Muay Thai Book For Mma

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the Level 1 Muay Thai Instructor course, covering introduction to Muay Thai, techniques, planning sessions, and teaching skills.

Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand, known as the art of 8 limbs using hands, elbows, knees and kicks to fight. Its origins can be traced back to Muay Boran which incorporated techniques from various Asian martial arts.

The main techniques covered are punching, elbows, knees, kicks and combinations using these limbs. Stance and movement are also covered.

be a better you TM


Welcome to the Level 1

Muay Thai
Instructor Course

Delegates Manual

Be A Better You-Training Ltd

16 Hoxton Square, London N1 6NT
Tel: 0207 749 2814
Fax: 0207 749 2810
Welcome to the
Level 1 Muay Thai Instructor Course
Be A Better You - Training
The course runs from 9-5pm for two days and includes summative assessment of practical
skills and a theory assessment.


Course Manual

This course maps against units in the following national occupational


Unit D410 Plan and prepare a gym-based exercise session

Unit D411 Instruct a gym-based exercise session

Unit D416 Evaluate coaching sessions & develop personal coaching practice


Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Additional Categories

Fitness Instructor Personal Trainer Contextualised Specialist Instructor Accessible from any level

Gym Personal Trainer Yoga Teacher Cardiac Older Adults

Exercise to Music Advanced Instructor Pilates Teacher Falls Pre/post natal

Aqua Advanced Exercise Exercise movement Stroke Disability

to Music and dance partnership
Exercise for children Mental health
Exercise Referral
Back pain
Exercise for Children

Military rehab
CPD requirement 24 CPD requirement 24 CPD requirement 24 CPD requirement 24 CPD requirement: not
points over 2 years points over 2 years points over 2 years points over 2 years applicable

Written by Dan Roberts, CSCS. In association with Be a Better You - Training Ltd


4 Introduction to Muay Thai

6 Fighting and Fitness

8 Getting Started

12 Warm Up

15 Stance & Movement

17 Punching

20 Elbows

23 Knees

25 Kicks

28 Combinations

30 Planning a Session &

Teaching Skills

32 Teaching Skills

34 References

35 Muay Thai Level 2 Overview

W ha t is Mu a y T ha i?

of Muay Thai is referred to as Muay Thai Boran. Muay Boran techniques
East Asian martial arts.

Muay Thai is known as the art of 8 limbs. This refers to the 8 weapons

Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand. (Muay translates to boxing

thus Muay Thai is also referred to Thai Boxing). It is a modern incarnation
minutes. Most bouts end in a knock out.

Muay Thai has become very popular over recent years. All martial arts

Muay Thai has grown particularly popular amongst the mixed martial arts
There are very little rules in Muay Thai and unlike other martial arts
techniques are designed to maximise the chance of knocking out an
opponent as apposed to just scoring points. Thus learning Muay Thai is
very useful for self-defense purposes.

Muay T ha i a n d K i ck b ox i n g

In the late 1950s Osamu Noguchi, a Japanese businessman travelled to

developed kickboxing, which is a fusion of Muay Thai kicks and punches
with aspects of karate.

NB: Full contact Kickboxing does not allow elbows or kicks to the legs.


 Learn an effective self-defense system

 Burns lots of calories

 Improves muscular endurance

 Increases stamina

 Improves co-ordination

 Improves balance

 Improves reactions

 Improves kinaesthetic awareness


 Improves speed

 Total body workout


Ph ysi o l o g y o f Mu a y T ha i
on many variables such as the type of drills, the intensity and rest time.

Just like other Ring sports (e.g. UFC, K-1, MMA, kickboxing and Boxing)
sessions are primarily cardiovascular workout with bursts of anaerobic
activity. Most training, and the focus of this course is done with focus
pads. Your client (and you!) will be essentially interval training as it is
exercising both aerobically and anaerobically. Therefore Physiological
adaptations to Muay Thai include all the changes you would expect from
aerobic and anaerobic activity. Muay Thai level 2 will cover this area in
more detail, however two common examples of adaptations are:

Power as you punch, elbow, knee and kick faster you will get more
speed and your punching, knee, elbow and kicking speed will increase.

