Coating Pro APCO

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Dee steal Master Gas System (MGS) 56” EWG-2 Loop-2 and 56” KAEC Pipeline (Dodsal) BI-10-01282 Contract No. 6600032834 Date : October 13, 2015, DOCUMENT TRANSMITTAL Is Mr. SALEM M. BISHRI, Sr. Project Engineer Company Representative Master Gas Pipeline Projects Division East-West Pipeline Projects Department Room-01, camp 1, Near PRS-1 Tel: (+966) 507859041 ‘Subject + Procedure forthe Repair of Cracked FBE that has been appli to the External Surface of ‘Steel ine Pipes (Sub - Contract Document APCO) Rev. A Reference No Contract No. : 6600032834, 8110-01282 Project + Master Gas System (MGS) 6” EWG-2 Loop-2 and 56” KAEC Pipeline Record Documents Drawings Information x] Approval Comments x] Review Sign Please find attached hardcopy of Procedure forthe Repair of Cracked FBE that has been aoplied to the External ‘Surface of Steel line Pipes Sub - Contract Document APCO) Rev. (Document No: SAOBI-QAC-PL-PR-0017), for ‘your review & approval Bes tee Form NoSA081-DCC-0C-F¥M-0002 ‘Document Number 'SA0B1-QAC-PL- ‘been applied to the " EWG-2 LOOP-2 AND 55” KAEC PIPELINE CONTRACT NO. : 6500032834 ~~ Bocument Tite Procedure for the Repair of Cracked FBE that has (Sub-Cont PROJECT rural Surface of Sta ie Fin | pate: 13.02.2015 Document APCO) IL PROJECT £6” EWG-2 Loop-2 and 65" KAEG Pipeline Project BI/JO# 7 10-01282 [company | Sau Arabian 01 Company (aud ramco) CONTRACTOR Dodsal & Company DOCUMENT No, SA00t-QAC-PLPROOHT DOCUMENT REVISION STATUS: A - SUB-CONTRACTOR DOCUMENT NO. PP-23.A | SUB-CONTRACTOR DOCUMENT om REVISION STATUS | DOCUMENT CLASS 1 Revision ane Autotzaton Record el ; 4 | [ . | el I : + | moe [Sac [ae = [rev [ one | omenonon | Simei | asaaey | Peaemgey | Avmemetty | Remeeee tof '56” EWG-2 LOOP-2 AND 86” KAEC PIPELINE PROJECT ‘CONTRACT NO. : 6800032834 Document Titi rocedure for the Repair of Cracked FBE that has been applied to the External Surtace of Sted! line Pipes: { Sub-Contract Document APCO) REVISION RECORD: { Revision No ‘®Tesued for Ghent Review TSOSEDOTS Notes: 1. The changes made in tis procedure during the latest revision are marked on the right hand side of the corresponding rages with black vertical bars. BBD sere me 2.007 2 an sr ware ppeume ‘ga go PROJECT ‘CONTRACT NO. : 6600032834 Document uber] aca Te? SAQEH-QAC-PL-” | procedure forthe Ropar of Cracked FBE that has Deon apled othe Entunal Surface Sta ne es ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: Quality Control Procedure ~ Pipes (Sub-Contract Document APCO), [Reva ate: 13-02-2018 | Procedure forthe Repair of Cracked FBE that has been applied tothe Extemnal Surface of Stee! line 10Pages 3013 ‘ne ARARIAN PIPECOATING COMPANY PP-23A, PROCEDURE FOR THE REPAIR OF CRACKED FUSION BONDED EPOXY THAT HAS BEEN APPLIED TO THE EXTERNAL SURFACE OF STEEL LINE PIPES e800 sina nt Sl rt "eb Santon ac posse ae Cite comes > = 7 aoa | Tema a er — Pm i, REV Dae REVISION DESCRIPTION [eax HIF IROSICBOCUAMATS (CH PRICED a) MONARCH AND MINE HCN OOH = eae 22. | [een | wee Ee one eet ero aR no roca car com RET RETR ROT 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 no CONTENTS DEFINITIONS. RESPONSIBILITIES.. PROCEDURE... MATERIALS CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. SURFACE PREPARATION FINAL INSPECTION. 10 Perpose u 20 Scope 21 22 “The purpose ofthis document isto provide instruction and to assign responsibilities {for the repair of cracked fusion bonded epoxy that has been applied tothe external surfaces of sel ine pies. The scope of tis procedure isto describe the method and the process involved when repairing in the filé cracked FRE. coating that has boon applied tothe exter Surface of stel line pipes by applying a wo part liquid epoxy. The FBE coating ied aks he elon completo fending operation. General requienent; the contractor must ensure that the acess requirement forthe abrasive blast ard guid coating application units is 38-3"(L mete) fom the bottom and all-ound the pipe i aranged. 