The Medici Effect
The Medici Effect
The Medici Effect
A structured and systematic approach to innovation can pay off. This has been a recurring theme
in management literature. This fascinating book tells us about working at the intersection of
different fields to generate and implement creative ideas. Opportunities to innovate may be
limited within a field. But they multiply when different fields are combined. That is the key
message in this book.
Understanding Innovation
Innovation must not be confused with invention. Innovation is supremely practical. It is focused
on producing results. Simply coming up with an amazing idea does not qualify one as an
innovative person. An idea has to be sold to others in the world. It has to be implemented In
other words, individuals by themselves cannot be creative. Creativity occurs when people act in
concert with the surrounding environment, and within society. It is ultimately society which
decides whether an idea is both new and valuable. A concept cannot be considered innovative
until it passes social evaluation.
The key difference between a field and an intersection of fields lies in how concepts within them
are combined. When we operate within a field, we can combine concepts within that particular
field, generating ideas that evolve along a particular direction. The author calls them directional
ideas. When we work at the intersection, we combine concepts between multiple fields,
generating ideas that leap in new directions. The author calls them intersectional ideas.
Intersectional innovations, on the other hand, pave the way for a new field. They often make it
possible for the people who originated them to become the leaders in the fields they created.
Intersectional innovations do not require as much depth of expertise as directional innovation and
can be executed by seemingly ordinary people.
For most of us, the best chance to innovate lies at the intersection. Not only is the probability of
finding remarkable idea combinations greater there, we will also find many more of them.
The movement of people is on the rise everywhere. This is facilitating cultural intersections in
fields such as cinema, literature, music, and art. Businesses, too, are increasingly able to innovate
in different regions of the world. They can arbitrage ideas between different cultures by
understanding how those cultures connect.
The second reason is that in field after field, our basic understanding of the world is reaching a
point of saturation. We have a pretty good understanding of the individual components of the
world. In the near future, the chances of making a radical discovery are slim. So the emphasis will
be less on understanding each component and more on how those components interact.
Last but not the least, computing power has been doubling every eighteen months and continues
to do so. This exponential leap in computation will generate more intersections for two reasons.
First, it will not merely let us do the same things faster (which enables directional innovation). It
will also allow us to do different things, generating possible intersections between traditionally
separate fields. The leap in computation has also led to advances in communication, making our
world smaller. Individuals, groups, and organizations that were once separate can now easily
come together to find intersections between their backgrounds and expertise.
A key ingredient of intersectional innovation is breaking down the barriers between fields.
Usually, when we hear a word or see an image, the mind unlocks a whole string of associated
ideas, each one connecting to another. These chains of associations tend to be clustered around
domains related to our own experiences and allow us to move quickly from analysis to action.
Chains of associations improve efficiency but they limit our thinking. Assumptions are not
questioned as readily. Conclusions are reached faster and barriers are created to alternative ways
of thinking about a particular situation.
Creative minds tend to make unusual associations because they engage in divergent thinking.
Persons with high associative barriers will recall how the problem has been handled in the past, or
how others in similar situations solved it. Persons with low associative barriers on the other hand,
may try to connect ideas or concepts that have very little basis in past experience, or that cannot
easily be traced logically.
People can break down their associative barriers by doing one or more of the following things:
Cultures are defined by rules and traditions. They impose certain ways of thinking and acting. This
is why exposure to different cultures is so effective in breaking down associative barriers. Through
diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences, one can more easily escape imposed viewpoints.
Cultural diversity does not only imply geographically separated cultures. It can also include
differences based on ethnic, class, professional, language or organizational backgrounds.
The way we learn is also important. By learning fields and disciplines on our own as opposed to
being tutored, we have a greater chance of breaking down associative barriers. Formal education
first increases the probability of attaining creative success, but after an optimum point, it actually
lowers the odds. This point occurs a bit earlier for artistic careers and a bit later for scientific paths.
All of this suggests that it makes sense to spend significant amounts of time reading and drawing,
learning and experimenting, without guidance from instructors, peers, and experts.
