Outcome of AGM
Outcome of AGM
Outcome of AGM
Sub: Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting held on 24th September. 2021
Dear Sir,
Pursuant to Regulation 30, Para A of Part A of Schedule III of the SEBI (Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we are submitting the summary of the
Proceedings of the 55th Annual General Meeting held on 24th September, 2021.
Thanking You,
Corporate Office: NITCO Limited, NITCO House, Sheth Govindram Jolly Marg, Kanjur Marg (East), Mumbai- 400 042.
Tel.: 91-22-67302500 167521555, Fax: 91-22-25786484. CIN: L26920MH1966PLC016547.
Email: [email protected], Website: www. nitco.in
Mr. Vivek Talwar, Chairman & Managing Director took the chair in accordance with the
Article 114 of the Article of Association of the Company. The requisite quorum was present.
The Chairman thereafter called the meeting to order.
The Chairman briefed on the workings of the Company and the precautions taken by the
company during the covid-19 pandemic. Thereafter, the Company Secretary invited
members present online to make observations and comments, if any on performance of the
Company. Observations & Comments were made by the Members and the queries put forth
and clarifications sought for by them were answered by the Management suitably.
With the permission of Shareholders, Chairman took the Notice as read. He then requested
the Company Secretary to read the Auditor's report. The Company Secretary then read the
Auditor's Report of the Company.
The Company Secretary further informed the members that pursuant to section 108 of the
Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management & Administration)
Rules, 2014 and Regulation 44 of SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, the Company had provided remote E-voting facility which commenced
on Tuesday, the 21st September, 2021 from 9:00a.m. (IST) and ended on Thursday, the 23rct
September, 2021 at 5:00p.m. (IST) to the members of Company whose names appeared in
the Register of Members as on the cut-off date i.e. Friday, 17th September, 2021 to vote on
the resolutions prior to the aforesaid AGM through a platform provided by Central
Depository Services (India) Limited.
The Company Secretary further informed the shareholders who attended the meeting
through Video Conferencing and who had not casted their votes through remote e-voting,
that the facility for voting online at the Meeting has been arranged for them. He further
informed that Ms. Krupa Joisar, Proprietor of Krupa Joisar & Associates, Practicing
Company Secretaries, was appointed as scrutinizer for scrutinizing the remote e-voting
process and online voting at the time of meeting.
Thereafter the following items of business as per the Notice of the Annual General Meeting
dated 11th August, 2021, were transacted at the meeting:-
Corporate Office: NITCO Limited, NITCO House, Sheth Govindrarn Jolly Marg, Kanjur Marg (East), Mumbai- 400 042.
Tel.: 91-22-67302500 j67521555, Fax: 91-22-25786484. CIN: L26920MH1966PLC016547.
Email: [email protected], Website: www. nitco.in
The Voting results in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 44(3) of SEBI (Listing
Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, on the above resolutions shall
be communicated to the Stock Exchanges upon receipt of voting results from scrutinizer
within two working days from the conclusion of Annual General Meeting. In addition to the
same, the voting results shall also be placed on the w ebsite of the Company as well as on
website of CDSL.
The Meeting concluded at 11:35 a.m. with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Corporate Office: NITCO Limited, NITCO House, Sheth Govindrarn Jolly Marg, Kanjur Marg (East), Mumbai- 400 042.
Tel.: 91-22-67302500 j67521555, Fax: 91-22-25786484. CIN: L26920MH1966PLC016547.
Email: [email protected], Website: www. nitco.in