Adventure - Greyhawk - Puppets (LVL 1-3)
Adventure - Greyhawk - Puppets (LVL 1-3)
Adventure - Greyhawk - Puppets (LVL 1-3)
NPCs ..................................... 27
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Freddie's Camp ........................... 11
ISBN 0-88038-781-5
Price $5.95 US
Day 22: Mistaken Identity ning bolt is going to be cast at the undead-or one of the two sides is
wagon. He will offer to help someone wiped out.
down from the wagon, but then he will If the encounter ends peacefully,
beautiful. It is one of those mornings ride away about twenty yards. Krendel will pay the PCs for their trou-
when it feels great to be alive. How- Unless the player characters immedi- ble and ride back toward Narwell, a bit
ever, it is only a short while after you ately comply with the armored pala- confused and sorry that he bothered in-
begin to travel once again that you dins demands, it is going to be nearly nocent travelers.
hear horses approaching from behind. impossible for them to prevent Jarna
from blasting the wagon. However, the Lord Krendel
bolt will be so aimed that it strikes the Male Human Paladin (5th level)
Two rounds pass before the characters wagon and not the PCs. PCs insisting
see the mounts and riders approaching. on staying on the wagon will take ld6 Str: 17
The PCs will have an additional two damage for each round they remain on Int: 15
rounds to take any actions they desire be- the wagon while it burns. Wis: 14
fore the horsemen reach them. Krendel and friends will talk to the Dex: 16
characters only after the wagon has Con: 17
As the riders approach, you can see been destroyed, and then only after he Cha: 17
that the person in the center of the has attempted to detect evil in the area. AC: -4
three horsemen is armor,ed in full plate (He will not discuss anything with evil THACO: 15/12 with long sword
and wears a red and white surcoat. His characters.) The paladin, Jarna, and Hit Points: 40
mount is in chain barding and sports Jon of Pholtus will defend themselves, Alignment: Lawful Good
colors that match its riders. The per- against any attacks the PCs launch, Equipment: Full plate, +2 shield, + 3
son to this mans left is wearing a but will not try to harm the player long sword, dagger, warhorse (24 hp)
bright orange robe with black trim and characters. with chain barding and equipment.
a full hood. The person to the right of After the commotion caused by the
the armored man wears a dust-soiled attack on the wagon dies down, Kren- Krendel is the unofficial leader of a mis-
white surcoat over chain mail. del will inform the PCs that the wagon sion from the good worshipers of
The riders do not seem to have their had to be destroyed because there was a Pholtus to combat vampires. He is a
weapons drawn, but the person in the vampire hiding within it. He informs formidable warrior when facing what
orange robe carries a staff. The man in the PCs that he and his friends are vam- he believes to be the undead or their
plate armor is urging his horse on pire hunters. They have been following pawns. In fact, his desire to destroy
faster at the sight of your wagons. All the wagon all along the western edge of vampires is excessive-as the heroes
three continue to ride toward you. Woolly Bay, from Highport to Nanvell. soon learn. For the past six months he
A search of the wagon reveals has been moving up the Wild Coast,
nothing-no skeleton, no evidence of a following the wagon the PCs are now
The riders are followers of the god vampires presence at all. using. Krendel cares greatly for Jarna
Pholtus of the Blinding Light. It will take What the PCs dont know is that the and will lay down his life for her should
Lord Krendel, their plate-armored wagon was being used by a vampire he need to.
leader, 3 rounds to catch the caravan if it (who is still in Narwell). A family who
is moving slowly or stopped. It will take was traveling with the party earlier Jarna
him 8 rounds to catch the wagon if it is bought it from a slave of the undead Female Human Mage (6th level)
moving at top speed. creature, who knew Krendel was on his
Without any greeting, Krendel will ride masters trail. Str: 11
up to one of the wagons that the PCs are Still, Krendel is obviously a bit mad, Int: 18
riding in and demand that everyone get and his followers believe whatever he Wis: 17
off of the wagon. tells them. Nevertheless, he offers to Dex: 9
Jarna, the orange-robed mage, will pay the PCs for the wagon and any lost Con: 15
move within range of her lightning bolt gear. He will make reparations in gold. Cha: 13
spell (100 yards) 2 rounds after Krendel If this incident cannot be settled AC: 7
demands the PCs cooperation. She peacefully, the PCs will find Krendel, THACO: 18 with staff
cannot hear anyone at the wagons be- Jarna, and Jon formidable foes. If the Hit Points: 20
cause of the distance (unless they are PCs attack after the paladin explains his Alignment: Lawful Good
shouting very loudly). She will wait 2 mission, the Pholtus worshipers will as- Equipment: + 1 staff, bracers of defense
rounds after this to gauge the PCs reac- sume the PCs party is in league with the AC: 7, fully equipped medium war-
tion to Krendel before casting her light- undead they seek to destroy. If Krendel horse (16 hp).
ning bolt spell. is attacked and jumps to that conclu-
If the PCs refuse to leave the wagon sion, he and his allies will fight the PCs Spells: charm person, magic missile (x2),
by the second round after Krendels first until they forswear any ties to the sleep, mirror image, web, lightning bolt,
demand, he will tell them that a light- and protection from normal missiles.
Day 27a: Patrol Bogs Goblins (7): AC 6; HD 1-1;Hp 4;#AT 1;
Dmg 1-6; MV 6; THACO 20; AL LE. The figure is floating as it walks, and
The orcs use crude short swords and any physical features that it might
After leaving the road and Marya have wounded the halflings who raced
Darkeyes with the wagons yesterday, have are masked by the flames that
you have only seen boot tracks. The into your camp with their slings. Each orc cover it. It is humanoid and stands
has 12 sling bullets and 11 sp. over 6 feet in height, about 80 yards
halflings say that they were made by
the nasty orcs who attacked their vil- These creatures have been taught about from the camp.
lage. Travel through the trees and un- magic and its effects, so they will
derbrush has not been as rough as you counter any spells cast if given a chance. Freddie McKruger
thought it would be. For example, they will try to wake mem- Leprechaun
It is now evening and the halflings bers effected by a sleep spell. If the
have left in three groups of two to characters kill more than 10 orcs and AC 8; Hp 4; AT# 0; Dmg Nil (illusions);
search for a good campsite. Talf is still kobolds combined, the rest will flee in MV 15; THACO 20; AL LE; Magic re-
with you and assures you that his the direction of the orcish footprints sistance 80 % .
friends will find a good spot. With a found earlier. Innate abilities (one per round):
great warcry to draw your attention, The DM must keep track of how Invisibility
two sorely wounded halflings make many of Freddies servants the charac- Create Illusions
their way toward you. They are ters kill. Deduct the appropriate num- Ventriloquism
closely followed by a group of goblins ber from the list under the encounter on Polymorph Nonliving Objects
and. . . kobolds? Day 31a. Freddie was once a jovial, fun loving lit-
tle fellow-until he and some of his
[obolds (8): AC 7; HD 1/2; Hp 3; #AT 1; Day 27b: Freddie former friends were terrorized by a
Dmg 1-6; MV 6; THACO 20; AL LE. group of evil adventurers. The evil men
The kobolds use short swords and The time has been peaceful and relax- captured and killed one of Freddies
have a javelin each. They will throw jave- ing since your encounter with the half- friends. They did this horrible act while
lins when closing and then switch to their lings. But as your party sits around a the leprechauns watched from their
swords. Each carries 20 cp. small fire this evening, eating dinner, a hidden vantage points. Later the same
startling figure approaches your camp. day, the men set camp and cleaned their
Knowing they were near a leprechaun If the players are smart, they will retreat
camp, the evil adventurers set a trap for aged to find it again late in the after- into the brightly lit clearing. The kobolds,
any unsuspecting thieves who might try noon. The wounded halflings are feel- goblins, and orcs will fight at a -1 penalty
to take their belongings. They left only a ing much better due to the potions Talf to hit there, because of the sunlight. De-
helm and their weapons out that night. Of gave them. spite this disadvantage, though, the crea-
You have come to a clearing-a place tures will attack the PCs if they retreat to
course, Freddie and his friends stole the clearing; their leaders are strong
every item that they could. of bright sunlight that contrasts
starkly with the deep-shadowed forest enough to make the orcs, goblins, and ko-
The leprechauns did not have any use youve been moving through. All of bolds do whatever they command.
for the swords theyd stolen, so they po- the halflings are scouting ahead again Note that they are magic smart, like
lymorphed them into cookware. Freddie for tracks. The clearing is large. It is the goblins and kobolds encountered on
took the helmet and put it on his tiny nearly a half-mile wide and a full mile Day 27a.
head. The helmet was, unfortunately, a deep. The scouts have been gone The halflings will return 5 rounds after
trap: a helm of opposite alignment. about 20 to 30 minutes and should re- any fighting was initiated. Talf, riding his
Freddie immediately became a Lawful turn soon. giant goat, will be at the forefront of his
Evil leprechaun. After you wait for a few moments on men. They will fire arrows into the patrol
Freddies friends left him one night the edge of the forest, you hear some- if possible, then close to melee.
thing in the dark woods behind you. As Once again, keep track of the creatures
soon after that and never returned. They killed and then deduct these from the
the creatures crash through the un-
kept telling him that he was not fun like dergrowth, you see that a patrol of army of followers listed in Day 31a.
