1953 . - i
15 C E N T S ii
. .I
I ,
i : TVN Rnnounces
I . - .
1 .
i .
, 1Ep, 'A TIME O F FASTING and .r----------------------- bcc:i praying lor hundreds and thousands
of people, but now we believe. because
. I
I .
* ' k 7 ' i r a y e r and .waiting on God? we 1 -BE TO READ TIIjS of the magnitude of the task which is
. I
I increasing daily, we must have the united
felt led in the Spirit to call the Chris- ! ! prayers, of all of God's people.
.of all. nations to united: prayer; iI .-tiVNC)UMCEMI.:iYT. i We must mention that this prayer plan .
shall chase a thousand and two' I includes the prayers for the local pas-.
W E MUST DO T H E THING tors and the local 'church. We must -
put ten thousand to flight." The I
has come when believers of,all II THAT W I L L BRING CHRIS?' I
I strengthen the hands of the, local min- ''
isters. This plan of united prayer cnvis-.
ho, believe in ' t h e power of. I BACK TO TIllS EARTH! I ages the coming of a mighty visitation
1 should unite their faith and . ! I of God's blessing upon all of God's min;
isters and a strengthening of the message
s in:,mighty intercession to God of deliverance in the -local church.
Id-.wide~revivalthat will bring
ck to this earth. its members pray for each other. "Con- W I L L YO11 U N I T E W I T H US Volt
fess your faults one to another, and prax
AS THE HYL)ISOGISN'BOIII% one for another, that ye may be healed. WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL'!
(James 5:16)
1933, there carnc thc Ttiose wtio iieed tiealiiig as well as Do you need the united prayers of
scientists of America those who have been healed should be- God's people on your life and your fam-
rfccted and exploded a come niernbers of this world-wide prayer ily? Do you yourseli need deliverance
ussia's Premier Malen- band, that cach may secure the benefits from disease or amiction? Will yoii-join
'! kov had indeed made such an announce: of the united definile prayer of the us in a united prayer effort that will
. ' . inent. previously, but it was discounted pray the blessing of God down on the
. ... in. nedrlv -all :auarters. The corroboration Church. world, and prepare the way for Christ's
.:!.-. of his sfatemeh-.on August 20 is the most. coming? On pagc three is an applica-
: :*
, -loreboding: .announcement that , has. yet tion blank. Fill it out and you will be sent'
i.eachcd:the peoples of thc world. Here
race aga'inst .;time! Jesus
: deadly than the atomic bomb, that if Divine intervention were ..not to come, of this certificate is printed the prayer
;';', ?ill completely destroy the .largest city %io flesh should be saved." God is rais- program for evangelization of thc world
t ) C thc world,-.thus fulfilling thc words of
' ing up men for this hour but, except the
!'iJesus: that "except those days should be whole Church prays unitedly, the plan of S P E C I A L BOOK TO BE GIVEN
shortened. 'there-should no flesh be saved." God cannot be fulfilled. God has intended RmRlBERS OF T H E P R A Y E H
.I ' (-Matt.24:22) America, too, has the hydro- that the pcople pray.
';,. gen bomb, but,.bccause hcr cities and in- I-!ovv. shall we pray that world evangel- BAND
dustries - are so. concentrated, shc is far ization may be acq~omplished?First, let us We havc just prepared a small book-
- in:ore vulnerable than Russia. I t is indeed ' . intercede for the men on tse' field who let which contains somc 25 or more
I ,:*.::\ime.for 'America to pray;;.Therc is not a '.are reaching millions of people, both in prophecies given in the Spirit of God for
.Ti !no,mcnt to. Ipse. ' this country and in foreign lands. Never these timcs. It is entitled PROPHECIES
. . before in historv have so few rcached so FOR THE CHURCH AT THE END TIME.
. ,.-,TI?IEFOR T H E PEOPLE OF GOD many. But the evangelists need-the pray-! .we have felt that these remar1cai)le proph-
I .TO PRAY: FOR E A C H O T H E R , ers of the whole Church. Satan, angered ccics are too sacred to put on sale in the
. . at the succcss of this ministry ' of deliv: ordinary manner. Nor is this booklct for
.?' '.Gaily there "comcs to. our ofice a .vast '' erance, has gone forth with' great wrath
t;ntqbcr of prayer requests; from people to hinder and obstruct these revivals. any, except those who will pray. It. will
'wlicf~esperately need help from God: Wc not be sold from our office. Its purpose
Dray. daily for&-thcsc requests, but we ' LWAY F O d k A T I V E ~WANGECISRI . is to inspire the people of God to pray-
' ' ...''I
r e a h 'th%t;-:because of the world crisis: i. .' Moreover, ?<:: as never before. The prophecies in it
wc must .pray f o r thc plan have been given by the gift of prophecy.'
,,ye must mobilize all the people of .,Go.d of native:-evangelism, which has been in- and those who read them will note their
prayer, . ani1 - d o it at once. Reljgious : troduced inTthis magazine. White mission- inspiration by their own internal evi-
anizations ??IO may call their own' .";iries are .rapidly being .fofccd out of
ple fo
prayer are not in a position to inany fields: :,At one blow China, repre- dence. The complete abscncc of sectarian-
all believers to united prayer., THE '.senting ism of these prophecies identifies thcni
ICE . O F HEA,LING, whose evangelists, ...Lion, hasonerfourth of the ,world's ,popii!:i-
been closed to Christianity. h a -
as the voice of God calling to His entire
represent many groups, finds that 'this re-. tive Church.
missionaries, who cannot be deport- I t costs considerably to'. publish this
,: sponsibility falls upon it.
,;VVc;.must h,gve; -first of all,'.a hand of 'ed, must be sent out at once in great num- booklet. It is, however, free. to you. We
'people whp Will 'pray for each. other. bers to make Christianity in their lands shall gratefully accept gifts 'for the fur-
';.+. .ksuS prayed first for those who believed
indigenous: .. therance- of :this ministry .of world-cvan-
.+., i n - I-Iim-John 17.9, "I pray not for the PRAY FOR RE1,PGTQUS L I T E R A T U R E gelization-through the sending out of ..
tup~%L, but'fov llieiia w h i c l ~thou hast given . PROGRAM the messages of deliverance by radio :;
)TI:C; f o r they are thine." This does not T~ get this message .of deliverance' to broadcast and free literature. We hope
llleall that Jesus never praycd for the the ministers, missionaries; and the p e p that m,any shall be able to do this, but, -,
world; 101. I-Ie told His disciples to pray '=- of God Over the, world, THE VOICE whether you are able or not, we shall .
I I : .for.their enemies and inclccd, a t Calvary, . OF HEALING MAGAZINE has been send you w i t h o u't cost, thc booklet
1. Jesus, prayed for His persecuturs--"~atlr- ,raised up, and b ~ t hit a literature pro. PROPHECIES O F THE END TIME, if
er, forgive the)it; io, /k?J kltow ?lot what .&ram"-and a .national broadcast. These you will join' us in this world-wide prayer :
'.. ,>.. 'trey do." I.Lul<c 23:21) means have been mightily .used of God ,
The important. thing, is thal Jesus first . in t h c past to, Alert miliions of people to It is our purpose to make available
of all prayed for His disciples, those who .>this'great move of God. But the work Irom Jime to time to this prayer band
believed on Him, and for them who would must be greatly accelerated. We must. other special messages, given in the Spirit \
believe "through their word" (verse 20), have the prayers of all of God's peoplc of prophecy, which are addressed partic-
which includes 11s. The Church will re- at once. ularly to: God's choicest saints-the peo-
: alizc.the fullness of Divinc healing when . . We a t THE VOICE Ok HEALING have ple who pray.
2 .,
.i. ' TKE VOICE O F HEALING ..o OCtober, 1953
.. .
...~.. . ~ . . . ..... F
ARKANSAS-Little Rock............................................... ._.__.
KGHI 12:50 10:45-11:15 P.M.
Walnut Ridge.......................................................... .. .... KRLW 1320 4~00-490 P.M.
CALIFORNIA-Los Angeles......................................... KRKD . 1150 4~15-4:45 P.M.
Dinuba. (Fresno area) ........................................................ KRDU 1240 3~30-4:OO P.M.
Lo& ...................................................................... KCVR 1570 2:OO- 2:30 P.M.
INDIANA-Anderson ........................................................... WCBC 1470 2~30-3:OO P.M.
