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T H,E U - 0 . 1 C ' 0 i952
-_ Photographs from WORLD-WIDE PHOTOS
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. - - I
fore, God had made known to him TVH a t its present circulation i s reaching d From the beginning TVH has encour-
that a great revival of supernatural .haft a million people monthly, not including those aged the recognition of the essential unity
power was to be in these last
between Spirit-filled p e o p 1 e of all
days. in the year 1947, the Lord
~%?~~$elists have preached to audiences churches. This has had practical fulfill-
of 75,000 to 100,OOO i n size-perhaps the largest
showed him that this time had come. God evangelical audiences in history. These audiences
ment in two ways, ~h~ first is, that the
was beginning to raise up men with an have been documented by actual photographs. evangelists of various Organizations have
*. When T V H goes into the mails each month, becmme- associates in. TVH. Second, the
power. If - it becomes the greatest single effort in the dis- campaigns ,of the evangelists in many
was the privilege of the editor to be per- tribution of Full Gospel literature in the world.
have included ministers and people
rnitted in the Providence of God to or- This one mailing includes 3 million pages or be-
ganize the first of the great citywide cam- tween four and five billions of words. In one year
from organizations. TVH has
paigns which have ,brought this message of time this represents enough paper to girdle the ways stood behind the local pastors, be-
continent from S a n Francisco to New York. lieving that any revival that does not bless
of deliverance to millions of people. TVH has by means of photograPhs and the local churches has little value. TVH
THE VOICE OF HEALING 1s B O W documentation, proven that many miracles of
rn ~ ~ ~1948, i l the
, first issue of TVH healing of total blindness, total deafness, crippled
condition from birth, cancer, and T. 0. are taking
is proud of the confidence that has been
built up. Many churches handle TVH in '
came off the Press. It was a modest little place. Perhaps the most striking of these miracles their services, and even districts have used
paper of eight pages. The second issue was the instant healing of Congressman Upshaw, TVH as a of opening up new
,,,as increased to twelve pages. But no who had been on crutches for nearly sixty years.
to the Of the
Governor Talmadge of Georgia said before s-;:
Sooner this Off the press than the era^ thousand people,"surely this is a miracle. Schools use TVH books i n their study
entire responsibility of printing the maga- T V H gives a free subscription t o all mission-
zine, by circumstances beyond anyone's d e s . Any not receivjng may send their names
One of TVH's most important features
contml,'was lift to the editor and assist-
ants. At first thought it necessary
into our office.
TVH is a religiousnon-profit
which is maintained solely for the spreading of
has been its emphasis on world evangeli-
zation by healing and miracles. TVH
to suspend publication. However, after the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i , evangelists have gone to many ,countries
much prayer and waiting On wc DO not let your subscription expire! of the world, and almost without excep-
felt that God would have us continue. Renew Now. tion they have drawn crowds from a few
Almost immediately God began raising thousand up to one hundred thousancl.
up others with healing ministries in other
This has been true in localities where
parts Of the nation* Without planning it Some of the miracles of healing have in- great opposition has been previous]y man-
that but through the volved men of high position. The do&- ifested against missionary effort. The re-
leadings Of Divine P'vvidence~ these men mentation has, been of such'a nature as to sults of these revivals have been so great ,
came to be associated with THE . confound and silence modernism and un- that missionary officials in Some areas
' OF HEALING. belief. While opposition to the ministry have expressed their beliefs that the salva-
TVHS IN THE PRESENT of healing h a been discredited in the eyes tion-healing revivals will revolutionize
WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL of the people, yet the-happiest result has the entire evangelistic technique of mis-
'"e not attempt to the part been the convincing of multitudes of sionav effort in the future.
that this publication has played in the people, and not a few who previously TVH has sent out many thousands of
developing revival which has come to
opposed, of the reality of G & Y power
~ to free copies of the magazine in foreign
world-wide proportions,. except to men- heal today.
tion that TVH has come to be regarded fields to the poor, and the sick and to
as the main voice of the world-wjde salva- . TVH HAS BEEN A RALLYING workers. Hundreds of free subscri.ptions
tion healing revival, and at least has been POINT have been sent to missionaries and any
SO considered by most of the outstanding History has shown that Satan has 'al- missionW writing in Will be *Put on
.e\rangelists on the field. Through its wide ways attempted to foment opposition TVH's list.
circulation millions have learned about against any great revival. He has always What has been the result of .all' this?
the revival and multitudes have been led been defeated when the people of God Perhaps the secular magazines can answer
to Christ as well as having been healed stand together against the opposition. In this better than any one. They have ex-
in their bodies. the interest of safeguarding and strength- pressed their opinion that the revivals of
1 DOCUMENTATION OF THE ening this unity, TVH has provided a the present time are greater than any that
MIRACLES rallying point and a defense h d by build- have touched America in a hundred years.
One of the great services of TVH has ing up confidence has made the way sub- Great evangelists have appeared from
been to give absolute documentation of stantially easier for evangelists laboring in time to h e , but never before have scores
I the great miracles that have taken place. these great revivals. of evangelists succeeded in drawing vasi
crowds in every part of the nation. the magazine in the Dallas area, it was therefore are askins our waders at this
. TVH MOVES TO DALLAS decided that this city would be the .best time to pray definitely for us that every .
So large has become the wqrk of TVH place to build. Moving to. this community problem associated in this move shall bc
that it became necessary to have its own has been a difficult task: and the cost.of taken, care of, We know God wili'not fail
buiIding. Because it was necessary to print the building has been w r y great. W e us, and thank you.
Continually growing. TVH soon became too large for the cramped quarters in Shreveport. At last it was de- .
cided necessary to find new quarters in a central location. The pictures above show the new and spacious
building for T V H offices, and an artist's conception drawn from plans.
person in the time of crisis very little. sermons on the subject of faith and heal-
Then too, many religious books are not ing, we have published THE JOHN LAKE DEATH has been prepared t o mebt that
books of faith, and have no practical mes- SERMONS and THE SERMONS O F JOHN
sage for the Christian in his hour of need. ALEXANDER DOWIE. The letters. we
Are the books in your library books of have received commending these books en-
faith that will benefit and bless your house- courages us to believe that many haye re- need and is j u s t the book to give to a per-
hold? ceived healing through reading them, son needing salvation or to a new convert.
THE VOICE O F HEALING, recognizing Other books have been published to meet Four biographies have been prepared.
the great need of faith-building literature, a specific purpose. AMAZING DISCOVER- (Continued on Page 23)
by Gordon Lindsay
Testimonies from Jack C o e Meetings ........................................................................... 20
Gayle Jackson, 46 Lark St., New Orleans, La. ,
U. S. Jaeger, Box 511, Mirror Lake, Wash.
Prophecy Marches O n ....................................................................................................... :.22 0. L. Jaggers, Dexter,.Mo. I
Richard Jeffery, 6590 Hessel Road, Sebastopal, j
Gordon Lindsay Editor T H E VOICE O F HEALING Thea-F. Jones, Box 451, Cleveland, Tenn.
Associate Directors P U B L I S H E D MONTHLY S. W. Karol, 4235 Bennington St.. Philadelphia
. 24, Penn.
Gordon Lindsay, Jack Coe, Gayle Jackson, Subscription Rate-10 Months . . . . . . . . . .$1.00
Velmer Gardner, L. D. Hall, Raymond T. Canada and Foreign-10 Months ........$1.50 Orrin Kingsriter, Paynesville, Minn.
Richey, William Branham. Single Copy (Current Issue) ...............$ .15 Herbert H. Leonard, Box 1372, Waco, Texas.