he once was. Freddie became sadistic orcs, kobolds, and worse is racing to-
and liked to hurt hapless people on the ward you!
road. Still, the leprechaun missed his old Day 29b: Learning To Fly
friends. He couldnt find them, though,
Kobolds (5): AC 7; HD 1/2; Hp 3; #AT 1
so he settled for creatures that he could Its early afternoon on the road to
Dmg 1-6; MV 6; THACO 20; AL LE. Dyvers. For approximately the past
control by fear and domination. The kobolds use short swords in closl ten minutes, you have heard rustling
Freddie has enslaved a number of hu- combat, but will throw a javelin each be- sounds in the trees to your left. The
manoids in the forest, including a largefore closing to melee. Each carries 8 cp. sounds have not been overly loud, but
number of orcs, kobolds, and goblins, easily noticeable, even from the road.
including the orcs that raided the half-Goblins (4):AC 6; HD 1-1; Hp 4;#AT 1; Unfortunately, the moving wagons
Dmg 1-6; MV 6; THACO 20; AL LE.
ling camp. He is not cruel to these crea- These goblins use short swords and make so much noise that its difficult to
tures, but expects them to follow his slings. They will loose their slings at the make out whats causing the sounds.
orders and protect him in battle. He andPCs and then charge. Each carries 5 sp Those of you in the front two wag-
his followers are pretty well off, having
and 20 sling bullets. ons see what appears to be a medium-
gathered quite a lot of loot over the last sized shape hit a limb on the left side of
Orcs (3): AC 6; HD 1; Hp 5; #AT 1; Dmg the road. Its hard to see what it was
few months. 1-8; MV 9; THACO 19; AL LE. since it happened about a quarter of a
Freddie is a master of his powers and These creatures use fine long swords mile up the road. The form, perhaps a
will perform spell-like illusions as at-and short bows. They will fire their bows large squirrel, then went crashing to
tacks on the PCs. He will, at present, once and then charge. Each has 20 ar- the right side of the road, rolling into
only cast illusions that affect what rows and 2 gp. the underbrush and disappearing from
someone will see, though leprechauns Hobgoblins (2): AC 5; HD 1+ 1; Hp 6; view.
have the ability to create illusions with
#AT 1; Dmg 1-10; MV 9; THACO 18;
full audio and olfactory effects. The AL LE. The poor, frightened, crashing creature
tall, burning man is, obviously, the re- The hobgoblins use halberds in melee is Karat, a nineteen-week-old gold
sult of his powers. and short composite bows in ranged com- dragon. Karat has been attempting to fol-
Freddie will avoid melee this encoun-bat. They will fire their bows only once low the wagons from within the trees as
ter, wanting only to frighten the party before closing in. Both hobgoblins carry he tried out his wings and learned to fly.
away from his camp. 20 arrows and a 50 gp gem. Karat, in dragon form, is about ten feet
Flind: AC 5; HD 2 + 3 ; Hp 15; #AT 1; long. Karat likes soft food and will not
1-10; MV 12; THACO 15; AL LE. hesitate to hang around until he gets
Day 29a: Raiders of the Lost Orcs Dmg This creature is the leader of the pa- some. Most importantly, though, Karat
trol. It uses a two-handed sword in com- will follow his mothers teaching to the
Yesterday was almost a waste of time. bat and commands its troops with an iron letter. She always said, Do not let any
The halfling trackers lost the orcs fist. The flind will flee if the battle is going creature who walks on its hind legs see
trail in the morning, but finally man- against the patrol or if it gets wounded. It you in your dragon form. Karat likes to
has a belt pouch that contains two gems change into a large, brilliant yellow tom-
worth 50 gp each.
cat. It is in this form that me characters Whether the PCs or Talf scout ahead Flind (3): AC 5; HD 2 +3; Hp 15; #AT 1;
will encounter him if they search the for the singer, they will find the following: . Dmg 1-10; MV 12; THACO 15; AL LE.
bushes at the side of the road. Jason (Wererat): AC 6; HD 3 + 1; Hp 18;
Ahead, in the distance (about 100. #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; MV 12; THACO 16;
Gold dragon: AC -1; HD 10; Hp 70; #AT yards), are several large huts, built in
3; Dmg 1-10 + 1/1-10 + 1/6-36 + 1; MV AL LE.
amongst the trees. In the center of
12/40; THACO 11; AL LG. these huts is a clearing (about 60 All of these creatures, except Jason, be-
across and no underbrush). In the lieve that Freddie is some kind of power-
Innate abilities: clearing is an odd display of logs and ful creature from the Planes-not a
Water Breathing tree stumps. leprechaun. He has also taught them a lit-
Speak With Animals Sitting on the logs are a variety of tle about magic, enough to know how to
Immune to Fire & Gas humanoids. Amidst them sits a hu- work against some lower level spells.
Polymorph Self (3x per day) man, who is strumming a guitar and They fear, but still like Freddie, mostly
singing. The humanoids look familiar- because of his power. The humanoids will
Karat has not fully learned the grammar kobolds, orcs, and goblins. They seem fight to the death to protect their master.
of common speech. He always places the not to notice you; they are wrapped up If the PCs are tricked by Jason into
nouns of a sentence first and the verb in the man and the song. He seems to coming into the camp, the halflings will
last. (Examples: Food for me you have? be singing about a man who lost his remain hidden in the woods. They do not
Where you are going? You who are?) true love to a barbarian. The human- want to enter the camp. However, if the
Even as a cat, he will talk to the adventur- oids are trying to join in the chorus. PCs get captured, they will sneak into the
ers, making up some story about being They need a few lessons. camp when it gets dark and rescue them.
enchanted to explain himself. If the PCs pass on the invitation to en-
This is the dragons first experience ter the camp, Jason will continue playing.
The singer is a wererat named Jason. He When he believes the PCs are far enough
with humans. He wants to learn all that he is an associate of Freddie. Jason is a away, he will send the kobolds and orcs
can about them, so he will ask a large rather typical wererat-a true scavenger. after them. The humanoids will attempt
number of questions. Karat really has no He does not live by Freddies (or his ser- to subdue the party, again with the hopes
sense of time and will stay with the PCs vants) code of ethics, so he will not fight of ransoming them.
as long as they lethim. A talking cat will to defend the camp. He prefers to run If the Jason and the humanoids end up
hopefully prove interesting enough to the away and stay healthy. fleeing from the PCs, Freddie, who is
PCs that they wont mind the company. If Jason notices the PCs-he wont see hidden in the forest nearby, will step in
Under no circumstances will Karat poly- the halflings, as they will hide at first sight with his illusions to help cover their re-
of the camp-he will wave to them and treat. He has no desire to have his gang
morph into his normal form. ask them to join in the song and merri- wiped out by a handful of humans. Fred-
ment. He hopes the goblins, kobolds, and die will avoid melee until it looks like his
Day 31a: Freddie & Friends orcs will make short work of the party troops will be slaughtered-or if some-
when they get near so he can get a share one goes near his hut. Freddie will then
The battle with the humanoid patrol is of whatever wealth they are carrying. attack with as many ingenious illusions as
now behind you. Neither you nor the The orcs, kobolds, and so on will attack possible, trying to drive the PCs away.
halflings ever heard of such a wide va- to subdue initially, thinking there might If any of the humanoids are caught,
riety of races working together in this be a way to ransom the PCs for money. If they will not divulge information about
part of the forest. The patrol was well they are able to subdue the characters, Freddie, as they think he is a powerful
organized and that fact distresses Talf they will tie the PCs up and put them in creature that could come and slay them if
greatly. the middle of the camp, where they can they revealed what they know.
It is midmorning as you set off again be watched. However, if the PCs look Note that the humanoids that escaped
on the orcs trail, and the birds are like they are going to win the battle, the from the encounters on Day 27a and Day
singing. But then again, so is someone humanoids will flee, following Jasons 29a will make up part of the group in the
to your left. It sounds like a human lead. camp (and will recognize the PCs).
voice, belting out a song. The singing Kobolds (15): AC 7; HD 1/2; Hp 3; #AT Please remember to subtract the crea-
is coming from 30 degrees left of your 1; Dmg 1-6; MV 6; THACO 20; AL LE. tures slain in the encounters on Day 27a
present path. and Day 29a to determine the number in
Goblins (15): AC 6; HD 1-1; Hp4; #AT 1; the remaining gang.
Dmg 1-6; MV 6; THACO 20; AL LE.
