Ifx Final Evaluation
Ifx Final Evaluation
Ifx Final Evaluation
The final evaluation should:
Be comprehensive and detailed (see illustrative example below)
Be neatly typed (the boxes expand as you type)
Be complete early in Week 5 (draft) and discussed with the Student Teacher and the University Facilitator
Include the Student Teachers comments
Be signed by the Mentor Teacher, Student Teacher and the University Facilitator
Not include the instruction pages
Indicators and Comments:
The Suggested Topics listed in each section are based on the Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSAs) as
outlined by the provincial governments Alberta Teaching Quality Standard for Interim Certification. Use
them as guidelines to measure student teacher performance.
In each category of the evaluation, please cite specific examples that indicate the student teachers
performance. Comments should reflect strengths and areas for growth
Illustrative Example:
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Curriculum expectations
Content knowledge
Lesson Plans
Time management
Diverse learning needs
Evaluation Form
Faculty of
University of
Field Experiences
Final Evaluation 2013-2014
(5 Weeks)
Student Teacher:
Joanne Shaw
ID Number:
EDFX 325
School Telephone:
(780) 452 - 4525
University Facilitator:
Lawrence Rankin
School District:
Edmonton Public Schools
Mentor Teacher(s):
Josine Bryson
For this field experience, it is recommended that the Student Teacher receive a grade of: Credit
December 8, 2013
Signatures indicate that the University Facilitator and Student Teacher have received and read the evaluation report.
Students should retain the original signed Final Evaluation form for their own record. Please note that potential employers may ask
for copy of this Final Evaluation.
A copy of this form will be returned by the University Facilitator to the office of Undergraduate Student Services, where it will be
retained for a period of three years; no other copies will be retained by mentor teachers, university facilitators or employees of the
University of Alberta without written permission of the student teacher.
The purpose of this Field Experience Final Evaluation document is to provide evidence and communicate information regarding
Student Teacher performance based on the Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSAs) for Interim Certification.
Comments reflect strengths and areas for growth in each category.
School size
Special Programs
Special Needs Students in class
Class size
Number of teachers
Crestwood is a small Elementary and Junior High school on the west side of Edmonton. Many of the
students who attend Crestwood are middle to upper class. There is a strong parent community as many
parents are highly educated and value education. It has one class per grade in Elementary and three classes
per grade in Junior High. The Junior High has both Academic Challenge and Academic Alternative
programs. Approximately 400 students attend Crestwood School. Joanne taught grade 4 with 29 students.
There are 25 girls and 4 boys. The majority of the class is operating at or above grade level. One student is
coded as a strategy student. There are two other students who receive extra support in math and language
arts. There is one student with FAS who has behavioral as well as learning challenges. Joannes teaching
assignment included teaching a math unit Measurement, a language arts lesson, social studies lesson; she
led a science discussion and taught an art lesson.
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Curriculum expectations
Content knowledge
Lesson Plans
Time management
Diverse learning needs
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Learning strategies
Instructional strategies
Student interest
Uses ICT
Cultural sensitivity
Lesson/unit plans
Differentiation of instruction
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Evaluation Form
Assessment Strategies
KSA K: Teachers gather information about their students learning needs and progress by using a variety of assessment strategies.
KSA L: Teachers know the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning.
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Appropriate questioning
Assessment variety
Formative/ Summative
Timely feedback
Adapted assessment
Record keeping
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Class tone
Rapport with students
Student engagement
Conflict resolution
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Work ethics
Interpersonal skills
Team work
Evaluation Form
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.