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1953 . - i

15 C E N T S ii
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I ,
i : TVN Rnnounces

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, 1Ep, 'A TIME O F FASTING and .r----------------------- bcc:i praying lor hundreds and thousands
of people, but now we believe. because
. I
I .
* ' k 7 ' i r a y e r and .waiting on God? we 1 -BE TO READ TIIjS of the magnitude of the task which is
. I
I increasing daily, we must have the united
felt led in the Spirit to call the Chris- ! ! prayers, of all of God's people.
.of all. nations to united: prayer; iI .-tiVNC)UMCEMI.:iYT. i We must mention that this prayer plan .
shall chase a thousand and two' I includes the prayers for the local pas-.
W E MUST DO T H E THING tors and the local 'church. We must -
put ten thousand to flight." The I
has come when believers of,all II THAT W I L L BRING CHRIS?' I
I strengthen the hands of the, local min- ''
isters. This plan of united prayer cnvis-.
ho, believe in ' t h e power of. I BACK TO TIllS EARTH! I ages the coming of a mighty visitation
1 should unite their faith and . ! I of God's blessing upon all of God's min;
isters and a strengthening of the message
s in:,mighty intercession to God of deliverance in the -local church.
Id-.wide~revivalthat will bring
ck to this earth. its members pray for each other. "Con- W I L L YO11 U N I T E W I T H US Volt
fess your faults one to another, and prax
AS THE HYL)ISOGISN'BOIII% one for another, that ye may be healed. WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL'!
(James 5:16)
1933, there carnc thc Ttiose wtio iieed tiealiiig as well as Do you need the united prayers of
scientists of America those who have been healed should be- God's people on your life and your fam-
rfccted and exploded a come niernbers of this world-wide prayer ily? Do you yourseli need deliverance
ussia's Premier Malen- band, that cach may secure the benefits from disease or amiction? Will yoii-join
'! kov had indeed made such an announce: of the united definile prayer of the us in a united prayer effort that will
. ' . inent. previously, but it was discounted pray the blessing of God down on the
. ... in. nedrlv -all :auarters. The corroboration Church. world, and prepare the way for Christ's
.:!.-. of his sfatemeh-.on August 20 is the most. coming? On pagc three is an applica-
: :*
, -loreboding: .announcement that , has. yet tion blank. Fill it out and you will be sent'
i.eachcd:the peoples of thc world. Here
race aga'inst .;time! Jesus

' \\'e are i i i a certificate showing that you arc onc

nore no re
. ;it ;last. ik a..'weapon, one thousand times said, as we have already 'mentioned, that of this great prayer band. On tlic back'

: deadly than the atomic bomb, that if Divine intervention were ..not to come, of this certificate is printed the prayer
;';', ?ill completely destroy the .largest city %io flesh should be saved." God is rais- program for evangelization of thc world
t ) C thc world,-.thus fulfilling thc words of
' ing up men for this hour but, except the
!'iJesus: that "except those days should be whole Church prays unitedly, the plan of S P E C I A L BOOK TO BE GIVEN
shortened. 'there-should no flesh be saved." God cannot be fulfilled. God has intended RmRlBERS OF T H E P R A Y E H
.I ' (-Matt.24:22) America, too, has the hydro- that the pcople pray.
';,. gen bomb, but,.bccause hcr cities and in- I-!ovv. shall we pray that world evangel- BAND
dustries - are so. concentrated, shc is far ization may be acq~omplished?First, let us We havc just prepared a small book-
- in:ore vulnerable than Russia. I t is indeed ' . intercede for the men on tse' field who let which contains somc 25 or more
I ,:*.::\ime.for 'America to pray;;.Therc is not a '.are reaching millions of people, both in prophecies given in the Spirit of God for
.Ti !no,mcnt to. Ipse. ' this country and in foreign lands. Never these timcs. It is entitled PROPHECIES
. . before in historv have so few rcached so FOR THE CHURCH AT THE END TIME.
. ,.-,TI?IEFOR T H E PEOPLE OF GOD many. But the evangelists need-the pray-! .we have felt that these remar1cai)le proph-
I .TO PRAY: FOR E A C H O T H E R , ers of the whole Church. Satan, angered ccics are too sacred to put on sale in the
. . at the succcss of this ministry ' of deliv: ordinary manner. Nor is this booklct for
.?' '.Gaily there "comcs to. our ofice a .vast '' erance, has gone forth with' great wrath
t;ntqbcr of prayer requests; from people to hinder and obstruct these revivals. any, except those who will pray. It. will
'wlicf~esperately need help from God: Wc not be sold from our office. Its purpose
Dray. daily for&-thcsc requests, but we ' LWAY F O d k A T I V E ~WANGECISRI . is to inspire the people of God to pray-
' ' ...''I

r e a h 'th%t;-:because of the world crisis: i. .' Moreover, ?<:: as never before. The prophecies in it
wc must .pray f o r thc plan have been given by the gift of prophecy.'
,,ye must mobilize all the people of .,Go.d of native:-evangelism, which has been in- and those who read them will note their
prayer, . ani1 - d o it at once. Reljgious : troduced inTthis magazine. White mission- inspiration by their own internal evi-
anizations ??IO may call their own' .";iries are .rapidly being .fofccd out of
ple fo
prayer are not in a position to inany fields: :,At one blow China, repre- dence. The complete abscncc of sectarian-
all believers to united prayer., THE '.senting ism of these prophecies identifies thcni
ICE . O F HEA,LING, whose evangelists, ...Lion, hasonerfourth of the ,world's ,popii!:i-
been closed to Christianity. h a -
as the voice of God calling to His entire
represent many groups, finds that 'this re-. tive Church.
missionaries, who cannot be deport- I t costs considerably to'. publish this
,: sponsibility falls upon it.
,;VVc;.must h,gve; -first of all,'.a hand of 'ed, must be sent out at once in great num- booklet. It is, however, free. to you. We
'people whp Will 'pray for each. other. bers to make Christianity in their lands shall gratefully accept gifts 'for the fur-

';.+. .ksuS prayed first for those who believed
indigenous: .. therance- of :this ministry .of world-cvan-
.+., i n - I-Iim-John 17.9, "I pray not for the PRAY FOR RE1,PGTQUS L I T E R A T U R E gelization-through the sending out of ..
tup~%L, but'fov llieiia w h i c l ~thou hast given . PROGRAM the messages of deliverance by radio :;
)TI:C; f o r they are thine." This does not T~ get this message .of deliverance' to broadcast and free literature. We hope
llleall that Jesus never praycd for the the ministers, missionaries; and the p e p that m,any shall be able to do this, but, -,
world; 101. I-Ie told His disciples to pray '=- of God Over the, world, THE VOICE whether you are able or not, we shall .
I I : .for.their enemies and inclccd, a t Calvary, . OF HEALING MAGAZINE has been send you w i t h o u't cost, thc booklet
1. Jesus, prayed for His persecuturs--"~atlr- ,raised up, and b ~ t hit a literature pro. PROPHECIES O F THE END TIME, if
er, forgive the)it; io, /k?J kltow ?lot what .&ram"-and a .national broadcast. These you will join' us in this world-wide prayer :

'.. ,>.. 'trey do." I.Lul<c 23:21) means have been mightily .used of God ,
The important. thing, is thal Jesus first . in t h c past to, Alert miliions of people to It is our purpose to make available
of all prayed for His disciples, those who .>this'great move of God. But the work Irom Jime to time to this prayer band
believed on Him, and for them who would must be greatly accelerated. We must. other special messages, given in the Spirit \
believe "through their word" (verse 20), have the prayers of all of God's peoplc of prophecy, which are addressed partic-
which includes 11s. The Church will re- at once. ularly to: God's choicest saints-the peo-
: alizc.the fullness of Divinc healing when . . We a t THE VOICE Ok HEALING have ple who pray.

2 .,
.i. ' TKE VOICE O F HEALING ..o OCtober, 1953
.. .

...~.. . ~ . . . ..... F
ARKANSAS-Little Rock............................................... ._.__.
KGHI 12:50 10:45-11:15 P.M.
Walnut Ridge.......................................................... .. .... KRLW 1320 4~00-490 P.M.
CALIFORNIA-Los Angeles......................................... KRKD . 1150 4~15-4:45 P.M.
Dinuba. (Fresno area) ........................................................ KRDU 1240 3~30-4:OO P.M.
Lo& ...................................................................... KCVR 1570 2:OO- 2:30 P.M.
INDIANA-Anderson ........................................................... WCBC 1470 2~30-3:OO P.M.
Warsaw ................................................................... WKAM 1220 5 ~ 0 0 -5:30 P.M.
MICHIGAN-Detroit (Royal Oak) . . . ._.__.:.......... WEXL 1340 3aO- 3:30 P.M.
NEW YORK-Corning ......................................................... WCBA 1350 2~00-2:30 P.M.
OKLAHOMA-Oklahoma City........................ .: KBYE 890 2:OO- 2 3 0 P.M.
OREGON-Portland . . ................................. KPDQ 800 2:OO- 2:30 P.M.
PENNSYLVANIA-Philadelphia .............. :................. WTEL 860 5:oo- 5:33 P.M.
York. ............................................... :..... .............. WNOW 1250 1:45- 2:15 P.M.
TEXAS-Dallas ................................................................ KGKO 1480 1090-11:OO P.M.
ONTARIO. CANADA-Oshawa ................. CKLB 1240 5 ~ 0 0 -5 ~ 3 0P.M.
(Note: New station-Dallas, Texas)


. .
PLAN TO REACH THE NATION ING, so that they can more fully 3. G i v e to the Radio and Litera-
BY MEANS OF RADIO participate in the crusade f o r WORLD- ture Fund!
L INKED with the project of the
i s the plan to reach -the nation b y
5. Its message of faith will help
you to receive deliverance f r o m your
HEALING-that we shall accomplish
the great task before us. P r a y that
sickness or a m i d i o n . ABOVE ALL, /T this Salvation-Healing revival will
means of radio. Just what is the
WILL CARRY THE MESSAGE OF DE- spread to every nation of the globe!
object of this new program The
LIVERANCE FROM SIN THROUGH Your prayers, letters, and gifts, will
answers are given below:
JESUS CHRIST, OUR SAVIOUR! make it possible to continue these
1. It will supplement THE VOICE OF
HEALING Magazine in publicizing the HOW YOU CAN HELP! programs on the air! W r i t e to us
news of the great revivals which are 1. If there is a Voice o f Healing
spreading through the world. program already on the air in your 5. W h y not sponsor o r assist in
2. It will bring the voices of the city, k e e p us informed how it is sponsoring a program in your a r e a ?
worlds l e a d i n g evangelists directly being received. Perhaps the hour it is In view of the part THE VOICE OF
into your home. released in your area can b e im- HEALING has played in the past,
3. It will reach the homes of many proved. It is not always possible to in this WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL CRU-
w h o live outside the cities and who, get the best time immediately. W e SADE, you can have confidence that
therefore, cannot conveniently atfend are a l s o anxious to learn the range your gifts will bring a return to you
fhe revival in the cities. th,at the program has. at each ,outlet. in eternity, which is beyond estimate.
4. It will enable our readers and -, 2. Inform your friends of the pro- W h y not share with us a part in this
listeners to have a closer touch with ,~gram, and the hour b y a telephone WORLD - WIDE REVIVAL CRUSADE?
the activities of THE VOICE OF HEAL- call just before program time. WRITE T O US N O W !

, .........................................................
I (Participants will receive-FREE-the book I
: ICEAIALZING THE WORLD CRISIS, and the need of united prayer to bring:.
Clirist back to this earth, I wish to become a part of The VOICE OF HEAIJNGr
WORLD-WIDE PRAYER CRUSADE, and to share in its blessings:
I request the united prayers of this great prayer band and, in return, will priiy

; tliiily for others of the prayer band, and for world evangelization.
I 1ierewi:h beconie one of this WORLD-WIDE PRAYER BAND:
:TIME, given in the Spirit of prophecy, please check square to the left. (This book,
is not for sale, but is given only to those who will share in the WORLD-WIDE, RADIO EVANGELISM WORK.

: Nothing further is required to become a part of this WORLD-WIDE PRAYER: GOD BLESS YOU!.
CKUSADE. However, gif123.for sending out faith literature to the sick, the poor, to
I missionaries, and for maintenance of our national RADIO BROADCAST WORLD-
; WIDE REVIVAL CRUSADE will be gratefully received. - I
Those desiring to contribute financially to this cause,will indicnte
3 ............................................................
the amount in the box to the left. .I

.THE .VOICE. OF HEALING 0 October, 1953 3

. .
. . . .

. .. .II . See Pages 2 6 and 2 7 for
Henceforth the addresses of each evan-
- gelist will be listed under his or her
P.O. BOX 8658, DALLAS, TEXAS name on the Schedule page, in accord-
ance with the decision of THE VOICE
A monthly inter-evangelical publication of the Last- OF HEALING Associates at their last
Day Sign Gift Ministries, published by the Voice meeting.
of Healing, Inc., a non-profit corporation incorpo-
rated under the laws of the State of Louisiana.
Copyright 1952 by The Voice of Healing
October, 1953 Volume 6, NO. 7
k Article . IN THIS ISSUE- - . Page We are' now' able to make the eagerly
,I . World-Wide Prayer Crusade_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .......
' _ _ _i_..._.._1.: _..........................................
_ .... 2 ____:awaited announcement of the location of
The Radio in the Plan of the World-wide Revival Crusade.............................................. 3 TION. The next issue -of T H E VOICE
! ; Dr. Stowel1,'s Amazing Experiment- O F HEALING .will carry. detailed an-
1 nouncements of the Convention, but the
Testimony of the Conversion of This Outstanding Scientist From Atheism. to Christ 5
8 ,

1.1 following information .will: enable you to

I . Jerusalem, Past, Present and Future make .your plans now.
. Sermon by Rev. Jack Moore ...:..... ................................................................ :.. 6
Evangelist Samuel de Klerk in Grants Pass, Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.-.7
Osborn "World Missions" Crusade ...................................... I ....................................... 8
It Took A Miracle -The Personal Testimony of the healing of Dr. Emmett A. McNabb:.' 9
Startling Incidents and Amazing Answers to Prayer ...................................................... 10
Down the Years-Sermon b y Rev. Len Jones ................................................................ 12
M y Life a Miracle of God-The Story of Evangelist Russell B. Park ........................... 14


A. A. Allen, A. C. Valdez, Jr., Alton Hayes-Gordon Lindsay, David Nunn, B. D;
Bennett, Stanley Karol, Cliflon Erickson ........................................................... 16
The Word of Knowledge, What I s It?-By W. V. Grant ........................................... 24
Evangelists' Schedules and Address Directory .......................................................... 26
Signs; Miracles, Wonders ..................................................................... ..............=..... 28
Prophecy Marches O n - By Howard Rusthoi _ _ .......
__ :..:..:
: ....................................... 29
Book Cataloa" and Order Blank. ..................................................................... .......3 0 - 3 2
Cordon Li ntlsay ..................................... Editor TIIE VOICE O F HEALING
Lottic Addy....................... Assistant Editor Subscription rate-10 Months ............ $1.00
1 .: 2 Years ............ $2.00 TO: Hev. Alexander 1. Siczko
SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS Canada and Foreign-10 Months ..... $1.50 745 N. I'aulina SI.,
Chicago, Illinois
- I

! i David du Plessis 2 Years ...................................................... 50

Donald Gee Single Copy (Current Issue) ............... $ .15
I. I
,i . .
Howard Rusthoi Rolls of 10 .................................................. $1.00
Rolls of 50 ...................... :........... i ................ $5.00 MITTEE :

8 . : WEstbrook 6366 Single Back Copies ...............................

Entered a s second-class matter at the Post
. office a t ,Dallas. Texas
$ 25 n e sure to give the following information:
1. Preference of Hotel o r Motel (Tourist

2. Specify rates you desire to pay, and en-

please notify us of change of' address. giving both old and new addresses. Address close with your ietter,deposit.to cover
. THE VOICE O F HEALING . first day's rent.
3. Dates to be reserved.
, I

Box. 8658. Dallas, Texas

. 4.. . Number in your party; i


we have arranfied tor those living in countries where 'Arrangements have been made whck+v T H E VOICE Approximate rates for your convenience: .
English money is used to obtain The Voice of Healing O F HEALING and Gordon Lindsay books m a y be se-
and Gordon Lindsay books from the following: cured f r r m :
219 MARY ST.
6 RATA ROAD, IIATAITAI. Singles $3.50-$7.00
Singles $4.50-5.00 .





DECEMBER 8-9-10-11 Please send us your correct ad-
dress-to enable us to bring our
1 IN THE CHICAGO GOSPL TABERNACLE Missionary Address File up to date.
f I I
J . . . .6..:
.. -~.. . . - / .~ . 1 ... ...
. . ..- , . ....... c .-......... - I..

4 .

I . . 0
. .

The Testimony of Dr. N. Jerome Stowell
Adapted For Publication By Thomas R. Nickel

THIS STORY T E L L S liow a startling experi-

ment helped lead a Scientist, engaged in top- Dr. N. Jerome Stowell only a few weeks ago was a
secret work, to turn from Atheism to Christ. Scientist ond on Atheist. Now he i s o Full Gospel
I Christian declaring the wonderful truths of the Al-
mighty God he discovered by scientific instrumenta-
Mere is one o f . t h e mort amusing tionl
scientific discoveries of all times and a
conversion, surely as great as. that. of DR. S T O W E L L was converted
just b e f o r e t h e Hayes-Lindsay with our instruments prepared to register
Saul of Tarsus! Dr. N. Jerome Stowell and record what transpired. Our device
.was a scientist working o n terrihle de- Salvntion-Healing campaign he- had a needle pointing to 0 in the center
vices for the destruction of mankind. gan i n Long Beach, California. of a scale. To the right the scale was Cali-
His previous experimenu made him brated to 500 points positive. To the left
concerned in regards to his relation t o He attended the campaign and
the scale was calibrated to 500 points
God. His wife took a trip t o Oklahoma, gave his remarkable testimony negative. We previously had registered on
and in his loneliness he prayed to God there. Later Evangelist Allon this identical instrument the powcr used
that He would malie Himself manifest. by a fifty kilowatt broadcast station in
Doctor Stowell knelt for prayer with Hayes baptized h i m i n w a t e r . sending a message around the world. The
Don Throne and tiad a born again ex- Brolher Demas Shnknrian gaze needle registered 9 points on the positive
,perience. H e attended the Lor Angeles side.
Breakfast-Broadcast of the Full Gospel
permission f o r this article t o he
As the last moments of this womans
Business Mens Fellowship and began published in T H E VOICE OF life arrived, she began to pray and to
seeking the Baptism of the.Holy Ghost HEALING, sinzultnneously w i t h praise the Lord. She asked the Lord God
which he received ti00 weeks later at a to be merciful unto those who had des-
Holy Chost Rally. His iuife felt she.did publication i n TIIE FULL GOS-
pitefully used her. Then she reaffirmed
not fit into this picture, but the im- PEL BUSINESS MENS VOICE. her faith in God, telling Him she knew
mensity and reality of her husbands
He was the only power and that He was
experience gradually became so appar- the living power. She told God I-Ie always
ent to her that she too sought and re- had been and always would be. She
ceived , her Baptism, being under the keep in Heaven a record of our thoughts praised God and thanked Him for His
Power of God two and a half hours. a s individuals just a s the FBI can keep power and for her knowledge of His
Doctor Stowell has given u p his work a record of our fingerprints in Washing- reality. She told Him how much she
and is busily engaged witnessing as to ton, D. C. loved Him!
the goodness and greatness of God. We scientists had been so engrossed
A CHRISTIASS DYING THOUGHTS with this womans prayer that. we had
I WAS ALMOST a devout atheist. forgotten our experiment. We looked a t
I didnt believe that God was any We wanted to make an experimcnt to each other and saw tears,streaming down
discover what took place in the brain a t scientific faces. I had not shed tears since
more than a conglomeration of every- the moment of transition from life to I was a child.
ones mind put together and the good death. We chose a lady whose family had KECOR.DING N E E D L E REGISTERED
that was there-that was God as far sent her to a mental institution, but who 500 POSITIVE AS GOD WAS PRAISED
as,I was concerned. As for the real, had been discharged. The doctors could
find nothing wrong with her other than Suddenly we hcard a clicking sound on
all-powerful God existing and loving the fact that she had cancer of the brain. our forgotten instrument. We looked and
us all, with power over everything, I This affected the balance of her body only. the needle was registering a positive 500
didnt believe that! As far a s her alertness of mind was con- desperately trying to go higher, only to
cerned, and every other way, she was ex- bounce against the 500 positive post in
EACH IERSOIVS WAVE-LENGTH ceptionally brilliant. But we knew that its attempt!
she was on the verge of death and she By actual instrumentation we had re-
DIFFERS corded that the brain of a woman alone
was informed in this research hospital
Then one day I had an,experience that she was going to die. and dying in communication with God
that really set me thinking. I was We arranged a tiny pickup in her room had registered more than 55 times the
power used. by a fifty kilowatt broadcast
in a large pathological laboratory to ascertain what would take place in the station in sending a message around the
and we were attempting to find .the transition of her brain from life to death. world.
We also put a very small microphone,
wavelength of the brain. We found about the size of a quarter, in the room UNGODLY MANS THOUGHTS
more than. just a wavelength of the so that we could hear what she said i$: REGISTERED 500 NEGATIVE
brain: we found a channel of wave- she had anything to say. After this. we decided to try a case
lengths, and that channel has so much very unlike the first one. We chose a man
room in it that the different wavelmgths WOMANS PRAYERS ASTOUNDS lying in the research hospital. stricken
of each individual brain is farther sep- F I V E SCIENTISTS with a deadly social disease. His brain
arated .in identity than the fingerprints Five of us hardened scientists-perhaps had became atrophied to the very point
on each individuals hand. This is a .point I was the hardest and most atheistic of of death. He was practically a maniac.
we should remember: God can actually the group-were in an adjoining room (Continued on Page 7 )
THE VOICE OF HEALING 0 October, 1953 5
! .
WOE UNTO THEE, BETHSA/DA!-REVEREND JACK MOORE and YOUNG BROWN walk on the road from Bethsaida to Capernaum.
In Jesus time, great cities flourished on this plain b y fhe Sea of Galilee. Because they rejected the healing revivals, these cities came
under the curse. Scarcely a trace of these prosperous cities remains.
P/CTURD 7 3 THE RIGHT is the actual site of Bethsqida today. (See Matthew I J:20-241