E the characters want to ignore the sing- Once the battle begins, you will need to
ig, they can try,but the hatflings will not. Orcs (9): AC 6; HD 1; Hp 5; #AT 1; Dmg use the map showing the layout of the
Blf will scout ahead for the owner of the 1-8; MV 9; THACO 19; AL LE. camp. The followingis a key for what is in
singing voice if the PCs want him to do Hobgoblins (6): AC 5; HD 1 + 1 ; Hy? fu, i. the evil creatures area. DMs should em-
so. He will not offer this service unless #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; MV 9; THACO 18; bellish on the interior descripticons of the
the PCs ask. AL LE. huts as they wish:
1. Logs and stumps. moldy cheese can be found. In the
2. Three-foot-wide paths. The west rafters is a bag containing 200 cp and very happy that nothing has attempted
trail is the most heavily used. a silver ring worth 180 gp. to slow down your pace recently. She
assumes that the city cannot be much
3. Kobold hiding among broken furni- 9. Freddies hut. An owlbear skin cov- more than a week away,
ture. He will not fight. ers the doorway. This hut is fur- Suddenly, two humanoid figures ap-
nished the best, although all the pear on the road ahead. They are
4. Jasons hut. It is filled with a dozen furniture is very small-about one about 100 yards from the lead of your
knives and lots of dust and dirt. In a quarter human size. Five polished group, standing in the road, waving
hole under the bed is a sack contain- knives (worth 30 gp each) are dis- short swords.
ing 500 gp and a pearl with 100 gp. A played on the wall. Freddies trea-
huge two-bladed ax hangs on the sure is kept in the bottom of an oil The creatures in the road are two of Fred-
wall. It is worth 10 gp. lamp-four gems, each worth 250 gp dies goblins. Other humanoids from the
5. Flind quarters. These will be empty and a pile of 250 highly polished leprechauns gang are waiting in the brush
after the fight. A total of 150 gp and pieces of gold. Also in the hut is a gi- until the first part of the wagon train is
30 sp can be found by searching. ant weasel pelt, which Freddie uses about 60 yards from the goblins. At that
as a comforter. It is worth 1,500 gp. time, the entire group will either fire and
6. Kobold quarters. Again, this will be throw missile weapons or rush for the
empty after the fight. There is a bag 10. Goblin barracks. There is little of wagons. This all depends upon how PCs
of 30 clay marbles, four short swords value here. The PCs, after several react to the creatures in the road.
(one of them + l ) , and 100 gp. turns of searching, can come up with Kobolds (5): AC 7; HD 1/2; Hp 3; #AT 1;
7. Hobgoblins quarters. Empty after 20 sp and 300 cp. Dmg 1-6; MV 6; THACO 20; AL LE.
the fight. 30 sp, 300 cp, and three The kobolds use short swords, but will
Day 31b: Forest of Doom throw a javelin each before closing to me-
bottles of old wine (each worth 20 lee. Each carries 8 cp.
gp) can be found by searching The rain that started early this morning
through the barracks. Goblins (4):AC 6; HD 1-1; Hp 4;#AT 1;
has nearly quit and only a drizzle is fall- Dmg 1-6; MV 6; THACO 20; AL LE.
8. Orc haven. This building smells. A ing from the sky. The forest has been These goblins use short swords, but
collection of bones, meat scraps, and full of surprises thus far, but Marya is will attack with slings before they charge.
Each carries 5 sp and 20 sling bullets.
Orcs (3): AC 6; HD 1; Hp 5; #AT 1; Dmg The blood hawks will attack relentlessly quite able to take care of himself), the
1-8; MV 9; THACO 19; AL LE. until 6 have been killed or dealt with magi- dragon will reveal itself to the humans
These orcs carry fine long swords and cally. Marya Darkeyes will aid anyone and demand that the person or persons
short bows. They will fire their bows who is unfortunate enough to be downed who harmed her son be punished in ac-
once and then charge. Each orc has 20 ar- by one of the birds. All of the blood hawks cordance to local laws. Rudy is a good
will attack randomly, but only 2 maximum dragon, so she will not attack the PCs.
rows and 2 gp. will attack a single character at one time. However, she will expect any wrong
Hobgoblins (2): AC 5; HD 1+ 1; Hp 6; done to her son to be righted.
#AT 1; Dmg 1-10; MV 9; THACO 18; Day 32b: Mother This is a good hook for a later adven-
AL LE. ture or even good motivation for the
The hobgoblins use halberds in melee PCs to continue on with Marya to the
You have just crested the ridge of a good church in Dyvers.
and short composite bows in ranged at-
small hill. To the side of the road is a
tacks. They will fire their bows once. woman. She is dressed in common,
Both carry 20 arrows and a 100 gp gem. Day 37: More Little People
dirty clothing and wears a red scarf
Flind: AC 5; HD 2 +3; Hp 15; #AT 1; upon her head. She has her head down This encounter will take place about one
Dmg 1-10; MV 12; THACO 15; AL LE. and seems not to notice you as your hour before dawn. The dolls will be in the
The h d uses a two-handed sword in caravan approaches. trees surrounding the PCs camp.
combat. He commands his troops with an
iron fist, but will flee if the battle is going The woman the PCs are nearing is really The evening passed uneventfully, as
against his men or if he gets wounded. He Karats mother, Ruby. Ruby will pretend did the early hours this morning. But
has in a belt pouch containing two gems to be hard of hearing, but actually hears now, rustling in the trees has caught
worth 50 gp each. even whispers at up to 80 feet away. She your attention. As you listen, you can
will claim to be looking for her kitty. The hear something falling-or jumping-
Freddie taught these creatures about kitty, she explains, is a golden yellow from the trees over the wagons.
magic and its effects. They will counter color and is quite large-a perfect de- You rush to the wagons and quickly
any sleep spell cast if given a chance. scription of Karat. check the roof. Standing on the roofs
The flind will retreat if personally Gold dragon (mature adult): AC -7; HD of all the wagons are tiny, black-garbed
threatened with the possibility of tough 19; Hp 130; #AT 3; Dmg 1-10+7/ men, no bigger than a childrens toys!
melee combat. He is not a coward, but 1-10 + 7/6-36 + 7; MV 12/40; THACO 5;
must report about the attack to Freddie. AL LG. The little men are indeed dolls, puppets
PCs can follow the flind for some Spells: protection from evil, gaze reflec- animated by the mage Bronwynn in
time, eventually coming upon Freddies tion, invisibility, knock, protection Dyvers. They were supposed to drop si-
camp (detailed under Day 31a). Re- from normal missiles, slow. lently onto the wagons and steal what-
member to subtract any humanoids Innate abilities: ever they could. Obviously, that plan
killed throughout the adventure from Water Breathing didnt work.
those present at Jasons recital. Speak with Animals Thief puppets (10): AC 5; HD 1; Hp 8;
Immune to Fire and Gas #AT 1; Dmg 1-3; MV 9; THACO 20;
Polymorph Self (3x per day) AL N.
Day 32a: Birds in the Bush Bless (3x per day) The tiny thieves all carry small daggers
Detect Lie (3x per day) that are very sharp. They will attack the
Animal Summoning (once per day) PCs only if necessary to escape.
Surely the city of Dyvers cannot be Luck Bonus (once per day) The puppets are immune to sleep,
much farther ahead. This trip certainly charm, and hold spells. They may be
has been filled with strange events and If Karat is still with the PCs, he will hide turned by clerics as wights.
creatures. in the back of the wagon at the womans If the puppets are destroyed in com-
Though its been quiet this morning, approach. If Karat was not found by bat, they will shatter like normal porce-
youre moving along in your wagons, the characters or he left them already, lain figurines. If they are captured, they
watching for signs of ambush. Forty the woman will question the PCs to find will struggle for an instant, then die,
yards to your right you see a half- out where they have been and where becoming lifeless dolls again.
dozen hawks flying. They appear to be they are going.
heading toward you. The birds have If the PCs have Karat and turn him
their beaks wide open and claws over to the woman, she will reward the At Last, Dyvers . . .
poised for attack. humans by granting one of them a luck
bonus, as detailed in the Monstrous
Compendium entry on gold dragons. After a few hours travel, you find
Blood hawks (7): AC 7; HD 1+ 1; Hp 6; If the PCs have harmed Karat or have yourselves out of the woods and on
#AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-6; MV 24; THACO mistreated him (unlikely since Karat is the open road to the city. Eventually,
18: AL N.
The man is Mart Remeltim, a wizard. Equipment: bracers AC 5, hat of dis-
in the distance, you see banners. The The guards standing behind him are an il- guise, ring of animal friendship, + 3
free city of Dyvers awaits. It will be lusion, as is Marts appearance. Marts dagger, three potions o f healing, two
nice to get inside the gates and away wife and another associate are standing potions of fire breath.
from the terrors you have faced over nearby, acting like they are part of the
the past few days. Who knows what Spells: color spray, darkness, change
crowd in the tent city. They are waiting to self, wall of f o g , alter self, improved
you will find? Bargains? New friends? pick the pockets of a few of the PCs.
Certainly an adventure or two. Per- phantasmal force, invisibility, spectral
If the PCs catch on to Marts scam, he force, wraithform, emotion.
haps even the answer to the mystery will beat a hasty retreat, using invisibil-
of the little men who attacked your ity and alter self to fly away. If the PCs Mart, tired of a platinum scam he was
wagons. are duped by Mart (who will quickly running outside Dyverss gates, learned
Dyvers is said to be a melting pot, disappear after they pass him by), he quick money could be gained by selling
drawing people of all races and profes- will collect: their money. fake certificates and licenses to people
sions and keeping them safe and happy Roll rartdomly to determine which new to the city. He disguises himself as a
within its walls. PCs have had their pockets picked. city guard using his hat of disguise and
Finally, you amve at the tent town Consult tkle PCs sheet to determine asks people entering the city if this is
sprawled ou tside the city gates. A few what was t:aken and announce the theft their first visit. Those saying yes are
yards away from you, a man stands, to the pc 1
L u Lllc 1 later on in the game. promptly sold licenses. He has been at
waving at yc3U.
f r, - )I
After the charade has ended-and if this particular scam for a week and has
Hey, you re new to me ciry, aren
L .L
r the scam was successful. a merchant made a good bit of cash.
you? Ijays the man, apparently a will approach the PCs, snickering.
member. of the city guard.
