small Shareholders who were entitled to tender zero Shares (on
account of ignoring the fractional entitlement), and have tendered Additional Shares, shall be given
preference and one Equity Share each from the Additional Shares tendered by these Small Shareholders
shall be bought back in the Reserved Category.
c) Post the acceptance as described in paragraph 19.6 (a) and (b), in case there are any validly tendered
unaccepted shares in the Reserved Category (Reserved Category Additional Shares) and shares left to
be bought back in the Reserved Category, the Reserved Category Additional Shares shall be accepted in a
proportionate manner and the acceptances shall be made in accordance with the Buyback Regulations,
i.e. valid acceptances per Shareholder shall be equal to the Reserved Category Additional Shares by the
Shareholder divided by the total Reserved Category Additional Shares and multiplied by the total number
of Shares remaining to be bought back in Reserved Category. For the purpose of this calculation, the
Reserved Category Additional Shares taken into account for such Small Shareholders, from whom one
Equity Share has been accepted in accordance with paragraph 19.6 (b), shall be reduced by one.
d) Adjustment for Fractional results in case of proportionate acceptance, as described in Paragraph 19.6 (c),
will be made as follows:
For any shareholder, if the number of additional shares to be accepted, calculated on a proportionate
basis is not in the multiple of 1 and the fractional acceptance is greater than or equal to 0.50, then the
fraction would be rounded off to the next higher integer.
For any shareholder, if the number of additional shares to be accepted, calculated on a proportionate
basis is not in the multiples of 1 and the Fractional acceptance is less than 0.50, then the Fraction
shall be ignored.

19.7 Basis of acceptance of equity shares validly tendered in the General Category

Subject to the provisions contained in this Letter of Offer, the Company will accept the shares tendered in
the Buyback Offer by shareholders (other than the small shareholders) in the General category in the
following order of priority:

a. Full acceptance of shares from shareholders in the General Category who have validly tendered their
shares, to the extent of their Buyback entitlement, or the number of shares tendered by them, whichever
is less.

b. Post the acceptance as described in paragraph 19.7(a), in case there are any validly tendered unaccepted
shares in the General Category (General Category Additional Shares) and shares left to be bought back
in General Category, the General Category shares will be accepted in a proportionate manner and the
acceptances shall be made in accordance with Buyback Regulations, i.e., valid acceptances per
shareholders shall be equal to General Category additional shares by the shareholders divided by the total
General Category Additional shares and multiplied by the total number of additional shares remaining to
be bought back in the General Category.
c. Adjustment for Fractional Results in case of proportionate acceptance as described in paragraph 19.7(b)
will be made as follows:
For any shareholder, if the number of additional shares to be accepted, calculated on a proportionate
basis is not in the multiple of 1 and the fractional acceptance is greater than or equal to 0.50, then the
fraction would be rounded off to next higher integer.
For any shareholder, if the number of additional shares to be accepted, calculated on a proportionate
basis is not in the multiple of 1 and the fractional acceptance is less than equal to 0.50, then the
fraction shall be ignored.

19.8 Basis of acceptance of equity shares between the two Categories

a. After acceptance of tenders, as mentioned in paragraph 19.6 and 19.7, in case there are any shares
left to be bought back in one category (Partially Filled Category) and there are additional
unaccepted validly tendered shares (Further Additional Shares) in the second category (Over
Tendered Category), then the further additional shares in the over tendered category shall be
accepted in a proportionate manner i.e., valid acceptances per shareholder shall be equal to further
additional shares validly tendered by the shareholder in the over tendered category divided by the
total further additional shares in the over tendered category and multiplied by the total shares left to
be bought back in the partially filled category.
b. If the Partially Filled Category is the General Category and the Over Tendered Category is the Reserved
Category, then any Small Shareholder who has received a Tender Form with zero Buyback Entitlement
and who has tendered Additional Shares shall be eligible for priority acceptance of one Equity Share
before acceptance in paragraph 19.8(a) out of the Shares left to be bought back in the Partially Filled
Category provided no acceptance could take place from such Shareholder in accordance with
paragraph 19.6.

c. Adjustment for Fractional Results in case of proportionate acceptance as described in paragraph

19.8(b) will be made as follows:
For any shareholder, if the number of additional shares to be accepted, calculated on a proportionate
basis is not in the multiple of 1 and the fractional acceptance is greater than or equal to 0.50, then the
fraction would be rounded off to next higher integer.
For any shareholder, if the number of additional shares to be accepted, calculated on a proportionate
basis is not in the multiple of 1 and the fractional acceptance is less than equal to 0.50, then the
fraction shall be ignored.



20.1 The Buyback is open to all public equity shareholders/ beneficial owners of the Company holding Equity
Shares either in physical and/or electronic form on the Record Date.

20.2 The Company proposes to effect the Buyback through a tender offer method, on a proportionate basis. The
Letter of Offer and Tender Form, outlining the terms of the Buyback as well as the detailed disclosures as
specified in the Buyback Regulations, will be mailed to Eligible Persons

Eligible Person(s) which have registered their email ids with the depositories / the Company, shall be
dispatched the Letter of Offer through electronic means. If Eligible Person(s) wish to obtain a physical copy
of the Letter of Offer, they may send a request to the Company or Registrar at the address or email id
mentioned at the cover page of the Letter of Offer.

Eligible persons which have not registered their email ids with the depositories / the Company, shall be
dispatched the Letter of Offer through physical mode

20.3 The Company will not accept any Equity Shares offered for Buyback which are under any restraint order of a
court for transfer/sale of such shares.