Warsaw ................................................................... WKAM 1220 5 ~ 0 0 -5:30 P.M.
MICHIGAN-Detroit (Royal Oak) . . . ._.__.:.......... WEXL 1340 3aO- 3:30 P.M.
NEW YORK-Corning ......................................................... WCBA 1350 2~00-2:30 P.M.
OKLAHOMA-Oklahoma City........................ .: KBYE 890 2:OO- 2 3 0 P.M.
OREGON-Portland . . ................................. KPDQ 800 2:OO- 2:30 P.M.
PENNSYLVANIA-Philadelphia .............. :................. WTEL 860 5:oo- 5:33 P.M.
York. ............................................... :..... .............. WNOW 1250 1:45- 2:15 P.M.
TEXAS-Dallas ................................................................ KGKO 1480 1090-11:OO P.M.
ONTARIO. CANADA-Oshawa ................. CKLB 1240 5 ~ 0 0 -5 ~ 3 0P.M.
(Note: New station-Dallas, Texas)
. .
PLAN TO REACH THE NATION ING, so that they can more fully 3. G i v e to the Radio and Litera-
BY MEANS OF RADIO participate in the crusade f o r WORLD- ture Fund!
L INKED with the project of the
i s the plan to reach -the nation b y
5. Its message of faith will help
you to receive deliverance f r o m your
HEALING-that we shall accomplish
the great task before us. P r a y that
sickness or a m i d i o n . ABOVE ALL, /T this Salvation-Healing revival will
means of radio. Just what is the
WILL CARRY THE MESSAGE OF DE- spread to every nation of the globe!
object of this new program The
LIVERANCE FROM SIN THROUGH Your prayers, letters, and gifts, will
answers are given below:
JESUS CHRIST, OUR SAVIOUR! make it possible to continue these
1. It will supplement THE VOICE OF
HEALING Magazine in publicizing the HOW YOU CAN HELP! programs on the air! W r i t e to us
news of the great revivals which are 1. If there is a Voice o f Healing
spreading through the world. program already on the air in your 5. W h y not sponsor o r assist in
2. It will bring the voices of the city, k e e p us informed how it is sponsoring a program in your a r e a ?
worlds l e a d i n g evangelists directly being received. Perhaps the hour it is In view of the part THE VOICE OF
into your home. released in your area can b e im- HEALING has played in the past,
3. It will reach the homes of many proved. It is not always possible to in this WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL CRU-
w h o live outside the cities and who, get the best time immediately. W e SADE, you can have confidence that
therefore, cannot conveniently atfend are a l s o anxious to learn the range your gifts will bring a return to you
fhe revival in the cities. th,at the program has. at each ,outlet. in eternity, which is beyond estimate.
4. It will enable our readers and -, 2. Inform your friends of the pro- W h y not share with us a part in this
listeners to have a closer touch with ,~gram, and the hour b y a telephone WORLD - WIDE REVIVAL CRUSADE?
the activities of THE VOICE OF HEAL- call just before program time. WRITE T O US N O W !
, .........................................................
I (Participants will receive-FREE-the book I
: ICEAIALZING THE WORLD CRISIS, and the need of united prayer to bring:.
Clirist back to this earth, I wish to become a part of The VOICE OF HEAIJNGr
WORLD-WIDE PRAYER CRUSADE, and to share in its blessings:
I request the united prayers of this great prayer band and, in return, will priiy
; tliiily for others of the prayer band, and for world evangelization.
I 1ierewi:h beconie one of this WORLD-WIDE PRAYER BAND:
:TIME, given in the Spirit of prophecy, please check square to the left. (This book,
is not for sale, but is given only to those who will share in the WORLD-WIDE, RADIO EVANGELISM WORK.
: Nothing further is required to become a part of this WORLD-WIDE PRAYER: GOD BLESS YOU!.
CKUSADE. However, gif123.for sending out faith literature to the sick, the poor, to
I missionaries, and for maintenance of our national RADIO BROADCAST WORLD-
; WIDE REVIVAL CRUSADE will be gratefully received. - I
Those desiring to contribute financially to this cause,will indicnte
3 ............................................................
the amount in the box to the left. .I
. .. .II . See Pages 2 6 and 2 7 for
Henceforth the addresses of each evan-
- gelist will be listed under his or her
P.O. BOX 8658, DALLAS, TEXAS name on the Schedule page, in accord-
ance with the decision of THE VOICE
A monthly inter-evangelical publication of the Last- OF HEALING Associates at their last
Day Sign Gift Ministries, published by the Voice meeting.
of Healing, Inc., a non-profit corporation incorpo-
rated under the laws of the State of Louisiana.
Copyright 1952 by The Voice of Healing
October, 1953 Volume 6, NO. 7
k Article . IN THIS ISSUE- - . Page We are' now' able to make the eagerly
,I . World-Wide Prayer Crusade_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .......
' _ _ _i_..._.._1.: _..........................................
_ .... 2 ____:awaited announcement of the location of
The Radio in the Plan of the World-wide Revival Crusade.............................................. 3 TION. The next issue -of T H E VOICE
! ; Dr. Stowel1,'s Amazing Experiment- O F HEALING .will carry. detailed an-
1 nouncements of the Convention, but the
Testimony of the Conversion of This Outstanding Scientist From Atheism. to Christ 5
8 ,
4 .
I . . 0
. .
The Testimony of Dr. N. Jerome Stowell
Adapted For Publication By Thomas R. Nickel
and wounds speaks pardon and peace and DR. STOWELLS AMAZIN$
life to a dying world. How oft have the
echoes from the swinging hammers that EXPERIMENT . -1
nailed Him there thundered upon the (Cowtinued from Page 5)
hearts of sinners and awakened them Afler we had set u our instruments. w e ,
from the slumber of death. arranged for one o?the nurses to antago
We must go, thanking our heavenly nize the man. Through her wiles she ,
Lord .for Calvary. From this little spot tracted his interest in her and then sutl:+a ..
has gone forth a mighty stream of life denly told him she didnt want to havr
and hope upon the whole human race for anything morc to do with him. He began
time and eternity. Nearby we visit the to verbally abuse her and the needle be.
Garden tomb, hcwn out of solid rock gan to register on the negative side. Then
where Jesus rested in death through the lie cicrsed her and took the name o f God
Sabhath to arise early on the first day of in vain. The needle suddenly clicked
the week and was seen by His disciples back and fortli against ,the. 500 negatiBk.
on several occasions, even by 500 a t one post!
time. Over half of these were yet alive By actual instrumentation, we had reg-
when Paul wrote I Corinthians 15.
istered what happened in the brain whel!
JEKUSAI.EM . . . PRESENT . Evangelist Samuel B. de Klerk that brain broke one of Gods Ten Corn
Today the city is hopelessly divided. mandments. Thou slialt not take the ,
Through its heart runs a no-mans land. name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Armed men patrol the borders. Is it thc GRANTS PASS, OREGON, SCENE OF SCIENCE MEASURED THE POWER 01;
time of Jacobs trouble? After long cen-
turies of wandering amid the nations, the MIRACULOUS BLESSINGS AS GOD AND THE POWER O F SATAN
Jew is restored to his land, only to find EVANGELIST DE KLERK MINISTERS We had established by instrumentation
Ishmael and Esau challenging his right the positive power of God and the nega.
to all the land and city. Is not this the By Norene C. Nichols, Assuciate Pastor
Assembly of God Church tive power of the Adversary. We had
beginning of the worlds greatest drama? found that beneficial truth is positive and
Grants Pass, Oregon
Peter, in the third chapter of Acts. that non-beneficial things, covered by the
NCE AGAIN the Revival Centel-
speaks of thc heavens receiving Jesus thou shalt nots of the Ten Command-
until the restitution of Israel to its home-
land. Jesus Himself, had said Jerusalem
Tabernacle in Grants Pass, Ore- ments. are negative. in varying degrees..
would be trodden down-.,of the Gentiles gon, has rung with the shouts and T i we scientists can record these things.