- Marilyn Remeltim
You really are new to the city, arent Female Human Thief (5th level)
you. Youve just been duped, my
mainder of this encounter. If they say no, friends. That fellow was Mart Re- Str: 14
Mart will step aside, ending his scam. meltim, a second-class mage who is Int: 10
In either case, the man the heroes see bilking newcomers for phony gate Wis: 10
before them is dressed in a spit and polish passes. I would have tried to warn Con: 17
uniform with lots of brass buttons and you, but I was in the middle of a sale. Dex: 18
gold braid dangling over his right shoul- Cant lose customers, you know. Cha: 12
der. On his right side is a big, shiny He smiles and points to the city AC: 4
sword. Around his neck is a big brass gates. It doesnt cost you to enter THACO: 18
whistle. He looks very official. Dyvers. Have a nice stay here, and, Hit Points: 32
If the PCs note that they are new to oh, watch out for Mart. The local Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
town or if they even hesitate m answering, guards cant seem to catch him. Equipment: cloak of elvenkind, dagger
Mart will launch into the following speech: You pass through the tent town, + I , potions of healing and flying,
Its nice to see new folks like you en- stopping to listen to the various cries leather armor, two 40 gp pearls.
tering the city. Dyvers needs new of the merchants and the children
asking for coppers. It isnt long before Pick Pockets: 50 %
blood. Oh, by the way, do you have a Open Locks: 42%
license to enter? No license? Well, its you reach the real entrance to the city.
You enter and are immediately caught Move Silently: 40%
going to cost you 10 gold each to get a Hide in Shadows: 31%
permit to enter the city. Ill collect it up in the sights and sounds of the
place. The city is big and alive, and Climb Walls: 90%
here so you wont have to wait in line
at the gate proper. Pay up now or Ill its great to be back in civilization. Marilyn is happy that her husband is
be forced to call my guards and have enjoying his new scam. Once again,
you escorted out. she, her husband, and their friend
To the mans right and about 20 Mart Remeltim Elmek are preying upon unsuspecting
yards behind him 12 guards appear, Male Human Wizard (8th level) fools. Though she feels very superior to
each armed with a long sword. the sheep she steals from every day,
Of course, I also have other per- Str: 9 Marilyn is very cautious in her thiev-
mits available. For example, for 5 gold Int: ing. If a character notices that his
each I can sell you a permit that will let Wis: pocket is being picked, Marilyn will
you keep your weapons. Otherwise, Con: move away from them and try to re-
youll have to check the weapons with Dex: main unseen.
my guards. For 3 gold each, I can sell Cha:
you a permit that will let you keep your AC:
horse with you. And for 2 gp each, I THACO:
can sell you a ticket to the mayors ball Hit Points:
thats set for tomorrow night. Alignment: cnaotic lveutral
Elmek Willot
Male Half-Elven Thief (4th level)
Str: 17
6 P
Con: 18
Dex: 18
Cha: 10
AC: 3
Hit Points: 25
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Equipment: leather +I, dagger + 2 ,
dust of disappearance 2 uses, three
large pieces of jade each worth 350 gp,
small sack of rock candy.
Pick Pockets: 45 %
Open Locks: 37%
Move Silently: 33 %
Hide in Shadows: 25%
Climb Walls: 88%
Elmek is dressed as a city guard. He will
attempt to take the PCs' weapons if
they do not agree to buy the proper pa-
pers from Mart. Elmek enjoys watching
Mart work on the foolish newcomers to
the city. Though a thief, he will never
backstab anyone. Elmek is loyal to the
Remeltims, but will not risk his life for
either of them.
DMs Background
About a year prior to the start of this ad- Nothing could be done for him, Bronwynn soon created several lesser
venture, a female wizard named Bronwynn concluded, but his sudden ap- puppet servants to act as helpers for
Bronwynn was dismissed from a far away pearance was indeed fortuitous. And so, Jester.
college of magic for making repeated glancing about to make sure no one was Three days after his creation, and
unapproved experiments in sorcery. observing, the wizard dragged Zeb inside shortly after the stars signaled midnight,
And so, bag in hand, she hit the trail and, her tower, bolting the door behind her. Jester slipped out of the tower, making
for a time, tried her hand at adventuring. Zeb, who was delirious, revealed much his way through alleys and over buildings,
Soon Bronwynn discovered that the about himself to her before he died. until he arrived on the rooftop of the
risks of adventuring tended to outweigh An hour later, the now less-than-intact Kings Arms Inn.
the potential reward (especially in light thief was dropped down a trap door in the Clambering down a chimney, he en-
of the fact her fellow adventurers towers cellar to the sewer below. tered a locked merchants room. He ex-
thought her request for a double share of One of the discoveries Bronwynn had ited the same way a few minutes later
treasure to be excessive). The wizard made prior to departing the wizards col- with a purse full of jewels hed removed
forsook that profession and eventually lege was a long-forgotten incantation for from a chest. Unseen, Jester returned to
found herself in Dyvers. With her dwin- creating animated henchmen out of ordi- the tower, enriching his mistress by
dling funds, she rented a tower near the nary dolls or puppets. At the time Zeb ap- nearly 300 gold pieces.
inn district and turned her attention to peared, shed been making use of the Jester and the other puppets have been
solving the problem faced by all magic- spell to create a few servants to maintain conducting nightly thieving forays for
users: how to obtain funding for arcane the tower, but the wizard realized that about two months. And they have been
experiments at the least personal cost. the thief s contribution to her incanta- doing quite well, taking home up to 500
Ultimately, fate stepped in and provided tion could open the door to some unique gold pieces worth of valuables each week
a somewhat unlawful-but devious- possibilities. from local inns and manor houses in the
answer to her dilemma. The day after the thiefs death, city, as well as small caravans as far away
Late one evening, a thump sounded Bronwynn went out to the marketplace as the outskirts of the Gnarley Forest (as
outside the towers back door. Bronwynn to purchase some dolls and puppets (for the PCs have already seen). Local inn-
investigated and discovered the limp she hated sewing). She then began to keepers, with business starting to suffer,
body of Zeb Lightfoot, a member of the work on her masterpiece. The result was have banded together and offered a re-
local thieves guild. Caught during an at- Jester, a henchman created from an old ward of 1,000 gp to anyone able to appre-
tempted burglary of one of the more afflu- ventriloquists dummy shed found for hend the thieves and put a stop to these
ent local merchants business, Zeb was sale. With Zebs essence enchanted into incidents.
severely wounded. However, he man- his wooden body, Jester far surpassed This reward will come to the players
aged to escape down an alley, finally col- the other henchmen because he fully pos- attention soon after they enter the city
lapsing against the mages tower. sessed the talents of a mortal thief. and finish their business with Marya.
Players Introduction The Search Begins
Youve finished your business with Marya Stepping through the doorway, you A check of the general area will reveal
Darkeyes, and youve been paid for your are greeted by the familiar smells of quite a number of old and new busi-
services to the caravan (if you hadnt al- roasting meats and various sorts of nesses, warehouses, and a marketplace.
ready received your payment). Now, liquid refreshments. About half the Also noticeable are several residences,
your party has been in Dyvers for about tables are occupied by patrons en- which the adventurers will learn are in-
one month. joying either a cool drink or dining habited by spellcasters of various sorts,
Things have been quiet in the city, at on a meal, and the innkeeper can be along with their retainers. None of the
least recently, but now an adventure seen checking a business ledger be-
hind the bar. As you step out of the spellcasters will take time to talk with the
presents itself within the citys walls. strangers about the robberies. Such mat-
There has been a rash of burglaries at the way of a barmaid carrying a tray of
food, your gaze is attracted to a note ters seem below the wizards notice.
citys best inns, and rumors that a reward tacked up next to the door. It reads: The following types of shops are in the
has been offered by several hostels for vicinity of the inns: winery, cheese shop,
anyone able to put a stop to the incidents 1,000 gold piece reward for the ap-
prehension of the person or persons warehouse, scribe, leather worker, herb-
abound in Dyvers. alist, candlemaker, and tailor. The shop-
With this reward in mind, you have de- responsible for burglarizing neigh-
borhood businesses-see innkeeper. keepers will know little of the robberies.
cided to aid Dyvers by ending the They only know that the crimes are fre-
thefts-and aid yourselves by adding gold quent, and they are hoping the thieves
to your purses. After a long discussion, A similar note will be found tacked to a are caught so they dont broaden their
you and your comrades decide that you wall in the other three inns detailed
above. The other three inns will also forays to include the local businesses.
must first go to one of the inns beset by Most of the shopkeepers believe the
burglars and find out about the supposed look similar on the inside to the one the
party visited. The DM should vary de- thieves guild is responsible, although the
reward-and learn more about the scriptions and the personalities of the shopkeepers will be quick to add that the
crimes. innkeepers as he sees fit. guild usually keeps a low profile. (And
There are several inns in this part of If questioned about the notice, any of these robberies are not low profde.)
the city that have been robbed in the past the four innkeepers will explain that the At least one merchant suggests that
few weeks. They are of varying quality inns in the area have been subject to a the inns must have treated a wizard badly
and rates, including: series of burglaries over the past few recently, and that the mage must now be
months. Despite normally effective exacting revenge on the innkeepers.
