Let There Be Light 5E LP Sample
Let There Be Light 5E LP Sample
Let There Be Light 5E LP Sample
Scientific Processes:
(2) Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses scientific methods during laboratory and outdoor investigations. The
student is expected to:
Scientific Concepts:
(6) Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that energy occurs in many forms and can be observed in cycles, patterns, and
systems. The student is expected to:
(B) demonstrate that the flow of electricity in circuits requires a complete path through which an electric current can pass
and can produce light, heat, and sound;
5E Lesson Plan Template
Objective/s- Write objective/s in SWBAT form Evaluation
In the space below, write at least one question to match the objective you listed or describe what you will
look at to be sure that students can do this.
1. Describe two ways that a battery, bulb, and wire can be 1. Students will write out a description of at least two ways they found to
connected that results in the bulb lighting. light the light bulb
2. Use symbols to diagram two ways that the system works, 2. Students will draw a diagram during the exploration section of the
and two ways that the system does not work. lesson
3. Define closed circuit and open circuit based on results of 3. Question: Based on todays lesson, write your own definition of a
arrangements of the battery, bulb and wire. closed circuit
5E Lesson Plan Template
Engagement: Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Description of Activity:
Teacher will use flashlight demonstration to get students attention and provoke interest
What the teacher does: What the student does: Possible questions to ask students think like a
student and consider possible student responses
1. Tell students a story about your 1. Students share their super heroes 1. Who were some of your super heroes
childhood super heroes and relate it to 2. Students continue to guess growing up?
their own experiences 3. Students brainstorm a create list or 2. Did you ever pretend? (ex. sticks as wands
2. Tell them how you used to pretend to diagram Harry Potter)
be in Star Wars and you used a 4. Students make observations about 3. What do you think is in a flashlight?
flashlight as your pretend light saber. the flashlight students share 4. What do you notice? What did you find?
3. Tell students that you wanted to make responses about critical elements What does a flashlight need to work?
your own when you were little but you 5. Students copy list in their notebooks
were not sure how the flashlight really Possible student responses: The light comes on or
worked goes off.Electricity.
Have students brainstorm What is in a
flashlight? and create a list of their
4. Give student pairs a flashlight to take
apart and observe. Asks students what a
critical elements are needed to light
the bulb
5. Teacher makes a list of student
responses on board
6. Teacher collects flashlights
Resources Needed:
Bag of flashlights
Safety Considerations:
5E Lesson Plan Template
Exploration: Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Overview of Activity:
Students explore various ways to make a bulb light using a bulb, piece of wire, and battery
What the teacher does: What the student does: Possible questions to ask students think like a
student and consider possible student responses
1. Ask students to get into group of four and 1. Students move to lab stations 1. Im going to give you a battery, a bulb and a
move to their lab stations piece of wire. You have one task Make
Note: Material in baskets to each lab the bulb light. If the arrangement you
table. Each basket contains 4 batteries, 4 choose to create makes the wires warm,
bulbs, and 8 connecting wires. This is simply separate the wires and give them a
enough for each student to have 1 moment to cool
battery, 1 bulb and 2 connecting wires 2. On the screen you see 3 pictures of the
2. Put sheet with pictures of bulb, wire and 2. Students observe drawings things you will be using. What is the name
battery on document camera to make of each thing?
sure students know how to draw each Students say, Battery, bulb and wire. As you point
part of the arrangement. to each picture.
3. Tell students that they will use these 3. I am going to hand out an data table to each
symbols to show the results of their of you
investigation. Tell them they should 4. Student name, can you explain what we are
record observations on data sheet going to be doing?
4. Each student will be given a data sheet to
record results successful or otherwise. Be
sure to project the data sheet on the
document camera to show students
where their drawings should go.
5. Assign roles to students and have one 5. Who should be picking up the materials?
student be responsible for picking up the
6. Have a student from each group get the 6. materials manager picks up materials and
basket containing the battery, bulb and takes back to group
5E Lesson Plan Template
length of wire.