I belicvc with all my heart that the Lord
until the times of the Gentiles be ful- praises of victory and triumph. Evan- God cun keep a record of our thoughts.
filled. Paul wrote to Thessalonica not to gelist Samuel B. de Klerk, who has He has more power than we have and.is
he troubled. for the day of the Lord
would come as a thief in the night, but
just come to this country from Johan- a better record keeper than a n y of us ,
it was not then a t hand. Rev. 16:15-Bc- nesburg, South Africa, was with us in on this earth.
hold, I come as a thief. Blessed,is lie tliat two weeks of meetings, August 9-23. GODS TRUTH EMANATES POWER
?c;atclletli. His coming again is vcry em- His ministry is one that will long As a scientist I dont believe the halo
minent, much nearer than most people be remembered with fondest and most painted around Jesus head is merely an
arc aware of. . . blessed memories. With a spirit so very artists conception. I believe with all my
JEIIIJS~\\I~EM-FUIUlZE tender and compassionate did he minister heart that it is emanating power, it i s
.: What happened in Jerusalem, A. D. 70. nightly to the sick and afflicted. With magnetic and electmmotive power -that
c:ould be a classic example ;of what mav a calm yet powerful assurance did he lay \vas actually with Him because in- al!
soon come on a worldscale. The Roman hands upon the needy ones, and healings ways He was with God in Histruth. .
scourge of Jerusalem stands unparalleled followed. This power i s promised to us. We a r c
in human history. Their sin required this Besides his ministry to the sick ones. promised that if we think His thoughts
judgment, for Moses had said that every Brother de Klerk preaches the Word with- and keep His commandments, the faith-
soul which refused td hear this Prophct out fear or favor of anyone. Also, his un- ful will be caught up to meet Jesus whei!
should be cut on, for God had told Moses: usual ministry of song, in which he makes He returns,
I% put ?n?j words in Him, a.lso m y the song come alive, is a source not only God has gfvcn us many great and woti-
name. LTlie words I speak. said Jesus, of enjoyment but of blessing and encour-
derful thihgS.The greatest and most -won-
are not mine; tliey are the words o f agement. ,of these is His only begotten Son.
my Father. . . . thus identifying Him- Many reports of healing have already derful Christ,
self as that Prophet Moses spoke about. been publicly given during Brother de Jesus Who was crucified on:the.
Cross, who gave His life and blood that
As we draw near to the end of Gentile Klerks meetings with us, to say nothing we might have everlasting life, that we
world power, we ask, what is their prime of those that have not been publicly given. might be cleansed from our sins and be
sin? The answer comes back, refusing One man who had had his a r m injured,
llre words o f tliat Prophet. while a t work, and was under the care of healed. of our diseases: Just before Jesus
Lo,ok a t Jerusalem under the seige by a doctor, was wonderfully and gloriously shall ascended- to Heaven He said, But ye .
receive power, after that the Hal?]
Titus for nine months. Inside, division healed, and the doctor released him to re- Ghost is come upon you. (Acts 1:s)
and fighting among themselves; outside turn to his work again.
the Roman Army . . . no escape . . . over A child with a crossed eye, who always -Previously He commanded His followers
the city a horror of darkness. Finally put her clothes on backward due to this, to tarry until they be endued with power
llie Great, City is buried and for days was delivered and-at once-she began and had promised to pray the Father
Ereat pillars of smoke linger in the air. putting her clothes on right. The mother Who would send another Comforter, the,
fulfilli,ng one phase of the prophecy o f of this child also was healed of a tumor, Holy Ghost, even the Spirit of Truth..
blood,; fire and pillars of smoke.
and it passed from her body. GODS P R E S E N C i GIVES POWER
Another lady was instantly healed of
1.00K UP: LIFr UP YOUR HEADS! gall bladder trouble, and now she eats I t is this Presence of God in us that
Luke 21:24 speaks of the times ofthe whatever she wants to with no ill effects. gives us power,.the extent of which we
Gentiles being fulfilled. of distress of na- A stiff hand, back trouble, internal trou- have no conception as to its magnitude!
tions with perplexity. These same words bles, chronic headaches and all sorts of I a m a scientist who loves the Lord
were ,used to describe the Greek The- disorders were healed in these meetings. God with all my heart, mind, might .and
atres when they were on fire and there Praise the Lord! soul. I want you to pray f o r . m e that I.
was no way out, the exit doors locked! An unusual thing happened one night will always be faithful. that I will always
Are we about to witness the horrors during the meetings when three children, he humble, that I will always magnify
of .the destruction of Jerusalem on a in one family, were marvelously filled with His truth, that I will always think and.
iiforld-wide scale? If so. .woe is u s that the Holy Spirit, and burst forth in other say and do the things a positive .G%d.
we were ever born to come tp this terribly languages praising the Lord. w m t s me to think and say and do,: and
f a t a l : hour. To His own He said, Look This South African Evangelist, Samuel that I will think -and say and do nothing
lip; lift u p your lieads! Why? V B. de Klerk. i s surely used of the Lord. according to the wishes of . a negative
YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWETI-I and his ministry is unusual and outstand- Adversary, who .kept me hlinded, and !
NIGH! ing, bound so many years!
THE VOICE OF HEALING 0 October, ,1953 7
. .
[Further reports and inJormation concerning .this G R E A T MISSIONARY CKUSADE lhis Gospel of the Kingdom s h l l be
:oil1 be carried monthly under t h i s iieadirig-OSUORN-!YOIILL) MISSIOAS CKUSADE!I preached in all the world f o r a witness
t o all nations; and then shall the end
come (Matt. 24:14).
Applications are beginning to reach our
office in Tulsa from various countries,
and it is our hope that very soon, now,
capable native missionaries will be launch-
ing forth into n e w areas, reaching new
tribes, thus taking another vital step for-
ward to prepare the way for our Lords
imminent return.
SPREAD across the world, a
change in missionary thinking is
October 4-18
rapidly developing. Reports of slow
progress and endless struggle to win
T WAS through the faith building min-
istry of the Voice of Healing that I
how to receive healing .for my
in PHOENIX STADIUM body. Ero. T. L. Osbornes messages were
a few souls are being replaced by Contiict: R e v . C. E. Leih especially enlightening.
shouts of victory as one after another 3130 \V. Taylor For about a year I had a sugar allergy.
tells o,f the masses hearing the Gos- Phocnis, Arizona I t was ncccssary to drink large quantities
pel in some great open-air campaign; of grapefruit juice
of multitudes of the heathen accept- to somewhat con-
ing Christ as this Gospel of the King- port our own Home and Foreign ILIisson- trol it. I t caused
a r y programs. excessive swelling,
dom is being proclaimed with evi- forming a head
dence. N A T I V E MISSIONARIES A R E BEING like a boil on va-
Why is all this? Because the har- CHOSEN face. especially
vest is ripe! The-Gospel seed faithful- Thus far, we have onlv presented this around my eyes.
ly sown by missionaries and workers plan three o r four nights in three clif- I t was very pain-
of past generations is a t last spring- ferent campaigns, and without the slight- ful. This happened
est exertion of pressure. some $35,000.00 about e v e r y two
ing forth i!i an. abur?davt harvest and, has been promised for the forth coming weeks.
at the same time, God is raising up, year. By giving systematically (a small When I fully re-
and sending forth an army of reapers amount each month). it makes it pos- alized t h a t m y
who are proclaiming the Gospel with sible for us to continue our foreign cam- h e a l i n g w a s al-
paigns while the people a t home continue r e a d y purchased
signs, wonders and miracles following supporting the native pioneer missionaries by Christ, and my
their ministries. Nothing short of the in many other countries of the world. deliverance depended on my accepting it.
miraculous ministry of Christ has Progress has been slow during these I claimed my healing. Instead of drinking
ever, or will ever convince the hea- first few months, because of the time in- grapefruit juice, I ate some candy. Jesus
volved in foreign correspondence, clearly Christ delivered me from this amiction, as
then. setting before the missionary supervisors I stood on His promise in His Word. Thai
N A T I V E P R E A C H E R S ARE CATCInNG the plan concerned. Missionaries are ex- was three and one half years ago crnd
T H E VISIQK ercising extreme caution in choosing na- I am still healed!
tives who are trustworthy and capable
In all of these great sweeping revivals, of Recently I was also delivered frcm a
in foreign countries, scorcs of native sadopening up new areas and. because of severe case of sinus trouble. I hav?
experiences in the past, a great learned that when Satan sends symptoms
preachers are catching the vision that
.the only way to see their people won to amount of ground-work is being done to of afflictions, to rebuke him, and claim my
Christ is through the miraculous minis- assure both the mission boards and the healing through the merits of Jesus.
missionary field supervisors of complete
try of Christ today. They are hiding them- Mrs. H. P. Gervais
selves in prayer and in fasting, and God cooperation with them.