The Diamond Dagger precautions-including the posting of
guards in some cases-the thieves have Other suggestions raised by the locals in-
Quality: Good clude some type of undead that only
Food & lodging cost: 2 gp/night been striking within a couple of hours
either way of midnight, making off makes itself known near midnight.
The Come On Inn with small valuables that can be easily Consult the rumors chart for additional
Quality: Average concealed and leaving no apparent information that can be gained if the
Food & lodging cost: 1gp/night signs of forced entry. Consequently, a player characters will spend a little gold
reward of 1,000 gold pieces has been of- when questioning people around the inns.
The Sleepy Dragon fered to anyone who can put a stop to
Quality: Average the robberies.
Food & lodging cost: 8 sp/night Assuming the group expresses an in-
terest in tackling the problem, the inn-
The Kings Arms keepers will work with them to the best
Quality: Excellent of their abilities, allowing unrestricted
Food & lodging cost: 5 gplnight access to the premises (within reason),
Once the group has expressed an inter- and even cooperating in setting up one
or more of the adventurers as appar-
est in visiting a particular inn, the fol- ently wealthy visitors who are staying
lowing introduction may be read: at an inn.
The following chart is a guideline to him. He knows there have been player characters this fact). This
the personalities of the merchants some thefts, and he would like to person will insist the thieves
and passers-by the player characters see the thieves caught. In fact, he guild is not responsible.
might attempt to question. Roll a d20 might even volunteer to help if
14. This NPC is a flirt. He or she
and consult the table for an NPCs the player characters invite him.
will attempt to flirt with one of
personality. A C 10; Fighter, Level 1; Hit
the player characters.
Use the rumor chart on the next Points 4.
page to determine any information 15. NPC is very belligerent a n d ar-
6 . NPC is greedy and is out to
the players can learn from the NPCs. gumentative. After arguing with
make a sale. He is unaware of the
Please note that a few of the person- this NPC, the players will dis-
thefts, as all that he pays atten-
alities mentioned below will not know cover that he or she knows noth-
tion to are his money and his own
any of the rumors. This is noted next ing about the crimes.
troubles. He does not know any
to the personalitys entry. rumors. 16. NPC is mute and communicates
It is up to the DM to supply any with hand gestures.
names of merchants or passers-by 7. NPC is very friendly and will
the player characters encounter. try to help the players in any way 17. This character is upset about
possible. The NPC is generous something. The character, how-
and kind. ever, will not share w h a t his
1. NPC is suspicious of the player problem is a n d will n o t talk
characters and asks them ques- 8. N P C is curious a b o u t the about the crimes.
tions. crimes, b u t cant help. NPC
knows no rumors. 18. N P C is hiding something. He
2. This person is lonely and relishes will try to get away from the
the idea of the player character ad- 9. Person is quiet and shy. It takes
player characters quickly. ( H e
venturers taking time to chat. This much coaxing to get this person
thinks the PCs are part of the lo-
person will try to talk about every- to talk.
cal watch.) He knows nothing
thing except the thefts. This per- 10. NPC is a flibbertigibbet, very about the crimes.
son knows nothing about the flighty a n d silly. If this NPC
crimes. 19. This person is serious, somber,
knows anything, it will be very
and somewhat soft-spoken.
3. NPC was robbed b y a pick- difficult to find out what he or
pocket last night a n d wants very she knows. 20. NPC is a habitual liar and will
m u c h f o r a n y thieves t o be tell the player characters what he
11. NPC is a talker. It will be diffi-
caught. He will give the PCs 10 believes they want to hear. In
cult to get this person to end the
gp to help in their quest. fact, he will often tell them the
conversation, even after the PCs
opposite of whatever true rumors
4. This woman is terrified of the have learned what rumors this
theyve gathered so far.
rash of burglaries and believes NPC knows.
the streets are n o longer safe. She 12. This person is rude and insulting.
will act very paranoid.
13. This NPC has friends who are
5. This character is very bold and thieves (but he wont tell the
boisterous. N o t h i n g frightens
Rumors abound in the area occupied He apparently escaped, but hasnt there about six months ago after
by the inns. Most people have theo- been heard of since. (True) being expelled from a wizards
ries about the burglaries and who may 7-8. About two months ago, when guild on the Wild Coast. (True)
be responsible for them. Each player these burglaries began, a Chaotic 14. A powerful wizard received poor
character may, if he o r she chooses, magic-user and his apprentice service at the Sleepy Dragon and
obtain up t o three leads at a cost of 4 were thrown out of the Kings has cursed the area. (False)
gp each for tips and gratuities. Arms for raucous behavior. The
T h e following table can be used to 15. A small humanoid was observed
pair vowed revenge but havent slinking into the alleys north of the
determine what clues a player charac- been seen since. (True but unre-
ter uncovers. Diamond Dagger just moments af-
lated) ter a burglary was discovered.
9. The price of finely crafted dolls (True. It was Jester)
1. T h e local thieves guild has come has gone up recently-in part be-
under much pressure lately be- 16. A guard in the hallway of the
cause a number of especially well Kings Arms investigated a noise in
cause of these burglaries, and the crafted dolls have been stolen of
guildmaster has ordered all mem- a room, only to discover it had
late. (True) been robbed-and the doors and
bers to halt any burglary-related
activities. (True) 10. In the weeks prior to the start of windows were still locked. (True)
these incidents, eerie noises and 17. The supposed robberies actually
2-3. The thieves guild is not respon- phantom lights w e r e detected
sible for these incidents; it must be have been staged by the innkeep-
coming from the tower near the ers, who have been seeking a gulli-
a group of freelancers o r members Come On Inn. (True but unrelated)
of a rival guild. (Partially True) ble group to implicate, thereby
11. T h e cleric dwelling in the tower diverting suspicion from them-
4. T h e parties responsible for the west of the Sleepy Dragon is in- selves. (False)
burglaries include several high- sane; several of his servants have
level thieves attempting t o form a 18. A group of thieves in possession
disappeared suddenly-no doubt of an amulet of gaseous form have
new guild in this area. (False) victims of his unholy experiments. been using it to slip in and out of
5. A renegade m e m b e r of t h e (False. Hes just unpleasant and a s the rooms. (False)
thieves guild, Zeb Lightfoot, is a result has a high turnover of help)
single-handedly responsible for 19. The local guildmaster thief is re-
12. The wizard living in the tower sponsible for these robberies.
these excursions, and the guild- e a s t of the marketplace hasnt
master has placed a bounty of 100 (False)
been seen in two months. (True
gp on his head for not paying the but unrelated. Hes been off ad- 20. To increase their patronage, the
guild tax. (False) venturing, leaving a few servants Ravens Inn across t o w n h a s
6. Two months ago, Zeb Lightfoot, in charge) hired a skilled group of thieves to
a guild member, was wounded cause problems for other hostels
13. T h e lady wizard in the tower in the city. (False)
while attempting to burglarize the north of the marketplace moved
shop of a very wealthy merchant.
Average Quality Inn
For the player character thief, the dotted trail home, moving lithely through 2. Mules in the Marketplace
quickest means of beginning the chase is alleyways and sometimes over houses
to swing out a window and climb down to and buildings in their efforts to thwart After leaving the area of one of the inns
the ground, which will place the character capture. Pursuers face the potential of and cutting toward a small marketplace in
on the Creepers trail in but a single several different encounters, including: pursuit of the puppets, Jester will lead the
round. For others, tramping down to the Creepers in a calculated detour over a
first floor of the inn to exit through a door handy building. The pursuers will either
1. Roll Them Bones have to climb up after them, backtrack (a
will delay the pursuers by three rounds
(four for other characters arming and Amidst some darkened buildings near the two-round delay), or go through the small
joining the chase from other rooms). Sleepy Dragon, five slightly drunken marketplace.
Each round of delay will result in a 10% gamblers are engaged in a game of dice in In the market, various stalls, wares,
cumulative chance of losing the Creep- the light of a single lantern. One of the and a few beasts of burden are being
ers trail. Note, however, that this pen- group has just been cleaned out of his last overseen by a dozen or so merchants and
alty will not be apply to any characters assets. He will take advantage of the par- guards who await the markets opening at
who went through the window or em- tys approach to panhandle a loan of 10 dawn. The sudden appearance of running
ployed other methods to stay aware of cp, thus delaying at least one pursuer 1-3 people will startle the animals, leaving
the puppets whereabouts. rounds (unless immediately paid). If at- each character with a 20% chance of be-
But following the Jester and the other tacked, he and his acquaintances will en- ing kicked for l hp of damage by a random
Creepers wont be easy for the PCs, gage the group in a punching match, horse, mule, or camel.
even if they lost no time in picking up the resorting to daggers only if weapons are The overseers will quickly move to the
trail. Many things can sidetrack them used against them. source of the trouble, and the party will
during the chase, and the same 10% cu- be delayed 1-6 rounds explaining their
Gamblers (5): AC 8; Ftr 1; Hp 8/5/5/4/4; actions.
mulative chance/round of delay applies #AT 1; Dmg 1-3or 1-4; MV 12; Save F1;
when the PCs stop for encounters in the THACO 20; AL N.
On the DMs map of the crime area (on
page IS), the Creepers will follow the
3. Like Thieves in the Night they can still be lead to investigating the 7:OO am. Dawn. A teamster makes a wa-
wizards stronghold through the rumors ter delivery at the towers back door.