30 References 180 9001:2008 Quality Management System -requiremenis 150.8501 1 Preparation of stslsubsrtes before pplication of paints and related. products — Visual assesment of surface Cleanliness ~ Part I: Rast grades and preparation grades of Uncoated ste! substrates and steel substats afer overall ‘removal of previous coatings. 'S8PC-SP1 (2008) ‘Surface preparation specification No ‘SSPC-PA2 (2004) ‘Measurement of dry pint thickness with magnetic gauges. SSPC-SPIONACENo2 Near White Meta bs cleaning, Sis 055900 (1998) Pictorial surface preparation standard ‘ASTM 4285-83 (2006) Standard test method for indicating lor water in compressed a. Manufacturers Data Sheet 40° Definitions 4a 42 BE Fusion Bonded Epoxy D.R-P—Dry Fly Thickness 50 Responsibilities su 52 ‘Supervisor - APCO supervisor shall be responsible forall processes, equipment and personnel Quality Control Inspecior ~ APCO quality conto! inspector shall be responsible for inspection anf documentation ofall process 60 Procedure 6.1 Repair Criteria Table 1) Detect Type | Repair Type | Approx urfse | Repair aren (m’) Materials nF | Toppa ~=00143 [3M Soaehote m Moderate —| Pach realy DisTand |= O00TAS E535 | iran AS a paint 1A) Seer] Compe Wana Saas] rane Feeoa (134) ‘oO "Nowe ike distance separating mile cracked areas Ww amall( 3°C (S*F) above the dew point, the relative humidity is = 85% the result shall be recorded on form QRF-0D1 (Append I). 83. Theclimatic condition shal be determined atthe str ofthe shift and thereaRer every ‘vo hours. 9.0 Surface preparation 9.1 The cracked area and 100mm all round the damaged aren shall be cleaned of al contaminants such as el grease in accordance with the method desribed in SSPC: SPI 9.2 Twice pr shift the Inspector shall west the compressod air suply for the presence of oil or water in accordance with ASTM D 4285-63. The results shall be recorded on orm QLR-003, 93 94 9s 10.0 Surface Preparatios Joa Adequate wate, sil raps and fiers shall be fitted 10 all compressors and blast, leaning equipment ‘The aea tobe repzte shall be prepared Manual Abrasive Blst Cleaning: Note: Ifthe tote combined area of cracking exceeds the Lint defined in Table 1 ‘atthe whole pie with the exception ofthe 3m margins at both ends ofthe pipe ‘which were not sujet 1 Bending 94.1 An operator shall tum on the air compressor and stall ensure thatthe air ‘pressure ene indiestes at est 90 pounds pr square inch. 94.2 Prieto filing the Blast pot the inspector sall check the blast abrasive to ensure the abrasive i dry and nt contaminates, The supervisor sal peor © he stat ofthe project establish the degree of bas cleanness requ from the eelevartsptificaton 943. An operator shall fil she blast pot with the blast abasive tobe used. The bast pot sal be fied witha sreen to remove all pebbles, paper or large Particles from the blast abrasive 944 The cracked area and shall be manually abrasive cleaned 19 a near white ‘metal surfce finish equal to SA2% as deserved in ISO 8501-1SIS, '$$055900 ar SSPC SPIO NACE No.2. 94.5 ‘The paren: factory coating shall not be removed but lighly abraded by sbrasive bhsting and/or sanding withthe edges feathered over a minimum Aitace of $0 mm, 946 The blast rater shall be a uniform angular anchor profile wih amplitude as recommended by the liquid coating manufacturer. 9.4.7 Any jagged or gouge edges lef along the edges ofthe factory applied coting hich hs dsbonded stall be removed untia sound coating edge has been ‘obtained. ‘Mechanical Preparation 9.5.1 The ercked area shall be mechanically cleaned by use of emery paper, sand ise le, inde o any similar device to achieve a surface finish of $0. 