- Rolls . o f 10 .............................................. $1.00 Gordon Lindsay, c/o Voice of Healing, Dallas,
Rolls o f 50 .................................. ...$5.00 Texas.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS Warren L. Litzman, 1540 Lyle Ave., Waco,
A. A. Allen Gayle Jackson Single B a c k Copies .......................... $ .25
F. F. Bosworth 0. L. Jaggers Entered as second-class matter June .30, Harvey McAlister, 380 Riverside Dr., 4-Dy,
William Branham Harvey McAlister 1952 at Dallas, Texas. New York City 25. N. Y .
Jack Coe Louise Nankivell W. B. McKay, Box 1546, Orlando, Fla.
Clifton Erickson . Wilbur Ogilvie S. K. Mabry, 2203 N. 3rd, Sedalia, Mo.
Velmer Gardner T. L. Osborn Stanley MacPherson, 5009 Hope Ave., Ashta-
W. V . Grant Raymond T. Richey WEstbrook 6366 bula, Ohio.
Dale Hanson A. C. Valdez, Jr. Michael Mastro, Route 3, Box 177-A, N. Ft.
H. E. Hardt Richard Vinyard ~~ ~ ~
Myers, Fla.
F e r n Huffstutler Mildred Wicks Please notify us of change of address, Owen. Murphy, 403 . W . 118th, Hawthorne,
Doyle Zachary giving both old and new addresses. Address Calif.
S P E C I A L CORRESPONDENTS all mail to: Louise Nankivell, 900 N. Karlov Ave., Chicago,
Donald Gee David du Plessis T H E VOICE O F HEALING Ill.
Howard Rusthoi Box 8658, Dallas, Texas Wilbur Ogilvie, Rt. 4, Box 190a, Turlock, Calif.
T. L. Osborn, Box 4231, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Russell Park,. 9 15 Highland Ave., San Antonio,
219 MARY ST.
We have arranged for those livin in countries whe;.e BALSALL HEATH, Everett B. Parrott, Box 788, Portland. 7, Ore.
En lisb money is used to obtain T a e Voice of Healing Homer Peterson, 2844 Oleander. Ave., Ft.
and Gordon Lindsay books from the follow~ng: BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND
Myers, Fla.
-~ ~ ~
Monica, Calif.
A. C. Valdez, Jr., 3817 No. Central, Phoenix,
Richard R. Vinyard. 7817 W. 81st St., Over-
DECEMBER 9-10-1 1 1952 land Park, Kansas.
William A. Ward, Box 675, Tulsa, Okla.
Fair Park Auditorium Dallas, Texas
L Mildred Wicks, Box 7334, Dallas, Texas.
Doyle Zachary, Box 333, Greenville, S. C.
date and locatlon should be secured by writing focal pastors, or evangelists Ii.sted In our directory. NOTICE! TVH
cannot assume the full responsl6llity of directing people io :these campalgns. Sometlmes a meetlngiss~can'ielled'or , .
postponed affer our magazine has'gone fo press'; . . . '. . .. ........
. . . . . . ,.: -. :;, i-
' I ,L
.. ,, ;,. . , *,l.. . 1 ' . ,".. . I..? .:!;;:,% r,. :4::,fl ' , *. .'
'THE VOICE OF HEALSG October,'1952 5
CHRISTIAN HOME SPARED as we read in the good book in Psalm 34:17
The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and
The evenine before the renairs actuallv be-
gG,-the cold-blast was-still blowing; bui ON
FROM CITYS JUDGMENT delivereth them out of all their troubles. THAT DAY A SOUTH WIND BLEW, AND
(Taken from a Dutch paper Het Volle THE WEATHER WAS SO MILD THAT NO
(As told in a Norwegian Church Paper 1 Licht and carried over into English by E. S.
Dudman Ste-Agathe, Man., Canada.
0 N JANUARY 23, 1914, in Alesund,
Norway, a man named Gunnar Bal-
dur, age 56,a just and upright living man
was alone in his home when suddenly BLANKET OF SNOW
there shone a bright light onhim and on QUENCHES FOREST FIRE
looking up he saw a bright shining Angel
standing before him! On gaining his com- I N the Black Hills of South Dakota near
the town of Hot Springs raged a forest
posure, he asked, What is it Lord? fire in the year 1929 or 1630. Day after day
The Angel then told him why he had come- the men and boys of the town fought the
That because of. the great sinfulness of the fire with no appreciable results. On return-
people of Alesund, God would lay the place in ing from church on Sunday, I was invited to
ashes! But he, Baldur, and his wife, had found visit with the women while the men of the
grace in Gods sight, and both of them would tuwn went again to fight the fire. I did not
be protected and escape the destruction com- feel led to go to anyones house, but said that
ing on the town. The conditions were that they I would stay at home and pray. My sister
were both to stay indoors, and not to move any and I prayed in the afternoon and at evening
goods out of the house! If the would obey, time there was still the forest fire, which
they would suffer no loss in the Last. had not diminished to any extent, in spite
When the Angel had told him all this he of the fact there was an unusual number of
asked Baldur if he would believe God and men who had worked hard all afternoon as
stay in the house and do as he was told! Baldur they were off from work that day, it being
said with trembling voice that he would obey Sunday. They felt they had not accomplish-
and d o . as told! Then the Angel said, The ed anything by their efforts and returned
Lord Bless Thee, and Keep Thee! and then to their homes discouraged and tired.
disappeared. The next morning upon awaking and look-
Afterwards when his wife came in the house, ing out of the window, a greet feeling of
he told her of his strange visitor, even an thankfulness to Almighty God swept over
Angel, who had brought a terrible message! my heart. It was not the time for snow, but
When told what the message had been she during the night a thin blanket of snow had
became very frightened; yet after a little while, fallen softly and the forest fire was no more.
ahe $so promised to stay in the house with By: Luella L. Baker
him. Arlington 1, Virginia
Then the following-night at 2:15 a.m. there
broke out over Alesund a mighty thunderstorm
with the lightning-fire covering the ground in ORPHANS ESCAPE COLD
all directions and in a little while there were
hundreds of dwellings going up in flames. The AS WARM WINDS BLOW
Fire Brigade was helpless; they couldnt do a
)thing; the flames licked up everything in their T H E STORY of George Muller is well
.path galloping along the streets in a wild orgy; known. Through faith alone he receiv-
then suddenly parted in four or five directions,
and so went over the whole town. ed over seven million dollars to support
, While this was going on, and homes on every thousands of orphans in his orphan houses
side were going up in flames, the wife got near Bristol, England. One instance of a
frightened,and before she knew what she was remarkable answer to prayer occurred in
. doing she was carrying things out of the house! November, 1857.