20.4 The Company shall comply with Regulation 19(5) of the Buyback Regulations which states that the Company
shall not buyback the locked-in Equity Shares and non-transferable Equity Shares till the pendency of the
lock-in or till the Equity Shares become transferable.

20.5 The Company shall accept all the Equity Shares validly tendered for the Buyback by Eligible Persons, on the
basis of their Buyback Entitlement as on the Record Date.

20.6 As elaborated under Clause 19.4 above, the Equity Shares proposed to be bought as a part of the Buyback is
divided into two categories; (a) Reserved Category for Small Shareholders and (b) the General Category for
other Eligible Persons, and the Buyback Entitlement of a Eligible Person in each category shall be calculated

20.7 After Accepting the Equity Shares tendered on the basis of Buyback Entitlement, Equity Shares left to be
bought as a part of the Buyback, if any, in one category shall first be accepted, in proportion to the Equity
Shares tendered, over and above their Buyback Entitlement, by Eligible Persons in that category, and
thereafter, from Eligible Persons who have tendered over and above their Buyback Entitlement, in other

20.8The non-receipt of the Letter of Offer by, or accidental omission to dispatch the Letter of Offer to any person who
is eligible to receive the Offer, shall not invalidate the Offer to any person who is eligible to receive this Offer.
In case of non-receipt of the Letter of Offer, Eligible Persons holding shares as on record date may participate
in the Offer by providing their application in plain paper in writing signed by all shareholder, stating name,
address, number of shares held, Client ID number, DP name, DO id number, number of shares tendered and
other relevant documents such as physical share certificate and Form SH 4 in case of shares being held in
physical form. Eligible Person(s) have to ensure that their bid is entered in the electronic platform to be made
available by the BSE before the closure of the Offer



20.1 The Buyback is open to all public equity shareholders/ beneficial owners of the Company holding Equity Shares
either in physical and/or electronic form on the Record Date

20.2 The Buyback shall be implemented using the Mechanism for Acquisition of Shares through Stock Exchange
notified by SEBI vide circular CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015 read with circular no.
CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 09, 2016and following the procedure prescribed in the
Companies Act and the Buyback Regulations and as may be determined by the board (including the
committee authorized to complete the formalities of the buyback) and on such terms and conditions as may
be permitted by law from time to time.

20.3 For implementation of the Buyback, the Company has appointed Trans Scan Securities Private Limited as the
registered broker of the Company (the Companys Broker) through whom the purchases and settlements
on account of the Buyback would be made by the Company. The contact details of the Companys Broker are
as follows:

Trans Scan Securities Private Limited,

Contact Person: Mr.Atul Jain
Address: 3A, Auckland Place, 2nd Floor, Kolkata-700017.
Tel: No.: (033) 4016 1916Fax no.: (033) 2283 1658
E-Mail: [email protected],
Website: www.transcansec.com

20.4 The Company will request BSE to provide the separate Acquisition Window to facilitate placing of sell orders
by shareholders who wish to tender Equity Shares in the Buyback. BSE would be the Designated Stock
exchange for this Buyback.

20.5 At the beginning of the tendering period, the order for buying Equity Shares shall be placed by the Company
through Companys Broker. During the tendering period, the order for selling the shares will be placed in the
Acquisition Window by eligible sellers through their respective stock brokers during normal trading hours of
the secondary market. The stock brokers (Seller Member(s)) can enter orders for demat shares as well as
physical shares. In the tendering process, the Companys broker may also process the orders received from
the Equity Shareholders. The equity shareholder Broker can enter orders for demat as well as physical shares.

20.6) Procedure to be followed by Registered Equity Shareholders holding Equity shares in the dematerialized

a) Shareholders who desire to tender their Equity Shares in the electronic form under the Buyback would
have to do so through their respective Seller Member by indicating to their broker the details of Equity
Shares they intend to tender under the Buyback.
b) The Seller Member would be required to place an order/bid on behalf of the Eligible Sellers who wish to
tender Equity Shares in the Buyback using the acquisition window of the BSE. Before placing the bid, the
concerned Eligible Seller / Seller Member would be required to transfer the tendered Equity Shares to
the special account of Clearing Corporation, by using the settlement number and the procedure
prescribed by the Clearing Corporation. This shall be validated at the time of order/bid entry.
c) The details of the special account shall be informed in issue opening circular that will be issued by BSE or
Clearing Corporation.
d) For custodian participant orders for demat Equity Shares early pay-in is mandatory prior to confirmation
of order by custodian. The custodian shall either confirm or reject the orders not later than 6.00 p.m. on
the last day of the tendering period. Thereafter, all unconfirmed orders shall be deemed to be rejected.
For all confirmed custodian participant orders, order modification shall revoke the custodian
confirmation and the revised order shall be sent to the custodian again for confirmation
e) Upon placing the bid, the Seller member shall provide a Transaction Registration Slip (TRS) generated
by the Exchange Bidding System to the Shareholder. TRS will contain the details of order submitted like
Bid ID No., Application No., DP ID., Client ID, No. of equity Shares tendered etc.
f) Eligible Sellers who have tendered their Equity Shares in the Buyback can hand deliver Tender Form
duly signed (by all Eligible Sellers in case Equity Shares are in joint names) in same order in which they
hold the Equity Shares, along with the TRS generated by the exchange bidding system at the head-office
(mentioned in paragraph 18 of this Letter of Offer) of Registrar to the Buyback. TRS will be generated by
the respective Seller Members. Eligible Sellers who cannot hand deliver the Tender Form and other
documents at the office of Registrar to the Buyback, may send the same by registered post / speed post,
at their own risk, super scribing the envelope as Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited-
Buyback Offer 2017, to the Registrar to the Buyback at their office mentioned on the cover page of this
LOF, so that the same are received not later than 2 (two) days from the Buyback Closing Date (by 5 PM).
One copy of TRS will be retained by the Registrar and it will provide acknowledgment of the same to the
Seller Member/Eligible Seller.
g) Modification and cancellation of the orders will be allowed during the tendering period of the Buyback.
h) The Cumulative quantity tendered shall be made available on the website of the BSE
(www.bseindia.com) throughout the trading sessions and will be updated at specific intervals during the
tendering period.