9.52 The parent factory costing shall not be removed but lightly prepared by sanding tte edges to feather the sound coating. over @ distance of approximately $0 mm, 95.3 The prepared surface shall be blown down with clean dry compressed se to remove all spent grit and surface dst inspection ‘On completion of preparation the inspector shal visually examine he prepared area 10.2 The inspector stall ensure that metal defets such as slivers and any other defets likely to havea detrimental effet on the coating are remeved with parable grinders andi fling 103 Any metal surface showing evidence of lsh rusting shall be e-last cleaned prior to cating. 104 The inspector shall visually inspect the pipe surface afer sir blow down and shall censure thatthe required degre of visual cleanliness i achieved + Abrasive Blast Cleaned Surfce: SA2V a8 described in ISO 8501-118, ‘85055900 or SSPC SP10 NACE No. 2. ‘+ TF required by the liquid coating manufictrer the srfice profile shal be as recommended ‘+ Mechanical Prepared Surface: ST in accordance SO 8501 SSPC SP3 ‘+ No surfice profile measurement required for mechaical preparation, ‘The inspector shall ecord he results on for QRF-004, 105 Prior wo applying the liquid coating the prepared area shall be masked off by use of masking ape 11.0 Application of Liquid Coating Material 11 On completion of suri apply the specified coat ce pion inspection, the ged sat ne applicator shall HLA Re-coming (Damage > 5:35m) H11.1Two pack coating material, base and activator shall be mined ‘thoroughly as per the manufacture'sinstrusions "Note: No partial mixing of pant containers allowed, supervisor shall ensure that the coatings applied; ‘When the surface temperature is 10°C and 40°C and/or 1s per manufacturers ecommendatons. In a manner which will result ina coating that isin accordance withthe specified dy film thickness and other specified requirements, Ina manner which will result ina coting that i fee of coating defects such as runs, sas, curtaining and other defects which may detract from the performance of the lining. In cordance with the manufacers recommendations or Such application procedure at may athervse be specified. Adjust the pressure, spray tip and travel speed to ensure ‘optimum performance and requied paint coverage. 11.1:1.3The material shall be applied to the affected and feathered areas in accordance with the manufacturers eeommended application mato na 120 Pin 24 2 23 a nas 11.L:14The applicator shall apply the number of coats requited to stain the ‘specified coating thickness 111.15In the event that tbe minimum coatrg thickness has not been schieved, the supervisor shall apply further coats required 10 the Surface ensuring thatthe maximum ove ating period has not been exceeded as per the coating manufacturers datasheet. 11.12 Path epaies @ 0.00145? < 535m") The material shall be prepared and applies per cause 11.11 and tee operator shal apply the liquid costing material over the prepared sea by use ofa wooden spatula o ila tool 11,1.23The operator shall thoroughly work the liquid coating material into ‘the prepared area unl s smooth, ever and uniform thickness is sce Th cong il ce pg red ore 11.13 Touch Repairs (Surface area <0.00145m°) 1.13.1 Repairs shall bein accordance with the manufacture’ recommended procedure (On completion a guid coating the masking tape shall beremaved tee a ‘The inspector shall visually the coating 10 ensure te surface and overlap is completely coated, Ensure uniformity in colour, poss ant is fee from iegularis suchas blisters, contaminations lumps, pinholes and fish eyes. Cosmetic ses, runs, and other non-injurous iregulrites are acceptable as long asthe area affected i less ‘han 05% ofthe costed surface. ‘Result shal be recorded on eport form