Plans are being worked out for the
Minneapolis 11,Minn.
is raising them up with new vision and Foreign Missionary Secretaries of the
sending t.hem forth to help reap the har- Full Gospel organizations to handle the
vest of their generation. applications from their own fields, decide
Realizing the tremendous advantages on the amounts to be given each native,
the native preacher has. being accustom- and then our only action will ,be to de-
ed to his own people, their living condi- termine whether. or not, the ministry of EAR TVH EDITORS:
tions, their language, their food. etc., we each native applicant, recommended for THE VOICE O F HEALING has been
know that the secret to world evangeliza- assistance, agrees with the principal pur- a blessing to us and many others. One of
tion, rests almost entirely with them. pose for which this plan has been insti- those who was converted through TVH
The hundred of thousands of villages and tuted, Le., . to get the Gospel to arcas while in the Hospital, has now enrolled
small towns will never be reached by the where it has not yet been preached. as a student in the Assembly of God
missionary or foreign evangelist. but a Bible Institute in Nigeria here and, for
precedent can be established and vision WE MUST GO FORWARD FIRMLY, this and all others who have been bless-
created by those who are willing to go, STEADILY AND WITH PATIENCE ed, we thank you and give the glory to
and not only will a city be swept.bv re- Great patience must be exerciscd in Jesus Christ.
vival. but the native brethren will carry carrying out any effort of this proportion. Yours in Him,
the flame on and on to every remote Opposition which arises must be dealt J. A. Agbede
area in that country, if they can be with. This work is the very nearest thing Lagos, Nigeria, Africa
helped by a small assistance. In fact to the heart of God, to strive a t reaching
many of them will press forward with- the un-evangelized areas of the world
out outside help (and they should do so), with the blessed news of Christ. I t there- CORRECTION: A letter from JESSE
WELLER informs 11s that the state-
but it is in the interest of assisting the fore is bound to be a direct advance
native preachers in reaching the unevan- against Satans kingdom. and must doubt- nient on page 20. of the JUNE issue
gelized tribes arid areas with the mes- less be bitterly opposed by those without of THE VOICE OF HEALING, that he
sage, that we have been setting before Christs vision. But, as in anythinz which was FORW,R CHIEF OF PO1,ICE
the American people, this summer. a really counts, we must take each step OF TQRONTO should read that he
simple plan of systematic giving for the firmly and steadily; exercise the patience w a s SENIOR POLICE OFFICER ON
support of such-not to support native necessary in dealing with our many ad- ijIGHT DUTY-or -NICIT CHIEF
pastors but to assist native missionaries. versaries, and let nothing turn us aside only!
in 0peniri.c up new areas, just as we sup- from our objective, because it is written,
hlrs. Neighbors home on the tropic isle ,others waited until the last man had pass-
my k g l i s h was gone and I prayed as the ed out of sight. Then, their prayers gave
spirit gave utterance. The few words o f Java. A small half-naked Javanese man
had come with tidings. place to praise. What a time of shouting
were very sweet. Just a t that moment a they had, thanking God for H i s gOOdneSS
heavy wire broke to the windward of Nonja, he whispercd hoarsely, the
US and came down to the ground with a head men are meeting at the mosque.
loud bang. My driver cried out If that They are plotting to destroy as many
had hit the horse, it would have killed
her. When we got down to the valley Christians as possible around here. You
I told him that I was praying just as and your family are to be killed if they
the wire broke, that could have killed can find you.
both of us as well as the horse. Listen! They will beat the drums at
The next morning it was made more the mosque at a certain hour. That is the
real to me, when we heard that nine signal for all the people to assemble there
telegraph poles came down just behind to start on their mlwdering spree. Nonja,
THE VOICE OF HEALING October, 1953 . ..
, I ,
. .
, We have come quite a distance. Many
giants have been fought and victories
have been won. Ammonites, Amorites
and Moabites have fallen before us and
we are glad. We can look back a t vie
tories .won and experiences enjoyed--we
can look forward to victories yet to win.
I Perhaps a few personal past experiences
as well as future hopes and ambitions
might help.
Miracle TO GOD
God was dealing with my Fathers
heart. He had not yet accepted Christ. As
the, Richey meeting closed, the horrible
of verdict of the doctors, which I have pre-
viously mentioned, was given. When night
came on the day of the doctors message
of despair, my Mother, inspired by the
God! message of deliverance. knelt by my bed-
side and lccpt an all night vigil in prayer
interceding before God for my deliver
ancc. During this prayer she dedicated
BY me 100 percent to God to be His. from
that time of my life to the end, however
Evangelist Russell B. Park long or short it may be. She believed God,
accepted her offer and consecration. Be-
cause shc believed, God did just that: As
HIS STORY is not written to grey dawn faded beneath the early morn:
T edify man, myself or others. The
glory is to God (I Cor. 10:31) with-
ing sun her fears faded with the shadows
for, when she felt of my frail body, my
fever was cooled for the first time in over
out whom we would all be miserable Hev. Russell Park. four years and I lay in a pool of perspira-
failures. tion. Victory was sweet-for the first
condition could not withstand another words I spoke were, Mother Im hun-
major operation as my weight, at the age gry.
of eight, was exactly the same as when GOD PERFORMED A MIRACLE OK
Without Him, I could do nothing, I was four.
During this time I had suffered thirteen MY BODY
Without Him, 1 WOULD SUKELY
FAIL . incisions and my leg was swollen to twice The miracle took place. Day after day.
its normal sizc. Poison ran throughout for nine days, little slivers of bone worked
Without Him, I would only be dri jting, my body and my appetite was gone. Mod- out of my leg. When the nine days were
Like a ship without u sail. ern methods of giving nourishment and ovrr and they came to roll me down the
food were unknown. The suffering within hall to X-ray for the operation thatwas
what was left of my body was indescrib- to remove three more inches of bone, it
able. My physical appearance was unbear- was noticed my condition was improved.
AT FOUN-BONE INFECTION STRUCK able, tor those who loved me, to look The X-ray showed there was no bone
When I was four years of age the dread upon. I know it must have been terrible (that nine days before was there) lying
disease of osteomyelitis, a bone infection for my parents to think for a lifetime loose which had to be removed. God had
similar to tuberculosis of the bone, struck they would have a helpless cripple, should worked a miracle. He had removed the
my body in my leg just above the left I live. To the natural eye the situation diseased bone.
knee. wab hopeless. The Red Sea place in their The greater miracle lies in the fact
What could have been a tragedy was a life had come. that the same God who removed the dis-
blessing to my life, and that of my par- RAYMOND T. R I C m Y - C A M E eassd bome also g m more bone in thut
ents, as well as to a host of our friends TO S A N ANTONIO leg! The leg on which I was never to
and relatives-for in nearly five years of In this four year interval of suffering walk grew in one year to strength.
being an invalid, they all saw the mighty in my life, a Holy Ghost anointed, God Though it had lost four years of growth,
hand of God work through the atonement sent, revlval fire was being kmdled in the within one year it was as long and as
of His Son on Calvary. Within a few heart of a great man of God. God was large as the othsr? Today it is just as
hours after I was stricken I was in San speaking to him and giving him power firm and solid and on a foot that was
Antonios Santa Rosa Hospital and short- to take the message of Divine deliverance once swiveled and withered I wear, filled
ly thereafter three inches of the bone to this nation and reaffirm the possibili- out, the same size shoe and there is not
above my left knee was removed. From ties of Apostolic power for people of our the slightest trace of a limp. The miracle
this time until I was nearly ten years of generation. That man was R,aymond T. is complete and stands now, after nearly
age I never knew what it was to play Richey. I believe i t was sometlme in 1926, twenty-one years, as a memorial to the
with other children or have a normal life. when I was at my lowest ebb, that Broth- miraculous power of an ever loving, un-
D M N E HEALING UNKNOWN TO U S - e r Richey came to our city. dying God.
FATHER SPENT F O R m SEEKING San Antonios leading gathering place, THROUGH MY HEALING, F A T H E R
MEDICAL AID FOR ME-TO NO Beethoven Hall, was secured for Brother W A S CONVERTED
AVAIL Richeys Healing Campaign.
GRANDMOTHER H E A L E D OF This miracle convinced my Father and.
