Core Java (JDK 1.3 - 1.4) PDF
Core Java (JDK 1.3 - 1.4) PDF
Core Java (JDK 1.3 - 1.4) PDF
Broad Definition: This competency refers to the ability of an associate to design, develop and support applications developed in Core Java.
Criteria E0 E1 E2 E3
I Criteria for defining
proficiency vis--vis
knowledge & skills
1.Precondition Should have E0 Proficiency Should satisfy all conditions Should satisfy all conditions Should satisfy all conditions of the
[ Expressed as a prerequisite in Foundation - OO of the previous level of the previous levels previous levels
- in terms of academic Programming and
qualification AND / OR Foundation - Object Should have E1 Proficiency in Should have E0 in Should have one E2 or 2 E1s in
industry experience Oriented Analysis and Foundation - Object Oriented Foundation - Java EE - Foundation - Java EE Technologies
(whichever is applicable) Design Concepts Analysis and Design Technologies - Foundation - Java Swing or Eclipse
AND / OR relevant RCP
knowledge in any other Should have E1 in
competency Foundation - RDBMS
Should have E0 on
Foundation - Java SE 5 / 6
TCS Confidential
2. Knowledge Should have knowledge of Should have knowledge of Should have knowledge of Should have knowledge of the
[Expressed as Area of the following the following the following following
knowledge and not skill, a. OO in Java - Classes a. Java Language a. Advanced Threading and a. JCP and JSR specs.
includes knowledge of and Interfaces, Inheritance, Specifications - semantics Synchronization - volatile b. New Features in Java 5, 6 and 7.
process, methodologies, Polymorphism - Overriding and practical working variables, multithreaded c. TCS Java Reusables
concepts and tools.] and Overloading, Class knowledge programming best practices d. TCS Tools, Mighty Components
members and instance b. Advanced programming - b. Java Internals, Garbage
members, Object Lifecycle. Assertions, Logging, Inner Collection, Class Loader
b. Basic Programming - Classes, Reflection Basics Models, soft and weak
primitive data types, Java Net Package, Basic references
variables and scoping, Threads, Synchronization, c. Other Java API -
casting, conditions, loops, Applets, Sandbox security, Reflection, Java Security,
exception handling. RMI Concepts, Java Beans RMI, JNI, NIO, XML &
c. Java lang package - c. Tools - code checkers, JAXP, Swing or AWT basics
wrapper classes, String and IDE, debugging, packaging, d. Java reusable
String Buffer, Math, System JVM settings components - Apache
and Runtime Commons, Log4J, ORO,
d. Java Runtime and JDK - etc.
compiler, class path, e. Unit testing based on
runtime environment, JUnit
program execution model, f. Tools profiling, heap
javadoc Standards and thread dump analysis,
e. TCS & Sun standards, build management
naming conventions g. Best Practices - Java
f. Java IO, text and util Coding and Design
packages - Streams,
Readers and Writers, File
Management, Buffering,
Data Structures and usage,
formatting classes, dates
and calendars
g. JDBC - Drivers and Data
Sources, Query and DML
TCS Confidential
3. Experience
[Expressed as duration in
months / years wrt exposure,
including breadth & the depth
of assignments; also beyond
project experience]
3.1 Type of project Should have over 3 weeks Should have experience of Should have minimum 2.5 Should have overall minimum 5 years
experience of development experience minimum 2 projects on Java years of coding experience of project delivery experience in Java
[Includes 'type' in the form of and should have developed technologies. and related technologies with at least
implementation, end-to-end at least one small Should have minimum 1.5 one year as architect.
project, support, roll outs, application, or POC in this Should have 1-2 years of years of design experience
upgrades, professional period. coding experience in Java in Java technology projects. Should have designed and developed
services, consulting technology projects. frameworks required for Java
engagements AND / OR the Should have been part application development
Number of projects AND / of application framework or
OR Time spent on the reusable component
project ( for eg., 3 consulting development team
projects of minimum 6
months duration ; 1 roll out
project of at least 18 months]
3.2 Beyond project N/A N/A Should have performed at Should have contributed to at least 5
development experience least 5 java code reviews as large Java technology proposals.
