Lapointe Kylie 1386754 f16 425
Lapointe Kylie 1386754 f16 425
Lapointe Kylie 1386754 f16 425
School Information:
School Name: North Star Elementary School School District: Northern Lights # 69
School Address: 5520 50 Ave. Postal Code: T9M 1S9
School Phone #: (780) 594-3232 City: Cold Lake
Students should retain a copy of the Final Evaluation form for their own records. Please note that
potential employers may ask for a copy of this Final Evaluation.
A copy of this form will be emailed by the University Facilitator to the office of Undergraduate Student
Services, where it will be retained for a period of time according to the facultys retention schedule; no
other copies will be retained by Mentor Teachers, University Facilitators or employees of the University
of Alberta without written permission of the Student Teacher.
For each category, the Mentor Teacher should provide comments that reflect strengths and areas for
growth in each category. Evidence and specific examples should be provided.
You do not need to fill the space provided; recommended length is 200-300 words per category. Write
only enough to provide necessary evaluation and evidence. Please do not exceed the space provided, as
lines of text that extend beyond the text box will not appear on printed copies; there is space for extra
comments at the end.
Use the KSAs and suggested topics as they relate to the category to guide your comments, not all need
to be addressed.
North Star Elementary School is a primary school of approximately 300 students. There are 14 single
grade classes from Kindergarten to Grade Three. Classes range in size from 18 to 21 students. Our
school is located near the downtown area of Cold Lake. There is a high percentage of students with
special academic and behavioural needs, as well as a high percentage of FNMI (First Nations, Mtis,
Inuit) Students. North Star Elementary School focuses on differentiated instruction so that all students
work at their level in the classroom. This year, our school was chosen to be part of the Apple School
Initiative and this has added an extra focus on healthy eating and living to our school programming.
Although Miss Lapointe has observed, interacted and instructed in various classrooms throughout the
school, she has primarily worked with a Grade Two class. This class consists of 21 students, ranging
academically from below to above grade level. There are 5 FMNI students, 2 previously French
Immersion students, as well as a high number of behavioural needs.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): curriculum expectations, content knowledge, lesson plans, organization, time
management, diverse learning needs, etc.
Miss Lapointe consistently and thoroughly prepares for school each day. She makes use of the Program
of Studies by choosing suitable outcomes for student instruction. Her planning shows well-developed
lesson plans with relevant objectives. In Language Arts, Miss Lapointe has been working with guided
reading groups. She has chosen books that appeal to student interests and there have been lively
discussions and excellent student engagement during these lessons. Students have been very proud of
their work completed in the guided reading lessons. Throughout the lesson, Miss Lapointe monitors
progress; adjusting and adapting for diverse learner needs. Miss Lapointe makes good use of the
physical environment and attempts to prevent instructional issues by being organized and prepared.
In Math, Miss Lapointe has been assisting in teaching and implementing the Math Daily 3 learning
structure, which provides opportunity for students to independently practice Math concepts while
teachers work with small groups in a Guided Math format. Kylie has been responsible for working with
small groups, where she is learning to identify student needs and use this information to modify whole
group instruction. She has shown strength in using this format to foster student independence, develop
classroom management, and use assessment for learning to guide her teaching. She has also recognized
and put into practice the importance of daily multi-strand review of Math concepts.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): learning strategies, sequencing/timing, flexibility, instructional strategies, use of ICT,
differentiation of instruction, student interest, cultural sensitivity, pacing, lesson/unit plans, etc.
Miss Lapointe is sensitive to the contextual variables that affect teaching and learning. When
establishing groups for an activity she is very careful to organize them strategically to maximize student
participation and minimize disruptions. During her Science unit on Magnets, Miss Lapointe made well-
balanced groups that worked together effectively and consisted of higher students to support the
struggling learners. She demonstrates a wide variety of effective teaching strategies and is very open to
new ideas and suggestions. Over the course of the practicum, Miss Lapointe has repeatedly shown her
willingness to try different strategies. Her lessons contain a balanced variety of different activities such
as hands-on/manipulative activities, individual seatwork, and group assignments. She always uses a
wide variety of approaches and appropriate inclusions of technology including a Smart Board. Over the
course of the practicum, Miss Lapointe has made numerous entries into each students Fresh grade
online portfolio, and an online guided reading conferencing application.
Miss Lapointe continues to improve her pacing through her lessons and is very intuitive to the needs of
the students. She is flexible and adjusts her pace by slowing down to reinforce content when needed, or
prioritize, adjust her plans and move through content efficiently when necessary.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): class tone, routines, rapport with students, conflict resolution, student engagement,
leadership, transitions, etc.
Miss Lapointe has established excellent rapport with students in the class and around the school. She
interacts well with the staff in both professional and casual settings. During her time at our school, she
has made a strong effort to understand the underlying causes of student behaviour and to be responsive
to their concerns. When faced with student conflicts, Miss Lapointe attempts to maintain the learning
environment by dealing with each situation in a calm and fair manner. She uses these situations as an
opportunity for guiding students through each conflict and using these situations as teachable
moments. Miss Lapointe continues to improve her strategies when dealing with disruptive behaviours,
and is always receptive to suggestions for improvement from experienced teachers. She also uses a
variety of strategies to eliminate disruptions during transitions by giving students clear expectations,
time limits for transition time, and engaging challenges that reinforce positive behaviour. Kylie truly
strives to understand each student as an individual and to lead them through appropriate curricular
connections in a way that addresses their unique personalities. Her instruction maintains high student
interest, student involvement and engagement that promotes learning. Students recognize her as a
compassionate and supportive caregiver in whom they can trust. She has truly become an integral
member of our classroom community as a support for the students.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): oral and written language, communication with parents/guardians, listening skills,
teaching/learning technologies, voice and language, etc.