Divine healing was scarcely known of a few months later, a t a Full Gospel
in those dark days. My Mother was raised PARALYSIS altar, he gave His life to Christ. Since
in a Baptist home. Some of her folk were One night my father was persuaded to that time, his home has been a second
Christians, but knew nothing of the power go. He went through curiosity. He left home for preachers and many an all
of God to deliver a sick body from the convinced for a blind Mexican court r e night prayer meeting for the saints has
clutches of the demon of death. In a few porter, known personally to him and most been conducted in the living room.
short years my Father had spent all that of the city, was instantly healed in the Here, in this Christian atmosphere of a
he had and could borrow. Nine of the audience while listening to Brother Richey practical Full Gospel home, I was raised
countrys best doctors matched their skill preach. In the prayer line a lady known to believe in and practice Divine healing.
against this dread disease. Finality was to my Father to have been deaf for years
written upon their faces one morning as was healed. He went and spoke to this THOUGH BACKSLIDDEN GOD SPOKE
they told .my parents that I could never lady whom he had years before delivered TO M E AUDIBLY A N D C A L L E D ME
walk agarn and that they .despaired of groceries to, as a boy. His skepticism TOSERVEHIM
m y Zife. Their verdict was that three faded and faith took hold. My Grand- The year I was graduated from high
more inches of bone had to be removed mother, who had been totally paralyzed school I grew cold in myexperience. I
from my leg as an only hope for my for nine years, was taken by my Father became engaged in activities which took
survival. These men further stated that to the meeting, and was instantly touched my time of prayer and study and, in a
they were quite fearful that my physical and healed by the power of God. few months, I was in a.backslidden state.
and States Attorney Robert Can- Rev. Carl Smuckcr Tuesday night,
the purpose of the session. Allen was not wontactod, prepared a warrant charging- un-
field. Todays meeting of ,the min- lawful exhibition of a lad tinder
,e isterial association was called at . nor any a f f e m p t m a d e to gain firsf hand information
:i ?s the suggestion of the county law regarding the so-called miracle claims.
- / I I *in
a manner dangerous to the
.:boys health and welfare. Nash
[enforcement officers. Sheriff King
I 1-
g!said that he plans to investigate re- . ]!will meet with officers of the min-
Nevertheless, this notice was called to their often- . isterial association t d a y to. de-
. v i \ a1 meetings conducted by Allen
ij in other comniunities after receiv- :ion, a n d both local padois and a reprcsentative of . q termine whether the warrant will
. be signed.
mg a number of complaints about
:he Allen party were present at the session. Akhough
Ithe meetings.whichhave been
for the last two weeks. m m e leaders of the Association, as weli as :he County ;I ---
Two Rocltford pastors, listed as Sheriff, w h o was present, declared a n y o n e would
sponsors of the, revival meetings,
get worse. When Rev. Al!cn came to Rock-
w a s any action which inferred an attempt to cur-
Revival Continues /J
_ _ -. - - - - -
f_ n r d T
receiving tail religious liberty. Quoted below 121;is :he . Rocklords Ministerial associa- ti;
e 1(tion
treatment Wednesday dropped the prob- W
from my official statement of the Ministerial Associa- 11 lem of the A. A. Allen revival pro- hi
doctor. tion, formulated during the session, a n d h gram back into the lap of the of-w
Brother o lice of the Winnebago county
Allen pray- approved b y vpte. states attorneys office.
ed f o r me 1
T H E FOL- The Rev. Clarence H. Anderzon,
and cursed
Recognize pastor of Tabor Lutheran church
the c a n c e r . L O W I N G and association president, said the
Within about
t h.ree dnps,
ING the
.dgroup had dropped the case and
that if anything is to be done it
t h e c a n c e r After the Tuesday morning meet- will be by the states attorneys ir
w Qs 9one situation
ing of the miniFterial acsoriatinn. I1
and m y fuce the Rev. Mr. Andenon issued the1 l o o k e d
w a s corn- following statement: !
b-r i g h t e r , : . .: .. 2. 2< ,>e- 2< .I!, ..: y >..
v l e t e l u - We recognize the religious as both. the I > I
was so. ,
Della Land
, whole Rockford Ministerial asso-: t o e a c h
ad agency. Nash said, and no one JV
..a-lhere has p u a l l y seen any C.
Rockford. Illinois . ciation. 1 other. Ilation; \I
ear. -
- - .- me.. ...- .__
Len years ago, .
I_ ___
serving ..-
as a
I Assistant States Attornev Nash
member of the Womens S.S. in Germany. prepared a warrant, after a c-on-
ference with the Rev. Clarence
Anderzon and the Rev. Carl Smuc-
ber charging unlawful exhibition
of a 9-year-old boy who appeared
at the services, reputedly able t o
read with one eye which has a
bacco, but every lime I would attempt plastic eyeball.
to do without it my entire body cried out Although the pttorney spent four
Sor it. My weight would drop dangerous- 1,hours in his office Tuesday night
and was available Wednesday, the
ly, and I was compelled to take it up
again. I was horribly bound by this thing,
until Brother Allen started his great Cam-
1 warrant was not signed.
The Rev. Smucker is also said to
Daian. here in Rockford. BUT HERE, GOD have attended the service* and
SET ME FREE! doctor said unless there was a n immedi-
I have been gloriously free for two full ate change for the better, more of the to have found no grounds for com-
weeks. No craving for tobacco has ever bone must be removed from behind the plaint.
returned. M v wei&ht has remained nor- ear. A unidentified waman called
mal. Praise c o d , 5 last I a m free! Then the Allen revival came to Rock- Sheriff Kirk S . King Wednesday
Mrs. Estelle B. Slscho ford. I went through the healing line. to pay a personal tribute to the
Rockford, 111. Next day, I found I could hear f r o m this ,-;, power of prayer at the Rev.
ear perfectly, and the discharge from the Allens meetings. She said that a
OM CRUTCHES 7 YEARS HEALED INSTANTLY ear is entirely stopped!
chronic ear, infection has been
ECAUSE O F ARTHRITIS, Ive been Mrs. Maria Louisa Akers healed during the services here.
u n a b l e to walk without crutches Rockford, Ill.
f o r more than sev-
e n years. Could
barely walk with
crutches. I had not
use my arms-
c o u 1d n t e v e n
comb my hair.
W h e n Brother
Allen prayed for confined to her wheel chair eight months. SHE AROSE
me, I f e l t m y
joints straighten. F R O M HER CHAIR INSTANTLY, AFTER PRAYER. Attended
I a r o s e immedi-
ately and walked revival night after night, WALKlNG WlTHOUT CANE O R
alone. I found I
could raise both CRUTCH, and gave joyful testimony of what G o d had
arms s t r a i g h t
above my head. done for her.
Mary Wilson
Rockford, Ill.
THE VOICE O F HEALING 0 October, 1953 17
N RECENT MONTHS there has been
phenomenal increase in destructive
which have taken the lives of
At Waco, Texas, only a short distance
fice, a cyclone leveled buildings as high as
in the distance, the whirling horror, a
tornado. The rolling clouds were to the
Southwest-just the direction from which
hundreds of people, destroyed hundreds six stories. This was the first time in his- a cyclone comes. At that moment the ad-
of millions of dollars worth of property, tory a tornado had struck the center of vance wind struck and we saw large ob-
and brought terror and tragedy to whole the business district of a large city. jects being torn from their moorings and
communities. The big question is now be- Two years ago, while our offices were g o flying past us at terrific spegd. I was
ing raised as to what is the cause of this yet in Shreveport, Louisiana, a tornado just a lad at that time and I, as well as my
unusual rise in the incidence of these of great intensity passed a mile or two companions, were not a little frightened.
storms. Is there a prophetic significance south of our location. Because the section Instinctively we jumped into our car and
in these great disturbances of the eartws traversed was just outside the thickly headed down the highway away from the
atmosphere? We believe that there is an settled area, loss of life was not so great. direction of the whirling clouds. Behind
answer to these questions. In this article Certainly the storm passled too close for us, in the distance, a building blew down.
we shall take note of certain facts re- comfort. One can only imagine the hor- Despite our speed, debris was flying past
vealed by the Scriptures which we believe ror that comes to those who have been us on either side. Road signs had blown
throw some light on this matter. caught in the path of these whirling hor- loose and were flying through the air.