Hip Flexibility kicking in Muay that differs from many other martial
arts due to its pivoting technique. As you kick more and more it serves
The three energy system characteristics of Muay Thai

Creatine Phosphate (CP) Lactate (LA) Oxygen

Anaerobic Anaerobic Anaerobic

Very quick to activate Quick to activate Slow to activate

Uses stored Creatine Glycogen Glycogen and fats

Very limited amount of Limited ATP and runs out Unlimited ATP for long du-
ATP available, which after about 2 minutes of rations of low intensity e.g
runs out after about 10 high intensity. E.g. a round 5 minutes of slow combi-
seconds of maximal of drills. One of key adap- nations.
intensity e.g 10 quick WDWLRQVWRJKWHUVLVWKHLU
punches. ability to tolerate and get
rid of lactic acid. This is
due to extensive use of
drills that replicate energy
systems of a real contest.

No waste products Lactic acid (causing fa- Water, heat and co2
tigue and burning sensa-
tion in muscles)

Inte n s it y v s Du r at io n

Duration Energy Systems Energy Supplied by

1-4 seconds Anaerobic ATP (in muscles)

4-10 seconds Anaerobic ATP +CP

10-45 seconds Anaerobic ATP +CP

45-120 seconds Anaerobic & Lactic Muscle ATP +CP +muscle Glycogen

120-240 seconds Anaerobic & Aerobic Glycogen + lactic acid

240 + seconds Aerobic Glycogen & fatty acids

He a l th S cre e n i n g
As always a client must complete a PAR-Q and a verbal screening to
ascertain if there is any reason why he or she cannot participate. It is
also best to avoid teaching Muay Thai if client has:

 High blood pressure


 Osteoarthritis/rheumatoid arthritis

 Severe osteoporosis

 Lower back or hip injuries.

Ascertaining your clients exercise history and martial arts/boxing experience

will help you devise the type of and intensity of your Muay Thai sessions.

As a Personal Trainer you must adapt exercises to the ability of your

client. One of the most important jobs of a Trainer/Coach is to manage
progression safely and effectively for your clients. Guidelines for differing

En v i ro n m e n t
Is important to have some clear space so you can focus just on training,
not on other obstacles and people.
Tra i n e e C l o t h i n g
0XD\ 7KDL %RUDQ )LJKWHUV - Baggy shorts, Rope wrapped around

3URIHVVLRQDO0XD\7KDL)LJKWHUV Thai Shorts, ankle protectors and

Boxing gloves (and wraps), mouth guard.

$PDWHXU0XD\7KDL)LJKWHUV Thai Shorts, head protection, body

protector, elbow guards, shin guards, ankle protectors, Boxing gloves
(and wraps)

Clients should wear normal gym training clothing. Shorts/leggings are

preferable over trousers as they allow for a greater range of movement
when kicking and its easier to watch your feet and less chance of tripping
over. When viable training barefoot is preferable.

Clients should always wear shin guards, elbow guards, wraps and boxing
Eq u i pme n t: Fo r the co a ch

Be l l y p a d Sh in Gu ards T h a i k ic k pads

Eq u i pme n t: Fo r the cl ie n t

Sh i n Gu a rd s B ox i ng wra ps B ox in g Glove s Elbow Guards

Top King, Sandee and Twins all make high quality Muay Thai equipment.

The websites below all supply a wide range of Muay Thai gear.

Boxing Gloves & Hand wraps

Choose 12-14oz gloves. The heavier the glove the safer for all involved.
Insist on your client using boxing wraps before using gloves. These have

 Less chance of breaking the thumb

 Less impact on knuckles
 Protects the wrist while punching
 More hygienic
 Protects the inside of the gloves

There are numerous ways of wrapping the hands, the main things are that
thumbs and knuckles are covered and wrist is supported. Below details
one way of wrapping the hands before putting gloves on. Its advisable
to machine wash hand wraps after each use.

W hat thi s co u r se d o e s no t te a ch
Muay Thai has a rich cultural heritage and it is taken very seriously in
South East Asia. Until relatively recently only soldiers and Royalty were
allowed to practice it in Thailand.