After long hours of waiting on
Customs officials at the borders of
den of Gethsemane. .We see the once
Beautiful Gate where a few days after
Pentecost A. D. 30, the first miracle.was
performed in the Saviours name. The
Syria and Trans-Jordan, we cross the gate is blocked with stone; nevel-theless.
most famous of all rivers, the Jordan. this has become a Gate of Hope for all
Shortly w e are in Jericho. Close by cripples to this present hour, for this hour
all things are possible to him that be-
are the ruins of the Jericho of lieveth. Just inside the wall stands -the
Joshuas time. To the south lies the Mosque of Omar, on the site of Solomons
fabulously rich Dead Sea, called Salt Temple, where for a thousand years,
Sea in thc Bible. Geographically, we from Solomon to A.D. 70, their national
here. Then our attention is drawn to the religious life centered.
arc standing on the lowest spot of wretched poverty and misery of the prcs- Jesus walked one day into this Temple
earth. Jesus passed through here; ent Moslem inhabitants, stretching forth and they heard Him say, (Destroy i t and
nearby I-Ie lifted Bartimaeus, blind their hands, crying BACHSHEESH! i n three days I will raise it u p again,
We are filled with mingled feelings of But this spalce le of the t e m p i k o f H 2 S
and begging, to sight and salvation. pity and indignation a t the melancholy
This typifies the whole race, once as conditions of the native population here body. The central fact of all Chrlstlan
revelation is that God was in Christ rec-
low ,spiritually as we could get, blind and through the Moslem countries. Our onciled unto Himself. Now in the Temple
to eternal values and very poor;for on thoughts turn back to the most sacred of His humanity, we have redemption
this very road we had been robbed, events of all history. Very close by our even the forgiveness of our sins, being
wounded and left half dead until Mercy Saviour bade them farewell for a time; reconciled to God by Him. Humanity and
sent the Good Samaritan to lift up our from here He ascended up and was re- deity meet in the person of the Son of
heads and bind our wounds, taking us ceived out of their sight to someday rc- God. We discover God in Christ, for in
into His care. turn in like manner to this very spot. Him all fulness dwelt; on the other hand
Away to the west we see high moun- From here He sent them back to receive God sees us in Christ and w e are accepted
tains, almost 4,000 feet above us. We the Holy Ghost, fulfilling the Feast of in, the Beloved. He said Hc,,was greater
catch a glimpse of a number of spiraling Pentecost that had been kept here for than the Temple and Solomon also.
towers. What could these be? we asked long centuries, turning the Synagogue of
the nation into the church of mankind. I n a day or so we will return to this
the native guide. blessed Mt. Olivet, but now we journey
Jerusalem, he answered. THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE to our place of lodging as the evening
shadows are fast falling about the Holy
F r o m here Jesus looked over the city City.
JERUSALEM-THE CITY OF 1HE: of Jerusalem and wept, saying HOW o f t
ciwm KING would I have gathered you under my
wings, but y e would not. A few hundred
Oh, could it be! Jerusalem, the city of yards east we passed the site of Lazarus Today we , g o . to Calvary, the most
the Great King! Our hearts beat faster tomb. Here again the Man of Sorrows sacred spot in all the earth. A brief walk
in anticipating the city of the Bible. Up wept. Between us and the city lies .the north of the Damascus gate, not far from.
and up we drive over the Jericho Road Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus p r a y the Gmtto of Jeremiah where . the
to the city of David, Solomon, Isaiah, ed in such agony His sweat was a s great prophet, according to tradition, is said to
Jeremiah, Ezekiel-a vast city even when drops of blood falling to the ground; such have written his Lamentations. I t is near
Rome was founded. No other city on love and pity could come from none less t h e ,highway to Damascus. and. encircled
earth can boast of such prominence; for than the heart of the Divine Father of by rock caverns and tombs, a skull-shaped
almost four thousand years chosen of the race. On this very spot a thousand rocky elevation outside of the walls of
the Lord, though rejected for an age. No years before passed Israels mightiest the city. The foulest, crime ever commit.
other city has had its name so often earthly king, David-weeping, barefoot ted in earth was done here. Man proved
recorded in sacred writ. and head covered, rejected, denied. What his total depravity and .worthlessness
We have reached Bethany, near to the more could we expect for Davids off- when he killed. the Lord of Glory. He
hlount of Olives. Here indeed we are spring and Lord? could sink no lower. Yet God is able to
well nigh overcome with the memories of From the Mount 6f Olives we gaze make the wrath of man to praise Him.
thc stupendous events that transpired across the valley of the Kedron and Gar- The bloody dew that fell from His brow
6 0

and wounds speaks pardon and peace and DR. STOWELLS AMAZIN$
life to a dying world. How oft have the
echoes from the swinging hammers that EXPERIMENT . -1
nailed Him there thundered upon the (Cowtinued from Page 5)
hearts of sinners and awakened them Afler we had set u our instruments. w e ,
from the slumber of death. arranged for one o?the nurses to antago
We must go, thanking our heavenly nize the man. Through her wiles she ,
Lord .for Calvary. From this little spot tracted his interest in her and then sutl:+a ..
has gone forth a mighty stream of life denly told him she didnt want to havr
and hope upon the whole human race for anything morc to do with him. He began
time and eternity. Nearby we visit the to verbally abuse her and the needle be.
Garden tomb, hcwn out of solid rock gan to register on the negative side. Then
where Jesus rested in death through the lie cicrsed her and took the name o f God
Sabhath to arise early on the first day of in vain. The needle suddenly clicked
the week and was seen by His disciples back and fortli against ,the. 500 negatiBk.
on several occasions, even by 500 a t one post!
time. Over half of these were yet alive By actual instrumentation, we had reg-
when Paul wrote I Corinthians 15.
istered what happened in the brain whel!
JEKUSAI.EM . . . PRESENT . Evangelist Samuel B. de Klerk that brain broke one of Gods Ten Corn
Today the city is hopelessly divided. mandments. Thou slialt not take the ,
Through its heart runs a no-mans land. name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Armed men patrol the borders. Is it thc GRANTS PASS, OREGON, SCENE OF SCIENCE MEASURED THE POWER 01;
time of Jacobs trouble? After long cen-
turies of wandering amid the nations, the MIRACULOUS BLESSINGS AS GOD AND THE POWER O F SATAN
Jew is restored to his land, only to find EVANGELIST DE KLERK MINISTERS We had established by instrumentation
Ishmael and Esau challenging his right the positive power of God and the nega.
to all the land and city. Is not this the By Norene C. Nichols, Assuciate Pastor
Assembly of God Church tive power of the Adversary. We had
beginning of the worlds greatest drama? found that beneficial truth is positive and
Grants Pass, Oregon
Peter, in the third chapter of Acts. that non-beneficial things, covered by the
NCE AGAIN the Revival Centel-
speaks of thc heavens receiving Jesus thou shalt nots of the Ten Command-
until the restitution of Israel to its home-
land. Jesus Himself, had said Jerusalem
Tabernacle in Grants Pass, Ore- ments. are negative. in varying degrees..
would be trodden down-.,of the Gentiles gon, has rung with the shouts and T i we scientists can record these things.
I belicvc with all my heart that the Lord
until the times of the Gentiles be ful- praises of victory and triumph. Evan- God cun keep a record of our thoughts.
filled. Paul wrote to Thessalonica not to gelist Samuel B. de Klerk, who has He has more power than we have and.is
he troubled. for the day of the Lord
would come as a thief in the night, but
just come to this country from Johan- a better record keeper than a n y of us ,
it was not then a t hand. Rev. 16:15-Bc- nesburg, South Africa, was with us in on this earth.
hold, I come as a thief. Blessed,is lie tliat two weeks of meetings, August 9-23. GODS TRUTH EMANATES POWER
?c;atclletli. His coming again is vcry em- His ministry is one that will long As a scientist I dont believe the halo
minent, much nearer than most people be remembered with fondest and most painted around Jesus head is merely an
arc aware of. . . blessed memories. With a spirit so very artists conception. I believe with all my
JEIIIJS~\\I~EM-FUIUlZE tender and compassionate did he minister heart that it is emanating power, it i s
.: What happened in Jerusalem, A. D. 70. nightly to the sick and afflicted. With magnetic and electmmotive power -that
c:ould be a classic example ;of what mav a calm yet powerful assurance did he lay \vas actually with Him because in- al!
soon come on a worldscale. The Roman hands upon the needy ones, and healings ways He was with God in Histruth. .
scourge of Jerusalem stands unparalleled followed. This power i s promised to us. We a r c
in human history. Their sin required this Besides his ministry to the sick ones. promised that if we think His thoughts
judgment, for Moses had said that every Brother de Klerk preaches the Word with- and keep His commandments, the faith-
soul which refused td hear this Prophct out fear or favor of anyone. Also, his un- ful will be caught up to meet Jesus whei!
should be cut on, for God had told Moses: usual ministry of song, in which he makes He returns,
I% put ?n?j words in Him, a.lso m y the song come alive, is a source not only God has gfvcn us many great and woti-
name. LTlie words I speak. said Jesus, of enjoyment but of blessing and encour-
derful thihgS.The greatest and most -won-

are not mine; tliey are the words o f agement. ,of these is His only begotten Son.
my Father. . . . thus identifying Him- Many reports of healing have already derful Christ,
self as that Prophet Moses spoke about. been publicly given during Brother de Jesus Who was crucified on:the.
Cross, who gave His life and blood that
As we draw near to the end of Gentile Klerks meetings with us, to say nothing we might have everlasting life, that we
world power, we ask, what is their prime of those that have not been publicly given. might be cleansed from our sins and be
sin? The answer comes back, refusing One man who had had his a r m injured,
llre words o f tliat Prophet. while a t work, and was under the care of healed. of our diseases: Just before Jesus
Lo,ok a t Jerusalem under the seige by a doctor, was wonderfully and gloriously shall ascended- to Heaven He said, But ye .
receive power, after that the Hal?]
Titus for nine months. Inside, division healed, and the doctor released him to re- Ghost is come upon you. (Acts 1:s)
and fighting among themselves; outside turn to his work again.
the Roman Army . . . no escape . . . over A child with a crossed eye, who always -Previously He commanded His followers
the city a horror of darkness. Finally put her clothes on backward due to this, to tarry until they be endued with power
llie Great, City is buried and for days was delivered and-at once-she began and had promised to pray the Father
Ereat pillars of smoke linger in the air. putting her clothes on right. The mother Who would send another Comforter, the,
fulfilli,ng one phase of the prophecy o f of this child also was healed of a tumor, Holy Ghost, even the Spirit of Truth..
blood,; fire and pillars of smoke.

and it passed from her body. GODS P R E S E N C i GIVES POWER
Another lady was instantly healed of
1.00K UP: LIFr UP YOUR HEADS! gall bladder trouble, and now she eats I t is this Presence of God in us that
Luke 21:24 speaks of the times ofthe whatever she wants to with no ill effects. gives us power,.the extent of which we
Gentiles being fulfilled. of distress of na- A stiff hand, back trouble, internal trou- have no conception as to its magnitude!
tions with perplexity. These same words bles, chronic headaches and all sorts of I a m a scientist who loves the Lord
were ,used to describe the Greek The- disorders were healed in these meetings. God with all my heart, mind, might .and
atres when they were on fire and there Praise the Lord! soul. I want you to pray f o r . m e that I.
was no way out, the exit doors locked! An unusual thing happened one night will always be faithful. that I will always
Are we about to witness the horrors during the meetings when three children, he humble, that I will always magnify
of .the destruction of Jerusalem on a in one family, were marvelously filled with His truth, that I will always think and.
iiforld-wide scale? If so. .woe is u s that the Holy Spirit, and burst forth in other say and do the things a positive .G%d.
we were ever born to come tp this terribly languages praising the Lord. w m t s me to think and say and do,: and
f a t a l : hour. To His own He said, Look This South African Evangelist, Samuel that I will think -and say and do nothing
lip; lift u p your lieads! Why? V B. de Klerk. i s surely used of the Lord. according to the wishes of . a negative
YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWETI-I and his ministry is unusual and outstand- Adversary, who .kept me hlinded, and !
NIGH! ing, bound so many years!
THE VOICE OF HEALING 0 October, ,1953 7
. .
[Further reports and inJormation concerning .this G R E A T MISSIONARY CKUSADE lhis Gospel of the Kingdom s h l l be
:oil1 be carried monthly under t h i s iieadirig-OSUORN-!YOIILL) MISSIOAS CKUSADE!I preached in all the world f o r a witness
t o all nations; and then shall the end
come (Matt. 24:14).
Applications are beginning to reach our
office in Tulsa from various countries,
and it is our hope that very soon, now,
capable native missionaries will be launch-
ing forth into n e w areas, reaching new
tribes, thus taking another vital step for-
ward to prepare the way for our Lords
imminent return.

SPREAD across the world, a
change in missionary thinking is

October 4-18
rapidly developing. Reports of slow
progress and endless struggle to win
T WAS through the faith building min-
istry of the Voice of Healing that I
how to receive healing .for my
in PHOENIX STADIUM body. Ero. T. L. Osbornes messages were
a few souls are being replaced by Contiict: R e v . C. E. Leih especially enlightening.
shouts of victory as one after another 3130 \V. Taylor For about a year I had a sugar allergy.
tells o,f the masses hearing the Gos- Phocnis, Arizona I t was ncccssary to drink large quantities
pel in some great open-air campaign; of grapefruit juice
of multitudes of the heathen accept- to somewhat con-
ing Christ as this Gospel of the King- port our own Home and Foreign ILIisson- trol it. I t caused
a r y programs. excessive swelling,
dom is being proclaimed with evi- forming a head
dence. N A T I V E MISSIONARIES A R E BEING like a boil on va-
Why is all this? Because the har- CHOSEN face. especially
vest is ripe! The-Gospel seed faithful- Thus far, we have onlv presented this around my eyes.
ly sown by missionaries and workers plan three o r four nights in three clif- I t was very pain-
of past generations is a t last spring- ferent campaigns, and without the slight- ful. This happened
est exertion of pressure. some $35,000.00 about e v e r y two
ing forth i!i an. abur?davt harvest and, has been promised for the forth coming weeks.
at the same time, God is raising up, year. By giving systematically (a small When I fully re-
and sending forth an army of reapers amount each month). it makes it pos- alized t h a t m y
who are proclaiming the Gospel with sible for us to continue our foreign cam- h e a l i n g w a s al-
paigns while the people a t home continue r e a d y purchased
signs, wonders and miracles following supporting the native pioneer missionaries by Christ, and my
their ministries. Nothing short of the in many other countries of the world. deliverance depended on my accepting it.
miraculous ministry of Christ has Progress has been slow during these I claimed my healing. Instead of drinking
ever, or will ever convince the hea- first few months, because of the time in- grapefruit juice, I ate some candy. Jesus
volved in foreign correspondence, clearly Christ delivered me from this amiction, as
then. setting before the missionary supervisors I stood on His promise in His Word. Thai
N A T I V E P R E A C H E R S ARE CATCInNG the plan concerned. Missionaries are ex- was three and one half years ago crnd
T H E VISIQK ercising extreme caution in choosing na- I am still healed!
tives who are trustworthy and capable
In all of these great sweeping revivals, of Recently I was also delivered frcm a
in foreign countries, scorcs of native sadopening up new areas and. because of severe case of sinus trouble. I hav?
experiences in the past, a great learned that when Satan sends symptoms
preachers are catching the vision that
.the only way to see their people won to amount of ground-work is being done to of afflictions, to rebuke him, and claim my
Christ is through the miraculous minis- assure both the mission boards and the healing through the merits of Jesus.
missionary field supervisors of complete
try of Christ today. They are hiding them- Mrs. H. P. Gervais
selves in prayer and in fasting, and God cooperation with them.
Plans are being worked out for the
Minneapolis 11,Minn.
is raising them up with new vision and Foreign Missionary Secretaries of the
sending t.hem forth to help reap the har- Full Gospel organizations to handle the
vest of their generation. applications from their own fields, decide
Realizing the tremendous advantages on the amounts to be given each native,
the native preacher has. being accustom- and then our only action will ,be to de-
ed to his own people, their living condi- termine whether. or not, the ministry of EAR TVH EDITORS:
tions, their language, their food. etc., we each native applicant, recommended for THE VOICE O F HEALING has been
know that the secret to world evangeliza- assistance, agrees with the principal pur- a blessing to us and many others. One of
tion, rests almost entirely with them. pose for which this plan has been insti- those who was converted through TVH
The hundred of thousands of villages and tuted, Le., . to get the Gospel to arcas while in the Hospital, has now enrolled
small towns will never be reached by the where it has not yet been preached. as a student in the Assembly of God
missionary or foreign evangelist. but a Bible Institute in Nigeria here and, for
precedent can be established and vision WE MUST GO FORWARD FIRMLY, this and all others who have been bless-
created by those who are willing to go, STEADILY AND WITH PATIENCE ed, we thank you and give the glory to
and not only will a city be swept.bv re- Great patience must be exerciscd in Jesus Christ.
vival. but the native brethren will carry carrying out any effort of this proportion. Yours in Him,
the flame on and on to every remote Opposition which arises must be dealt J. A. Agbede
area in that country, if they can be with. This work is the very nearest thing Lagos, Nigeria, Africa
helped by a small assistance. In fact to the heart of God, to strive a t reaching

many of them will press forward with- the un-evangelized areas of the world
out outside help (and they should do so), with the blessed news of Christ. I t there- CORRECTION: A letter from JESSE
WELLER informs 11s that the state-

but it is in the interest of assisting the fore is bound to be a direct advance
native preachers in reaching the unevan- against Satans kingdom. and must doubt- nient on page 20. of the JUNE issue
gelized tribes arid areas with the mes- less be bitterly opposed by those without of THE VOICE OF HEALING, that he
sage, that we have been setting before Christs vision. But, as in anythinz which was FORW,R CHIEF OF PO1,ICE
the American people, this summer. a really counts, we must take each step OF TQRONTO should read that he
simple plan of systematic giving for the firmly and steadily; exercise the patience w a s SENIOR POLICE OFFICER ON
support of such-not to support native necessary in dealing with our many ad- ijIGHT DUTY-or -NICIT CHIEF
pastors but to assist native missionaries. versaries, and let nothing turn us aside only!
in 0peniri.c up new areas, just as we sup- from our objective, because it is written,