THIS YEARS DEATHS FROM rors. Perhaps the greatest damage which As we drove on, gradually the ominous
CYCLONES NUMEROUS occurred this year was in Flint, Michigan, roar of the storm faded; but the cyclone
With the exception of the year 1925, where the path of the tornado left a moving on erratically left death and de-
more people have died this year from destruction worse than war. Here the struction over a wide area. We were un-
cyclones than in any year in history; and storm cut a destructive swath 1,000 feet harmed, but we shall never forget the
we have yet to go through the autumn wide and five miles long! experience of those few moments.
season! The destructive tornado has so THE WHIRLING HORROR HAVE THE ATOMIC TESTS
far affected no less than 30 states. SO STRIKES TERROR! CAUSED CYCLONES?
great has been the destruction in Texas, I know something of the terror of What is the cause of these disasters
Ohio, and Michigan, that some of their the cyclone. Some years ago in Central which have increased this year to such
large cities have been declared disaster Texas, on a spring afternoon, we looked unprecedented numbers? The fact is that
areas. up at the sky and suddenly recognized, some of the nations top scientists, though
22 THE VOICE OF HEALING 0 September, 1953
bless and willing and anxious to save from the Spirit upon his life and min. seekers was entirely too small and the
istry. On the following Sunday even- aisles, choir lofts and platform . were
mankind from their sins and physical ing Rev. Valdez again ministered in pressed into servi:e to accommodate all
sicknesses. mighty power as he spoke about the who desired to hide in the Rock of
At the 2:30 afternoon hour. Rev. A. C. revelations which God has given to him Ages .I
Valdez, Sr.. conducted daily Divine Heal. of the forthcoming judgments upon tjie SIGNS, WONDERS AND MIRACLES
ing Instruction services, which were xt. peoples of the earth. Sound and Scrip- P R E S E N T EACH NIGHT
tended by large crowds of those who tural. the message bore the witness 01
needed healinr for .their bod;-es and the Spirit and truly those. who attended At the close of the altar call each night
others--well in body-but wishing to these services will never again be the the Healing Lines were formed and time
drink deep irom the fountain of spiritual same. after time. night after night. the power
knowledge which flows so freely from of Gods Divine Health and Healing Vir-
TESTIMONY GJYEN BY NOTED tue was poured forth through the mani-
this man of God. His messages which NUCLEAR S C I E N T I S T 4 A V E D AND
were delivered with great power and festation of the Gift given to Hev. Val.
anointing proved an outstanding highlight F I L L E D W I T H HOLY SPIRIT dez. Jr. Miracles. of ever; description
of the Campaign. The last Sunday night o f the Campaign were performed. The blind S ( I W tlic w o n -
Every evening Rev. A. C. Valdez, Jr.. saw the Temple crowded out at an early der of light f o r t h e first time. ihe dqcif
spoke to the assembled multitudes which hour with late comers standing. Featzivd lLeurd 1 . 1 ~joyful tones of lriimiun i;oice
on more than one occasion packed the o n this evenings service with Rev. Val- tc?td b b s s i n g , the dumb spoke i n begin.
huge auditorium of beautiful Angelus dez, Jr.,was the noted nuclew scientist ning sentences, unaccustomed to thr\
Temple to the dome, filling over 5000 of America, Dr. N . J . Stowell. w h o ujas magnitude of it all. Goibers disctppeared
scats of eager, expectant hearers. Coupled coniierted from ntheism a? recent1ij its before the very eyes of the it:icdience.
with this was the vast listening audience J u n e 12, 1959 und ha8 since receiced t h e cancers melted away and those pulvil?jzc-Jd
of Radio Station K.F.S.G., third oldest Baptism of the Holy Spirit and rereiljed in limb und body were ?iict.de every whit
Radio Station in Los Angeles which is mighty revelations f r o m God and LL ccill .whole. One lady who had suffered from
nwned and operated by the Echo Park into the glorious service of t h e King! a collapsed lung was comp1,etely deliver-
I!:vangelistic Association (legal name of Recognized as an authority in the field ed and found nightly in the Temple prais- !
Angelus Temple). Estimated by the man- of atomic energy, Dr. Stowell gave his ing and.magnifying God. At various times
it::cmeTlt of the Radio Station based on testimony and also answered as -many
technical questions regarding the hydro-
a great healing wave would sweep;over
the Temple and scores were healed i n
letters received, this audience totals ::
around 200,000 listeners in cities through- gen bomb as he was permitted to do i n t h e audience without seeking special ,
out Southern California, and many let- the scope of National Security. This por- prayer from the platform. Testimonies
ters are being received a t the present tion of the service was not broadcast dve are pouring into the office of- Angelus
time telling of the blessings and healings to security reasons and proved to be an Temple of what God has wrought i n ;.
ilS these. thousands dared to believe God effective foil for the message of thr body and soul.
and step out on faith when urged t o do evening by Rev. Valdez. Jr.. entitled The complete results of the Campaign
so by the Valdez team. When Will The Hell Bomb B e Dropped? will never be recorded on this earth. but
At the close of this message. hundreds all joined in the hearty invitation for
FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MXNS again streamed to the altars to make the soon return of this consecrated iather
FET.LOWSHIP A GREAT BLESSING their calling and election sure. As the and son team to again bring to Angelus
From the beginning the Campaign penitents streamed forth from all floors Temple and the Los Angeles area another
had an inter-denominational aspect and of the Temple, the space provided for great campaign of Gods blessing.
eo-pastors McPherson and Teaford hearti-
ly welcomed the score of ministers from
various Pentecostal bodies who came to A VIEW OF O N E OF THE ALTAR CALLS is shown here.Penifenfs were so numerous the
lend their support in making the cam- space provided the seekers was entirely too small a n d the aisles, choir lofts a n d platform
paign one of outstanding memory and re- were used.
sults. Especially lending their weight and
assistance in attendance and service was
the ,Full Gospel Business Mens Fellow-
ship of Southern California with the Ili-
ternational President Demas Shakarian,
who is known throughout the Pentecostal
world for his consecration and leaclershil)
in bringing Full-Gospel groups into fel-
lowship, taking a prominent part in { l i e
services. Representative ministers from
the Assemblies of -God, Pentecostal
Church of God, Open Bible Standaid
Church of God, Pentecost and others
were found nightly in the services aiid
on the platform to rejoice together in the
mighty outpouring of His grace.
Among the many special nights desig-
nated, several will long be remembered.
Outstanding among these were three of
the Sunday night services-the first 0 1
Lvhich featured the testimony of ,Gods
gift of healing.to Rev. A. C. Va1dez;Jr.
Packed to the dome, the Temple audience
.was like a majestic organ which broke
forth in cascades of praise and sobbing,
rejoicing and holy laughter, and then
hushed into deepest awe and wonder as
they heard the very deepest revelations
from the soul and heart of a consecrated
minister who heard the Voice of God and
beheld the bestowment of a mighty, Gift
I THE VOICE O F HEALING 0 October, 1953 19
By Rev. V. E . Taylor, Iastor, cernment. Knowledge and Divine Wisdom and doors to hear and see T H E CHRIST
Pentecostal Holiness Church, through Brother Alton Hayes, T t was such being exalted through salvation o f souls,
Checotah, Olilahoma great joy to hear him tell one in the and miracles.
healing line his condition, hear the per. Evangelist Lindsay, Editor 01 T H E
CAME TO THIS PASTORATE the son confirm what God had revealed to VOICE O F IIEALING, published in Dal-
I last of July and immediately learn-
ed the church was preparing for a
him, then-a few nights later-hear that
person witness how he had been healed
las, Texas, and author of many religious
books on, the fullness o f the Spirit and
Salvation -Healing C a m p a i g n w i t h of the affliction, through the power of light on the scriptures, which have been
God. a help .to thousands, did much of thc
Brothers Gordon Lindsay. and Alton , Muny testified, before the nzeeting clos- preaching. His inspiring and timely mes-
Hayes, in cooperation with the As- ed. t h a t they had passed tumors and can- sages proved such a great blessing to
sembly of God Church. cers after he prayed for them. Many all the people.