As the Creepers enter the final stretch of they hear while investigating the crimes.
the journey home, the pursuing adven- 7:30 am. A meat vendor calls at the front
turers risk penetrating too near an estab- door. and Bronwynn purchases a shank of
lishment frequented by members of the freshly cut lamb.
thieves guild. Several guild members Bronwynns Tower ke from the chimney re-
are posted on guard in the shadows and The tower you see before you is similar v c a m uicania3L is being prepared.
atop the northern L-shaped warehouse. to a many buildings throughout the city,
Their purpose is to keep strangers away 8:30 am. Smoke stops.
being a three-story structure of mortared
and provide advance warning in the event stone and brick about 60 feet in diameter. 12:30 pm. A vegetable vendor calls at
the local watch decides to visit. Due to Windows (slits, really) are 3 tall and only the front door, and Bronwynn makes a
the Creepers small size and almost silent 1wide, and are scattered about the tow- purchase.
movement, they will safely pass through ers circumference. The only obvious en-
the area while those following will cer- 2:OO pm. A street urchin knocks at the
trances are two doorways, one to the front door to see if Bronwynn needs any
tainly attract the attention of the guards. south (with a peep hole for security) and a
An arrow from a bowman on the roof of errands run, departing after being told no.
back door to the north.
the building will thud into the ground in If the PCs examine the back door 5:OO pm. Smoke from the chimney shows
front of the first character. Then, a voice closely, they will discover signs of dried that dinner being prepared.
from the shadows will alert the group that blood about its base. The blood is from 5:30 pm. Smoke stops.
they must have lost their way and sug- Zeb, the thief whose essence now ani-
gest they leave the area by the way they 7:30 pm. Dusk comes. Lights are lit on
mates Jester.
came, resulting in a two-round delay to The Creepers usually enter the tower the towers upper floors.
detour east. by scaling the northern side of the build- 9:00 pm. Bronwynn retires if no crime is
Failure to take the suggested detour ing, entering through the antechamber planned for the evening. Otherwise, she
will cause the thieves to materialize from window on the second floor (Room 4). remains up until the Creepers return
the shadows and attack the intruders. If the PCs have managed to remain hot home, prepared for a hasty departure if
Bowman: AC 2: Ftr 1; Hp 5; #AT 1; Dmg on the heels of the Creepers, they will E- necessary. Lights are extinguished.
1-6 or 1-4; MV 12; Save F1; THACO 20; naUy lose the trail as they approach the If at any time a member of the group at-
AL N. tower. They should quickly notice that the tempts to communicate with Bronwynn
Thieves (4): AC 8; Thf 1; Hp 6/4/4/4; top floor of the tower is lit by the soft glow by yelling at the tower or knocking on a
#AT 1 dagger; Dmg 1-4; MV 12; Save of candlelight, though no movement will door, the suspicious sorceress will have
Thf 1; THACO 20; AL N. be detected through the windows, most of no time for conversation and will dismiss
which are covered by heavy curtains. any strangers from behind the safety of a
The first thief, formerly acting as the In the event the Creepers reach home
spokesman, is armed with a dagger coated stout, locked door.
without suspecting theyve been fol- Should the PCs desire to infiltrate the
with a poison that causes a deep sleep. A lowed, Bronwynns continued presence tower right away, they may enter
player stuck with this dagger wdl sleep for at the tower is guaranteed at least until through either of the outer doors. Both
three rounds if a saving throw versus poi- the puppets next foray-or the point she
son is failed. This thiefs preferred target are locked and barred, so they must be
feels safety dictates abandoning her resi- forced open (deduct 1from an open doors
will be a fighter if at all possible. dence. The DM should note that roll if the lock is not picked first).
Throughout the melee, the thieves will Bronwynns escape in this adventure is There is, however, a 20% cumulative
be assisted by the bowman on the roof, a presumed, as a low-level party would chance per attempt at opening the door
mixed blessing as there is a 20% chance likely find it beyond their abilities to deal that Jester will hear the noise and alert
that a missed shot will hit the thief near- with a sorceress of her level. She will Bronwynn to the presence of intruders,
est the intended target. The thieves will leave the tower at the first sign of trou- resulting in her packing and immediately
break off the fight if the PCs back out the ble, using her amulet and grabbing what thereafter using her magic locket (see
way they entered. A search of the valuables she can. The Creepers and character description) to escape.
bodies, if applicable, will reveal coinage Jester will likely go with her. If Jester and the Creepers were able to
totaling 3 gp. If Bronwynn doesnt suspect her ene- get back into the tower, the DM may
Eventually, after a few false starts, the mies are closing in on her, the group could place them anywhere within the tower he
PCs should be able to track the puppets to stake out the tower. A 24-hour watch will desires-if they didnt escape with
Bronwynns tower. If this doesnt work, reveal the following activities: Bronwynn. Jester may even hide in
shadows to watch the party move from ture a large fireplace-oven to the south, The rag doll will attempt to wrap the
room to room within the tower, and may next to a sink and a water barrel. Several strings of the mage marionette around a
try to help a puppet attack a player char- large cupboards stand next to the back character, and will hurl herself from the
acter. However, Jester will not aid in an door, filled with cutlery and vegetables. support beam onto a PC. She cannot be
attack if the odds are clearly in the player At the center of the room rests a food hurt by a fall, as she is a rag doll. This doll
characters favor. preparation table, beneath which is a 3 will say phrases such as Hug Me,
puppet servant dressed as a chef and Rock Me, and Take Me Home.
The map of Bronwynns tower can be
armed with a meat clever. At a strangers Rag doll: AC 7; HD 1; Hp 8; #AT 1; Dmg
found on the inside of the back cover of
approach, the chef-with an obnoxious 1-3; MV 9; Save F1; THACO 20; AL N.
the module. The followingis a description
grin painted upon his linen face-will
of the towers various areas:
move from his hiding place to defend his
kitchen. 5. Servants Quarters
1. Cellar The unused servants quarters can be
Chef: AC 5; HD 1;Hp 8; #AT 1;Dmg 1-4;
From the kitchen, an L-shaped flight of MV 9; Save F1; THACO 20; AL N. found through the northeast door of the
stairs descends to a 30x30 unlit cellar, The chefs vocabulary is limited to second floor. Four beds lie to the east,
which is now used as a magic-users phrases such as, cut the carrots, mash and several lockers stand next to a door-
workshop. In the northwest corner of the the potatoes, and squash the intruders. way in the western wall. If searched, a
room, an arcane symbol has been scribed set of leather armor + I will be found
onto the floor near an oaken table, and To the southeast of the kitchen is the door lying with a non-magical short sword.
against the south wall is an equipment to the dining room, next to stairs which Both belonged to the departed,Zeb and
case, inside of which may be found a se- descend to the cellar. were left here for storage.
lection of alchemical supplies along with a
small brazier (total value 200 gp). 3. Dining Room 6. Library
Near the southwest corner of the room The southern half of the tower level holds
can be seen a trap door, securely barred. If The southwest section of the second
a dining room, which is decorated with a level holds a large library. Many old and
opened, the stench corning up from below number of tapestries and lit by candles
will alert those in the room that the city decaying books line the selves of a huge
set atop a mahogany dinner table. Seated bookcase (none are of significant value or
sewer lies some 10 beneath the cellar. at the table are a pair of puppet servants
Should a light source be present, there magical), and a desk may be seen in front
dressed as chambermaids. Both are of a fireplace. Should anyone move to
is a 1 in 6 chance that anyone looking busily polishing the silver (value 20 gp),
down the trap door will catch sight of a search it, they will be attacked by five
and will pay no attention to the party. clown dolls with knives, which are hiding
bony hand protruding from the muck. As- They can be slain without resistance if
suming the light source to be a torch, the in the fireplace. These dolls laugh hid-
the group desires. eously as they move in for the kill.
flame will jump somewhat, and a bluish
cap will be seen atop it, a result of gas Clowns (5): AC 5; HD 1; Hp 8 each;
seepage from below. 4.Antechamber #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; MV 9; Save F1;
If a character should choose to explore As the PCs climb the stairs to this room, THACO 20; AL N.
the sewer with torch in hand, upon sub- they will see a human figure, looking much
merging the flame below the opening, a A search of the desk will reveal inks,
like Bronwynn, standing at the head of the quills, and parchments-nothing of any
small incendiary explosion will result, stairway. The figure is silent, though it
scalding the explorer(s) for 1-4 hit points high value.
sways slightly and moves its arms.
of damage. The mage in this room will continue 7. Bronwynns Chambers
The bony hand, of course, belongs to its movements after the PCs enter, and if
Zeb. If his remains are unearthed, it will a character should draw within 5 of it, he The whole of the topmost level is taken
be noted that the ribs surrounding the or she will discover the mage figure is ac- up by Bronwynns living area, and is
chest cavity have been cut away and heavily guarded by her remaining ser-
tually a human-sized marionette being
small pieces of bone are missing from the vants. As the group moves up the stairs,
manipulated by a rag doll sitting on a sup-
corpse. two dolls resembling miniature gladiators
port beam near the ceiling.
will push a suit of armor on top of the in-
Another set of stairs lead up to the
truders. As the armor comes tumbling
2. Kitchen third level, and two doorways may be
down the stairs, all in its path must roll
seen on either side of the chimney casing
Through the back door lies a darkened their dexterity or less on a D20 or be
from the kitchen fireplace below.
semicircular kitchen, its most obvious fea- knocked down for 2 hp of damage.