QF7-001 All dry flim thickness gauges to be used by the inspector shall be calibrated at the star of each shift thereater every thre (3) hours during podeton against a certified for known standard “Type 2 dry film thickness (electronic) wil be used as defined by SSPC*. The Society for Protective Coatings," the inspector shall carryout the calibration of the gauges ia secordance with the referenced specification. Calibration results shall be reorded on form QLR-O03. ‘The inspector stall perform a minimum of $ D.F-T. messuremens equally spaced slong the repired area; the measurement shall be taken in accordance with SSPC- 'PA2 and recorded on form QLR-OOS. Dry fm thickness shal bea 600-1000, (24- 40 mils Prior to holiday detection being cared out, the inspector shall calbrate the holiday eZ oA aa ai a eee cai taal —_ (= petro ees 14] gmaven Pe ottvorig See pt a SEES IE atta | tus Hane ng REEESSEEIEESEEEESEID eusivertriseete esvor mam ao —anntsvanemonezveo enor et wonuunarod WAOd LAOINI ONILVOD aINOTT wound en wwod SAAT" ANVdWOD ONILVOOddId NVIEVAV THSONSINEATS DOT VO auva_seenar, | « "gi s4oL93a5N! nntireiniot rts QRMERRIMAD 1 o2 OnocBAKNTET gave sho gow ¥ 1M Wa own bad) 1 boo + sun ‘ON _WWOd "OM REINNN Od “= Tawa 40 34 Poaroue | 98 YSU!) WAOT NOAA NOLLOGASNI UlvaTY SOVWVG anino| ANVGINOO ONILLVOOAdId NVIAVAV Appendix —2 Data Sheets 3M Scotchkote 323 International Inerzone 485 —— aaa = LS ee 3M™ Scotchkote™ Liquid Epoxy Coatings 323/323: Data Sheet and Application Instructions Product Description ‘SM Seotchkote™ 323/323 Coverage per kit size SM” Soto” Lil Epon Coatings 32020 ae two- (ASSUMES no wast) par jt designed to protet tea pip are ter metal c Stes tom bur alec oan, ks : Intended Uses on SR TS RS Asaph rar con tea as ate ct oar 20 tim neo * fantienal g = in an em an {asta at pon etn Soar RRNTE NITES a et + Mancewiay ste fesapiatioiee —Seylamis tuna) ase ton toate Coreen etc ta ute Prot Features umber oS. urs 95 node pe vl Toco eed hs wie #5 mi50 morn ee aon + peat yen bai Serpe aT a8 carey te our os + corinne, z oom ow 0% cots x con on ocean Aan emis 2g : om teats * Gantewplaia steno ascides aries om uae + Mast ropimens ANNA 20ST case oe oma 43a * ota tat + Cates ANSINSF Sarda Waterman tat Sytem Canons. General Application Steps Chemical Resistance Fer a jot coating, a roating coating a3 Sete 9229 areata deg bys cat and bases neo range of 2014. Rial sitar tyrcaton uch as cue of mero gas and many ates. Testing sugested Ifthe coating isto be used ‘contin conta wit xing pets uch 9s sodum poche (each) an appesse oben such as math ey tae (NER), arrove co, ras and aosely arn epost, Aer bast dean th suc to NACE No, 2SSPC: ‘P10 80 8501, ade 2 V2 neater. rer the srade srtace is ceaned aban es withthe wse fan rast ora ean at eect 4 ihn fou hours blasng as pert are ceaing 3. Eng he traded sae cls of bring eis process and wt the metal tow 47 ard a th haus of ana lst oracles et te cot, minum of FS above he dow pit, pty 4. Witte metal above 47750 an a ininum of FC ‘Sexcote 329/325 at minum kes of 635 above te dew soit, py Sotho 323/323 ata mire or 25 mils nen hkoes 635 micros o 25 il 5. Aino sual or elecalynpct th crating fr eet Repl feet sng Scat 328/329 a8 a opr rte For ue asa repair material inthe flé where scratches or ter haidays may have cured. 