20.7 Procedure to be followed by Registered Equity Shareholders holding Equity shares in the Physical Form:

a) Shareholders who are holding Physical Equity Shares and intend to participate in the Buyback will be
required to approach the Seller Member along with the complete set of Documents for verification
procedures to be carried out including the i) original share certificate(s), ii) valid share Transfer Form(s)
duly filled and signed by the transferors (i.e. by all registered shareholders in same order and as per the
specimen signatures registered with the Company) and duly witnessed at the appropriate place
authorizing the transfer in favour of the Company, iii) self-attested copy of the shareholders PAN Card,
iv) any other relevant documents such as Power of Attorney, corporate authorization (including board
resolution/specimen signature), notarized Copy of Death Certificate and succession certificate or
probated will, if the original shareholder has deceased, etc., as applicable. In addition, if the address of
the Shareholder has undergone a change from the address registered in the register of Members of the
Company, the Shareholder would be required to submit a self-attested copy of address proof
consisting of any one of the following documents: valid Aadhar Card, Voter Identity card, bank
statement not older than two months or Passport.

b) Upon Placing the Bid, the Seller member shall provide a TRS generated by the Exchange Bidding System
to the shareholders. TRS will contain the details of order submitted like Folio No, Certificate No,
Distinctive No., No. of Equity Shares tendered etc.
c) The Seller Member/Shareholder has to deliver the original Share Certificate(s) & documents (as
mentioned in paragraph 20.7.1 above) along with the TRS either by registered post or Courier or Hand
Delivery to the Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) (at the address mentioned in Paragraph 12 below
or the collection centres of the RTA details of which will be included in the Letter of Offer) within 2
(two) days of bidding by Seller member. The envelope should be super scribed as the Techno Electric
& Engineering Company Limited- Buyback Offer 2017. One copy of the TRS will be retained by the RTA
and it will provide acknowledgement of the same to the Seller Member/Shareholder.
d) Shareholders holding Physical Equity Shares should note that physical Equity shares shall not be
accepted unless the complete set of documents is submitted. Acceptance of the physical Equity Shares
for Buyback by the company shall be subject to verification as per the Buyback Regulations and any
further directions issued in this regard. RTA will verify the bids based on the documents submitted on a
daily basis and till such time the BSE Limited shall display such bids as unconfirmed physical Bids.
Once, RTA confirms the Bids it will be treated as Confirmed Bids.
e) In case any Eligible Seller has submitted Equity Shares in physical form for dematerialization, such
Eligible Seller should ensure that the process of getting the Equity Shares dematerialized is completed
well in time so that they can participate in the Buyback before Buyback Closing Date

20.8 Modification/ cancellation of the orders will be allowed during the Tendering period of the Buyback.

20.9 The cumulative quantity tendered shall be made available on BSE Limiteds website- www.bseindia.com
throughout the Trading session and will be updated at specific intervals during the tendering period.


Upon Finalization of the basis of acceptance as per Buyback Regulations:

a. The settlement of Trades shall be carried out in the manner similar to the settlements of Trade in the
secondary markets.

b. The Company will pay the consideration to the Clearing Corporation on or before the pay-in date for
settlement. For Equity Shares accepted under the Buyback, the Eligible Sellers holding Equity Shares in
dematerialized form will receive funds payout in the Eligible Sellers bank account as provided by the
depository system from Clearing Corporation and Seller Member (on behalf of the Eligible Sellers holding
Equity Shares in physical form), will receive funds payout in their settlement bank account from Clearing

c. The equity shares bought back in the demat form would be transferred directly to the escrow account of the
Company (the Demat Escrow Account) provided it is indicated by the Companys Broker or it will be
transferred by the Companys Broker to the Demat Escrow Account on receipt of the Equity Shares from the
Clearing and Settlement Mechanism of the Stock Exchange.
d. Excess demat Equity Shares or unaccepted demat Equity Shares, if any, tendered by the Eligible Seller would
be returned to them by Clearing Corporation. If the securities transfer instruction is rejected in the depository
system, due to any issue, then such Equity Shares will be transferred to the Seller Members pool account for
onward transfer to the Eligible Seller. In case of custodian participant orders, excess demat Equity Shares or
unaccepted demat Equity Shares, if any, will be returned to the respective custodian participant. Any excess
Equity Shares held in physical form pursuant to proportionate acceptance/ rejection will be returned back to
the Eligible Sellers directly by the Registrar through registered post/ speed post at the Eligible Sellers sole risk
to the sole / first Equity Shareholder (in case of joint Eligible Sellers), at the address recorded with the
Registrar / Company. The Company is authorized to split the share certificate and issue new consolidated
share certificate for the unaccepted Equity Shares, in case the Equity Shares accepted by the Company are less
than the Equity Shares tendered in the Buyback by Eligible Sellers holding Equity Shares in the physical form.
e. The settlements of fund obligation for dematerialized and physical Equity Shares shall be effected as per the
SEBI circulars no. CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015 and CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated
December 9, 2016 and BSE notice no. 20170202-34 dated February 2, 2017 and as prescribed by Stock
Exchanges and Clearing Corporation from time to time. The Clearing Corporation would settle the trades by
making, direct funds payout to the Eligible Sellers holding Equity Shares in dematerialized form in Eligible
Sellers bank account as provided by the depository system and Seller Member (on behalf of the Eligible
Sellers holding Equity Shares in physical form), in their settlement bank account and the Seller Member would

