Pride of Tamilian
Pride of Tamilian
Pride of Tamilian
Taming the bull is not just a sport but 2000 year old culture.
Saravanan M Kalyani
Table of contents
Objective of writing this book is to give a perspective on this so called controversial sport Jallikattu
played in Madurai District of Tamil Nadu which recently became a hot topic of debate amongst various
media, politicians and people in India.
This book tries to cover the core and peripheral issues on Jallikattu and the emotions attached with
various segments of tamil people. Before we jump into conclusion, it is my duty to showcase the
background history and the reasons behind this sports existence. Why people of Tamilnadu came out in
huge numbers irrespective of religion, caste and creed across the state supporting this sport and why this
topic demanded national attention.
Chapter 1: Brief on Indian Culture
It is not very surprising in 21st century where majority of people in the world aspire to follow western
culture; they are slowly forgetting their own culture. People have become open minded and have started
embracing cross cultural identities especially influenced from western countries. This can be seen across
various countries where living lifestyle, language and costumes they wear have changed significantly. In
India culture is something very sacred and revered since ancient times. Even after Mogul and British
ruled India for more than five centuries India still did not lose major of its cultural identities.
People in India always resisted change in cultural behavior influenced by external invaders this is the
primary reason why India is respected in international community where they seek uniqueness and
respect for their own culture.
Culture word
Chapter 2: Tamil Culture
Tamil language is said to be one of the ancient languages in Indian history. Unlike any other languages in
India it is an old Dravidian language. Tamil people value their culture more like any other people in other
states of India. People in Tamilnadu follow their religion and culture with utmost faith and belief. Tamil
culture comprises of various aspects like literatures, scriptures, arts, sports, music, dance, costumes,
language, festivals, food, customs and traditions.