1. Remo al, ease annoy acsng depos 2. Arad the FE sare win medum gt anne (op 80 it Powered rotary sanders and sep iasing ae also aconatie means of pertorming eet Scone ae ‘poten a, copa oven peo secon — Sra amet ‘es arpa ———————— rae ms NE oon sume ag a Be os eat ane, ane me EEE SET LE a Be &: ies grgre ere xe am See ST I Gh am Sea ier 35, BE wee iz 8s mie ROBE sous gueee mre ae eet net 2 OS 0 = ange smn ‘ngs gue San mae smc Sune eneepanmname ae Scones oma gingnn — somter pact Resistance Impact ata ste st Jule were tree impacts he passes sora 2 aevisot 0 ‘ we 1s . verre 2 7 wrest © 50 ma . vere as 200 23 ‘Shore D Harness vs. Time and Temperature ter 2h n 0 n * a ston 7 ® ® « sian ® ® “ ow 2 ® 8 ® 150m n e ® a te a 8 ™ 8 tt x 8 ® i von e 5 m “ ‘Sootchkote 323/323i Brush Grade Recommendations Mixing instructions + Preparer ity fost at an be appt a 1. Mexpars Aad sept. ‘prot wine pot 2 PourpriBinopat. Sete 27023Ihae ame * AT" (6m) ap, ter gt rao of2Aio 18 yuna * ntti de sate 3, Thorouy mi combined patna ufo clr, ct poked pric ec sutstrpe,tenpl he mir gown a pe a pene ‘one direction with brush, + Because othe vost hs prs, we sage a mixing parts A & B together at temperatures above ‘inten 68°F (20°C). sng a tr oro, apply Soothe 325/23 a inmates of 25 mis (635 un ora spect. vet thepge costing no estan 1 (25 mn). ow coating to propery cx bet handing 3M” Sootchkote™ 323/323 Patch Compound Applicator 3M” Scotchkote™ Spray System HSS-450 ‘The apptcaton of entkate 223/231 has ben sped sing te 24 Seta” Spray Syston HSS-450. The SS-450 syste usa dcr setup long with nique appleton ecient deine special to spray ap Scola 3237523, — a7 anling and Safety Precautions Ft al en a Pn a iti awl Soy te et ner os a tr Pag, ‘Meche enn, Important Notice For or trmaten and atonal ear on the ‘Sorcha HSS-460 esta, please tur eb te at wy. conveorson or et ou Cura Service ona a 200-722.6721 ‘Multiple Coats Serco 520/323 hae bee fama ace a enatg kes ofp to 45 i150 mens in one at asta ksi eq py th atonal eats within fr hewrs fteitl cat. Ths coating may be ape in any bicknes content wt rousing an copa tac ih. Helpful Plural Component Spray Information ‘Sige sin of 25, “Tp esis pproinaty 2200 p52 Pa Pras Pac R150 6 Pret Pat 20/49 ara ot ura 2, Equipment Clean-Up NK token mayb sd Gen se equpmen, rar and bes Ue pop ay ees ‘Ordering Intrmston/Customer Service xo cial pc mare Mam ‘Sey Set: ocean tamer planes yc ora ees a pac en ln en nt rg ‘er eg asa oan ur io eet, ea eye oh ‘Sctat in emer be st nce ont apo ome ars ot pr estos ss mes yas a Bepeest nan meme errs ett tn fe pee a nn meres nun ‘rane a enw or wesc ee unre Top vavune wry ae ‘Sep ato te 0 pt ene Rp et pe es py ‘oi ym a wy Pam Spt wet rs sh aon an nos ye mM Crean Potton Deprinat er cg. ‘ee ng tsa ieee 23 Sep oe Interzone, 485. #amternauonal. Uttra High Bulld Epoxy INtenazone as ‘sg no ki wo grr aes, cape ta ie 00 ‘soe 0 ae yim does aa ron non ress ote, ana a hoot pops ‘aie er Apa ug dan tes pny qupmen enone a, ett sce hal cma ad pete po ‘aig ont aeons nr aah in ed enn aay te wen wet corn wih propel eels rei inh de ane Spam tone see asa ree eee a ncn oa sr estas cae toner. hes ges congetbty wn bh ecard Ioan aren nny cove tse preusy sae ang mm prs 08 ‘Sets oats per bi opin cong recat oes om per ‘Aang fares sur ILC ks ine gig ay ‘ple! Tieners ono. son0 mone O20) agate {2403 mone tou 2 oak PrctealCovrage Aw apron a tr ethos et Aepeaton Aes Sy ng Tne Temperate Towenoy ary tannin ‘sin iwceomh hee Ee Fae ssveon ose dereue aaron Seas" acorn) roe aero anaes dese" acer hom co ‘reve tor recive ugh Sots meanest a aon Pone (ive) Pat aaee OP) Pa BeEe (a Meese (AS) Producto ——130%g1(826) woe 0259910098) EPAMerwo 26 ssa EU Soke Cnet (Cael Sache tara) Protective Coatings Worldwide Product Paget AkzoNobel Interzone, 485 #intemauonal. Ultra High Bulld Epoxy sppucATION At utes oe coated shoud be lean dry ad te rom containaton Pir pant Seaton al surces shoul bo assessed ard Wesednaccarance with S0 85042000. Forimarson src, rsa 485 must apple sues as ead to $32 (150 8801 {Tap07 or SSP Se, However atoephons expsurorzno 488 maybe Sp “uous prepares we aminmum 'Sa2% 080 650120070 SSPC SPS. Surface det eves he bls aang process shou be ground, ed ret in the Soposiaie rarrar ‘Sua rt mtb 2 mmm of 50 miro 2 mis lntzoe 4s canbe apple oer Irine S62 The preversurace