issue contract note. Companys Broker would also issue a contract note to the Company for the Equity Shares
accepted under the Buyback. If Eligible Sellers bank account details are not available or if the fund transfer
instruction is rejected by Reserve Bank of India or bank, due to any reasons, then the amount payable to
Eligible Sellers will be transferred to the Seller Member for onward transfer to the Eligible Sellers
f. The Seller Member would issue Contract note & pay the consideration for the Equity Shares accepted under
the Buyback and return the balance unaccepted equity shares to their respective clients. Company Broker
would also issue a contract note to the Company for the equity shares accepted under the Buyback.
g. Shareholders who intend to participate in the Buyback should consult their respective Seller Member for
payment to them of any cost, charges and expenses (including brokerage) that may be levied by the Seller
Member upon the selling shareholders for Tendering Equity Shares in the Buyback (secondary market
transaction). The Buyback consideration received by the selling Shareholders from their respective Seller
Member, in respect of accepted equity shares, could be net of such costs, charges and expenses (including
brokerage) and the company accepts no responsibility to bear or pay such additional cost, charges and
expenses (including brokerage) incurred by the selling shareholders.
h. The Equity Shares lying to the credit of the Demat Escrow Account and the equity shares bought back and
accepted in physical form will be extinguished in the manner and following the procedure prescribed in the
Buyback Regulations.

20.11) In case of Non- Receipt of this letter of Offer

a. In case the equity shares are in Dematerialized form: An eligible person may participate in the offer by
downloading the Tender form from the website of the Company www.hgl.co.in or by providing their
application in writing on plain paper, signed by all joint shareholders, stating name and address of
shareholder(s), number of equity shares held as on the record date, Client ID Number, DP name/ID,
beneficiary account number, and number of equity shares tendered for the Buyback.
b. In case the Equity shares are in Physical Form: An eligible person may participate in the Offer by providing
their application in writing on plain paper signed by all joint shareholders stating name, address, folio number,
number of equity shares held, share certificate number, number of equity shares tendered for the Buyback
offer and the distinctive numbers thereof, enclosing the Original share certificate(s), copy of Equity
shareholder(s) PAN card(s) and executed share transfer form in favour of the Company. The transfer form SH-
4 can be downloaded from the Companys website www.hgl.co.in. Equity shareholders must ensure that the
traded form, along with the TRS and requisite documents (as mentioned in paragraph 20.7.(a), reach the
collection centres before 5.00 PM (IST) on the closing date. If the signature(s) of the Equity Shareholders
provided in the plain paper application differs from the specimen signature(s) recorded with the Registrar of
the Company or not in the same order (although attested), such applications are liable to be rejected under
this Buyback offer.

Please note that Eligible Person(s) who intend to participate in the Buyback will be required to approach their
respective Seller Member (along with the complete set of documents for verification procedures) and have to
ensure that their bid is entered by their respective Seller Member or broker in the electronic platform to be
made available by BSE before the Closing Date.

The Company shall accept Equity Shares validly tendered by the Shareholder(s) in the Buyback on the basis of
their shareholding as on the Record Date and the Buyback Entitlement. Eligible Person(s) who intend to
participate in the Buyback using the plain paper option as mentioned in this paragraph are advised to confirm
their entitlement from the Registrar to the Buyback Offer, before participating in the Buyback.

20.12 Non receipt of this Letter of Offer by, or accidental omission to dispatch this Letter of Offer to, any Eligible
Person shall not invalidate the Buyback Offer in any way.

20.13 The acceptance of the Buyback Offer made by the Company is entirely at the discretion of the Equity
shareholders of the Company. The Company does not accept any responsibility for the decision of any equity
shareholder to either participate or not to participate in the buyback offer. The Company will not be
responsible in any manner for any loss of share Certificate(s) and other documents during transit and the Equity
shareholders are advised to adequately safeguard their interest in this regard.


Disclosures in this paragraph are based on expert opinion sought by the Company.