This course is designed to introduce Muay Thai to your clients. The actual
techniques have not been watered down in any way. In this course there
are ten fundamental attacking techniques as used by current champions
in Thailand. However it is not designed to fully prepare your clients for
know how to defend and what its like to be truly calm while someone is
trying to knock you unconscious! This requires hours upon hours of hard
sparring. This course, nor does the next course (Muay Thai 2) cover physical
Full Sparring. This course aims to introduce Muay Thai only; to borrow
its techniques so as to add to your repertoire of ways of helping clients
improve their body.

Being a Muay Thai Trainer (kru) in Thailand is an extremely revered position.

Muay Thai teachers in Thailand are ex professionals, usually stadium or
regional champions. Most would have had well over 100 professional victories
and would be icons in the community. Therefore, out of respect for the
sport, it is always important to know you are still and always will be a
student as well as a teacher. Do not pretend to be better than you really
are. Its unprofessional and disrespectful. Therefore, if a client wants to
experience then you should refer them to a Muay Thai club or a trainer

Ex per t O p i n io n

Tuk Rawai, the 2005 Muay Thai World Champion and Head Trainer/Owner
of a professional Muay Thai Training camp in Thailand.

In July 2010, we asked Tuk what the most important things to consider
when coaching beginners Muay Thai, this was his response:

When teaching beginners you need to keep it simple: teach the basic
moves, elbows, knees, kicks and boxing and then make it fun. It takes
years of practice to look good in the ring so when teaching a beginner you
have little time to get them interested in the sport. You need teachers
who are welcoming to all levels and who are patient, who will not show
off but rather be supportive of the student.


Beginner: 5 minutes general cardio vascular pulse raiser, e.g jog, skipping,
cross trainer. From scale of 1-10 RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion), go
from level 1 to 3.

Intermediate level: do 5 minutes of Shadow Boxing (to level 3 RPE)

Shadow boxing

This should ideally be done in front of a mirror so your client can see
him/herself and start correcting technique. The more they understand
techniques the quicker they can progress and the more fun it is for both
of you. Shadow boxing warms up the body, serves as dynamic stretch
for hips and shoulders and ankles and also prepares the mind for the
upcoming pad work.

Tempo: should start slow and end high be set at speed.

Range of movement: to full range of movement of all attacks (and if

round kick spin round all the way

Sets: do reps of around 2 to 5 combinations at a time. With a couple of

seconds rest between each set of combinations

Mo b i l ity & Stre tche s
in hips) will reduce chance of injury and increase level of performance
in Muay Thai.

Beginners should do some mobilisation of spine and move onto dynamic

stretches. Do at least 3 dynamic stretches of sets of 30 seconds each (If
you need to do static as well, it is best to sandwich that in the middle
of dynamic, so as to keep heart rate up and RPE above 2.

Intermediates (i.e. those who can warm up using shadow boxing) should
now do static then 4 dynamic stretches (and static stretch anything that
happens to be 5 tighter)

Intermediates will work more hips as they will be kicking more and higher
of stretches for you to choose from. Yoga is being used increasingly in
the martial arts world. Hatha and Asthtanga yoga both compliment Muay
Thai very well.
(hold for 2 sets of 30 second)

Shoulders Inner Thighs and Hips Hamstrings Glutes

Trunk Neck Hips Flexors & Quads Inner Thighs

30 seconds each stretch. 2 sets (emphasis is on hip mobility)

Shoulders Hips & Legs Hips & Legs Ankles

Tea ching Stretches


 Make sure it is relevant and within the capability of your clients

 Please refer to teaching skills on page 32

Techniq u es

The following chapters will look at 6 fundamental elements of Muay Thai

attacks. Stance, Movement, Punching, Elbows, Knees and Kicks

Holding pads during drills

 Get used to holding pads before working with client, try punching,
elbowing, blocking, holding them up for imaginary punches, kicks etc.
 Instruct client that when pads come up and face them that they
should strike them. When your drop them into and facing your chest,
 Holding pads is a skill just as much as punching or kicking is you will
improve with practice.
 Encourage clients to hit pads with force, and speed, but not to the
expense of accuracy and stance.
 Clients should aim for a few inches behind the pad
 Trainer should be concentrating even more than the student!
 Do not hit your clients with pads (this will be covered in Muay Thai 2)


St anc e
What is it?