shou be dy ate fom ab rameton ard erore 48S must be apied win he overcoating lara pees (ama ‘foreman oat stashea) Mang ate supped nwo cntnare a aunt Aways mix a comple unt Inthe prepetone supe. Once he unt hasbeen mad mt be Uses vith tb wang pate section Gy Ratate Base (Per A) wih» powor ate, 8) Cline ent cman Cuing Apes (a 8 wih Base {Pan A) ana ox rouy win ower ata cto 4 pan): paris) ywelume. Momigretume 10°C (80) ICIS) ICU) aC (OK) hour hour Smee 20 yes ae Cpey Recommended ‘Tp Size 076 mm (90t) Teta eutat ha press at poy tp nts shan 282kger" (T0981), ‘Aesoray Net suitable eet oy net ‘suable For feat las hn 0.1m trash sppaton poss Mut costa anon up 62% Fybe ree, ote Notsutate nee Intamatora GTAZ08 Done ia mare than sowed Boal (Tanupio3%) ewronertallogseton care Irrational GTAESS or Irematon! A209 ‘Wenstoppae Do rot tlw mati tram nhs, gun e say eae ‘Thru fos al quent an nteraon! STAGES (or TA2OD) Onze us ar nave been mac thay shoud be eso an ie ‘cd that her logos stoppages wo formes wth esl) ‘Se Ue lea a eiement ines ater uso with Iomatinal GTABSS (or ‘SrA203) "ts goo working pace fo pracy fos ot spay Saupent dun be cure af to worg day. Freaueey of sean WA Seger upon aout sprayed, empartse ad aps Ue eng aryl. ‘At ups ates na empty container shou be eepesed fin ‘cconancs win prepreg repuatorsghlaon. Interzone, 485 #invernauonal. Ultra High Bulld Epoxy Interzone 48 is sutble for use wth ato prteten wth whut he reconmended pine. Fer specfe ceric resistance contac nao Prelate Costngs, “product wl not cure aequatly blow 5° (17). Fer maximum partomanceanblent rng ‘amperes shou be above 0°82") Intighknpct nd stason aptaton do ot uta priner an apply overa minum sistace prota neghtot 78 mesere (mis) ‘Ath entices, 2000 mone (20 mils) p/n to costs minimise rough surface extro rdincenteone @ See eee eae amaneetese, ecm Sane pt ra shanties gt bk nee nomenon 3808 fete peavey tor tine ‘Thorough land bot cmponeis opt a petted anda up 5% we ean! ‘hiner STA009. Do ot uso orcessve a resus ul retire a spo achive eutble Flin set have a ameter no ees hn ne (13 mm) wh 2310 ch (9 mm) amar ip en noingor han S mates (148) Interzone 485 can be used as nord ck sym by mocscabon wih sutabesopenae (Const rismstont Sotecve Coane Sr rb eal, Nol: VO values act abated an masinum posi te produ aking in onout varatons de cok eferences and normal manufac lranoss “The flowing pers are econmendea lor werone Inet 2 For ter sutabe primer, consult national Prlactive Costas “The folowing eocoats are rcomerene rine 4 ner 6s Irerga 700 Intern 670 Interrane 220 Interne S088 For cine ute pcos, cera neato Protective Coatings. Interzone, 485 Aunternauonal. Ultra High Bulld Epoxy commons, Furor nfrmaton gang dy sans, tes ana aborevton wen th ashes INFORMATION Gabe tain he flowing documents aelabia www erator om + sone & Abrevitone + surtace Preparaton + Paint Aopleaton + Teortea& Praca! Coverage Insvualepies of tare formation secons ae aval ucn request “Ths products iene or use on by poesia appli sta in cseraance wih he sae gen nt hs shst, re Matra Sait aia Shasta he ona, ard shoul ot bowed wihou earns tote Mote! Stet Osa Sheet SOS) ich trations Prtaive Casings ha prove of omer ‘Akwork ncig te epecatn an use fh produc should bs parfarmad in copance wih ‘ovat maton oath Safty &Erwrerani standatde Sr repute, Inne eves wang: tame cut is pated on mea cote wen is product ut ad fumes wb ened wich il rere hw we of apres prsoal proecive espa 2nd ‘czas shat voraton tn duet egaring the sutatiy of us of hs pots, cons ItemaionlProtcive Cass ‘ortoner ss SUSon SUS pd SUS9s —076USaal 1S For wviy otra crt aio Prine Covi ‘suppaa weoer Unt sen Pan Pmt (rma ihe 30 sus yaw sToRAGE Satine 2 moa minum 2° Sine wench y, ‘ENtSe ene ram sour dtc ‘nt ierationlpe son

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