8 THE,VOICEOF HEALING 0 October, 1953

I t Took a M i r a c l e !
LL HOPE ABANDON, ye who HERE IS THE STORY of the healing Heart-sick, sou?weary, and suffering
LcA enter here - that quotation
from Dantes Inferno is, in essence,
of Q former Christian Church min-
with the ever-creeping arthritis I resigned
the pastorate to which I had been called
ister, who suffered from arthritis in for life and I began to travel with no
what the Specialist told me. Defi- advanced stages and who was deliv- particular destination in mind.
nitely you have arthritis, he said, One. Sunday night i n . January ( 5 3 )
and you have it to a very uncom-- ered, pfter listening to Q message on while in Los Angeles, California, I listen-
ed.intently to a sermon on the theme,
fortable degree. As far as I know healing faith o v e r the radio from Have faith in God. My desperation and
there is no cure for it as Medical Angelus Temple, Los Angeles. - Re- extremity had humbled me and. I was
Science actually does not know what ported by Howard Rusthoi. willing to listen to a message of faith
causes arthritis. My advice is to pre- even though it came from those.whom I
had formerly called deluded extremists
pare. to endure the pain and to facc and emotional fanatics. After the service,
whatever crippling- effects that may in the privacy of my room, I thought a t
. develop. The doctor did not intend to length concerning the message I had
be unkind. On the contrary, he was heard on faith. I kept asking myself, are
all things really possible to one who has
very sympathetic for he added I faith.? Is Jesus the same today as Ile
can r!nderstand how you feel. For was yesterday? I began to pray and to
thirty years I, too, have suffcred in- seek God with my whole heart. It was
describably with arthritis and you then that I made a complete and full sur-
render to God. I piomised (God t h a t if I
can see the results. The doctor were given m y health tlmt I would
showed me his right leg-stiff, drawn, preach the whole Bible-the full gospel----
misshapen. As a doctor, hc . con- and t h a t I would be a living testimony to
cluded, all I can say is-grin and H i s great power. A surge of faith came
upon me and L p u r e d out my heart in a
bear it! simple prayer-You can heal me now,
As a comparatively young minister I Lord Jesus. I know that you can. .Lord
had gritted my teeth and borne my af-. Jesus, heal me now of arthritis!:
fliction with dignity, thinking that there Within seconds my leg began to
was a cure somewhere, but now I realized straighten to its full length, for the first
the. utter hopelessness of my condition. lime in three years; the strained, taut
The crippling effects of the disease were muscles relaxed, and all the tortuous
obvious to everyone and I was more and pain left my entire body. F r o m tlut
more being accepted as a n invalid. moment I have not had one pain 01 iota
During these awful years, although 1 of evidence of arthritis in my body!
was sincere and earnest a s a pastor, it My complete healing is an obvious and
never once occurred to me to seek the indisputable fact to all my friends. They
healing pvwer of God. I tried almost
every known medical therapy and treat-
Dr. McNabb all admit that it happened but a few,
admitting that it was mi:.aculous, hesitate
ment. I spent much time and money go- to give God the glory. They remind me
ing to places with their hot climates and that modern theology, professors of re-
sunny beaches hoping to. get some re- ligion, schools, ministers, and chuirhes
lief. I never thought thct God would be I W A S TAUGHT THAT mir- teach that there is no such thing a s
concerned about the healing of my body. acles -are not for today and I miracles of healing today-of God per-
All my theological training had ta;ght me necer thought that God would forming a miracle of healing upan .the
that miracles are not for today. As an be concerned about the healing body of any one in this age. So . . . . , .
educated minister I condescendingly pitied
of irzy body. It cant happen!
those who believed that God would per- B u t . . . . (they admit) it H A S happen-
form any miracles in this day and age. The only comfort the doctor ed!
I t is noteworthy that during these could give nie wns-All I can F r o m the minute I was IEaled I knew
years I had a secret yearning-deep and say is - g r i n and bear i t ; but t h a t I. was a man nzarksd f o r God. A
intense-for a more intimate knowledge
of God. I began to question within my God - in His infinite mercy - few days later, tlw Lord brought me into
a beautiful relationship w i t h Himself in
heart why that I (along with most city reached down and HEALED ME filling me with H i s Holy Spirit! M,y
pastors) was not preaching the whole C O M P L E T E L Y , FILLED ME spiritual eyes have been opened and His
Bible. Is the Bible inspired of God o r WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND power and presence now in my life and
isnt it? Is not believing only part and
preaching only part of the Bible diluting CHOSE ME TO PROCLAIM HIS ministry bespeak His graciousness.
. As I stand in the pulpits of the various
it so that none of.it is of effect? Is Jesus GLORlOUS FULL GOSPEL! churches-preaching the whole Bible-
the sanae yesterday, and today, and for- I learned, by my own expe- the full gospel-I am conscious , t h a t it
ewer? I began to feel that mental rience, that Jesus Christ is the took a miracle to put me in the position
honesty demanded that I declare the same yesterday, and today, and where God would heal me and call me
WHOLE counsel of God or none of it. Too into a compelling full gospel ministry.
much preaching, I concluded, was a for ever. (Hebrews 13:8)
hodgepodge of good advice, psychology, DR. EMMETT A. McNABB [Those desiring to write DR. McNABB
snappy illustrations, and sprinklings of personally, may address him at P. 0. Box
sentimental dribble. 13, Los Angeles 53. California]

THE VOICE O F HEALING e October, 1953 9

A VOICE WARNED ENGINEER- in vain to help, I volunteered m services . Word was passed through the trawler
to the mayor of Manila to go a n i pray for fleet, and all ships started in search 01
BRIDGE IS GONE! her. I fasted and prayed two days, then the big fish. At the end of 48 hours of
went to the jail twice and prayed with grim patrolling the monster was sighted.
CERTAIN MR. TRUMAN, en- her. God delivered the girl! She is now i n and harpooners went into action. The
A gineer on the Erie railroad, a
man who believed in prayer and who
Welfareville, a school for juveniles. -The
story of her deliverance took the front
hide of the fish proved to be too tough.
however, for the harpoons glanced off its
page of the daily papers. side. A one-pound deck gun was swung
committed his train into the hands of The mayor and city officials were so into action and scored a*direct hit. The
God each time before he left the sta- grateful for the girls deliverance that a t fishs tail slapped angrily and then was
tion, some years ago was making his Brother Sumralls request they revoked still.
regular run on that line. It was an the tax for his building permit. The per- A trawler immediately towed the shark
inky black night and he was traveling mit would have cost $750.00 but the city (for that w a i what it was) to land. where
fathers passed a special ordinance to ex- it was planned to open the fish and give
along at a speed of about seventy miles empt the new evangelistic center. the sailor a decent burial. T o tlie astonish-
an hour. Suddenly he hetsrd a vowe whzcli ment of the assenibled mourners. zuheii
seemed t o come from behind l i i m , sicyiny , the seainan was rescued f r o m the shark,
The bridge is gone. he showed signs of life. He was immc-
He turned around to see. who it was diately rushed to the hospital. Physiciaix ,
speaking to him, but could see no one ex- worked over him and he was found to be
cept his fireman who was on the other icninjicred, except f o r shock and attend-
side of the cab. Turning to the fircman. rcnf weakness. In a short time he fully
he told him what he had heard. recovered, although he could rcmcmbci.
The Areman laughed and said, Whats little or nothing about his experience.
the matter old-timer, arc you losing your He was placed on exhibition in a Lon-
nerve? don Museum, and was billed as The
As the engine came t o the bend near Twentieth Ccntzcry Jonah. There he told
the bridge, Mr.Truman stopped the train. his strange story several times a day. His
The Conductor hurried forward and re- appearance had changed, for his skin was
monstrated ,with the engineer saying, mottled by yellowish-brown patches, and
Come on, come on, were way late now. every hair on his body, had disappeared.
Nevertheless, the engineer insisted that After a time the sailor retired to live in
theu walk around the bend and check the a remote English village, apparentZg hau-
b d g e . When they did, lo, t o their great ing suffered no harm. from his ~ Q - ~ o I L I .
Yurprase, THEY FOUND THAT THE sojourn i n tlie belly o f the fish.
Only Mr. Trumans decision to heed the JONAH 1.:17 -
Noiii the Lord liar1 The incident was accepted by many as
a verification of the authenticity of the
warning h e had received had saved the prepared n great f i s h to swallow up story of Jonah.
train and the lives of the passengers. Jo~inh.
* . - < A
(The writer, who sends us this account,
states that he heard Mr. Truman relate HAVE YOU HAD
this incident a t the Pacific Garden Mis- MAN SWALLOWED BY FISH A STARTLING ANSWER
sion in Chicago, and says that, when Mr.
Truman finished the story, he took a let- TO PRAYER
ter from his pocket, which was from the
president of the Erie Railroad, thanking
him for his carefulness.)
ern skeptics .over the authenticity of
Read the offer below
1. Send us your account of an out-
Sent in by L. E. Anderson the story of Jonah being swallowed standing answer to prayer. These shall
Chicago, Ill. by a fish. Recently, however, a n arti- not necessarily be about healing, but
cle has appeared in REAL maga- along the lines of startling incidents in-
zine which gives an-authenticated ac- volving unusual answers to prayer. His-
PASTOR SUMRALLS PRAYER DELIVERS count of a man being swallowed by torical incidents of Divine providence in-
GIRL FROM DEMONS a fish and who afterward lived to tell volving noted characters of history wel-
c LARITA VILLANUEVA, age 18, be-
came the most talked about person in
the story:
A trawler was passing through
comed. Give source of information of
such incidents.
the Philippines recently when two. invisi- the English channel, when suddenly 2. Articles should not exceed 600
ble demons began to bite her. Clarita was there was sounded an alarm, Man words.
a n inmate of the Manila city jail, and the overboard! dories were hastily low- 3. Must be typewritten, d o u b I e
mayor, prison officials and doctors were
frightened by what was going on in her ered to the water in an effort t o lo- spaced.
cell. They tried in vain to help her. cate the missing sailor. Suddenly the 4. Manuscripts cannot be returned.
The terrifying story was publicized f a r b o a t s w a i n , c o m m a n d i n g the first 5. W e reserve the right to publish or
and wide. It appeared in American news- dory, gestured frantically. Some dis- not to publish.
papers. A glorious sequel to the story has tance away across the choppy waters 6. Upon publication, we will give
come to us from Lester Sumrall, pastor of
the Assemblies of God evangelistic center was the hapless seaman, floundering writer a choice of any book we have in
in Manila. He reports that he personally about, but still afloat. stock as a gift. Writer should notify us
saw the teeth marks which the demons The men started for him,then stopped, AFTER PUBLICATION, of book desired.
made in the girls flesh. Brother Sumrall horror-stricken. Before their eyes emerged
writes: a gigantic sea monster fro& the surface NOTE: Name of person sending in an
After reading newspaper reports for of the water. I t snatched the splashing incident of answered prayer will be
several days and listening to radio broad- sailor into its maw, and then disappeared withheld upon request.
casts of doctors, psychiatrists, etc. trying silently below the water.
10 THE VOICE O F HEALING 0 October, 1953
Azswers -to Prayer
WHEN LINCOLN TALKED.TO GOD u s at the same time. We could have been
killed. I praised God for taking me
A.VISITOR to the White House during ,

the days of the Civil War said: I had Israel Marshall

spending three weeks in the White
IX~II Bay Roberts, Newfoundland,
IIouse with Mr. Lincoln, as his guest. One Canada
night-it was just after the battle of Bull
Run-I was restless and could not sleep.
It was coming near to the dawn of the
day, whcn I heard low tones proceeding FINANCIAL NEED SUPPLIED THROUGH
from a private room where the President PRAYER
slept. The door was partly open.,
Instinctively I walked in. and there E HAD B E E N PRAYIWG for several
1 saw a sight which I shall never forget. wweeks about a financial need, and it
11 was the President, kneeling before an seemed we could get no answer from the
open Bible. The light was turned low in Lord.
the room. His back was toward me. I On the morning of the 13th of April,
shall never forget his tones, so piteous 1953, 1 prayed and waited upon the Lord.
; ~ n dso sorrowful: I prayed again and again. The third time
0 Thou God, that heard Solomon in I called upon Him, and waited before the
t h e night whcn he prayed and cried for Lord, I heard from Heaven.
wisclom, hear me! I cannot guide the af- A scripture was impressed upon m y
fairs of this nation, without Thy help. I mind. I turned to it, Numbers 13:1, And
am poor anti weak and sinful. .O God, the Lord s p k e . . . (unto Moses) saying.
Ihou clidst hear Solomon when he cried I was amazed for I knew that verse was
for wisdom - hear me and save this incomplete in itself. So I prayed again and
nation. asked Him what He wanted to tell me.
God heard, a n d He answered him then This time I waited in a spirit of expec-
and tllere. Will He not answer today: tancy. Again a scripture was impressed
upon my mind. Zt was Numbers SS:S.
Call upon me in the day of trouble, and
I zoilb answer lll.ee, said- the Lord. God From that verse, these words fastened
answers prayer. : Ctzristjan Beacon. upon my mind as barnacles on a ship,
. . . on the fifteenth dQy . . . on the mor-
. row aftm. This was on the thirteenth
day, and after looking at the calendar, I
PRAYER SAVES FROM FALLING WIRE reasoned, the fourteenth was tomorrow,
and the fifteenth the morrow after. Z be-
THE WINTER of 1925 I received a lieved the Lord!
I Ntelegram to try to get to Port de Grave Upon arriving home, I told my wife.
We began to await anxiously and expec-
(about five miles from Bay Roberts) for
a meeting with the company of saints tantly the fifteenth day.
there on Sunday. On Sunday morning a On the morning o f the fifteenth, I went
Northeast storm, with freezing rain, was to the post office, and lo, in the m i l w m
on but, like John Wesley, I would like to a check which relieved the strain that we8
make it and, in his journals, wc read upon us! We rejoiced more over the re-
that God often miraculously got him ception of the check, however, because
there on lime. it came in answer to the WORD O F THE
LORD. Praise His Name!
Lpurposed in my heart to believe God
to get me to my destination likewise. I Evang. A. J. Mann
got a man to take me along on what we Travelers Rest, S. C.
call a slide with a piece of board to sit on.
The storm increased as we went along
and, about a mile from the town, on the
highland called Bare Nead Hills the storm CHRISTIANS SPARED FROM MURDEROUS,
was a t its height. The telegraph poles SAVAGE MOB AFTER PRAYER
were coated with a heavy coat of ice
and the wires were like large cables.
Suddenly, as I sheltered behind the
IT thyWAS LATE AT NIGI-T. A steal-
knock was heard at the door of
in the direction of the house!
Breathlessly, Mrs. Neighbor and the
driver, I felt an urge to pray. As I began,
. ,

hlrs. Neighbors home on the tropic isle ,others waited until the last man had pass-
my k g l i s h was gone and I prayed as the ed out of sight. Then, their prayers gave
spirit gave utterance. The few words o f Java. A small half-naked Javanese man
had come with tidings. place to praise. What a time of shouting
were very sweet. Just a t that moment a they had, thanking God for H i s gOOdneSS
heavy wire broke to the windward of Nonja, he whispercd hoarsely, the
US and came down to the ground with a head men are meeting at the mosque.
loud bang. My driver cried out If that They are plotting to destroy as many
had hit the horse, it would have killed
her. When we got down to the valley Christians as possible around here. You
I told him that I was praying just as and your family are to be killed if they
the wire broke, that could have killed can find you.
both of us as well as the horse. Listen! They will beat the drums at
The next morning it was made more the mosque at a certain hour. That is the
real to me, when we heard that nine signal for all the people to assemble there
telegraph poles came down just behind to start on their mlwdering spree. Nonja,
THE VOICE OF HEALING October, 1953 . ..
, I ,

. .

, We have come quite a distance. Many
giants have been fought and victories
have been won. Ammonites, Amorites
and Moabites have fallen before us and
we are glad. We can look back a t vie
tories .won and experiences enjoyed--we
can look forward to victories yet to win.
I Perhaps a few personal past experiences
as well as future hopes and ambitions
might help.