This is the optimal stance (body and feet position) to most easily attack
and defend. It differs slightly to traditional boxing as you are not diagonal
facing. You are front facing or at a slight angle (this is because if you
leave a foot forward you will get kicked off balance) you should stay
upright at all times, weight on balls of your feet and knees bent. Hands
should be up, a few inches away from chin. Jab hand slightly further
forward - this will be left hand if a right handed client. The famous
Muay Thai stance of a high guard and tapping left foot is not necessary
to learn until full sparring.

Teaching Points

 Feet shoulder width apart, with weight on balls of feet, ready to move
 Knees bent slightly
 Hips facing forward
 Shoulders facing forward, hunched up slightly to protect chin
 Chin down
 Hands - up protecting chin, knuckles facing in, about 3-5 away inches
from jaw
 Elbows in


 Hands dropping below jaw

 Turning sideways with left foot forward (using a western boxing stance)

Move m e n t

What it is?

This chapter explains how to move while maintaining a good defense

while maintaining a keep a good body position to attack. The idea is
apart. In Thailand students learn a special way of moving called the
3-step walk or Thai Boxing walk At this stage it is best to use an adapted
western boxing way of moving as it differs slightly from the Thai walk
but is much easier to grasp.

Teaching Points: (for a right handed client)

 Always keep feet hip width apart, ideally weight on the balls of your
then back leg follows. Hips stay facing forward at all times.
Again small, low steps and hips don not rotate.
 Turning right: right leg sweeps back and you let your hips follow.
Feet will naturally turn to correct position assuming weight stays on
the balls of feet
 Turning Left: Left leg sweeps backwards and your hips follow.
 Relax, relax, relax. The more relaxed you move, the easier it is to
get the techniques.


 Moving forward back, and turning left then right on a visual or verbal
queue by trainer.
 Client follows trainer (you) randomly move around the room while
maintaining good technique.

Muay Thai Boran. The ancient form of Muay Thai that was used on the
has Muay Thai techniques borrowed from the world of western boxing.
Nowadays in Thailand Punch techniques are almost identical to how boxing
is taught in gyms in England. Punches involve both endurance and power
in the upper body. Here we will go through a couple of different types
of punches and how to teach them.


What is it?

A quick punch thrown by your weaker hand. For right-handed clients

this will be their left. This punch is fundamental. Its usually used to set
up other attacks.

How to execute the jab

Small step forward with left foot. Then twist the hip, then shoulder and
hips and foot. Palms facing down.

How to hold your pad

If client if jabbing with left they should aim for your right pad. Hold the
pad (Thai kick pad or boxing focus mitt) in front of you at head height of
client. Slightly move towards glove as your client makes contact. Tense
up your arms as they make contact. The harder to the punch, the harder
you should resist.

Teaching Points

 Keep weight on balls of feet

 Keep elbows in


 Too slow
 Using arms more than hips
 Not hitting the middle of the target

Right Cross

This is the right-handed version of the left jab. Step forward on left foot
but twist the right knee inwards, while twisting the heal outwards, this
will help generate power as you twist your right hip and extend your
right hand.

one is a south paw. i.e. left handed, then switch this round, so teach a
right jab and left cross)


 Left jab 20 reps

 Right cross 20 reps
 1-2 turn to page 23
 Left jab or right cross (Reaction training - trainer randomly chooses
side by putting up left or right pad from his chest)

Le f t Ho o k to Fa ce
( a l s o k n own j u st as th e Le f t Hook )

What is it?

A quick and powerful arcing punch delivered to the side of the jaw/temple


Step in with left foot diagonally, pivot from the balls of left foot. Rotate
hips quickly twist to target, and swing the arm in an arc hitting past the
target. Shoulder, elbow and wrist should all be in a straight line as you

How to hold your pad

A left hook you need to hold up your right pad. Hold the pad facing
sideways (Thai kick pad or boxing focus mitt) 6-12 inches in front of
you at head height of client. Slightly move towards glove as your client
makes contact. Tense up your arms as they make contact. The harder to
the punch, the harder you should resist.

Teaching Points

 Take a small step diagonally away from target

 Movement initiates from dropping left knee towards right calf, then
throwing/rotating your left heal, knee and hip, Keep hands up at


 Dropping right hand

 Using arms more than hips
 Wrist bent upon contact

Right Hook t o Fa c e .
Sa m e a s l e f t h o o k but step diagonally for ward with
yo u r r i g h t f o o t .