The people were eager for the re- came in wheel chairs and walking on Truly God has raised up Brother Alton
crutches who were enabled to go home Hayes, only 24 years old, and manifested
vival and n7e went to work preparing without needing either. COMPLETELY through him marvelous gifts of IIealing.
for it. HEALED B Y T H E POWER O F . G O D ! Discernment. hliracles, Knowledge and
Brother Cagels church and mine Most important of all, was the great Divine Wisdom. (I Corinthians 12:8-10).
will long be blessed from the results number saved, a s the penitents thronged These gifts of Discernment, I<nowledgc
the prayer rooms each night. and Wisdom, have been put into action in
of this revival, as well as the whole an unusual manner, during the last few
city of Checotah. NUMEROUS REVIVALS BRANCH years, to the great amazement and as-
During this meeting, we witnessed szich tonishment o f the people. Many a t first
outstanding miracles as: t h e blind receiv- OFF FROM LINDSAY-HAYES refused to believe, not being familiar
ing sight, t h e deaf hearing, t h e d i m b be- CAMPAIGN IN CHECOTAH with the Bible and knowing it a s one of
ing enabled t o speak, b y t h e miglctjl pow- Gods promises, but were convinced after
er of God! Cancers disa.ppeared and pass- ~ E. Cogle, Pustor.
f ? IV. a closer view and seeing this man of
ed .fronz the bodies of th.ose who w e r e Assembly nf God Churrh God tell each person in the prayer line.
prayed for! Checotali;,OC;lnhomn the status o f his ( o r her) health withoyt
A lady, who litid ticen Mind for 38 years, any knowledge of the person, his afflic-
ij,: received her sight and is now going about
telling her friends of the wonderful power W E WERE PRIVILEGED to have
Evangelists Gordon Lindsay and
tion. o r a prayer card. Szich diseases as
cancer, ulcers, heart trouble, arthritis and
I; 1 and love of God! Alton Hayes conduct a great Salva- many others were. revealed t o H i m b y
Gods power. Each person was asked i f
1; . One ladu. w h o had been deaf since she
was 7 ye& old, received her hearing! tion-Healing Campaign in the Checo- his revelation was true. They would con-
I Our hearts were thrilled by the pres- tah, Oklahqma, Union Tabernacle, firm it was and, i n most cases, testz-
1 ence and power of God, as we witnessed during the month of August, with . (Continued on Page Pi)
I ,I
#I 20 THE VOICE O F HEALING Octoher. 1933
FEATURED EVANGELISTS-Gordon Lindsay-Alton Hayes '
Our Diocuesions of
Contact: Rev. Ricardo Tanon Waxahachie, Texas .... January 17, 1954 912 Grand Ave:
- Phone ME-5-2383 Location: First Assembly of God Ypsilanti, Michigan .......:....:.....October 2'
Location: Assembly of Cod Churcli.
- . ~ t t r l- .~ e b . . Church, and Southwestern Bible
Institute Chapel Contact: J.H. Meppelink, P a s t o r , I
209 N. Wallace Blvd.
P. 0. Box 325, Jeffersonville, Indiana ' L. D. H A L L Monroe. Michigan............ November 3-6
Location: Assembly of God Churcli
. I.
Rev. R. L. Scharnick. 1227 N. 28th St. Contact: Norman D. Davidson. DAWDNUNN :
Phone WEst 3-5310 Box 2015 P. 0. Box 8736. Dallas, Texas
Philadelphia, Penna.........Oct. Il-Oct. 25 Portland 14, Oregon Kilgore, Texas .................... :..... Beg. Oct. .4
City Wide Campaign Philadelphia, Pennn ...:......... Nov. 17-26 .Area Wide Gospel Tent Campaign
.Location: Metropolitan Opera Bldg. Location: Highway Tabernacle Location: Henderson Blvd. (Hy. 26)
Broad Street at. Poplar Contact: Rcv. Wallace S.Bragg. Peterson Road
:.. Contact. Rev. Wallace S. Bragg 81.11 Eastern Ave.. Zone 1s Contact: Rev. H. E. Darnell; Phone 2769,
8111tEastern Ave.. Zone 18 : or Write P. 0. Box.32
Jacksonville; ~ l l.....................
r NOV. i i - 2 9 FER,N H U F F S T U T L E R Kilgore, Texas .
'I Location: Gator Bowl - .. 1151 pc'. Cheyenne, Tiilsa. Okla. Plainview, Texas ...............Noveniber 1
Contact: Rev. J.A. Cain, Rt. 10.
VELMER GARDNER . ' G A Y L E JACKSON Contact: Rev. Louie Shultz, Pastor
.Route 3, Box 504, Springfield, Mo. 46 I a r k St.. h'ew Orleans 24, La.
Houston, Texas ........ Beg. December S l -
North Hollywood, Calif................ Oct. 11 Dothan. Alabama ... Sept.. 6-October 18 Location: Magnolia Park Assembly
Gospel Tent Campaign . City-Wide Gospel Tent Campaign
79th and Baltimore ::
Location: 11.455 Burbank Blvd. Contact: Rev. Max McNabb. Contact: Rev. Eddie M. Yale's,
Contact: Rev. Emil Balliet ' Phone -3-4520 7817 Capitol Ave., Houston 11,.Texas :
. ' I ,
. . . . . . . .
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Sept. 24-Oct. 18 Contact: Rev. Harry J. Knisel, Pastor
Location: Assembly of God Church Full Gospel Church,
and Other location to be announced 1027 East McKinley St., Phoenix, h i e .
Milwaukee. Wisconsin ............ October 4 10 White Street, Phone 2-5764
Contact: Rev. Carl B. Johnson, . .
1018 Seymour ( F o r 3 weeks) Dallas, Texas. . . November 1
Minneapolis, M i . Oct. 26-Nov. 29 . Location: Milwaukee Auditorium Location: Oak Cliff Assembly of'God
Location: Full Gospel Temple, Contact: Rev. E. F. Lutz, Chm. 919 Morrell Ave.
2300 Bloomington Ave. 242 Elmwood Ave.. Oshkosh, Wisc. Contact: Rev. H. C. Noah, Pastor
TVH lists all information available concerning meeting schedules. If we show only one date regarding a campaign, that is the
beginning date-most campaigns run at least two weeks, or longer. Further informofion concerning date and location should
be secured by writing local pastors, or evangelists listed in our directory. NOTICE! TVH cannot assume the full responsibility of
directing people to these campaigns. Sometimes a meeting is cancelled or postponed, after our mogozine has gone to press.
(This applies to schedules on Page 26 also.)
EVANG. B . D. BENNETT was so swollen YOU could not see the EVANG. CLIFTON ERICKSON
ankle bone. The pain was almost unbear-
able. Toward evening the ankle turned
black and I was unable to bear my RHEUMATIC FEVER. GONE!
weight upon it.
My husband borrowed a set of crutches EAR .BROTHER ERICKSON:
for me to use to get to church, where On April 23, 1951, I was stricken
Brother Bennett and the Pastor, Sister with virus flu which r a n into rheumatic
Eva Bailey, prayed for me. A few min- fever. I spent over 12 weeks in bed, 47
utes later after they had prayed, Brother days of that time in the hospital.
Bennett took me by t h e hand and c o w On July 31, 1952,
nianded me t o rise, in t h e name of Jesus o u r p a s t o r . Rev.
Christ! 1 AROSE AND WALKED. AND Brannan. took me
Because of t h i s miracle a Sailor, who sons campaign in
was in the audience, came to the altar Eureka Springs.
and gave his heart to the Lord. Ark. I was soill I
I played the piano for the service that had to lay on a cot
night and carried my crutchei: home with during the service.
Ecnrigelist Bennett & Velnin Warrine!r not a sign of the affliction. I thank God Brother E r i c k s o n
that, through this miracle, a soul found prayed f o r me and
Christ! I have been perfect-
SPRAINED A N H E INSTANTLY Velma Warriner 111 healed since. I
HEALED AFTER PRAYER Palm City, Calif. gained back all the
Verification by Pastor Eva Bailey. weight I had lost
Palm City, California within one week after being prayed for.
I DO THANK GOD for His Wonderful
healing power! While Evangelist B. D.
Bennett was conducting a Salvation-
We have been blessed with a three week
revival with Evangelist B. D. Bennett.
Praise God f o r my deliverance! .
Divine Healing Campaign in the Assem- The Spirit of the Lord moved in our midst Yours in Christ,
bly of God Church in Imperial Beach, to save, heal and fill with the Holy Ghost. Ivalyn Sapp
California, I had the misfortune of turn- The healing of Velma Warriner was Cassville, Mo.
ing my ankle and tearing the ligaments the outstanding miracle of this meeting.
loose. Within a few minutes the ankle EVA BAILEY CONFIPlMED BY-Rev. W. E. Brhnnan
Pastor, Assembly of
/ God, CassSille. Mo.