Given below is a broad summarization of the applicable sections of the Income-taxAct,1961 relating to treatment
of income-tax in case of buyback of listed equity shares on the stock exchange, which is provided only as a


a) Based on the provisions of the Income Tax Act ,shares can be classified under the following two categories:

i. Shares held as investment (Income from transfer taxable under the head Capital Gains)
ii. Shares held as stock-in-trade (Income from transfer taxable under the head Profits and Gains from
Business or Profession)

b) Based on the provisions of the Income Tax Act, shareholders can be classified under the following
i) Resident Shareholders being:
Individuals, HUF, AOP and BOI
ii) Non- Resident shareholders being:
Others: Company; other than company
a) For Non-Residents, taxability of capital Gains would be subject to beneficial provisions of applicable DTAA

b) The taxability as per the provisions of the Income Tax Act is discussed below.
Nature of Capital Gains as per the provisions of the Income Tax Act
As per the provisions of the Income Tax Act, for the purpose of determining as to whether the capital gains
are short term or long term in nature:
i) Where a capital asset, being listed equity shares of the company being bought back, is held for a
period of less than or equal to 12 months prior to the date of transfer, the same shall be treated as a
short term capital asset, and the gains arising therefrom shall be taxable as short term capital gains
ii) Similarly, where the listed equity shares are held for a period of more than 12 months prior to the
date of transfer, the same shall be treated as a long- term capital asset, and the gains arising
therefrom shall be taxable as long-term capital gains (LTCG).
c) Capital Gains on Buyback of shares are governed by the provision of Section 46A of the Income Tax Act. As
per the provisions of Section 46A, Buyback of shares held as Investment, would attract capital gains in the
hands of shareholders as per the provisions of Section 48 of the Income Tax Act.

Buyback of Shares through a Recognized Stock exchange

(b)(i)Where transaction for transfer of such equity shares (i.e buyback) is entered into through a recognized
stock exchange and such transaction is chargeable to Securities Transaction Tax (STT), the taxability is as
under (for all categories of shareholders):
a) LTCG arising from such transaction would be exempt under Section 10(38) of the Income tax Act;
b) STCG arising from such transaction would be subject to tax @ 15% under section 111A of the Income
tax Act.
Further, in case of resident Individual or HUF, the benefit of maximum amount which is not chargeable to
income tax is considered while computing the tax on such STCG.
In addition to the above STCG tax, Surcharge, Education Cess and Secondary and Higher Education CESS
are leviable as under:
In case of foreign companies and FIIs:
Surcharge @5% is leviable where the total income exceeds Rs.10 crores and @2% where the total
income exceeds Rs. 1crore but upto Rs. 10 crores. Education Cess @2% and Secondary and Higher
Education Cess @ 1%is leviable in all cases.
In case of other non-resident assesses (ie; other than foreign companies):
Surcharge @12% is leviable where the total income exceeds Rs. 1crore. Further, Education
Cess@2% and Secondary and Higher Education Cess @ 1% is leviable in all cases.


In case of domestic companies: Surcharge @12% is leviable where the total income exceeds Rs.10
crores and @7% where the total income exceeds Rs.1crore but upto Rs. 10 Crores is leviable in all
In case of resident assesses (ie; other than domestic companies):Surcharge@12%is
leviablewherethetotalincomeexceedsRs.1crore.Also,EducationCess@2%and Secondary and
Higher Education Cess @ 1%isleviable.
a) If the shares are held as stock-in-trade by any of the Shareholders of the Company, then the gains would
be characterized as business income .In such a case, the provisions of section 46A of the Income Tax Act
would not apply.
b) Resident Shareholders

For individuals, HUF, AOP, BOI, profits would be taxable at slab rates.
For persons other than individuals, HUF, AOP, BOI profits would be taxable@ 30%. No benefit of
indexation by virtue of period of holding would be available in any case. In addition to the above, in
the case of domestic companies, Surcharge @12% is leviable where the total income exceeds Rs.10
crores and @7% where the total income exceeds Rs. 1crore. In all other cases, Surcharge @12% is
leviable where the total income exceeds Rs.1crore. Education Cess @2% and Secondary and Higher
Education Cess @ 1%is leviable in all cases.
c) Non- Resident Shareholders
i. For Non Residents, tax ability of profits as business income would be subject to beneficial provisions
of applicable DTAA.
ii. Where DTAA provisions are not applicable:
For non-resident individuals, HUF, AOP, BOI, profits would be taxable at slab rates.
For foreign companies, profits would be taxed in India @ 40%
For other non-Resident shareholders, such as foreign firms, profit would be taxed @ 30%
In addition to the above, in the case of foreign companies, Surcharge @ 5% is leviable, where the total
Income exceeds Rs. 10 Crores and @ 2% where the total Income exceeds Rs. 1 crores. In all the other
cases, Surcharge @ 12% is leviable where the total income exceeds Rs. 1 Crores. Education Cess @ 2%
and Secondary and Higher Education Cess @ 1% is leviable in all cases.
a) In case of Resident Shareholders

i) In absence of any specific provision under the Income Tax Act, the Company shall not deduct tax on the
consideration payable to resident shareholders pursuant to the said Buyback.
b) In case of Non- Resident Shareholders

i. Since the buyback is through the stock exchange, the responsibility of discharge of the tax due on the
gains (if any) is on the non-resident shareholder. It is therefore recommended the non-resident
shareholder may consult their custodians/ authorized dealers/ tax advisors appropriately.