 20 left hooks the 20 right hooks

 Alternate sides after each rep. 40 reps total.

Lef t hook to bo d y

What is it?

Same as hook to face, but aimed for lower ribs on the side of the body.
Very similar to hook to the face, but bend knees a little more and let
the arm swing diagonally down.

How to hold pads

Starting from holding pads for a cross, rotate right forearm down so pad
faces the oncoming left hook. Your left hand should give support to the
back of the right.

Teaching Points

 Take a small step diagonally away from target

 Movement initiates from dropping left knee towards right calf, then
throwing/rotating your left heal, knee and hip. Keep hands up at


 Dropping right hand

 Using arms more than hips
 Wrist bent upon contact.

Ri ght hook to bo d y

The techniques, teaching points and common mistakes are all the same,
but pad holding and punch come from the right side, therefore its the
trainers left mitt which takes the punch (with the right hand at the back


 20 left hooks then 20 right hooks

 Alternate sides after each rep. 40 reps total.
ably the most effective self-defense skill that Muay Thai can teach.
MMA and Muay Thai contests often end in a knock out due to the brain
rattling effect of an elbow strike to the jaw or temple. Elbow pads are
recommended to prevent bruising and your client knocking you out by
accident! There are numerous way of employing the elbow. Below we
cover a few examples and how to teach them.

Le f t Sid e e l bow

What is it?

A sideways strike with the top of the forearm, very similar to a hook in
boxing. If a good connection, this will knock your opponent unconscious.

How to hold your pad

Open pad towards the elbow attacking. 6-12 inches in front of your face.
Tense arm up to and keep pad quite rigid. Lean head back slightly.

Teaching Points

 Step forward with lead leg

 Weight on balls of feet
 Pivot off the lead foot and quickly rotate trunk and add a whip to the
end but moving your elbow through the pad at the end
 Drop the left knee towards your right calf to aid the foot pivot
 Head stays facing forward, eyes on target
 Quickly step back and return to original position

 Side of wrist losing contact against sternum
 Not stepping in before rotating
 Not rotating enough

NB : Right Sid e e l bow

Same technique as left. You can step in either foot. The trainer holds
the right Thai kick pad/boxing focus pad.


 3 sets of 20 elbows (10 on left, 10 on right) 30 seconds rest between

 2 sets of 20 random elbows. You put you pad up randomly left or right
to improve client reactions
Lef t Slashing / O ve r ha nd e l bow

What is it?

An elbow attack to the nose or slashing diagonally or vertically across

the face. As you step forward to the target, the left elbow is thrown in
an overhand bowling action. Hand is tucked into the chest.

How to hold the pads

Face up, to the side of your body. For the slashing elbow let your arms
be lose so the elbow slaps the pads (not as much need to tense up like
with punches and kicks unless its particularly powerful)

Teaching Points

 Step into the attack quickly with either foot

 Right hands stay up and wrist touches forehead temple or cheek to
protect face
 Elbow is whipped down quickly ideally while stepping forward
 Weight moves onto front leg, use back muscles to add power into
the movement.


 Not stepping in at same time a elbow slashes down

 Dropping right hand


 10 left elbow slashes, 10 right elbow slashes

 Alternate sides 30 reps

Sp i nni ng r ig ht e l b ow

What is it?

An elbow attack to the face thrown as your rotating away from the
opponent/pad. You step to the side of the opponent and quickly rotate
your waist then whip an elbow backwards. After youve hit the target
you spin back into normal stance.

How to hold the pads

 To front of your face. Minimum 12 inches far in front of you. (Very

easy to get elbowed by accident here!)
 Teaching Points
 Step to the outside of the opponents foot
 Right hands stay up and wrist touches forehead temple or cheek to
protect face
 Body position to stay upright

 Losing balance by doing it too quickly

 Not reaching the target by not keeping body upright


 10 slow motion spinning elbows

 5 fast spinning elbows


Knees are a close and mid range weapon. Usual targets are face and ribs.
There are numerous types of knee attacks in Muay Thai. We will cover
just one on this course. However after learning this, learning other knee
attacks will be much easier.

Ri ght Fron t Kne e

Step forward with left foot, keeping the right heel tucked into right glute,
extend the knee diagonally up towards target. The upper body should be
thrown backwards and simultaneously hips are thrust forwards.