It didnt seem humanly.possible that anything
whatsoever could withstand so great inferno, It was found that a serious leak in the boiler
or destruction; but everything that was carried of the heating apparatus of house No. 1 would
make repairs at once necessary, and as the boil- selves together to escort Brother Lake from
out went up in, flames. But their home, in the each meeting to his home.
midst of that terrible blaze, wasnt damaged in ers were encased in bricks and a new boiler
the least; even as the Angel had promised might be required, such repairs must consume I n one of the meetings in the church, a man
Baldur. .., , time. Meanwhile how could these three hun- rushed to the front under mighty conviction
A n d while the fire was eating u p everything dred children, some of them very young and of sin, pulled out a gold watch and a handful
around their home, Baldur was reading the tender, be kept warm? Even if gas stovescould of money, scattering it in all directions calling
91st Psalm, in his Bible. A n d the Lord made be temporarily set up, chimneys would be need-
.that Psalm come really true to them there for ed to carry off the impure air; and no way o f a Station Master on the Railway, and this wac
they*weie kapt unharmed.and safe in the midst heating was available during repairs, even if a property left on trains which he had confis-
j of ,that,te:rible visitation aria destruction! hundred pounds were expended to prevent risk cated. He, too, was gloriously saved and bap
of cold. Mr. Miller turned to the Living God, tized with the Holy Ghost before he rose from
: Eleven.thousand out of a total of 13,000 his knees that night.
and trusting in Him, decided to have the re-
population were without a place to live in for pairs begun. A day or so before the fires had
their homes had gone up in flames. I n that One night a hypnotist came forward and
to be put out, a bleak north wind set in. The challenged Brother Lake declaring that Brother
,same,-night883homes were destroyed. work could no longer be delayed; yet weather,
I The newspapers came out .with astonishing prematurely cold f o r the season, threatened
headlines wondering how it Was ossitile that these hundreds o f children with hurtful expos-
;this,house alone had escaped.the efements in so ure. The Lord was boldly appealed to. Lord,
great a catastrophe and had come through these are T H Y orphans: be pleased to change
:without any aamage whatsoever! this north wind into a south wind, and give the
: This man Baldur, is a God-fearing clean liv- workmen a mind to work that the job may be
ing man; and it came to pass in h s l i e even speedily done.
I . I _ _ . .. . . - . . ._
meeting was in progress shouting, brandish- along the lines of startling incidents in- particles of flesh or a mere atom of blood
ing sticks, and throwing stones on the roof. All volving unusual answers to prayer. His- fell, that person instantly was made per-.
inside began to pray for protection and for the fectly whole.
disturbance to cease, and one of the believers torical incidents of Divine providence
The people were dropping their crutches
present had a vision of a cordon of angels right involving noted characters o f history and walking about demonstrating their heal-.
around the house. Very soon the disturbers welcomed. Give source of information ings. Here was the BODY BROKEN AND
left. of such incidents. THE BLOOD S H E D FOR T H E I R HEAL-
Mrs. H. L. Rennie ING. The pieces of chopped out flesh were
P. 0.Box 77 2. Articles should not exceed 600 flying about too.
Somerset East, Cape Province, words. The smallest molecule was charged with
South Africa 3. M u s t b e t . y p e w r i t t e n d o u b l e power t o heal. When i t is remembered t h a t
(This letter is from a lady in South Africa spaced. Jesus took 39 stripes, and the amount of
whose family was an eye-witness t o these re- plowing H e suffered, you can realize the
markable incidents. T h e story of J o h n G. Lake 4. Manuscripts cannot be returned. healing power which will yet flow from that
is told in our two books THE J O H N G.L A K E flogging.
5. W e reserve the right to publish Henry Gallers
OF J O H N G. L A K E , obtainable from our of- or not to publish. Wanganui, New Zealand
fice for $1.00 each.) 6. Upon publication, we will give
writer a choice of any book we have
STATE-W IDE PRAYER in stock as a gift. Writer should notify GIRL RECEIVES HEALING
About two months ago, my little girl who
D URING THE spring of 1946 the
State of Arizona was faced with a
severe drouth. Becoming burdened in this
is six years old, took very sick one morning.
Her face began to swell up and she had a
matter, we sent a telegram to Governor BOY OBSERVES STRIPING high fever. Her whole body seemed swollen.
She began to break out with red spots. The
Sidney P. Osborn asking him to s e t . a OF JESUS IN VISION doctor told us that she had an infected strep
day for the people of Arizona to pray for throat, but I thought perhaps it was measles.
N A P R I L 25, 1952 some believers were Her body seemed to be burning up with fever
rain. This proclamation was sent to the and she could hardly move or raise her head.
Arizona papers. having a tarry meeting in Wanganui,
New Zealand. The ministry had been con- Some Christian friends and myself had been
Whereas Arizona is undergoing a period of cerning the Holy Spirit. It had been brought praying for her most of the day. I n the even-
serious drouth as a result of which our state out that there was no teacher like the Holy ing my husband went to see Rev. Lenard Dar-
and its inhabitants are faced with a threat-
ened shortage of water which is the very life
blood of our stqte, and whereas because we
Spirit. H e alone searched out the deep
things o f God and revealed them unto us.
bee, w h o was at one time the
large Baptist church in Seattle, E or of a
he had
received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and
are childien o f God, it is but natural that in
A young lad of 16, who had been baptized
in the Spirit a few weeks before was present. was at that time holding revival services in a
times of crises, we offer prayer t o him who i s Full Gospel Church. H e prayed for her and
our Father, for surcease of our distress.
The Spirit came down in a very precious
manner and joy was flowing in a large meas- left, and there was no apparent change.
Now therefore, I, Sidney P. Osborn, Gov- ure. This lad did n o t seem t o be entering into Zn the middle of the night, howeuer, Z was
ernor, d o hereby designate Sunday, May the joy and his mother noted how white in awakened by the touch of a hand. 1 thought
twenty-sixth, 1946, as a day of prayer for rain, the face he looked. thrrt it was one of the children, but 1 looked
on which date I urge all Arizonians in the I t so happened that he had a vision of the t o find them both sleeping soundly. Z had just
churches of their respective faiths, o r in the striping of Jesus. Thats why he .wasnt so laid back down when my little girl awakened,
privacy of their homes, t o humbly petition the joyful. It appears that he saw the Lord tied and sat up in bed and asked if sbs could have
Almighty Father, in his wisdom, t o consider up, hanging by the the wrists, with H i s feet something t o eat. (She hadnt been able to
our plea for life-giving rains, to replenish our barely touching the ground. H e saw the eat thing up t o that time.) Z took her out to
reservoirs and revitalize our land. jailer (that is what he called the man who the light and looked at her, and she was back
Signed Sidney P. Osborn, sealed with the( was flogging Jesus) give Him just ONE t o normal except for spots o n her body.)
great seal of the State o f Arizona. BLOW with the whip. The swelling and spots had left her face, and
That Sunday it began to rain and there H e always had the. idea khat because the fever was gone. She sat at the table in the
were rains all through the summer. Reservoirs Jesus wasmeek, H e was rather a frail look- middle of the night and ate as tho she had
which were just mud holes, again became lakes. ing -man. B u t the back and shoulders of never been sick. Altho it was about 8 or
This proves what our God will do when we Jesus were massive and muscular. The one 9 days before all the spots left her body, she
call on him, and I wish that we might persuade blow that H e received cut a great furrow. was completely healed. I believe that a
our President to call a time of prayer for our -It chopped out flesh as well as scattered Heavenly Being touched and awakened me at
nation, for we face a national crisis. blood. the moment of her healing.
Rev. James Drury The lads previous knowledge of the strip- Mrs. L. W. Dolan \
Box 62-B, Route 1 ing was not very advanced. H e went down -
2402 4th St. N. .
Coolidge, Arizona. t o pray without any idea of the ,striping in St. Petersburg, Florida
.; !
,4 , I _. :
GOD (exact Greek translation) For verily I say unto you, that
. .
shall come to pass,
,. ?
1. . i
OR YEARS, as I read the scrip- go, people would believe when I prayed
A young man wondered what had become
of the power of G o d in the lives of Chris-
F tures and studied them, I wonder-
ed what had become of the power of
and He would heal them.