Associative barriers can be broken down by directing the mind to unusual paths while thinking
about a situation, issue, or problem. One of the most effective ways of doing so is to reverse an
assumption so that, the mind is encouraged to view a situation from a completely different
We also need to develop multiple perspectives while tackling a problem. If a solution seems
particularly attractive, we can keep elaborating upon it, thinking openly about how to make it
happen. Instead of quickly zeroing down on the solution we are looking for, we must put aside, at
least temporarily the most obvious assumptions and allow our mind to escape its usual chains of
Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps the greatest intersectionalist of all times, believed that in order to
fully understand something, one needed to view it from at least three different perspectives.
Combining Concepts
Intersectional ideas are groundbreaking, because the concepts involved are so different and the
combinations so unusual that no one would have thought them possible.
There are two main types of random combinations involved in generating creative ideas.
The first form, flash-in-the-sky serendipity, usually happens while we are trying to solve a
problem. We have a specific goal in mind but we are not sure what the solution looks like. The
goal might be an innovative marketing campaign, a new grant, or a special-effects technology. In
these situations, the solution tends to emerge after, first a long period of intensive thought, and
then a period where one does not think about it much. During that period the problem is still held
persistently in the mind while it is temporarily associated with other concepts and impressions
acquired accidentally. Sooner or later, one of them clicks with the problem at hand and a new
idea or solution emerges.
The second form of random combinations, are prepared mind discoveries. They happen when
people with a prepared mind encounter a phenomenon they had not set out to find. This needs
a prepared mind because this particular observation could easily be missed unless one is
prepared to understand its significance.
To generate intersectional ideas, varied experiences are critical. Diversity holds the key here. If
increasing random combinations is the essence of generating intersectional ideas, it would make
sense to intentionally introduce randomness into our thinking pattern. The act of moving between,
or switching fields through different jobs, projects, or hobbies can be an effective way to generate
unplanned, unique insights.
The most successful innovators produce and realize an incredible number of ideas. The strongest
correlation for quality of ideas, is, in fact, quantity. Scientific papers, strategy concepts, ideas are
not evenly distributed. In any given field of creative activity, it is typical to find that around 10
percent of the creators are responsible for 50 percent of all the contributions.
In his influential book Origins of Genius, psychologist Dean Simonton explains that innovators are
successful because they are highly productive. More ideas lead to more high quality ideas. The
number of papers scientists publish, for instance, is correlated with the number of citations they
receive for their top three works. In other words, the best way to see who has written
groundbreaking papers is to look at who has published the most. The best predictor for who will
receive a Nobel Prize, is the number of publications the person has against her name. As
Simontons research suggests, if being productive is the best strategy to innovate, then the
intersection is the best place to occupy. By breaking down associative barriers and stepping into
the intersection between fields, the number of available idea combinations increases beyond
anything we can achieve in a single area.
How do we best exploit the myriad opportunities at the intersection? The author has three
messages here:
The interesting thing about intersections is that even if we knew only a fraction of the concepts in
the different domains making up the intersection we would still be ahead in the game. So it would
appear to be far better to know a tiny bit about hundreds of fields than a lot about just one. But
we should not take this too far. We must strike a balance between depth and breadth of
knowledge in order to maximize our creative potential. Too much expertise can fortify the
associative barriers between fields. At the same time, expertise is clearly needed to think with
clarity and focus and develop new ideas.
People are less creative under serious time pressure. In fact, if we want to capture intersectional
ideas, the best bet may be to take our time. There are at least two reasons for this.
First, it is critical to postpone the judgment of new ideas. Our minds will quickly judge the value of
an intersectional insight by comparing it to what is known to work within an established field. But
these fields are not good guides for evaluating ideas that result from random and unusual concept
combinations. Instead, intersectional ideas must be evaluated from a different perspective, one
that does not come instinctively. We are therefore better off waiting to judge our insights when
we have some time to think them through.
Second, time must be allowed for incubation which plays a critical role in innovation. After
working hard, in a focused manner on a problem or idea and developing it as far as possible, we
should move on to something else and forget about the problem for a while. When we return to
the project a few days or weeks later, other ideas, usually more original, will present themselves.