[Includes EQA.
[1) Solutioning of proposals Should have conducted over 4 large
2) Reviews done Should have contributed to Java technology project reviews.
3) No. of contributions made at least 3 proposals or 5
to trainings/training material] design reviews or 5 Core Should have conducted at least 5 Core
Java training sessions with Java or Advanced Java training
feedback rating of 85% + sessions.
(outside the project).
TCS Confidential
4. Asset Creation
[Expressed as any reusable
and deployable assets
created in the knowledge
management system of the
4.2 Tool creation N/A N/A N/A Should have developed simple tools for
[Expressed as a system or code generation / build / other activities
function tool designed OR to improve development productivity
created towards improving
business delivery / learning]
4.3 Reusable & deployable N/A N/A Should have contributed or Should have contributed by creating
assets created contested at least 5 best more than 5 assets like methodologies,
[Expressed as reusable and practices in Java. tools, components, whitepapers, etc.
deployable assets created
(like those in Mighty & Should have contributed at Should have contributed at least one
Knowmax] least 2 Java assets (tools / macro asset that allows for large scale
components / whitepapers / competency development or
how-to documents, etc) and productivity gains.
this should be published on
Knowmax Should have reviewed more than 5
assets and rated more than 20 assets
on Knowmax or Mighty.
TCS Confidential
No. of training material N/A N/A Should have created at least Should have conducted at least 2 train-
created one training case study of the-trainer sessions on java related
[Expressed as the number of Core or Advance Java / topics.
relevant training material J2EE.
created towards
development of a particular Should have reviewed or
body of knowledge or skill] created training material on
at least one topic related to
5. Industry contribution
[Expressed as the
contributions made to the
industry.This criteria should
be measured by
mechanisms for eg: TCS
5.1 Recognized by Peers N/A N/A Should be recognized as an Should be recognised as an SME by
[Expressed as the SME by virtue of providing virtue of the following: -
recognition given by the peer solutions to queries posted Should answer at least 10 queries
community and should be on Knowmax and JustAsk. related to Java in a year.
measured by appropriate (AND)
mechanism such as TCS Should have at least 3 best rated
GEMS] answers.
Recognized by a Parent
[Expressed as the
contribution recognized by a
renowned and recognized
parent body]
Invited as Speakers N/A N/A N/A N/A
[Expressed as recognition
from an external body when
it extends an invitation to the
speaker to address a
recognized forum]
TCS Confidential
II Assessment / Evaluation
Methodology vis--vis
Proficiency Level
1. Certification Should have completed Should have completed Sun Should have completed
[Expressed as achievement Sun Certified Java Certified Java Programmer Brainbench Java test
of external programs - Programmer with score of over 80% masters certification (score
certifying a part of the of over 4) (this can provide a
proficiency level, Should have completed Should have completed SCJP waiver of 6 months
Achievement of internal SCJP Mock Exam on Mock Exam on iCalms with experience.)
programs - internal trainings iCalms with over 65% over 85%
attended] (or) (or)
Should have completed Should have completed
Brainbench Java / Java non- Brainbench Java / Java Non
GUI test on iCalms with a GUI test on iCalms with a
score of over 2.25 score of over 3
2. Evaluation Test Should have completed the Should have completed the Should have completed the Should have completed the following
[Expressed as a certification following following following Self assessment
the individual has to achieve Self assessment and Self assessment and Self assessment Learning object
towards the said proficiency Learning object. Learning object. Learning object and Supervisor assessment and
level. (for eg.,Type of tests Supervisor assessment. SME assessment
for each proficiency should
be defined-like for E0 level it
will be only self assessment,
for E1 it should be panel
review etc)]
Version History
Project Details: Java EE Solutions
Unit: Technology Excellence Group
Parent Project : : Foundation Technology Services
Project Owner/GL: Vijay Shankar Krishnamoorthy(170316)
Amendment History:
Version Defined By - Role & Group Approved By - Role & Facilitated by Date Remarks
1 Vijay Shankar Technology Excellence Girish Pradhan (102344) Gail C (187629) 2-Jun-09
Krishnamoorthy Group Technology Excellence Group Executive RCM
TCS Confidential