Declaration as required under Clause (ix) and (x) of the Schedule II, Para A to the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 1998, as under:
i) The Board of Director Confirms that are no defaults subsisting in repayment of deposits, redemptions of
debentures or preference shares or repayment of term loans to any financial institutions or banks.
ii) The board of Directors confirm that based on a full enquiry conducted into the affairs and prospects of
the Company and taking into account all the liabilities including prospective and Contingent liabilities
payable as if the Company were being wound up under the companies Act, the board of Directors have
formed an opinion that
a) that immediately following the date of the Letter of Offer, there will be no grounds on which the
Company can be found unable to pay its debts;
b) as regards its prospects for the year immediately following the date of the Letter of Offer, approving
the Buyback and having regards to the Boards intentions with respect to the management of the
Companys business during that year and to the amount and character of the financial resources,
which will, in the their view, be available to the Company during that year, the Company will be
able to meet its liabilities as and when they fall due and will not be rendered insolvent within a
period of one year from the date of the Letter of Offer, as the case may be;

This declaration is made and issued by the Buyback Committee (under the authority of the board of Directors) in
terms of the Resolution passed at the meeting of Board of Directors on February 10, 2017.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Techno Electric and Engineering Company Limited

Sd/ Sd/-
Padam Prakash Gupta Ankit Saraiya
Managing Director Director
DIN: 00055954 DIN: 02771647


The text of the Report dated February 10, 2017 received from M/s. S. S. Kothari & Co., Chartered Accountants; the
Statutory Auditor of the Company, addressed to the Board of Directors of the Company is reproduced below:

Subject: Proposed Buyback of Equity Shares not exceeding 10% of the aggregate of the fully paid up equity share
capital and free reserves as per the audited accounts of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2016,
on a proportionate basis (the Buyback) from the eligible shareholders by way of Tender Offer through the Stock
Exchange mechanism by Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited (the Company).

In connection with the proposal of the Company to Buyback 15,00,000 fully paid equity shares for an aggregate
consideration of Rs. 60,00,00,000/- (Rupees Sixty Crores Only) approved by the Board of Directors of the Company
at their meeting held on February 10, 2017 in pursuance of the provisions of sections 68, 69 and 70 of the
Companies Act, 2013, as amended (the Act) and in terms of the requirements of Clause (xi) of Schedule II, Part A
of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 1998, as amended (Buyback
Regulations) and based on the information and explanation given to us, we confirm that:

i. We have inquired into the state of affairs of the Company in relation to its Standalone audited financial
statements for the year ended March 31, 2016 which were taken on record and approved by the Board of
Director at their meeting held on May 28, 2016 and adopted by the Shareholders at their Annual General
Meeting held on August 06, 2016.

ii. In our opinion, the maximum amount of permissible capital payment (including premium) towards buyback of
equity shares as computed below, has been properly determined in accordance with Section 68(2)(c) of the
Companies Act, 2013:
(Rs. In Lakhs)
Particulars As at March 31, 2016

Issued, Subscribed and fully paid up Equity Shares (A) 1141.82

5,70,91,200 Equity Shares of Rs. 2 each, fully paid up

Free Reserves (Refer Note 2)

- Securities Premium Account 9642.50
- General Reserve 60917.02
- Surplus 587.56
(B) 71147.08
Total (A+B) 72288.90
Maximum amount permissible for the Buyback i.e. 10% of the aggregate of
fully paid up equity share capital and free reserves 7228.89


1) Based on Audited Standalone Financial Statements of the Company as at March 31, 2016.

2) Free Reserves are as per Clause 43 of section 2 and explanation II to Section 68 of the Companies Act, 2013.

iii. The Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held on February 10, 2017 have formed their opinion
as specified in Section 68(6) of the Act and in terms of Clause (xi) of Part A of Schedule II of the Buyback
Regulations, on reasonable grounds, that the Company, having regard to its state of affairs, will not be rendered
insolvent within a period on one year from the date of declaration adopted by the Board.

iv. Based on the representation made by the Company and other information and explanation given to us, which
to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for this purpose, we are not aware of anything to
indicate that the aforementioned opinion expressed by the directors is unreasonable in all the circumstances.

v. The compliance with the provisions of the Act and Buyback Regulations is the responsibility of the Companys
management. Our responsibility is to report on the amount of permissible capital for the Buyback and report
that the audited accounts based on which calculation with reference to Buyback is done and read the resolution
of the Board of Directors for the meeting held on February 10, 2017 referred to in paragraph (iii) above.

This report is addressed to and provided to the Board of Directors of the Company pursuant to the requirements of
the Buyback Regulations solely to enable the Board of Directors of the Company to include it in public
announcement and letter of offer to be circulated to the shareholders and filed with various regulatory agencies
and providing to parties including the Manager to the offer, in connection with Buyback of not exceeding 15,00,000
(Fifteen Lakh) equity shares, in pursuance of provisions of section 68, 69 and 70 of the Companies Act, 2013,
Buyback Regulations and should not be used for any other purpose or by any other person.

For S. S. Kothari & Co.

Chartered Accountants
(Firms Registration No. 302034E)
R. N. Bardhan
(Membership No. 017270)


The following material documents are available for inspection by the shareholders of Techno Electric and
Engineering Company Limited at their Corporate Office at 1B, Park Plaza, South Block, 71, Park Street, Kolkata-700
016from to 11AM PM on any day except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, during the Tendering Period.
a) Copy of the Certificate of Incorporation and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of Techno
Electric and Engineering Company Limited.
b) Copy of the Annual Reports of Techno Electric and Engineering Company Limited for the year ended
March 31, 2016, March 31, 2015,and March 31, 2014 and limited review financials for the period
ended September 30, 2016
c) Copy of the Resolution passed by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on February 10, 2017
approving proposal for Buyback.
d) Copy of the Certificate dated February 10, 2017, received from M/s S. S. Kothari & Co, the Statutory
Auditors of the company, in terms of Clause (xi) of Part A to Schedule II of the Buyback Regulations.
e) Copy of the Declaration of Solvency and an Affidavit in form SH-9 as prescribed under section 68(6)
of the Companies Act.
f) Copy of the Escrow Agreement
g) Copy of the Certificate from CA for sufficient resources.
h) Copy of the Public Announcement published in the newspapers on February 14, 2017.
i) Copy of SEBI observation letter
Mr. Niranjan Brahma
Address: 1B, South Block (1st Floor), Park Plaza,
71, Park Street, Kolkata - 700016
Tel: +91 33 40513000 (B) 40513309 (D)
Mobile: +91 9831803922
Website: http://www.techno.co.in