LEM to Jericho. It is all downhill,
which is why the Scriptures say, A
certain man went DOWN to Jericho, Thirty years ago the writer read JOIUL
for if you go from Jerusalem .to Jeri- 3:26.He caught a glimpse of trulh and
cho you certainly go DOWN- yo^! hope sprang up in his breast, when he
read of the possibility of having ever-
descend 3,000 feet in 25 miles. You (Editor of the Australian Magazine lasting life and never psrishinb. The
can almost travel the whole distance THE EVIDENCE who is at present promised land looked wonderful, but the
on a .free engine. The road curves a visiting the U.S.A.)
giants in the way looked loo big and
great deal and is .among hills, because formidable-it all seemed too good to be
true, and he wondered if such an ex.
of which, even these days,, it lends perience was f o r him. I t all seemed f a r
itself to highway robbery. It is quite beyond him, and, he wondered.
easy t o understand many being And yet, believe it o r not, thal land
beaten and robbed on this road. not was possessed and that viclory was won.
and, to-day without a doubt, the writer
only in the year 53 but also the yeai stands on the other side of t h e battle-
1953. ground, and knows of a very surety that
The only building you pass on the way he has everlasting life and w i l l never
is the Good Samaritans Inh; on the left- perish. That is wonderful and he is
hand side of the road. The Dead Sen glad.
is 1200 feet below sea level, and you seo
a sign. in .three languages a t sea level. CITIES O F THE PROMISED LAND
The Dead Sea is 26 per cent salt compared W E R E TAKEN ONE B Y ONE
with ordinary sea water, which is aboul
4 % per cent salt, That means it is about Two years later the writer came across
a quarter solid. I t is impossible to sink another experience, which also - seemed
in the Dead Sea. A non-swimmer would f a r beyond him and too good to be lrue.
never drown there-you just cant go He read in Acts 2:4 of what happened
under. on the Day of Pentecost. He was told
lhat lhis experience was for to-day, and
wondered. He was told it was for him.
THE CHILDREN O F ISRAEL VIEWED and he wondered still more. I t seemed
THE PROMISED LAND-BEFORE far too wonderful to think that he wou1.d
THEY ENTERED I T ever receive an experience like the Early
Iteverend L. J.Joncs Disciples received on the Day of Pente-
As you look across the Dead Sea, you
can seethe Mountains of Moab. You can cost, and that he would speak i n a lan-
see the place where Sodom and Gomor- guage that he had never learned.
rah once stood, and where Lots wife was Well on May 1, 1925, the seeming ini-
turned into a pillar of sall. You can see possible happened, and today he is also
Mount Pisgah where Moses stood and on the other side of that battleground.
viewed the Promised Land. Like the Children of Israel of old, he saw
God showed the Children of Israel the both experiences, including the giants,
Promised Land before He took them into before hc entered into them.
it. He does the same to-day. The Promised More recently, while in New Zealand.
Land speaks in type of all the spiritual the wriler read another Scripture and
experiences God has f o r u s these days. saw further land to be possessed. H e
God promised them the Land-He also read Galatians 5:24-
has given us exceeding great and precious And they tlmt are Christs havc!
promises. There were Giants that sought crucified t,!e flesh with the affections
to hinder them-there are giants that and lusts.
would seek to hinder us. I t was faith that
took them in-it is faith that will take u s Why, he thought, the flesh, W i t h its
in. It was not the strength of their own affections and lusts is where all the
right arm, but the promises of God, that trouble is, and victory here is victory
gave them the victory. indeed. I t was possible to have other
12 THE VOICE 0 F . H E A L I N C e October, 1953
experiences and still be in need of this He had known these Scriptures by heart Maybe this is still a future experience
one-possible to have conquered Ammo- for years, but had never really believed for you dear reader, or maybe you have
nites, Moabites and still need victory over them. He decided that we pray about come through this also and have possess-
Jebusites. many things that God says are ours al- ed the land.
ready! His joy knew no bounds as he
read, All things are yours, and ye are T H E R E IS HEALING FOR YOU!
\TICTORY COMES BY BELIEVING-NOT Christs and Christ is Gods/ and he.
THROUGH STRUGGLING OR right then and there, decided that all
FIGHTING Maybe W i t h H i s stripes ye a r e healed
things were his and he was Christs an!l is another giant that is still in front of
Victory to-day comes exactly as it Christ was Gods, and he acted upon it. you. Maybe it seems very wonderful. but
came of old. I t was.not by struggling or He decided that we were GIANTS so very impossible as there are so manv
fighting but believing. I-Ie remembered ASLEEP, and were going around like giants. Well. all tlic writer needs to say
the message of Hebrews I,, where we are paupers with signed checks in our poclc- is that it is no more impossible than the
encouraged to rest after a perfect work ets, He decided that God knew who we three above expe-imces were to him.
of redemption. as God rested ,after a were, and the Devil knew who we were. Mavbe there i s somethinp else he should
perfect work of creation. but WE DIDNT KNOW WI.10 WE w v . and that is that Gods Word is true
He remembered how he had fought. He WERE. He decided that the only place -it is truer than your ache; it is truer
remembered how he hacl struggled. He to find out who we were, was in Gods than your pain: i t is truer than your
remembered how he had prayed. He re- Word. IIe then looked to see what the cancer; it is truer than your growth: and
membered how he had fasted and how he Word of God said about us, and remem- it is truer than your symptoms. Your
had confessed. l i e remembered how he bered that we could not go by what ache could be wrong; your pain could
Iiad wept over his inward wrongness, others thought of us, for the Apostle bc wrong: vour tumor could be wrong:
longing for inward purity, and yet after Paul said. I t is a small matter t o be yoii? growth could be wrong and vow-
\Tears of Christian experience he was no judged of you or of mans judgment, svmntnms cmuld bc wronE. BUT LTSTRN
hearer inward cleanness and soundness. and neither could we go by what w e \WTTT,T;: HE SIJGGESTS TO YOU.
andhe wbndered. Had he been seeking thought of ourselves, for the same QUTET1.Y POSITIVELY AND SO VERY
.srictory the wrong .way. Apostle said. I jiidge not myself. There- DEFIUITELY. GODS WORD IS NEVER
Absolute cleanness. perfection i n the fore, he had learned that the only place WRONG. A N D - IS MUCH M O R E
truest sensc. inward moralsoundness and to find out who and what we are was in WORTHY OF OUR TRUST A N D CONFI-
all that p e s with it. comnlete victory Gods Word. and that He said some truly DENCE than the other things that we sn
over the .fieslL w i t h .its a.ffections and amazing things. I t is time we believe it, nften so readily believe.
71i.sLs in actual d?y by day exnerience. for failure to realize our standing i n The last tribe beaten in Canaan, was
were all promised in this verse. Tt was a Christ is the true cause of all Christians the tribe of the Jebusites. One by one the
sight of the promised land before enter- weakness to.day. , others fell before the Children of Israel.
i n g in, ancl was .no more seemingly hope. and onc bv one spiritual giants are also
less ancl impossible than tlic other two falling before Gods children to-day. The
experiences. .Jebusites were encamped around Jeru-
salem. and fought valiantly and courage-
Cons WORD IS MORE R E L I A B L E ously and would just not give in, but a t
last they werc routed and put to con-
And then he remembered that the
Scripture was positive: They t h a t are GREATER WORKS S H A L L Y E DO-
Christs I I A V E crucified the .flesh w i t h its W A S ONE OF CHRISTS T,AST
u.flections and ktsts.; I t doesnot say that PROMISES
OUGHT TO. but believe it or not IT s a w When he read Y e are complete i n Him In closing let the writer say that. there
1HUY H A V E . And hoDe SDrant.? into he coulrl not exmess the iov that filled is one more spiritual experiEnce that he
his heart as he rememb6red thatGods his heart, and k h e n h e read, A n d if hopes doesnt frighten you because the
Word was ALWAYS TRUE. If God says children. - t h o n heirs; H E I R S OF GOD giants of that land are big. 1t.doesnt
HAVE well HAVE IT IS. How won- A N D J O I N T H E I R S W I T H C H R I S T the frighten him. and he has to confess that
derful are the HAVES the HATHS joy of it was an experience like the Rap- as he looks a t it, it is no more impos-
and the HAVE NOTS O F GODS tism of the Holy Spirit all over again. sible of fulfilment than J o h n 3:16, Acts
WORD. and well could he understand why. the ?:I, and Galntinns 6:24 were in the years
Gods word is more reliable than what Disciples looked and acted like drunken gone by. When you have seen other
we feel. I t is more reliable that what we men on the Day of Pentecost. He was giants laid low and victories won, and,
sce, and more dependable than what we ashamed to think that he had gone so land possessed, that -have been shown
know o r understand. What we feel ma)- long in his weakness and- insirmciency you before you entered in, you have con-
be wrong. What we think may be wrong. and had failed to see what the Scriptures fidence that the God who has brought you
and what we understand may be wrong. speak of as the inheritance of the saints thus far. will take p u right on.
but Gods Word is NEVER wrong. M a d s in light (Colossians 1 : 1 2 ) . S 11r e 1y Here it i s 4 o h n 14:12:
word may be right, but Gods Word is Christs riches were ?i.nsearcliable and Verily, Verily I say u n t o y o u , H e
ALWAYS right. it was time -that we knew the things t h a t believeth o n me, t h e w o r k s t h a t
And so he was faced with the alterna- t h a t are freely giz;en t o 71s of God ( 1 I do shall he do also; a n d , greater
tive of whether he would believe what Cor. . 2 : 1 2 ) . w o r k s t h a n these shall he do; be-
God said, or whether he would believe Our greatest need to-day is for rcvcln- CClliSe l go ,unto my Father. .... ....
what he thought. felt and understood. tion and- illumination and the answer
He eventually decided to believe Gods to the Apostle Pauls prayer. t h a t tlrc THOSE WHO BELIEVE-ENTER IN!
Word regardless of everything else, and God of our L o r d Jesfrs Clcrisl, the Fathe:.
what a victory this brought and what of glory, m a y gi.ue itnto you t h e spirit of It means exactly what it says. The
a panorama of truth opened up beforc wisdom and r e w l a t i o n i n t h e I:iaozc;led<ic whole promise hinges on our believing
him. of him. (Ephesians 1 : 1 7 ) . in Him.. Nothing is promised tu un-
belief. but everything to faith. A man
01: told a congregation how God, healed his
T H n O U G H CHRIST! COMPT,ETE VICTORY sick horse. . just like John Wesley also
testified. Perhaps you dont believe God
This brought such a flood of Scriptures Yes, that which was impossible hacl heals sick horses-well. if your horse gets
before him. Ilc read R o m a n s 8:2. Foi come to pass. By the grace and power of sick. it will have to die. thats all. We
the law of tlm spirit of - life in Christ God, this giant also had been laid low get what we believe for. God is as big
Jesus H A T H made m e free from t h e law and this tribe vanquished. Another bat- as we make Him. Out of a thousand
of sin and death. and h e decided that tle had been fought and another victory Christians who believe that God can, only
this was truly so. and HATH means had been won. have a different mes- one out of that thousand believes God
HATH. He read Ephesians 1:S, Blesscd sage now. a positive message--we know can and will through me. They are the
be t h e God and F a t h e r of our Lord Jestis where we are and what we have, and Joshuas and the Calebs. THEY ARE THE
Christ, who H A T H blessed 71s w i t h A L $ have been lifted above a life that is al- ONES WHO ENTER IN. W H A T WILL
.y~iiritiral blessings in H e w e n l y Places ways !wallring on egg shells. OUR CHOICE BE?
THE.VOICE O F HEALING 0 October, 1953 13
T was taken and was prayed for by
Brother Richey. Nothing happened at that
moment, for God was trying to work out
something in the lives of my parents.
What they received there was to remain
a an integral part of their lives to this day.

Miracle TO GOD
God was dealing with my Fathers
heart. He had not yet accepted Christ. As
the, Richey meeting closed, the horrible
of verdict of the doctors, which I have pre-
viously mentioned, was given. When night
came on the day of the doctors message
of despair, my Mother, inspired by the
God! message of deliverance. knelt by my bed-
side and lccpt an all night vigil in prayer
interceding before God for my deliver
ancc. During this prayer she dedicated
BY me 100 percent to God to be His. from
that time of my life to the end, however
Evangelist Russell B. Park long or short it may be. She believed God,
accepted her offer and consecration. Be-
cause shc believed, God did just that: As
HIS STORY is not written to grey dawn faded beneath the early morn:
T edify man, myself or others. The
glory is to God (I Cor. 10:31) with-
ing sun her fears faded with the shadows
for, when she felt of my frail body, my
fever was cooled for the first time in over
out whom we would all be miserable Hev. Russell Park. four years and I lay in a pool of perspira-
failures. tion. Victory was sweet-for the first
condition could not withstand another words I spoke were, Mother Im hun-
major operation as my weight, at the age gry.
of eight, was exactly the same as when GOD PERFORMED A MIRACLE OK
Without Him, I could do nothing, I was four.
During this time I had suffered thirteen MY BODY
Without Him, 1 WOULD SUKELY
FAIL . incisions and my leg was swollen to twice The miracle took place. Day after day.
its normal sizc. Poison ran throughout for nine days, little slivers of bone worked
Without Him, I would only be dri jting, my body and my appetite was gone. Mod- out of my leg. When the nine days were
Like a ship without u sail. ern methods of giving nourishment and ovrr and they came to roll me down the
food were unknown. The suffering within hall to X-ray for the operation thatwas
what was left of my body was indescrib- to remove three more inches of bone, it
able. My physical appearance was unbear- was noticed my condition was improved.
AT FOUN-BONE INFECTION STRUCK able, tor those who loved me, to look The X-ray showed there was no bone
When I was four years of age the dread upon. I know it must have been terrible (that nine days before was there) lying
disease of osteomyelitis, a bone infection for my parents to think for a lifetime loose which had to be removed. God had
similar to tuberculosis of the bone, struck they would have a helpless cripple, should worked a miracle. He had removed the
my body in my leg just above the left I live. To the natural eye the situation diseased bone.
knee. wab hopeless. The Red Sea place in their The greater miracle lies in the fact
What could have been a tragedy was a life had come. that the same God who removed the dis-
blessing to my life, and that of my par- RAYMOND T. R I C m Y - C A M E eassd bome also g m more bone in thut
ents, as well as to a host of our friends TO S A N ANTONIO leg! The leg on which I was never to
and relatives-for in nearly five years of In this four year interval of suffering walk grew in one year to strength.
being an invalid, they all saw the mighty in my life, a Holy Ghost anointed, God Though it had lost four years of growth,
hand of God work through the atonement sent, revlval fire was being kmdled in the within one year it was as long and as
of His Son on Calvary. Within a few heart of a great man of God. God was large as the othsr? Today it is just as
hours after I was stricken I was in San speaking to him and giving him power firm and solid and on a foot that was
Antonios Santa Rosa Hospital and short- to take the message of Divine deliverance once swiveled and withered I wear, filled
ly thereafter three inches of the bone to this nation and reaffirm the possibili- out, the same size shoe and there is not
above my left knee was removed. From ties of Apostolic power for people of our the slightest trace of a limp. The miracle
this time until I was nearly ten years of generation. That man was R,aymond T. is complete and stands now, after nearly
age I never knew what it was to play Richey. I believe i t was sometlme in 1926, twenty-one years, as a memorial to the
with other children or have a normal life. when I was at my lowest ebb, that Broth- miraculous power of an ever loving, un-
D M N E HEALING UNKNOWN TO U S - e r Richey came to our city. dying God.
FATHER SPENT F O R m SEEKING San Antonios leading gathering place, THROUGH MY HEALING, F A T H E R
MEDICAL AID FOR ME-TO NO Beethoven Hall, was secured for Brother W A S CONVERTED
AVAIL Richeys Healing Campaign.
GRANDMOTHER H E A L E D OF This miracle convinced my Father and.
Divine healing was scarcely known of a few months later, a t a Full Gospel
in those dark days. My Mother was raised PARALYSIS altar, he gave His life to Christ. Since
in a Baptist home. Some of her folk were One night my father was persuaded to that time, his home has been a second
Christians, but knew nothing of the power go. He went through curiosity. He left home for preachers and many an all
of God to deliver a sick body from the convinced for a blind Mexican court r e night prayer meeting for the saints has
clutches of the demon of death. In a few porter, known personally to him and most been conducted in the living room.
short years my Father had spent all that of the city, was instantly healed in the Here, in this Christian atmosphere of a
he had and could borrow. Nine of the audience while listening to Brother Richey practical Full Gospel home, I was raised
countrys best doctors matched their skill preach. In the prayer line a lady known to believe in and practice Divine healing.
against this dread disease. Finality was to my Father to have been deaf for years
written upon their faces one morning as was healed. He went and spoke to this THOUGH BACKSLIDDEN GOD SPOKE
they told .my parents that I could never lady whom he had years before delivered TO M E AUDIBLY A N D C A L L E D ME
walk agarn and that they .despaired of groceries to, as a boy. His skepticism TOSERVEHIM

m y Zife. Their verdict was that three faded and faith took hold. My Grand- The year I was graduated from high
more inches of bone had to be removed mother, who had been totally paralyzed school I grew cold in myexperience. I
from my leg as an only hope for my for nine years, was taken by my Father became engaged in activities which took
survival. These men further stated that to the meeting, and was instantly touched my time of prayer and study and, in a
they were quite fearful that my physical and healed by the power of God. few months, I was in a.backslidden state.

14 THE VOICE O F HEALING October, 1953

Let me pause here to say that, knowing would move me shortly to a western city no church there. My parents were highly
I was out ,of Gods will, I began to pray as Assistant to the Superintendent of enthusiastic in their praise of the evangel.
for a blessing from Cod. Dear reader, no, Transportation, but to tell no one, includ- ist who they said was named Gayle
one, knowingly out of Gods will! can ex. ing my immediate superiors, as some of Jackson. They said that they had never
pect a blessing from His hands. I took a. them had long desired such a position. heard such anointed and authoritative
job in a department store which kept m? I went to my hotel room that night preaching. Hundreds were being saved.
busy and away from home. I w a s . still. #elated. As I opened the door and entered Miracles were not rare, they were plenti-
sincerely studying and praying to God. my happiness ended for, on the desk, I ful. I told them that thii man must be
for guidance. saw my Bible, which I always kept. I t re- wrong. He was not of my belief or doc-
One morning about 3:OO A. M. I was. minded me then of my call to-the minis- trine. I thought they were being foolishly
awakened from my sleep. I heard a n aud- try. which I had temporarily forgotten. misled. I refused to go. They prayed for
il,le voice. I suddenly sat upright in bed. A letter from home also awaited me; it me and a few nights later I told my wife
I became wide awake and there was a was one of my Fathers infrequent let- we would go just one night and see.
Ixilliant light in the corner of my room ters. He knew I was away from God. I t
in front of me. I sat paralyzed with fear, was filled with love and advice to come AGAIN, GOD H E A L E D M E !
knowing I was receiving a visit from a home and enter a business with him. Christ was in the pulpit that night. I
heavenly creature. I saw no one, but the Even though I made considerable money never saw Gayle Jackson. He preached
light was clearly visible and a second and i t never did me much good. When God Christ and I visualized the Lord only. Doc-
third time I heard the voice, as clearly as calls one, his prosperity is false if he tries trines dear to me were not mentioned. I
i f , someone had spoken. It said- t o forget that call. knew the Lord was there but, under the
Get thee up, arise and depart front One day in 1946 I left my position of conviction of my fruitless life, I rebelled.
lliis land t o a land which the L o r d esteem, not knowing why, and returned I said nothing, but I very much disliked
l l ~ yGod shall show thee.? to my fathers farm to open a business the man who preached the revival. 1
in the resort, hill country. While working wanted to stay away from that tent;
MISGUIDED COUNSEL C A U S E D I did not want to see people go forward
FURTHER TRANSGRESSION on a building for that business, a tent
revival came to our community. One night for salvation, yet I could not stay away.
I slept no more that night. I Itnew i t as the minister, Rev. Barnes, extended Night after night I returned. One night
\vas Cod dealing with me. I spoke to a the call for sinners, God spoke to my I. too, left my seat and went to pray.
minister friend about this and immediate- heart. He told me it was my last call. I shed many tears before God that night.
ly was told to forget the matter, lest I Thereafter I entered into the spirit of the
I)c led astray by a strange spirit. I be- R E T U R N E D TO GOD-FILLED WITH meeting. I began to study my Bible; not
lieve this minister was sincere. I believe HOLY S P I R I T to prove my doctrine, but to watch Christ
IIC thought he was advising me correctly He became alive in the scriptures. I
by telling me to return to my job and of I God knew this was my time. I was dr :wn as
and went on my knees publicly was to learn that some of m y doctrines
ward off such visitations. T was only 19 in humility before God and He del~vered were not sound in scriptural light.
a t the time and he felt 1 was too young me from sin. A few nights later T was One night Bro. Jackson prayed for me
and that my education and further ex- baptized the Holy Ghost, while pray- and I was healed of heart trouble, bron-
perience was paramount to my zeal to i n g for a with brother for healing. chial asthma and I took off my-bifocal
carry thc Gospel. However sincere he
might h a w bren, it was wrong for me to I forgot my business plans. I returned glasses. My eyes were healed by the power
of God. He healed me of my afflictions.
follow his advice rathrr than Gods. When lo my Bible and praying that T had left This evangelist I did not like was a friend
God speaks-we need not s ~ d tadvice off before. Christ becam:: m y consuming
trom others but seek His face and read passion. My associates, became strangers. to all. He became one to me. A sweeter
character I had never met. His kindness
His Word for our answcr. A few days later I preached my first
To the young minister let mr say, if mcssage and have never stoppcd since. in dealing with me caused my prejudices.
you know a real spiritual, Pentecostal which had separated me from others in
GOD BROUGHT MY W I F E TO ME the Full Gospel, , t o fadr away. God
minister, who is in contact with God. his
advice may be of great help to you. Such I n August of 1947, at an old fashioned had sent the answer to my prayers
a one would never advise you a s this Camp Meeting, I met a girl who was, like and tears of the years before. No doubt
misguided, though sincere, man did. I I, attending the services. I asked a fel- some were touched in that campaign, and
lost their experience, but God sent that
heeded this advice and, as a result, the low who knew her to introduce us and, as revival to San Antonio for me.
Spirit of God left me. I became a trans- he did so, I promptly asked if I might
gressor to my sorrow. lake her to the service that night. S h e ac- GOD G A V E ME A MINISTRY O F
BECAME A S U C C E S S F U L BUSINES!! cepted and, a s she walked away to her DELIIVERANCE:
MAN tent, I knew she was the one for me;
therefore, I said. God I thank you be- I left my job, and waited on God in
The next years of my life were spent in cause that girl is going to be my wife. prayer and fasting for a ministry of de-
the business world and in politics, in the Five months later we were married liverance. I was called but I never knew
city of my birth and in other major cities just thd purpose of that call until I fasted
of our nation. Deeper i n sin I went, for- I BECARIE A PASTOR
and prayed before God in sincerity.
getting God and my home training as We pastored two churches in the inter- My life is now purposeful. I have seen
much as I could. I was constantly in mis- vening years. We were both sincere but hundreds come to Christ, in the past two
ery and learned of a surety: the w a y of quite unacquainted with the problems of years, and miracles now are an every
the transgressor i s hard. I became SUC- a pastor and the requirements of a min- night occurence in my meetings. I take no
cessful in every activity. Satan allowed ister. I preached healing but I realize now glory to myself. I could not. To do so
me to prosper for he was determined that that I was preaching healing dogmatical- would be to loose that which God has
I should not enter the ministry to which ly, only as a doctrine and not as a reality. given me. I remember the pit from iuhiclc
God had, as a child, called me. Despite I thought this ministry was for a few Z came. I recall years of useless minis.
my success, my life was a failure and my ministers only. Oh! brother ministers, try. I know I had nothing until God came
hours alone were misery for I could not read your Bible! God wants all who are into my life. I know I cannot even be in-
forget Gods call. My parents were heart- called of Him to have and preach this strumental in seeing a soul saved or a
broken because their only boy, who was ministry. (Mark 16:14-20). body healed without the Spirit of the
dedicated to God, was a rebel against God. Lord. Without the anointing of the Holy
During this time I became successful G A Y L E J A C K S O N C A M E TO S A N AN- Spirit I am no preacher. I have learned
in a position with one of the nations lead- TONIO, PREACHING AND-THROUGH that the body of Christ is composed of
ing .transportation firms. My early twen- H I M - G O D PEXWOBNED THE A L L Christians. My life, once a failure
ties found me gaining recognition from MIRACULOUS and full of remorse, is now happy, and f u l l
the President, General Manager and some One day after nearly a year o f working of purpose.
of the Board of Directors. I t was not my and preaching here and there, very inac- THE VOICE O F HEALING has h a d ,
knowledge so much as that Satan was al- in the ministry, my Father came in a wonderful part in helping me see the
lowing me to climb that I might never tive and told my wife and me that he and body of Christ in its fullness. The sacri-
enter into Gods call for my life. Mother had been to a revival in our city ficial efforts of THE VOICE OF HEAL-
PROilIOTION OFFERED-BUT GOD of San Antonio. I t was in a large tent and ING staff have helped me take my mes-
REMINDED ME I W A S C A L L E D thousands were coming. The campaign sage to the unreached. I am their debtor.
TO S E R V E HIM was in cooperation with a number of dif- May God continue to bless their sincerity
I shall never forget the day when one ferent Full Gospel Churches. None wlis and may we, whos ministry they report.
of the directors informed me that he of my particular denomination, a s we had keep it abovereproach.

