CPIB 41 Firmware Update Notice Galaxy DimensionV6.78
CPIB 41 Firmware Update Notice Galaxy DimensionV6.78
CPIB 41 Firmware Update Notice Galaxy DimensionV6.78
Firmware Update
PRODUCT : Galaxy Dimension V6.78 Notice
Due to the implementation of the updated EN50131 series of standards and the introduction of PD6662:2010
in the UK we are pleased to announce a number of updates and enhancements to the Galaxy Dimension
control panel range to meet the new requirements.
The updates bring the firmware version to V6.78 which delivers compliance to the latest standards. The
firmware is available now.
The Galaxy Dimension range has been independently tested by CNPP, France.
Please find below details of the changes and enhancements between V6.75 and V6.78 of the panel
The firmware updates listed in this document include updates to functionality to ensure compliance
with PD6662:2010. The relevant approvals agencies have been advised of these changes to maintain the
national listings held by Galaxy Dimension.
New Part Number References
To differentiate the changes applied to the Galaxy Dimension for the new EN standards, there is a ~
change in Part Number to the control panels.
Functional Changes
Functional control panel updates have been implemented to ensure continued compliance with EN50131-3
2009, EN50131-6 2008, PD6662 2010 as well as a number of changes including some that deliver product
enhancements requested by customers.
Summary of Changes:
- Section, Entry of PIN codes to be completed within 60s and that an incomplete code will
be treated as invalid in the context of clause
- Section, Two or more devices or technologies may be used by one or more individuals to
authorize level 2 or level 3 access to a CIE (Dual operation). The maximum time between one
operation and the initiation of the next has been changed from 60 seconds to 30 seconds for
Grade 3.
- Section, Changes so that the repeated use of the same invalid logical key is treated as a
single attempt and not pressing the enter key counts as an invalid code.
- Updates to Sequentially Confirmed Alarm operation in line with new requirements for BS 8423.
BS 8423 Section 6.4.5, Note 3: A sequentially confirmed alarm may occur if one (or more)
independent detectors, off the entry route, are activated during or after expiry of the entry
- Bug fix - Listen in needs to be enabled after the first download from Remote Servicing Suite.
- Listen in to be activated after any event type that is active in the unset state.
- Listen in should be activated if an intruder alarm occurs during the unsetting procedure.
- New option to configure the Listen-In Telephone Number, Option 56.7.1 = Listen In.
- 0=Disabled No audio on any number.
- 1= Tel No All telephone numbers will be used to transmit all calls, both audio
- 1= Tel No 1/2/3 (France Only) and non audio events.
- 2= Tel No 3 (France Only) Alarms enabled with audio are reported to
Telephone No.3 only (to be entered in menu 56.1.18). There will
be no audio to the Primary (TEL1) or Secondary (TEL 2).
If the audio number fails then Listen In is disabled and normal reporting commences.
- Two changes have been made to allow the Dimension Internal Telecoms Module to make
more redial attempts within the 2 minute Fail To Communicate time window:
1. The length of time that the panel waits for a kiss-on tone has been reduced from approximately
40 seconds to approximately 20 seconds for Danish defaults and approximately 30 seconds for
every other default variant.
2. The wait time between calls has been reduced to allow the panel to redial as soon as possible
after a failed call. This time has been reduced to 10 seconds.
A new parameter has been added to enable an audible confirmation of RF self learn of zones and fobs. If
enabled a double beep will be given if the device is learned on successfully, a long beep indicates that the
signal strength is weak, no sound will be given if the device learning is unsuccessful
- RSS / UMS v3.03 will be released as a patch update for all existing users. The Patch is available
now and can be downloaded manually from the following URL:
Hardware Upgrades
A Back Tamper / Off Wall Tamper switch is now fitted as standard on Galaxy Dimension (already used on
P026 Power RIO) to comply with EN50131-1:2006 + A1:2009 Tamper Detection.
All Galaxy products require updated labelling to state the applicable version and date of the relevant new
standard. For example: EN50131-3:2009:
Galaxy Dimension V6.78 is currently released and with appropriate approvals in the UK. To update existing
Galaxy Dimension control panels with the new V6.78 software, please contact your local sales or technical
support team.
The new RSS firmware patch is available now and downloadable from
Product Order References
Please contact your local Honeywell Security Group Area Sales Manager, the UK Sales Office or the
Technical Support Department on 0844 8000 235 or E-mail sales: [email protected] or E-mail
Technical Support: [email protected]
Don't forget that our Customer Product Information Bulletins are now available to download from our