7. Monitor the groups. Allow the students 7. Students work in with the bulb, wire, and
to discover the arrangement that battery to try out different arrangements to 7. Can you talk to be about what you are doing?
works.Ask probing questions as when light the bulb. Students record observations What have you figured out? What about other
appropriate according to what is occurring of what works and what does not work on configurations? How can you show this
at each table their data sheet arrangement on your data sheet?
Note: If a student immediately gets the bulb to
light, encourage them to find another way
that it will light up. Also encourage them to
test arrangements that dont work
8. As students work, monitor groups to
select possible sketches that you want to
make sure to be shown to the class for
discussion. Pick a few examples from
those that do work as well as from those
that dont work.
Note: For students who finish the task before
all students have been successful, you can
have the students turn their paper over and
write down 2 questions that they would like to
investigate about their system.
9. When all students have been successful, 9. students return materials
have students put their materials back in
the basket and place the basket in the 9. Ok, now that we have all had a chance to
middle of the desk investigate for a while I am going to ask you all to
put up your materials. The materials manager
should return your basket
Resources Needed:
Material in baskets to each lab table. Each basket contains 4 batteries, 4 bulbs, and 8 connecting wires. This is enough for each student to have 1 battery, 1 bulb
and 2 connecting wires
Overhead or slide showing symbols used for drawing
Data table worksheet for each student
Safety Considerations: There is little chance of electrical shock the voltage is too low--but curious students might try to plug their circuits in, so warn
them that battery power is all they will be using during your study of electricity. Also, caution students not to let the wire get too hot
5E Lesson Plan Template
Explanation: Estimated Time: 15 minutes
Overview of Activity:
Students share explanations of findings. Teacher provides vocabulary to help students talk about their observations
What the teacher does: What the student does: Possible questions to ask students think like a
student and consider possible student responses
1. Ask selected students to describe the 1. Selected students come up and 1. Tell me about once configuration you group
arrangements that caused the bulb to show their results on the doc cam found that didnt work. What about one that
light. Students can bring their data sheet did work. Did anyone else try this? Did you get
up to the doc cam and zoom in on their the same thing or something different
2. Repeat above process with diagrams of 2. Students listen to presentations and 2. You all should record any new configurations
arrangements that did and did not work add new configurations to their data you dont already have and note whether they
ask students to add these drawings to sheet did or did not work.
their data sheets if they see a new
arrangement. 3. Students talk with their partner to 3. Talk with your partner and see what you
3. Ask students to talk in pairs to explain compare the arrangements that notice about the ones that worked and didnt.
the differences in the diagrams of the worked and those that didnt What is common about those that worked?
arrangements that do work compared to
those that didnt work. 4. Student name, can you tell me something that
4. Ask pairs to share out their ideas of what 4. Students share out ideas about you think is necessary for an arrangement in
is common to all of the arrangements what was common to all order for us to light this bulb. Who would like
that worked arrangements that worked to add something else? Do we all agree?
5. Record student ideas on the board
6. As students share their ideas add 6. Students add vocabulary terms to their 6. You guys have some great ideas here. Scientists
scientific vocabulary to their descriptions diagrams have special names for some of your ideas. They are
Resources Needed: doc camera, white board or chalk board
Safety Considerations: none
5E Lesson Plan Template
Elaboration: Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Overview of Activity:
Students generate questions they would like to investigate further
What the teacher does: What the student does: Possible questions to ask students think like a
student and consider possible student responses
1. Students will now have the opportunity
to come up with questions for inquiry.
2. Use a Think-Pair-Share strategy to allow
students to communicate the questions 2. Students talk in pairs to think about other 2. What other ideas do you have? What would you
they have come up with to test. questions they would like to test like to find out?
3. Have one person from each table write
down ideas.
4. Have students write ideas on the board
to create a class list 4. students record ideas on the board
Resources Needed: diagrams and handouts from explore section
Safety Considerations: none
5E Lesson Plan Template
Evaluation: Estimated Time: 5minutes
Description of Activity:
Checking for understanding of circuits
What the teacher does: What the student does: Possible questions to ask students think like a
student and consider possible student responses
1. Students write definition 2. Question: Based on todays lesson, Id like you
1. Teacher asks students to write their own to write your own definition of a closed circuit
definition of a closed circuit
Resources Needed: evaluation slip
Safety Considerations: none