I well knew the,voice of God, for I had
heard it many times in the past years in
tians-then he learned the answer. God as manifested in the lives of the His ministry, in my call t o preach His
Disciples. Word, to build a church and a parsonage
When I was saved, the thing t h a t ap- and to give when He wanted something of
pealed to me most was the ministry of de- my life. I was sure! There was now no
liverance and healing. doubt in my mind. I knew it was God! I
I sought all the information I could ob- slept no more t h a t day, but pondered these
tain from older brethren. However, when I things and wondered how i t would all be-
expressed my feeling and desires, I was gin ?
told t o be cautious, t h a t I would destroy The next Sunday morning on my way to
my ministry, if I became too strong on di- church the Lord told me to tell my people
vine healing. . what had happened. That morning I
preached on healing and told my congrega-
SOFT PEDAL HEALING tion what the Lord had revealed to me. I
Therefore, listening to those whom I h a d - then prayed f o r the sick and many were
counselled with, I put on a soft pedal and healed by His power. From t h a t day on,
taught it only as a believers privilege. But, God began t o move in my life. Doors opened
being stirred as I read the Word, time everywhere. From June through September
came ,when I had a nervous breakdown and, I was kept busy preaching in local churches
on visiting a physician, was told t h a t only praying for the sick, and seeing God heai
a six months rest could help me. them. The first stone blind man I ever
Since I had no money and was unable prayed f o r was healed on the spot and still
t o preach or work, I threw myself on the sees today. Praise God!
mercy of God and, in desperation, sought LOVED H I S CHURCH
His face and He healed me. Within three . I was very happy in my church, loved my
weeks time I had the best health I had had people and had no thought of leaving them.
in years. However, as time went on, I found However, on my vacation I went East for a
myself hungry for more of Gods t r u t h and revival with old friends of mine, never
power, but could find no one who could thinking God was leading me out to the
teach me properly. evangelistic field.
I then heard of Reverend William Bran- I n the third week of t h a t meeting Christ
ham, was shocked at the statements made \again appeared to me, in person, and asked
about him, and staggered at the thought me if I would go to the Eastern p a r t of the
of seeing anything like it! Yet had such a United States and minister for Him. I did
burning desire t o see it. I was invited 40 not want t o give up my church and told
co-operate with one of his meetings, his Him how dearly I loved my people. He then
first visit to Kansas City: Needless to say, said, Would yeu love these people for me,
I was glad t o be invited. as you love your church? I answered, I
When I saw the power of God so mar- dont know anyone out here, and no one
velously manifested through his life, I said knows me. He replied, I set before you
t o myself, I have always believed this is a n open door, and no man can close it.
the y,ay it should be and t h a t this is Gods With tears streaming down my face I
plan. . said, Yes, anything Lord, anything!
TEEN-AGE COMMENTS I wondered what my wife would say
REV. VINYARD I then cried out t o God to forgive me of when I told her what had happened but,
+, my shortcomings and t o heal my body of before I could tell her anything, she came
other afflictions, as I believed! God healed t o me and said, God has called you to leave
me again. Praise His name Forever! your church, and to give your life to the
The thing t h a t stirred me most was on healing ministry!
Sunday morning when I was visiting the INVITED TO SPEAK
departments of my Sunday School and The next day we were visited by a Dean
overheard my teen-age boys talking of of a Bible school and invited to speak at a
Brother Branhams ministry and I stopped, convention. I made no promise but said I
where.they could not see me, and I listened would pray about it.
WHEN to learn what impression the meetings were
making on my boys.
After much praise of Brother Branham
I waited upon God and He said, Go!
With fear and trembling, I obeyed. The
principal speaker was asked to step aside
and his work, one of the boys said, I be- and give me the meeting. Graciously, he
lieve Brother Vinyara can do the same! did so. I felt embarrassed, but God said, I
Isnt he Gods servant too ?I am with you!
CHRIST That cut my heart. I could no longer
stand on the sideline an! listen. I went in
among them t o face their feelings. One of
From the first night God did p e a t and
mighty things in answer to prayer. The
convention closed and I went back to my
I them challenged me with the words, Why
dont you do these things? Dorit you be-
church, after a months absence, to tell
them of the great results and t o Praise
lieve in Christ too? God.
I made a confession t h a t day t h a t was I was home only two days when I re-
hard to make but honest. I was not where
ceived a call from New York City. I then
I should be with God, was the only answer did not know a soul in New York and
I could find. On one side I faced he Word;
thought, Who can t h a t be? It was a pas-
on the other side, lives which I was to in-
0 fluence. I asked them to pray f o r me, as I
tor whom I<had never met, inviting me for
a meeting. I hardly knew what to say. But
intended t o meet the conditions. One of my
I again heard the Lord say, This is an
boys said, I know you will,I .make it. He open door. Therefore, I accepted the in-
had confidence in me. c vitation and, from t h a t day t o this, God
I was deep in thought and concern for has confirmed His promise, performing all
.. days after.. . . .., 1
manner of great miracles and healing8
FELT DISSATISFIED wherever I have ministered, whether in
Two months passed with seeming fruit- large or small churches.
lessness and I again became restless and HE I S THE SAME, YESTERDAY, TO-
dissatisfied with my ministry, feeling t h a t I DAY. AND FOREVER!
was a complete failure. We have seen thousands come to Christ,
In June of t h a t year, God awakened me and find Him as their personal Saviour
one morning at four oclock, and began ti, and Baptizer and churches have been
speak t o me. He told me He had seen the brought into .existence, as a result of my
longing of my heart all those years and answering the call from God.
. . .that, fro,m ,$hat day, on He would give me TO HIM BE ALL THE GLORY-FOR-
a ministry of healing-and wherever.1 should EVER!
the healing line for some other conditions
in my body. When my turn came I handed
Bro. Erickson my card on which I had listed
three things I wanted him to pray for. He
read the card and said, DO you have the
headache now? I replied that I did so h e
prayed for it, and it immediately left. He
looked at my card again and said, Now,
we will pray for this next thing. A s he
what Bro. Branham had but I didnt want testified to their healing. I thought, here My Word they have Iegendized
all that fanaticism with it. is where I put the fleece out, Ill find out And sold like common merchandise.
I called my wife a cheap Pentecostal and if this thing is of God, so I prayed, God,
whenever I yielded to her wish and took if Bro. Erickson calls on me, Ill take it as Rationally they tell men to pray,
her to a full Gospel Church, I would stub- a token that you want me to seek the Bap-
bornly sit in my seat while she went to tism of the Holy Ghost. I was sure I was And fail to warn them of their way.
the altar to pray. (God forgive me.) on the safe side but no sooner had I prayed Pray, pray, if all men pray
In April 1951 we learned that Reverend than Bro. Erickson said, Brother, did you Yef turn not from sin away.
Clifton Erickson was conducting a Salvation feel the power of God in your body? I had
Divine Healing Campaign in the Full Gos- my head bowed but I knew he was looking Such prayers end where they begin,
pel Tabernacle, Kansas City, Kansas. Rev- a t me so I glanced up. He said, Yes, I
erend U. s. Grant is the pastor. We began mean you. You had arthritis didnt you? / favor not the sin of men.
attending and were so thrilled a t what God I answered that I did..He ask me to come Wickedness will destroy the wicked,
was doing that we missed only one night to the front and give my testimony which its written.
in 3 weeks, which meant a round trip of I did. The wages of sin is death tis certain.
almost 150 miles every night. I returned to my seat and.sat down but
One evening as we were on our way to God reminded me I had made a bargain
services I said to my wife, I dont believe with him. He had kept his part and I must I ordained men holy forever,
in this idea o f - t h e Baptism of the Holy keep mine. I had put the,.:fleece out before But sin has this bond severed.