Miss Lapointe is an articulate individual. She possesses excellent skills both oral and written.
Throughout the course of the practicum, Miss Lapointe has been in a variety of teaching situations that
require the ability to adjust ones voice to fit the situation. She has shown herself able to produce a voice
large enough for the gym and small enough to direct a small guided reading group in a corner of the
classroom. Miss Lapointe is highly expressive and uses tone and volume to enhance instruction.
Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed her enthusiasm during the times when she has read aloud to the class.
Miss Lapointe uses appropriate body language, facial expressions, and gestures in a very positive and
inviting manner. During class discussions, Kylie can stimulate discussion through effective questioning.
She listens carefully to student responses, uses wait time effectively, and redirects discussion to
instructional objectives when needed.
Miss Lapointe participated in parent-teacher interviews, where she communicated well with parents,
providing them with insightful, positive and constructive comments on their childs performance at
school. She is very professional and friendly when communicating with parents.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): appropriate questioning, adapted assessment, assessment variety, record keeping,
formative/summative, reporting, timely feedback etc.
Over the course of the practicum, Miss Lapointe has made use of a wide variety of assessment tools.
Some of the strategies used are checklists. One such checklist was in Science where she monitored
student participation in the group activity. During Physical Education, Miss Lapointe maintained
detailed anecdotal records on the students effort, attitude and participation. Students also completed a
self-evaluation which provided an opportunity to compare student versus teacher perception. In
Language Arts, she has made numerous entries into the students Fresh grade portfolios and an online
guided reading conferencing application. She has also been using the Assessment for Learning strategy
in Math, by using observational information gathered during whole group and Guided Math groups to
adapt future lesson planning that meets the needs of student learning. Kylie is beginning to weave
instructional objectives into assessment, and create assessments that provide an accurate example of
student understanding.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): Planning that includes all students and learning styles, alignment of strategies to student
needs, use of varied resources to differentiate instruction, assists all learners, understands contextual variables that affect teaching and
learning, etc.
As stated previously Miss Lapointe is very attuned to student needs when planning instruction and
organizing groups for activities. She considers who will work well together, support each other and
remain focused on learning. One of the first observations I made about Kylie is that she is very sensitive
to the needs of all students in the classroom. She quickly tunes in to students who are struggling and
swiftly takes the initiative to offer support. She also encourages higher students to challenge themselves.
For example, during a Math game that used dice, Kylie recognized the basic 6-sided dice was not
challenging enough for some students, so she offered them 20-sided dice to keep them challenged and
During Guided Reading, she noticed the strategies that students were using well and made good
suggestions about what other strategies might be useful. After observing one group apply their sounding
out skills, Miss Lapointe recognized student need and taught a lesson on the different Flip the Sound
strategy. She then reinforced the learning from this lesson into her guided reading group, fostering
success and efficiency in decoding strategies.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): work ethics, interpersonal skills, collegiality, initiative, energy, team work, attitude,
appearance, commitment, reflection, etc.
Miss Lapointe always conducts herself in a professional manner. She adheres to professional standard of
dress, as well as communication with students, staff and parents. She is very punctual and arrives at the
school well in advance to prepare for the day. She also demonstrates a high level of commitment by
staying after school hours to communicate and reflect with mentor teachers, plan for upcoming lessons,
and participate in all staff meeting and professional development opportunities. During the practicum,
Miss Lapointe had the opportunity to participate in many professional development opportunities
including dealing with students with a background of trauma, a Math session on problem solving, place
value and using manipulatives, attending the division-wide ATA institute day, as well as participating in
grade level Collaborative Response meetings. Kylie had insightful observations about the experiences
and is excited about future opportunities to learn and work with the Math facilitator. Miss Lapointe takes
her professional development seriously and is enthusiastically open to direction and new ideas.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): establishes specific strategies to meet professional goals, demonstrates oral/written
reflective practices, engages in goal setting, communicates overall vision of teaching, etc.
Miss Lapointe is a master of self-reflection. Her daily reflection entries are detailed and thoughtful. She
maintains an in-depth reflective journal that demonstrates exceptional insight into her teaching practice.
She is always interested and receptive to constructive feedback and coaching, and makes use of these
suggestions and reflective practice to improve her instruction.
At the end of each week Miss Lapointe also has been completing a self reflection that reviews the highs
and lows encountered through the week. She focuses on the strategies she should keep using, the
strategies she should stop using, and strategies that she could start implementing for the following week.
She has been working hard to keep reflecting and growing as a student teacher.
Christine Nuyten
From the moment she walked into our room, Miss Lapointe has exemplified all the best qualities needed
for success in the teaching profession. She is enthusiastic, energetic, professional and caring. It has been
a privilege to mentor Miss Lapointe in her final practical experience and look forward to seeing her
enjoying success in her chosen career.
Marianne Alberti
Words cannot express how thankful I am for the mentorship I have received from Marianne and
Christine over these past nine weeks. Their encouragement, support, and guidance has given me the
confidence I need to step in to the role of an educator. Having two mentor teachers has given me the
chance to learn from two different teaching perspectives, and gain a better understanding of the many
ways to help nurture young minds.
Though I will miss the smiling faces at North Star, I am thankful for the learning experience and excited
to face the career that lies ahead.