How to hold pads

Loosen the binding on your Thai kicks pad a little when holding for knee
kicks. Your right forearm (with Thai pad) should rest on top of your belly
pad. Encourage your student to knee diagonally at 45 degrees into the
bottom the kick pad. Start softly. Many trainers wear a box but this
isnt necessary if you coach your client to start slow and go for accuracy
before power. Push down on the clients quads/knee as they make contact.
Have a deep stance so you dont fall back under the impact.

Teaching Points

 Thrust from the hips

 Go up on toe on left foot
 Tuck in heal and point toe down
 Knee is thrown from a slight angle
 Lean back
 Keep left arm up, right arm can swing down to help momentum


 Not leaning back

 Forgetting to step forward
 Right front knee same as the left, but stepping in with the right
and swinging the left arm down


 20 left knees, then 20 right knees

 30 alternating sides
 30 alternating sides using the foot switch (below)

The foot swi t ch - f o r k ne e s a nd k ick s

A more advanced way of quickly changing the feet ready for a left or
and quickly swap feet. (i.e. right jumps forward as left jumps back) Of
key importance is to keep hips facing ford at all times. This foot swap
drill is good to do with kickboxers or boxers who forget the Muay Thai
stance and use a diagonal boxing; stance.

Kicking with the foot or shin is a long-range technique. Muay Thai kicks
are held in high esteem amongst the MMA community as the whipping hip
technique utilised dramatically increases power and thus these become
extremely powerful weapons against an opponent. One sidekick to the
ribs executed correctly can easily crack ribs and a kick to the face often
and balance. In this course we will cover the 2 most fundamental kicks.

Ri ght Si de k ick to B o d y

A signature Muay Thai move. Step forward and pivot on the left foot,
then swings a relatively straight leg from the hip so the right leg swings
to the opponents side. (Around hip height)

How to do hold pads

Hold the pads in a V-shape; so only one edge is making contact tuck
your elbows into your sides. This is for feeding the roundhouse kick. Get
into a deep stable stance with left leg forward and bent, As the kick
connects, lean into it, resisting against the kick. It is easy to get kicked
in the face by your own pads, so remember to resist against the kick by
leaning in and pushing down into the shin of client kick as it makes contact

Teaching Points

 Step diagonally across from target with left foot

 Left heal rotates so it faces the target & hips quickly move from
facing forward to facing sideways
 Swing the leg (like a baseball bat) so keep the right kicking leg
straight (not locked)

 Point the tow of kicking leg, aim for your lower shin or top of foot
to hit target.
 Swipe the right arm down to hip while kneeing left hand up near face
 Lean backwards while kicking


 Not pivoting the foot or hips enough

 Balance issues

Left side kick



 10 right kicks, then 1o left kicks

 2 sets of 20 Foot Switches (p 21)
 2 set of 20 x Left kick, foot switch then right kick

NB: this is traditionally done 500 reps at a time against a banana tree.

Sid e k ick b l o ck

At this stage its advisable just to teach this to yourself and not teach
clients defensive manoeuvres. (This will be covered in Muay Thai 2)
Learning a side kick block, as it will help you coach Muay Thai without
getting hurt. To block a right side kick,lift shin at a 45-degree angle,
point toes down and bring elbow down to outer side of knee. This position
protects upper legs, ribs, body and face from a round kick.

Teaching Points

Lift up appropriate leg at a 45 angle to meet the oncoming round kick.

Lean slightly into the attack and touch your corresponding elbow to the
outside of the knee.


 Blocking too early not actually reacting but getting into a drill pattern
 Not opening hips enough
 Trying to kick the shin on the opponent as opposed to defending yourself

Left Fro nt thr u st k ick / te e b

Known as the teeb. This technically is not a kick but as thrust. A straight
leg is lifted up and the toes or ball of the foot are pushed to the target
(usually stomach or solar plexus). Its often seen as an equivalent to a
jab. i.e. its used to gain range, put off the opponent and set up a more
aggressive technique.

How to hold pads

Kicks are done against belly pad. Keep belly pad on tight and tense
abdominals when your client makes contact. Stand with one leg back to
brace the movement. Where a box for extra protection.