Spirit but if God has it for me I want it. God. He had answered so there was nothing Believe my Word, receive salvation,
Some night when the power of God is pres- for me to do but go through with my part. Trust not in denomination.
ent in a very outstanding way Im going I went up to Bro. Grant and told him of
to go in to the prayer room and see what the bargain I had made with God. We went
happens. (Little did I realize how soon to the prayer room where we sat down and How can men hear my Word and heed,
things would happen or what the result talked. I told him I couldnt understand the That give ear only to mortals creed?
would be.) idea of the baptism-had preached against It is written, Let G o d be true,
That night Bro. Erickson said, You folks it-but if i t was for me I wanted it. He My Word alone will endure.
can be healed right out there in the audi- took his Bible and showed me some scrip-
ence if you will just believe God. He said tures and told meto pray that God would
f o i a l l to stand and f o r those who wanted have His way. The longer I prayed the I have spoken and cannot lie,
healing for their body to raise their hands greater grew the longing in my heart for The soul that sins, that soul must die.
and he would pray for their healing. (This more power from God, until I found myself Flee, my sons, this wrath foretold,
was just what I wanted. I wanted healing praying for the Baptism. I was confessing Believe, repent, and save your soul.
but I didnt want to humble myself to go to God how I had opposed mywife and
through the prayer line with those fana- children in their desire for those things,
Chile Government.)
In this country, of customs and tra-
ditions wholly Spanish, which has in-
Gospel On herited from the dead Spanish empire
a religion as dead as her past gran-
deur, but powerful still because of its
Two Continents money and political influence, this
year a spiritual movement of such propor-
tions was observed, that f o r national so-
cjety i t had characteristics of a real dim-
From Chile to Kansas This spiritual earthquake had the power
t o unite the up until now divided hosts of
The Gospel of Christ the Protestant Churches in Chile and. the
streets and parks of the cities of Valdivia,
Wins Souls and Sets Valparaiso, and Santiago were invaded by
witnesses of a movement of opinion that
captured believers and unbelievers alike,
The Captive Free obliging the Catholic clergy t o use all its
tactics inherited from Ignacio de Loyola,
to lessen a little the great impact made on
this tyfie, never have I seen so many definite their already tottering regime and which
REV. ERICKSON healings a.s I have witnessed here by the hand brought openly before the public its dog-
of God. Hundreds have been healed i n the matic decrepitude, spiritual weakness and
meeting, also great numbers have come forward medieval intolerance.
GOD CONNRMS PREACHING for salvation, some 40 or 50 every day, and The author of this upheaval was a man
OF ERICKSON AT lOPEKA scores have been filled with the Holy Ghost. who arrived accompanied by his wife, on
WITH MIGHTY MIRACLES Brother Teuber played a very important part the first of February, 1952, a t our principal
in the success of the meeting. His very capable airport. from the United States. The sm-
ESUS SAID, These signs shall follow instruction and dynamic preaching in the af- plicity of his athletic bearing, and his
them t h a t believe; In m y name shall ternoon services as well as helping in the eve- camera, made him look like any of the hun-
they cast out devils. T h e y shall speak with ning services was a very definite blessing. dreds of summer visitors who travel to
The attendance has been good with as many Chile t o see the lake zone or fish f o r sal-
n e w tongues ... they shall lay hands on as 2000 overflowing the tabernacle, coming to mon. B u t he wasnt an ordinary tourist-
the sick, a n d they shall recover. T h a n k see and hear the mighty works of God. How we he was an evangelical pastor and his name,
God H e has confirmed His w o r d with have appreciated the powerful uncompromising Clifton 0. Erickson, was destined t o be
signs and wonders following the ministry preaching and the burden lor lost sods, as more well known on Chilean territory, than
well as the compassion for those afflicted in that of any politician with a long political
.ofBro. Erickson. body, manifested by Bro. Erickson. Long will history.
Topeka has just experienced one of the we remember the way God has blessed. . Clifton Erickson began his evangelistic
greatest Spiritual awakenings in its history, as Truly these have been great days in the city campaign in the south of Chile on the 7th
.the Full Gospel churches of the city have unit- of Topeka, Kansas. We trust the Revival fires of February in the city of Valdivia, beauti-
ed in a great Salvation-Healing campaign with will never go out, but continue to spread until ful river port which was celebrating a t that
the Erickson Evangelistic Party. Jesus comes. time its 400th anniversary of its founda-
Every night God has confirmed the dynamic tion. Undoubtedly these festivities prevent-
preaching of our brother with might miracles Rev. 0. W. Hollis, Pastor
Faith Assembly of God Church ed the rest of the country from hearing
being performed by the power of eo,. Such about Rev. Erickson but in the city itself
was one man who had not been able to walk Topeka, Kansas
i t was all a success as the theater Alca-
without the aid of a cane for 8 years. H e threw zar rented f o r the meetings became too
his cane away and ran across the tabernacle. HEALED OF DEAFNESS small from night t o night f o r the souls that
H e also had one arm that was 6 inches shorter When I was fourteen months of age I had attended t o hear the message o f salvation
than the other, because of an accident when scarlet fever which caused me to be deaf. When and many sick were healed.
just a boy and it immediately became the nor- I was twelve years old Rev. Erickson prayed At the end of the campaign in Valdivia,
mal length. By the pulpit lay a great number for me while he was in Columbus, Nebraska. Rev. Erickson and his great co-IabGrer and
of canes and crutches left by those who no God instantly healed me and I no longer need interpreter, John Jackson, went to Valpa-
longer needed them because of the healing to wear my hearing aid. GOD H E A L E D ME! raiso, the main Pacific seaport and second
fwer of God in their lives. Many of those af- largest city in Chile. Here a large tent was
icted with cancers, tumors, blindness, deaf- George Lauhead, Age 12 rented which was set up in the Estadio
ne?, goiters, arthritis, polio, and many others Stockham, Nebraska Ferroviario with a capacity of 10,000 peo-
testified that they were healed instantly when ple. From the beginning the tent was too
prayed for. Crowd in Attendance in the Tabernacle at small and thousands were not able t o enter.
Although Z have been in many meetings of Topeka, Kansas. Often there were more people outside the
anaedeoeumn GQQ
-. P
kidgewater, Maine
T WAS a marvelous experience to hear
Evangelist Rudy Cerullo deliver his
message Bible .Deliverance. It
Oh, praise God forever for H e is so good to
me. I was afflicted with sugar diabetes and
very discouraged about how the devil had me
down in mind as well as my body. It seemed
so reminded us of the Oral Roberts Cam-
paign we attended in Toronto, Canada
when our son was healed of polio, and then
as though instead of getting better I was get-
ting worse. 1thank
THANK God for this and eve+ op-
portunity to testify for the Lord. I
God for saving my soul. Also, 1
Through Bro. Garlich, Sr., I heard about
the meeting in Bellville, Ontario. where my Bro. Cerullo so I sent a cloth to be prayed thank God for healing my body at one
wife was healed of T. B. over for the healing of my body. I wanted to of Bro. Rudy Cerullos meetings at the
in both lungs through really be healed, because it seemed that I
Fern Huffstutlers pray- would die with the sickness, since it began to
Aroostic County Camp Meeting.
er. affect my eyesight, weight and eating. All I This was the nature.*of,my- afflictions sand
Our souls were so wanted to do was drink water. how I was healed: I was afflicted about 20
hungry for God since years with a cyst located at the base of the
we were recipients of so When the healing cloth arrived I placed it spine. One operation had been performed but
many .wonderful bless- on my body and started to pray and praise the was not a success. I also had a right knee with
ings.- Through THE Lord for my healing. Oh, thanks be unto God injured cartilege and ligaments (injury sus-
VOICE O F HEALING tained in 1928) torn from the bone and the tis-
for the deliverance I received. Since then I sue had not attached itself to that bone again.
we read of the Camp
Meeting at which our have gained 20 pounds, I feel fine, and all the This left the injured knee larger that the other
Brother Cerullo was to color has returned to my face. Also, my eyes and so stiff that I could not bend my leg back
he the Evangelist so we are well and I can see good. Now I do 3 wash- as far as the other.
motored 100 miles from ings and iron and baby sit for a living.