THE VOICE c)F HEALING . October, 1953 15





triumphing over opposition from the powers of Satan, is told in the PIah Decision
clippimgs and testimonies which appear on these pages.-The A.A.
A U e n Campaign! Today in Probe
- - I -
-1 I
SOME I N D I V I D U A L S Of M i r u s f e ~ ~
JMinioterial roup Slates
would not give u p that
easy. To the right is Officers of the Rockford Minis.

Inquiry of Miracle Claims a portion of an item r) terial association plan to meet

today to consider possible legal ac.
e f r o m the front page of tion in connection with the ap.
. s
Rockford Ministerial association1 the M O R N I N G STAR pearancc of a 9-year-old boy at re.
and county law enforcement offir will be asked to attend tcdays Wednesday. Uhis ac- viva1 meetings being conducted b j
u x s plan to meet today to launch meeting. They are the Rev. E. L. A. A. Allen in a tent on Sand)
an inquiry into revival meetings Stalons, pastor of First Assembly1 tion was taken b y some
officers of the Associa- Hollow rd.
being conducted by Evangelist A. of God church, 804 2nd. ave., and; Some of the association mem.
A. Allen in a tent at 11th st. and the Rev. Philjp Johnson, pastor of: tion, i n disregard of
D e i s Tuesday night attended a
nSandy Hollow rd. Rock church, 2802 11th st. Shscriff the expressed will of
The Rev. Clarence H. Anderzon, King said he plans to have a rep, late-hour revival meeting a t which
the majority.1 byear-old Ronald Coyne, described
n pastor of Tabor Lutheran church resentative attend the. meeting.
. and Dresident of the ministerial as-] /
PS a boy who sees perfectly with-
! n!sociation, Monday called the spe- >ut an eyeball. appeared. .
I ,. .rlciaI association meeting for 11 a.m.
Itodav i n the Y.M.C.A. to inauire
THIS NOTICE APPEARED on a back page of the
* a: :!: <: 9; ::: a: * :k *
infoA1lens - 1 - I
Assistant States -Attorney Wil-
I sponsoring pastors mentioned i n - the notice were in- z liam R. Nash, afta- a conference
The Rev. Mr. Anderzon conferred with the Rev. Andenon and the
! Monday with Sheriff Kirk s. King vited b y phone to attend, bvt were not informed Of 9 -

and States Attorney Robert Can- Rev. Carl Smuckcr Tuesday night,
the purpose of the session. Allen was not wontactod, prepared a warrant charging- un-
field. Todays meeting of ,the min- lawful exhibition of a lad tinder
,e isterial association was called at . nor any a f f e m p t m a d e to gain firsf hand information
:i ?s the suggestion of the county law regarding the so-called miracle claims.
- / I I *in
a manner dangerous to the
.:boys health and welfare. Nash
[enforcement officers. Sheriff King
I 1-
g!said that he plans to investigate re- . ]!will meet with officers of the min-
Nevertheless, this notice was called to their often- . isterial association t d a y to. de-
. v i \ a1 meetings conducted by Allen
ij in other comniunities after receiv- :ion, a n d both local padois and a reprcsentative of . q termine whether the warrant will
. be signed.
mg a number of complaints about
:he Allen party were present at the session. Akhough
Ithe meetings.whichhave been
for the last two weeks. m m e leaders of the Association, as weli as :he County ;I ---
Two Rocltford pastors, listed as Sheriff, w h o was present, declared a n y o n e would
sponsors of the, revival meetings,


T HAD A CANCER on. m y right cheek
A for two years. l t continugd tokrow and
- know such things are impossible, a controlling ma-
jority of the thirty members of the Association
present at the session refused to g o on record
as denying the possibility of healing a n d m i -
d e s today. They also refused t o concur i n
; I

get worse. When Rev. Al!cn came to Rock-
w a s any action which inferred an attempt to cur-
Revival Continues /J
_ _ -. - - - - -
f_ n r d T
receiving tail religious liberty. Quoted below 121;is :he . Rocklords Ministerial associa- ti;
e 1(tion
treatment Wednesday dropped the prob- W
from my official statement of the Ministerial Associa- 11 lem of the A. A. Allen revival pro- hi
doctor. tion, formulated during the session, a n d h gram back into the lap of the of-w
Brother o lice of the Winnebago county
Allen pray- approved b y vpte. states attorneys office.
ed f o r me 1
T H E FOL- The Rev. Clarence H. Anderzon,
and cursed
Recognize pastor of Tabor Lutheran church

the c a n c e r . L O W I N G and association president, said the

Within about
t h.ree dnps,
ING the
.dgroup had dropped the case and
that if anything is to be done it


t h e c a n c e r After the Tuesday morning meet- will be by the states attorneys ir
w Qs 9one situation
ing of the miniFterial acsoriatinn. I1
and m y fuce the Rev. Mr. Andenon issued the1 l o o k e d

w a s corn- following statement: !
b-r i g h t e r , : . .: .. 2. 2< ,>e- 2< .I!, ..: y >..
v l e t e l u - We recognize the religious as both. the I > I

~ s m o o t i i . liberties of the .Assembly of God Nash. had indicated, at that time, h

where the cander had been! ministers a n d :.:Ithat the states attorneys office gl
I returned to the doctor afterward f o r and Rock churches to promote thr l a w enforce- ,lc!wOUld not sign a warrant on its P;
examination, telling him my cancer was ; cause of Jesus Christ as they ment officers u t own against the boys mother or cc
gone now, as Id been healed. The doctor . choose, and that the meetings are tossed t h e .n- Allen. C(
examined my face and declared. that i t being sponsored .by these two ns, We are not an investigating Ir
churches and not directly. by the! hot potato

was so. ,
Della Land
, whole Rockford Ministerial asso-: t o e a c h
ad agency. Nash said, and no one JV
..a-lhere has p u a l l y seen any C.
Rockford. Illinois . ciation. 1 other. Ilation; \I

16 THE VOICE O F HEALING 0 October, 1953

FEATURED EVANGELISTS: A. A . Allen r %*=*,Jut7 23, 1953

FROM the Rockford POST, Thursday evening, July 23.

Note that the edltor recognized the beneficial effect of even
unfavorable publicity in drawing attention to the meeting.
Evangelist, Miracles, No Longer
Facing Threat Of Prosecutim
Typical Miracles, by Which God
Investigation of s e n s a tional Conference on the evangenstio.
healings attributed to evangelistic meeting set up by the Rockford
Ministerial association apparently
Vindicated His Servant, So sessions conducted by the Rev. A.
A. Allen at Sandy Hollow road served chiefly to attract attention
and 11th street has failed to indi- to the tent services-attendances
That Thousands Believed cate that any law has been v i a
lated, according to Assistant
of more than 2,000 persons nightly
are reported, with the sessions to
continue through July 26.
For the Works Sake! States Attorney William R. Nash.
The evangelist ,has macle n9 REhIGIOUS FREEIDOM I
effort to claim credit for mira- That there might be any ques-


cles and healings reported from
the services, but points out that
they are a proof of the power of
i1tion of law violation i s :inthink- i
able, according to the Rev. E.
L. Stalons, pastor of the First,
[Began use of tobacco at 3 years on POd0rs orders] prayer, Attorney Nash points out. 1 Assembly of God church, 8024
2nd avenue, whose church, along
S A BABY and small child, I was rest- with the Rock Church, 2802 11th
A less, fretful, and failed to gain weight. street, of which the Rev. Philip
When I was three, the doctors advised [This is the lady who called the Sheriff1 Johnson is pastor, is sponsoring
my mother to allow me to use tobacco,
the services.
declaring that a craving for nicotine,
was the cause of my trouble.
EAR DRUM-REMOVED BY SURGERY- It is purely a matter of reli-
RESTORED! gious freedom, the Rev. Stalons
Therefore. a t
OR TWENTY YEARS, I could not hear
1 stated, We have the word of God
behind us and have given the
IFI naa
- 1 from my left ear. Even as a small child:

rrequenr. ear in~ectioiis,accompanieu
I ministerial association chapter and
by severe pain and discharge from the
I verse.

ear. -
- - .- me.. ...- .__
Len years ago, .
I_ ___
serving ..-
as a
I Assistant States Attornev Nash
member of the Womens S.S. in Germany. prepared a warrant, after a c-on-
ference with the Rev. Clarence
Anderzon and the Rev. Carl Smuc-
ber charging unlawful exhibition
of a 9-year-old boy who appeared
at the services, reputedly able t o
read with one eye which has a
bacco, but every lime I would attempt plastic eyeball.
to do without it my entire body cried out Although the pttorney spent four
Sor it. My weight would drop dangerous- 1,hours in his office Tuesday night
and was available Wednesday, the
ly, and I was compelled to take it up
again. I was horribly bound by this thing,
until Brother Allen started his great Cam-
1 warrant was not signed.
The Rev. Smucker is also said to

Daian. here in Rockford. BUT HERE, GOD have attended the service* and
SET ME FREE! doctor said unless there was a n immedi-
I have been gloriously free for two full ate change for the better, more of the to have found no grounds for com-
weeks. No craving for tobacco has ever bone must be removed from behind the plaint.
returned. M v wei&ht has remained nor- ear. A unidentified waman called
mal. Praise c o d , 5 last I a m free! Then the Allen revival came to Rock- Sheriff Kirk S . King Wednesday
Mrs. Estelle B. Slscho ford. I went through the healing line. to pay a personal tribute to the
Rockford, 111. Next day, I found I could hear f r o m this ,-;, power of prayer at the Rev.
ear perfectly, and the discharge from the Allens meetings. She said that a
OM CRUTCHES 7 YEARS HEALED INSTANTLY ear is entirely stopped!
chronic ear, infection has been
ECAUSE O F ARTHRITIS, Ive been Mrs. Maria Louisa Akers healed during the services here.
u n a b l e to walk without crutches Rockford, Ill.
f o r more than sev-
e n years. Could
barely walk with
crutches. I had not
use my arms-
c o u 1d n t e v e n
comb my hair.
W h e n Brother
Allen prayed for confined to her wheel chair eight months. SHE AROSE
me, I f e l t m y
joints straighten. F R O M HER CHAIR INSTANTLY, AFTER PRAYER. Attended
I a r o s e immedi-
ately and walked revival night after night, WALKlNG WlTHOUT CANE O R
alone. I found I
could raise both CRUTCH, and gave joyful testimony of what G o d had
arms s t r a i g h t
above my head. done for her.
Mary Wilson
Rockford, Ill.
THE VOICE O F HEALING 0 October, 1953 17
N RECENT MONTHS there has been
phenomenal increase in destructive
which have taken the lives of
At Waco, Texas, only a short distance
fice, a cyclone leveled buildings as high as
in the distance, the whirling horror, a
tornado. The rolling clouds were to the
Southwest-just the direction from which
hundreds of people, destroyed hundreds six stories. This was the first time in his- a cyclone comes. At that moment the ad-
of millions of dollars worth of property, tory a tornado had struck the center of vance wind struck and we saw large ob-
and brought terror and tragedy to whole the business district of a large city. jects being torn from their moorings and
communities. The big question is now be- Two years ago, while our offices were g o flying past us at terrific spegd. I was
ing raised as to what is the cause of this yet in Shreveport, Louisiana, a tornado just a lad at that time and I, as well as my
unusual rise in the incidence of these of great intensity passed a mile or two companions, were not a little frightened.
storms. Is there a prophetic significance south of our location. Because the section Instinctively we jumped into our car and
in these great disturbances of the eartws traversed was just outside the thickly headed down the highway away from the
atmosphere? We believe that there is an settled area, loss of life was not so great. direction of the whirling clouds. Behind
answer to these questions. In this article Certainly the storm passled too close for us, in the distance, a building blew down.
we shall take note of certain facts re- comfort. One can only imagine the hor- Despite our speed, debris was flying past
vealed by the Scriptures which we believe ror that comes to those who have been us on either side. Road signs had blown
throw some light on this matter. caught in the path of these whirling hor- loose and were flying through the air.
THIS YEARS DEATHS FROM rors. Perhaps the greatest damage which As we drove on, gradually the ominous
CYCLONES NUMEROUS occurred this year was in Flint, Michigan, roar of the storm faded; but the cyclone
With the exception of the year 1925, where the path of the tornado left a moving on erratically left death and de-
more people have died this year from destruction worse than war. Here the struction over a wide area. We were un-
cyclones than in any year in history; and storm cut a destructive swath 1,000 feet harmed, but we shall never forget the
we have yet to go through the autumn wide and five miles long! experience of those few moments.
season! The destructive tornado has so THE WHIRLING HORROR HAVE THE ATOMIC TESTS
far affected no less than 30 states. SO STRIKES TERROR! CAUSED CYCLONES?
great has been the destruction in Texas, I know something of the terror of What is the cause of these disasters
Ohio, and Michigan, that some of their the cyclone. Some years ago in Central which have increased this year to such
large cities have been declared disaster Texas, on a spring afternoon, we looked unprecedented numbers? The fact is that
areas. up at the sky and suddenly recognized, some of the nations top scientists, though
22 THE VOICE OF HEALING 0 September, 1953

Read This Glozoing Account of the Glorious Angelus Temple Campaign

I Conducted by Valdez Father-Son Team ,

bless and willing and anxious to save from the Spirit upon his life and min. seekers was entirely too small and the
istry. On the following Sunday even- aisles, choir lofts and platform . were

mankind from their sins and physical ing Rev. Valdez again ministered in pressed into servi:e to accommodate all
sicknesses. mighty power as he spoke about the who desired to hide in the Rock of
At the 2:30 afternoon hour. Rev. A. C. revelations which God has given to him Ages .I
Valdez, Sr.. conducted daily Divine Heal. of the forthcoming judgments upon tjie SIGNS, WONDERS AND MIRACLES
ing Instruction services, which were xt. peoples of the earth. Sound and Scrip- P R E S E N T EACH NIGHT
tended by large crowds of those who tural. the message bore the witness 01
needed healinr for .their bod;-es and the Spirit and truly those. who attended At the close of the altar call each night
others--well in body-but wishing to these services will never again be the the Healing Lines were formed and time
drink deep irom the fountain of spiritual same. after time. night after night. the power
knowledge which flows so freely from of Gods Divine Health and Healing Vir-
TESTIMONY GJYEN BY NOTED tue was poured forth through the mani-
this man of God. His messages which NUCLEAR S C I E N T I S T 4 A V E D AND
were delivered with great power and festation of the Gift given to Hev. Val.
anointing proved an outstanding highlight F I L L E D W I T H HOLY SPIRIT dez. Jr. Miracles. of ever; description
of the Campaign. The last Sunday night o f the Campaign were performed. The blind S ( I W tlic w o n -
Every evening Rev. A. C. Valdez, Jr.. saw the Temple crowded out at an early der of light f o r t h e first time. ihe dqcif
spoke to the assembled multitudes which hour with late comers standing. Featzivd lLeurd 1 . 1 ~joyful tones of lriimiun i;oice
on more than one occasion packed the o n this evenings service with Rev. Val- tc?td b b s s i n g , the dumb spoke i n begin.
huge auditorium of beautiful Angelus dez, Jr.,was the noted nuclew scientist ning sentences, unaccustomed to thr\
Temple to the dome, filling over 5000 of America, Dr. N . J . Stowell. w h o ujas magnitude of it all. Goibers disctppeared
scats of eager, expectant hearers. Coupled coniierted from ntheism a? recent1ij its before the very eyes of the it:icdience.
with this was the vast listening audience J u n e 12, 1959 und ha8 since receiced t h e cancers melted away and those pulvil?jzc-Jd
of Radio Station K.F.S.G., third oldest Baptism of the Holy Spirit and rereiljed in limb und body were ?iict.de every whit
Radio Station in Los Angeles which is mighty revelations f r o m God and LL ccill .whole. One lady who had suffered from
nwned and operated by the Echo Park into the glorious service of t h e King! a collapsed lung was comp1,etely deliver-
I!:vangelistic Association (legal name of Recognized as an authority in the field ed and found nightly in the Temple prais- !