When people feel that they are being rewarded for an activity, that feeling of external control may
actually impair creativity. People may feel manipulated. On the other hand, if intrinsic motivation
is high, if people are passionate about what they are doing, creativity will flow. External
expectations and rewards can kill intrinsic motivation and thus kill creativity. When intrinsic
motivation drops off, so does the willingness to explore new avenues and different ideas,
something that is crucial at the Intersection.
It is important to add that not all rewards will have a negative effect on intrinsic motivation.
Innovators at the intersection find that their intrinsic motivation declines when correlated with
explicit reward, but rewards that are provided as a testament to their competence or as part of a
learning experience can prove very effective. Clearly innovators should receive the fruits of their
labour. If such rewards are not given, this will stifle motivation. At the same time, innovators
should not feel that they are being manipulated by monetary incentives.
There is a difficult paradox for anyone pursuing an intersectional idea. To succeed at the
intersection of fields, we have to break away from the very networks that make us successful.
Both people and firms in a value network will have set up processes and procedures that
essentially kill off attempts to break out of it. New ideas that do not correspond to the values of
the network have a way of getting eliminated. This is why we must break out of these networks if
we want to increase the probability of success.
The only way to succeed in breaking away from our old value network is to stop relying on it.
Sometimes this means that we have to quit our job and join an institution that can quickly help us
establish a new network.
When we step into the intersection of domains, disciplines, or cultures, we must be prepared to
fight a battle. People may not believe in what we are doing. Sometimes an intersectional idea can
threaten an established field. Those within that field will naturally do whatever they can to
prevent the new idea from becoming an accepted innovation. In order to break out of our
network and start building another one, we will need to stand up to the challenges posed by those
within established fields.
Most of us are conditioned to approach any new challenge with questions such as: What is our
goal and how will we get there? But it is very difficult to realize ideas at the intersection by
flawlessly executing well-defined action plans. The intersection is a place where our
understanding of what to do and how to do it is hazy. Successful execution of intersectional ideas,
does not come from planning for success, but from planning for failure.
Humans have a fundamental tendency to live their lives at a certain acceptable level of risk. This
level is different for each individual, and it changes according to phases of our lives, but we all
have a level at which we are comfortable. Gerald Wilde, a Canadian psychologist and leading risk
expert, calls this tendency risk homeostasis. Risk homeostasis says that people will compensate
for taking higher risks in one area of life by taking lower risks in another.
More money, more time, more experience, or better contacts should logically help in realizing an
intersectional idea. They do help, but not necessarily by decreasing the risk of failure. These
resources are all factors that can help us in what we can accomplish, but they do not increase the
chances of success, since with more resources we will try to accomplish more.
In other words, more money leads to greater spending. Having more time means taking more
time. Having greater experience or better contacts means relying more on them to get things
done. It is not that we waste time, money, or contacts, but that we try to do more with the
amount that we have. In trying to do more, we slowly begin to increase the risk of failure, until we
hit a level we are subconsciously comfortable with.
The intersection represents the best chance to innovate because of the explosion of unique
concept combinations. It offers a great numerical advantage when looking for fresh ideas. In other
words, the intersection is a low-risk proposition for breaking new ground.
We have a natural bias toward directional innovation. A company that is a leader in a particular
market or product will stay in that market as long as it can. After all, a company would feel foolish
if it squandered a sure gain. As a result a company becomes reluctant to try out intersectional
ideas because taking risks would threaten its current level of status and security.
This behavior stands in stark contrast to our actions when things are not going well. This is usually
when we take the really big chances, when we are willing to try something new. For instance, a
company might test a radical strategy and go for broke if nothing else is working. Individuals who
fear they will be laid off may see it as an opportunity to test out a new idea. The same holds true
for scientists who work in a field where funds are drying up. They are left with no choice but to
enter a new field, sometimes making remarkable discoveries at the intersection.
Fear can be a major deterrent while pursuing innovative opportunities. We can deal effectively
with fear in two ways: the first is acknowledging fear and the second is admitting the possibility of
failure. Acknowledging fear means we have to come to terms with what is at stake and admit that
we might lose it. We must also be comfortable enough to know that even if we incur heavy losses,
we can still move on. By accepting our fears, by acknowledging that we can fail, and by becoming
comfortable with what happens if we do fail, we can much more effectively move toward realizing
our ideas at the Intersection.