With this condition upon me, God spoke
St. Stephen, N. B., forceably, one night while Bro. Cerullo was
Canada, to Bridgewa- Thank God for my former Pastors Bro. and praying for others, that if I were to be healed
ter, Maine. Sister Garlich and Brother Cerullo who prayed now was the time. I felt a force-a power pull-
Even though I had not heard our Brother the prayer o f faith over the cloth that brought ing me to the platform and during this time
me healing.
Bro. Rudy Cerullo had a witness from God in
speak before, or hadnt even known of him, a surge of power that someone in the audience
we wanted to see more and know more of this would receive healing if they would come for-
mighty Deliverance sweeping the world. Minnie Shepherdson
Trumansburg, New York ward.
Attending Camp for one evening was an ex- After I had gone forward Bro. Cerullo pray-
perience I shall not soon forget, for truly the ed for me, and I with him, and I believe it
Lord met us. was right there instantly that God touched my
and to heal (just as God definitely saved and body. Upon leaving the platform I felt years
During the service Mrs. Rudy Cerullo led healed at the end of that wonderful service.) younger in my body, and I had and still have
in a chorus that thrilled m y soul and I knew a vitality in my body that I have not known
we were in for many of Gods blessings that May God richly bless this man of God and
others today preaching Bible Deliverance. for years. (No doubt due to the cyst.) The in-
evening. Then, Evangelist Rudy Cerullo was jured knee is now the same size as the other
announced to speak and I must say his power- Rev. Howard G. Grace and I can bend it as much as the other. Thank
ful message, h i s keen ,mind, his humility, and Presbyterian Minister God for healing power.
Cecil A. Hall
the anointing of God on his soul carried us St. Stephen, New Brunswick Station Master
deeper in the Lord w h o was present to save Canada Bridgewater, Maine
L L . -
I Fern Huffstutler
Backed By Churches
In Ontario Province
T HE GREATEST religious awak-
ening in twenty years came to the NEW EAR DRUM
Peterborough district during the Sal- Dear Sister Fern:
vation-healing Campaign Of Evange- I want to tell you and the whole world
list F e r n Huffstutler of Tulsa, Okla- that God has done something f o r me that
homa. Several churches co-operated no one else could ever
in this much prayed f o r and antici- do. I am 14 years old
pated visitation. and was born without
any ear drum in my
Hundreds thronged the beautiful new right ear. I had never
Pentecostal Church in Peterborough f o r the heard anything out of
week night services and there witnessed it in my life. There
Rev. Huffstutler and bandmaster,, Eldon Johnston the mighty power of God in delivering the
who was gloriously healed of hopeless' heart sinful and the sick from their habits and was also a drainage
trouble. pains. Miracles of undeniable proportions from my e a r through
took place under the commanding ministry my nose.
of the Evangelist. Many totally blind eyes Then you prayed
, J Nottingham, England
Scene of Gods Blessing
As Valdez Ministers
(From report in Redemption Tidings whole church, it was not then possible to
July issue, official organ of the Assemblies move into adjoining rooms. At a conserva-
of God in Great Britain and Ireland.) tive estimate, over 2,000 decisions were
made in the fifteen days.
HE CITY of Nottingham, Queen
T of the Midlands, and surrounding
districts, have been tremendously
At each evening service, and later on at
afternoon services as well, the sick and af-
flicted were prayed for, and long lines were
stirred by the recent fifteen days seen moving towards t h e platform on each
occasion. Never has there been witnessed in
campaign conductd by A. C. Valdez, Nottingham so many and so varied mir-
Jr., American Revivalist, June 7th to acles and healings which took place through
22nd. T w o meetings were held every the ministry of Brother Valdez. I t would A. C. VALDEZ, JR.
d a y i n t h e spacious Emmanuel be impossible to catalogue all the different
wonderful miracles; many were instantly
Church, Mansfield Road, Nottingham, once delivered from being deaf, deaf and dumb, away at night, unable to get in. The cam-
the home of Methodism, now the centre of the blind saw, goiters disappeared, de- paign has produced glorious results, the
Pentecostal fervor and revival. The cam- formed limbs were straightened immedi- whole district h a s been revived and quick-
paign was sponsored and organized by the ately, internal disorders removed, the lame ened, and faith has broken loose, and ex-
Midland District Council of Assemblies of walked, ruptures disappeared, demons were pectations a r e high. When it was learned
God, and had been well advertised and cast out, etc. J that Brother Valdez plans, God willing, to
planned. Days of prayer had been held in A remarkable feature in t h e ministry of return t o England in November of this
the Midlands f o r a number of years for re- the Evangelist was the extent and range year, the news was received with great en-
vival, and those prayers were abundantly of the exercise of the gift of discernment thusiasm. If we may select three character-
answered during this campaign. and the gift of knowledge, exercised on istics of the ministry of this American
A t tiie opening service, when the main many occasions during the period of pray- Evangelist, we would s a y t h a t above all, h e
church building was filled, any misgiving ing for the sick. Diseases and sicknesses overflowed with the love of God, which en-
that may have been entertained at inviting were accurately and minutely described by deared himself quickly and fully to all who
an American minister t o conduct the cam- Brother Valdez of people in the audience were present, and love was predominant.
paign was quickly and finally dispelled, not even in the healing lines, totally un- The next virtue noticed was his great hu-
and it was definitely realized t h a t here was known persons, who were requested to mility while handling with ease and experi-
the man sent by God, and a t the outset h e stand, and upon prayer being offered, they ence the great crowds, he remained as hum-
won the hearts of all present. The blessing were instantly healed. ble as a child. Lastly, we saw the mighty
of God was most manifest from this first The exercise of these spiritual gifts power of God in action, in preaching and
meeting and increased as t h e days went by caused a wonderful impression upon all healing, a demonstration which will never
and the end came all too quickly. A t each present, and the presence and awe of God be forgotten.
service, numbers of men, women and chil- was very manifest. Multitudes were con- He was ably assisted on t h e platform by
dren responded promptly to the call to sur- vinced of the power of God, and stress was the two chief organizers of the campaign,
render their lives to Christ. These were constantly made of the fact t h a t it was the Brother W. Davies and Brother George
dealt with thoroughly by the Evangelist Lord Jesus Christ who performed the mir- Oldershaw.
before passing through t o the enquiry acles and healings, and not the Evangelist.
rooms for decision cards to be completed. BLIND EYE SEES
Towards the end, Emmanuel Church,
The numbers mounted rapidly and to- large though i t is, with side and basement born blind in my left eye. I have
wards the end of the campaign, as crowds halls, proved too small and on the last day visited eye specialists, but they all de-
filled every available
, room- and
,I_. , -m a c e in the of the campaign, numbers were turned clared there was nothing they could do to
bring in m y sight in that eye, m i l a Rev.
Crowd Gathering for Valdez Meeting in Emmanuel Church. Valdez was in England he prayed for me.
After his prayer I covered my right eye
and he held up his fingers before me and
I was able to count his fingers without any
difficulty whatsoever. God has performed a
miracle in opening my eye, which was be-
yond medical help, and I certainly do thank
Him for it.
Mrs. Sykes,
10 Carpenter Avenue
Mansfield, England.