The gladiators, meanwhile, will leap for Gerry the Clown: AC 5; HD 1; Hp 8; robes and gowns. There is also a small
the door to Bronwynns room, slamming #AT 1; Dmg special; MV 9; Save F1; locked chest here, the key to which may
and barring it shut behind them. THACO 20; AL N. be found in a drawer of the dressing ta-
If the adventurers force the door, ble against the west wall. If the chest is
Upon the conclusion of the battle, the
they will be met by the remainder of unlocked, the lid will flip open and a
characters may move safely inside to dis-
Bronwynns puppets and dolls. The jack-in-the-box will give the adventur-
cover no other inhabitants. If they are in-
force includes: ers a Bronx cheer, before handing them
clined to search the room, a check of the
Conn the Barbaric: This musclebound, desk will reveal a scroll with a sleep spell a note which reads:
2-tall barbarian doll will bravely swing a amongst a pile of relatively unimport- A good gig while it lasted.
two-handed dagger at anyone stepping ant papers. So long, fools!!
through the doorway. In actuality, this is a parting shot by Perhaps wellmeet again.
Conn: AC 5; HD 2; Hp 10; #AT 1; Dmg Bronwynn against anyone spoiling her -Bronwynn
1-4; MV 9; Save F1; THACO 19; racket-the spell has deliberately been
AL N. mis-scribed and any wizard who either
Romulus and Remus: The two gladiator
writes the spell in a book or tries using
the scroll will find (hopefully at a criti-
Concluding the
dolls, having taken a position before the
door, will sweep small nets at anyone
cal time) that it just doesnt work. Adventure
Bronwynns canopied bed lies against
standing in the doorway. Anyone struck by the southern wall. An open trunk lies If a good potion of the jewelry was left be-
a net must make an ability check versus next to it. This is where her treasure was hind, and the party is honest enough to re-
dexterity or else be tripped up for a pen- stored at one time. The trunks contents port finding it, most of it will be identified
alty of -2 to attack rolls and armor class. will vary with the degree of warning and claimed by the rightful owners. In any
Gladiators (2): AC 5; HD 1; Hp 8 each; Bronwynn had to evacuate her tower case, the ruby ring will end up in the
#AT 1; Dmg special; MV 9; Save F1; with her booty. groups hands. Should it ever be examined
THACO 20; AL N. Plenty of advance warning: closely, a small catch will be detected.
Gold Silver Copper Gems/Jewelry If its moved, the catch will cause the
Little Miss Muffet and Boris the Spider: rings face to swing open, revealing a
These dolls are hiding in the eastern cor- 12 220 557 Rubyring
worth 500 gp small white pill which radiates magic.
ner of the chamber, next to a tapestry. Swallowing the pill will fully heal any
Both will drop down from the ceiling, sus- Little advance notice: physical damage suffered by the imbiber,
pended by a leather spiders web. Boris, Gold Silver Copper Gems/Jewelry as well as curing the PC of any disease or
while quite harmless, will jump and wig- 854 220 557 Various objects poison.
gle about the head and shoulders of a tar- worth 3,000 Though the locals will claim the jewelry
get as though biting, while Miss Muffet gp, including if given the chance, the rest of Bron-
attacks with a small knife. the ruby ring wynns trove, including the coinage, will
Miss Muffet: AC 5; HD 1; Hp 8; #AT 1; and a small be given to the adventurers along with
Dmg 1-3 and 0; MV 9; Save F1; THACO crystal ball the reward offered them.
20; AL N. that has shiny As for Bronwynn (and the three Creep-
colored flakes ers if they made it back to her), they may
Boris the Spider: AC 5; HD 1; Hp 8; #AT floating in it or may not be encountered at a future
1; Dmg 0 (annoyance); MV 9; Save F1; (worth 1,750 time in the groups travels. However,
THACO 20; AL N. gP). Jesters leering grin will not soon leave
Gerry the Clown: Standing atop Bron- To the north, on the other side of the the memories of those whove had close
wynns desk, this nasty little clown with fireplace and chimney casing, are two contact with the malevolent little puppet,
an evil smirk on his face will hurl handfuls doors. The southern opens into a cham- and Bronwynn-ever willing to exploit a
of pepper into the room, causing all in the ber containing a copper bathtub. good idea-will sooner or later make use
vicinity to save vs poison or suffer a -2 The northern door leads to a large of her puppets in even greater ways. . . .
penalty to hit (with spell casting impos- closet, inside of which are a number of
sible) due to sneezing fits.
Either sort of puppet servant is im-
Bronwynn mune to sleep, charm, and hold spells. Lady Marya
Human Female Wizard (10th level) They may be struck by any sort of
weapon, and they always strike as 1hit
Str: 12 Human Female Cleric (9th level)
die creatures (unless otherwise noted),
Int: 18 although their hit points vary depend-
Wis: 14 Str: 13
ing upon the spell components used.
Dex: 14 Int: 18
Since they are animated using a dead
Con: 12 Wis: 16
person's essence, these puppets may be Dex:
Chr: 16 12
turned by clerics as wights.
Armor Class: 5 (from bracers) Con: 14
The puppets can sense the world
THACO: 18 Chr: 17
around them, seeing and hearing things AC:
Hit Points: 35 0
in their surroundings. Some are capable
Alignment: Neutral THACO: 12 with mace
of limited speech, such as phrases relat-
Hit Points: 42
ing to their purpose.
Spells: magic missile, charm person, Alignmen t : Lawful Good
Due to their small size and limited
dancing lights, burning hands, dark- strength, the weapons the puppets use
ness 15' radius, knock, web, mirror Equipment: bracers of defense: A C 2,
never exceed a D4 in damage potential.
image, fly, gust o f wind, lightning bolt, + 3 mace, + 1 ring of protection, boots
Further, they are basically incapable of
Evard's black tentacles, polymorph of striding and springing, bag of hold-
performing acts not "assigned" to them.
other, create puppet servants, ing, and 3 potions of extra-healing.
Experience value: 10 (lesser servant);
feeblemind. 25 (greater servant). Spells: cure light wounds (x3), protec-
Bronwynn's most prized possession is a Jester. Jester is a unique greater servant tion f r o m evil, aid, chant, hold person,
magic locket that allows her and what fashioned from a wooden ventrilo- know alignment, dispel magic, prayer,
she carries to be transformed into a quist's dummy. With the essence of a speak with dead, cure serious wounds,
large crow. She plans many escape con- thief enchanted into him, he has all the protection from evil IO' radius, raise
tingencies around this device, so she is talents of a 1st level thief, double the hit dead.
difficult to capture. In really tough situ- points of most other puppets, and also
ations, Bronwynn will surrender, al- possesses a malevolent cunning (which Marya will be hard pressed to charge
ways preferring to "live to fight another is reflected by an evil, leering grin). the PCs for curing, but will demand
day." Jester is capable of independent 1,000 gold for a potion of extra-healing.
Thus, she will never be found "fight- thought and also has the talent to She will raise dead on a PC if he/she
ing to the death," and will always seek "teach" other puppets of lesser ilk to do was doing "good" when killed. Marya
escape over confrontation-a possible such things as haul mechanical devices will not charge for this unless she has
source of frustration to those encoun- or search rooms for valuables in a sur- raised someone more than once.
tering her. reptitious and effective manner. While
Jester is not capable of speech- at least
Puppet Servants. Bronwynn's puppet not yet-he can utter a wooden laugh
servants are created by an arcane proc- and generally communicate with his
ess of enchantment using various sorts mistress.
of dolls or puppets. The typical crea- Mirroring his creator's philosophies,
ture of this sort possesses very limited Jester will always seek escape over con-
capacity for independent thought, be- flict, but will resort to a dagger if forced
ing able to do little more than follow the to fight. He wears a small pouch in
letter its creator's simple commands. It which are held a rotten egg and some
is possible, however, to fashion.some- pepper (both used to delay pursuers),
what more advanced models-like and a set of thief's tools. Goods pilfered
Jester-through the incorporation of a from inn rooms are also stored in the
spell used mostly by mages to contact pouch until he returns to Bronwynn's
animal familiars. tower.
skills. Recently you chose to follow the
Larissa path of adventure, and through the
Human Female local Adventurers Guild you met your
3rd Level Fighter present companions.
Your first impressions of your fellow
Str: 14 adventures are:
Int: 13
Wis: 14 Sir James: He is good looking and chiv-
Dex: 17 alrous, but he is a bit too narrow-
Con: 16 minded. He is brave, but you are the
Chr: 14 better fighter-and you could be a bet-
Armor Class: 1 ter leader.
Hit Points: 23 Rashaman: Although he isnt very good
Alignment: Neutral Good looking, theres definitely something
Height: 52; about this man that inspires you.
Weight: 110 Maybe youre intrigued because hes
Hair: Blond from a far-away place. Maybe its his
Eyes: Blue mastery of magic.
Age: 23 Kelth: Shes very pretty. Prettier than
you. But youre not a person prone to
Weapon proficiencies: long sword, jealousy . . . at least not prone to great
dagger, short bow. jealousy. Youll give her a chance to
prove herself to you. Maybe she has
Nonweapon proficiencies: direction more than good looks going for her.
sense, fishing, hunting.