Angelus Temple). Estimated by the man- of atomic energy, Dr. Stowell gave his ing and.magnifying God. At various times

it::cmeTlt of the Radio Station based on testimony and also answered as -many
technical questions regarding the hydro-
a great healing wave would sweep;over
the Temple and scores were healed i n
letters received, this audience totals ::
around 200,000 listeners in cities through- gen bomb as he was permitted to do i n t h e audience without seeking special ,
out Southern California, and many let- the scope of National Security. This por- prayer from the platform. Testimonies
ters are being received a t the present tion of the service was not broadcast dve are pouring into the office of- Angelus
time telling of the blessings and healings to security reasons and proved to be an Temple of what God has wrought i n ;.
ilS these. thousands dared to believe God effective foil for the message of thr body and soul.
and step out on faith when urged t o do evening by Rev. Valdez. Jr.. entitled The complete results of the Campaign
so by the Valdez team. When Will The Hell Bomb B e Dropped? will never be recorded on this earth. but
At the close of this message. hundreds all joined in the hearty invitation for
FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MXNS again streamed to the altars to make the soon return of this consecrated iather
FET.LOWSHIP A GREAT BLESSING their calling and election sure. As the and son team to again bring to Angelus
From the beginning the Campaign penitents streamed forth from all floors Temple and the Los Angeles area another
had an inter-denominational aspect and of the Temple, the space provided for great campaign of Gods blessing.
eo-pastors McPherson and Teaford hearti-
ly welcomed the score of ministers from
various Pentecostal bodies who came to A VIEW OF O N E OF THE ALTAR CALLS is shown here.Penifenfs were so numerous the
lend their support in making the cam- space provided the seekers was entirely too small a n d the aisles, choir lofts a n d platform
paign one of outstanding memory and re- were used.
sults. Especially lending their weight and
assistance in attendance and service was
the ,Full Gospel Business Mens Fellow-
ship of Southern California with the Ili-
ternational President Demas Shakarian,
who is known throughout the Pentecostal
world for his consecration and leaclershil)
in bringing Full-Gospel groups into fel-
lowship, taking a prominent part in { l i e
services. Representative ministers from
the Assemblies of -God, Pentecostal
Church of God, Open Bible Standaid
Church of God, Pentecost and others
were found nightly in the services aiid
on the platform to rejoice together in the
mighty outpouring of His grace.
Among the many special nights desig-
nated, several will long be remembered.
Outstanding among these were three of
the Sunday night services-the first 0 1
Lvhich featured the testimony of ,Gods
gift of healing.to Rev. A. C. Va1dez;Jr.
Packed to the dome, the Temple audience
.was like a majestic organ which broke
forth in cascades of praise and sobbing,
rejoicing and holy laughter, and then
hushed into deepest awe and wonder as
they heard the very deepest revelations
from the soul and heart of a consecrated
minister who heard the Voice of God and
beheld the bestowment of a mighty, Gift

I THE VOICE O F HEALING 0 October, 1953 19


FEATURED EVANGELISTS: h a s a population of slightly over 2,000. If signs, wonders and miracles accom-
Gordon Lindsay-Alton Hayes w a s estimated b y local pastors that attend- panying. This revival verified the book
ance on some nights, including the many written by E v a n g e l i s t L i n d s a y -
on the outside, equalled that number. Bible Days Are Here Again.
THRONGS WITNESS THE From the opening night, the attendance
MIRACULOUS IN CHECOTAH, averaged over one thousand. beside the
great numbers on the outside of the
HAYES-LINDSAY REVIVAL His manifestation of the Gifts o f Dis- building who were crowding the windows

By Rev. V. E . Taylor, Iastor, cernment. Knowledge and Divine Wisdom and doors to hear and see T H E CHRIST
Pentecostal Holiness Church, through Brother Alton Hayes, T t was such being exalted through salvation o f souls,
Checotah, Olilahoma great joy to hear him tell one in the and miracles.
healing line his condition, hear the per. Evangelist Lindsay, Editor 01 T H E
CAME TO THIS PASTORATE the son confirm what God had revealed to VOICE O F IIEALING, published in Dal-
I last of July and immediately learn-
ed the church was preparing for a
him, then-a few nights later-hear that
person witness how he had been healed
las, Texas, and author of many religious
books on, the fullness o f the Spirit and
Salvation -Healing C a m p a i g n w i t h of the affliction, through the power of light on the scriptures, which have been
God. a help .to thousands, did much of thc
Brothers Gordon Lindsay. and Alton , Muny testified, before the nzeeting clos- preaching. His inspiring and timely mes-
Hayes, in cooperation with the As- ed. t h a t they had passed tumors and can- sages proved such a great blessing to
sembly of God Church. cers after he prayed for them. Many all the people.
The people were eager for the re- came in wheel chairs and walking on Truly God has raised up Brother Alton
crutches who were enabled to go home Hayes, only 24 years old, and manifested
vival and n7e went to work preparing without needing either. COMPLETELY through him marvelous gifts of IIealing.
for it. HEALED B Y T H E POWER O F . G O D ! Discernment. hliracles, Knowledge and
Brother Cagels church and mine Most important of all, was the great Divine Wisdom. (I Corinthians 12:8-10).
will long be blessed from the results number saved, a s the penitents thronged These gifts of Discernment, I<nowledgc
the prayer rooms each night. and Wisdom, have been put into action in
of this revival, as well as the whole an unusual manner, during the last few
city of Checotah. NUMEROUS REVIVALS BRANCH years, to the great amazement and as-
During this meeting, we witnessed szich tonishment o f the people. Many a t first
outstanding miracles as: t h e blind receiv- OFF FROM LINDSAY-HAYES refused to believe, not being familiar
ing sight, t h e deaf hearing, t h e d i m b be- CAMPAIGN IN CHECOTAH with the Bible and knowing it a s one of
ing enabled t o speak, b y t h e miglctjl pow- Gods promises, but were convinced after
er of God! Cancers disa.ppeared and pass- ~ E. Cogle, Pustor.
f ? IV. a closer view and seeing this man of
ed .fronz the bodies of th.ose who w e r e Assembly nf God Churrh God tell each person in the prayer line.
prayed for! Checotali;,OC;lnhomn the status o f his ( o r her) health withoyt
A lady, who litid ticen Mind for 38 years, any knowledge of the person, his afflic-
ij,: received her sight and is now going about
telling her friends of the wonderful power W E WERE PRIVILEGED to have
Evangelists Gordon Lindsay and
tion. o r a prayer card. Szich diseases as
cancer, ulcers, heart trouble, arthritis and
I; 1 and love of God! Alton Hayes conduct a great Salva- many others were. revealed t o H i m b y
Gods power. Each person was asked i f
1; . One ladu. w h o had been deaf since she
was 7 ye& old, received her hearing! tion-Healing Campaign in the Checo- his revelation was true. They would con-
I Our hearts were thrilled by the pres- tah, Oklahqma, Union Tabernacle, firm it was and, i n most cases, testz-
1 ence and power of God, as we witnessed during the month of August, with . (Continued on Page Pi)
I ,I
#I 20 THE VOICE O F HEALING Octoher. 1933
FEATURED EVANGELISTS-Gordon Lindsay-Alton Hayes '

There were 19 pcople who reljortetl

passing cancers, and 12 reports of tumors
which melted and passed away after
t * *

One young man came before Brother

Hayes and was told that he had an ulcer.
He didn't believe it and went away saying
it was a fake. Later he passed the ulcer.
believed God, and was saved.
: * :::

The humble, broken spirit of Brother

By Rev. Robert E . Reid, Pastor, Hayes and his faith in God has touched
(Continued from Page 2 0 ) Revival Center Church, the hearts of thousands who have heard
monies came in of complete deliverance. . Long Beach, Calif. him in these great meetings. Our Asseni.-
Pastors from all over the State attend- OR THE PAST SIX WEEKS Long bly has grown and been blessed. W e hove
ed and all said they were returning hume
with a greater vision of God's power and.
F Beach has experienced the greatest
revival in her history. Evangelist Al-
received m a n y new members.
The ministry of Brother Gordon Lind-
ioe have heard of several revivals which say was a special blessing to us. As he
lmve already started from this campaign. ton L. Hayes and Gordon Lindsay, brought forth the deeper teachings of
John Wesley, the great Methodist Evan- Editor of THE VOICE OF HEAL- God's Word. our faith was built to new
gelist, once said-"Get on fire for God ING, were both mightily used of God heights, and many were able to receive
and the people will come out to see their healing because of his ministry.
you burn." We saw that happen here. to bring the Gospel of deliverance to Thousands have been blessed through
We thank God for the numbers saved, this city. THE VOICE O F HEALING -magazine in
healed and filled with the Holy Spirit in Although the g k a t tetlt cathedral .this area.
this meeting. has been taken down, t h e glory which During the last three weeks of the cam-
paign, we were privileged to have with
overshadowed every service still re-
BLIND 38 Y E A R M O W SEES! mains. The revival goes on in the
us Rev. and Mrs. Joseph De Grado, who
assisted in the services nightly with their
I HAVE BEEN BLIND for 38 years, and
was led about from place to place.
hearts of God's people.
Night after night t h e great crowcis in-
anointed singing. Brother De Grado
preached in. the Sunday afternoon serv-
13rother Alton Hayes camc to Checotah, creased, many coming from great dis- ices.
Okla., on August 17, and prayed for my tances, .some flying in by plane from I belicve one of the greatest services
eyes. As he laid his hand on m y l~ead,I other states to receive their healing. I t of the entire campaign was on the last
f e l t the power of God yo through m y was almost as though we were living in night. I t was in the church. Words fail
body, it felt like a surge of fire go all the days of the Apostles, God, moving to describe what took place in that serv-
ouer me! I KNEW INSTAN?ZY THAT I among His people, healing all manner o f ice. At the close, many were baptized in
WAS HEALED. sickness and disease. water, among them Dr. N. J. Stowell
Brother Hayes then took a song book The highlight of every service was the and his wife. D r . Stowell, a noted scien-
and asked me to read to him from the unique gift, which God has given Brother tist and a confirmed athcist, was led to
book. I could read everything he held bc- Hayes, that went into operation as he ClLrist through an experiment tlmt As
fore me. began to pray for the sick. I have never and a nzrnzber of other scientists were
I a m now going about giving my testi- seen a gift of God operate as smoothly making. Now God has called him to
muny of what God has done for me. He and accurately as it does through his preach the Gospcl!
can do the same for you. Praise the Lord! yielded life. One after another he dis-
I a m so happy, I want to tell everybody
what He has done for me! cerned the' illnesses, and diseases of the HUSBAND, WIFE, HEALED
people as they came before him. God
Myrtle Beach giving him a vision of each individual OF ULCERS, TUMOR AND
Checotah, Oklahoma
__ and what their affliction was. There were INFECTED KIDNEYS
many who came through the healing line
DELIVERED FROM STOMACH who .were not right with God. When On July 8, my wife and I went through
the healing line of the Hayes-Lindsay Re-
TROUBLE, TOBACCO HABIT Brother Hayes discerned their condition,
I ATTENDED the Hayes-Lindsay Salva-
tion-Divine Healing Revival in Long
he sometimes .told them what. their sin
was, and asked them if they were willing The Lord'
to give it up and consecrate their lives h e a l e d me
Beach, California. to God. Many confessed their sins and of two small
T was bnckslidden and needed healkg were saved, as (I result of what Brother u l c e r s and
a n d deliverance
~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ Hayes told them. h e a r t trou-
for many things. Time and space would fail if we at- ble.
I had been smok- tempted to tell of all the miracles that My wife.
in,o . a b o u t . 3 5 took place in these services. Violet, was
years, had a bad Sonie of tlie most outstanding were: i n s t a n t-
cough for nearly One lady who had been sufferii:g with ly healed of
17 years, and also tuberculosis. for fourteen years was. in- (I four (4),
I m l slomach ti'oti- stantly healed. :> 0 * p O 1L 11 d tlL-
ble. 'IJtOr, O f ell-
When I entered Another, who had a collapsed lung, l a r g s d
t l i e healing line, was healed and began to breathe normal- glands. and
to be Aeliveretl 1Y. infected kid-
f r o n i iny bad * t *
nejjs? Before
.!p Iinbits. my sinful Another miracle that stiired tlie hearts W E ' g o t
.* c o 11d i t i o 11 was of all who witnessed it was the healing home, h e r
brought b e f o r e and CREATION O F EYES in the head of clothing was
me. I went to the altar. conlessed and an infant which had been born prematnre- tliree or four
repented o f my sins, and the Lord took ly and without eyes! i n c h e s too
merback. He delivered me frona my smok- * * * l a r g e or
ing and m y cough, and the next night An eighty-one year old man, bent over her.
Ne healed me of nay stonaach trouble! with arthritis and unable to walk, except We n o w
I now feel like a new man. Praise the with the aid of others, was immediately feel wonderful and. rejoice in the saving
Lord! healed and straightened up. He ran back and healing power of our Lord.
Glenn C. Pendergraf t and forth across the tent, shouting and J. W. Van Gundy
Long Beach, Calif. praising God. Bell Gardens. Calif. .
THE VOICE O F HEALING 0 October, 1953 21
EVANGELIST N U N N S new flame-
proof gospel tent.

The Bible Revival Evangelist

DAVID NUNN Is Preaching with
Power and Miracles Accompany
Rev. Leon Morrow,
Bible Man in Campaigns


added to the Lord, multitudes NUNN BIBLE REVIVAL-
By Rev. Floyd L. Garver, Pastor both of men and women.
Mew Bethel Assembly of God
CCInsomuch that they brought A BLESSING TO V A N WERT, I O W A
Fort Smith, Arkansas
forth the sick into the streets, By Rev. Mildred M. Baker, Pastor,
Ius here t h e last three weeks, through
Christ has done mighty things for
and laid them on beds and
couches, that at the least the
Assembly of God Church,
Van Wert, Zowa
shadow of Peter passing by
His humble servant, Brother Nunn.
From the very first service, God set
might overshadow some of them.
There c a m also a multitude
IOWA has f e l t t h e mighty im-
pact of two Bible Revivals, with Evan-
His approval on the campaign with out of the cities round about gelist David Nunn, Sister Nunn, and
miracles of healing. unto Jerusalem, bringing sick party, this summer.
During this meeting we saw the folks, and them which were vexed From the very first night, Gods
lame walk, goiters disappear, tumors with unclean spirits: AND THEY presence was evident. Souls respond-
wither away, the blind made to see, WERE HEALED EVERY ONE.,, ed to the anointed plea of our Evan-
inward troubles leave, and many, gelist and wept their way to God.
manv other mizhtv miracles. One dear
lady; who-had-noi walked f o r over 9 Definite healiigs were witnessed, as
years, at the command of Brother N u n n for. This brought. a God confirmed His Word, and people
t o rise u p and walk arose and walked spontaneous praise with hungry hearts sought God in the
before the people with her hands lifted from the people. prayer room.
in thanksgiving f o r what Christ had These are only a
done for her. After a time, when things few of the many F o r the first meeting, he was in our
quieted, she walked upon the platform, miracles and heal- church. We rejoiced to see our new
without the aid of anyone, to give her ings God wrought church building packed to capacity and
testimony, of how she hadnt walked in during t h i s cam- then to see the crowds overflow the build-
9 years, but now stood a s a living testi- paign. ing.
mony of Gods power to heal. Brother Nunn has Testimonies were given by a great num-
Another lady, who had carried a large a well balanced and ber who were healed of deafness. Their
tumor for I 2 years, tmtified t h a t . as wonderful ministry hearing was tested before and after
Brother N u n n prayed f o r t h e audaence as for the sinner a s prayer, in the presence of the audience.
a group, she felt her tumor leave. On well a s for the sick Some testified that tumors had passed
close examination, by her and her hus- Kev. Garver and afflicted. I t was (Continued on Page 23)
band at home, they could not find any such a joy t o see, ni!ght after night, many
sign of her tumor. walk t h e saw-dust trails t o accept Jesus
One lady, who hadnt heard in one of Christ a s their Saviour! looking forward to the day when he can
her- e3rs f?r 30 years, was instantly H_e, was-a ,.real blessing to-this city and return for another campaign.
neaiea a s m e prayer vi iaim _____
.______^_. I - I L L
was 01--2
to iuew Betnei msemaiy. I r m m m e n a The revival spirit lingers strong in our
fered. our brother very highly to all my breth- hearts. Of a truth, Jesus Christ is the
A brother was i%stantlg haled of deaf- ren. He has a proven ministry that has aame, yesterday, and today, and forever!
ness, as he stood in the 1b-w t o be prayed blessed the hearts of thousands. We are (Hebrews 13:s)
22 THE VOICE OF HEALING 0 October, 1953
"60 ' tELL JdHN
M the %fiMSee, the Lame Wulk, the Lepets &e
C k e d , the Deuf Meat, the #eud&e Ruised, to the Poor.

(Continued from Page 221

(from their bodies, after prayer. Others , REVEREND AND MRS. ROB-
teotified of behg healed of arthritis. neu- E R T SKIDMORE, My Co-work-
ritis, heart trouble, hernia, inward dis- ers, are leaving my party the
orders, appendicitis, varicose veins, goiter,
defective vision, Bri ht's Disease, sinus first of November, and will be
trouble and other a&nents. Many were open for calls to evangelistic
healed in the services without b e h g per- work. BROTIIER SKIDMORE
sonully prayed for by Brothwr Nunn! has a fine ministry of Deliver-
People of many denominations drove ance and he and his wife have
for hundreds of miles to be in these great exceptional musical ability. His
services and thc parking area was jam-
med with cars. faith building messages have
In the first testimony service held added much to the success of our
under B r o t l m Nunn's neu, flameproof meetings. I heartily recommend
tent, over SO people stood to their feet his ministry to all.
and praised God for healing them during
tits meeting Ipreviously held .fn the church!
An outstanding testimony, d h g the
tent meeting, was the healing of a 1-1 the worst spell he ever had. I thought
year old girl who had been deaf h her surely God was going to take him. Dr.
left ear since she was eight and whose Echols told me my only hopes were in
right ear was badly infected. After pray- God and, if my child lived, it would be
er, she could hear whispers spoken into through God's divine providence. 1 missed
her ear. the first week of Brother Nunn's revival
Truly these revivals, have been an an- because of his illness.
swer to our prayers, as the signs, won- One day I went to Dr. Echols and he BETTY KERNS
ders and miracles blessed the people, and gave me permission to take him out of
baffled the unbelief of some. Faith rose bed and let Bro. Nunn pray for him, if LEFT EYE BLIND SINCE BIRTH
high as God's Word was preached and I would be very careful, because his blood
as. the sign-gifts operated. sed. rate was very high and it could NOTARY AFFIRMS HEALING
We appreciate Brother Nunn's well- Nunn cause a sudden heart attack. Brother
prayed for hini and God henled
1 WANT TO THANK GOD for healing
rounded and proven ministry. His honesty i m ! Within three days, I took him back
my eye, and for His wonderful heal-
and his humble atlilude toward God and hfor a thorough examination, and Elec-
ing power.
man are refreshing indeed. Eternity alone trocardiogram, I am 14 years old and have been blind
will reveal the complete results of these The and had his heart tested. in my left eye since birth. At the age of
"Bible Revivals." doctor said he could not find onc de- two my left eye crossed. Six years later
fect in iris heart. Hc took a Mood test I was prayed for and God's power
and could not find one trace of rheumatic straightened my eye, but it was still
fever. Hls blood had dropped. from 32 weak, and I suffered from severe head-
down to 6 in three days, which is normal. aches.
ARTHRITIC HEART AND Dr. Echols told me to put hhi~back in One night, in our revival, Brother N u n n
RHEUMATIC FEVER GONE school and he has ,been going for two placed his hands on m y f o r e h d and
weeks with not one degree of fever or prayed f o r my eye. Before he prayed f o r
TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN: pain. He can run and play, ride his bike, me, Z could not see him. After he prayed
1 WANT TO ADD MY TESTIMONY to and does what he couldn't do before. Oh,
many others, telling of what God has how I thank God for this! I t has opened
for me, I was able t o see not m y Bro- .
ther N w . but the people and the lights
done for my eleven year old son, Jerome, the eyes of my neighbors and caused in the t m t .
durinR thc great revival in Laird Hill, them to believe in miracles for the first I had been to four doctors and they
Texas, conducted bv time in their lives. t d d me an operation would not help be-
Rev. David Nunn. cause I \vas blind from birth. Therefore,
Signed: Mrs. Jack Walters I am so thankful to God for healing me
411 of iizs life, mij
9 '

(Affiant) and for a godly man like Brother Nunn.

son has been afflict- Betty Kerns
ed w a t h arthritw Rt. 2. Overton., Texas. Kigore. Texas.
hsart and rheumatic Statement of Notary:
fever. I have had State of Texas:
doctor a f t e r doctor County of Gregg:
treat him. but they 5 ss
On this the twenty-fifth day of October,
State of Texas
County of Gregg

all told me there On this the twentyfifth day of October,

was nothing they Nineteen Hundred and Fiftytwo person- 1952, appeared Beffy .Kerns who, being
could do f o r h m . ally appeared Mrs. Jack Wslters who, be- by me duly, legally and lawfully sworn,
that if he didn't out- ing by me duly, legally and lawfully says upon oath, that the statements made
arow i t . tt would fi- sworn, says upon oath: that the state- by the said person above mentioned here-
;ally kill him. -All ments made by the said rson above in and in the foregoing written state-
through school he'has had to miss days mentioned herein and in foregoing ment concerning the matters and things
frequently because of this condition. written statement concerning the mat- set out in her. above and foregoing dec-
When he did go to school, he would have ters and things set out in this, or her larations are true and correct, so help
to go to the nurse's office to rest during above and fore oing dedaration are true me God, Amen.
play periods, so he could go back to class. and come13 so%elp me God, Amen. Subscribed and sworn to before me, .a
On September 14, 1952, he had a severe Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this 25th day of October.
attack of rheumatic fever and Dr. Echols Notary Public, this 25th day of O-r, 1952.
from Kilgore Medical Clinic in Kilgore, 1952. Signed: K. F. Charles,
Texas, took him out of school and-con- Signed: K. F. Charles Notary Public, Notary
fined him to bed for 30 days. This was Notary Public (Notary 1 Gregg County, Texas. ( Seal )
THE VOICE O F I-TEALINC ' 0 October, 1953 23
Another in the Series of I

