Shigeru Ban: E-Ch The European Concept House Shigeru Ban, Malinova, Peykova
Shigeru Ban: E-Ch The European Concept House Shigeru Ban, Malinova, Peykova
Shigeru Ban: E-Ch The European Concept House Shigeru Ban, Malinova, Peykova
two spaces of different size were defined The exterior paper tubes surrounding
by 110 paper tubes(2.7 high,275 mm in the courtyard stand apart from the
diameter and 148 mm thick) arranged in structure and serve as a screen. The li-
an s-shape above a squere 10 meters to ving area in the large circle is without
a side. This was the first project in which furnishing or detail other than an isola-
paper tubes were authorized for use as a ted kitchen counter, sliding doors, and
structural basis in a permanent building. movable closets. When the perimeter
Ten paper tubes support the vertical sashes are opened, the roof, supported
load and the eighty interior tubes bear by the colonnade of paper tubes, is visu-
the lateral forces. The cruciform wooden ally emphasized and a spatial continui-
joints in the bases of the columns are an- ty is created between the surrounding
chored to the foundation by lug screws gallery space and the outdoor terrace.
and cantilevered from the floor. The lar- The sliding doors on the four sides of the
ge circle formed by the interior tubes equare are detached from the structure,
forms a big area. A freestanding paper and the relationship between exterior
tubes column with a 1.2m diameter in and interior spaces can be freely alte-
the surrounding gallery contains a toilet. red by opening or closing these doors.
First floor
View toward the outside Exterior view from the southwest The living area, surrounded by paper
Turkey India
these rooms are not very large and hold These were divided into smaller cells to
a minimum of belongings and fittings. prevent the filling down inside the en-
They can be moved accordingly to the velopes. The cushion-like elements are
needs of their use. The basic construc- fixed to the timber structure with steel
tion of the house consists of slender tim- clips. The external facade covering con-
ber frames that support the segmental sists of two layers of corrugated, glass-
arched roof and the facade. The narrow fibre-reinforced plastic sheets, which
ends are glazed, affording views out to form the weather-resisting skin. Internaly,
the surrounding landscape. The plastic- the wall is sealed with a nylon membrane
clad lond facades are closed and trans- that can be removed for cleaning when
lucent, with only occasional ventilation required. A layer of plastic between the
openings. Extruded white polyathylene insulation and the membrane prevents
strands were chosen as the insulation the development of condensation in
for the translucent skin of the building. the internal space and also protects
Normally used as packing materail for against the ingress of insects. Wholly
transporting fruit, the strands were tre- in the tradition of Japanese architectu- The containers can be moved accordin-
ated by hand with a fire-resisting sub- re, an even level of subdued daylight gly to the needs of use.
stance by the architect‘s own assistants enters the internal space. This modern
and sealed in 500 plastic envelopes. enclosure is reminiscent of the typical
paper screens found in Japanese houses.
Flexible containers on rollers Internal side of the wall
Shigeru Ban:
„What the client wanted was descri-
bed as a house that „provides the least
privacy so that the family mambers are
not secluded from one another, a house
that gives everyone the freedom to have
individual activities in a shared atmos-
phere, in the middle of a unified family“...
This house is, indeed, a result of my vi-
sion of enjoyable and flexible living...“.
The room can be sub-divided by the use View from the south. All the glazed doors View toward the southwest, seen from
of movable closet units with a height of on both sides can be slid into the wall. the dining area. The east, the west, and
2,10 mm. the south sides are entirely opened by
the use of movable glazed doors.