Ignatius: You greatly respect this man
Equipment: chain mail, shield, short who is a good cleric, but also fights
bow w/20 arrows, backpack with a well-even if he is a dwarf.
weeks rations, 50 of rope, dagger, 2
torches, flint and steel, riding horse.
Money: 20 gp.
You were raised in the household of a
Sir James Hardwicke powerful noble residing in the distant
Human Male city of Jalpa, where you learned the arts
3rd Level Fighter proper for both a gentleman and a war-
rior. Several months ago, you had a vi-
Str: 17 sion of a magnificent and powerful
Int: 13 sword of Good resting in the horde of a
Wis: 14 dragon. You asked your liege for per-
Dex: 14 mission to depart his service in quest of
Con: 15 the sword. When you reached the Wild
Chr: 16 Coast you called at the local Adventur-
Armor Class: 3 ers Guild to unsuccessfully question its
THACO: 17 members about any rumors of dragons,
Hit Points: 27 and it was there you met up with your
Alignment: Lawful Good fellow party members.
Height: 6 Although you have not known your
Weight: 180 companions long, you have formed a
Hair: Black few opinions of them:
Eyes: Blue
Age: 25 Larissa: She should be taking up knit-
ting or cooking somewhere, but she
Weapon proficiencies: bastard sword, does have some skill with a sword. You
lance, dagger. will humor her and let her believe she is
a great fighter. After all, it would be
Nonweapon proficiencies: etiquette, cruel to tell her what you really think.
riding (land-based), heraldry.
Rashaman: He is mysterious, and he
Equipment: plate mail, bastard sword, seems to have captured the attentions
lance, light war horse with saddlebags of the women in the group. Youre
holding a weeks rations. much better looking, so youre defin-
itely curious about him. What makes
Magic items: dagger + I , potion of him so special?
healing. Kelth: This beauty is in some respects a
welcome addition to the group because
Money: 75 gp. of her spellcasting abilities. But, since
she is a woman, she is also a hindrance,
You are one of the most noble fighters in as you must busy yourself with protect-
this area of the country. Your skill with ing her.
a blade is second to very few. And your
leadership abilities are impressive. Ignatius: Youre torn because of this
Someday you will be in charge of cleric. You like him. Hes friendly and
troops. Today, however, you will settle appears to be competent. You could
for leading adventuring parties and tak- even consider him a friend if he werent
ing care of the adventurers under your a dwarf.
Although you love to fight, you are a
planner. You prefer to observe situa-
tions and calculate your actions rather
than plunge in without thought. You
are slow to anger, even though it is frus-
trating to deal with lesser individuals.
You are also usually considerate of oth-
ers and very protective of women.
disfavor (caused by some indiscretion
Rashaman at court), you fled from your lands and
Human Male came to the Wild Coasts Adventurers
3rd Level Wizard (Illusionist) Guild.
You act aloof to keep others from get-
Str: 13 ting close to you. The arm of the court
Int: 18 is long, and you fear their frustration
Wis: 14 over your escape will earn you a visit
Dex: 16 sooner or later by an angry warrior
Con: 15 from the duke. Thus, you tend to keep a
Chr: 14 low profile.
Armor Class: 6 You are fascinated by anything magi-
THACO: 20 cal. Because of that, you wouldnt mind
Hit Points: 11 staying with this group, as they could
Alignment: Neutral help you accumulate magical treasure.
Height : 6 Magic is the key to power, and if you
Weight: 170 accumulated enough power you would
Hair: Black no longer need to fear the duke.
Eyes: Black You have not known your fellow
Age: 32 companions long, but you have formed
a few opinions of them:
Weapon proficiencies: dagger.
Larissa: The woman is a wonder! She is
Nonweapon proficiencies: ancient lan- a brilliant fighter with a brave heart.
guages, astrology, spellcraft. She seems to be someone to trust. And
perhaps you will confide in her after
Equipment: spellbook, spell com- you get to know her better. She seems
ponents, dagger, pack with a weeks to like your mysterious nature.
Sir James: The man is a little too flashy
Magic items: ring o f protection +2, and could easily draw a lot of attention
potion of healing. to this group, something you dont
want. Perhaps you can convince him
Money: 40 gp. that subtlety is more valuable than
direct assault.
Spells: 2 first, 1 second, which you may
choose from the following list: Kelth: She knows nature magic, which
is not as powerful as the magic you
First level: want to possess. Still, perhaps you can
Audible Glamer learn a little from her. But you will be
Cantrip cautious-she doesnt talk much about
Change Self her past, and you cant trust people
Phantasmal Force who are not very open.
Ignatius: The cleric is dangerous. You
Second level: have heard about his love of fire and
Blur fire-spells. He could draw too much at-
Hypnotic Pattern tention to the group. Perhaps he was
lnvisiblity planted in this group by the duke. You
Mirror Image dont want him to stray too far from
sight because of this possibility. Of
You were born and raised in the Grand course, you cant do anything to hurt
Duchy of Geoff. Apprenticed to the the dwarf. That would alert the court
royal court mage, you learned the craft and call too much attention to you.
of illusion-sorcery. Having fallen into
der a few years ago, and eventually
Kelth found yourself ot the Wild Coast. In
Half-Elf Female time you went to the Adventurers
3rd Level Cleric (Druid) Guild. Here you met up with a group of
Str: 10 You are at your best in the woods, but
Int: 16 believe spending some time in a town
Wis: 17 gives you a better perspective on life
Dex: 16 and helps you appreciate the woods
Con: 13 more. You respect all life and will never
Chr: 16 turn down someones request for aid.
Armor Class: 7 You will not let others suffer needlessly,
THACO: 20 no matter what their alignment. You
Hit Points: 20 also do not judge others, as good and
Alignment: Neutral evil are necessary components in the
Height: 52 world.
Weight: 108 You are fastidious about yourself, al-
Hair: Silver ways wanting to look good so others
Eyes: Green will think well of you. You wear the best
Age: 60 clothes you can buy, sleep in the best
inns when traveling, and purchase fine
Weapon proficiencies: dagger, scimitar. food and wine when in town. Nothing in
life is certain, so hording gold is useless.
Nonweapon proficiencies: herbalism, You want to get to know your com-
spellcraft, religion, dancing. panions better. So far, your first im-
pressions are:
Equipment: dagger, pack with a weeks
rations. Larissa: The woman is much like you-
brave, competent, a good fighter. She is
Magic items: cloak of protection + 1. not quite as pretty as you, but looks
arent everything. You respect her and
Money: 25 gp. are willing to take her advice.
Spells: 4 first, 3 second (because of wis- Ignatius: He fascinates you because of
dom bonus). Often uses the following: his skills with clerical magic. But you
want to make sure he stays in the city. A
First level: dwarf who likes to play with fire has no
Bless place in the woods.
Create Water
Cure Light Wounds Sir James: He is a little too lawful and
Shillelagh biased for your tastes. And he is too
Faerie Fire formal in his approach to situations.
But you will try to give him a chance.
Second level:
Speak with Animals Rashaman: This man of mystery is en-
Charm Person or Animal chanting. You want to know more
Dust Devil about him. He may not be very dash-
Slow Poison ing, but there is something about him
Barkskin that you find attractive.
turers' Guild, you met up with a group
Ignatius of young adventurers.
Dwarf Male You are excited about the prospect of
2nd Level Cleric adventuring. You know adventures can
yield treasures and tall tales. There is so
Str: 14 much to see and do, and you want to
Int: 18 experience it all. You are fascinated
Wis: 15 with the idea of traveling throughout
Dex: 14 the world.
Con: 16 You are also fascinated by fire, a trait
Chr: 14 that alarms your parents and friends.
Armor Class: 5 But you know that fire can be quite use-
THACO: 20 ful. It can keep you warm. It can keep
Hit Points: 12 monsters away. It can be used to forge
Alignment: Chaotic Good weapons-or even as a weapon if need
Height: 4'2" be. But to keep the others you travel
Weight: 160 with more comfortable, you will try to
Hair: Brown consult with them before you use it.
Eyes: Brown You have not known these adventur-
Age: 170 ers long, but you seem to like most of
Weapon proficiencies: mace, war-
hammer. Kelth: She knows a lot about the wood-
lands, and you think you should know
Nonweapon proficiencies: fire-build- more about her clerical powers because
ing, blacksmithing, spellcraft, religion. of your heritage. Perhaps you can talk
her into letting you go with her on her
Equipment: dagger, chain mail, holy next foray into the woods.
symbol, pack with a week's rations,
tinder, 4 flasks of oil. Rashaman: You definitely want to
know more about him. Even though
Magic items: mace + I , oil of fiery he's an illusionist he might be able to
burning. teach you something. Does he know
any fire spells clerics can use?
Money: 12 gp. Larissa: She is a grand woman! She
seems to be the self-appointed leader of
Spells: 4 first level. Often uses the this group, and that's all right with you.
Sir James: Sometimes it seems like he
First level: wants to be your friend, and then sud-
Detect Evil denly he changes his mind. Perhaps if
Cure Light Wounds you show off your skills in front of him
Light he will like you better.
Faerie Fire
Endure Heat/Endure Cold
Bronwynns Tower
Trap Door
Equipment Case
- Tapestries
Offtcial G a m e AdventUte