Our Diocuesions of

The Word of Knowlege

What Is It?
By W. V. Grant
From his book-SPIRITUAL G1I;T.S and How PO Heceive
Them Available at TVH (See Page 31) .
had seven thousand who had not bowed
HE WORD OF KNOWLEDGE is their knees to Baal (I Kings 19:18). A
T not education, which is mere nat-
ural knowledge. Education can be ac-
spiritual revelation!
/ word of CtnowIedge i s a super-
quired by a man who has never had natural manifestation of t h e Spir- HAS F A I L E D
the Spirit. This gift has no mixture it of God that reveals to man part The Lord told Samuel that Saul had hid
himself behind the stuff (I Sam. 10.22).
with the natural.
This gift is not teaching, which i s a of Cods knowledge. This was after all natural knowledge
a ministerial gift, and requires study The Spirit.made John to know the con-
(I1 Tim. 2 9 5 ) . A man can be anoint- dition of the churches. (Revelution, chap
ed to teach what he has already ac- IT IS NOT A KNOWLEDGE O F ters one, two, and three.)
GODS WORD The Spirit told Elisha the location of
quired by mental ability.
I t is not a knowledge of God. or of the Syrian Camp (II Kings 9:6), some-
It is not psychology, which is a Gods Word, that comes by l e a r n i n ~ ,by thing the Intelligence Division of the
science of the mind. Natural sinners study, or long experience. For insta:?ce. army did not know.
can teach psychology. Eli, thc priest, had long knowledge of By a word of knowledge God told
It cannot bc fortune telling. Gods God and His Word through experience; Ananias that Saul was a t a certain place
but the child Samuel, who had neither. praying (Acts 9 : l l ) .
Word condemns fortune telling, which was given a Word direct by the Spirit. God made Paul to know, even when the
is of the devil. The devil counterfeits Eli had gotten to the place where he had captain did not know, that the voyage was
Gods gift. If a fortune teller knows any. no open vision (I Sum. 3:7, 1 1 - 1 4 ) , very dangerous and would be of much
thing supernaturally about a man, you WHAT IT 1s hurt and damagc (Acts 27:101.
can be sure it is not the supernatural The Spirit made Paul to know that he
Spirit of God that gives him the knowl- The Spiritual gift of the word of knowl- must go to Rome (Acts 2 3 : l l ) . He needed
P r.l W P
edge is ccrtain facts in the mird of God another gift to let him know when and
THE WORD O F KNOWLEDGE which He sees fit to reveal to a servant how he must go. We will study that gift
ENLIGHTENS supernaturally by His Spirit. I t is only a in the next chapter.
I would not serve a God who is not as word, or a portion o f Gods great store- IT IS A SUPERNATURAL
powerful as the devil. The devil is not house of knowledgc. REVELATION OF GOD
more powerful than God. The devil, God speaks in divers manners, such a s
through fortunc tellers, is seeking to tell dreams, visions, revelation, or in audible Jesus ltncw that a certain woman was
yau something that will worry you to voice. I t is always conveyed supernatural- then living with a man without being
death and break up your home, heart, ly a s any other gift. married to him, and had had five hus-
purse, and future; but God, by the word of This gift can tell the whereabouts, con- bands before she took up with him
knowledge, is trying to build all these ditions, nature, o r thoughts of a person, (John 4:18). He also kncw the condition
things f o r YOU. animal, place, or thing even when it is of Nathanaels heart and life, and what
I t is not very often an audible voice, impossible to learn it in the natural. he had been doing (John 1:47-48).
I t is diffcrent from the Spiritual gift of . I n a night vision the Spirit gave unto
but it was-such when God spoke to Sam- Daniel what the king had dreamed (Dan.
uel (I Sam. 3:4). It is God who speaks to faith in that it lets you know things even 2:19); but he yet needed the manifesta-
man and not man to man. God speaks to when you did not pray for them. The tion of another gift to know the meaning
us by the Spirit very often in a still, Spiritual gift of faith deals with things of the dream and what the king should
small voice (I Kings 19:18). I t is no more not yet come to pass, else it would not do, and how he should do it.
a spoken word than discerning of spirits be faith.
is a spoken word. The difference is, one. It is not a vocal gift, as it makes you Eye Itath iwt seen, nor ear heard,
deals with spirits and the other does not. to know and not t o speak. It is not dis- mitlrer lmve entered into the heart of
If man speaks the word of knowledge cerning of spirits, as it has nothing to do i w n , the things wltich God lrath pre-
after the Spirit gives it to him, that part with a supernatural spirit. pared for them thut love Him.
would come under the ministerial gift I t helps one .to look into the heart, mind, BUT GOD H A T H R E V E A L E D
of teaching, exhortation, or such . like or nature of a man and to know his se- THEM TO U S BY HIS SPIRIT. (I
( E p h . 4). crets ahd intentions. Cor. 8:8-10).
IT IS NOT THE GIFT O F KNOWLEDGE I t has helped people find lost articlcs, Marvelous revelation gifts!
but its main purpose is to find lost souls. .ISGIVEN TO GODS SERVANTS
This gift is not the gift of knowledge,
but the gift of the word of knowledge BIBLE EXAMPLES . TO A S S I S T OTHERS
given by the Spirit. God does not give us While Peter was lying flat on his back God is concerned about every detail of
all His knowledge, but just a word ( p a r t ) on the house top, the Spirit of God told our lives; even the hairs of our heads a r e
occasionally; although, thc part will be him three men were seeking him ( A d s numbered. If we cannot be in connection
changed into the whole during the perfect 10:19). Had Peter gone to school one hun- with the Spirit in the little things, we
age (I Cor. 13:9-10) when we will know dred years he could not have gained such cannot be in connection in the larger
a s we arc now known. knowledge. The all-knowing God gave things (Luke 16:10-11).
This gift is not guessing, imagination, part of His knowledge to Peter by the God showed me in a dream that three
or the working of the mind. It does not Spirit. preachers in another state were in dan-
work through your mind any more than The Spirit of God told Samuel that ger. I wrote all three of them. Two of
does speaking with tongues. God speaks Sauls asses had already been found, and them told me in letters of appreciation
to your spirit without the help. of your let him know all that was in Sauls heart that the warning was just in time to keep
natural mind or ears. You simply know (I Sam. 9:19-20). them f m m serious trouble. The third
it, thats all. A voice from God told Elijah that God preacher was soon taken to a nervous
24 THE VOICE OF HEALING 0 October, 1953
.-.. . . .- - . .
,. .. , . . . ..

nospital in a straight jacket. When he deal gracefully, leaving a good taste. W e

was released. he apologized to me for ig- will study it in the next chapter.
noring my letter of warning. Have you secured your copy of- While I was in Tyler, Texas, the Spirit
One night the Lord showed me that a HOW TO RECEIVE THE HOLY made me to know that my son, who was
preacher in another state was in trouble SPIRIT BAPTISM? with his mother in Ardmore, Oklahoma.
with his church..I wrote and told him. He B y W. V. Grant was in danger. I wrote my wife giving her
wrote back saying that everything was advice what t q do before I received the
going fine and his church was all right. (See Page 31) long distance call telling me the news.
A few weeks later I noticed in the paper REVEALS THOUGHTS AND INTENTS
that he suddenly resigned and moved.to OF PEOPLE F O R THEIR B E N E F I T
a church in another state. When I saw
him he confessed that the church split. the services I arose and said. There is a I walked back into the audience. as I
If he had listened and believed, he could man here who was prayed fo: and de- was giving an invitation f O r people to
.have been saved the embarrassment. livered from a habit. He has gone back come to the altar, looked a lady in the
to using it; the craving has returned. He eyes and said, You used to have.the Holy
I WARKS ,GODS SERVANTS AND . . is bound again. If he will come forward, Ghost: come sit on the front seat and
SAINTS OF IMPENDING. DISASTER God will deliver him again. He imme- you will have it again in five minutes. .
Many times .while pastoring churches, diately arose and came t O the front, tell- I t happened a s I said. She made a good
the Spirit. would make me to know in ing how he had gone to a revival many worker.
dreams, visions, or otherwise, that certain miles away, was delivered and, after sev- I found out later that she was a singer
members were introubleor going through eral months, tried a cigarette to see how in a night club, in a backslidden state, at
severe trials. I would get.to them just in it would taste. He had been bound since. that time. God only showed me she used
time to help them..An ounce of preven- That night he was delivered again. filled to have the Holy Ghost and she had faith
tion is better than a Found of cure. A with the Holy Ghost, and is still going on to be delivered in five minutes. H e did not -
stitch in time saves nine. I would root with God. working in the church. show me where she worked. He gave me.
out the weeds in time to save the crop. Of course, that was a word of knowl- by His Spirit, a word of H i s all knowl. ,
In Goldonna, Louisiana, while in the edge given to me before I went to Nash- edge.
parsonage, the Spirit made me to know ville. Being delivered was another gift in Another night God spoke to my spirit
that Brother and Sister B. were in trou- manifestation which we will study later. in a. still voice and made me to know that
ble. Running to my room, falling across In a dream one night I saw a woman, a man was on a high cliff ready to fall.
the bed, I prayed through until I touched who had been amicted for many years to be forever lost. I sent him word. He;
God. Then I got into my car, and drove crying for help. I started the next night was saved,. filled with the Ho!y Ghost.
to h e i r place. The same time God had in a revival several miles away. There I and is now a deacon and superinJenden1.
warned me to pray, their house was on met this same woman. I t was a word of * * * * *
nre, Brother B. being gone. (They had al- knowledge, given by the Spirit. Her de- [NOTE: (Please notice t h a t I lay no,
reaay had one burn-out before then, 10s. liverance is another story. claim t o these gifts above any other mem-
ing all they had). Sister B. had stopped ber of Christs body; but I relate jus1,a
the lire just in time. SUPERNATURALLY DIRECTS AND few of my experiences, when God saw fit.
That was a word of knowledge before GUIDES GODS SERVANTS t o manifest t h e gifts, which H e has given
I. went to my bed to pray about it. AND SAINTS t o t h e Church (I Cor. 12:28), through one
~ of his least of all servants. I do it as a n
Many times after a revival has gone on illustration showing y o u the working of
. THOSE NEEDING SPIRITUAL for five or six weeks, the Spirit has
HELP each gift,.and not of myself.) . .
spoken to my spirit, The revival is over.
J.#I a vision one night the Spirit of God Other people could not understand why.1 Oh, t h a t every,dastor, evangelist, teach-
showed me a man who had been deliver. was closing the meeting, as scores were er. mother, da.d, and every Christian
ed from cigarettes and had later gone would realire the need of such.a gift be- .
being filled with the Holy Ghost i n . a ing manifested through their lzues.
back to smoking. The next night I started single day. I still needed another gift
a revival in Nashville, Arkansas. During manifested to show me how to close and -W. V. Grant1


0 35A and
Words and Music by Mrs. Hattie B. Jones MODERN HYMN CQAWOSER
Price 3% or 3 for 81.00 And Well-KnownRecording Artist
Price: Only 2% Per Sheet AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY !
Follow Me
Just Tell Then1 1
Ill Tell Someone About
Jesus Today
05062 A crown of Tllorns
3 Unbreakable
Records for
8yjZ.tsS ( 7 8 KPM)
Was on My Way God Can Do Anything IS-1 A Mansion ,Over the
HP-127 If 1 Codd Live MY 17 5063 Side by Side with Jesus All twelve-as Hilltop
Life Over 05064 Then Came the Dawn listed for only $10.00 B Ill Trust in Him
0IIP-128 I Made a Place in 5065 Calvarys Real to M~

- I S - 2 A Jesus and Me
My hrt for the Lord
------- 05066 Mansion Over the
Hilltop NEW RECORDS B Eternity
0IS-3A Well Talk It Over
0 5050 The Gospel Medley (7 5067 1 Took My Troubles (78 RPM) RTake Down Your
05052 If I Didnt Have Jesus to Calvary 0IS-109 A Crown o f Thorns. Harp
05052 Angels Watch Over 05068 I Know Who Holds Just Tell Them I Was on CI I S 4 A Beyond Tomorrow
A Cowboy for Jesus Tomorrow MY Way I? Wicked Heart
05053 Says the Book Lift Up a Standard
0IS-110 You Can Have a * 01S-5A S1lPPer Time
Sunday Is the Day 0 5069 Thirty Pieces of Silver Song in Your Heiirt in B Old Camp Meetin
05054 Drifting 05070 Well Talk It Over the Night Time
D 5055 Wicked Heart 0 5071 Supper Time I Made a Place in My 0 1 - - 6 A I Dont Know About
Lets Ta!k About Jesus 05072 Old Camp Meetin Heart for the Lord Tomorrow
05057 Datid and Goliath Time 0IS-111 Follow Me B Whisper His Niiine ,
05058 Ill Trust In Hini 5073 The Wages o f Sinning
Im So Glad 05074 Beyond Tomorrow I f I Could Live My Life 0 IS-7A I Took My Troubles
1 5059 Say a Prayer for Me Is This the Day Over to Calvary
Just the Name of Jesus 0 5075 Oh! Get Ready Brother 0IS-112 Thirty Pieces of B Says the Booh
Clip this square out and mail to Silver 0 IS-8A Is This the Day?
THE VOICE OF HEALING Drifting B Say a Prayer for Me
THE VOICE OF HEALING 0 October, 1953 25 i
. . .



. A.A.ALLEN . W. V. GRA-IT Contact: Rev. Wm. EaveS,'khm.
1004 S. 14th St.. Lamar, &lo. 711 N. Main St.. Malvern, Ark. 543 Green .'St.
Corpus Christi, Texas ........ Oct. %No\. 1 Hot Springs. Arkansas Beg. Sept. 9 \Yilmington, Delaivare ... Noveniber . 1-29
Gospel Tent Campaign (For 4 weeltsi Location: First, Pentecostal Church
(Area-Wide Union) Gospel Tent Campaign 23rd and Pine
Location: 2300 Morgan Ave. Location: On Albert Pike 'Contact: Rev. J.Heinrich, . ' . .,

Contact: Rev. John W. Farrell. . 3118 N. Harrison . . ..

Bronx, New York ..................... Nov. 4-29
' , '

Location: Christian Church, John 3:1(i 706 South Ave.


One, Block from Westchester

and Prospect Avenue -. . . PHILIP N. .GREEN 1540 Lyle Ave., Waco,. Texas . .
(Sponsored by Puerto Rican Box 2876, Taiiipa. Florida Texarkana, Arkansas . . . . . . . September
Location: City ,Auditorium
Assemblies-Services in E n g l i s h
and Spanish)
- Overseas-England. Europe. Far
East, Philippines .......JulyDeceniber
Contact: Rev. A. C. McGaugh, '

Contact: Rev. Ricardo Tanon Waxahachie, Texas .... January 17, 1954 912 Grand Ave:
- Phone ME-5-2383 Location: First Assembly of God Ypsilanti, Michigan .......:....:.....October 2'
Location: Assembly of Cod Churcli.
- . ~ t t r l- .~ e b . . Church, and Southwestern Bible
Institute Chapel Contact: J.H. Meppelink, P a s t o r , I
209 N. Wallace Blvd.

P. 0. Box 325, Jeffersonville, Indiana ' L. D. H A L L Monroe. Michigan............ November 3-6
Location: Assembly of God Churcli
. I.

Box 697, Grants Pass, Oregon


Kansas City, Missouri ...September Contact: Rev. J. Renton Hunter, Pastor

. Coatesville, Pennra.. . . . . . Sept. 22-0ot. 4 . 302 East 4th St. ..
Location: Tabernacle in Lakeview Park Location: Assembly of G.od Church Shebovzan. Wisconsin..:. : ' November-2%
Contact:. Rev. F. D. Beard Contact: Rev. Charles Strauser _; 6 n t a c t : Rev. Daniel Hanke
595 S. Alcott St., Denver 19, Colo.
75 West 5th Ave., , ..
,2122 N. 15th- St. , I
Coatesville, Penna. I
1848 E. Orleans, Philadelphia, Pa. H. E. HARDT
".: w. B. M ~ K A Y .1. ' 1 , '
Box 1546, Orlando, Florida .. ' i
Reading, Penna. ..............Sept. 17-Oct. 1 I 467 Pennsylvania Ave.. York, Penna.,. .
C+oss -C-ity. Florida ................... Octo
Location: Christian Assembly Delphos, Ohio .........:.................. :.Oct. 4-18 Gospel Tent Campaign
1011% Cbtton Street Location: Full Gospel Tabernacle- :.:
Contact: Rev. W. D. Gallops,
Fleetwood, Penna....................... Oct. 13-25 Metbliss and. Eighth Streets Box 524, Cross City, Fla. ~i.~
Contact: Rev. Cecil Gruver. Pastor

Contact: Rev. Wayne Strausser

19 E. Washington .
1004 N. Main Street.
Toronto. Ont.. Canada ............. Nov. 12:2?
Rt. 3. Box 117-A, North Ft.Myers, lib.
Hazelton, Penna. ........... Oct. 28-Nov. 15 Location:. Stone Church
Location: Faith Assembly of God 45 Davenport Road'
. . .
Fond du 1,a.c. Wisconsin .............. Octobcr
14th. and Locust Streets
Bloornsburg, Penna. ..........
Location: Glad Tidings Assembly,
Nov. 17-29
, Contact: Rev. H. 3. McAlistcr. Paslor

Hillsdale, Mich. . . Oct. 22-Nov. 8

Location: Assembly of God Church
Cor. 3rd & Marr Sts.
.Contact: Rev. 0. W. Apple, Phone h72.1,
Location: Hillsdale 'Assembly of God 77 East 3rd St., Fond du Lac,.Wis.
of God, Fairview Church. West and Halletl Sts.
Luzerne, Penna......................... Dec. 2-20 Contact: Rev. W. K. Drury, Pastor LOUISE NANKIVEL~.
Location: Assembly of God Church 5 Armstrong Street 900 N. Karlov Ave., Chicago, 111.

649 Bennett . . . AIJTON L. HAYES-GOR,DON Coshocton, Ohio ........................ Oct. 11-2I

' CLIFTON ERICMSON I' LINDSAY 1.ocation: Assembly of God Church
Et. 8, Box 698B, Springfield, Mo. HEALING RALLIES . Contact: Rev. E..B. Johnson
333 S. Ninth'St.
Milwaukee, Wisc..............Sept. 18-Oct,. 4 (Lindsay) Care Voice of Healing, Parkersburg, West Virginia . Nov. I - I I
City Wide Union Campaign . Dallas, Texas. Contact: Rev. Joseph Caetta,
Location: Pabst Theatre'-- Cor. East

(Hayes) 21699 Denton Dr., Dallas, . 2628 27th Ave.

Wells and N. Water Streets Texas Macon, Georgia .............. Nov. 22-Dec. 6
Contact: Rev. D. M. Carlson. Portland. Oregon ............ Beg. Oct. 11' Contact: Rev. Joseph M. Bell.. .
_23_1_)E Park
_2 Place
- .._.. -
Location: First Assembly of God 661 Orange',St.
Phone WOdruff 2-4076, o r

Rev. R. L. Scharnick. 1227 N. 28th St. Contact: Norman D. Davidson. DAWDNUNN :
Phone WEst 3-5310 Box 2015 P. 0. Box 8736. Dallas, Texas
Philadelphia, Penna.........Oct. Il-Oct. 25 Portland 14, Oregon Kilgore, Texas .................... :..... Beg. Oct. .4
City Wide Campaign Philadelphia, Pennn ...:......... Nov. 17-26 .Area Wide Gospel Tent Campaign
.Location: Metropolitan Opera Bldg. Location: Highway Tabernacle Location: Henderson Blvd. (Hy. 26)
Broad Street at. Poplar Contact: Rcv. Wallace S.Bragg. Peterson Road
:.. Contact. Rev. Wallace S. Bragg 81.11 Eastern Ave.. Zone 1s Contact: Rev. H. E. Darnell; Phone 2769,
8111tEastern Ave.. Zone 18 : or Write P. 0. Box.32
Jacksonville; ~ l l.....................
r NOV. i i - 2 9 FER,N H U F F S T U T L E R Kilgore, Texas .
'I Location: Gator Bowl - .. 1151 pc'. Cheyenne, Tiilsa. Okla. Plainview, Texas ...............Noveniber 1
Contact: Rev. J.A. Cain, Rt. 10.