Teaching Points

 Encourage accuracy over power

 Lean backwards and thrust forward from the hips
 Left jab, right body hook, right hook, right elbow

 Missing the belly pad

 Snapping from knee instead of thrusting from hip
 Foot not going back to start position after the teeb


 20 x Left teebs, then 20 x right teebs

 30 alternating sides after each repetition

Muay Thai training becomes increasingly effective and fun once your
client has learned some fundamental attacks (as above) and can then
known as a combination.


 Your ability/ safety

 Technical ability of client
 Fitness level of client
 Physical Tiredness
 Mental tiredness

The 1-2

This famous and fundamental boxing combination consists of Left jab

right cross
This is often called the 1-2, or jab cross combination. It is fundamental
to learn this correctly before doing other combinations.

After making contact with the jab client then should start throwing the
right punch. When its 1/3 to half way to target then the left hand should
come back therefore the hands pass each other way out in front of chest.
This may take some time to grasp. Be patient with your client. Therefore,
rather than having sets and reps, dedicate a time to improving it, e.g.
5 minutes.

Examples of combinations

The majority of your time teaching is spent doing drill routines.

NB: training Muay Thai, all energy systems are not only used but are
condition compared to other martial artists. This is because training
involves hours and hours of intense pad work, split into short rounds, as
advocated on this course.

Examples of Upper Body combinations

 Left jab, right jab, left jab left side elbow

 Left jab, left jab, right body hook, left hook
 Left jab, right body hook, left jab, right face hook
 Left jab, right hook, left body hook, right body hook
 Left jab, right cross, right hook
 Left jab left hook left jab, right side elbow

 Left jab, right body hook, right hook, right elbow
 Left side elbow, right spinning elbow
 Examples of Lower body Combinations
 Left front kick, right round kick
 Left knee, right knee
 Left side kick, right knee, left knee
 Left knee, right knee
 Right knee, right knee, left knee
 Right round kick, left side kick, right front kick
 Left front kick, right front kick, left front kick, right round kick
 Right front kick, left front kick left knee, right knee,
 Right knee, left front kick, right knee
 Left round kick, right knee, right knee, and right knee

Total body combinations


You need to take into account the rage of the attack. For the purpose of
this course and for beginners learning Muay Thai we can summarise attack
ranges as follows. (Please note that this soon changes when training to

 Legs (long range attack)

 Punch/Knees (mid range)
 Elbows (close range)

For a beginner or intermediate level client, kicks will be long distance,

knees and punches mid range and elbows close range. For beginners try
with kicks)

As your client improves their foot speed and agility they can progress
and switch from long distance to short and mid range attacks with more

Examples of total body combination drills level


 Left jab, right jab, left hook right round kick for 2 minutes
 Left jab, left jab right knee for 1 min
 Left front kick right knee, for 2 minutes
 Left jab, Left front kick, right round kick. All for 20 reps
 Left jab, right jab, left overhand elbow, right knee. All for 10 reps


 Left jab, right knee, left knee, left elbow

 Left jab, left elbow, right knee
 Right front kick, left knee, Left slashing elbow, right side elbow
 Left front kick, right round kick, left jab, right cross left hook, right
hook, left elbow, left spinning elbow


Your client will fall under one of these labels. These are not strict terms. But
are used to help understand the different levels of Muay Thai participants.
(A beginner in Thailand may be someone having less than 10 professional


 Beginner never done Muay Thai before

kickboxing or Muay Thai contest.
 Advanced Is ready to spar or already trains at a Muay Thai or Kickboxing
/ MMA club
 Professional Fights regularly

We will only cover the coaching of beginners and intermediate on this


Se ssio n Ou tl in e

(Muay Thai pad drills) and a cool down with post stretching

 Warm up 10 minutes
 Drills 40 minutes of drills
 Cool down 10 minutes
 Warm up please refer back to page 10

Cool Down

 Do 2-3 minutes shadow boxing (fast to slow) - Just punches with full
range of movement. This helps clients technique, brings heart rate
down (RPE level 2-3 and increase lactate acid tolerance (endurance
in shoulders is important)

 Then do 5-7 minutes of static stretches. Do at least three lower body



Always err on the side of simplicity. It is better a client comes away from
a session learning one thing well than 20 things badly.