a) In case of any Grievance related to the buyback Offer (i.e. non receipt of the buyback consideration, Share
certificate, Demat Credit, etc) the investors can approach the compliance officer/or the Manager to the
buyback Offer/or The Registrar to the buyback for redressal.
b) If the Company makes any default in complying with the provisions of Section 68(6) of the companies Act or
any rules made thereunder or any regulation or under clause (f) of sub- section (2) of the Companies Act,
the company or any officer of the Company who is in default shall be punishable for a term and its limit or
with a fine or its limit or with both in terms of Companies Act.

c) The address of the Concerned office of the Registrar of Companies is as follows:
Registrar of Companies, West Bengal
Nizam Palace, 2nd MSO Building, 2nd Floor,
234/4, A.J.C.B. Road, Kolkata - 700020


Contact Person: Mr. S. Abbas,
D-511, Bagree Market, 71, B.R.B. Basu Road, Kolkata 700 001
Tel No.: (033) 2235 7271/7270, Fax No.: (033) 2215 6823
Email: [email protected], Website: www.nichtechpl.com



(Contact Person: Mr. Anup Kumar Sharma)
31 Ganesh Chandra Avenue, 2nd Floor, Suite No 2C, Kolkata-700 013
Phone No : (033) 2225-3940
Fax : (033) 2225-3941
Email: [email protected]

As per Regulation 19(1)(a) of the Buyback regulation, the Board of Directors of the Company accept full
responsibility for the information contained in this Letter of Offer. The letter of Offer is issued under the
authority of the Board of Directors by the Buyback Committee through resolution passed by the buyback
committee meeting held on February 13, 2017.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Techno Electric and Engineering Company Limited

Sd/ Sd/- Sd/-

Padam Prakash Gupta Ankit Sariya Niranjan Brahma
Managing Director Director Company Secretary and Compliance
DIN: 00055954 DIN: 02771647 M. No.: A11652

Date: 20.02.2017 Place: Kolkata


To, Opens On []
The Board of Directors Closes On []
Techno Electric and Engineering Company Limited
C/o Niche Technologies Private Limited,
D-511, Bagree Market, 71, B.R.B. Basu Road, Kolkata 700 001 For Registrar/ Collection Centre Use
Tel No.: (033) 2235 7271/7270, Fax No.: (033) 2215 6823 Centre Inward Date Stamp
Email: [email protected], Code No.
Website: www.nichtechpl.com

Status: Please tick Appropriate

Individual FII
Foreign Non Resident
Company Indian/OCB
Body Bank/Financial
Corporate Institution

Dear Sirs, Date _____________

Ref: Letter of Offer dated [], 2017 to Buyback Shares upto15,00,000 Equity shares of Rs. 2/- each of Techno Electric & Engineering
Company Limited at a price of Rs. 400/- per Equity Share

1) I/ We (having read and understood the Letter of Offer dated [],2017 hereby tender / offer my/our shares in response to the Buyback
Offer on the terms and conditions set out below and in the Letter of Offer.

2) I / We authorize the Company to buy back the shares offered (as mentioned below) and to issue instruction to Niche Technologies
Private Limited to extinguish the shares.

3) I / We hereby warrant that the shares comprised in this tender offer are offered for the Buyback by me/ us free from all liens, equitable
interest, charges and encumbrance.

4) I / We declare that there are no restraints / injunctions or other order of any nature which limits / restricts in any manner my / our right
to tender shares for the Buyback and that I / we am / are legally entitled to tender the shares for the Buyback.

5) I/We agree that the consideration for the accepted shares will be paid to the Seller Members as per secondary market mechanism

6) I/We agree that the excess Demat shares or unaccepted demat shares, if any, tendered would be returned to the Selling Member by
Clearing Corporation in pay out.

7) I / we agree that the Company will pay the Buy Back Price only after due verification of the validity of the documents and that the
consideration may be paid to the first named shareholder.

8) I/ We undertake to return to the Company any Buyback consideration that may be wrongfully received by me/us.

9) I / We undertake to execute any further documents and give any further assurances that may be required or expedient to give effect to
my / our tender / offer and agree to abide by any decision that may be taken by the Company to effect the Buyback in accordance with
the Act and the Regulations.