Hamilton, Ont.. Canada September Location: First Assembly of

Sox 893 . . Contact: Rev. J. H. Blair God Church
Cor. 12th & El Paso Streets

VELMER GARDNER . ' G A Y L E JACKSON Contact: Rev. Louie Shultz, Pastor
.Route 3, Box 504, Springfield, Mo. 46 I a r k St.. h'ew Orleans 24, La.
Houston, Texas ........ Beg. December S l -
North Hollywood, Calif................ Oct. 11 Dothan. Alabama ... Sept.. 6-October 18 Location: Magnolia Park Assembly
Gospel Tent Campaign . City-Wide Gospel Tent Campaign
79th and Baltimore ::
Location: 11.455 Burbank Blvd. Contact: Rev. Max McNabb. Contact: Rev. Eddie M. Yale's,
Contact: Rev. Emil Balliet ' Phone -3-4520 7817 Capitol Ave., Houston 11,.Texas :

5749 Elmer Ave. . . Dothan. Ala. , .

Phone Sunset 3-1383. N. Hollywood T. L. OSBORN ' . ' '_ .

Aberdeen, S..D. ...:. ..... ........Nov. 8
S T A N L E Y KAROL Box 4231. Tulsa, Oklalioiiilr '?': '.';
Contact: Rev. Theodore -Murphy 4235Bennington St;, Philadelphia, Pa ... (See Page 8 for Schedule-Osborn
Box 1; .Aberdeen, S. D. Berwick, Penna.................... October 4-25 .... "World Missons" Crusade 1
. . . .
L "

26 THE VOICE O F HEALING 0 October, 1953

. -._.____._ . _I ............... "."______

. ' I ,

. . . . . . . .

RUSSELL B. PARK Contact: Rev. J. M. Strand, ' RICHARD R; VINYARD

Hackberry Sta., P. 0. Box 7222, 1530 E. 26th 'St., Phone DU-2772 7817 W. 81st St., Overland Park, K&sus
San Antonio 10, Texas F'redonia, New Yorli ..... Beg. Sept. 27
A. C. V k D E Z , JR.

Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Sept. 24-Oct. 18 Contact: Rev. Harry J. Knisel, Pastor
Location: Assembly of God Church Full Gospel Church,
and Other location to be announced 1027 East McKinley St., Phoenix, h i e .
Milwaukee. Wisconsin ............ October 4 10 White Street, Phone 2-5764
Contact: Rev. Carl B. Johnson, . .
1018 Seymour ( F o r 3 weeks) Dallas, Texas. . . November 1
Minneapolis, M i . Oct. 26-Nov. 29 . Location: Milwaukee Auditorium Location: Oak Cliff Assembly of'God
Location: Full Gospel Temple, Contact: Rev. E. F. Lutz, Chm. 919 Morrell Ave.
2300 Bloomington Ave. 242 Elmwood Ave.. Oshkosh, Wisc. Contact: Rev. H. C. Noah, Pastor

TVH lists all information available concerning meeting schedules. If we show only one date regarding a campaign, that is the
beginning date-most campaigns run at least two weeks, or longer. Further informofion concerning date and location should
be secured by writing local pastors, or evangelists listed in our directory. NOTICE! TVH cannot assume the full responsibility of
directing people to these campaigns. Sometimes a meeting is cancelled or postponed, after our mogozine has gone to press.
(This applies to schedules on Page 26 also.)


Box 232, Roseniead, California OLIVE lw.KELLNER Union Springs, .New York
Renville, RIinncsot,a .................October 7 31 Wycliffe Road, .Waterloo. N. Y. Linden, N. J. ....................... Octpber 11
Location:, Assembly of God Church . Xiagara Falls, N. Y .....
September-Ocl. 4 Location: Linden Assembly o f God,
Contact: Rev. F. E. Mether, Pastor, T.ocation: Revival Center Tabernacle

Bower and East Blancke St.

232 5th Street Hyde Park Blvd. & South Avc. Contact: Rev.' Fred Drake, Pastor
Contact: Rev. Albert Fisher . Phone 3-8218
R. E. PFENKE 3707 Walnut Ave;
Kt. 2. BOK 491, Chowchilla, Calif Turtle Creek, Penna..... November 8-29 Dansville, Penna ........... January 3, 1954
Location: Assembly of God Church

Naps, Calif. ............... Septeniber;Oct 4 Location: Glad Tidings Tabernacle

Location: First Assembly of God Grant & Renier Streets Contact: Rev. Bowen, Pastor
715 Franklin St. Contact: Rev. K. W. Wilkerson. Holland, Michigan Feb. 7
Contact; Rev:Wm. R. Hance 340 Albert Street Location: Music Hall
715 Franklin, Phone 6-8742 ,, Contact: Rev. G. Krisch. 1919 Hiehland,
Buckeye, Ariz ................... Oct. 18-Nov. I
. S. K. MABRY Pastor, Assembly of God Church
Location: Assembly of God Church 2203 West 3rd. Sedalia, Missouri
Fremont, Ohio .................... 0ctob;er 4 Cleveland, Ohio March 14
Sunland Ave. and 6th St. Location: Open Door Tabernacle Location: Glad Tidings Assembly
Contact: Rev. L. H. Gundlach, 800 N. Wood St. of God
P. 0. Box 945, Phone 4012 Contact: Rev. James F. Martin 3238 W. 105th Street
IIermosillo. Sonora, Old Mexico . . Phone North 1184 Contact: Rev. ClydeI. Bowman, Pastor
Ejovember 6-J2 3725 Brooklyn Ave., 9
Capey, Calif. ..Nov. 22-necembcr 13 W. H. MAGEE
Location: Assembly of God Church P. 0. Box 8567. Dallas, Texas Scranton. Penna. . April 18. '54
Contact: Rev. E. E. Zimmerman, Dalhart, Tesas ............. :................Oct. 3.-14 (Easter Sundav)
Phone Winters 86 Location: Assemblv of God Church Location: Pentecostal Assembly of God
Contact: Rev. D. W.Calcote, Pastor 825 Green Ridge St.
Phoenix, Ariz. ?Jan. 3-17 Contact: Rev. F. F. Reidenback
Location: Southside Assembly of God Phone 582.5
h s c o n . Ariz. . Oct. 18 825 Green Ridge St.
Church, 12th St. & Apache
Contact: Rev. W. K. Hirschv. Location: First Assembly of
Phone ALpine 2-8652 God .Church HOWARD RUSTMOI
Contact: Kev. L. G. Gilmore. Pastor
Box 647:M, Pasadena 19, Calif.
ROY HILL Phone 3-1609'
25 Rice St.. Lyons, N. Y. Fort
. Texas_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sent. 29-Oct. 11
Location: Bethel T>mplc
~ ~

Des Moines, Iowa Scpt. 15-0ct. 1

Location: Calvary Church of the 1800 E. Vickery Blvd.
Open Bible ITINERARY O F Contact: Rev. Charles R. Jones, Pastor.
Pennsylvania & Buchanan EVANGELIST SAMUEL de K L E R K Portland, Oregon ..............Oct. 18-Nov. 1
Contact: Rev. E. D. Kretzinger Location: Foursquare Church
710 Buchanan, Phone 6-8040 TUCSON, ARIZONA. . Sept. 13-20 13th and S: E. Ankeny
Kansas City, Missouri . Oct. 6-25 Location: First Assembly of Contact: Dr. Harold W. Jefferies,
Location: Bible Assembly God Church Pastor
3206 E. 27th St. Contact: Rev. Leon Gilmore, Pastor K e b , Wash .................................Nov. 3-15
ContactFRev. Mary Trinqual I
1920 E. 10th St.. Tucson Location: Assembly of'God Church
3202% E. 27th St. . . 5th and Church Sts.
Contact: Rev. W. F. Morton, Pastor.
. Contact:Rev. J. E. Wilson, Box 123 Tacoma, Washington ............ .Nov. 17-29
Phone 2-1990
Location: Evangelistic Tabernacle ..
ITINERARY O F South 13th & Kay
RIishawaka, Ind................. Nov; 17-Dec. ci Contact: Rev. Don Rogne, Pastor
Location: First Assembly of God EVANGELIST LEN JONES
315 E. Third St.
Contact:.Rev. F. L. Deckard, Pastor: . (Editor of THE EVIDENCE of A. S. TEUBER
Phone 5-1298 Sidney, Australia) , Rt. 3, Box 598, Springfleld, Rlo.
a' ' RICHARD JEF'FERY Liberal, Kansas.................... Oct. 4-Kov. 1
6590 Hessel Road, Sebastopol, Calif. .
LITTLE: ROCK,. ARK .......Sept.. 22-27 Union Gospel Campaign .
Phoenix, Ariz.......................... September Location: Central Assembly of God. Location: A. G. Auditorium Building
Campaign with the Mexican Churches. Church, 904 .Louisiana Street On Fair Grounds .

Contact: Rev. Frank Romero, Pastor . . . . . . . . Contact: Rev. 0. M. Rayborn, B o x 877,

Liberal, Kans. '
. I

Mexican Assembly of God. Chm. . . ....

/, \
I THE VOICE OF HEALING 0 October, 1953
I .

EVANG. B . D. BENNETT was so swollen YOU could not see the EVANG. CLIFTON ERICKSON
ankle bone. The pain was almost unbear-
able. Toward evening the ankle turned
black and I was unable to bear my RHEUMATIC FEVER. GONE!
weight upon it.
My husband borrowed a set of crutches EAR .BROTHER ERICKSON:
for me to use to get to church, where On April 23, 1951, I was stricken
Brother Bennett and the Pastor, Sister with virus flu which r a n into rheumatic
Eva Bailey, prayed for me. A few min- fever. I spent over 12 weeks in bed, 47
utes later after they had prayed, Brother days of that time in the hospital.
Bennett took me by t h e hand and c o w On July 31, 1952,
nianded me t o rise, in t h e name of Jesus o u r p a s t o r . Rev.
Christ! 1 AROSE AND WALKED. AND Brannan. took me
Because of t h i s miracle a Sailor, who sons campaign in
was in the audience, came to the altar Eureka Springs.
and gave his heart to the Lord. Ark. I was soill I
I played the piano for the service that had to lay on a cot
night and carried my crutchei: home with during the service.
Ecnrigelist Bennett & Velnin Warrine!r not a sign of the affliction. I thank God Brother E r i c k s o n
that, through this miracle, a soul found prayed f o r me and
Christ! I have been perfect-
SPRAINED A N H E INSTANTLY Velma Warriner 111 healed since. I
HEALED AFTER PRAYER Palm City, Calif. gained back all the
Verification by Pastor Eva Bailey. weight I had lost
Palm City, California within one week after being prayed for.
I DO THANK GOD for His Wonderful
healing power! While Evangelist B. D.
Bennett was conducting a Salvation-
We have been blessed with a three week
revival with Evangelist B. D. Bennett.
Praise God f o r my deliverance! .
Divine Healing Campaign in the Assem- The Spirit of the Lord moved in our midst Yours in Christ,
bly of God Church in Imperial Beach, to save, heal and fill with the Holy Ghost. Ivalyn Sapp
California, I had the misfortune of turn- The healing of Velma Warriner was Cassville, Mo.
ing my ankle and tearing the ligaments the outstanding miracle of this meeting.
loose. Within a few minutes the ankle EVA BAILEY CONFIPlMED BY-Rev. W. E. Brhnnan
Pastor, Assembly of
/ God, CassSille. Mo.
EVANG. A . C. VALDEZ rector of the Clinic told me there was no
howe whatever. He could not begin to
MLIVERED OF CHRONIC T.B. treat me because my age was agaiGst me EVANG. STANLEY KAROL
(67 years),; my complaint was too long-
THROUGH PRAYER standing. However. he said, If y o u w e
alive a.t Christnius-we will t a k e nnotlter
AST YEAR, 1952, I was under doc-
L tors treatment for an aggravated
chest complaint, which no treatment
During October, 1!152, Rev. A . C. Vnl-
dez, J r . opened h i s c!r?npaign i n Brisbun.e,
seemcd to touch. It got worse through Austmlia. I went t o these services on the
invitation of a friend who attends Glad
thc winter months, and the doctor ad- Tidings Tabernacle, was prayed for, and
vised me to visit the Chest Clinic. I thank God that, f r o m last October
This I did in the first week of Septem- (19.52)t o this present clay, I ha.ve not.seen
ber. An X-ray was taken; the result a doctor nor tccken one dose of ?ned.icine!
I enclose a Medica! Certificate obtained
was bad. to prove my present condition. ,
Ten days later I was sent for again and Yours sincerely,.
another X-ray was taken. This time t h e 1Mrs. Minnie MacLeod .
w r d i c t W C I S Chronic Tiiberciilosis and I South Brisbane, Queensland,
was pronounced a hopeless case. The Di- &is tralia

[ T H E A B O V E TES-
I N TO U S B Y REV- Dear Rev. Karol:

SMITH, Pastor, Clad ..Y.-* .... -,n/a. A testimony of what Jesus has done for
Tidings T a I>c r n a cl e, 1 0 t h . Pebrunry, 195!. us; Praise His Name!
Barry Parade .- The At the Downers Grove, Illinois, meetings
Valley, Brisbane Aus- Dcar %-e ts!acLeod, I was prayed for for sinus trouble, hernia,
tralia. Me states: I am (which Id had for 17 years and wore a
sending you the en- The X-ray which you had taken o n 9 t h . February,
1953, shown t h a t the shadowe seen i n October, 1952, b v e belt for), and also tumors. I have never
closed testimony from a a l l been cleared. worn the belt since I was prayed for, The
Sister who roas prayed sinus is much better, and the backache
f o r in Brother Valdez I.would suggest a f u r t h e r X-ray i n s i x (6) months
a s a f u r t h e r check and y o u . w i l 1 be n o t i f i e d i n due cour8e of which bothered me so that I could hardly
Jr.s Campaign, rohen your appointment. lie imbed, has left me entirely.
he was here in Bris-
bane. I thought you Yours f a i t h f u l l y , My husband was healed of hernia also.
IGoUld like to publish it
f o r . which we Praise His Holy Name!
i n T H E V O l C E OF biis Kinnie V. ILacLeod.

for D i r e c t o r o f Tuberculosis. > MTs.

Downers Waddell
E . L.Groce, Ill. - I1

2s) THE VOICE O F HEALING 0 October, 1953 ii

. I

Jet:powered planes that will carry 100

passengers across the country in five
hours, reduce air fares to less than pres-
ent bus fares, and even replace the family
automobile, wcrc forecast recently at the
annual Stanford University business con-
ference by Hall L. Hibbard, engineering
vice-president of Lockhccd Aircraft Corp.,
Burbank, Calif. H? said the first of these
planes will be in operation in 19X, and
11oward I t its t 11 o i , will travel without vibration at 600 miles
. i n t e r nai t i o n a IIy an hour. I-ICforecast other types of planes
known Evangelist, for the future, including a 450-mile-an-hour.
Former Army Cltap- turbo-prop, and a 5-passenger ducted-fan
luin, and Prophetic ., model which should supplant many a fam-
analyst, contr.ilnile?i ily car because of operational ease and
the "P r o p 11 e c .v vertical rise and descent. This increase in
. Marches On" col- inventive knowledge is also a fulfillment
umn regularly in of Daniel l 2 : J .
* * * * *
'. As'this is being written news continues
TRAFFIC CASUALTIES practically no limits to its accuracy. Com- lo come in concerning the devastating..

L AST YEAR resulted in the worst trakc pany engineers declared the machine has earthquake in Greece. At the present time ,
toll in history with 37,600 deaths and a maximum accuracy of one part in three Ionian Sea island cities of ancient
2,090,000 injuries, according to insurance 1,000,000. I t can perform 10,000 additions Greek memory' have been wiped out by a
company figures. Speed was the principal per second. The analyzer has been de- series of quakes which are still continuing
cause of accidents accounting for 609,410 signed chiefly to solve complicated differ- ,day.and night. Three 'whole islands have
casualties. Three out of four accidents in- ential equations, which is a mathematical been rocked and devastated. The cities of
volved passenger cars traveling in clear way to express the relationship between Argostolios, 10,000 population, and Zakyn-
weather on dry roads. Nine out of ten ve- variables in physical situations. thos, 11,315, and Samis, 15,000, have been
hicles in accidents were in apparently Housed in a cabinet 38xi2x90 inches destroyed. Witnesses reaching the main-
good condition before they crashed. This called the "brain box," the device literally land told of house-sized boulders crushing
shocking report gives the 1952 story "eats" differential equations through a se- buildings as though they had been match-
briefly but reveals the trend of the day- ries of electrical impulses. The results boxes and describing pathetic scenes of-
speed and carelessness. What a striking are returned automatically to an electrical parents searching in the .rubble for miss-
fulfillment of N a h u m 2:3, 4, a prophecy typewriter, or they can be revealed graph- ing children. It is believed that more than
for the last days: ically in char1 form. Cost of the analyzer 1000 dead and 120,000 homeless comprise
"The chariots (autos) shall be with is $57,500. The "increase of knowledge" in' the toll at the time of this writing. An in-
flaming torches (bright headlights) in the the last days is given as a sign of the sec- creasing number of earthquakes, and of
day of his preparation.. . the chariots ' ond coming of Christ (DanFl 12:4). increasing intensity, throughout the world
shall rage (be driven carelessly) in the * * * . . will continue until the appearance of
streets, they shall justle one against an- UNITED STATES O F EUROPE Christ, and then -the greatest earthquake
other (collide) in the broad ways: they Foreign ministers of six continental na- of all time will take place shortly after- . .
shall seem like torches, they shall run like tions met in Baden Baden, Germany, in ward. The prophecy concerning. earth-
the lightnings (excessive speed) ." August, to examine the project for creat- quakes in the last days is found in Mat-. .
, * * * * * ing a United States of Europe, and tenta- thew 24:7.
ELECTRIC BRAIN tively decided to drive toward a final
* * * * *
Complex enginecring'and scientific prob- agreement on a constitution in September. POLITICAL UKKEST
lems, which often take scores of experts Ministers of France, West Germany, Italy, An estimated 4,000,000 Frenchmen,. in-
months to solve, can be finalized in sec- Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxem- cluding 'some workers i n private indus-
onds by a new electronic "brain" that has bourg took a hard look at the 116 article tries, defied the government in-a general ,
recently been demonstrated. The machine, draft constitution to weld their 150,000,003 strike that threatened to explode into vio-
known oficially .as a Decimal Digital Dif- people into a confederation. There are lence, according to. reports at 'th'e. time of
ferential Analyzer, is the first unit of its many problems to be .solved but the trend this writing. Strike fever continues to
type to be manufactured in the United in Europe today is definitely in the direc- mount as everyone seems to be 'getting
States, according to R. E. Sprague, vice- tion of bringing about an alliance of na- into the act. The strike is intended to ex- .
president of the Computer Research Cor- tions within the boundary of the old press disapproval of government plans to -
poration, builder of the analyzer. Roman Empire, to be under the control of lop off excess help and- boost the retire-
Unlike other electrical computing de- one political head or body, as prophccied ment age. Such unrest is revealed as a
vices, the decimal digital analyzer has in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13. sign of the last days. See Luke 21:28, 26.

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I s this the time of thc "FALLING AWAY," or is a RE-
VIVAL prophetically possible?
Has this rcvival been foreseen?
I s a "new doctrine" being preached?
Why do some oppose healing revivals?
Is it scriptural to accept challenges?
How many are healed in the prayer lines?
Why doesn't every sick person get healed?
Why isn't healing always instant?
Did any Christ prayed for lose their healing?
Why do some evangelists rebuke the devil in praying for

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Can a man who prays for the sick and gets results be out

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What about the discerning gifts?
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