1 HAD a goiter on the inside of my neck
for several years which was visible from
the outside. One evening while Rev. Valdez,
Jr., was conducting special services in Not-
tingham, England, I was sitting down in
the audience. He was praying for the sick
a s they passed by him and all of a sudden,
Rev. Valdez stopped the line and turned
around to face the congregation. He said,
Some one in this audience has a goiter.
Please stand and God will heal you. I im-
mediately stood up and he prayed f o r me
and God instantly healed me. The goiter
is completely gone. I thank God f o r this
Mrs. A. Wood
4 Manning Grove
Nottingham, England.
Y SON who is now twelve years old
Mwas born blind in his left eye. My doc-
tor said there was nothing medical science
could do for him because a part of his eye
was missing. I had Rev. Valdez pray for
him while he was in Nottingham, and God
instantly opened his blind eye and gave
him perfect sight. Only God could have
performed this miracle and we praise Him.
Mrs. Sarah Slater
109 Whitemoor Road
.Old Basford, England.
woRiD = WIDE
My ear drum was re-
moved by a specialist
here in Nottingham, BY
so my case is a mat-
ter of record. Natur- DR. HOWARD P. COURTNEY
ally, I could hear no
sdund at all, having Pastor, Angelus Temple
no ear drum, but Los Angeles
when Rev, V a l d e z
prayed for me, God
created an ear drum DR. COURTNEY . .
for I could hear in-
N THESE last few years my hear-
stantly. My hearing
is so perfect that I
am able to hear a
I has been deeply moved and stirred
in observing, witnessing, hearing and
Pentecostal believer if this great ministrp
is to enjoy its fullest power, greatest ,scope
and most abundant fruitfulness.
small watch tick. experiencing in my own life, the great First, the individual church should by all
T. G. Simons
27 Dale Avenue. outpouring that God is giving around means honor and give an important place
the world in Bible Deliverance. in the church'for the ministry of Deliver-
Carlton, Notts, ance, the operation of the gifts of the
England. One of my greatest and strongest im- Spirit and the manifestation of the fruit of
There was a medic:a1 doctor in the audi- pressions when I was first saved as a boy the Spirit. For a church or a minister to
ence who examined this boy after he was of fourteen was the powerful, anointed minimize or neglect this great move that
prayed for and he declared the boy to have preaching that God 'in these last days was God is giving, is to invite calamity and
noimal hearing. to mightily pour out His Spirit upon His catastrophe and to miss God's best in these
A. C. Valdez, Jr. church. Sister McPherson preached with the closing days of time. As a pastor I am
zeal, power and conviction that this last determined as never before to not only
dav revival was in Divine order and in honor this ministry, but to have it in my
HEARING, SPEECH GIVEN Divine plan. And there were Charles Price, own Iife and ministry.
Smith Wigglesworth and other men of this F E A R F U L RESPONSIBILITY
Dear Bro. Valdez: stature who expressed with the deepest con- The second point that is worthy-of the
I take great pleasure in writing this victions of their hearts that we could ex- most careful consideration is that men and
pect a tremendous world-wide outpouring
letter to you and by it conveying to of Bible Deliverance in the closing days of
women must surely realize that they have
you my humble and sincere thanks to been entrusted with a fearful responsibility
this age and dispensation. before God, before the church and before
God for the astounding miracle He IMMATURE CONVICTION the world to exercise their gifts and calling
performed for my little daughter, In my immaturity and newness in the in complete and utter consecration and
Valerie. Full Gospel way, I had accepted these selflessness. This i s not a ministry that is
truths as a matter of fact without any given for the welfare of the individual, but
Since birth, ten years ago, she has never is given for the purpose of glorifying God,
spoken one word intelligibly. A t the age of great conviction or feelin pro or con but,
in the last few years witf ever increasing lifting up Jesus, honoring the Holy Spirit,
eighteen months we bringing deliverance to sufferin humanity
had her examined by intensity, I have experienced in my soul
deep convictions that not only does God and the up-building of the g n g d o m of
doctors and she was God.
pronounced deaf and want to pour His Spirit upon His church,
but wants to do it now, whenever or wher- It is my sincere, heartfelt conviction that
dumb. We had de- if this ministry is to continue, grow and
spaired since that time ever men and women will open their hearts
fully to Him. expand, it must be operated with absolute
and then your visit honesty, unquestioned integrity, flawless
was announced. My It is a source of deep and abiding satis-
faction in my own soul to see men and principIes and a deep regard for the wel-
wife and I were urged fare of the whole body of Christ. No out-
to see if you and your women being raised up around the world
and entrusted by God with the ministry of side force, or power, or combination of cir-
Divine Power could do cumstances can hold back, destroy, hinder
that which doctors power and deliverance that is repeating
the experience of the early church. But the or enfeeble this great ministry. Its future,
and earthly remedies had failed to do. I progress and continuance in mighty power
must confess that at first I was very cyni- thrilling part i s not what we have now, but
what we have every reason to believe is and force rests entirely in our own hands.
cal and inclined to treat the matter as ut- If it is selfishly exploited for personal
terly fantastic. Since Valerie was brought only the beginning of something so won-
derful, so glorious, so fruitful for the King- gain, it can only end in frustration, calam-
to you, my wife and I are now wondering ity, shame, and powerlessness and will
and I for one am praying to the Almighty dom of God that only time and eternity will
reveal its full scope and content. bring a reproach upon this glorious cause
God for forgiveness of my sins and neglect that the church should never have to bear.
of His house, of which I have seldom gone FOURSQUARE ORGANIZED U S I N G THE TOOLS
in to pray since I was a boy. For indeed, Angelus Temple was built and the Four- O n the other hand we have within our
God has given hearing and speech to my square organization was born in the hot grasp the tools, the means, the resources,
little daughter, Valerie. To us, her parents, fires of Pentecost and the supernatural, the power, the authority through this min-
it is joy and overwhelming happiness, for miraculous power of God, and we are de- istry of signs, wonders and miracles to
after ten years of misery watching her try termined by the grace .of God that this reach untold thousands of men and women
to speak and being unable to hear worda of great ministry shall continue with unabated for Christ in this our generation.
love and affection, a miracle has happened force. We conduct a minimum of seven Di- My earnest prayer is that we will net
and happiness i s hers and ours and all vine healing services a week in Angelus falter, we will not weaken this ministry
through the Divine Power of God through Temple and feel if anything the tempo that we shall never stain it or bring re-
you, His servant. should be increased and more vigorously proach upon it in any way, but that we, as
God bless you and keep you in your jour- emphasized as never before. a body of believers, filled with the Holy
neys over the earth and always give this In watching and observing this great Ghost, filled with faith, filled with power,
Power to you to help others in distress. world-wide move of Bible Deliverance there shall march forward triumphantly, and vic-
Albert E. White, are several aspects that I fee1 deserve care- toriously in a life of holiness, godliness,
Nottingham, England. ful consideration b y every Full Gospel, honesty and unquestioned integrity.
THE V O I C E OF H E A L I N G October,'1952 17
Left: Photo of actual Saucer (from FATE magazine); Above: much publicized Lubbock Lights
---L . - . L photographed b y C a r l Hart, Jr.
The United States Coast Guard released this pic-
ture in Washington August I. This picture was
made by one of its photographers, Shell Alpert,
seaman at Salem, Mass., Air Station at 9:35 a.m..
July 16, through a window screen. He was in the
station photography laboratory when he noticed
several brlllient lights in the sky, grabbed the
camera, clicked the shutter, with this result.