10) Details of shares held and offered/tendered for the Buyback:

In Figures In Words
Number of Shares held
Number of shares Entitled for buyback (buyback entitlement)
Number of Shares offered for the BuyBack

11) Details of account with Depository Participant

Name of the Depository NSDLCDSL

(tick whichever is applicable)
Name of the Depository Participant
Client ID with the DP

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tear along this line--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Acknowledgment Slip: Techno Electric and Engineering Company Limited- Buyback Offer
(to be filled by equity shareholder) (subject to verification)
Folio No./DP ID Client ID

Received From Mr./Ms./M/s. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Stamp of Collection

Form of Acceptance- cum- acknowledgement, Original TRS along with:

No. Of equity shares offered for Buyback (in figures) ---------------------- (in words) ------------------------------

12) Shareholder(s) Details

Sole/First Shareholder Second Shareholder (if Third Shareholder (if

any) any)
Name in Full
Address of the Sole/First
Telephone No/E-mail id
* Corporate must affix Rubber Stamp

This Tender Offer form has to be read along with the Letter of Offer and is Subject to the terms and Conditions mentioned in the Letter
of Offer and this Tender/ Offer Form

1. This Offer will open on [] and close on [].

2. For procedure to be followed by equity shareholders for tendering in the Buyback Offer, Please refer to section 20of the Letter of Offer.

3. All documents sent by shareholders will be at their own risk. Shareholders of the Company are advised to safeguard adequately their
interests in this regard.


D-511, Bagree Market, 71, B.R.B. Basu Road, Kolkata 700 001
Tel No.: (033) 2235 7271/7270, Fax No.: (033) 2215 6823
Email: [email protected], Website: www.nichtechpl.com


To, Opens On
The Board of Directors Closes On
Techno Electric and Engineering Company Limited
C/o Niche Technologies Private Limited,
D-511, Bagree Market, 71, B.R.B. Basu Road, Kolkata 700 001 For Registrar/ Collection Centre Use
Tel No.: (033) 2235 7271/7270, Fax No.: (033) 2215 6823 Centre Inward Date Stamp
Email: [email protected], Code No.
Website: www.nichtechpl.com

Status: Please tick Appropriate

Individual FII
Foreign Non Resident
Company Indian/OCB
Body Bank/Financial
Corporate Institution

Dear Sirs, Date _____________

Ref: Letter of Offer dated [], 2017 to Buyback Shares upto 15,00,000 Equity shares of Rs. 2/- each of Techno Electric & Engineering
Company Limited at a price of Rs. 400/- per Equity Share

1) I/We (having read and understood the Letter of Offer dated [], 2017 ) hereby tender / offer my/our shares in response to the
Buy-back Offer on the terms and conditions set out below and in the Letter of Offer.
2) I / We authorise the Company to buy back the shares offered and as a consequence to extinguish the share certificates.
3) I / We hereby warrant that the shares comprised in this tender / offer are offered for the Buyback by me / us free from all liens,
equitable interest, charges and encumbrance.
4) I / We declare that there are no restraints / injunctions or other order of any nature which limits / restricts in any manner my /
our right to tender shares for the Buyback and that I / we am / are legally entitled to tender the shares for the Buyback.
5) I/We agree that the consideration for the accepted shares will be paid to the Seller Members as per secondary market
6) I / We agree that the Company is not obliged to accept any shares offered for the Buyback where loss of share certificates has
been notified to the Company.
7) I / We agree that the Company will pay any Buyback consideration only after due verification of the validity of the documents
and signatures and that the consideration may be paid to the first named shareholder.
8) I / We undertake to return to the Company any Buyback consideration that may be wrongfully received by me/us.
9) I / We undertake to execute any further documents and give any further assurances that may be required or expedient to give
effect to my / our tender / offer and agree to abide by any decision that may be taken by the Company to affect the Buyback in
accordance with the Act and the Regulations.
10) I/ We authorize the company to split the share certificate and issue new consolidated certificate for the unaccepted shares in
case the shares accepted by the Company are less than the shares tendered in the Buyback due to oversubscription.
11) Details of shares held and offered for the Buyback:

In Figures In Words
Number of Shares held
Number of shares Entitled for buyback (buyback
Number of Shares offered for

Tear along this line

Acknowledgment Slip: Techno Electric and Engineering Company Limited- Buyback Offer
(to be filled by equity shareholder) (subject to verification)

Folio No.

Received From Mr./Ms./M/s. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Stamp of Collection

Form of Acceptance- cum- acknowledgement, Original TRS along with:

No. Of equity shares offered for Buyback (in figures) ---------------------- (in words) ------------------------------

12) Details of Share Certificate(s) Enclosed

Total No. of Share Certificates submitted

Sr. No Folio No. Share Distinctive Nos No. of Shares
Certificate No.
From To

In case the number of folios and share certificates enclosed exceed 5 nos., please attach a separate sheet giving details in the same format
as above.

13) Details of Other Documents (please tick appropriately), if any, enclosed:

Corporate Authorizations
Death Certificate
Succession Certificate
Power of Attorney
Any Other, Please specify _____________

14) Shareholder(s) Details (Signature(s) as per specimen recorded with the Company):

Sole/First Shareholder Second Shareholder (if Third Shareholder (if

any) any)
Name in Full
Address of the
Sole/First Shareholder
Telephone No/E-mail id
* Corporate must affix Rubber Stamp

This Tender Offer form has to be read along with the Letter of Offer and is Subject to the terms and Conditions mentioned in the Letter
of Offer and this Tender/ Offer Form

1. This Offer will open on [] and close on [].

2. For procedure to be followed by equity shareholders for tendering in the Buyback Offer, Please refer to section 20 of the Letter of Offer.

3. All documents sent by shareholders will be at their own risk. Shareholders of the Company are advised to safeguard adequately their
interests in this regard.


D-511, Bagree Market, 71, B.R.B. Basu Road, Kolkata 700 001
Tel No.: (033) 2235 7271/7270, Fax No.: (033) 2215 6823
Email: [email protected], Website: www.nichtechpl.com


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