EVANG. A . C. VALDEZ rector of the Clinic told me there was no
howe whatever. He could not begin to
MLIVERED OF CHRONIC T.B. treat me because my age was agaiGst me EVANG. STANLEY KAROL
(67 years),; my complaint was too long-
THROUGH PRAYER standing. However. he said, If y o u w e
alive a.t Christnius-we will t a k e nnotlter
AST YEAR, 1952, I was under doc-
L tors treatment for an aggravated
chest complaint, which no treatment
During October, 1!152, Rev. A . C. Vnl-
dez, J r . opened h i s c!r?npaign i n Brisbun.e,
seemcd to touch. It got worse through Austmlia. I went t o these services on the
invitation of a friend who attends Glad
thc winter months, and the doctor ad- Tidings Tabernacle, was prayed for, and
vised me to visit the Chest Clinic. I thank God that, f r o m last October
This I did in the first week of Septem- (19.52)t o this present clay, I ha.ve not.seen
ber. An X-ray was taken; the result a doctor nor tccken one dose of ?ned.icine!
I enclose a Medica! Certificate obtained
was bad. to prove my present condition. ,
Ten days later I was sent for again and Yours sincerely,.
another X-ray was taken. This time t h e 1Mrs. Minnie MacLeod .
w r d i c t W C I S Chronic Tiiberciilosis and I South Brisbane, Queensland,
was pronounced a hopeless case. The Di- &is tralia
[ T H E A B O V E TES-
I N TO U S B Y REV- Dear Rev. Karol:
SMITH, Pastor, Clad ..Y.-* .... -,n/a. A testimony of what Jesus has done for
Tidings T a I>c r n a cl e, 1 0 t h . Pebrunry, 195!. us; Praise His Name!
Barry Parade .- The At the Downers Grove, Illinois, meetings
Valley, Brisbane Aus- Dcar %-e ts!acLeod, I was prayed for for sinus trouble, hernia,
tralia. Me states: I am (which Id had for 17 years and wore a
sending you the en- The X-ray which you had taken o n 9 t h . February,
1953, shown t h a t the shadowe seen i n October, 1952, b v e belt for), and also tumors. I have never
closed testimony from a a l l been cleared. worn the belt since I was prayed for, The
Sister who roas prayed sinus is much better, and the backache
f o r in Brother Valdez I.would suggest a f u r t h e r X-ray i n s i x (6) months
a s a f u r t h e r check and y o u . w i l 1 be n o t i f i e d i n due cour8e of which bothered me so that I could hardly
Jr.s Campaign, rohen your appointment. lie imbed, has left me entirely.
he was here in Bris-
bane. I thought you Yours f a i t h f u l l y , My husband was healed of hernia also.
IGoUld like to publish it
f o r . which we Praise His Holy Name!
i n T H E V O l C E OF biis Kinnie V. ILacLeod.
L AST YEAR resulted in the worst trakc pany engineers declared the machine has earthquake in Greece. At the present time ,
toll in history with 37,600 deaths and a maximum accuracy of one part in three Ionian Sea island cities of ancient
2,090,000 injuries, according to insurance 1,000,000. I t can perform 10,000 additions Greek memory' have been wiped out by a
company figures. Speed was the principal per second. The analyzer has been de- series of quakes which are still continuing
cause of accidents accounting for 609,410 signed chiefly to solve complicated differ- ,day.and night. Three 'whole islands have
casualties. Three out of four accidents in- ential equations, which is a mathematical been rocked and devastated. The cities of
volved passenger cars traveling in clear way to express the relationship between Argostolios, 10,000 population, and Zakyn-
weather on dry roads. Nine out of ten ve- variables in physical situations. thos, 11,315, and Samis, 15,000, have been
hicles in accidents were in apparently Housed in a cabinet 38xi2x90 inches destroyed. Witnesses reaching the main-
good condition before they crashed. This called the "brain box," the device literally land told of house-sized boulders crushing
shocking report gives the 1952 story "eats" differential equations through a se- buildings as though they had been match-
briefly but reveals the trend of the day- ries of electrical impulses. The results boxes and describing pathetic scenes of-
speed and carelessness. What a striking are returned automatically to an electrical parents searching in the .rubble for miss-
fulfillment of N a h u m 2:3, 4, a prophecy typewriter, or they can be revealed graph- ing children. It is believed that more than
for the last days: ically in char1 form. Cost of the analyzer 1000 dead and 120,000 homeless comprise
"The chariots (autos) shall be with is $57,500. The "increase of knowledge" in' the toll at the time of this writing. An in-
flaming torches (bright headlights) in the the last days is given as a sign of the sec- creasing number of earthquakes, and of
day of his preparation.. . the chariots ' ond coming of Christ (DanFl 12:4). increasing intensity, throughout the world
shall rage (be driven carelessly) in the * * * . . will continue until the appearance of
streets, they shall justle one against an- UNITED STATES O F EUROPE Christ, and then -the greatest earthquake
other (collide) in the broad ways: they Foreign ministers of six continental na- of all time will take place shortly after- . .
shall seem like torches, they shall run like tions met in Baden Baden, Germany, in ward. The prophecy concerning. earth-
the lightnings (excessive speed) ." August, to examine the project for creat- quakes in the last days is found in Mat-. .
, * * * * * ing a United States of Europe, and tenta- thew 24:7.
ELECTRIC BRAIN tively decided to drive toward a final
* * * * *
Complex enginecring'and scientific prob- agreement on a constitution in September. POLITICAL UKKEST
lems, which often take scores of experts Ministers of France, West Germany, Italy, An estimated 4,000,000 Frenchmen,. in-
months to solve, can be finalized in sec- Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxem- cluding 'some workers i n private indus-
onds by a new electronic "brain" that has bourg took a hard look at the 116 article tries, defied the government in-a general ,
recently been demonstrated. The machine, draft constitution to weld their 150,000,003 strike that threatened to explode into vio-
known oficially .as a Decimal Digital Dif- people into a confederation. There are lence, according to. reports at 'th'e. time of
ferential Analyzer, is the first unit of its many problems to be .solved but the trend this writing. Strike fever continues to
type to be manufactured in the United in Europe today is definitely in the direc- mount as everyone seems to be 'getting
States, according to R. E. Sprague, vice- tion of bringing about an alliance of na- into the act. The strike is intended to ex- .
president of the Computer Research Cor- tions within the boundary of the old press disapproval of government plans to -
poration, builder of the analyzer. Roman Empire, to be under the control of lop off excess help and- boost the retire-
Unlike other electrical computing de- one political head or body, as prophccied ment age. Such unrest is revealed as a
vices, the decimal digital analyzer has in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13. sign of the last days. See Luke 21:28, 26.
French Morocco E,OOO Center Column references people that were therein, how I,SISVIII : war,
they dwelt careless, after 'the %'.''! of D
manner of the Zi-dGni-gns, quiet ~ 2 i , ~the~ ~ . ~ ~
NOW ONLY $-11.95 Page size 8; x S t in. ,
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I. TIIE WORLI) TdlBAY s. sEinioss oi'- i o n - ALEXANDER no\vib;
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~ ~ w. ~ KAROL, ~ - . B ............ ~ $1.00
E.' God of Miracles-By VELMER GARDNER................ ............................ $1.00
~ N. Christ's Deliverance for Soul and Body-By W. B. McKAY .................... $1.00
F. The World's. Meanest Thief-By VELMER GARDNER ................................ ..25 0. I Saw the Lord-By WILBUR OGILVIE. . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . ...S .25
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H. ,Spiritual Gifts and How to Receive Them-By W. V. GRANT................. 1.00 Q. The Harvest Coll-By T. 1. OSBORN. .... ............................. 1.oo
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_. October, 1953
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The Voice of Healing, Box 8658, Dallas, Texas
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0 From Heaven or of men
I, -3 By Gordon Lindsay L .
I, ..
1- .
I s this the time of thc "FALLING AWAY," or is a RE-
VIVAL prophetically possible?
Has this rcvival been foreseen?
I s a "new doctrine" being preached?
Why do some oppose healing revivals?
Is it scriptural to accept challenges?
How many are healed in the prayer lines?
Why doesn't every sick person get healed?
Why isn't healing always instant?
Did any Christ prayed for lose their healing?
Why do some evangelists rebuke the devil in praying for
the sick?
Can a man who prays for the sick and gets results be out
Scripture texts
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