PLC 118 ST
Finish : semi-gloss
DESCRIPTION No. of Components : Two
PLC 118 ST is a two-component surface tolerant anti- Volume Solids : 85%
corrosion epoxy coating for steel and concrete surfaces. Mixing Ratio : 1 part A to 1 part B
It is a self-priming coating for old and painted steel by volume
surfaces. It is highly recommended as a maintenance Recommended Thickness : 100 - 300 microns DFT
coating on rusty or painted surface where abrasive per coat
blasting is not possible. PLC 118 ST can be top-coated Theoretical Coverage : 8.5 m2/litre @ 100
with alkyd, acrylic, polyurethane, vinyl and other top- microns DFT
coats. (WFT = 118 microns)
No. of coats recommended : One or Two.
RECOMMENDED USES Drying Time : Touch dry - 3 hours
PLC 118 ST is particularly recommended for new Open for traffic - 24
construction as well as maintenance painting of rusty hours
steel or upgrading old coatings. Ideal for steel buildings, Full cure - 7 days
piping, machinery, equipment, bridges, tank and Pot life : 2 hours (varies with
exposed structural steel. Excellent for waste water tank temperature)
lining and corrosion protection for re-bars in structure Packing Size : 5 litres & 20 litres.
repair works. One or two coats is required for most
applications. Hand or power tool cleaning is acceptable APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS
for rusty surface. SURFACE PREPARATION :
Steel : The most recommended surface preparation
ADVANTAGES method for anti-corrosion applications is abrasive
blasting to SSPC-SP10 near white metal finish but for
Easy application - Applied by roller or spray.
areas where abrasive blasting is not practical, PLC
Chemical resistant - resistant to wide range of
118 ST can be applied on power tool prepared
industrial chemicals.
High build - can build up to 300 microns DFT in one
coat. MIXING : Mix component A thoroughly then mix in
Anti-corrosion - excellent protection properties for component B and mix till homogeneous. Do not mix
steel surfaces. more materials than the quantity to be consumed
Surface tolerant adhere well to surface with within the pot life.
minimum surface preparation and old coatings.
Good adhesion - Adhere very well to almost any THINNING : Thin not more than 10% by volume with
surface. PLC Thinner #3 only when necessary for Workability.
Self-priming - No primer required.
APPLICATION : PLC 118 ST can be applied by
roller, brush, conventional spray and airless spray.
For steel surfaces, do not apply when the surface
temperature is less than 3C above the dew point.
Apply by roller using parallel passes in one direction.
For detailed application procedures, please contact
PLC Laboratory Technical Division.
CLEANING : Clean all application tools with PLC
Cleaner #2 immediately after use.