. By Gordon Lindsay
From all parts of Kentucky persons reported they screen. And again strange lights were seen many cases came from highly educated per-
saw three luminous obiects flash across the north- in the heavens by planes coming and going sons. One was from an astronomer driving
ern sk from east to west about 10:35 P m.
(C.S.T.!. Photographer AI Hixenbaugh of the from the field. This time the jet fighters in his car near Clovis, New Mexico. Sud-
Louisville Times photographed two of the three were prepared, and moved down in a hurry. denly he, and his family in the car with
objects. The objects flying in this manner were him, saw a brilliant object in the sky, which
rising against gravity, improbable if they had A report was made by one that he saw four
been meteors. strange lights some ten miles away, al- moved in such a way that it made no sound.
though they disappeared before he could The astronomer who is used to making
get to them. The army said that no jet celestial observations estimated that from
PERSECUTION . . . (from p. I I ) :
. I
hour of time daily to Rev. Erickson, had 1,000,000 copies printed in English among our A r m e d Forces. Bro. Richey i s fourth from right i n second
i t s origin in these meetings, because of a row.
secret fear that the truth would be preached -,
to every creature, which would make them
lose their juicy benefices and capital.
The newspaper El Diaria Illustrado be- The best in Christ-honoring as-
longing t o the Catholic priesthood, began a sortments, designed especially f o r
series o f articles signed by Father Mariano thpse who are particular. Each
President- o f the Committee f o r Defense o f verse card bears a carefully se-
the Faith. A t tlie same time open criticism lected Bible verse.
was made against the authorities who rent- An appropriate card f o r every
ed us the National Stadium f o r a religious name on your list .. .
-performance. B u t t h e x forgot that before Each box contains 21 cards with
this they had celebrated a Catholic Na- matching envelopes.
tional Congress in this same Stadium and
they charged entrance fees. Also they for-
got that they had rendered homage in the
same place to the Cardinal Caro, Chief o f
DELUXE A S S O R T M E N l ~ l . 0 0PER BOX
O r d e r b y number from the
the Catholic Church in Chile. VOICE OF HEALING, BOX 8658, DALLAS, TEXAS
Some magazines like Ercilla and the
world-wide known Vision published ex-
tensive articles and pictures about the mis- departure t o avoid large crowds and the in-
sion o f Erickson in Chile. Their unveiled terviews o f the ress, now that during his
Catholic tendencies made them highly criti- two months in 8hile, he had become the
cal, so that they presented the evangelical man o f the day whose name according to
activities in a negative manner. Ercilla one paper was the most well-known in all
put these words in the mouth o f a priest, of Chile. The newspaper Las Noticias
Clifton Erickson is a propagandist paid Graficas, which had defended him raised
by the Government o f the United States, its daily circulation from 68,000 to over
with political motives, etc. ... 80,000. (It could have sold more but the
Sunday, the 30th of March, the evangeli- paper supply was limited.) No. 51
cal people congregated at 4 p.m. in the On the 7th o f April an article in the
Plaza Baquedano and 70,000 people march- Catholic Diario Illustrado entitled The
ed t o another park singing hymns and testi- Erickson Case complained bitterly of the
fying. A t this park over 15,000 people were rapid progress o f the gospel and said that
waiting, many o f them had brought sick no priest can deny it a s all o f them had to
people. In this park once more the vibrant answer the numerous questions their par-
voice o f Brother Erickson could be heard ishioners have asked them. The article ends
praying f o r the sick. Many lame, paraletics, making the evangelicals indirectly respon-
deaf and blind received their healing in the sible f o r all o f Chiles ills, and makes a call
open park and in broad daylight much to to Catholic youth to follow a priestly career
the astonishment of the unbelievers. because the lack o f priests makes the ad-
Rev. Erickson held one last meeting with vance of Protestantism possible.
the pastors on Monday, the 31st of March This formal acknowledgment o f the big
in the Methodist Church. The purest Chris- blow that has been dealt the Catholic
tian and brotherly love reigned. F o r the Church ought to make us Chilean evangeli-
last time the voice of the servant o f God cals meditate on our enormous responzbil-
was heard as he gave once more his own ity to go ahead and reach the goal o f this
testimony o f his calling and exhorted the campaign C H I L E F O R CHRIST!
pastors to keep on working together. Later These are critical times and we ought t o
the United Evangelical Choir rendered a be praying constantly that we will not faint
wonderful message in music. in the task we have undertaken, and also
On April 1, in a very silent way, j u s t as that God will raise up other leaders like
he arrived, Brother Erickson and his un- Erickson that will be a flaming torch where
selfish wife, left f o r their own country. they labor f o r the honor and glory o f our No. 71
He had requested that no one know o f his Saviour.
.- .
...AUGUST,:1_952 . :___. ___
. .. . . - .. . .:
and wilt give ear to His commandments, and
keep all His statutes, H e says, I will put
none of these diseases upon thee, which I have
brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the
Lord that healeth thee. Ex. 15:26.
Our healing is thus represented as a special
anything has happened or not. When we hear
the words, 0 Lord, wont you heal me and
deliver me? we know that nothing is accom-
plished; but when we hear, 0Lord, I thank
Thee because Thou hast healed me, we know
the work is done. I t was fius that Jesus prayed
60x90 tent, chairs, platform, lighting, Hammond
Organ, tractor and van to rent until Christmas.
Tent man and driver included.
BOX 709, CLOVIS, N. M.
Or Call 3754 or 322 I, Clovis
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The Jack Coe Herald Of Healing Broadcast Schedules
Station I c
C Days Time
* * *
Carthage, Mo. KDMO 1490 Monday-Friday 1O:OO AM BOOKS WRITTEN BY
Monett, Mo. *KRMO 990 Monday-Friday 10:15 AM T V H EVANGELISTS
Springfield, Mo. KICK 1340 Monday-Friday 8:30 AM Christ's Deliverance for Soul and Body ............ $ 1 . 0 0
Oklahoma City, Okla. KBYE -890 Monday-Friday 1O:OO AM by W. 8. McKay
Lufkin, Texas KRBA 1340 Monday-Friday 10: 15 AM The World's Meanest Thief ............................... 15
by Velmer Gardner
McKinney, Texas KMAE 1600 Monday-Friday 8:30 AM Supernatural Deliverance ................................ I .OO
by Clifton Erickson
Floydada, Texas KFLD 900- Monday-Friday 8:45 AM Receive Ye the H o l y Ghost ............................ .35
Magnolia, Ark. KVMA 630 Monday-Friday 8 : 15 AM by A. A. Allen
Osceola, Ark. KOSE 860 Monday-Friday 10:45 AM The Price of God's Miracle Working Power .... 1.00
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Ft. Smith, Ark. KFSA 950 Sunday Only 9:45 PM Puerto Rico Revival Harvest .............................. .25
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Little Rock, Ark. KGHI 1250 Sunday Only 10:15 PM Revival Fires Sweep Cuba ............................. .25
Lodi, Calif. KCVR 1570 Sunday Only 4:30 PM by T. L. Osborn
' The Life Call and Ministry of Paul Cain .......... .75
Hutchinson, Kansas KWBW Sunday Only 8:OO AM
The G o d o f Miracles ........................................... 1.00,
Easley, S. C. WELP 1360 Monday-Saturday 1 O : O O AM by Velmer Gardner
Biloxi, Miss. WVMI 850 Monday-Friday 3 : 15 AM Healin For You .............................................
%y Velmer Gardner
Mt. Airy, N. C. WPAQ 740 Monday-Friday 7:30 AM Healing the Sick and Casting O u t Devils ........ 2.50
by T, L. Orborn
Beginning September 1 The Story of Jack Coe ......................................
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