The way you progress a client is up to you. If they are improving then you
are doing your job well. In Thailand, the ancient and highly aggressive
and a predecessor of Muay Thai the ring sport was taught over years and
years. With the Kru (teacher) only progressing to a new technique once
his student had completely mastered the previous one. It is said it took
several months of daily training just to get the stance right.

As a guideline, you should work total body with beginners and do a

split routine with more advanced clients. (A very similar approach to

Beginner - Total body approach. Working lower body, upper body and
left and right sides evenly

Split into 2 x 20 minutes, 3 x 15 minute or 4 x 10 minute blocks. Choose

from the following



 Demo the technique*

 Explain the technique
 Show the technique (if necessary physically move their arm to show
the movement)
 Let them practice (softly against a target or into air)
 Spend a few minutes correcting form using teaching points
 Do 2 - 4 rounds of 2 to 3 minutes Pad work i.e. you holding pads and
client attacking. 90 seconds rest time between rounds
 Gain feedback as you go on and after each round

NB: Demo*- take into consideration what type of demo (full or partial),
and if you want to show speed and power do not do it to your client

Intermediate - focus or two or three areas from the list above. But
make sure combinations are one of them.

Intermediate level is usually after 4 to 10 hours of private sessions of

Muay Thai.

As a Coach in Muay Thai you should always be respectful to your client.
Whatever level of ability they are, try not to judge. Be patient. Muay Thai
is a lot of fun but can be very intimidating when taught in a non-empathetic

Types of learning


Every student learns in different ways. Since we all have a preferred

way (though not exclusive) of learning. They may not know what this is.
Visual learners need to see what happens, kinaesthetic need to feel and
oral learners need to hear. When coaching appeal to all three elements,
by Showing (visual), explaining (oral) and getting them to practice or
*physically move the clients body in the correct way (kinaesthetic)

* Always ask, and be appropriate, ethical and professional.


Selling the exercise

To be truly motivating your have to understand your client what is it

about Muay Thai that appeals to them? Invariably the more fun your
client has, the quicker they will improve and the more fun you will have.


Clarity - Always be accurate and clear whenever talking

Tone of voice Change tone and speed of voice to show enthusiasm

Choice of words - Dont just say punch, punch. Say blast, swing, and
smack, whack etc Make a bang noise or say knock out when they hit the
pad really well. Make it fun, encourage all the time.


After each set give constructive feedback. Say what they did well then
offer 1 or 2 things they could do better for the next set. If necessary
show again. For example,

 You did really well Sarah. You look very balanced and controlled. For
this next set, can you try and turn your hips a bit more then youll
achieve more power.
 DEMO correct technique in slow motion.
 Explain what you are focusing on when doing it. (E.g., step, pivot
foot then swing with leg quite straight, toes pointing down)
 Get her to do several practice reps against the pad softly
 Use the exercises teaching points.
 Great well done Sarah- much better. Lets do 10 more reps on the
right and really focus on the foot pivoting then hips rotating.

 Interview with Tuk Rawai Muay Thai Champion;
2005 world title at 135 lbs.

 Fighting Strategies Of Muay Thai: Secrets of

Thailands Boxing Campsby Mark Van Schuyver
and Pedro Solana Villalobos

 Muay Thai a Living Legacy: Volume 1 by Lesley

D. Junlakan

 Ultimate Flexibility: A Complete Guide to Stretching

for Martial Arts by Sang H. Kim

 Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning

3rd Edition by Thomas Baechle and Roger Earle

 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

Guidelines for exercise testing and prescription.
6th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkin

 Physiological responses and energy cost during a

simulation of a Muay Thai boxing match. Journal
of Appl. Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism.
Issue 34, 2009

 An additional 10 more punching, elbow, knee
and kick techniques

 Best defense for each of the attacks on Intro

and Advanced course

 Dummy attacks

 Counter attacks

 Split routine combinations

 Advanced counter attack combination drills

 Goal setting and Progression

 Using different equipment and targets

 Thai vs western training

be a better you TM



Level 1 Muay Thai Fitness Trainer

Core stability

Indoor group cycling instructor

Vibration Plate trainer

Cholesterol and diabetes testing

Business and marketing for fitness professionals

Website and SEO for fitness professionals


[email protected]

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